
Part I

Darcey Carter rolled over in her bed, ignoring her persistent alarm clock’s fervent beeping. The sun shone brightly through her white drapes and onto her face, warming her features. Her dark hair fell twisted onto her pillow as she dragged the patchwork quilts further up over her head. Failing to fall back asleep, she pushed herself up off her bed and yanked the still beeping alarm clock’s cord grumpily out of the wall. She yawned and stretched before pulling her hair into a curly pony tail and wandering aimlessly into the bathroom.
“Darcey! Come downstairs, breakfast is waiting. You don’t want to be late for school again, do you?” her mother shrieked. Darcey groaned. Of all her duties, school was by far the worst. She was very smart, but she really didn’t care enough to do anything. Her mother thought that this was the result of peer pressure, and so banned almost every one of her friends to come over except two, Mary Ann Price and William Foster. Mary Ann and Will had been her best friends since she was in diapers, and because they both maintained a ninety average, were allowed to associate with her.
“Darcey, get downstairs fast. Mom’s freaking out that you’ll be late,” her little sister Lana whispered. With perfect straight blonde hair and blue eyes, Lana was the picture of her mother and father, who had similar characteristics. Darcey, on the other hand, had dark brown curly hair and deep green eyes. She looked like nobody else in her family. The black sheep, Darcey was always pushed to the back of family photos. When she was a baby, her parents had a little blonde wig for her and made her wear blue sunglasses. She had a naturally darker skin tone, as though she spent all of her time at the beach, even though she spent much of her time indoors. Despite this effort to lighten her skin to match them, her parents could not make their eldest child look like them any more than they could make her sprout wings. Afraid of her differences, this was one of the reasons that she was not allowed to have many friends in.
“Darcey Thessilia Love Carter, you get downstairs this instant! You have been causing this family trouble for the last sixteen years, and I will not tolerate it anymore! If you make Lana and Drake late for school…” Darcey rolled her eyes and jumped down the creaking staircase. Louise, Darcey’s mother, was really the worst of her two parents. Her father, Dalton, was a little more tolerant of her, but still favored Lana and Drake. Her younger sister, Lana, was only twelve, but she really loved Darcey. Drake, on the other hand, was five and thought he was superior to them both.
It was nearly July. Soon Darcey would be out of school, and free to go with Will and Mary Ann to Will’s lodge in British Columbia. Dalton and Louise never refused, always glad to get Darcey out of the house.
Darcey gulped down breakfast and ran out the door, where Will was waiting. They walked together towards Mary Ann’s house in silence. Where Will’s thoughts were, Darcey was not at liberty to determine. Her own were split between her love of being with him and Mary Ann and her extreme dislike of being at home. Only a week of school more, and she could leave for Will’s lakeside vacation home.
“So like, when school’s out, are you going up to the lodge?” Darcey asked tentatively.
“Uh, yeah. I guess, I’m pretty sure we are,” Will replied nervously, then quickly added, “Mary Ann is invited to come…and of course, you are too.”
Darcey blushed and gratefully accepted. Will’s older brother, Dante, had been a rather occupying force of Darcey’s dreams as of late. She was very excited to have the opportunity to spend the summer with him. Will, seeming to discern her thoughts, irately muttered, “Dante’s latest girlfriend lives up there, he’ll probably be spending most of his time at her place.”
Darcey turned a bright shade of crimson. Was her adoration of Dante that obvious that even Will, who spent most of his time wandering the woods, could figure it out? If that, what she thought was her most carefully guarded secret, was so easily discerned, what else about her was obvious? She had a deep desire to ask, but she chose not to indulge it. They were almost at Mary Ann’s, anyway. Darcey would ask later, maybe on the plane.
The three best friends, reunited at the Price’s front door, turned on their heels and headed back to school. Mary Ann was in a talkative mood, discussing her parents, Stan and Deborah.
“Well, I just mean, I don’t look anything like my folks. Dad and Mom both have red hair and green eyes, and I’ve got black hair and grey eyes. I just don’t look like anyone else in my family, either. It’s a little sad, really. But Darcey,” Mary Ann pointed to her friend, who was off in space, “you know how I feel. You don’t look anything like your family either.”
“Yeah, Mary Ann, I guess…” Darcey trailed off. Will’s words troubled her. Dante was known as a player, but if he already had a girlfriend for the summer, what was the point of her going to the lodge? Other than to hang out with her friends and Will’s parents, Dan and Marie, there wasn’t one.
“…but as I was saying, Will must be really glad. He looks just like Dante, and his dad. Will, do you know how lucky you are? You fit in. You don’t get pushed to the back in family portraits, or yelled at, or anything. Your folks appreciate you.”
But Will was just as much in space as Darcey was. Mary Ann, who was still chatting away to open air, was oblivious to the lack of interest shown by her two best friends. They walked to school in the same fashion, looking much like two dogs following their master.
The morning passed unceremoniously. Darcey was forced to listen to her math teacher riddle on and on about Pythagorean’s Theorem or some other scientific bore. Her French class was slightly better; she had an aptitude for it. Luckily, Will and Mary Ann were in all her classes. They had been ever since kindergarten.
While Will left for lunch with Dante and his friends and Mary Ann’s mother picked her up, Darcey had to walk home. She needed to make lunch for Lana and Drake, even though her mother worked from home. As she walked into the kitchen, her mother came screaming around the corner.
“I just got a call from your principal. Did you know that you’re failing world studies? Failing! You of all people! It’s shameful, and if only…never mind. As punishment for this atrocity, you are not to go with the Fosters to their cabin. You are staying right here in Ontario, where you belong! You shouldn’t be skittering off to all corners of the country! You will take a summer school course, and you will pass with at least a ninety. Now, make Lana and Drake lunch and get out, I don’t want to talk to you again today.”
Darcey shrugged angrily and finished feeding her siblings before walking back out the front door to school. Will was, as usual, waiting for her. They walked, as usual, in silence until they reached Mary Ann’s house, where their silence was broken by a non-stop stream of informative blabber. As usual.
By the time they arrived back at school, Mary Ann had finished discussing all the pros and cons of her lunch, and started in to the countries of the world. She was particularly interested in the activities of a small island nation called Dijoubwe. She was in the process of listing all of their exports when the second bell rang.
World studies – the class Darcey was failing – had started. Their teacher, Mr. Munro, was taking suggestions on what to discuss that day. Mary Ann, as usual, raised her hand and eagerly replied, “Dijoubwe.”
“Ah, Dijoubwe. The paradise nation. Well chosen, Miss Price. Located just north of the equator and far west of Hawaii, Dijoubwe is a very diverse place. Although small, this island has world famous rain forests and architecture, particularly in the royal palace. The royal family that lives there has ruled it for centuries. The Martinaques have led their country very well. There has not being a single island uprising in more than four hundred years. Of course, they depend a great deal on their trusted advisors, the Palmas and the Dosciers.
“Strangely enough, there was a small disturbance on the island about fifteen years ago, give or take a few. There was the threat of a hostile takeover by an island about 100 kilometers to the east called Obweji. The royal family had only one child, which they sent to an unknown land to be raised in safety. The Palma family sent their youngest child to the same area, while the Dosciers left entirely. They relocated their entire family to watch over the two babies. They changed their names and came up with remarkably accurate false stories.
“King Martinaque argued that the Dosciers would not be safe watching over the two infants, but when presented with several very good points, allowed it. The children do not know that they are of noble blood, not even both of the Doscier boys, who were very young at the time. Naturally, the Dosciers, under a false identity, and the host families, know that they hold in their hands the future of a great civilization. The children’s names have not been changed, but that does not help us much. Only their true families and host families know, and nobody knows who they are. It is suspected that the children are somewhere in England, or else Switzerland. There have been many searches, but they have yielded very little fruit.
“There was another operative put on the case to oversee the upbringing of all three children, and he was meant to watch them from afar. His identity is unknown, and is suspected to be simply the figments of adventurous imaginations.”
Mr. Munro stopped talking, taking in the silent awe of the class. This fairy tale-like story was probably much beyond their comprehension, and Munro suspected that he had said too much. Reverting back to his original teaching plan, he instructed the class to turn to the appropriate page in their textbooks and assigned them work.
