
bliss of blues

*Beep* Beep* Beep*

I leaned over and hit the 'off' button on my alarm clock and laid back down to get a much needed 5 more minutes of sleep. Just as my eyelids began to close and drift me back into slumber... My bedroom door slammed into the adjacent wall as it was thrown open, and the lights flicked on, causing me to grab tight to the covers and pull them over my head. I knew this could only mean one thing... Rachel. I held the covers for dear life and braced myself for impact. Rachel jumped onto my bed, and began to bounce up and down on her knees...

"Wakey Wakey Em! You don't want to be late for the first day, do you?"

I groaned... "Oh come on, 5 more minutes...pleaseee?"

"Coffee is ready, and the bathroom is all yours!"

I lowered the covers and squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I rolled my eyes, "You know I hate you, right?"

"You love me." She winked and hopped off the bed. Rachel was already dressed for the day in her favorite pair of distressed blue jeans, and a graphic t-shirt with 'AC/DC' written on the front in bold lettering. Rachel and I had been friends since the awkward middle school years, a time when we both needed someone. Now, 11 years later we are roommates in college, attending Harvard university. Rachel is majoring in romantic literature with a minor in french, while I am studying pre-law.

After I took a shower I wrapped a towel around me and went back into my room to decide on what to wear. Rachel knocked on the door, but came in without waiting for me to answer. She clutched in her hand a large mug filled to the brim with french vanilla coffee.

I slipped into a pair of dark wash jeans, a light blue blouse and my favorite pair of nude-colored flats. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was very average. Average height, average chest, average body shape, everything about me was... just average. I sighed.

"Oh stop. You look great, Em!"

"Whatever. Like always this is as good as it's gonna get!" I forced a smile and laughed out of the corners of my mouth.

"Don't forget, Dean is back in town, so don't wait up tonight!" Dean is Rachel's long-time boyfriend. He graduated from Dartmouth last fall and works as a financial investor in New York City.

"That's right! How long is he staying?"

"He has 3 days off work, so he is here until Wednesday evening".

"That's great, Rach, I'm glad you two get some time together again!" I looked down at my watch, 7:40 am. "Shoot, I have to run! That stupid 'Art enrichment' class they are making me take starts at 8:00".

"Try to enjoy it! I think this will be really good for you. A chance to be creative and let loose!"

I laughed. 'Letting loose' is not something I'm good at. I am a very logical, type-A person. I love things to be black-and-white, no in between. But maybe Rachel was right, this class would definitely get me out of my comfort zone... who knows, maybe it really would be good thing.

I grabbed my backpack, filled my travel mug with coffee and said goodbye to Rachel. This was it, the first day of my senior year.

I loved this campus, especially this time of year. I walked to the southend of campus, where the performing arts buildings were located. I walked up the concrete steps of Stone Hall, pushed open the doors and made my way to room 214. Before entering the classroom I stared at the heavy wooden door as if I was waiting for it to say something.

A husky voice snapped me out of my trance, "Are you going in?"

I looked up and there standing to my right was a tall man with piercing blue eyes smirking at me.

"Your first time?" When he spoke I felt shivers go down my spine.

"Excuse me?" I was stammering like an idiot, and was so flustered I dropped my phone out of my hand, and it hit the tile floor. I turned beat red. "Here ya go," he said with a coy smile. I took the phone, but for a split second my hand touched his. I don't know if he felt it, but his touch sent a sudden shock throughout my entire body. I took a deep breath and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He chuckled, "First art class? You look a little nervous".

Oh... first art class... my mind was thinking about other things.

"Is it that obvious?" I replied.

He raised his shoulders, "A little".

"I've been putting this class off for 3 years now, but it's a requirement, and this is my last chance".

"Well It's now or never, after you". He reached out with his right hand and opened the door.

I took a deep breath, "Thank you". I walked into the classroom, and noticed the desks were set up in a circle, all facing the center of the room. I took a seat and waited for class to start.

"Hello everyone! I am professor Greene and I will be your instructor for this figure drawing course".

I looked all around the room for the mystery man I encountered moments ago, but I didn't see him anywhere.

"Today we will be learning the basics of lines. Today's assignment will be to sketch the model's outline by the end of the 3 hours. I will be walking around to observe, but I want to see how you take on this first challenge".

"Great," I said under my breath. This day just keeps getting worse.

"Parker, we are ready for you now! called Professor Greene.

There he was, the mystery boy from the hall. He was wearing nothing but a white towel... leaving very little to the imagination. I caught myself staring at his muscular arms, those biceps were perfectly sculpted. My wide eyes continued to follow the contours of his muscular arms all the way to his torso. Holy moly. His chest was completely shaved and his abs were very toned. I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes in disbelief. When I opened my eyes I was staring straight into Parker's deep blue eyes. It took me a second to realize that those eyes were also looking right at me. He walked to the center of the room and gave me a wink.

I gasped. This was the second time today my face flushed a bright red, and I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.

Parker smiled as he stepped up onto the square platform. He looked at me with a devilish grin as he simultaneously dropped the towel from around his waist.

Good. God. He was breathtaking. I had never seen a naked man before and wow... he set the bar pretty high. I noticed a very light patch of hair trailing from his belly button, so I began to follow it with my eyes. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped ever so slightly at the sight of his semi erect penis. I couldn't help but to think how beautiful he was. I suddenly felt like the whole classroom was aware of my staring at him, so I quickly diverted my eyes to the front of the room where professor Greene was standing. Luckily I was wrong, the last thing the class was paying attention to was me. I sighed relief.

Professor Greene walked toward Parker, "Okay everyone, materials are located around the room, please ask if you can't find something". My gaze naturally followed professor Greene as she spoke. When she was done speaking I couldn't help but notice Parker was looking right at me. My eyes briefly met his. His look sent a chill throughout my entire body.

I tried to stay focused on my assignment, but it was really hard when every time I looked at him my heart skipped a beat. He had a strange effect on me, one I didn't even understand myself. Professor Greene walked my direction and stopped directly behind my desk.

"Your lines are too dark dear, try to relax and use lighter strokes". She placed her hand over mine and mimicked the slow, smooth movement she was talking about. She nodded and walked over to the next classmate.

The next 2 hours seemed to drag on forever. Finally the clock read 11:00, and professor Greene dismissed us. I turned in my drawing, and gathered my things. On my way out of the classroom I looked back, but to my disappointment didn't see Parker.

The rest of the day went by very normally, and seemingly uneventful. I attended the rest of my classes: American legal history, sociology of law, and political ethics before heading back to my off-campus apartment. Rachel and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment on Arcadia Parkway, which is only a 10 minute walk from campus.

I barely got inside the door when I heard Rachel's voice call out to me from her bedroom. "Hey Em, come here!"

I kicked off my shoes and set my backpack down in the living area. I made my way to Rachel's room, "Whats up? I thought you wouldn't be back tonight?"

"Don't hate me, ok?"

"What did you do this time?" I said sarcastically as I plopped down on her bed.

"So you've heard me talk about Dean's friend, Paul, right?"

"A few times, yes... why?" I had a feeling I knew where this was going... it wouldn't be the first time I had to tag along on one of Rachel and Dean's dates.

"Well... I kinda told Dean you'd come out with us tonight, so Paul has a date..."

I rolled my eyes and stared at Rachel who was giving me puppy dog eyes complete with the pouty bottom lip.

"That's not fair, Rach! You know I can't resist the puppy dog eyes!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

"You owe me!" I gave Rachel one last 'you're dead' looks and went to my room to get ready.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail, and slipped into one of my favorite sundresses, and completed the ensemble with white wedges and a quick makeup touch-up.

Naturally Rachel looked amazing. She was wearing a form-fitting little black dress and red pumps. To top it off her hair was perfectly curled... she radiated sexiness. I glanced back at myself in the mirror and was suddenly very self conscious of my appearance. I wanted so badly to have guys look at me and lust after me the way they did Rachel...

*Knock* Knock* Knock*

Rachel opened the door and greeted Dean with a soft, but hurried, kiss on the lips while standing on her tiptoes.

Dean grabbed Rachel's hand and nodded towards me, "Hey Em! Thanks for coming out with us tonight! You are really saving me!"

"It's not a problem!" I said as I turned to lock our apartment door behind us.

"We are meeting Paul at the restaurant, I told him to get us a table," said Dean.

I hopped into the back seat of Dean's car and he drove us to the restaurant.

We got to the restaurant and made our way to a table at the back, where Paul was waiting for us. Paul was dressed in a nice button-up shirt with khaki shorts and brown loafers. Paul was a good-looking guy. He was tall, probably about 5'11 (a little shorter than Dean), athletic-build, and great hair, and perfect smile. I walked to the side of the table Paul was on and took my seat on his right.

Dean Looked me up and down, "I'm Paul, you must be Emily".

I reached my hand out to shake his, "Nice to finally meet you Paul!"

The next several hours consisted of listening to Paul talk about...Paul. What he was studying, why his major was better than mine, how many girls he's slept with, and on and on...

To top it off, Paul had "forgotten" his wallet at home, so I had to pay for his meal as well. Just as I was about to say goodbye to Paul, Rachel said, "Let's go to that new nightclub downtown!! It'll be fun!"

My eyes got wide, pleading Rachel to take it back!

"Hell yeah!" hollered Paul and Dean together.

Paul put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, "This night is just getting started!"

"Great..." I said under my breath. But I put on a smile and followed Rachel and Dean out of the restaurant. They owed me BIG time.

"I'll drive my car to the club, but we can leave it there and Uber back later," Dean said as we jumped in the backseat of the jeep.

When we got to the club paul leaned over to me and asked if I could get him a beer and to get myself something.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course, I'll be right back," I said through gritted teeth.

I walked up to the crowed bar and pushed my way to the counter.

"What can I get you?" stated the woman behind the counter.

"I'll get a Budweiser and a gin and tonic, thanks," I replied.

"Coming right up!"

I scanned my room while I waited on the drinks. The club was very packed, and as I looked around my eyes caught something familiar. It was a guy standing at the other end of the bar counter. He had a strong, athletic build and was wearing a form-fitting black t-shirt with dark-wash jeans. He was standing with his back toward me, but all of a sudden he turned around and his eyes met mine. Crap. It was Parker, I knew he looked familiar! I was feeling quite flushed again and quickly looked away. I'm sure he didn't recognize me, right? He looked busy talking to his friends anyway he might not have even seen me.

"Here are your drinks, that'll be 7.50," said the bartender, pulling me out of my trance and back to reality.

I quickly tried filing through my purse and dropped my phone and wallet on the ground.

"Great, this is just great..." I sighed under my breath.

I kneeled down to pick up the contents of my purse and as I reached for my phone someone was handing it to me.

"We have got to stop meeting like this," Parker said with a smile, as he handed me my phone.

I forced a smile (internally freaking out) and went to take the phone from Parker, but he pulled his hand back and stood up. I stood up and held my hand out for my phone.

"Not so fast, what's your name?" he asked.

I swallowed hard, "Emily".

"Just Emily?"

I tried to say as confidently as possible, "Reynolds. Emily Reynolds."

"That wasn't so hard," he said as he simultaneously handed me my phone. "I'm Parker Phillips.

"Excuse me, you still need to pay," called the bartender.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I nervously pulled out 9 dollars and told the bartender to keep the change.

"Are both of these drinks for you, because I would be impressed," Parker inquired as he led me away from the bar counter.

"No, one of them is for my friend, Paul." Speaking of Paul I couldn't find him anywhere. Then all of a sudden I spotted him making out with some blond girl against the wall.

I rolled my eyes, "I guess both of these drinks are for me," I laughed and sat down in the nearest booth.

Parker followed my gaze, saw Paul, and looked back at me with one eyebrow raised, "That guy, really?" he said as he sat down across from me.

"Well, it's actually a long story," I said.

