

My name is Roxy Tisland. I'm eighteen I'm turning nineteen in two monthes. I've been in juvienile detention since I was fifteen. As bad as it sounds it like it here. I belong, I'm top-dog. Not to sound cocky but people kiss where I walk and prays to be me. Today was a bittersweet day. They realsing me. They said done did the time and a little more.I hated the thought of leavng this place. I have nothing in the world. My mama dead and my daddy in prison for gabbling. I don't see the sense in  leaving.







I hear my name being called but ignore it.


I didn't care who was trying to wake me up. I have a long night trying to keep the fresh meat from being devoured.


I knew exactly who it was when i heard the voice; C.O. Brown. I sat up. Yes sir.

"You being released. Get packing"


"Do I have to go. This is my home."

"If you any longer we going have to send to the actual prison"

Hearing this i jump off the bunk and got to packing.






i didn't have much just a few things like a picture of my mama and lil brother. 

Both of the died in a house fire, that was set by a guy trynna get revenge cuz my daddy cheated him out of his money.

I grabbed the letters from my best friend who moved to California.

She promised me that when I get put I could come live with her and her husband. (I know what you thinking... married at a young age. she was force to be married) 

The last thing I grabbed was my bible. I not that religious but being locked up in here you're going to need someone to keep you from killing someone.




I went to the main office. Wardon Dreher waited at the door. She stopped me by the arm. 

"Going to miss you baby. You came in and changed things for the good. Not only in you but the people around you too."

"Wardon Dreher you know how I feel about that mushy stuff. I can't stand it."

"You know your my baby girl. Good luck out there in that world. Don't you dare forget to come see me."

I hugged her like she was my mama. I love her like she was, yet i didn't say I was going to come see her every weekend. I grabbed my stuff but before I could walk out Warden Dreher said,

"Your daddy out there just got out last month. He was getting his life right for you."

I didn't want to leave now, now for a totally different reason.

Warden Dreher guidded me out to the end gates there I saw a black limo with the driver standing there with flowers.


One thing you need to know is that I'm tom-boy i don't wear dresses, skirts, and sure don't wear flowers.

I know he just got out and he trying but he already started wrong.





So guys i hope you like it it did start out slow but i promise it will get better.

*low key* i'll keep writing this even if you don't like it, but i do want constructive critism. i'll update it again tomorrow.

Do over?

I walked up to the limo hesitantly. The man turned to me as I stopped infront of him.

"Ms.Tisland, my name is Bailey. It's nice to gain your aquaintance."  He bows as he hand me the flowers.

I stood there with disgust on my face. He looks at me strangely. He follows my eyes to the flower that were being handed to me. He stood slowly.

"I'm guessing you don't like flowers." He says rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yeeeaaahh, sorry not the type of girl who like flowers, they're actually quite digusting with all the petals falling off and the pollen. Eck."

"Okay then how on for a sec." Bailey chucks the flowers across the parking lot and then open the driver's door of the limo. He pulls out a skate board, he takes my belongings out of my hands and hands me the skateboard. he places my things on the passenger seat and looks at me. I look at the skateboard jaw dropped.

"Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness."

Bailey smiles.

"Are you for real? like is this mine?"

Bailey nods.

"It was going to be mine and i just painted it. Never been ridden."

Guilt overrides me.

"But if this is yours, why give it to me? You did such beautiful work on board. It wouldn't be-"

Bailey put his hand up.

"I'm giving it to you and that's final, besides i have a whole collection and if it was that important I'd go and buy another one."

I smile at the thoguht of riding this baby in the skate park.

"Thank you Bailey."

Bailey nods as he open the limo door.

"Your chariot waits."

I slide into the limo in awe and amusement.

There was a flat screen tv and a mini fridge. There was a game console in the corner, Xbox, I think.

To my amazement the seats extended turning the backseat into a mattress.

"I know from experience that jail is tiresome and the beds are a type of torture itself."

 He bend and flips a switch causing the seats to extend. 

He pulls out a pillow and blanket from a compartment that wasn't visible before.

“ Here you should sleep some, we have a long trip ahead of us.”