Darcey stared down at her page as Will and Mary Ann walked over and plopped their books on top of her desk. Mary Ann talked in turns, occasionally to Darcey and Will, but mostly to Dean Rivers, who was seated next to her. This left Darcey to ask Will if she was really that transparent. This question answered in the negative.
“You’re not at all easy to understand, Darcey. You say one thing and act another. Sometimes I think that you’re a little…shallow.” At the shocked look on her face, Will quickly continued, “I mean, you only like Dante because he’s tall, dark, and handsome, right? Well, all the ditsy girls he’d dated before only like him because of his looks too. Nobody really seems to care that he’s a physics major, and that he has seventeen trophies for academic achievement. They only care that he’s the captain of the soccer team and can shoot an arrow accurately five hundred yards away.” …and nobody notices that he’s a chronic idiot with a tendency to bully and insult anyone he could, Will muttered under his breath.
Darcey smiled a little. Far from making her feel bad, she had the distinct feeling that Will was selling Dante. But a reprimanding look from Will brought her back and made her realize that she really was being shallow. What did she like Dante for anyway? He was gorgeous and athletic, but she had never even asked about his mind. She hadn’t cared. Ashamed, she turned her thoughts back to her work.
Will saw this, and his bronzed skin took on a delicate shade of pink. “I’m sorry, Darcey…I didn’t mean to…” he quietly stammered. Mr. Munro had, at that moment, called the class to attention.
“Misses Price and Carter, and Mr. Foster are asked to meet me outside of the classroom. We have something to discuss.” And with a reprimanding gaze, he turned and strode out into the hall.
“Oh, what’ve you two done now?” Mary Ann giggled. Shooting a flirty wink over her shoulder back at Dean, she said, “I’m kidding. I probably was talking to Dean too loudly. And where one of us goes, we all go! The three musketeers, off for another adventure.” Laughing, she followed Mr. Munro, Will and Darcey tailing her at a distance.
Once out in the hall, Mr. Munro turned and addressed them much softer than they had expected, “Miss Price, I must thank you for bringing up the subject of Dijoubwe this morning, I believe it opened a few eyes. It concerns you more than you know. Miss Carter, Mr. Foster, the same applies to you, especially to you, Miss Carter. You would do well to do more research. As this is Friday, I will not call you into my office tonight, but next Monday. School is over for summer vacation on Wednesday, so you will have a full day to process and ask whatever questions you see fit.
“Now, over the weekend, I expect you three to each write me a report on Dijoubwe. Mr. Foster, your essay will deal with the militia side of the island. Miss Price, yours will outline their economy. And Miss Carter,” Munro said, turning to face her. A strange mixture of frown and suppressed smile creased his tanned face. “You will research the monarchy of the island. All of it, including the full history and dates, names, and events. Timelines and successions are crucial. If completed satisfactorily, they will guarantee you a perfect grade in my class, which I know that at least one of you needs.” Mr. Munro winked at Darcey before feigning a furious attitude and scowled back into the classroom.
Darcey, Will, and Mary Ann were dumbstruck. Darcey had no idea where this came from, but if it would get her perfect in this course, then it would force her parents to notice her, and maybe even let her in the family photo. Will stared at Darcey to gauge her reaction while Mary Ann started pacing.
“Darcey, do you have any idea what this is about? I mean, Munro loves you, maybe he told you something about this…” Will ventured. Darcey just shook her head, staring back into Will’s face, where worry lines were beginning to surface. Will looked hopefully at Mary Ann, who threw up her arms in confusion and marched back into the classroom, determined to find a book so much as referencing to Dijoubwe. Will and Darcey remained in the hall.
As a teacher strode by staring at them curiously, Will looked back at Darcey. His spiky dark brown hair sprung out from his forehead, shading his crystal blue eyes. Darcey inhaled sharply, realizing for the first time that Will was the spitting image of Dante, and by extension, their father. Will was just as smart and athletic, but Will was kind. Dante seemed to rub his success in his brother’s face and anyone else who turned his way.
For the first time, Darcey saw what Will had been trying to tell her since preschool. Dante was just not a great guy. She glanced back up into Will’s startling aqua blue eyes and felt tears stream down her face. Looking confused, Will grabbed her arm and yanked her into the nearest unlocked room, which happened to be a janitor’s closet. He turned on the light and locked the door before pushing her down onto an upside down mop bucket.
“What’s up? You never cry,” Will said, almost accusingly. Darcey shot him another glance, this one containing more anger than apology.
“What’s wrong with me? Oh, I don’t know. My family just hates me, they won’t let me do anything, and now I can’t go to your lodge with Mary Ann and you…” Darcey’s speed talking melted into loud sobs of despair.
“They won’t let you…what? What do you mean, they won’t let you…” Darcey began to shake. Will stared awkwardly for a moment, then sat down on the bucket next to hers and gingerly wrapped his arms around her to stop the shaking. She was rattling the bench behind her. If they were caught in the janitor’s closet without permission, they would get detention. Darcey leaned into him, still bawling. Slowly, Will patted her shoulder, trying to think of something that would make her feel better. Drawing a blank, he just kept up what he was doing, hoping that it would offer some consolation. Before he could stop himself, however, he began talking. Softly, he recalled their history together, starting with the three of them in diapers.
“Do you remember when Mary Ann fell in my pool with those floaties around her feet? That was awful, she almost died. She couldn’t get her head up, and we had to call the cops. Or what about when I put that blood pressure meter around my head? Mom and Dad got so angry at me, and the doctors were sure I’d have some kind of brain damage. But hey, nine years later, I’m still an honor student. Hey, do you remember when I went in for my driver’s license a few months ago? It was awful. I hit every cone, almost killed a cat, and put the tester in the hospital for two days. But it was like some kind of miracle, because I still passed.” Will chuckled to himself, reminiscing. Darcey had stemmed her flow of tears and was beginning to smile. She stuttered as she spoke, still choking back sobs as she too contributed.
“Or what about when we were in the m-movie theater and I threw p-popcorn at that guy’s head, and he was like t-ten feet tall? Your dad s-saved my butt, you know. He was a r-real hero. But you were too, y-yelling at him to leave m-me alone. You were really b-brave.” She looked up and smiled. She was so tired, she leaned her head against Will’s surprisingly hard chest and fell asleep, breathing shakily. Will looked down at his sleeping friend, and put his chin on the top of her curly mane of dark hair, staring at the door. Outside he could hear the bell ringing and students running through the halls. He sat there with Darcey asleep leaning on him for what seemed like hours. The second bell to get to class rang, and the halls were again silent. Darcey was still fast asleep.
The final bell dismissing the students from school rang loudly, and the halls were crowded much longer this time around. Darcey’s long, thick eyelashes began to flutter as she opened her emerald eyes. Will moved his chin off her head as she turned up to him and yawned. Smiling, she asked what time it was. Without concern, she heard that school had been out for about half an hour. She stayed in Will’s warm grasp a little while longer before she stood, almost reluctantly. Will’s arms had been in that position for so many hours, they were stiff. He stretched and flipped the mop buckets back upright and stacked them, carefully rearranging them so that their cranky old janitor wouldn’t realize that his closet had had a few unregistered occupants. Darcey stood watching as Will unlocked the door, turned off the light, and checked to see if anyone was around. Evidently, the halls were empty, as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him quickly out of the closet.
Mary Ann had gone home by herself a few minutes earlier, which left them to walk home together. Although usually their walks were a silent venture, this afternoon proved different. Darcey, unwilling to face a whole weekend with her family, who were sure to be even more difficult thanks to her failing world studies marks, asked Will what he was doing.
Expecting him to say that he was going to do his essay, he rather eagerly blurted out, “Come and stay with me this weekend.” It seemed as though he wanted to say more, but the violent shade of red coloring his nose and high cheekbones prevented further discourse. Darcey, however surprised, was delighted to accept his proposal.
“Are you serious? I’d love to! Can you just hang on in the living room for a minute while I grab my stuff? I won’t bother asking Mom and Dad, they will just say no. Will, you’re the best.” Darcey grabbed his hand excitedly as they stopped outside her home, and tugged at his arm to pull him inside. He stood by the front door, ignoring scorching stares from four year old Drake and six year old Lana.
Dalton Carter was not yet home, but Louise, the ever present figure of maternal purgatory, stared scornfully at him but refused to speak. The Carters had never really liked Will, but were hoping that by letting Darcey associate with him and Mary Ann, who was also an honors student, that some of their smarts might rub off. Sixteen years of shoulder rubbing had yet to produce this desired effect.
