

Words of Color is a collection of thoughts, memories and desires from my heart. It originated one day from a documentary I watched at a girlfriend’s party. It was speaking about the single life of christian women. Some of these women had desires of marriage and others were content or learned to be content with abstinence and singleness. It was at the three C’s, company, coffee, conversation afterward, that I realized that I wanted to enjoy my forties. I went home that night, almost two years ago and began to write. It began as a memoir, but then quickly turned into poetry. The first piece, “Love Me; Black Man,” came to be from a conversation with my best friend and a friend of hers in Atlanta. These writings are colors to stimulate emotions, ideas and thoughts. Some colors are of love and anger. Others are of politics, sex, world issues and just plain memories. Be Ignited…Then Create.


The Color of Relationships

Love Me; Black Man.

Maybe it’s just me, but why are you avoiding me?
Act as if I offend you, because I demand the best and respect from you.
Won't let you shortchange yourself or me, want this love to grow and be;
Everything we asked the Creator for, willing to give all of me and so much more.

Can't accept from you anything less, than your love, the truth and faithfulness.
Require for you to be a man, not willing to except excuse, but yes queen I can.
Refuse to allow you to feed me lies, or to spread your seed in more than my thighs.
Be willing to protect, honor and serve,
So my love can build you up and strengthen you Black Man as you so deserve.
Take care of me and the result of our passion;
Teach them to love and that monogamy is never old fashioned.

Show our seed what it means to grow and become a man; that his presence is missed in her head;
her arms, her soul, her spirit and her bed.
Understand Black man My independence is a blessing and a curse;
To be self reliant or without you, the latter is worse.

Watch you give my love to another tribe,
Cause you say that you and me just don't vibe.
So king you continue to avoid my intimacy;
Because in laziness you've found complacency.
So much easier to pretend you belong and love someone else.
When in your heart, you know no one else can relate; to the struggles of our people and the dynamics of our state.

So Black Man open your eyes, stop gazing past me,As if you don't know we are meant to be.
So show me love and refrain from discarding who I am, and come to me and lets share the righteous love of Black woman and black man.

For the Sake of Others

Your Kisses ignite my imagination,
Awakens my senses and levels of creativity, for you and me
Visions of love and its passions renewed, revealed,that were once subdued, concealed.

Your kisses ignite my imagination, awakens my senses,
The very heart of me,
branding images of love in my mind's eye,
Concepts and prerequisites to be followed to the letter, So that climaxes are mo' betta.
As we fulfill our plans of love.
Sweet taste of your lips makes me thirsty for more,
Unbridled desire allowing a spark to breathe.
Our fire consumes our issues, thoughts and distractions;
It warms the coldest parts of me, burns the very heart of me, until my fresh waters flow.

Break down the walls that would hinder ecstasy,
Enter the place of paradise and waterfalls and the fragrance of purity.
Your heart swells as we take our courses of action for this sweet
satisfaction, that is- forbidden.

We took the vow to remain,
Absent from the indulgence of empty pleasure.
We refrain, from the physical game, one wins.
Said we'd remain free, through platonic relation, willingly.
But how, when now your foreplay calls to me,
your heart reaches for me, longing for my touch.

We collectively conspire,
To quench this fire that burns naturally,
Desires hidden, forbidden yet anxiously awaiting their chance to escape
Intended to be friends, you laugh I smile
Knowing all the while your eyes ask permission to enter my soul,
To savor my sweet nectar that is refreshing to your lips,
Quenching our thirst and more.

What was physical is now ultimately spiritual, intermingled, fused as one.
The right thing to do is to end; and deny ourselves, since we belong to others.
So we appeal to our sensibility, ignoring what we really need, for the sake of others,
So we appeal to our sensibility, ignoring what we really need, for the sake of others.


Chocolate Dream so sweet and creamy;
Melts at my touch, decadent to my lips,
Satisfying mouthfuls of bliss.