Bailey closes the door and get in the driver's seat.

I slid to lay down and comfortable. As soon as i lay still Bailey flips a switch closing the window that sits between us.

Then he slowly pulls off. For a while I listen the soft hum of the engine. Then I grow tired and my feet begins to sweat.


A minute the a/c was on full blast. I adjust the vent so that the cool air hit me on the face. I slowly drift off to sleep.

One thing you need to know about me is I don't dream. I sit being tormented by the darkness of my eyelids and a brain of no imagination. I slept for an hour.

When I wake, I realize I'm still in the car. I knock on the glass. Bailey opens the glass.

"How much longer is the ride?"

"About 30 more minutes."

I sit back boredly.

I fold my blanket and flip my pillowcase and place it back in the compartment I seen it come of before.

 Bored, I roll down the window. Watching as rode passes by without a car in sight. I found this odd, no traffic and it's almost 4 o'clock.

 5 minutes later we pull up to a busy intersection. I look over and see a sign that read, "ROAD CLOSED".


"Yeah ma'am?"

The word ma'am didn't settle well with me, but I shook it off and continued.

"Why were we driving on this road if the road was closed?"

"Your father had it closed off so that we have a smooth and quick ride here."

Wow I knew my father changed, but this dad throws his money away. To be totally honest I wouldn't mind him being poor, but a part of me wonder where he got all of this money.

We exit the city. A huge house just 2 minutes out stood tall and alone. 

The house stood a bold cream color with a grand yard. In the distace you could make out a football goal. and a couple of basketball hoops. 

We pull up in the driveway, suddenly I get nervous.

I take deep breathes as Bailey opens up the door.

I slid out to see a man about 6'5", light weight.

He was built though, brown hair slicked back, wearing a suit that looked like it cost just as much as the house.

I stopped in my tracks, realizing who it was.

This man was totally different from how I remember him. 

That man is my dad.


He runs toward me with his arms wide open.

He embraces me, hugging like he longed for the moment to come.

Out of respect I hug him back, but this hug was awkward.

"Roxy I am so sorry, when I went to jail and I heard about my love, your mother I knew I had to change to be better. I knew you were going to need someone."

I stood there with my mouth wide open in surprise.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is can I have a do over?"

Is This What You Call New Beginnings

 I stood there in shock. Not knowing what to do I shug him off of my shoulders.

My dad's eye brows forrow in confusion, "What's wrong, did I do something wrong."

Stepping closer to me I look into his dark blue marbles.

"Uh, uh, d-dad I hate people touching me."

"May I ask why sweety?"

"Maybe if you were there for me you would know, or even better it wouldn've never happened."

Anger grew inside me as I remembered what caused me to be the way I am now. I thought about the all the moments I spent crying for the man that once swore to protect me with his life and failed to do so. It angered me that this man I that I call my dad didn't know what his best friend did to me. It inferiated me that a promise was broken. Something that I take so seriously something so dear. Everything in me wanted to do to this man what I plan on doing to everyone that has hurt me but he is my father, I don't have to love him but I must respect him.


"Don't call me that, you have no right. You haven't earned my trust either, so stay away from me."

With that I ran back down the stretch of the driveway. I ran and ran until night met up with me. I ran until I came up to this small diner with only two people on the inside.

I walked in.

"Hey Hun what can  I get you."

"Yes ma'am could I use a phone?"

She hands me a phone and hands me a towel to wipe my sweat. I call me Alyssa my best friend. It rings several times and goes straight to voicemail. I decide to leave a voicemail.

"Alyssa it's me, Roxy I'm in Cali. I call you when I can but just know I'll be coming your way really soon."

With that I hung up and looked out the window I sat next to. The lady places a plate of food infront of me. 

"Baby I can tell by your demeanor, you've just got out of jail."

My body tensed, i tilt my head to the side trying to understand this woman that stands infront of me.

I just couldn't read her.

"Eat up baby, I'll come back when you are done."