An almost eternal time passed before Darcey ran back down the hall with her backpack and duffel bag stuffed to the brim. She shouted to her mother that she was staying at Will’s for the weekend as she darted out the door, eager to escape what she knew would be one of her mother’s infamous, destructive tantrums. Gleefully she gave Will her duffel bag when he offered, and skipped down her front walk. They were about halfway to his place when they spoke again.
“You know, Will, we really should invite Mary Ann. She’ll be so disappointed if she misses out, and you know how much she loves to hang around your place. Your dad is like a fountain of knowledge to her, I’m sure he could answer some of our questions about the essays.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure…” Will drifted off. His still warm hand grasped Darcey’s green duffel bag more firmly and threw it back over his shoulder. It smelled like her, too. Like roses and soap, and some indefinable quality that he very much wished to bottle and store away. The last thing he really wanted to talk about was those stupid essays. It wasn’t like he’d needed the mark, it would only boost him two percent. But Darcey…she was failing the course, he knew that. She would need his dad’s expertise, which when added to the fact that Dante hadn’t received any better offers from his friends to stay at their place, meant that Will would be lucky to get a moment to hang out with her.
“Hey, do you mind if I…you know…” Darcey broke off, ashamed of what she was about to ask. Her golden skin turned a kind of ghostly pink, an emotion that Will could not easily identify. He desperately wanted to know what she was going to ask him. Of course, the answer would be a hearty yes, but still, a question would help. A sudden idea occurred to him. Risking the embarrassment he thought would go with it, he boldly said, “Why don’t you just crash at my place until the end of school? It’s only like a week, and then we can fly you out with us to BC. Your folks won’t care, aren’t they going to Florida all summer with Lana and Drake?”
“Will, you are just the best guy I’ve ever met,” Darcey squealed. Apparently this was exactly what she was trying to ask for, but had been too polite to continue with it. But with this out of the way, she was free to continue. “Including Dante. But yeah, they were going to leave me at home all summer, to attend ‘remedial world studies’. Like I’d want to go to that place. They actually acted like it was my idea!
“Wow. Well, hey, we can work on our essays together. Mary Ann can probably come over on the weekend, you know, and help us out. Or help you out. I mean…” Stumbling on his words, Will stopped. That crimson shade spread across his dark features seemed permanent. But Darcey seemed unaffected.
“Oh, I know. You two will coach me into submitting a decent piece of writing which will make my grade a perfect one hundred, and I’ll be on honor role, and everything. I don’t mind that I’m failing, Will. Honestly,” she added, when a look of doubt crossed his face. When she said this, he just laughed and told her that he totally understood. Secretly, however, he was absolutely overflowing with good spirits. Instead of just the weekend, he’d have Darcey all week, and then they’d fly to his mountain home in British Columbia and spend all summer playing manhunt in the woods and free diving off the old trees, like any teenager reliving childhood would do.
They had been out of town for some time, and were winding their way through a sharply cut stone driveway snaking through the trees. Rounding the last bend, Will saw his parents and brother standing and talking together outside around their traditional campfire, despite its still being some hours from dusk. A confused look pass through all three faces before them, and before a rather embarrassed Darcey could mumble out a greeting, Will confidently stepped in.
“Darcey, Mary Ann and I have big essays due on Monday. They’re all on a related topic, so we decided that Darcey would stay here for the weekend and Mary Ann would come over. And since the school year is done on Wednesday, we thought that Darcey could just stay here until then and we could fly her out with us Thursday morning.” Will drew a deep breath and puffed out his chest, which forced him to stand straight as a pole, rising to a teetering height. Staring down a doubtful Dante, Will continued. “Darcey needs to concentrate. Mary Ann and I are doing fine in world studies, but Darcey’s failing, and this essay could turn it around for her. Tutoring would be much easier if she were just down the hall, instead of a twenty minute walk into town.”
A gruff nod from Dante displayed his approval, while Mr. and Mrs. Foster came right up and hugged Darcey. Mr. Foster was very kind to her, and insisted that she call them Dan and Marie. Mrs. Foster seemed to realize how much Darcey didn’t want to be at home, and winked at her while she said, “You know dear, we have a lot of room. Whenever you feel the need to get away, just come on by. We’ll make you up a spare key, and really, you can just move in if you wanted!”
Will’s excitement at this reception of his plans was evident, and equally contrasted by Dante’s lack of enthusiasm. He strode over to his older brother and turned to watch as his parents escorted Darcey into the house. Without so much as blinking, Dante hissed, “What’s your problem?”
“What’s my problem? What’s your problem? You act like she’s some kind of alien or something. I just wanted to help her out!” Will was getting frustrated with his brother, which was something he tried to avoid. Instinctually he would always reach for something to hit Dante with whenever he got angry, for which Dante returned the favor. Only a year apart, Dante and Will had never seen eye to eye. Dante was remote, cold, and plotting. He would have made an excellent general in Stalin’s army, Will would often remark. Will, on the other hand, was kind, warm, and free spoken. There was hardly a mean bone in his body, and he couldn’t stand the ignored plight of suffering creatures. Whether it be a squirrel needing food or a homeless man begging for dimes, Will went out of his way to help them.
“Well, she’s really easy on the eyes, I’ll give her that.” Dante said coldly. Will’s temper was just about worn out.
“Shut up, you overgrown playboy. Leave Darcey alone, she’s not something you can just play with and then dump in the trash. She has feelings, and a brain, and…” Something in Dante’s amused expression infuriated Will.
“Aww. Little Willy’s got a crush. Well, I’ll see if I can’t just play around a bit, shall I? After all, I am nothing but an overgrown playboy.” A sadistic wink from Dante left Will steaming. Who was he to tell Will who to hang out with? So what if Darcey was pretty, it was her sparkling personality that mattered. That great twit didn’t know anything. Will stormed back up to the house, Dante’s laughter ringing in his ears. Without knowing where he was, he ran into his dad’s office.
His father looked up over peculiarly shaped glasses and motioned for his youngest son to have a seat in the fine leather chairs adorning the spacious study. For a while, Will sat and stared at the many pictures of his dad hanging out with people Will couldn’t recognize for all the free beatings of Dante in the world. But just as he was about to speak, his father interrupted him.
“Will, you’re just about a man now. You can handle what I will tell you. Perhaps I am not the one to best recall to you these things, but I believe you already have a meeting with the man who can.” Taking a deep breath, Will’s father continued.
“Will, you know that your mother and I love you and Dante very much. No, now don’t look at me like that, we do love Dante too. We would do anything to protect you, which would include giving up position, money, and fame to keep you safe. Well, son, this we did, and much more. You see, your last name isn’t really Foster. It’s Doscier. Now, now, don’t panic. Your other names still apply. But now you are William Fernandez Paulo Doscier. My name is in fact Paulo, and your mother’s name is Teresa. We come from a small island called Dijoubwe. You might have heard of it before. We were one of the closest families to the royal family, the Martinaques. We were their military advisors, and although Dijoubwe is world famous for its peace, we have seen troublesome times. Fifteen years ago, a haughty general from our neighboring island, Obweji, told our King that if he refused to sign over the crown of his country peacefully, that the general would be forced to take it, killing whoever got in their way.
“King Martinaque did not take this well. He sent his advisors instantly to find a safe place for their only child to grow up, a daughter. Our close friends and the other advisors of the monarchy, the Palmas, also had a daughter. They sent them both to the same place to grow up, hoping to keep them in contact. After much persuading, we got the King to allow us to go with the babies. You were a baby at the time, and Dante was still crawling. We could not send you both away, where you would probably grow up apart, neither of you knowing who you really are or where you come from. So we took the girls and hid here, and have been here since, waiting for King Martinaque to give us the word that the island has peace. Of course, this signal has not come, so we must still wait.”
For several minutes, the library was silent. The heavy chime of the grandfather clock and Will’s concentrated breathing were all that could be heard. Finally, after some time, Will asked, “So which baby was which? I mean, which one was Palma, and which was the…princess?”
Smiling, his father replied, “Mary Ann Price’s real name is Mary Ann Matilda Montoya Palma. This, by the process of elimination, means that our dear houseguest, Miss Darcey Carter, is actually Princess Darcey Thessilia Love Martinaque. Do you understand, son?”