Melted down you cover the treats in my imagination,
Making all of my favorite things,
A little more.
I put you on my cakes and fruit,
Yeah, you know how to suit,
Those weak for your varieties of flavor, my chocolate dream.

At the touch of my lips, my taste buds come alive
With the anticipation of the spell you cast upon my mind,
Until without notice I'm addicted;
Bittersweet and conflicted,
Because you're not good to me;
Mmmm, surely not good for me.
You cause so much harm with your ever seducing charm
But I just can't stay away.
I'm weak for the perfect symmetry,
Of our undeniable chemistry, my chocolate dream.

You entice me with your cocoa flavor,
Dark, firm and silky, the taste of you gratifying and milky
While on my tongue I savor,
Your sweet, enchanting purity.
Strong and yet smooth, yes I'm always in the mood for-

Chocolate, you send waves of pleasure truly beyond measure
to my construction and frame.
You cover me with warm drizzles; the flame from you never fizzles,
On a mission to forever satisfy.
Though hard for me to admit, the time has come
I must commit, from this unhealthy relationship to refrain,
And though apart Chocolate we are, you're never away too far
Cause my favorite treat you will always remain.

The Emptiness

Lust in your eyes
Kisses of your lips,
Your hands on my body
Can’t imagine what’s next.
Mind is racing, anatomy anticipating
The arrival of your

Sweetness of your attentive Caress
As your eyes and fingers began to undress;
My thoughts in the thick atmosphere
Burning from the absence of spoken words.
Sounds of passion, uninhibited reaction
My emotions in your

Night into day moments and hours
Unwarily seep away,
As ecstasy hungrily has her fill.
Sunlight exchanged
With the streetlights, rays
On the window’s pane,
As my heart sinks at the undeniable truth;
Though now we are satisfied
Our lust to us has lied,
For the emptiness within remains yet


I'm here waiting for you
Waiting to see your smile,
To feel your touch,
Taste your kiss.

I'm here, waiting for you to speak
Words of love and assurance in my ear;
Waiting for the moment when you will arrive,
And compel me;
To come away with you,
Stay-forever with you;
Together-in love with you.
Time inconsiderately passing
As I reminisce
about the last time
I gazed at us in the spirit;
Your song of adoration in my sleep
My love, I hear it;
As into my soul we merge as one.
Eyes gazing into the place
where you and I are unbound without limitation;
Loving equally, giving without hesitation,
To this will of God, plan of perfection.
But at last I'm here resting
In the life and arms of the best thing;
That for me was at the beginning created.
So at peace I will forever be
Because now my love you have come to me,
Kept by His hand in purity;
We waited.

Can You….

Can you nurture, cover, love me, unconditionally?
Cause me to grow, when there is no sun
No water or even earth?
Can you cover me?
Shelter me from the elements of this life,
Filled with sorrow, pain, misery and joy?

Loving in spite of what you expect or even if I neglect,
To give you what you need
Yes baby I am flawed and so are we all,
But can you handle it?
My nakedness, awkwardness in your beautiful presence.

Can you disrobe me from my shame?
And cover me with your name,
Hiding me in your love forever?
Deceiving me never but in truth nurturing my soul.
Or will you become complacent in your daily watering,
Toiling with my soil.
Leaving me to be devoured by the weeds in this garden

Tell me love how do you react to the visible cracks
As we stand exposed to one another eyes
With nothing to hide, is it beauty or weakness you see
In the scars on my heart mind and soul
Or is my price too high
So you pass this flower by,
Even though I'm one of a kind.
Only to hear that someone else
Saw my value.

The Question of Love

Can you show me where love is?
Can you demonstrate its sweetness
Kindness in a place where no evidence points to its existence?
Can you show me where my nakedness becomes
the beauty of my humanity and not my shame?
Can you show me where passion and fantasy
becomes satisfying, gratifying reality by the sound of your voice,
or by the taste of your lips or the mention of your name.
Can you show me where the start of me, the heart of me
becomes your air;
as we journey into the depths of my catacombs to find, oneness.
With the assurance of never being alone-again.
Can you instruct and reconstruct my weaknesses into strengths
by the covering of your acceptance of me-Totally.
Can you take my flaws and with your love cause them to defy the laws,
to transform them to traits that employs not destroy the love we have?
Show me the place where my fear of self and vulnerability cease
To hinder me from loving unconditionally,
Even when you disappoint me;
And... You will.
But despite these things,
the task stands and the question still remain;
Can you show me where love is?