I ate slowly savoring every bite. This is the best food I've eaten in almost 3 years. I finish my food and instead of waiting for the kind lady to come back I take my plate to the back. I wash all of the dishes sitting on the counter and cleared the tables. As I head back toward the kitchen, I hear the lady's voice very stern but slightly shaky. I peek through the cracked door to see her pinned to the wall by her neck. The form pinning her was a man about 6'2" very musclar. I stop to think of the possiblity of outcome. But my anger overrode me. 

I burst in the office and i slammed his head against the table, he bounced off ad swung at me. Blood slid down his face.with every swing I stepped back until I was against the wall. Right where I wanted him to be.

"STOP." The lady yells. I look over at her and blood trinkles down her fist.

The man swings and i moved just  in time. His fist goes straight through the wall. I punch him in both ribs, fast and hard, until I hear cracks.

He steps back and groan in pain. I jump up wrapping my legs around his head I fling him to the ground, leaving him unconsciencous. wheather he is dead or not I don't know, don't care.

I check the lady's hand.

She goes to check his pulse.

"His pulse is faint but you did not kill him. Leave now I'll handle the rest. Come back tomorrow and we will talk then."

I do as she says and head back toward the house I once ran from. I  get to the giant doors and knock. No one answers. I twist at the door knob and it opens. As soon as I walked in I hear a comotion from what seems to be the kitchen. I sneek to the corner of the wall and just listen,

"What are we to do about the old hag downstairs?"

"She's not deade yet?"

"No boss she's still kicking."

"Well she will learn not to mess with Banssani."

My Life's a lie

Banssani, that name sounded familiar. I don't know where it's from but I'm very sure I heard that name.

I hear footsteps coming in my direction. I look around frantically for somewhere to hide. My eyes spotted the front door that I maraculously lefted open. I dart for the door and closed it behind me. I turn around and knock on the door as if it was the first time I've came upon this door. I did three quick knocks and waited for someone to come and answer the door. No one came imediately, after 2 minutes a very short man opened the door he was like 5'2" and looked very angry.

"What do you want."

"Excuse me?"

"Did I studder? What. Do. You. Want?"

"No you didn't studder but do you want to?"

"Is that a threat?"

"No it's a promise, get out my way I live here now."

As I try to push my way through the door, I feel a cold metal pressed against my waist. I look down to see the man's gun aim straight into my stomach. I didn't back up this motion, I rather pushed forwards and disarmed the man. I took the gun and shot him in the foot.

"I'm his fucking daughter you dumb ass."

My dad comes running around the corner to see the man on the floor holding his foot. He was jaw dropped.

"What's going on here?"

I walk right passed him into the kitchen, to leave him to talk to the waste of life on the floor.

I went into the fridge to find a boat load of food and beverage. I grabbed 2 sodas and I sat on the counter.

My dad walks in just as I finish my first bottle of soda.

"So you shot him?"

"Yep." I say bluntly.


"He was a waste of my time, one. Two he wouldn't let me in even after I told him I lived here and when  tried to walk in he placed a gun at my waist. So I took it and  shot him with it."

Dad just stands there in awe. opening and closing his mouth, nothing coming, in a lost of words.

I chug the last bit of soda in the bottle then I jump off the counter.

As I head for the door I hear

"Wait a second."

I turn on my heels to face this man. I smirk with amusement at the fact he is completely clueless about me.

"Who was your trainor."

"You see 'dad' somethings about me, you will learn to know. Somethings you'll just die wondering."

I turned to walk out the door.

"Would you mind showing me where I'd be sleeping."

I hear footstep coming behind me, I continue to walk.

We walk up the stairs. He stops at the top. "That room all the way in the back is yours. All rooms other than yours, mine and my front office is off limits. Don't not enter them. I beg of you or the consequences will be very harsh even for me."

 I walk toward my room and I stop at my door.

"This room isn't girly girl is it?"

"Nope bailey told me you didn't like girly stuff when you guys were on the road, you'll like what you see."

I walked in and loved what I seen. I locked my door and fell on my bed.


Dad's POV



I rush down stairs after closes her door. Down to the basement whe the rest of men are waiting for me. 


"Yes sir?"

"I want you to find out everything Roxy has done in the past 6 to 7 years."