Will was star struck. Darcey…a princess? But then again, it was hardly as likely as Mary Ann being a lady or his being a lord, or whatever he was expected to be. In a quiet voice, he accosted his father. “So what now?”
“Well, as we cannot yet allow Princess Martinaque to ascend her throne, she must stay hidden. To do this, she needs to believe that she is normal. Do you understand? If this were to slip in to the wrong hands, our Princess would be killed.”
Will swallowed loudly and murmured his ascent. He then left the study, determined to find Darcey. If he couldn’t tell her, then he could at least protect her. Aside from a strong inner direction which told him to provide safety for the future of his newfound homeland, there was something deeper. Will felt angry that anyone might try and kill Darcey just because she was the heir to the throne of Dijoubwe.
He finally found her sunbathing next to his pool, dipping her fingers in the water as she baked on the warm cement. Will’s anger dissipated instantly, leaving nothing but his intense urge to protect her from harm. But before he could get back inside to change into his swim trunks, Darcey had spotted him and called him over.
“So Will, what’d your dad have to say?” Darcey said casually, still chasing waves with her fingertips.
Will sunk his feet into the cool water before casually replying that it wasn’t really worth repeating. Just some stupid plane protocols that he had known for over a decade.
“Oh,” Darcey said, her face falling slightly. “I just mean, the window was open, and I thought I heard my name…not that I was eavesdropping or anything, but one does tend to answer to one’s name.” She added quickly.
“Oh, well, yeah. Dad wanted me to make sure that you would be safe,” this is not entirely a lie, he told himself. “But it’s nothing that I couldn’t handle alone.”
“Cool. Go get changed, I want some company out here. Without dear old mom and dad popping in my room, I’m feeling rather neglected.” Darcey feigned a pout as she drew her sun kissed hand out from the water and placed it beside her hip. Will ran inside to change, and was out again within a minute. He laid down on the concrete above her, so that their heads were even with each other. If they turned their heads, they could have a regular, if somewhat upside down, conversation.
The time passed, and crickets began their nightly adieu to the day. The sun was beginning to set, and they had yet to move, or even really talk. Darcey asked about ideas for her essay, if Will could remind her what the summer house was like, and what he thought about her bikini. The last question he found hard to answer, as he stuttered out a quiet, “G-great.” His mother came out on the deck and spared him any further humiliation by announcing that it was dinner time. Surprised, Darcey looked at her cell phone’s clock and exclaimed loudly at how fast time seemed to fly.
After dinner, the duo headed up to Will’s room to begin their essays. Now that he knew where he was and what he was born to do, Will found the essay much easier to write than he thought. Darcey could ace this essay too, if only he told her. But no, her life was more important than her grades. So instead of divulging to her that she was in fact a member of the Martinaque royal family and next in line to the throne, Will merely suggested she try placing herself in a princess’s shoes while he went to see his father for what he called ‘pointers’.
Down the hall, fifth door on the left, Will reminded himself. His father was still in there, reading a book. It was a short interview, mostly containing Will’s pleads to tell Darcey what she really was, and his father telling him that if he wanted her to die, that he could go right on ahead, but could not say otherwise.
Will left the office grumbling. He walked slowly back up to his room, where Darcey had fallen asleep. He smiled and picked her up gently and carried her to her room next to his, placing her snugly inside the covers and shutting off her lights. His hand brushed hers as he straightened to leave, and froze for a single instant when Darcey seemed to wake slightly and make a grabbing motion with that hand, reaching faintly toward Will. He grabbed her hand and placed it gently back on the blankets, wishing her a good night. When he finished, he too went to sleep, dreaming of his family, his nation, and of his princess.
The next morning unfolded a new scene in Will’s bedroom. Shortly after nine, Dante came bursting in and shouting, toned down only by the supposition that Darcey was still asleep and might be awoken. It proved to be a rather long argument, ending with Dante telling Will that whether he liked it or not, Darcey was his princess, and he was sure he was the most qualified to date her, most certainly more qualified than the younger son. Will was furious, at both Dante’s way of treating Darcey like a way to get rich fast, and the accusation that Darcey would never even consider Will. These both stung, and he needed to talk them out. He couldn’t go to his parents, would he be able to trust himself to talk to Darcey without spilling the entire tail?
Deciding to give it a go, Will got dressed and knocked on Darcey’s door. It opened to reveal a very studious looking girl who remotely resembled that princess Will had dreamt about. He began the long tale, realizing halfway through that there was no way to tell the rest without revealing Darcey’s unknown secret, or without deeply embarrassing himself in front of her. But he decided that it would be for the best to press on, as backing out so far into the story seemed impossible. He pressed on with what Dante had said, about him dating Darcey because he was the older son, and that she’d never even consider the younger son. Will decidedly left out the part about her being a princess.
Darcey received this better than Will had anticipated. She seemed angry at Dante too, which always made Will’s heart feel light. Darcey began stomping around her room, demanding to know just who Dante thought he was to say who she could and could not date. But when it came to the part about Will being the second son, Darcey stopped rampaging and sat down quietly next to him on her bed. She leaned against his strong chest yet again, but his arms refused to comfort her. A little alarmed, she moved her hand to lay gently on top of Will’s. He was so furious at Dante that his skin was actually hot to the touch, and made Darcey withdraw her hand with a gasp.
Will realized where she was and what she was doing, and made a gallant effort at a smile before encircling her with one strong, sinewy golden arm. Her shoulders fluttered a bit under his arm’s weight, but remained steadfast when he moved his other arm to complete the circle. Darcey turned to look up into Will’s face, which was intently looking back down into hers. She gave a slight smile and said that she preferred the second son, just this once. Will threw back his head and laughed, drawing her closer in the process.
Darcey stood, and forced Will to do the same, as she had grasped his hands and made escape impossible. She stared at him for a moment, before turning her head and pressing deep into his cotton shirt. She could feel his chin on the top of her head, and tried to move as little as possible. Will’s arms loosened and then dropped entirely. He grabbed her hands and twined his fingers with hers. They stood like that for some time, Will with the great success of proving Dante wrong, and Darcey, finally realizing that Dante was nowhere near as good as Will.
It was on this quiet scene that Mary Ann walked in, presumably chatting to herself. She stopped short, however, when she saw this. Shock spread across her features as her wide mouth formed a crooked circle. She dropped her books and papers, and just stood there, watching them. Darcey had turned and was facing Mary Ann now, keeping Will behind her, almost protectively. It was some time before Mary Ann could speak, but when she could, demanded a full explanation, which was promptly given by Darcey, with occasional assistance by Will.
“Well then, I guess that’s that. But you two have to promise me two things: first that you will refrain from most obnoxious behavior as defined by me in my presence, and second, that if something happens, we’ll always be friends.” Mary Ann stared hard at her friends, who looked at each other and smiled before turning back to her with a simultaneous and resounding yes.
The rest of the weekend did not seem quite real, somehow. Darcey had been persistently avoiding Dante, who grew angrier and angrier each time he saw Will and Darcey together. Will had been avoiding his father’s eye, which would undoubtedly disapprove of the course his youngest child chose to take.
Will was far from indifference. He was deeply hurt by his father’s inattentiveness, but felt fully justified in his choice. Darcey had been the object of his wildest imaginings for several years, and now they were true. But Will could see a problem arising. His father seemed to be expecting a summons back to Dijoubwe any day now, which meant that Will and Darcey would need to break it off. Unwilling to do this, Will confronted his father.
“Listen, I know that it wouldn’t look that good, the militia advisor’s younger son dating the princess, but I don’t care about the public. I care about Darcey, and I’m going to stay with her.” His father could not have anything say, and so left it at that.
Exuberant that his father acknowledged Will’s decision, he was quite determined to make that night the best of Darcey’s life. He planned a twilight hike through the surrounding woods to where a hidden lake resided. Only he knew of this, nobody else ventured that far into the forest. There was a beautiful surprise awaiting there, and so all Will had to do was convince Darcey to come with him, an easy task as Darcey rarely left Will’s side of her own accord.
They jumped over fallen logs and climbed overrun roots for almost two hours before coming across the silver lake. Its shimmering perfection reflected in Darcey’s emerald green eyes and bounced off her golden skin. She held her breath, and grabbed Will’s hand, pointing to the middle of the lake. There, in the center, more perfect than Will could ever have hoped for, was a pair of swans and their three babies. While the chicks swam off to play, the great white feathered birds stayed in the middle, grooming each other.