"I like long stories"

I pushed the beer toward Parker and said he could have it if he wanted, beer wasn't really my thing. I proceeded to tell him about my best friend Rachel and her boyfriend and the whole "Paul" thing. As I was telling the story I realized he looked surprisingly interested, his blue eyes were looking deep into mine and his brow creased ever so slightly as he was concentrating.

"So, long story short... Rachel owes me!" I said as I picked up my gin and tonic for another sip.

"No kidding, that guy looks like a tool!" He said. "I still can't believe he made you pay for dinner!"

"So, what did you think of art class this morning?"

I nearly choked on my drink, but managed to get out, "Oh yeah... um, it was different than I expected." Suddenly my mind began to recall images of his beautiful naked body...

"So, how did you get the art model gig?" I couldn't believe I had asked him that, but it was out there before I could retract my words.

Parker smiled, this time showing his perfect, pearly white teeth." Honestly, I get pretty embarrassed up there, but the art department pays me well and I need the money to help with med school," he said, never once taking his eyes off of me.

"Harvard med school?" I asked.

"Yep! You're looking at a second year Harvard med student. It's hard to keep a job and be a full-time grad student, then I found out about the modeling job for the art department last year, and I've been doing it ever since."

"Oh wow! Well you don't need to be embarrassed, you're really good at it!" Crap. More word vomit.

Parker blushed a little and ran his hand through his thick brown hair. I bit my bottom lip. Did he not know how sexy he was?

"Thanks, but tell me about you, what's your major?"

"Well, this is my senior year and I am working on getting into Harvard's law program."

"A lawyer huh?, Parker smiled, What do you do for fun?"

"I love to go running, and I volunteer at the animal shelter once a week as a dog walker, but honestly I'm pretty boring... I study a lot," I replied as I looked down at my now empty drink.

There was a moment of silence, so I looked up at Parker and found him staring at me. His hand resting behind his neck and his head cocked to one side.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him, now feeling more flushed than ever.

"You are most definitely not boring," Parker said, his eyes seemed to look me up and down.

"Emily!! We found you!" Rachel exclaimed as she hugged me from behind.

"Dean and I are going to go back to his place ok?" "Can you find a ride back to the apartment?"

"Yeah sure, I'll just Uber back, no big deal,"

"Where's Paul? and who is this?" Rachel said looking at me and giving me her best drunk impression of her flirty eyes,"

"Sorry, this is Parker, we had a class together today and I ran into him at the bar," I said while making my eyes really big in hopes Rachel would stop talking.

"Well you two be safe!" Rachel winked at us as Dean pulled her from the table.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to kill her," I said quietly.

"She seems nice," Parker laughed.

"She is pretty great, we've been friends since middle school," I replied as I looked down at my watch, "Wow, it's getting late, I think I'm going to call an Uber and head home."

"I could drive you if you want, I only had one beer tonight, so I promise you're in good hands."

If only he knew what I wanted those hands to do to me... Caress my body, touch my breasts, pull my hair, finger me, hold me... The thought got me hot and bothered. I licked my lips and slightly bit my bottom lip thinking about the wonderful things his hands could do to me.

"So, what'll it be?" Parker asked looking at me with confusion.

"Oh sorry, um... sure, actually a drive home would be great, thanks!"

We got up from the table and Parker led me out of the bar. Once outside, Parker said, "I'm parked this way, follow me." He took my hand and led me down the street to the nearest parking lot. His hand felt perfect in mine. His skin was rough, but his warmth made me feel safe.

He stopped in front of a back Mustang GT, and opened the passenger side for me.

"Nice car, you don't see these too often out here in Massachusetts."

"Well I'm originally from Sacramento, California and we don't have to worry about snow and ice!" he laughed as he turned the key to start the car. "So where am I headed Miss Reynolds?" He looked at me with a smirk. "I live in the apartment complex off Arcadia Parkway."

"Okay perfect, I live close to there," he said as he started driving.

We arrived to my apartment complex and he parked the car. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow night for dinner," Parker asked hopefully.

"With me?" I responded so naturally, clearly confused as to why a guy like Parker would be even remotely interested in me.

Parker unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over to me, "You can't be serious. You you drive me crazy!" Parker was now only a few inches from my face, I could feel his breath on my skin. His breath smelled slightly of beer, but it was mostly covered up by the intoxicating smell of musk and evergreen cologne.

"Wha..." I tried to respond, but before I could finish what I was going to say Parker's lips found mine. His wet lips softly kissed me as he brought a hand to cup the back of my neck. He pulled back and looked at me, "Is this ok?" I was of course more than ok with what just happened, but I couldn't manage to find the words to say. I simply nodded. He smiled and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He leaned in and brought his lips to mine once more. This kiss was different, full of passion. He parted his lips and soon his tongue was exploring my mouth. Parker moved his hands down my body with the lightest touch, he sent electricity through my entire body. My hands found his chest and rested there as he continued to kiss me passionately. I had never experienced a kiss with such passion or lust before. All I could think was that this must be a dream, no way was this happening to me!


Parker's kiss and touch became less aggressive and he pulled away after several minutes. He rested his forehead on mine and sighed, "Man, I've wanted to do that all night,"

"Wow..." was all I could manage to mutter.

"Yeah... wow, that was amazing," Parker was now grinning from ear to ear, "So can I pick you up tomorrow at 6?"

"Sounds great," I said with a smile looking into Parker's eyes.

Parker pulled out a piece of paper from the center console and wrote his number down on it. "Here, text me later so I have your number for tomorrow."

I took the paper and reached for the car door handle. Parker grabbed my hand stopping me and pulled me in for another kiss. I tried to steady myself from being thrown off balance, so I placed my hands on his lap. This touch made Parker moan quietly into my mouth and his hand reached up and pulled my ponytail. I felt something next to my hand pushing against his pants and it hit me that I was unknowingly resting on his cock. It felt so big underneath my hand, "See what you do to me, Emily," he managed to say as he broke the kiss.

"See you tomorrow," He said winking at me as I stepped out of the car.

"See ya then!" I waved goodbye as I clutched his phone number in my hand.

I walked up to my apartment and threw myself onto my bed. I could not believe that happened. He was beautiful, smart, sexy, mysterious, a great kisser, did I mention sexy? Damn. I could not stop thinking about him.

I looked at the post-it note and quickly entered his name and number into my phone. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what to message, but I finally sent, 'Hey Parker, this is Emily. Thanks for a fun evening, see you tomorrow!'

Almost instantly I received a text back from Parker - 'Had a great time!! ;) Can't wait for tomorrow!'

I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I heard my phone buzz and I hoped it was from Parker again.

'Hey Em, Dean's roommate was having a party so we are at the apartment. I heard you come back, so just letting you know we are here.'

'Thanks Rach, nite!'

I turned off my lights and laid down in bed. When I closed my eyes all I could see and feel were Parker's hands and lips on my body.

I started to doze off when I heard the familiar squeaking of the bed in the bedroom next door.

"Oh yeah Dean... Oh, mmm, fuck me..." cried Rachel through the walls.

Great, I thought, now I have to listen to my roommate have sex with her boyfriend. I closed my eyes and imagined it was Parker making love to me. Just the thought of it sent chills down my body and caused me to let out a soft moan. I slipped my hand under my shorts and rubbed my pussy which caused me to moan softly. I moved my hand under my panties and began to stroke my clit slowly. My pussy was already wet from the events in the car. My other hand caressed my breasts as I stroked harder to the rhythm of the bed rocking in the next room.

"Oh Parker..." I sighed. In my mind Parker's hands were rubbing my clit and his mouth was exploring my body. I arched my back and continued to rub my clit increasing the tempo, imagining Parker sucking on it with his mouth in the most gentle, yet passionate way.

I could hear Dean moaning next door and knew they were about to climax. I inserted a finger into my vagina as I stroked my clit with my other hand. I pictured Parker and imagined him smiling as he penetrated me. I let out a load moan as I sighed his name, "Parker".

I knew I was about to cum, I quickened my pace, causing my breathing to increase. "Oh, yes...yes Parker... yes!" I laid in bed, dripping wet in awe of the effect Parker had on me in such a short time. I only hoped someday Parker and I would have sex together for real. I got up, used the restroom, washed my hands and as soon as I laid back down I heard my phone buzz...

** This next section is Parker's POV on his way home from dropping Emily off at her apartment **

"Holy Shit." I said to myself as I watched Emily walk up the steps to her apartment. "Emily Reynolds what have you done to me," I laughed and drove off.

Once I got to my apartment, I decided I needed to take a shower. I started the water and undressed when I heard my phone buzz.

''Hey Parker, this is Emily. Thanks for a fun evening, see you tomorrow!'

I wouldn't believe it if you told me, but this text from a girl I barely knew made me grin from ear to ear.

I quickly replied, 'Had a great time too!! ;) Can't wait for tomorrow!'

I put the phone back on the nightstand and hopped in the shower. I reached down and grabbed my cock with my right hand. My dick was circumcised, and average size, at 5 inches in length and a 4 inch circumference when not erect. Right now, my dick was throbbing, aching and standing completely erect at 10 inches tall. I put one hand on the shower wall and started pumping my hard cock. I could only imagine Emily putting her hands on it, gently and hungrily stroking it as it pulsed for her attention. I pumped harder, picturing Emily's soft lips cupping it and taking it into her mouth. Luckily I lived alone because I was moaning quite loudly at this point.

"Oh, Emily... oh fuck, yes!" I yelled.

I knew I was close to cumming. I could feel the electricity from Emily's touch through my body as my load came all over the shower wall. I quickly finished showering, brushed my teeth and jumped into bed.

I pulled out my phone and texted Emily, 'I can't stop thinking about you ;)'

*buzz* I smiled and read, 'Same. I can't fall asleep! lol'

'I thought you should know... I smile like an idiot when you text me'

*buzz* 'I love your smile :)'

'I love your lips. Can't wait to taste them again.'

*buzz* 'Did you know kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute?'

'I know another way we could burn calories... ;)'

*buzz* 'If you kiss like that again, I'm not responsible for what happens next...'

Wow, this girl would be the death of me. All I knew was that I couldn't wait for our date tomorrow.

'Good night, Emily.'

*buzz* 'You'll be in my dreams... good night!'

** The story will now continue in Emily's POV **

*Beep* Beep* Beep*

I rolled over and hit 'off' on my alarm clock. Was it 6:30 am already?

I sat up in bed remembering the events from last night. Parker... that kiss... Did I just imagine all of it? Just then I heard my phone buzz...

Text message from Parker - 'Good morning! Cant wait to see you later!'

Wow. It was real... all of it. I was so excited I almost forgot that my first class started in 1 hour.

I replied, 'Any hints about tonight, or is it a surprise?'

*buzz* 'Definitely a surprise! lol'

'Hmm... should I dress up?'

*buzz* 'You'd look great in a paper bag, but something like what you wore last night would be good! lol'

'Perfect, I have a new paper bag I've been meaning to wear out!'

*buzz* 'mmm sexy!'

' ;) I'll see you tonight, have a good day!' I replied as I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I showered, got dressed and met Rachel in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning!" I called to Rachel as I reached for the milk carton.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Emily?" Questioned Rachel.

"What? So I can't tell you good morning?"

"The Emily I know hates mornings... oh my gosh! Did you get laid last night?!"

"No! What the heck Rachel!" I laughed.

"Well something happened... spill!!"

I poured a bowl of cereal and told Rachel all about the car ride home with Parker. I also added in how he was the nude model in my art class, all while Rachel sat there with her mouth open in awe of the words leaving my mouth.

"Well... aren't you going to say something?"

"Emily Reynolds. Tell me you're seeing him again!"

"Tonight actually!" I said with a huge grin.

"This is so exciting! Let me help pick out your outfit after classes, ok?"

"Definitely! I seriously need your help, he is so out of my league!"