And love replied.........

Love's in your face.
In mornings light the ray of love shines through
Laying on your check holding your cinnamon silhouette
in quite repose as you lay next to me.
Love's in your face.
As I watch in wonder while you sleep I take in your scent the sweet fragrance of your body,
The soft suppleness of your silky mocha skin
Glistening in the shimmering light.
The lines that God drew on heavens canvas;
A masterpiece of impressionist artwork only the master artist could capture.
And still love is in your face.
I'm right there beside you as you dream,
I watch your every crevasse and curve through eyes of childlike wonderment.

How can such a creature be so uniquely blessed
That words fail to express the shear magnificence of you?
Yes, love is in your face.

I answered him saying....

I am here, kissing you softly in your dreams
inhaling the air and words of your space
as you hold me the cold winds cease and I
bask in your loves embrace.
Yes love is here with you and with me as our passion
creates our destiny;
Be assured and know that this love will grow
From this moment til eternity.
So love I welcome you and all that you do
to nurture my heart and soul;
For your power has opened my eyes to see
that you have always been right in front of me
Filling my heart with desire; my being feels your fire
And alone again, we will never be.

And Love Replied again to say....


As long as I can see and feel your beauty
that beckons me continuously
Yes, love is here within your eyes
the essence and mirrors of your soul chocolate sweet, honey deep and pure
reeling me in where harmony and pain abide
sharing the genuineness... the realness within
though from others you set aside, even hide
Yes love is in your eyes
the pools from which joy and sadness both flow
that captivate with a warm embrace
draw me in, take me over until within me there is no empty space
your captivating glance pauses and compels my heart to dance
willingly you selected me, gave me a chance
where others were dismissed
you showered me with sincere love and tenderness
Forever I will stay until my dying day in the loving gaze
within your eyes.

There are times in our lives when in relationship with God or anyone, it feels as if the one you love does not realize that you are there. It seems that the silence and distance is deafening, when sometimes its nurturing. These words were penned at one of those times.

I’m Here

I'm here
thinking, waiting to see your glory.
Searching for the peace I know is under your wings
in your presence.
Your people don't see
that you really are concerned.
They don't understand your command to love your neighbor as self.
Maybe it’s because
they believe their brother is the one
who make them succumb to the temptations of this life.

How can they not know
it’s to you we go
for direction, affection and edification?
They cast me aside, when my flesh arise,
with no whisper of prayer on my behalf.
Why can't they see
that my intentions are to have
and to be
what you ordained for me..

So help me to choose
the paths and the rules;
That lead me to the throne of grace.
So I ask humbly for You to keep
my feet forever before thee,
until you bless me to
behold your beauty and your face.

The Gift

Only you can stimulate mind, body and soul.
Annihilating previous Falsities,
using Truth, respect, fidelity,
the forgotten tools of treasured simplicities,
Strengthening only that which is real.
The woman within manifests;
Exemplifying excellence, simply her best,
Emerging as beautifully flawed, Human and whole.
Sexy, captivating and mysterious,
your smile makes me curious,
Curious enough to enquire, about this fire
that burns in the midst of us two;
Consistently heightened every time that you,
gaze into my eyes;
My life cannot hide the way I feel.

Destiny has sculpted us together on every level
a unit she has decreed for us to be;
Loving unconditionally, and free.
The definition of ecstasy,
I mean, the chemistry, of you and me,
as we drink the waters of this thing.
No thing can describe the emotion inside;
understanding that... this... is... no... S-e-x-u-a-l fling.