When they were finished, they gave a gentle cry and arched their necks to produce a heart. Darcey looked up at Will, and he looked back down at her, her green eyes reflecting so sharply in his stunning blue ones. With a smile, he bent forward and kissed her forehead. Darcey smiled and giggled a bit, but otherwise was silent. The swans stayed in their heart formation for quite a while before Will rose to take Darcey back. Sighing happily, Darcey followed Will back through the forest, making it safely back home shortly after midnight. Both slept happy, both were dreaming about the other, and of those swans, and the mountainside lodge.
The next morning, Darcey was awoken by the smell of fresh eggs and bacon being fried. She hastily got ready for school and gulped down her meal so she could walk to school with Will, who was waiting by the front door. They set off, hand in hand, for Mary Ann’s house, laughing all the way. On the walk to school, their hands remained linked but the laughter ceased, as Mary Ann started talking about her brilliant research essay. The morning passed by well, with only a few commentators on the new romance. The afternoon would prove differently.
Upon entering Mr. Munro’s class, Will and Darcey were sent to opposite ends of the room and were not allowed to talk or look at each other. Munro collected their essays with a satisfied look on his face as he glanced over each, before assigning the day’s work. He sent notes to Darcey, Will, and Mary Ann to meet him in his office ten minutes after the final bell rang.
When this event occurred, the three friends raced to Mr. Munro’s empty office and waited for him to arrive. Darcey and Will told Mary Ann about the swans, and about how awful Dante was to both of them. Mary Ann was shocked, and not at all offended by the fact that they would like to be together as long as time permitted it. Unfortunately, Dante himself strode confidently into Munro’s office, followed by Mr. Munro himself.
“Now, Dante and Will, I assume you know what this is about, your father being the only one here. Yes, very well then. I shall start this by saying that my name is in fact Hulio Montoyez, and I have been placed here in Canada to watch over you three grow up. Miss Price, shall we start with you?
“You see, my dear, that your parents are not your real parents. That is to say, they are not your genetic parents. Your real parents reside in the royal court of Dijoubwe as advisors to the King in matters such of economy. You are, in fact, Countess Mary Ann Maria Terisa Palma. Both Master Fosters, or Dosciers, as they should be called, are the sons of the Doscier family of Martinaque, advisors to the King in matters of military and war.
“This leaves you, Miss Carter. Again, your current family is not your real family. Your birth parents also reside in the royal court of Dijoubwe, though in a different light. You are, in fact, sole heir to the throne of Dijoubwe, Princess Darcey Thessilia Love Martinaque. I know that this may come as a rather large surprise, and I would not have told you at all had I not received word from His Majesty – your father, Princess – that your return home would be expected soon. I hope that you understand how this was possible…” Half of the audience agreed, the other half stared on in confusion. “Ah…well, then, I suppose that I should further explain, if you do not understand fully.
“My Princess, Mistress Palma, you should know how all this came to be. Fifteen years ago, when you were only babies, a vicious general from Obweji, our closest neighbor island, sent a letter to King Martinaque telling him to relinquish his throne or face an attack, knowing full well that Dijoubwe is a peaceful nation, preferring diplomacy to destruction. We have not had a war or political upheaval since 1598, when your family, Princess, was given the throne.
“Now, don’t look like that, the Martinaques did not hurt anybody, and were merely next in line to the throne. The previous ruling family had been killed in a raid on the island from Obweji, ironically enough, from General Thane’s ancestors. After the murders, they were chased from the island by our army. After that, your ancestors took over the rule, Princess.
“The first thing they did was to ban any people from Obweji access to the island. If a sailor from the island needed supplies, then volunteers from Dijoubwe would sail out with the supplies and bring back the gold. They also disbanded the majority of our army, keeping only enough left to provide protection from the royal family, the Palmas and Dosciers, and the citizens.
“Things continued peacefully that way up until early 1995, when General Thane sent the letter. They were so worried that he would carry out the plans he laid forth in his letter than they sent you, Princess and Mistress Palma, with the Dosciers when you and Master William were a year old. Master Dante was two, and so remembers a little of his home, do you not, sir?” Dante nodded, a faraway look in his eyes.
“My Princess and Mistress Palma were sent to live in foster families while the Dosciers took on false names. You four were hidden from the outside world at your age, and so your names were unknown. You grew up with the names your birth parents gave you, although your foster parents should never use your middle names,” Hulio glanced at Darcey, whose eyes had cast over with a memory of the week before.
“In our culture, at least one middle name represents a member of your family deceased, and eavesdroppers may have been able to make a connection. You were to stay in hiding, unaware of your true identities, until King Martinaque called you back, when it would be safe.
“Remarkably, I just received this vital information Friday morning. That was why I asked you three to write those essays, and why I arranged this meeting. Now, we can discuss this further on the plane, so I suggest that you all go home and pack up all of your belongings, as we leave in –” Hulio was cut off by a dumbstruck Darcey.
“What do you mean? I’m no princess! I don’t look or act like any of my family, but I am not royalty. And I can’t leave, I just…can’t! You’ve got the wrong girl, Mr. Munro… Montoyez… I don’t even know! I’m sorry, but I’m not your princess.” Darcey started to leave the room. Mr. Montoyez, Dante, and Mary Ann all stared at her, unsure what to do. Only Will jumped up and ran after her.
“Darcey…Darcey! Darcey, get back here!” Will caught the struggling girl around her waist with one strong arm and dragged her into a very familiar janitorial closet with the other. In a familiar fashion, Will snapped on the lights, locked the door, and flipped over a couple of mop buckets. Once again, although more comfortably now, did he wrap his arms around Darcey, this time to prevent her escape. He knew that she was in shock, as anyone who was told that they were royalty would be.
For several minutes he had his hands full trying to contain her thrashing without upsetting the entire contents of the closet. Darcey turned inward, her forehead on Will’s chest. She raised a fist and hesitated, before punching him in the shoulder and breaking down. She fought to get away, which cut Will deeper and more painfully than the physical abuse she was dishing out so freely.
After a long time, she stopped struggling. His arms and chest were sore and bruised, but he didn’t move to aid them. Instead, Will just held her there, keeping her safe from the outside world. He turned his back on the door, remembering his promise to his father about keeping her safe. This instinct was magnified by an emotion he had not felt before, but seemed to control him. He knew that Darcey was in great danger if she stayed here, but he was afraid to let her leave.
Things would change if Darcey became a princess. When Darcey became a princess. Will knew that he could maintain a friendship with her, but nothing more. His arms went slack, falling off of Darcey. She looked up, her bloodshot eyes surprised. She sniffed, then sat down on a bucket. With one hand pressed against her eyes, she reached up with the other and grabbed Will’s hand, dragging him down onto the neighboring mop bucket. He flimsily complied.
They sat there for an undefined period of time, both stunned silent. A knock on the door shook Darcey back to life. She got up and unlocked the door, creaking it open a crack to see who it was. Mary Ann’s wide grey eyes stared back into Darcey’s large green ones. Darcey could see Mary Ann had been crying, although not to the extent Darcey had. She flung the door open and took Mary Ann up in her arms, hugging her tight.
Mary Ann smiled, then started to softly laugh. Surprised, Darcey smiled too. “You know, when we were little, we always dreamed we’d be princesses when we grew up,” Mary Ann said. Darcey gave a hiccup, then started to laugh into Mary Ann’s shoulder. She straightened and replied, “We’ll be best friends, no matter what happens, right?”
“I’d never leave you, you’re like my sister!” Mary Ann grabbed her hands and stepped back. “So we’re going then?”
“Yeah…I guess we are. If…Dad…said it was safe to go, then I think we should.” Darcey straightened and held her head high, looking entirely like the princess she was born to be.
For the first time, Mary Ann looked over Darcey’s shoulder and saw the still sitting Will. He hadn’t even turned to look at Mary Ann when she entered. Darcey followed her gaze. Dropping her best friend’s hands, she turned and strode over to Will, standing in front of him. Impatiently, she put her hands on her hips. Will raised his eyes, surprised at the sight that met him.