Classes went by so slowly, but finally it was 3:30pm and time for me to head back to my apartment for the day.

Rachel lent me her blue-colored satin tank and I paired it with my grey leather jacket, jeans, and open-toed wedges.

"Emily you look HOT!" Called Rachel as I walked out into our living room.

"You don't think it's too much, do you?"

"You look great, Parker won't be able to keep his eyes off you!"

"Thanks Rach, speaking of Parker he should be here any minute."

The next 10 minutes passed by slowly as I waited nervously for Parker to arrive.

*Knock. Knock.*

I jumped off the couch and stopped at the mirror to check my hair before opening the door. Parker stood there holding a bouquet of yellow flowers, a big grin on his face.

"Hey Parker!" He extended the flowers to me and I gestured for him to come in. "These are beautiful, let me put them in a vase with water real quick!"

"You're welcome!" Parker closed the door behind him and followed me into the kitchen. I opened on the of the cabinets and got on my tiptoes trying to get the vase on the top shelf. "Need some help with that?" He pushed himself against me and reached up to grab the vase I wanted. He put the vase on the counter. I looked up at him and smiled. I finished putting the flowers in the vase and added some water.

"There, all done!"

"Finally!" And in one swoop Parker turned me around to face him, pushing me against the countertops. There was hunger in his eyes. He grabbed my hips and kissed me with parted lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and passionately started running my fingers through his hair. When we finally pulled apart I was still smiling and Parker was playfully shaking his head at me. "Emily..."

"Am I interrupting?" I almost jumped at the sound of Rachel's voice.

I blushed a deep red and quickly moved away from Parker.

"Hi Rachel, I met you last night, I'm Parker."

"Well you two have fun tonight! Make sure you use protection!" Rachel winked at Parker and left the room.

"Let's get out of here," Parker said as he closed the space between us. He grabbed my hand and kissed me lightly on the cheek, leading me out of my apartment.

Parker opened the passenger car door for me. "What a gentleman," I said with a smile.

"I have my moments," Parker said as he walked around the car to the driver's side.

"So how was your day?" I asked. I noticed he didn't shave and the light brown stubble on his face made him look even sexier.

"Pretty good. I had 3 classes, Anatomy II, clinical practice, and pharmacology today. But to be honest I was distracted all day thinking about you," He said as he took one hand off the wheel taking my hand in his. He locked his eyes on mine, "How about you?"

"Oh pretty much the same old, same old. Classes went by so slowly today." I laughed. "I think I was pretty nervous about our date."

"Don't be nervous, I promise we'll have a good time!" He squeezed to assure me everything would be ok.

We drove for about 15 minutes until he pulled the car into the parking lot of the Cal Mare Ristorante. "This place look ok for dinner?" Parker asked letting go of my hand to take the key out of the ignition

"Parker, this looks perfect!"

"My buddy takes his girlfriend here all the time, so I thought we could give it a try." Parker got out of the car and quickly made his way over to my car door. By the time Parker got to me I had already opened the door and was getting out of the car.

"Hey I was going to get that!" Parker teased.

"Sorry, Im not used to being around such gentlemen," I laughed and playfully nudged him with my shoulder.

We were seated at a booth in the back of the restaurant. "I heard the garlic bread is delicious, so we should start with that," Parker said enthusiastically.

"Mmm, that sounds great!" I looked over the menu and decided on the lasagna, one of my favorite meals. We talked for awhile and I realized how comfortable I felt around him. We started eating in comfortable silence once the food got to our table, and After taking a couple bites I noticed Parker staring at me with an even, closed smile.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked taking my napkin to my face in a hurry.

"Oh no, not at all. You are just so beautiful."

My eyes got so wide, and I turned the deepest shade of red. He had a habit of catching me off guard, getting me all flustered. I looked down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears, "Oh, um.. thank you," was all I could manage to say.

Parker smiled and we continued to eat our meal. A few minutes passed and we were both laughing about a joke Parker just said. I loved his laugh, it was so genuine and filled with joy. The bridge of his nose wrinkled up in the cutest way. In that moment I knew he was everything I needed, everything I wanted.

The waitress came back to the table and asked us if we would like any dessert. Parker looked at me with raised eyebrows, "I could go for something sweet." He followed it with a wink in my direction, sending chills throughout my entire being. We decided on a slice of the triple chocolate german cake.

"Excellent choice, I'll bring it right out," said the waitress as she scribbled on her notepad.

"I'm going to use the restroom, I'll be right back," said Parker. While Parker was gone, I pulled out my phone to find 5 unopened text messages from Rachel...

'Em, Don't be mad...' 'Dean and I are throwing a party tonight at our apartment' 'Pleaaaaseee don't hate me! lol' 'You could invite Parker!!' 'Hope your date is going well!'

I sighed. This was a very typically Rachel thing to do. Just then Parker slid into the booth on my side. "Is there something wrong?" His shoulder was brushing up against mine and he looked into my eyes with a quizzical gaze.

"Oh it's nothing, Rachel is just having a party at my apartment tonight, without asking," I put my phone back into my purse. "I just wish I didn't have to go back there tonight."

"How about you come back to my place until the party dies down, I could drive you home whenever you wanted?"

I glanced up at him, "That would be great Parker, thanks!"

Just then the waitress came back with our dessert. "Oh my gosh, this looks amazing!" I grabbed one of the forks and took the first bite. I closed my eyes, "This is the best thing I have ever tasted!" Parker laughed, " You have a little on your face there, let me get that." He took a finger and wiped the chocolate frosting off of my cheek. He took his chocolate-covered finger and put it in his mouth, licking it completely clean. He put his arm around me, tilted my head towards him and planted a smooth kiss on my cheek where the frosting had been. I grabbed another fork-full of cake, "Here try some more," I said as I pointed the fork at Parker's mouth. He smirked, "Yes, please," he said as he opened his mouth for the bite. After awhile the cake was gone. Parker kissed me on the lips, he started to part his lips and enter my mouth with his tongue when the waitress interrupted.

She cleared her throat, "Here is your check, you may pay on your way out. Thanks for stopping in!"

"Thanks," Parker pulled away from me and nodded toward the waitress.

After she left I giggled, "That's embarrassing," I was a hundred shades of red.

"Not for me," He winked, "I'm with the most beautiful girl ever."

I playfully hit him on the shoulder. I followed Parker to the cashier, where I offered to pay for my meal, but he respectfully told me he wanted to take care of it. He held my hand as we made it across the parking lot, this time intertwining his fingers in mine. After 10 minutes of driving we made it to his apartment complex.

"I have a roommate, but he's out of town this weekend visiting his girlfriend." He led me through the apartment showing me the living room, kitchen, and finally his bedroom. I let go of his hand and walked around looking at the picture frames on his dresser.

"Is this your family?" Parker nodded and picked up the frame, pointing out his parents, and younger brother." I could tell from the way he talked about them that they were close, but there was something in his eyes that I couldn't read. As if he was reading my mind he put the photo down and said, "This was the last family photo we took before my mom passed away," I turned to face him and I could tell he was fighting back tears, "She had breast cancer... she passed two years ago." He closed his eyes shaking his head, "I miss her everyday."

"Parker, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that's like," I reached out and grabbed his hand, "I know this must be hard to talk about, but I'm hear if you ever want to."

"She would have really liked you," He placed both hands on my hips and pulled me into an embrace. My arms went around him and I held on tight. He pressed his parted lips to mine, feverishly pushing his tongue past my lips. We moved together as our tongues caressed each other. He lifted me up, never breaking the kiss, and placed me on his bed. I fell back on the pillows and scooted up towards the head of the bed. Parker was kneeling over me with a lustful look on his face, he threw off his jacket and lowered himself to me. He kissed me with such passion, this time tugging at my clothes.

I broke the kiss and pulled back. "Is something wrong?" Parker questioned as he pulled back.

I sat up, "No this is perfect, God you're perfect. I'm sorry, I guess I'm just nervous... I've never done this... you know before." In my head I m=imagined that Parker would laugh at me for being nervous about sex, or even think it's funny that I haven't been intimate with anyone before, but instead Parker tilted my chin up and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Really?" He said, the question completely free of judgment. I nodded, expecting him to ask me personal questions about whether or not I was waiting for marriage or something. But all he said was, "I don't know. I guess I just thought it would have happened for you already." It was such a simple statement, so straightforward and honest. I wanted to be honest with him in return, although it scared me...

"I want you. I just... what if I'm bad at it?"

"Impossible." Parker reassured me with a smile and ran his fingers through my hair. "I want you too, so much, but I don't want to make you do anything you aren't ready for."

"I am ready, I want you so badly right now." Parker heard my words and leaned me back down onto the bed. His hands exploring my body. He placed wet kisses on my neck, then parted my lips with his tongue. I moaned into his mouth as his hand found my breast. I felt him smile knowing how good he made me feel. His lips left mine as he trailed his hands down my sides, hips, and legs. He took off my shoes, never breaking eye contact with me. He stood up to remove his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head. He stood there for a second and I took in his perfectly sculpted torso... this time it was just for me, nobody else was watching. "You're under dressed," he smirked climbing back onto the bed. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down slowly. I was running my hands across his bare chest as he pulled at the hem of my blouse. He effortlessly pulled my top over my head and tossed it aside. Kneeling on the bed my legs between his, he stared at me. I didn't feel exposed or embarrassed like I thought I would, instead the lust in his eyes turned me on even more, I could feel my panties getting wetter by the second. "God damn," he said looking me over in my maroon thong and nude-colored bra.

"Like what you see?" I remarked coyly running my hands over my breasts.

'You have no idea!"

"Why don't you show me," I winked at him.

Parker let out a growl and pressed his body to mine. He kissed down my neck while his hands undid the clasp to my bra. I helped him slip it off and he kissed me down the middle of my breasts. His hands cupped my breasts and began to squeeze and tug at them. Next his mouth was sucking on my tits making the nipples harder and harder. He took a break from playing with my tits and kissed my lips passionately. His teeth lightly found my lower lip and I responded with a soft moan. He left my lips and kissed down my body until he got to my belly button. Parker grabbed both sides of my panties and pulled them down. He parted my legs and lowered his mouth to my inner thighs, kissing every inch. I closed my eyes taking in every sensation. All of a sudden Parker's lips were on my clit. I let out a loud cry, "Oh Parker," my back arched at the electric feeling of his lips on my sex.


Page 3 - The Art of Love - First Time -

"You are so wet baby."

He sucked and licked my pussy while I moaned and writhed on the bed. His fingers pinched my nipples and he couldn't keep from caressing my breasts. My hips rocked back and forth trying to get as much of him as I could. One of his hands met his mouth and started stroking my clit and running across my labia. "Yes, Parker... right there!" He looked up at me as he wet two of his fingers in his mouth. His wet fingers circled my sex and he slowly pushed one into my pussy. He moved his finger in and out, getting faster with each stroke. I could tell I was getting close to climax, but couldn't find the words to say. Parker could feel my pussy tighten, so he lowered his mouth once more and sucked my clit while finger fucking me. The combination was overwhelming and I came hard all over his face. I was breathing hard with my eyes closed. He was kissing his way up my stomach, stopping for a moment at my breasts before planting soft wet kisses on my neck and lips.

"You taste amazing," Parker smiled.

"God. That was so good..." I finally opened my eyes, "I want to make you feel that good."

He planted kisses up my body from my pussy to mouth. His tongue again opening my mouth he kissed me passionately while rubbing his body on mine. I wrapped my arms around him and we turned so I was on top of him. Leaning down, I whispered in his ear, "My turn." I nibbled on his ear lobe before tracing a line of wet kisses down his chest to the top of his pants. "Now you are overdressed," I said with a smile. I undid his belt, and pulled his pants down past his ankles. His penis was rock hard, the tip poking out of the top of his boxers. I had a devilish grin as I lightly rubbed it through his underwear with my hand. Parker made a deep moan and his head went back into the pillows. I carefully pulled off his boxers exposing his fully erect dick. I remember seeing it in art class, but this time it was different... his dick was much larger and pulsing at my touch. I wrapped his penis in my hand and began stroking it up and down. I slowly slipped my lips around the head and guided my tongue under the ridge and around the tip in a figure 8. Parker's breathing was becoming much faster, his hand was resting on the back of my neck.