You teach me, reach me, open the doors of my mind;
I am unashamed.
You bring the flava for me to sava,
the essence that is ultimately... you.
Now wearing your spirit, unspoken word of love
my heartbeat can hear it, damn near stops
when you are around.
Stay, forever, growing in this gift.


Dig in me a well,
With your loving hand
Transform my nature; change my name.
Extract the world’s impurities
That in my frailty,
Continually hinder me
Until Rivers of life flow from my spirit
Filling the ears of those who will hear it
Reviving hearts of the weary,
Healing the broken, freeing the captive,
Sight to the blind, regained.

Plant in me your seeds of righteousness,
Perfect in me fruits from above
That I may give them
Your mercy,
Show forth Your Holiness,
And manifest your power
Rooted in your immutable love.

Resurrected Treasure

What is happening to me,
Creativity has erupted, and life’s now disrupted
taking me through emotional strain.
Thoughts and words clever as a fox,
out of norm, completely out of the box,
falling from my lips,
Like the summer’s refreshing rain.

What have you done to me
totally unexpected?
The gift I subconsciously rejected, because
life has attempted to silence it since its birth.
But you've awaken, what others have price tagged, and taken, for granted revealing its beauty and priceless worth.

Yes only Your eyes could see, what was dead in me,
would be the bread that sustains my soul;
So Thank you all knowing Creator,
for the revelation of something greater,
A voice in the atmosphere that will never cease.

The Request

Respect me, protect me, pursue me, and consume me,
Touch me, love me, and Sex me,
Drink my wine, savor me sweetly
Let me be your fill,
You be mine,
With your life, lead me, with your name, cover me
Be open,
Like a window on a hot day,
The breeze that’s you and me;
I’ll be your wind,
Take flight with me
This journey this life with me,
Stretch your arms…fly.
I won’t drop you
Hinder or stop you.
Soar as high as you need to.
Until it’s hard to breathe,
Then…. Breathe
Out then in,
Baby I’m your wind,
Your air,

The Sin of Loving You

This is the sin of loving you
Sweetness of your lips
Conversations that stimulated my mind and spirit
I was captured.
A bird in a snare
My feathers you stroked
Studying their diverse construction
Your intentions manifested
In your actions,
You began to pluck them
One by one.

I feel the warmth of the sun’s love
Flowing through the window pane
Daily cleansing my breast of the residue of
Shallow love and thoughts of you
I am locked away in the
Cage of this love,
The cell of this destructive drug.
Framed picture of deception
Shades of grey, and brown
I hate the colors that were painted
By the brushstrokes of imitation, love
Sensual and shallow
Vacant and hollow, not hallowed
Or holy,
Whichever you choose
In the end, I didn’t lose,
Just gained,
My love for self and loss of shame
Because loving you took me too low,
In a spiral that you didn’t care to know
Or did you?
Cause loving me would forbid you
To think only of yourself,
The experience I strangely cherish
To never be forgotten,
Written, Tales of a woman’s lifetime past
Every word sensual and satisfying as the last
Soothing to the soul,
But never to be relived again,
For it was undeniable, flesh satisfiable,
The loving of you….is Sin.


not many of us understand
the Master's plan when it comes
to the definition of a friend
See to those of us who exist on earth
it's used as a casual word
tossed around like debris on ground
But in reality it's not like that

See I've come to find that sometimes
we shed friends like we shed our clothes
sometimes with the seasons in a plan
that only God knows exactly why
I mean you can be closer than skin
you and your friend and then
one day things just change

Like maybe the first time that your time
became equally valuable as the laughter you shared
but then as a result; no one wants to talk anymore
Now things are silent

You and your friend go way back
like bucket seats in a Cadillac
back tighter than skin
you and your friend
then, nothing.
Its funny though
because we must grow
to understand that seasons change

It has taken some years
but God's plan is becoming more clear
That we are students
Learning the nature of the human heart
Desperately wicked you see
preserving its own anatomy
Is its hard core agenda
the Reins thereof
We have no knowledge of,
Save the One who created it
Daily he grades it
Rewarding openly with what He Finds
Whether easy or light
what you give is what you get
It is definitely right
assist man kind into the realm of kind man
Making human relation a blessing
Herein was my friendship lesson....