"Yes sir."

"Have that done in an hour."

 "Yes sir."

I walk to the room in the corner of the basement. I open it to see the old lady on a chain in the corner praying and crying. She hear the door close and and she rose to her feet. Tears flowed down her face, I see the fear in her eyes.

"God is fearious. He said, 'touch not my annointed' he coninue to hurt me. He told me to tell you, your wife isn't dead but you'll never see her again, and the young lady you have upstair has a secret and you won't know what it is until it's too late."

Anger grew in me I slapped the lady and I walked out.

Back in Business


Roxy POV

I wake up in my room. Somehow under the covers. I take my phone off of the nightstand next to me to check the time.

7:27 a.m.

I get up wanting to take a jog.

I head through the giant closet into the bathroom. I turn on the hot water in the shower and I go back into the room. I put a chair under the door knob and grab the only pair of jogging clothes out of the closet and lay them on the bed.

When I get the shower the water was steaming hot. I let water run down the scars on my chest and stomach. Touching each one, remembering what and who them there. Words don’t explain what I begin to feel.

I quickly get out the shower after cleaning myself and I go get dressed. I brushed my teeth then my hair. I pull my hair back but covering the scar on my temple.

When I walk back into the room I realise my belongings are in a loveseat in the corner. I grab my picture of my om brother and I and I tucked it into my bra.

I slowly open the door that exits my room and slowly head down the hall.

A man walks across the foot of the stairs so I duck behind a wall.

Inch down the hall stopped at the foot.

"Hey boss we just got word that Bernie was killed last night at the Veronica's diner. The bitch was knocked out when we got there so we know it wasn't her, but the person who did it was brutal. Both his lungs were punctured and there was bleeding in the brain. Oh yeah and all but 2 of his ribs were broken."

A low growl rumble through the house.

"Whoever did this will pay. Find whoever did this and bring them to me."

With that I walked all the way down stairs.

"Oh hey Roxy your up early."

I roll my eyes and turn to the man.

"I'm taking a run I'll be back in an hour and a half."

"No breakfast?"

"Nope," I ran out before this dreaded conversation could go on?

I ran toward the diner.

As I reached near a couple black Rolls Royce cars drove by slowly.

Immediately I realized that they were my father's men. I turned my back toward the road and act as if I am tying my shoe. After they drove by I stood up and began to jog to the diner.

When I got to the diner, I went around back to the kitchen door and enter through there.

As soon I stepped in the lady from last night grabbed my arm, I stiffened in alertness. She quickly let go realizing this discomfort.

I followed closely behind her, back to the office which looks as if a murder never happened in the room.

She closed the door and flipped a switch on the wall. You physically couldn't see what the switch did, but the my ears popped after a brief second.

"Okay I could leave this switch on for 5 minutes at a time. Any longer it'll burst your eardrums."

I nodded as I sat down in the chair that sat in front of the desk.

"Who are you and I want the truth."

"Tisland. Roxy Tisland."

"Who was your trainer?"


"Franky Sazario,"she asked with smirk on her face.

I tilt my head to the side studying this  woman from head to toe.

"Yes, why?" I sounded blunt and calm, but truth is my blood is boiling for the waste of time.

"Well first off that's my daughter and 2 that's isn't something she would think of."

I smile smugly, "well all she had to do was teach me the basics and the voices did the rest." I fall over laughing seeing the shock on this woman's face.

She flips the switch and my ears popped once again. I rub my ears and she flipped the switch back on.

"Now my turn for questions."

She sits back, although she is good at masking her emotion from and a dull brain person, she couldn't hold back anything from me.

"Your name is Veronica, I presume?"

She slightly gasped, if You weren't paying attention you'd miss it.

"Yes." She sat up straight.

"Okay next question."

"Why was Bernie here last night."

"How do you know his name?"

"I'm the one asking the questions."

"I-I'm Bruce Cunningham's Wife."

I froze hearing the name that rolled out this lady's mouth, I smirk filling everything in my brain.

"Veronica," the lady gasped realizing I knew she was.

"Mind telling who was Bernie's leader."