"Emily... oh my god..." He was watching me suck him with my mouth as my hands caressed his entire shaft. I traced my lips with your stiffness and took you completely into my mouth, all the way in and then pulling away slowly. Parker's hands were stroking my back and shoulders -- sending shivers down my spine. I let out a soft moan with his dick in my mouth, causing him to let out a loud sigh of ecstasy.

I pulled back for a minute, taking in the site of Parker on the bed. "You taste amazing," I sighed.

"Please... keep going," Parker begged, pleading with his eyes.

I slowly worked my way back down, and my hand found the base of his penis. I sucked and glided his dick feeling him respond under me. I could feel him straining to hold back his orgasm, calling out and panting, "Yes, oh yes... Emily..."

I sped my hand up, sliding up and down at the same time my mouth sucked and swirled his tip. "Emily.... I'm... going to come," Parker panted and I felt his entire body convulse as the orgasm hit him. I held still while his load pulsed through my mouth. I felt him soften and whisper my name once more. I swallowed his cum, which had a very sweet taste, much better than I expected. Licking my lips I crawled up and rested my head on his chest. Parker cupped my face and kissed me tenderly.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" Parker chuckled and rolled to his side so we were face to face.

"I don't know," I traced circles on his chest, "I've never done that before..."

"You are a natural sex goddess," Parker winked and pulled me closer to him in a deep sensual kiss. "We should clean up and get you back," Parker said kissing my forehead. I nodded and sat up in bed. We both changed back into our clothes from earlier and looked at the time, 12:30 am -- by the time we got back the party would be dying down.

Parker and I got into his car and left for my apartment. When we got there Parker walked me up to my door. I wanted him to stay so bad, but I didn't know what he would think about that. I fumbled getting my key out of my purse, and it fell to the floor. Parker stooped down and grabbed it, "I'm starting to think you drop things on purpose," he laughed.

"Parker, I was wondering if... would you want to come in?"

"Of course. I wanted to, but I didn't want to pressure you," Parker held my hand tightly.

I got up on my tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. We snuck inside to find the apartment in a mess, but no one around. I led Parker to my bedroom and closed the door behind him. I turned on the TV and handed him the remote, "I'm going to take a quick shower." My bathroom was attached to my bedroom, so I grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and went to the bathroom. I started the water and stared at myself in the mirror. What on earth did Parker see in me?

** This section is written in Parker's POV **

Sitting on Emily's bed I heard the water start to run. I kicked off my shoes and placed them neatly near the door. I placed my jacket over her chair in the corner of her room. Looking around I saw pictures of Emily with her family and friends. I couldn't help but smile. There was something so different and real about Emily. And the way she pleasured me was out of this world, no girl had ever come close to giving a blowjob like that. Our conversations were real too, she cared about me and I cared about her. It had only been a day, but I was feeling things for this woman... I was falling in love with her.

"Parker?" I heard Emily call me from the bathroom.

I jumped up, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I just can't get my zipper undone, could you help me?"

Zipper? I didn't remember one earlier... I turned the doorknob to the bathroom and to my surprise Emily was standing across the room wearing absolutely nothing. My jaw dropped open and I quickly pulled my t-shirt over my head. Without saying anything I made my way over to her and picked her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist. I excitedly placed soft, wet kisses all over her neck. I sucked to hard at one point and realized she would probably have a mark tomorrow. That didn't stop me; I kissed and sucked my way up her neck, finally finding her mouth with mine. I kissed her hard, letting her moan into my mouth. Emily's hands found my belt and began undoing it in a hurry. I helped her get my pants and boxer's off, never once parting my lips from hers. Her hand found my dick and lightly stroked it. I knew it wouldn't take much time for me to get hard again. Emily pulled back and looked up at me with hunger in her eyes.

"So where's that zipper?" I asked coyly. I tickled her sides causing her to flinch.

Emily giggled, "Sorry I just really wanted you to join me!"

"All you have to do is ask, I'm all yours!" I added with a kiss to her lips.

Emily started the shower and we got in feeling the hot water over our skin. Seeing her skin glistening in the shower caused my dick to rise. Emily pressed her backside up against me grinding her ass on my penis. I placed my hands on her hips and guided her motion as my lips kissed and sucked her back and shoulders. Her body felt so good against me. She poured some body wash into her hands and turned to face me. She caressed my skin with the soap thoroughly making her way from my shoulders to my calves. She motioned for me to turn around, so I did and she traced her soapy hands over my back.

*Slap* Her hand came across my ass in a playful way. "Great ass!" she said. Not missing a beat she turned me back around and kneeled on the shower floor, "Can I suck it?" I could hardly contain myself. I nodded. Just like that she took me into her mouth and swirled her tongue around my shaft. I had to grab the shower wall with one hand to steady myself. My other hand found her wet hair to play with. I was moaning now, unable to keep quiet. I felt Emily moan around my dick, so I looked down to find her playing with her clit. It was so hot. After about 5 minutes of her sucking and stroking me she stood back up.

"Let's go back to the bedroom," She said whispering in my ear, "I want you to make love to me."

After turning the water off we both grabbed towels and dried ourselves off. She looked beautiful fresh out of the shower, no makeup on. I picker her up, this time bridal style and carried her back to the bed. I left to find my jeans where I had stashed a condom in my wallet. I stood over her on all fours, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I need you." She pulled my lips to hers in a tender, wet kiss.

I unwrapped the condom and rolled it onto my fully erect penis. I could tell she was nervous, so I reassured her with a kiss, "I'll go slow, I promise."

"I trust you."

I pressed my chest against her and we rocked back and forth, kissing each other with passion. I moved a hand to her clit and rubbed back and forth feeling her writhe beneath me. Her breathing quickened and her pussy was extremely wet. I entered a finger into her and pushed it in and out. "Parker..."

I grabbed my dick and slowly teased her entrance before pushing the tip in. Emily let out a deep moan as I slowly and carefully pushed it in further. "Are you ok?" I asked, pausing to let her pussy acclimate to being stretched. She simply nodded and smiled at me. I let my entire dick push into her so that I was lying on top of her, skin to skin. Emily's hips rocked back and forth on my dick, and I could tell she was ready for more. I pulled almost all the way out and then began to thrust in and out of her. Her hands rested on my arms while I continued to drive my member in and out in sync with our bodies. I kissed her breasts and brought a hand to stimulate her clit. I picked up the pace and could tell I wouldn't last long. "Emily... I'm going to..."

"Me too..." See cried.

I pushed into her a couple more times until I felt the orgasm wash over me. "Oh god, yes, YES!"

I could tell Emily was almost there, so I continued to rub her clit. It only took a few more seconds before her entire body tensed up in orgasm. "Parker.... god oh yes!" I was still inside her when she came, and I could feel her pussy tighten and relax in a wave of ecstasy.

For a moment we just laid in each other's arms. I wiped a strand of hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. "Emily... will you be my girlfriend?"

** The story will continue in Emily's POV **

I looked into his piercing blue eyes as he said those words. I felt so happy in that moment. "Yes!!" I nuzzled my head into his chest and wrapped my arms around his body. "Only if we do that everyday!" I teased.

"I think we can make that happen," He grinned.

I got up, used the restroom and put on my PJs. After I was done in the bathroom Parker cleaned up, put on his boxer's and we both crawled back into my bed. He kissed me softly on the lips and ran his fingers through my hair. We eventually fell asleep cuddled next to each other, his arms around me.

Sol of the flare

 What if the dark side isn't dark
but white pure light,
beautiful, innocent.
A perfect disguise.
Devil in white.Outer light strikes the surface
But inner light strikes the soul
Through which we may give an end to darkness.Light
A symbol of hope
Cutting through the darkness
But remember
All light cast shadows.What beauty compares with the break of dawn
Shining like your smile, the one for which I long
To see again and again
Constantly wondering when.
The brilliance of your soul shines ever so bright
Your personality alone lights up the darkest twilight
Black Moon 
The sleepless nights I spent thinking about you 
Silver Sun 
The mornings I spent wondering if these encounters were done 
Where did you go?
I'm not sure if even you know 
The light is so dim and increasingly dull
More obscure thoughts bounce around in my skull 
I need you, please to save me from here
The bright light you provide and can't possibly fear
Illuminates the abyss in which I fell 
Light that guides the way and makes all things well 
Luminous, bright, a light pure as snow
I missed that smile of yours, you know

Dark Nebula Rose

 Star light shall burn out
Darkness is everlasting
We know who will win.It's moments like these that I remember the way it was... The heavy burdens on a poets soul protected by a shield of light...

We were like trees...
Outside we were tough
Seen as just a bunch of kids
Fooling around, having fun
All without a care in the world
But inside,
Beetles tore through our veins 
Eating away at our sanity and
Our minds. 
We were all crumbling apart inside. 
No longer were we innocent angels of heaven. 
Now we were the tortured Nephilim,
Forsaken, clawed, vicious
For blood,
For secrets,
For each other's hearts.Falling in love
It always felt
Like I was finding my way
I was learning where
The heavens stood
And how far they reached
Love led me
To the depths
Of heaven 
And I discovered
That even heaven
Has a dark-side
And when I reached 
It I realized
I was the only one
Falling in love.

Magic Hour

 The Sun reached the horizon
and the Moon is right across the dawn.
light across the dark.
The dim gnawed and lingers
A stark moment,drowned
as it rise and fall
How do we find our escape from darkness
to find our pathway?

Im standing on the halfway
and the dim covered until in midday
Starring at those stars as they fade their lights.
It made me think,how far will it take
and how long will it take.
But still,all i could see is darkness.

Lights are on and off
as they fall,as they fade,as they're gone.
i let my self-destruct
then made me think
will you ever find me again?

I know,The Eclipse will not take for an hour
behind the brilliance of the sun,
the stars come out.
As they appear,everything could stop.
Trying to find an escape
behind the darkside,
i will not stop finding and waiting.

Snow & Rain

 The powerful lone Shadow Wolf lurking in the darkness of the forest.
Howling for his long lost mate in a musical tone... 
Howls flows back this ears, but not the one he's searching and expecting for.
Heartbroken from not hearing his long lost love he gets close to giving up,
laying on the hill while the half moon shines on him
he watches other mates play, care, love each other and their pack.
A howl woke him from his sleep only he could hear,
rising up in excitement but also fear he follows the sound.
His heart begins to race but it still beats in pain, rushing towards a creek 
where they first met and there she was.
Together they howl and creates this unimaginable beautiful tune
that all wolves hear to howl back.
Forever immortal they will be together, their endless love will never fade
The Shadow Wolf & Silver Wolf

Driven limitations

 He walked in the house chatted momentarily with the kids nothing serious just normal chit chat. The kids knew we were going out that night and they wanted to know how long we were going to be gone. Movies and pizza with tons of popcorn and soda was ready for them to devour their few hours of freedom away from the watchful eye of "Mom." Several hours was their answer. The normal stern "be careful" was issued from him. Even though not their children he still cared for them greatly and as I listened from the hallway my heart flipped slightly at his concern. I had no idea what was planned, most of our "dates" had been stay at home types as of late but when he called me from work and asked me to be ready I was more then willing. 