I wish I knew: A poem inspired by the music of Jazz great John Coltrane.

I wish I knew, just how you
Make me dance it seems every chance
You play your song for me
Its melody’s so sweet.
From the kiss of your lips, the taste sweet as sin
I take it in; it stirs my soul
More than harmony or a simple arrangement of mere notes
But our symphonic concerto
The voice of your instrument’s passion and love flow
Blending together perfectly
This song that’s you and me
Only for us to dance to, the whole night through
Slowly and sweetly the piano’s rhythm inside me you play
In time harmoniously
Till the light of the morning sun
Warms our skin, yet once again
The music in your arms
Its melody’s so sweet,
More than movements of sound, more than just beats
Our rhythm and vibe will continue to satisfy
Our hunger for artistic expression
I wish I knew just how you make me dance
Every chance you play your song for me
Its melody’s so sweet.
I wish I knew; I wish I knew.

The Color of Self Image

Can You Show Me Who I Am?

Can you show me who I am
All this time I believed something other than the truth
Ever since my youth
I knew you had a plan for me, but I could never see,
Further than my front door
Inside I knew there was more.
More than just existence, but life
But I separated it from your life inside

Please forgive me for my ignorance in this gift
Now that its full circle,
Teach me how to handle it.
Not to control censor or water it down
But to allow its explosions to build and tear down
Destroying the barrier that hinder divine flow
So it has her free course to pour into lives
And continue to grow
Not seeking fame or man’s tainted popularity
But sowing her seed in others to-be.


Motivated captivated, uninhibited and free.
Intelligent, witted and sharp,
Capable of divine creativity.
Multiplicity of dimension, not to mention,
Sexual, naturally fine, Luscious
Authentically genuine.

Passionate and confident,
Safety when you stumble
Nurturing, able to birth anything
Unwavering, assured, yet ultimately.....Humble.
Emotional and independent,
Strong, but willingly....
Funny, exuberant, quiet, serene
Openly expressive,
Understanding, though sometimes demanding
Loving, my man unconditionally.
Insecure at times, courageous risks we'll take,
Enduring all we can,
Only for the right man,
Committed and monogamous,
For love's sake.

Kind, contemplative, mature,
Righteously honest, intuitive and.......pure.
Wondrously created, uniquely curvaceous
Beauteously draped in humanity,
Simply Delicate, Timeless and Elegant
Deliciously feminine...
Woman…for sure.

My Hand

When my hand picks up the pen
Lyrical words and prose begin
It sings of things past and things to come
It starts with a preposition, noun or even a verb
Then come the rhythm together with hand’s words
Words like notes from Coltrane’s horn
One after another, syllables flow until a song is born
I can hear the sound of its melody in my dreams
At my awakening my hand is geeked.
On ten and anxious
Got a mind of its own
Unrestrained artistic movements
That goes on and on and on
It calls to my brain ”Feed me more words”
“Feed me more rhymes”
Hand with its pen responds
All day sometimes
Damn hand! You kind of out of control!
But the more hand writes, the more she soothes the soul
Hand knows just what she’s doing
When she picks a pen
Cause no matter what, she will create
Whatever the inspiration is,
Whether its love, politics or the gulliest of sex,
When hand picks up her pen,
Who knows what’s next.
So hand has been given an eternal mandate
Write Delicious words to bring ecstasy to your ears,
For years and years, and years and years.