I narrow my stare into the lady's eyes who seem she couldn't stay still.

"Duke Banssani."

"Bruce's rival."

"None of Bruce's men call him by his first name."

I start laughing as if that was funniest joke in the world.

"I'm not just one of his men."

The lady now looked confused.

"Let me help so you don't blow you brain trying to figure this. Bruce took me in under his wing when I was 10. I had pretty much nothing. Thanks to him I alive now, so don't think of him as my leader, he's more like my brother."

The lady nodded. Looking at I decided that was enough of torment from her.

I smile big, "now relax I won't hurt my sister."

You can physically see her fear leave.

Looking down at my watch, I see I've been here to long.

"Do me a favor and tell Bruce we're back business and I'm close."

Before she could ask a question, I put my hand up stopping her.

"No questions, just tell him and I'll be in touch."

With that I ran out the office, out the diner and into the street.

I ran back to the house.

As I walk up to the door open I hear one voice I never wanted to hear, unless it was him begging for his life.

I opened the door to make eye contact with HIM.





Sorry guys Bookrix was being an aasshole and wouldn't let me upload for the longest. I'll update every other day, at least I'll try I have a somewhat busy life. This chapter was crappy i promise they will get better.


As soon as his eyes met mine. Rage boiled but that wasn’t the only emotion I felt. I felt a little fear, and past sadness, I felt like the cowardice little girl I once was. Slowly I began to inch closer to the man, that is until he spoke.

“Hey beautiful. Last time I seen you , you were what? 8?”

I froze mid step. All emotion except anger left my body at once. SLowly everything turned red. Blood red. I looked down at my hands and see blood, when I looked up all I seen was his body lying lifelessly on the ground. I stalked closer looking as calm as I did when I walked in.

“Hmm let’s see I went to jail when I was 15. I seen you… hmm, I just can’t remember.”

“Well why don’t you come give me a hug.”

Once again I froze, mostly shocked from what the dumbass just said.

“I’m sweaty and I rather not touch anyone until I shower.”

I started to walk until my father started to speak.

“That has never stopped you from hugging me in the past. Just hug him Roxy, I taught you better than that. And Rob I’ll go get you that glass of whiskey.”

He gave me a stern look. I shook my head.

He looks at look at Rob and walks out.

“Roxy Tisland, fancy seeing you here.”

“Oh come on Rob a cliche line from a movie.”

I shake my head.

“Pathetic like you always were. Even more so because you have to use my father as a shield.”

He chuckles.

“He’s just as delusional as your mother was even though she walk in on me in the act. So fucking stupid and you were the product.”

Anger grew in me.

I charged at him, dodging whatever he had thrown and landing a punch right in the Adam’s apple. He stumbles back gasping.

I walked toward the stairs, once I got to the foot of the stairs my father walked into the foyer.

“Hold it right there.”

I turn to see my raging father, but it wasn’t directed at me. I look down to see Rob holding a gun aim directly at me. I kicked my shoe at him knocking the gun out of his hand.

My father grabs him by the collar and threw him out the front door.

“Rob I fucking love you but it’s one thing to hurt her feelings but another to try to kill her. If I were you I’d leave before I do something that I would regret.”

My father slammed and I turned and went upstairs.

“Hold on just a second.” His angered voices shook the walls.

At the top of the stairs I stop and turn.

“What happened?”

I tilt my head to the side in amusement.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

I turned on my heels and went toward my room, disregarding his calls.

As soon as to my door a hand grabbed me and slammed me against the wall.

“I know you heard me talking to you.”

The impact knocked the wind out of me causing my vision to blur.

I swung the person busting him through the wall.

I step back letting my vision clear and my breathing return to normal.

“Not like you remember is huh, papa?”

With that I  entered my room and locked the door.

I yelled through the door, “it’s too damn early in the morning for this shit.”

I have to come  up with a way to leave this damned house.

I opened the window and look down.

The drop wasn’t that bad so I jumped out landing swiftly on my feet.

I walk toward the open garage to see 5 convertibles, 2 of which had the roof down. I covered my face with my blanket and hopped into the red Mustang convertible. I quickly hotwired it and sped down the driveway.