He looked up and as his eyes light up I knew I had reached the desired effect. The simple blue jean skirt and burgundy lace top went well together the skirt slightly shorter then what I liked showed off my legs. He liked my legs I knew. They were encased in black nylons attached to the black garter that rode on my hips. The heels finished off giving my legs a longer look then normal. I smiled at him and walked to him slowly giving him a gentle hello kiss. My lipstick was stay on so I knew there would be no smudge but I looked to make sure a soft laugh escaped my lips. My eyes looked deeper and greener with the way I applied the light coat of shadow, my lashes long were darkened with mascara. Very little make up just enough to enhance was her rule. Her hair flowed loose in back pinned at the sides giving me a youthful playful look. I kissed each of the boys and promised that I would be home the playful party jokes passed between and by the time I got out to the truck I was genuinely laughing. 

He watched me as she walked ahead of him. He always loved watching her ass and legs. Not much into heavy women he did find her attractive and for a moment his mind went racing at the thoughts of the night planned ahead. He opened the door for her assisting her into the truck and it was then that he noticed for the first time her breast were bound. He groaned and she looked at him in question. The minx did not know his plans but it seemed that her playfulness was going to help even more. He had planned this night for a long time, they had talked about it several times but he had wanted her to wait until she thought he had forgotten before he sprung it on her. 

They drove up the alley behind a building and then he pulled over. "We need to talk" he said. 

My heart dropping into her stomach. For a moment I thought this was the end of our relationship. I had been expecting it for several months. No real commitment on his part he always gave excuses as to why he didn't want to commit to me. 

Well, I told myself mentally you knew it was coming take it like a woman and remember to thank him for the fun you are after all a lady. 

He opened the door and walked around to my side of the truck. This was not what I expected. He opened my door and held out his hand. Was this going to be his joke his end to bring me not far from my house, dump me and leave me to walk home? A light mist of a rain begun to fall and I thought to myself again Perfect just what I want to be miserable and it rain on my walk home. I placed my hand in his forcing a smile on my face I did not feel. I picked up my purse but he took it from my hands. 

"I said talk not walk" he said and laughed. He walked me to the back of the truck and opened the tailgate. I crawled inside uncomfortable. The skirt and heels made it hard to remain a lady. I should have worn jeans, I thought. 

"Do you remember our talk" he asked as he settled in next to me.

"Um which talk is that we've had umm lets see. thousands" I said a bit sarcastic in a playful way. 

"Ohhh so the little wench thinks she has a voice does she" He said softly his hand reaching out to gently touch my face. He reached out and kissed my lips and as he moved away he slid the gag in place. 

The shock lite my eyes and he smiled. "yeah, that talk" he said with a smile as he pressed me downwards and secured my hands above my head. 

"Such a sweet loving thoughtful woman you are to have done me the kindness of binding my girls" he said as he slowly undid the lace top kissing each bound breast as he did. Securing my legs he reached back up and slide the skirt up baring me to his gaze. 

"So sweet but why the panties love, so very unlike you" he said a bit disappointed as his finger trailed along the outside teasing. Slipping off my heels he set them aside. 

"Nice and sexy but you won't be needing them unless of course your toes get cold" he reached out and gently rubbed each foot before sliding out of the truck and closing the door. 

He got back into the cab of the truck opening the window between us. Turning on the music he begin to drive. I closed my eyes in relaxation. I knew this would be a long night and I should get some sort of rest. 

"Welcome to Mc Donald's drive though may I help you" My eyes shot open. OH Gods what if someone saw me. Though the windows were tinted I still had thoughts of some strange man viewing me from the drive through window. 

"Yes, a number 1 and a number 7 both with large cokes" I wondered briefly what he had ordered. But we pulled forward and the lights suddenly were shining brightly into the back of the truck. I tried to sink down onto the mattress to stay hidden but he leaned back and begun to talk to me. 

"Are you comfortable back there my girl?" he said 

"Oh yeah you can't answer can you" he said laughing. The guy said something I could not catch and I heard him say 

"Oh yeah she's all tied up back there no place to go" then he pulled forward. I smelled the food and heard him roll up the window on his side before driving off. A short time later we pulled up somewhere else. Lights blazing he got out of the truck, walked to the back and lifted the back of the canopy a so that anyone could look in. The huge 7-11 sign showed off to the left. 

"I will be back in a minute" he said and walked off. Mortified I struggled THIS had NOT been talked about. THIS was going over that line. A few minutes later I heard him whistle as he came around to close the door. He got into the truck and begun to drive again. For what seemed like forever I waited for him to stop again half hoping and half fearing that the police would stop him. How would I explain? Would I explain? My anger and frustration had given way to a bit of fear now. I kept reminding myself. I trust this man. I trust this man... 

We drove for a while me in the back all tied up and him in the front listening to music singing softly. Soon the roads turned bumpy and I knew we had left the even pavement and that meant most likely the security of close people. He brings the truck to a stop and turns everything off. He hops out and comes around opening the back of the truck again. I can look over his shoulder and see the outline of trees and the stars up above. It's a rather pretty spot from what I can make out. I look at him my anger still with me, no not anger I tell myself, humiliation and fear. He crawls into the back of the truck and lightly caresses my breast bringing his head down he takes my right nipple in his mouth and licks it. ' Um I always like the way you taste" he said and I shivered a moment. 

"Here I have you all tied up and no where to go, and all for my taking" His voice sounded almost sinister as he tenderly rubbed his hands along both my bound breast lightly flicking both hard nipples. He slides on hand down between my legs. 

"oh so wet and hot" he said crudely 

"just the way I like you this means your really going" with that he pinches my clit softly twisting lightly. Then he gently begun to massage my thighs. 

"So tell me Kyt this is the one time I will allow you to speak if we continue. Do you wish to continue?" with that he reached up and lightly took the gag off my mouth. I lick my lips and swallow hard my eyes searching you. 

"Yes, Master I wish for you to fulfill my dream push my limits if you can" With that he leans down and swiftly kisses my lips in a passionate enflamed kiss. Slipping the gag back into place he looks at me 

"Giving you pain will give me pleasure but I want you to know my heart that each stroke of pain rips me as well and you will be rewarded in the end" Dipping his head he bites my neck at the shoulder and I squirm. Hands grabbing at my breast he squeezes them painfully. 

"Already my cock is rock hard thinking of you tied up back here" Swiftly he takes his jeans and pulls them down slightly just enough for his cock to be free and positions over me. 

"I want to feel my release before I give you anything" With that he slams his cock deeply within me causing me to cry out in pain. Not overly large he is enough to hurt me if he doesn't take his time and this was a time when time was not on his mind. Slamming into me he grabbed my breast twisting my nipples painfully. He watched as tears welled in my eyes and fell down my cheek. Thrusting harder he slammed deeply into my tightness groaning loudly. He pulled from behind me the whip and saw the flash of fear and excitement in my eyes. Rising back he let the whip fly across my breast watching as a single long welt showed, again he hit me this time slamming hard into my tight cunt. Over and over this happened hitting in defined areas of my breast light and hard slamming his cock to match the stroke of his whip. I screamed into the gag finally a long painful scream of agony as the whip flipped across my nipples and he slammed into me spilling his seed deeply. 

Taking the gag off he tenderly kisses my lips 'Honey, oh honey" he says softly over and over as his lips travel my face kissing the tears. 

"Do you want me to stop?" he asks. Laying back I shiver the orgasm so intense I cannot think let alone speak. 

Concern clouds your face as you see the distant look in my eyes. "Kyt please honey" Scared that I am lost in flashback you begin to untie me. Already we had spoke of my past of my flashbacks and how when and if they happened you would handle them. 

As you finish loosening the first tie I look at you "Please. continue" the softness of my voice catches you off guard but there is a hint of begging you have never before. You loosen the other tie at my hands and pull me to a sitting position. Holding me close to you you kiss me then lay me back down and untie my legs 

"No please I want to continue" I say softly 

"I need to continue please oh gods please don't stop" the softness and begging still apparent in my voice but you ignore it and me for that matter. You slide my shoes back on and tell me it's time to get out. I crawl to the edge of the bed of the truck tears in my eyes not just from pain but from a longing that I cannot express. I step out with your help not looking at you and begin to fix my top. 

"Did I tell you to do that?" you ask me harshly and I look up at you with a renewed hope in my eyes daring not to hope. I allow my hands to fall to my side. You place the gag back in my mouth and tie the scarves to each of my wrists again. He tied it to where my hands were tied up over my head stretched out and to the top of the truck. Kneeling down he tied my legs spread wide to each of the tires. He reached in and grabbed the whip looking at me as he did so. He walked behind me lightly caressing my ass as he did then he swiftly pulled my skirt down. I wore nothing now but the garter belt and nylons the corset hung loosely along my chest covering nothing more then my stomach. CRACK the whip bit into my skin and I arched my back throwing my head back and screaming into the gag. CRACK the whip flew this time landing between my shoulders bringing a line of fire down my back. Counting to concentrate 2 I say to myself as another scream rips from my lips. 3, 4, 5 .... 9, 10, .... 16. 

My screams turn to hoarse moans until finally the red haze takes over and I slip beyond it into the blackness. My body slumps forward already drained of orgasm after orgasm each fiery hit searing my soul. He walks up unties my hands and leans me against the tailgate of the truck. His hard cock throbbing. He thinks for a moment debating on waiting until I am awake but realizes his own passion has gotten the better of him as he slides deep within me. Never had he felt me so tight and so wet. Even as I was I gripped him tightly to me and he slammed deeply into me over and over lost in his own lust not even feeling my body respond anymore. Placing his hands on my hips he lifts me up and slams me deeply a cry of passion escapes his lips. Loosing the gag a little I finally work it out of my mouth. I feel him spray deep with in me as his hands grip my hips painfully. 

"Better my love" I ask. Pulling out he quickly unties my legs and holds me close to him. He sets me on the edge of the tailgate and rushes back to the cab of the truck. Pulling out a cloth and iodine and water he brings it all back. 

Opening the water he lets me have a sip. "Slow" he says. Then he begins to slowly clean my wounds. Touching lightly followed by kisses as he cleans each spot. Wrapping me in a blanket he pulls me close to him and together we sit back and watch the night sky. I drift peacefully into a light sleep resting in his arms listening to his heart beat.


He would understand me, and all those things about me. He would know my masochism all too well. He would know how to tear me apart and how to put me together again. He would be so rough, yet so gentle. He would appreciate me, and not belittle me or place his own faults onto me. He would be smart, intelligent, and ideally a little older than me. I don't know what it is about that, but there's just something. Nothing pedophile-like (aside from maybe role play that is... haha) but to know that he was stronger, older, that he could protect me but also that he could potentially force me into anything he wanted... I don't know why that is such an immense turn-on. I just want someone to protect me, love me, envelop me. I want to be completely at the mercy of another. I want it so much right now that I can't breathe and I almost cry when I think about it. I wish he was here right now, making me beg for it. I wish I was groveling at his feet, licking his boots, begging him to take me, begging him to own me. Please take me.

I want someone who will take me right to the edge, and then push me. He would take care of me, and he would let me take care of him. He would let me wash his hair, and wait on him if he was sick. Sometimes it's hard to cope with myself, and if he ever felt it hard to cope with himself I would make sure he knew it was okay. We could keep each other safe.

He would be able to be both serious, and playful. We would laugh all the time. He would be beautiful and good-natured, like the time of day when the sun sets, but he would also be 3 am when it's storming and the power's out... fucking me with a knife to my throat. And I'm really not one to be shallow, but ideally he would be strong with windows for eyes and a long crooked nose. I find long crooked noses incredibly attractive for some reason.... He would be taller than me. Perhaps he could rest his head on top of mine and then wrap his arms around me. 

