
when evrything went south


Bob came home from a long day at work but came in to find his wife coming up from the basement covered in blood "oh my god,lissi what happened he asked only for her to reply " nothing" bob watched his wife go up the stares and he followed her to the bathroom and said "if nothing happened why are you covered in blood " bob expected a good explanation but instead he got " well what can I say ,he was rude so I took care of him... Now come on and lets go to bed " lissi gave bob a scarefull look which made bob not want to argue he looked into his wife's eyes where he would usualy see her big beautiful green eyes the windows to her soul he saw complete emptiness but he still followed her to the bed and layed down next to lissi who put her arms around him " I love you bob , do you love me "she asked "yes I love you " he replied "good then I hope you know that if you ever question me again or try and go down stares to the basement I will kill you , understand?" "of corse babe " he replied "good I love you " and with that she turned and fell asleep bob was tired but he didn't want to sleep he didn't feel compftebull when he usualy did when his wife's body was besied him but he didn't feel like he had his wife next to him but a compleat stranger what had happened to his wife ?



in the morning when lissi woke up bob pretended to be asleep but she knew he had been awake all night so had she she kept on wondering what had happened last night she just snapped the man wasnt that rude YES HE WAS screamed a voice in her head "not really he just said i was bieng to noisy " she replied to herself NO HE DIDNT HE PRATICLY SCREAMED ATV YOU TO SHUT UP AND SHOVE YOUR CRAP MUSIC UP YOUR ###

"yeah your right he did he deserved it !" oh god im late with that lissi rushed down the staires got in her car and sped off. when bob was shore that his wife was gone he lept out of bed and went down the staires to thez basement but at the basement door lissi's words came back to him "good then I hope you know that if you ever question me again or try and go down stares to the basement I will kill you , understand?" bob stood their hesetating what if she found out and killed him , but then again it stinkes down there mabey a quik look won't hurt so he opened the door and right their he saw it the body of his next door neighbor ,his ex next door neighbor stan . stan was not a good man he was grumpy and a renowned pedophile but did he really deserve to die? "great there's a dead body in my basement " suddenly bob herd a car aproche the drive way  so he rushed up staires and sat on the couch he waited a minuit but then knowone came throught the door fals alarm but still bob just sat there , 

lissa was sitting in the car and she remembered her crime she remembered the feeling and how it felt so good to bash that discusting mans skull in his head ,what happened to her she was fine before but he is a bad man a bad bad man he deserved to die .




 stan was a lonly man but he was lonlyfr a reason he never spoke to anyone enless it was to insult or to express discust and uncontempt he had also developed a taste for naked bodys female or male young or old he was a pedophile and a peeping tom he just enjoyed knowing everything about a person and he said thatthe only way to truly know someone you had to see their body . he was so  renouned for it that even the police made him come to the police station every day so that they could keep an eye on him


it was a warm summer day when they met stan as they were unpacking their stuff a tall skinny man walked up to them the man was as pale as a vampire and is fetures were so sharp and bony that he look like the bad man you could see in you nightmares he talked to lissi and bob lie he was better than them '' i am stan yournext door neibore i do not like noise or partys or people exept... just keep the noise down or the police will be knocking on your door '' with this the tall skinny man walked away lissi and bob were shoked that such a vile creature  talked to them as if he was better then them ''my god that man ''

on the run

 at the police station the sheriff started to worry stan had not come in he was always here at the right time and never late how was this possible ''where is he if he dosent turn up in ten minuits then start a press confrence and send cops to his house we must find him other people could be in danger''.

ten muinets later stan still did not show up so the sheriff started the confrence '' i would like to warn evryone to be carefull for this man he is potentually dangerus if you see him call the police immidiatly '' 


    bob turned off the tv as lissi ran throught the door come on bob wee are leaving prepare abag for me and for you now ... so bob ran up staires and grabed the clothes he could find and shovd them in the car and he saw lissi get out of stans house with gloves on "in the car now "  . the drive was silent and they drove for along time until they  reatched a motel, lissi stoped the car and said :soo im gonna get us a room you stay here and guard the car . with that she got out of the car and made her way to the motel ofice . bob in the car , went through the duffle bag his wife braught with her "money, a gun, passports.... joe viska  she got us fake passports and called me joe viska ?! joe viska ! "he also looked lissi's passport   at rees withoutherspoon !! what the hell what would she be called witherspoon! 

"what you doing!!" ""oh lissi you scared me  i wanted to know what was in the bag thats all why ?" "well dont !!!" replied lissi "comme on lego" with that bob got out the car and thay walked to the motel room it was a bit small  and dark it had one verry small double  bed the bathroom was tiny as wel with a old rusty shower "well this is ... unique" "come on lets go to bed" said lissi so they did


       earlyer on at stans house a swat member found stans cold dead body in the bath "so hes dead and this place looks like a bomb has it hit"e sherif turned around to see his deputy " i think he may have had a captive who escaped but then why would he be laying in the bath go see if the neibors herd anything " replied the sherif to the deputy who then went to knock on the doors he knocked on lissis and bobs house but he had no replie so he went to the other house and a young boy answerd "yes" hey little one go get your mum " " im not little" replied the boy before closing the door to get his mother 


Texte: me
Bildmaterialien: me
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2017

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