I head to downtown LA, remembering I had connections out that way.

I drove and drove, thinking what I should do.

Remembering the who owned the car I parked the car in some woods along the way making sure there was no incriminating fingerprints.

I jog the rest. When I got into the city limits and hauled a cab to a hotel near Bruce’s company building.

Walking into the hotel I immediately cut straight to the private elevator in the right wing.

Punching in the code, the elevator opened.


I rode the elevator to the top floor. After punching another code, the door slid open. There I came face to face with Mister Tall and Handsome. With a second to waste he grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

When we came up for air, I slapped him, hard. He didn’t move.

“Why the hell did you let me sit in the filthy place of a penitentiary? Why the hell didn’t you my ass?” I huffed out of his arms to look his in the face.

He was furious but his face softened after looking me in the eyes.

“When I found out it was too late.” He paused. Grabbing my hand and guiding me toward the living room. We sat on the suede sofa. “Reginald did it. He’s dead now but he set you up. You’re the best assassin out there and you’re never sloppy but that last assignment made sure you got in trouble for something.”

I looked him in the eye waiting to see a hint of a lie. But he was telling the truth.

“Oh.” Was all I said and I kissed him.

I missed his lips and his toned body. Pushing him back, he lay on his back as I sit on top of him. Urgently I take off his suit jacket and unbutton his shirt. Once they are cleared, I sit and stare at the magnificent beauty and I once was so used to. I kiss Down his abs slowly, sucking and nipping here and there. Moving back up i kiss his jaw and his ear. Soon his pants are off and he’s in nothing but boxer briefs. He flips us. He rips my clothes off, and throws them behind him.


He brings his mouth down to one of my hardened nipples and licked. I wince from the tingle that was sent down my core.

Pinching the other nipple, He begans sucking hard. A moan escapes my lips. He treats the other with just as much care.




Want to see the rest of this out ass scene please like this story.


Ray Part 2

I missed his lips and his toned body. Pushing him back, he lay on his back as I sit on top of him. Urgently I take off his suit jacket and unbutton his shirt. Once they are cleared, I sit and stare at the magnificent beauty and I once was so used to. I kiss Down his abs slowly, sucking and nipping here and there. Moving back up i kiss his jaw and his ear. Soon his pants are off and he’s in nothing but boxer briefs. He flips us. He rips my clothes off, and throws them behind him.


He brings his mouth down to one of my hardened nipples and licked. I wince from the tingle that was sent down my core.

Pinching the other nipple, He begans sucking hard. A moan escapes my lips. He treats the other with just as much care.


He rips off my lace panties and rubs his fingers against my sensitive bud. The moan that escaped my mouth sounds more of a scream. 

"Ray..." That name hasn't escaped my mouth in a long time. " I need you." As soon as the words escaped my mouth his boxer briefs were discarded and thrown behind him. He rubs the head of his cock at the enterance of vagina. Slowly he entered, we both let out a breath of relief. He pulled out and slammed back in. "Oh shit," I scream. My pussy slowly gets used to the size of his member again. Ray quickened his pace. Soon you heard was my moans and his grunts. We climaxed together. We lay there not saying a words for what seemed like an hour. Finally he speaks, "I'm so sorry Red." That nickname, I haven't heard it in years. 

When Ray and I first met I was on an assignment to kill his best friend's father. The father had ripped off Markus, he owed $3 million, but decided to spend it on sports cars and a mansion. Ray was the only one to ever be able to track my work. When he realized that I am a girl and that I am as young as I am, he decided to keep my secret.

"I'm so sorry Red." I heard those words and got up. I went into his room, into his closet, and got dressed with that I left his apartment and went down the hall.



I quickly left the hotel, not looking back. His words still rang in my head.

I'm sorry Red.

Damn him. His words were just the heat of the moment. He didn't mean them. You know many times I heard those words? No one who has ever said them meant it.


I stop and punch a pole, not feeling any pain but now the pole has a slight dint. I exhale, now realizing that I was holding my breath.