He would be clean and he would smell nice. He'd let me wear his clothes, and sleep in his T-shirts. He would understand what I mean when I talk about that feeling I get in my chest at something so beautiful it hurts... the feeling you get when something rips you apart. He would give that feeling to me. And in the same way I would return it. He would love to see me cry, love to see my knees bruised... love to bruise them. He'd lick the tears off my cheeks, letting the blade of his knife rest menacingly on the inside of my thigh. He would stroke my hair so lovingly... falsely reassuring me, only to smack me across the face as hard as he could without fucking breaking me. He would hold my wrists so tightly, me squirming so helplessly underneath him, letting me know his power. He would kiss me so deeply, like no one ever has. He would have me. I would be devoted to him, loyal to him. I would be his defenses, if he would be mine. I would get on my knees and pull his boxers off with my teeth (for my hands are tied behind my back) and take his dick down my throat. He would let me please him... his hands lovingly stroking my hair... and I would look up at him... my lips wrapped around his warm cock... I would look him straight in the eye... so eager to give him what he wanted. His little pet. And then he would wrap his fists in my hair, so violently... and fuck my throat... so deep and so fast that I am gagging a bit and panicking... gasping for air. But he will hold my nose closed, making sure I do not get any. When we had sex he would kiss my nose and stroke my neck and he would grab my chin and kiss me hard. He would close his hands around my waist and pull me down on him. So hard that I cry, I whimper. So hard that it hurts me and I cannot take it. But he will just fuck me harder, still. It will be too much feeling, and I know I will turn my head away... unable to look him in the eye... for if I do he'll see my whole soul so exposed and naked... everything that I am... just splayed out... so vulnerable. But he will force my chin and grab my face and force me to look into his eyes. Everything in my mind will scream TURN AWAY but I can't... he will not let me do that. And we will see each other.

He could practically break me if he wanted to and I would probably let him. It's really sort of scary, how vulnerable this makes me. If the wrong person took notice... they could hurt me worse than anything. I am so afraid of that and I hope it never has to happen. When that pain... so extreme... is not matched with love... it can damage you. And emotional scars are hard, and they hurt, and in the end they will just leave you needing more.

This guy would never leave me bleeding and crying. He would always bring me back. He would let me bury my face in his chest and he would just say "shhh" and stoke my hair... I would know he loved me. He would be so warm....

He would put his hands around my throat, holding me slightly off the ground... with just the tips of my toes touching, until I grew dizzy and limp... fragile and subjected to him. He would have me pinned against the wall and there would be no escaping. In between gasps I would beg him... "please", and in response he would cover my mouth and my nose and squeeze harder... to the rush of panic and then relief and then to the rush of panic again. He would revel in the look of fear across my eyes. He would ask me... in that tone... so calm... yet so threatening... "Are you afraid darling?"


"Good, you should be."

And he would resume his torture.

He would have me. All of me. He would love me... and I would love him so much. We'd take walks at twilight, and talk about everything. The meaning of life, the mechanisms in our brains, love, life, transcendence and the universe. Everything. And then at other times we would just be silent... for nothing would need to be said. We could make each other happy. I really hope this exists because I really don't think I could ever settle for anything else and be happy. I want him here right now. I want to be underneath him right now. I want him to hurt me right now. I want him to hold me tonight. It's getting chilly but he is so warm. If you exist come find me... please.

Queen Bee

 Most of my stories, so far, have been about me being submissive. I like a nice strong man on top of me most of the time. But every once in a while, it's nice to have my husband be my servant, for a little while. 

Having him go down on me is incredibly relaxing. It's nice to feel the directness of the pleasure as his tongue licks me down there. He'll usually do it to me just about any time I want. He enjoys the flavor, the smell and the way I react when he does it. 

The only problem is that I usually end up being at his mercy. He's a ruthless tease. It feels so good that I end up begging him to do more, begging him to make me come. It's OK, since he always finishes me off eventually, but sometimes I want it the other way around. Sometimes I want the control. 

When I'm in one of those moods, I take charge and turn oral sex into an opportunity to dominate my husband. 

A few days ago, I was feeling extremely horny and wanted a good hard come, done my way. I decided to go all out. 

He likes to take a nap when he gets home from work. That day, I let him go right to bed instead of the usual talking to him and finding out how his day went. I even tucked him in and made him nice and comfy. He knew something was afoot, but he also knew enough to keep silent and enjoy it.

About three hours later, I went to our main bathroom, showered, put on one of his favorite perfumes and slipped into a short, black, silk-satin nightgown. It may seem like a lot work, getting myself ready for him in order to dominate him but it's the particular style that I wanted at that moment. I wouldn't have gone to the trouble if I were going to be on top and take him, but this time I was being a seductress. This time I was going to manipulate him rather than taking him. 

I turned off all of the lights in the house and lit a few candles to take into the bedroom with me. 

When I entered the room, he was fast asleep. That's pretty typical. He usually sleeps for four hours or so when he takes an afternoon nap. My preparations had taken about a half hour so he had another half hour of nap in him. The timing was deliberate. I wanted him rested but not quite at full strength. He's more suggestible that way. 

I placed the candles around the room and climbed in bed on the "wrong side" (to his right as he lays on his back). 

He didn't wake up, so I leaned over him and put my perfumed wrist up to his nose. That, followed by a few gentle strokes and kisses, was enough to bring him around, but leave him just a little groggy. He was quite happy to wake up for me, especially since he had had almost the right amount of sleep. 

I kept him on his back and leaned over him to kiss him. After the first kiss, I whispered, "I want you to go down on me. I want you to do it my way." He grinned at me, expectantly and I confirmed for him, "Yes, when you're done, you can have me, as long as I can lay back and not have to do anything." 

That's our usual devil's bargain. His servitude for as long as I want it, traded for my weak defenseless body afterward. He readily agreed and made room for me to slide over to the middle of our king sized bed. He knew where to start. I laid back. 

He began by kissing me passionately on the lips, lighting up the nerves around my mouth. I took his hand and put it on my chest, silently directing him where to touch me through my nightgown. His hands did a wonderful job of warming me up, not that I needed a lot of help. 

After I was ready for him to move on, I took his face from mine and began to point to places on my body where I wanted to be kissed. Usually, when we make love, we don't speak. We don't need to. Besides, we like to hear the small sounds of breathing and blankets rustling. 

I pointed to the nape of my neck on the left side, the side closest to him, and he gently nibbled. There was a little dab of perfume waiting for him behind my ear. The perfume works like a drug on him, inflaming his passion and breaking any will he may have had to resist. 

He nibbled his way back to that little spot behind my ear that tickles so nicely and sends goose bumps all over my body. 

After just a moment, he moved up to the ear itself and nibbled for a while, especially the ear lobe. He carefully removed my earring with his teeth. I turned my head to him and allowed him to remove the other one. They were the kind with loops and no backs so it was a simple matter of slowly withdrawing them through the holes. Of course, he had to use his tongue and lips to avoid hurting me, and that drove me nuts. 

Once the earrings were off, I pointed to the spot at the base of my neck, just to the side of my throat, where I like to get hickeys. He gave me a really good one, taking his time, using mostly his tongue and lips. By this point, I was very wet, and my legs were stretching and parting involuntarily. I was beginning my internal battle for control of myself, a battle I had to win in order to stay in control of him.

I guided him down to my breasts, allowing him to slip the spaghetti straps from my shoulders so he could access the nipples. He licked and kissed and sucked on both breasts in spirals, according to patterns I drew on them with my finger. There were little bits of perfume in the warm spots below and between to reward him and further intoxicate him.

When I was ready, I drew my finger down my tummy, straight down from my nipple to the edge of my "V". I avoided the belly button; that tickles too much. He kissed the line slowly and obediently. It was incredible. Once he was at the corner of the triangle, he moved between my legs and gently lifted the edge of my nightgown. 

I put an extra pillow under my head so I could see him and reach him easily. I also handed him the breathing tube. It lets him continue to breath while his face is buried deep between my legs. That way, he doesn't need to come up for air. I wasn't going to let him.

He was on his hands and knees, between my legs, awaiting my instructions. I let him stay there for a moment so I could see him in his submissive posture. I smiled at him and put my finger at the left corner of my triangle, indicating where he should begin. 

As he bowed to my nest of coarse dark hair, my hand slipped behind his head and brought him down exactly where I wanted him. I didn't really need to do that; he already knew where to go; but this wasn't informative. I was taking complete bodily control. He was the drone to my queen bee. 

I pushed his head firmly and forcefully into the corner, where there was another small spot of perfume waiting, and pressed his lips into the exact spot that I wanted kissed. It tickled horribly but that didn't matter any more. My legs and hips wiggled involuntarily from the tickling but I kept him in place with my hand behind his head. 

It was OK for me to loose a little control now, since I had him physically pinned down. I could still control him even though I couldn't completely control myself.

After a moment, I wrapped my legs around his back and squeezed, holding him to me. His hands ran up my thighs and under my hips to squeeze me as he kept kissing, sucking and licking on that one little spot off in the corner. He wasn't in my pussy yet. He was close. 

A few minutes of that was all I needed.

Taking hold of his ears with both hands, I massaged them with my fingertips and thumbs. It was his warning that I was about to start moving him. 

I moved him over to the center, putting his lips at the top, well outside my lips, on that pressure point where I put my thumb when I'm doing my own touching. 

My left hand switched to the back of his head while the right continued to play with his earlobe. I pushed him down harder, wanting pressure against me, and wanting more feeling of domination over him. 

He resisted - tried to pull his head up. I smiled, silently thanking him as I squeezed his ear between my fingers and pulled him in harder with my left hand. It hurt him a little but not too much since I didn't use my fingernails. 

His muffled whine of displeasure was enough to get me going. I squeezed harder until we both knew it was hurting a little too much. I sustained the pressure a moment to hear his increasingly loud, but still muffled, moans of pain, then I eased up. 

We both need that. The vast majority of the time, he's in control. He can do pretty much anything he wants, simply by pushing my emotional buttons and taking advantage of me. I love it, and I love the way he manipulates me, but every once in a while I need to do this to him just to remind him and remind myself who's really in charge. 

As we all know, a man's only real purpose in life is to service his woman. Earning a living, helping raise children and all of that other stuff is busy work. We both need to be restored, if only for a moment, to our proper places in the scheme of things.

His needs are met as well as mine. There's something in him that gets off when I demand this from him. When I take charge, the one thing I usually want him to do is to get between my legs and pleasure me with his face. For him, it's also an unspoken admission of how much I want him. 

I'd had enough preliminaries. I returned my hands to grip the tops of his ears and pushed him farther down and in, pinching just enough to hear a slight yelp. His tongue and lips went just inside the top ridge, just above my center, and began to go to work on me. I started to melt. His hands kneaded my bottom from underneath and I felt my control slipping away... 

No... Not yet...

I squeezed his ears hard and made him yelp again, just for an instant. I could feel the vibration of the sound as I heard it, muffled by my muff. I squeezed once again, a little harder but just for a moment. He whimpered and started to pull away. That was enough. 

I tightened my legs around his head and pulled him in, increasing the pressure on his ears but not squeezing. His sounds turned darker, like a lion consuming his prey. He was enjoying it and my lack of willpower was hidden from his mind. All he knew was that I was being more demanding and forcing him to pleasure me. He was distracted enough to not sense my internal struggle.

It only took a minute of this to restore my emotional state and my self-control, but I continued a moment longer, enjoying the pressure of his face on me.

Satisfied with the preliminary licking, I used my thumbs on the top of his head to push him lower. It was time for him to begin in earnest. His tongue swarmed over my lips and clit and briefly entered me below. I moaned and arched my hips to him, giving him better access and pulling him in even more with my feet around his shoulders and head. 

Closing my eyes and listening to him slurp and lick, I held him there and smiled as my servant did my bidding. 

I can't get this feeling any way other than from his mouth on my pussy. I've tried using my hands, vibrators, and even the occasional visit of another lover between my legs, but there's no substitute. No one, man or woman has ever figured out how to do me the way he does. But, since he does it on my command, whenever I want it, that's good enough for me. 

To keep my composure, I didn't let him tease me on his own. He had to tease me my way and at my pace. The teasing was to end when I said it would end. 