“Will, get up. We don’t have time for this, we’ve got to get home and pack, and then catch a plane that will take us to Dijoubwe, which, if Hulio is correct, is about a twenty hour flight.” Darcey pulled on his arm, forcing him up.
“What are you doing?” Will asked incredulously. She had just been told she was a princess, and here she was yanking on his arm, telling him to get a move on.
“I’m going home.” She said firmly. “I’m done here. If being a princess means leaving the Carters and moving to a palace with my birth parents, I’m all for it. Now get a move on, I want to see my family as soon as I can.” With another astoundingly strong jerk, she had Will up on his feet and out the door.
Hulio had called cabs, and pushed Mary Ann and Dante in one while joining Will and Darcey. “We’ll be at your house soon, Miss Carter,” Hulio said with a slight grin. “You will pack your clothes, and we will send for your other belongings in a few days. Will, your brother will pack your clothes. I’ve called the airport, and arranged a plane for us. You’ll be there in no time!” He finished, winking at them happily.
The silent drive ended when the cabbie pulled into the Carter’s driveway. Darcey and Will ran inside while Hulio stayed with the cab. Darcey grabbed her suitcases out of her closet and started ripping open her dresser drawers. Will stood guard at her door, determined to keep out every single Carter that begged entrance. His resolve stood firm for about five minutes, before Lana jumped up the stairs and pushed his legs aside, running into Darcey’s open arms.
“Darcey, where are you going?” Lana asked innocently. Her golden hair shone, her blue eyes searching Darcey’s face. Darcey laughed at her little sister, the only Carter who ever liked her.
“Lana, I’m going to go away for a while. Ask Mom and Dad, they’ll tell you. Can you keep a secret?” Lana eagerly nodded, and Darcey smiled. “Good. I’m going on an island vacation! It’s called Dijoubwe. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll send you letters and tons of toys and stuff, ok Princess?”
Will winced at the word, but Darcey ignored him, and Lana didn’t notice. Instead, the little blonde girl replied eagerly, “Have a good time, Darcey! I can’t wait! Go now, I want to get my letter soon.”
Darcey smiled again as she packed the last of her things and dragged the heavy suitcases out the door. Her former parents were waiting, agitated.
“Louise, Dalton, I’ll be going now. Thanks for housing me for the last fifteen years, and I only pray that you are not called on for such a duty ever again.” Darcey said, feigning respect. Will stifled a laugh as the Carters tried to figure out whether or not they had been insulted. Will grabbed the bags from Darcey, and together they walked out her front door for the last time. As they walked to the car, Hulio watched them curiously for a moment before disappearing into the passenger’s seat of the idling cab. Will tossed Darcey’s suitcases into the trunk before he slid in behind Hulio and reached over to open the door behind the driver for Darcey.
The drive to the airport was full of meaningless chatter about school and vacationing. To an eavesdropper, the words would have been empty. But to the three who shared a common, desperate secret, they spoke so much more.
Darcey acquired a basic knowledge of the island, and of how Hulio had watched over the three of them, how it wasn’t a coincidence that the three of them had had every single class together since first grade. In the hour it took them to drive to the airport, Darcey had learned the first hundred years of her family history, a feat that would amaze her at any other time. But a thought suddenly struck her.
“The Carters…can I have Lana over to, um, visit me? You know, while I’m on, uh, vacation?” she stammered, remembering that there was an outside ear listening. Lana had been the only Carter to ever take an interest in her. Darcey remembered when she was seven and Lana was born. Dalton and Louise wouldn’t let her stay in the house for a week, so she had to go to Will’s. To make her feel at home, Mary Ann had stayed too, although even then she had been much more interested in Dante’s doings. Darcey had admired Dante from afar, but stayed with Will and played soccer and basketball.
Hulio turned around in his seat, eyeing Darcey. “Lana is unfortunately not allowed on the island. The age restriction for the resort,” Hulio winked and risked a brief smile. “Is sixteen, and Lana is still too young. Perhaps when she is of age, she may be invited by the owners.”
With a broader smile and another flashing wink, he turned around into the front seat and directed the cab driver to a private runway, on which sat a lone jet.
Darcey couldn’t identify the logo emblazoned on its tail, but she remembered seeing it once before, many years ago. A moonlit crescent beach curved around a white, cratered moon. The waves lapped at both the beach and the moon, split down the middle with a coat of arms too detailed to see from so far away surfacing through the waves. As the cab driver unloaded their luggage and placed it on the cart to be loaded into the jet’s cargo bay, Hulio walked over to her, his hands folded behind his back.
“So, Princess,” he began in a hushed tone, far lower than anyone could hear. “You wonder about something. Could it be your plane, our island’s symbol, or your family’s coat of arms? I admit, it is rather hard to see from here, but I know it by heart.”
Since the news that she was a princess, the news that she owned a jet was no longer surprising. She was curious about the Dijoubwe symbol, but her burning desire to know about her family crest was not to be ignored. “The crest. What is on my family’s crest?”
“Ah, an excellent choice. Given what I have learned about you over the last sixteen years, I should say that you are one to weed out the lesser important questions and dive into the one requiring the most attention. It is a quality our people will look for and admire in a princess.” Hulio smiled knowingly as Darcey blushed and tucked her head. After watching the ground crew load the baggage, Hulio began again.
“The crest, as you can see, is gold, and shield shaped. It has maroon trimmings, and is split into three parts: the lion, the eagle, and the doe. Each is a sentiment of the members of the current royal family. The lion represents your father, King Miguel Martinaque. His bravery and courage is known throughout the islands. The eagle represents your mother, Queen Thessilia. She is both intelligent and beautiful, with the eagle’s mind and sleek appearance. The doe,” Darcey looked up. By the process of elimination, she was the doe. “is you, Princess, as you may have figured out. The doe, while timid and shy, can be a fierce protector of her loved ones when they are threatened,” Hulio watched as Darcey nodded at empty space.
“You see, when you marry and become Queen, your current crest will be taken down and placed into the great hall commemorating your family history, and your husband’s trait animal will be put on to a new crest along with yours and any children you may have. It will retain the gold and maroon colors, as those are the national colors of the island. But yes, the animals will change.” Will and Mary Ann had approached, Dante and his parents tailing at a distance. It was time to go.
Hulio escorted the trio into the seating area of the plane where an array of impressive leather chairs were assorted. A mini bar and kitchen were next to the captain’s cabin, while the bathroom and bedroom were at the opposite end of the plane. The cargo bay was beneath their feet. Crisp, clean, new clothes for an overnight trip had been laid out on the silk sheets in the three bedrooms.
After examining her new luxury jet, Darcey sank into one of the baby soft leather seats and twisted on its rotating bottom, turning to face Mary Ann and Will, who had each claimed a seat. Mary Ann sat across the cherry wood dining table from Darcey, while Will had claimed the seat directly beside hers. A frown had sat on his face all the way to the airport, and it still hadn’t budged. She reached out to grab his hand, but withdrew hers quickly as Hulio emerged from the pilot’s cabin and sat down on the leather couch facing the three friends.
“So, Princess, how do you like your private jet? I hope it is to your liking –” Hulio started, but Darcey cut him off. “So is it just the royal family that has a crest? Like, does Will’s and Mary Ann’s families have crests?”
“Again, Princess, you show your ability to determine the more important problem of all others. Your questions have several answers. Yes and no, really. Your family has the most detailed crest. If you know how to read them, crests can tell a story. As princess, you will be required to learn this skill. Master William, Mistress Mary Ann, you too will be required to learn this. You may take lessons together, it is traditional. Count Ramses Diego will probably be your tutor, he has taught many generations of royalty and nobility the grand profession of crest reading, and is the best in the world.
“Now we get to crests belonging to others outside the royal family. Every family tree has its own crest, but it is based on class. The lowest citizens are still able to have a family crest, but it will be very minimal, without grandeur on any scale. For instance, your family crest, Princess, is carved of rubies and belted in gold. The animal figures are each constructed of various gemstones. Of course, that is merely the original. Copies throughout the kingdom are essentially a silk image on a cherry wood back. The simplest family’s crest would be something similar to driftwood sanded down and crudely painted with animals that, instead of really representing them, merely represent their ancestors. The people have no learned the art of crest reading, and so do not know that this is incorrect.