Went into the B, R & B building and went to the front desk. It was strange I know I’ve been gone for a long time but damn they got rid of Jessica. I hate to admit it but she was my only friend. She accepted me for the craved woman that I am.

I stop in front of the desk, the girl there was distracted by what was on the screen. I cleared my throat, “Excuse me…”

She cut me off, “Shhhh just a sec.”

I let 30 seconds pass.

“Excuse me…”

She put her hand up, “Just a minute damn it.”

I slam my hand on the counter.

“Fucking hell, I’m standing right here. You are going to acknowledge me damn it.”


The lady looks up with fear at first, then she looks me up and down, her look is replaced with a glare and a smirk.

“What do you want bitch?”

Anger started boiling deep in the pit of my stomach.

“Tell Bruce I’m here to see him.”

“What are you another one of his hoes?”

My patience was running very thin.

“Call. Bruce.” I say through gritted teeth.



“The fuck type of name is that?”

I clench my fist.

“Call. Him.”

She takes her time calling him, only adding fuel to the fire.

“Mr. Knight a lady by the name of Red is here to see you.”

She hung up the phone and glared at me.

“He said you can go on up slut.”

I laughed as I started to walk away. I turned back, straightening my face and looked at her.

“You’ll regret the day you were born for your behavior. I gave you multiple chances to straighten your fucking act. Just give me 10 minutes.”

“It’s funny bitch that you think you scared me, but you don’t. Sluts like you are only pretending to be brave, but in reality you’re just a scared little bitch.”

I nod my head and walked to the elevator. When to doors open I walked in and pushed the top floor. I look back the receptionist desk and the look on her face was as if she just won. I can’t wait to wipe it off her face.


When I got to the top floor and went straight down the hall. Bruce’s door was closed. I knocked.

“Come in.”

I walked in.

“Hey Bruce.”

Pure shock was spread across his face.

He stood up and walked over to me.


We hugged each other. Bruce was like an older brother to me.

After we stopped hugging we sat down and I told him everything that has happened in the past 3 years that he didn’t know about yet.


“Yeah I know.”

Bruce placed a hand on my shoulder.

“You still have your room at my house.”

“Yeah. I was just about to ask you.”

It was silent for a second. Not the awkward kind but the content kind.

Then the memory of the moment that happened just a few hours came to mind. I didn’t realize that I became tense or that I had an evil glint in my eyes or had a smirk covering my lips. It came to my knowledge when Bruce tapped my shoulder. I look over at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

“What? I asked

“I know that face. What happened?”

“Call that girl from the receptionist desk.”

Bruce hesitated.

“Hurry up.” I shouted

He jumped and fear slightly evident of his face. I stood up and went to his bookcase and removed 3 books. Typing in the pin but not pushing the enter button I put one book back but sideways covering the screen, the girl from the receptionist desk walk in. She paused when she saw the look on my face.

“Please sit down, Brittany.”

She sat down. And glare at me.

“Oh so I was called in here because that ugly ass slut right there?”

Bruce facepalmed and shook his head.

“So you just don’t learn huh?” I said in a growl.

“Do you really think that you scare me.”

“Brittany you are fired.” Bruce stepping away from the door. That’s when I realized that the door was locked.

I smiled. He nodded. Anger plastered on his face also.

“Come with me.” I say.

She looked at me, then scoffed. I smile then nod.

I grab her by the neck and carry her over to the bookshelf. She struggle while dangling. Quickly, I removed the book and pushed enter in to the pin. The bookshelf slide over revealing a soundproof room, filled with hidden torture toys and whatnots.

“Put me down bitch. Or I’ll… I’ll.”

“You’ll what beat me?” A deep wicked laugh came from the bottom of my throat.

I threw her into the room. As she landed on the floor Bruce walked in closing the door. Bruce placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

“Are you sure you want to go back to this lifestyle? Prison was your way out.”

“I’m sure. Why leave my family behind?”

Bruce slowly nodded and sat in a chair in the corner to watch.

I walked over to Miss ‘Brittany’ and yanked her head back with her hair. It’s time to have fun.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2018

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