My Waters Run Deep

My waters run deep, don’t be deceived by my Gucci or Prada
my waters run deep, deeper than any ocean
more than hype spoken out of vanity.
My waters run deep, into the soul, beneath the earth surface
dig for it to spring forth,
feel its moisture upon your hand’s fingertips
Dig deeper still, it flows freely beneath me
naked eyes are blind to its source,
though they occasionally gaze at my waters tributaries.
In the heat of the day, you make your way to my bank
afraid to swim; you stroke my surface with your hand.
I soothe you as I flow through your open fingers.
Your throat is dry from speaking too much
but saying nothing, Valuable words of truth
Have once again fallen on deaf ears
your scoop a portion of me into your palms
your spirit is revived as you take a drink.
Ahhh, the sound of ecstasy as you are satisfied
savoring my essence, I make my way into your belly
replenishing what the day stole from you.
The urge to completely submerge yourself overtakes you
but...fear of drowning hinders you
sadly enough though, you seem not to know
in my waters you float, until you can swim on your own.

Color of Emotions and Conscience


Laughter rings throughout the streets of Joytown
Even though the rain’s been falling for three days now.
The people here seem unaffected by its drenching quality
They continue to smile and love anyhow.
You can see the sun peeking from behind a cloud,
As if he is giving his approval of their joy
The children dance merrily in this rain outside my window’s pane
Splashing in the puddles, giggling with no cares, with no troubles
I watch them until my lips curl into a smile,
All the while,
The rain continues to flow.
Strangely enough though
It hasn’t rained in Joytown,
No, not for three days now.


America your history has been altered,
In the coming days, will you stumble?
Will change falter?
Will you continue forward to truly be free?
Or will you digress to your former mentality?
The praise of your progress has gone before you in every land
Because you matured enough to judge not by color
But by the character of a man.
Now America that you are full grown,
And the wounds of your youth begin to heal,
What will be the case if promises are not fulfilled?
Will you still cheer and adore,
Or when the mistakes of being human are made,
Will the words “crucify him” be employed?
So America, now that the audacity of hope has ignited the flame
Will we maintain this momentum?
So that the mistakes of our past will never be relived again.
All that is left now is to pray and see,
If in America all men are truly created equally.


As the sun rises, it casts its glory upon her exquisite anatomy
While during the night death stole one more.
It seems he steals more often these days
With no mercy, in silence,
His coldness courses through her veins
Absorbing the brilliant colors of life until….

Creation carries on as if it has been unaffected
Even though she cries with for the ones whom death accepted.
His greediness as insatiable as it is;
Has great value.
Perpetuating his cycle of life
He is the cleansing to humanity
No matter how merciless at times.
The colors of the world watch in awe and pity at the sight of death as he sits by her hut;
Waiting for her to succumb to his seduction
Trying her best to maintain normality
She carries on with the work of the day;
Washing her linens, caring for her young
Hugging them tighter than before,
She knows her day may be soon.

Her knuckles are white as she clutches mortality
Not willing to let it go.
Its colors are too vibrant, too magnificent to exchange for darkness
Too magnificent to exchange for darkness.
The world watches,
With their cameras and satellites;
As she majestically goes about the business of dying,
It watches.
As her limbs become weak and eyes grow dim,
It watches.
Along with the lion in the bush and the elephant on the plain
It watches.

She cries to the world as they gaze at her
She’s had so many problems, yes,
Since the time of her youth.
Then were her breasts were full of nectar
Her thighs fertile and supple,
But the greed of humanity raped her, left her, to die in her shame.

The shame it forced upon her
In her ignorance she accepted its offer.
She wanted so much to be loved.
Her kaleidoscope of colors intimidates the others.
Parading her reds, hues of indigo and deep bronzes
Beauty…yet still.
Yes even in death her beauty remains
As the sun rises it casts its glory upon her exquisite anatomy
The world watches, it watches.

Not for Sale

Reparations let me tell you what I think about
Hush money used to repair the damage to a people
Using capital in an attempt to unlock the shackles
Used to hold captive my liberty and justice.
Sounds good, but its just it’s just too late and long overdue
Hypocrite is what I call you!
To get rid of your guilt and fears
You want to erase 390 years;
Of pain, discrimination and tears.

You think a few dollars is a solution
To your ongoing pollution;
Spread through your limited concepts
Hidden agendas, double standard laws and precepts;
To distract me from obtaining my dream.
Please help me to understand,
Why the sudden action for your plan
When the previous eagle could give a damn
About the care of color or the state of any other
Than, himself.