“Master William, I cannot tell you as much about your family crest as your parents can, but I can give you a background on it. Your crest too is belted in solid gold, but the background is an assembled mosaic of red colored shards of ruby and glass, the cracks of which are filled in with liquid gold. I believe that your crest contains four animals: a hound, a dove, a dragon, and a swan. The hound represents your father, Miguel. He is extremely loyal to the Martinaques, and is a dear friend to them. The dove is your mother, Teresa. She has the dove’s beauty and soft manner. The dragon is your brother, Master Dante. He is fierce and strong, without remorse. He has had no problems making you hurt in the past has he? No, I know he has not. Now the swan is interesting. The swan is you, Master William. It is graceful and quiet, but will defend its territory if necessary. Many view the swan as a symbol of peace and hope.”
Will took this in for a moment, a slight flicker of a smile at the corners of his mouths. Before Hulio could continue, explaining Mary Ann’s family crest, Will cut in. “Who decides these animals? Are they given to them at birth, or what?”
“The parents decide what sort of animals they believe their child represents, but family crests are usually set a few years after the birth of their last child. In fact, Master William, you were five years old before your family crest was finalized. From an early age it was evident that you had all of those qualities. But Master Dante…your parents always knew what he was like, but they were so hoping to be wrong, to have misread his personality. The dragon is not something we of Dijoubwe value. It is much more of an Obweji trait. General Thane is shown as a dragon on his family crest,” Hulio trailed off, letting his words and their meaning sink in. Clearing his throat, he began again.
“Now, Mistress Mary Ann. You, too, are an only child, and so your family crest has only three parts, like Princess Marti – Darcey’s,” Hulio stopped himself, sensing that perhaps being called ‘Princess Martinaque’ would be a little much for her at the moment. She had tolerated ‘Princess’, but he feared her reaction if he pressed her. “Um, yes, like Princess Darcey’s. Now, your crest has the same physical characteristics of Master William’s. But the animals, naturally, are different. Your family animals are a raven, a swan, and a peacock. Your family is particularly interesting, in that you all have bird symbols.
“Your father, Count Rogan Palma, the raven, is wise and witty. He values solidarity, but also enjoys the company of friends and family. Your mother, the swan, is known throughout the islands for her grace. Countess Maria Palma is very beautiful, and one of the best musicians of the royal court. You, then, are a peacock. You are like your mother, very beautiful. You also enjoy the company of your friends, and love preening for those who you are determined to impress. Did Dean Rivers ever meet your expectations?” Hulio’s eyebrows raised slightly, amused. Mary Ann blushed furiously, mumbling incoherently.
“So then, what about other animals? Like, what is a rat?” Darcey asked curiously. This interested her greatly, this studying of crests. Hulio looked at her intently for a moment, but shrugged it off.
“A rat…a rat is nothing to be proud of, similar to dragons or insects other than butterflies or some varieties of beetles. Rats are known for their lack of commitment, and how very frequently someone whose animal is rat is involved in the downfall of a government, or even murder. They do not have the ability to be loyal to anyone. If your animal is a rat, you will probably be sent to Obweji or some other island nation with a high tolerance for such people. This was a rule that the Martinaques did not agree with, but it is set in such a way as to make it irreversible.
“Now, it is nearly time for you all to be in bed. Master William, you and Master Dante will sleep in the second bedroom, your parents in the first, and Mistress Palma, Princess Darcey, you will share the third bedroom. We will be landing sometime after sun up, so you will be able to have a full day with your parents in your new kingdom. Good night, now.”
Darcey, Mary Ann, and Will all got up and headed to their respective bedrooms, got into their night clothes, and said goodnight a final time before disappearing behind their closed doors. Darcey could not hear Will, but she could hear Mary Ann chatting away about family crests, meeting her parents, and being a real lady, a countess of the court. Darcey stared out the bedroom’s airplane window, watching as the inky sky reflected its shining jewel-like stars into the swaying silver ocean. Mary Ann stopped her rambling and walked over to her best friend, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.
“Uh, Darcey? Are you ok?” Mary Ann asked tentatively.
“Huh? Oh, yeah…I’m fine. Just taking it all in. I mean, I’m a princess now. I’ve got a jet, and a crest, and…and a family, Mary Ann! A family that will actually love me and value my opinion, and won’t kick me out of the house for a week at a time because I’ll contaminate them because I’m not identical to them! Mary Ann, I’m going to rule an island.”
“I know, honey, I know. And you’ll be great at it! And Will and me…we’ll be right by your side. Come on now, time to get some sleep. We’re both going to meet our parents tomorrow, we need some sleep.” Mary Ann gently tugged Darcey to one of the beds in the spacious room, and then slid under the covers of the other. Saying goodnight, Mary Ann turned off the lights and went to sleep. Darcey stared at the black ceiling a little while longer before finally dozing off.
It was nearly seven in the morning when she woke up. Mary Ann wasn’t in the room, her nightgown was tossed in the laundry hamper and the clothes that Hulio said were bought for them yesterday were off their hangers. Darcey watched the sun finish rising over the ocean as she got ready.
By the time she walked out to the main section of the jet in the latest fashion, everyone else was finishing breakfast. Will looked away, not meeting her eye. Darcey stopped in her tracks, feeling as though someone had stabbed her. Swallowing her hurt, Darcey stepped forward again and sat down in her chair. Will sat next to her, but she steadily ignored him. Her anguish at being ignored had been replaced by a burning desire to get even. However irrational it might have been, she felt it just. If Will was going to ignore her, fine. Two could play at that game.
For the next hour, Darcey spoke to everyone except Will, paying particular attention to Dante. She knew this made Will furious, but still he did not make a move to stop her. Infuriated, Darcey started asking Dante about what he would to when he got home. “Surely the eldest son will take the lead in your parents’ profession? I mean, isn’t it kind of the job of the firstborn to do that kind of thing? I mean, your little brother wouldn’t do it. He’s just second born, second best, you know?”
Darcey saw every mention of ‘second’, ‘eldest’, or ‘firstborn’ by her sent a quiver of anger through the tendons in Will’s jaw. He sat there silently fuming, but remained silent. Desperate, Darcey resorted to her last effort. Dante’s hand was hanging lazily off the side of the leather couch, and Darcey was sitting just next to him. She locked her eyes onto Will’s, and saw his eyes follow her hand, which had drifted down the side of her chair and swung carelessly back and forth, brushing Dante’s hand each time it did. Dante looked down, then back at Darcey, smiling.
Will saw all this, and could bear it until Dante, his own brother, reach out and grab Darcey’s hand for a brief second before letting it go again. Will jumped out of his chair and marched off to his bedroom, determined not to leave until they were on the ground, where he could go to his own mansion, or castle, or whatever it was that he lived in, and never see Her Royal Highness again.
Darcey saw Will storm off and casually got up to follow him, saying something about leaving the toothpaste cap off in her bedroom. When nobody was looking, she quietly dashed into the bedroom Will and Dante shared and closed the door. Turning around, she saw Will sitting on a silk upholstered chair in the corner, staring out the airplane window. He turned to see who had entered, but on seeing Darcey, frowned and turned his head forcefully to stare back out the window at the endless ocean. Darcey, on seeing his anger, was made angry herself. Before she knew what she was doing, she was shouting at him.
“What is wrong with you? You say you like me, and then have a fit and start ignoring me for no good reason?” Her voice rose to a shriek. “And on top of that, you won’t even look at me!” Staring, fuming, Darcey watched the muscles in Will’s back twitch every time she raised her voice. He was silent for a minute, before hissing a reply through clenched teeth. “You think I wanted to ignore you? You don’t know half of it. Any of it.”
“I don’t know, do I? Then please, feel free to explain.”
“Fine. You want to know what Dad told me in his office a few days ago? He told me that you’re the princess of Dijoubwe, and that it was my job to make sure nothing happened to you. He explained everything to me. Do you think that was easy, having to deal with that? I didn’t know when we would be coming back, I could have been guarding you for decades.”
“You…you knew? And you never thought to tell me? You thought it would be cool to just let me live a horrible life when I could have been a princess? You really are twisted.”
“You have no idea how hard that was, to know that I had to guard you because someone was trying to kill you. I…I couldn’t bear the idea of anyone hurting you. I just couldn’t. I thought that maybe if you didn’t know, that it would throw them off your trail or something…I don’t know. I should have told you. I’m really sorry, Darcey –” Will left off, his eyes watering.