He told me a couple of years ago that he likes to spell words in capital letters around my clit with his tongue. An "A" is when his tongue angles up from my right, almost brushing the head as it goes just above it and then back down at an angle to the left, followed by a little flick underneath for the crossbar. 

You can imagine what the letters "O" and "G" and "U" feel like...

Well, when I want specific control of what he's doing, instead of his usual excruciating teasing, I give him words to spell. I started with "ELEPHANT". The sound of that one word broke the silence that had reigned for the better part of an hour.

ELEPHANT. That's seven times his tongue crosses the tip, coming at it from all directions. Oh how I love ELEPHANTs. I made him do two more. 

After that, I needed a little rest, so I told him to give me a trillion. That's a one with twelve zeros. It's a good way to keep myself at a plateau. My heart was racing and my breathing getting slower and deeper.

At the end of the zeros, I was ready for something intense, so I had him spell "GIGGLES" a whole bunch of times. It's very silly and ticklish with lots of swirls and flicks. It makes me giggle while he's doing it. 

That got me close enough to coming that I let him continue freestyle, meaning he could work his magic on me and take me over the edge his way, but with no teasing allowed. It's his secret method I told you about. He won't tell me how he does it and it's the one secret I allow him to keep. 

It didn't take but half a minute to bring me to my first orgasm. 

I clamped down on him to keep him in place, not that I needed to. 

He took me to three more orgasms, nice hard ones; then I told him to stop.

Another nice thing about being in control: I can wait while I come down from an orgasm and have him start the next one exactly when I want it. It's a real trip. 

I said, "start" and he started licking me off. When I had come a second time, I said, "stop" and he withdrew his tongue and let me rest. That's all I had to do, tell him to start and stop. 

I got it exactly the way I wanted, for as long as I wanted it. Eight times. That was enough. God only knows how fast or slow it was, how much time elapsed. Orgasm time has nothing to do with a clock.

In the end, though, it's not the number or quality of orgasms that makes it so good and it's certainly not the length of time. It's the rush of having him serve me, do whatever I tell him to, and the fact that he enjoys doing it. Having a really strong, sexy hunk of a man bow down and worship me, there's nothing else like it.

My desire to be in control doesn't last beyond my orgasms. 

Once I came down from the high of it all, I released him and he straightened up, with his beard and face dripping wet. I tossed him the towel that we keep in the headboard for him to dry off with. It took only a few seconds and then he looked at me from above. 

That's when my mood changed. He loomed over me and caught his breath. My strength had drained from my body. I no longer cared what he did as long as I could just lay there and enjoy it.

It's a familiar plot: Having completely satisfied me, he uses my weakness to his advantage and begins to take his pleasure on me. The Devil comes to claim my soul. I give it willingly, the trade having been more than worth it. His hands take my wrists and pin them beside me. His fire and brimstone burn hot as his pitchfork drives into me. 

But there's a subtlety to it. 

He's a kindly devil. His fierce, animalistic thrusts aren't brutal. They're strong but savored. His restraining hands and chest press me firmly, but he uses only token force to hold me in place. He squeezes hard briefly, just to show me that he can, and forestall any resistance I might think to offer, but we both know I can't resist. My body is weak, my will is expended and my eternal gratitude is laid bare before him. I won't even think of resisting.

The tables are almost fully turned, except that I don't have to do any work. I can just lie there. 

This is one of those moments in our lives when I'm truly helpless. I don't care what he does to me, so long as he loves me. His lips descend for a kiss, his face still damp and reeking of sex. My own scent from his face mixes with his sweat and breath, joining forces to drug me as I had drugged him earlier. 

My body responds to the narcotic and meets his thrusts. I marvel at the joy of womanhood: that I truly want to yield to the man who, moments ago, was my willing slave. There's something, some intangible essence that brings me here. It's carried in his scent and even in my own. I'm addicted to it: craving it, needing it, enjoying it, loving it. 

My hips thrust, supporting him, helping him, their energy coming from within him, radiating to me through his member deep inside me. 

I breathe deeply, willingly taking another dose of the drug. I absorb it and complete my surrender, moaning incoherently. Somehow, my body begins the ascent to yet another orgasm, but I don't care about orgasms any more.

Somewhere deep inside me, I feel the pulse of his seed being delivered. Millions of invaders rush in, seeking to change my life forever. He doesn't ask permission. He never does. As the invaders arrive, my orgasm begins. My doors open to welcome his minions. I'm a willing collaborator, conceding my keep and castle to his conquerors. 

I wonder if this will be the moment when I conceive his child. 

In the space of a few minutes, I've gone from queen bee to... well... queen bee, I guess.

Why? Why don't I stay in control? Why do I usually lie back for him in the end? 

It's simple, really... It just feels so damned good.

Rise of the Worthy

 He was sat, naked, in the chair, blindfold and satin straps ready and a towel underneath him. She walked through the door, gone were the jeans and t-shirt from half an hour earlier, now, she was only wearing a pair of panties. She walked up to him, turned around and bent over, spreading her legs wide. The back of the panties consisted only of four thin, black straps that did nothing to cover her. She was close enough that he could smell her arousal, he hardened even more, his cock twitching in anticipation. 


The word almost stuck in his throat, she was absolutely stunning. She turned around and grinned playfully at him, it was her turn to lead for the evening. She straddled his lap, her wet pussy trailing against his leg as she did so, tantalisingly close to his cock. Picking up the satin ties, she gently bound his arms to the chair, leaving enough play to turn his hands over but not enough that he could touch her unless she wanted it. She placed the blindfold over his head, kissing him as she did so. His lips were hungry against hers, desperate for her touch. She pulled away ever so slowly, exhaling as she did so, her minty breath played across his face, chill through the trimmed hair of his beard. She sat back from him and placed her right hand on his chest, his heart was racing. She giggled,

"Someone's excited aren't they?"

"Mmm hmmm."

He just about managed to groan a response. He felt her learn forward, her nipples brushing his chest as she nuzzled his neck gently, her soft lips brushing against his fresh-shaven skin. He tipped his head back, spine arching. She took this opportunity and kissed in a line down his neck and onto his body, gently biting at his collarbone before she slid back off of his lap, her hands pressing on his thighs as she maintained lip contact with his chest, approaching the nipple and starting to pull her teeth over the skin. He shivered at this change in sensation. As she reached the nipple and sucked tenderly, leaving it erect, he moaned again, an animalistic murmur of lust that turned her on even more. She loved seeing him like this, enjoying everything she did.

Her tongue lapped its way down from his nipple, a long, wandering path across his stomach. She could feel his muscles shifting beneath the skin as he flexed in reaction to her teasing. Then, she stopped. Pursing her lips she gently blew across the wet head of his cock, it twitched in response. Giggling, she did it again, then daintily kissed the tip, savouring the taste of the excitement she'd caused. Just a kiss, then sat back for a few seconds, leaving him wondering about what was next. Just as he was about to say something she fluttered her tongue against the underside of his shaft, just a flicker of contact, wet and hot. After another tantalising pause she started licking up and down the smooth skin of his shaft, then, after having bathed most his cock she gently pulled down on the head with one finger, allowing her to run her tongue down the top to where it met his body. Kissing her way back down the shaft she then lingered around the head, her tongue starting to flutter again as she teased him. With no warning she suddenly wrapped her lips around it and engulfed half of his length in her mouth. He gasped at the sudden change, the heat surrounding him making him attempt to thrust in further. 

She pushed down on his thighs, holding the distance between her face and his body steady. This was her turn to command the pace. She began to move her mouth up and down his cock. Her lips were tight against it and she worked her tongue on the underside of his cock as she thrust herself against him. Still only taking half of him into her mouth she continued these slow, shallow strokes. Now he had stopped trying to move she took one of her hands off of his leg and began to touch his balls with her fingertips, just enough contact to tease, but refusing to actually play with them, yet. 

By now her mouth was awash with saliva, she never swallowed any as it made what was coming next easier. She began to work his cock further into her mouth, a little deeper with each slow movement of her head. Twenty strokes later she had got to the point where his head was pushing against the back of her throat, gagging a little when she thrust against it too hard. She knew that the sensation of that turned him on and could feel his cock twitch every time she did it. Pulling back to the tip she calmed her breathing and then inexorably slid it into her mouth until her lips were against his body. 

He was in ecstasy, her throat was convulsing around his cock as it struggled against the invader she had forced in. He could feel her nose pressing against his stomach as she tried to keep it down. After a few seconds she pulled back, gasping for breath. He felt trails of saliva on his legs and dripping down onto his balls. He could only imagine what this looked like at the moment, he could tell that she was on her hands and knees, her back arched to allow her to get it that far down her throat. Her ass would be on show to the camera watching from the front. This would look amazing when they watched it later.

His thoughts were wrenched away as she again swallowed to his cock to the base, this time it slipped in a little easier and there was a bit less suppressed gagging. She choked a little as it came out though, the sound turning him on even more. She barely paused before starting to thrust her mouth back onto him, this time going reaching the bottom of his cock and immediately pulling back. She began to fuck her own throat with his cock, she had now drenched his balls with saliva and it was starting to run down her breasts. The filthy feeling of it made her want it harder, picking up the pace and starting to choke slightly every time he popped into her throat. He couldn't tell how long she did this for, lost in the sensations of it, the sweet sounds of her sloppy throat and the indescribable feelings coming from its touch.

Eventually she pulled back, she didn't want him coming, yet. She pulled back and stood up, kissing him on the lips. He returned it with primal hunger, desperate for contact with her, not caring about the mess of spit that they'd caused. She took his right hand in hers and turned it over, leaving the palm up. Then he felt something extremely wet brush against the fingers, she'd straddled his hand. Her soaking pussy was totally uncovered by the underwear, the hard nub of her clit covered only by a fine mesh. He slipped two fingers into her and started tracing a circle around her clit with his thumb. She ground herself against his hand, loving his careful attention. He couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this wet, his fingers easily found the engorged spot inside her, rubbing it side-to-side. It was her turn to moan in appreciation at this double dose of stimulation. She leaned forward as he continued, first kissing him and then just resting her head on his shoulder, panting too hard to do anything else. He moved his digits faster and faster his thumb slipping inside the panties to rub directly over her clit, willing her closer to the edge. After all, she'd earned it. Just as he could feel her start to tense against him she pulled away, 

"Not yet Sir."

He waited for whatever she had in mind, thinking it must be good to make the delay worth it. He heard a bottle of lube being pumped, then some wet squelchy sounds and finally a very low pulsing buzz and a gasp of pleasure. He felt her straddle him again, this time she grabbed his cock, stroking the head along her wet pussy lips before lowering herself onto it. She felt hot, slick and tighter than normal, then he felt the first pulse through her. She had a buttplug in. He could feel it throbbing through the thin wall at the back of her pussy. She finally sat all the way down onto him, pressing herself into his lap and placing her hands on his shoulders for support. Her hips started a slow motion, grinding more than moving up and down. He realised what she was doing, she wanted her orgasm, but was doing her best to delay his. Her rhythm became more erratic, little shivers interrupting it. He felt one of her hands leave his shoulder and the plug started moving, the angle of it tilting so it pressed further against her, and therefore, him. She buried her face in his shoulder, starting to bite him through muffled whimpers.

Suddenly he felt something change, her entire core tensed, the walls of her pussy undulating against him. Her movements became jagged, tiny little thrusts back-and-forth as she rode the pleasure. He could feel her groaning into his shoulder as her teeth dug into his flesh. The hand on his shoulder curled into claws, nails driving in to try and keep a grip on him. She continued for what felt like an age to him, unable to actually see what was happening, multiple waves wracking her body until she collapsed onto him, limp. He could feel her hair against his throat as she rested her head against his chest. He leant forward slightly and rested his chin on her head, she snuggled in further, her arms wrapping around him. Her chest was heaving against him, attempting to get her breath back. Finally, her breathing slowed slightly and she slowly lifted her head, kissing him with her tongue exploring his mouth. He returned it hungrily, loving the taste of her lips. She pulled away and whispered into his ear,

"Your turn, Sir."