It seems rather droll to me
How this reparations interest now came to be
When before it was smothered, and placed in a hush file
It wasn’t until the color of your sacred house changed
That you want to repair and rearrange
The view of the contribution of the slave.

But it’s so sad to me
In your eyes that we
Have become so superficially motivated
That we can be easily bought or sold.
But Black son open your eyes
Don’t be taken by the lie
That without these funds, the preservation
And recognition of your parents will fail,
Let “massa” know you can’t repair history with dough; Not for sale, not for sale.

American Dream

I observe the world
And its humanity
Hustling, scurrying about on a busy city street.
Anguish carving a portrait about their faces
Until it is obvious;
They’re wondering about the next dollar
The next deal, next lady;
The next meal.
Running so fast, yet standing still;
Making little or no progress at all.
Repeating the daily insanities
And calling it living.
Taking their daily dose of misery and stress
To maintain this “American Dream”
Or is it really a nightmare.
We are indebted to our own lusts
That is so graciously loaning us the energy
Yet withholding its hand
To its plan to destroy our souls.
American dream, how can I dream?
When my eyes find no sleep?
And my soul no rest.
Dreams…with no rest.

I Am…Invisible

I bless you, but you find the words to curse me,
in spite of
I give my everything, with no conditions, prerequisites or strings
I bear your weights, worries upon my heart and my shoulders
My body is bowed, back aches when, I, stand
But still...I receive nothing

In the morning,
my eyes and heart anticipate your rising;
to smell your fragrance in my air,
Its what I wait for.
But when your feet hit the floor
they continue about until they carry you out
the door...not even a hello

I Am, become invisible
to touch, to feel , to love
I Am, invisible
Incapable by nature to be seen…Invisible
I Am, as the air you breathe
Invisible, Invisible.

Letter to my child

I heard you cry last night
I rushed to tend to you, and
Realized you weren’t there.
Your memory has conditioned my heart to give
I long to smell your neck
Or stroke the curls of you hair with my fingers
To kiss your cheeks,
Feel your chubby hand upon my face.

I’ve wondered how your lips would have been
Whether your eyes were brown like mine
Or otherwise
If you looked like me or others within
Our family tree
I’ve wished for years you were here now
Even though news of you frightened me
But your presence in my life
Has enlightened me,
To never repeat my greatest mistake.
I allowed my ability to choose
Make me ultimately lose
The greatest gift given to me.

My womb cries for you
Her punishment too great for her to bear.
Her emptiness torments her as years and relationships go by
And still…no you.
Truly you are one of a kind; the Creator destroyed your mold.
See, none has come after you.

You came at a time when pro choice
Was my voice, because being someone’s mom
Just wasn’t important enough.
My goals and career were in the forefront,
And your father, well he was just like me; selfish.
But this blame is mine
To regain the time, in all things
I would reach for you.
With my strength and life, reach for you
You are important and the only true love I lost.
Please, forgive me.

Ghetto Child

Ghetto child, peeking out of the second floor window
wondering how far you will go
in a place where nothing is alive
Ghetto child, men, women in a child's frame
face in a crowd, nameless
just identified by images on a screen.

Peace comes in the midst of chaos,
bringing with it sleep with a passing breeze,
between sirens and gunshots.
And though there is no logical possibility for growth
you find a way to flourish
The seeds of your future are uprooted
they have no intentions of replanting them.
Their stories of you are slanted,
to show degradation rather than true victory
Victory you managed in your own strength

Ghetto child, though dreams sometimes go up in smoke
you arise from the ashes
stronger than before.
you ask no one for help, save Jesus
whom your grandma sings about
Somehow her songs have taken root
and you believe.

The world comes to your 'hood
saying they gonna help you to succeed
But never asking what it is you need
to be great on your own
They're so blinded by bureaucratic guilt
they fail to see the masterpieces on the sides of the buildings.

Ghetto child, men, women in a child's frame
images on a screen, faces in a crowd;


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2010

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