“You were trying to save my life? But then…Will, I’m so sorry! I didn’t actually mean that stuff with Dante, you know that. I know he’s a dirty rotten scum. I just wanted to make you angry…” Darcey’s eyes welled with repentance. She was truly sorry for hurting him.
“Hey, it’s ok. I was really wrong,” Will stood up, arms out. Darcey walked slowly forward for a few steps, then ran into his awaiting embrace. Her eyes swelling with tears, she tried to talk. “I just…I just don’t know if I’ll be a good princess. What if I screw up or something? I couldn’t stand messing everything up that my parents did, I just couldn’t. Or what if there was a war, the first one in like five hundred years? What would anyone think of me?”
Surprised, Will said in a tone that could be called amused, “Darcey, you’ll be fine. You heard Montoyez, you’re a doe. If you love your people, you’ll do anything to keep them safe.” Darcey looked up and smiled, sitting down into the chair previously occupied by him. They sat watching the sun dance on the water for a few minutes before Darcey gasped and said, “I was supposed to be putting the cap back on the toothpaste! Everyone’ll be missing me.” With a parting glance, Darcey darted into her bedroom and grabbed the toothpaste, which in fact was uncapped. She put it away, and all the other things she had left out before rejoining her company in the living space of the giant jet.
“Sorry, I forgot about the hairdryer, and when I was packing up the stuff in the bathroom I dropped it in the sink and had to be really careful wiping it off.” Nobody seemed to suspect where she really had been the last fifteen minutes. Shortly after, Will reappeared with a similar excuse, but with a determined grin on his face.
“Princess, Mistress Palma, Count and Countess Doscier, we will be landing shortly. If you do not have all of your belongings together, I suggest that you collect them now.” Mary Ann smiled but didn’t make a move to leave. Will’s mom and dad got up to check for any last minute forgotten items.
“Well, Darcey wouldn’t really need to clean up her stuff, would she? It is kind of her plane,” Mary Ann giggled.
“I suppose not, no. But it would do the maids a great favor if you were to,” Hulio replied in a somewhat tense tone. It was clear that he disliked the word ‘maid’, when he said it a muscle in his temple twitched. Darcey wanted to question him about this, but Will’s parents had come back and the pilot’s voice began speaking over the hidden intercom for the first time.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly. Please strap yourselves in. It looks clear, but we expect some slight turbulence.” At his command, everyone reached for their seatbelts and buckled them quickly. True to his word, not three minutes later the plane began to shake a little bit before jumping as its wheels hit the ground.
It glided on the smooth runway for a moment before quietly coming to a halt. Darcey threw herself out of her seat and ran for the opposite window. She could hardly get a good view of the island, the small airport with her family’s crest was all she could see. Hulio led her to the door and opened it as the ground crew pushed the stairs up to it. At first the light was blindingly bright, blocking her entire view. As she slowly descended the stairs, her sight returned, and she gasped. Hulio grinned and said with pride, “Welcome back Princess, to Dijoubwe!”
A forested mountain cast a beautiful backdrop to the city she saw. Gleaming and glinting in its pristine whiteness in the bright sunshine, it looked like something out of a fairy tale, like Atlantis.
The palace itself was a thing of beauty. Shimmering like a diamond, it blinded the eye to look at. Golden tiles covered its roof, shades of red silk dripped from its awnings and balconies, draped around massive white marble pillars and drifting serenely down the wide stairs of the same stone, lazily blowing in the breeze.
In the heat of the morning, the rainforest began to steam around the city. An ape howled gleefully in the distance, while blue and green parrots flew across the sky. Behind her, a flawlessly white sand beach met turquoise waters, which lapped happily at its shores. Massive palms swayed in the breeze as a few citizens strolled lazily along the beach.
Darcey was even more surprised when she saw what they were expected to travel in. Instead of the cars to which she was so accustomed, she saw two carriages drawn by teams of white horses bejeweled in the traditional island colors of gold and maroon. The carriages were cherry wood with gold trimmings, with a multitude of golden tassels and maroon hanging off of the laced windows.
Golden leaf metal stairs were brought down for them by the driver in gold and maroon livery. Will, Darcey, Mary Ann, and Hulio ascended the first carriage while the Count and Countess Doscier and Dante took up the second. As the liverymen took their bags and placed them on the gold rack on their roofs, Darcey looked around once more. The seats were covered in maroon velvet, the drapes golden silk embroidered with maroon patterns. The padded white silk walls were exquisite to the touch.
“Why aren’t we going in cars? Don’t you have them here?” Mary Ann asked, relieving a question that had been sitting on Darcey’s mind as soon as she saw the horses. “No, King Martinaque believes that horses are the best way to get from place to place. Our island has never seen a car. Naturally, we have internet, and obviously an airport, but phones and cars are nonexistent here. We make our own clothing by weaving it. We are completely self-sufficient, with the exception of jet fuel, which we buy from larger countries for a trade, usually something as simple as allowing this island to be opened to the world’s royalty and rulers as a vacation home. Really though, those visitors stay in our global embassy in their own private wings representing their home countries.”
“No cars? So if I wanted to get somewhere, I’d have to ride in a carriage?” Darcey asked incredulously. “Or ride a horse, which I assume you know how to do,” Hulio began, but as Darcey shook her head, he continued thusly: “Well, we have international champion riders from the islands. They would be honored to teach you how to ride, which of course you will need to be able to do flawlessly. It is expected of a princess, and her entourage.” Hulio smiled, glancing at Will and Mary Ann, both of whom seemed almost frightened at the prospect.
As the carriages wound through the city streets, people all around them stopped their work and stared, bowing low, touching their foreheads to the cobblestone ground. Men in tunics, women in colorful dresses, little boys running around in diapers, little girls in light skirts that swept the ground and bright colored strapless tops all stopped their work and play to watch their returning princess. Darcey blushed as she smiled and nodded at them.
They came upon the palace quickly and quietly. Will and Mary Ann had passing glances at their homes, but were not allowed out. Will would leave for his villa at night, Mary Ann’s parents were waiting for her at the palace. They would stay the night in the palace before heading home in the morning.
The carriages corkscrewed up a small hill, through a tall black iron gate, and up a cobblestone drive encircling a fountain the likes of which Darcey had never seen before. The gardens spread out as far as she could see in every direction, palace workers were working feverishly to maintain it all.
But before she could take all this in, her eyes were arrested by a man and woman standing on the top step of the palace. The man, tall and dark, had vivid green eyes identical to Darcey’s. His head was held high, letting the sun glint off a golden headband decorated with hundreds of diamonds and rubies of different sizes. The woman, also tall, was leaning against the man, letting her dark, curly hair spill down her shoulders and bend around her gold tiara with gemstones in it just like the man’s.
The first carriage stopped just in front of the steps. One of the footmen jumped off the back of the carriage and opened the door, letting down the gold metal stairs. Darcey appeared first, standing at the top of the little steps, looking around her. She met her parents’ eyes and held them for a minute before her mother picked up her dress and came running down the stairs, followed closely by her father. Darcey stepped down off the little stairs and flung herself at her mother, unsure whether to laugh or cry. Her mother grabbed her and hugged her so hard that it prevented her drawing breath.
“My baby, my girl, you’re never leaving us again. Never again…” her mother cried, before kissing her forehead and pulling back to look at her daughter. “Eyes like your father.”
“But everything else belongs to her mother. Thessilia, may I please see my daughter? I feel a great need to catch up, as she has been absent the last fifteen years.” A booming voice sounded behind Darcey, making her jump out of her skin. She wheeled around and stared up into her own eyes. Arms even stronger than her mother’s encircled her, lifting her off her feet.
Coughing, Darcey’s eyes watered. King Martinaque was squeezing, albeit unintentionally, the life out of his returned daughter. Darcey laughed and tried to hide the wince in her voice as she said, “Dad, you’re kind of killing me…but it’s ok. It’s a good feeling.”
Her father dropped her and looked down into her bright green eyes. “Dad. It’s been too long since I heard that word. Welcome home, Darcey.” Eyes brimming with tears, King Miguel wrapped Darcey in on arm and Queen Thessilia in the other before walking slowly back up to the castle, Darcey’s new home.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To Inno, who repeatedly freaks out if I don't write. To Rhyy, who is dependent on my killing someone via flying shark. And to Dax, for always being my exemplar of what a narcissistic being should be.

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