She lifted herself off of him, her pussy unwillingly releasing his cock from its warm grasp. She knelt , running her hands down his body as she brought her face to his cock. She slid it into her mouth, savouring the taste of her. Standing up, she again kissed him, this time sharing herself in the most intimate way, exploring her flavour together. A hand reached down and started to touch his balls with a feather-light touch, he moaned appreciatively and she firmed her grip slightly. Moving back down she started to deepthroat him again, continuing as she had done to force him into her throat with every stroke. Her hand on his balls became more exploratory, slick with saliva she started tracing her fingers around the skin behind his balls, occasionally fluttering over his asshole. She knew he loved that. She pulled back for a moment, swirling her tongue around him as she did, then pushed her face as far as it could go into his stomach. She felt his head swell inside her throat as he tensed up with the shock of it. She choked as it did so, the extra stimulation causing him to move in his seat. He was closer than she'd thought. She pulled back and sat on her haunches, gasping for air.

He heard her moving around, there was a wet pop and then some more sounds of something slick being rubbed. Then he felt her slippery, slightly open asshole against the head of his cock. She slid him in slowly, the thick saliva on his cock and the lube already inside making it an easy thing to do. The she began to move up and down on his cock, the tight, grasping passage trying to tug the cum out of him. He could feel the muscles in her ass rippling as she gyrated. She reached back and moved the blindfold up, he was treated to the view of her pantied butt, grinding back against him as she leaned forwards away from him. Her arm stretched underneath herself and she started to play with his balls again. The combination of stimulation was electric, within a few strokes the release that had been building for the last hour burst out. His stomach tensed as it did, his legs tightening and arms straining against their restraints. She sat down as far as she could, plunging his cock into her hot depths as it spurted into her. As he finally stopped spasming she started to grind gently, her ass hungrily massaging every drop he had to give her. She sat back a little and untied his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and resting his head on her shoulder, kissing that little spot on the nape of her neck that always did. As he got his breathing under control he whispered in her ear,

"Thank you, you're such a good girl."


I want to be your monster. The terrible thing you make a pact with to hold you in the night and keep you safe. Who keeps you close and warm and safe from all the other bumps in the night. The man who's presence can lull you to sleep or wake you up with a gasp, merely from where I touch you. To keep you as secure in my grip as you are in my thoughts.


Something about you rouses me from sleep and I find my hands sliding through your hair in the scant light of the pre-dawn. It takes a moment to adjust, to really come back into focus, so I let my hands do my thinking for me. They travel the length of you dark hair to the end and a few extra inches over your ashen skin. 

You stir, emitting a pleasant moan. And with it I am brought back to life instantly.

My dark eyes open to scan over you as my hand slides down your back, over your spine, and back up your side. I make small circles and designs playing over it as I become aware of heavy breathing, my elevated heart rate. The cock you've made insufferably hard just by being as desirable as you are. 

This time, when my hand slides over the nape of your neck and you moan, I growl lowly and feel my cock stretch in a painful jut forward. 

There must be some expectation here because you do not move at all. No shift or waking in any way. How many times have you made me growl for you before its even light outside? How often have I painted little invisible symbols on your back so that you don't even wake when it's happening?

I move closer to you, my left hand snaking up to reach under you so I can slide my index finger up and down the front of your neck. My right hands surfs along your curves, from your knee up to the middle of your thigh. From your hip to the small of your stomach and up your ribs and over your arm. It's a journey I've made a thousand times and want to make a million more. I am only a man though, and my hand drops to move over the side of your right breast.

There is no way I can avoid touching them, not if I can help it, and often if I can't. I wonder how any man could. My fingers trace along the outer rim, touching both your breast and the skin of your chest, doing my best to avoid your nipple. I trace a concentrated circle around the edge before drifting aimlessly across your torso, your thighs and up again as a second finger begins to stroke the front of your neck.

My cock is too hard and full to hide, so I press the whole of my body up against yours, and let it fall between your thighs. There is just the hint of heat of and wetness without touching and knowing it's there, how close I am, makes just the tiniest bit of human escape through hot, wanting breath. 

You mumble something in sleep talk, but I do not hear it. And it doesn't matter what it was at this point—the outcome is set.

Fingers stop stroking your neck and instead my hand slowly clasps around it, not to tighten or choke in anyway, just to hold it. To claim you. To have you in hand because I can't get any closer to you.

Something dark rises to the surface. It wants to talk from the back of my throat and move hot blood through my body like I'm running in the summer. Like I'm dying of thirst and I need to squeeze water out of you. As though there is no other way for us to be. It ramps up the sensation of your skin on mine, of my touch on you, of the closeness of our bodies and the cold comfort of the night. It tells me to smell you.

And it is so right to do so. This is when you smell best. When there is only the after-hint of perfume, when the shampoo has all but left. When the only thing I get, truly sense, is you. The smell of your hair. Your skin. It is intimate and close and I wouldn't trade it for any other thing you can give until I need the next part of your more.

Lips press into your shoulder. Long, slow pulses pressed into you before I suck the tiniest bit. Move and repeat. No quick trail, no rapid burst, just me trying my best to get some of the taste of you in my mouth.

You shift and the tip of your pussy lips rub against the top of my cock before it slides between your thighs again. Innocent, or so I think, but it exercises a little bit more of the man right out of me. 

I growl and you shift again. You start to turn so I pull back and let you move towards me. Your eyes are small and covered in fog, but you give me a smile and say hi. 

Hi, I say back.

You lean your head up expectantly and we kiss, lightly, morning breath and all. It deepens a little but you pull back and look at me. You hold my gaze for a moment before your eyes close again and you nuzzle into my arm, ignoring my hand around your neck like its not even there. And after a moment, you fall black asleep.

My right hand plays up and down your thighs, the full of my palm sliding against your skin, pulling and coax one leg towards me and the other away. I repeat the process a few times until I've opened your legs enough to slink in between them. I release my grip on you as I slide out from under your weight to place a kiss near your navel. I place a small trail of them leading your chest so that I can place a few short, quick ones on the side of your beautiful breasts. But I can't resist, and the kisses become longer, slower, more needy. Before I know it I'm taking small pieces of you into my mouth and have to stop from sucking you, from waking you before I'm ready.

After a deep breath I come back down, kissing as I go. I make a little figure eight on your spread thighs, kissing in a semi circle on your left, finishing on the right, and ending with a single, firm kiss against your pussy. Nowhere near the top, as I don't want to touch your clit, not yet. 

You taste wonderful in the morning, despite how much you fret. A full day and a half without a shower and I would still love to eat your pussy like we had just met, with hands on your ass and face buried into you deep enough that you can feel just the hint of my beard and the full of the warmth from my skin. But just like your clit, not yet, not today. Something else is stirring in me and its far too hungry to wait.

Two more long, giving kisses on your pussy and I'm on my way back to you, to look at you for a moment. Gun to my head, I couldn't tell if you were actually asleep or not, but my need doesn't care. I reach a hand down between your lips and stroke the outside to gauge your wetness before moving a single finger in, no longer concerned with being delicate. 

You shift, but do not open your eyes, and I pull my finger immediately out. I am satisfied that you are ready.

My left hand returns to your neck to grip it as my right grabs the base of my cock, grabs it tightly, and points the head against your slit. I exhale as I push just enough into you that I can release, move my body close to yours, into your yours as my right hand pushes into the mattress to keep myself propped up.

I take a long, slow breath as I shift the weight my palm to my elbow and begin to slide into you, inch by slow inch. 

Your cunt feels amazing, every time I enter it. I pity every many who hasn't been with you and what they don't get to feel. Every fool who thinks that sex with a woman becomes less special over time. If they could only spend a little time inside you.

You shift and I groan, and that seems to bring you closer to rousing, but you say nothing, just emit little noises. 

Once all the way in I move my hand up to the side of your face to stroke your cheek as I begin to slowly move myself in and out of you. Long, slow pushes and pulls, the tip of my cock shuddering violently as I torture myself. It's sweet, but at the same time, the motion strains the last of the humanity out of me.

It doesn't take long before the shift comes and I start pushing in harder, faster. Pulling out with anticipation of the next push. It builds, so much quicker than I'd like to control, but that's what you are to me—the woman that makes me crave and lose centeredness at the same time.

My eyes are narrowed, hot daggers focused on your face. I'm just waiting for them to open now. They do not shift to your bouncing tits or deep breaths or parting lips. They just wait for your eyes to open. It's all I want now. And so it stops becoming about being in you, and becomes fucking. Long, full strokes into you that stop with a jolt so I can ram into you again and again.

And the moment your eyes open I'm ready and put my hand over your mouth.

I tell you to be quiet. That you belong to me. That you are mine and I'll do what I want with you. That I'm the biggest, baddest god damn monster you ever met and this what I'll take from you to keep the shadows at bay.

You moan into my hand, some mix of words and deep breath, eyes open wider as I start to rail in and out of you, growling and convulsing as I do. Long full slams into your sublimely wet pussy. I'm still doing it in my own rhythm, for me, so that there is a pause after every thrust. I want nothing more than to cum into you, fill you up with it, but I force the wait so I can take you, have you be mine, for just a few moments longer. 

When I get to the point that I can no longer stand it, that it feels like cum is going to burst out of me, I slow inside you, back to little slow strokes as I side my hand from your mouth and replace it with my lips, kissing into you so hard I feel just a hint of your teeth beneath them. It makes me growl, and I only notice when I'm done that it made me tighten my grip on your neck.

Say you're mine, I demand. And it's only when you comply that I loosen my grip.

I pull out of you with a growl, move away from your legsand flip you onto your stomach with a single, harsh turn of your hips. I slap your ass once and am on you before you can do anything but whelp. I shove your legs apart and press down into your back, then push into your pussy slowly.

I instruct you to say that you're mine with every single push. I fuck so you can keep the tempo as my hands slide up to your shoulders. I grip them and push into them all at once for the leverage I need enter at your favorite angle. 

I start pushing faster and faster until you can no longer keep up. I demand you continue saying it, even as your breath fails, even as it comes to quickly. I laugh when you fall behind, and I go faster, demanding it again. Say you're mine. Say you're mine. Say you're mine.

My left hand moves back to your neck as my right slides down to snake between the sheets and your skin to move to your pussy, and to reach up and stroke your clit.

You've given up saying anything now. Both of our worlds have become so small that they fit inside you.

My body presses against yours, molds to it, until we are as close as can be, my fingers tightening around your neck, rapidly sliding back and forth across your clit as I pound you from behind. Little hard strokes, not going anywhere near fully in or out, sacrificing everything for the speed as we both edge closer and closer.

I scream out your name, my face only inches from your ear as I push past my climax and get the final few strokes into you. And then I'm cumming and cumming before collapsing into your skin.

We lay there for a moment, my body on top of yours, heavy and dead, panting and breathing slowly. 

I pull out soft, wondering how long we've been there. Not long, since it's still dark out. I reach for you when I'm back on my side, and you come, pushing yourself, giggling a little, moaning a little, and probably still cross from being woken that way.

You pull into me easily, and I'm spooning you again, your slightly damp hair brushing against my chest, both of my arms tight around your torso. You put your hands atop them, grip them and whisper "My monster."

And I am nothing else before I fall back asleep.


 He watched my chest heaving with each breath, breasts bobbing up and down in my tight black corset. I was dressed entirely in tight black leather, and the heady aroma of our juices, sweat and leather filled the air. I licked my lips as I stood before his bound and captive body, laughing devilishly to myself as I replayed tonight's events in my mind. 

I looked him over from top to bottom as he knelt captive before me. I smiled as I noticed that one bit of hair that always stood out in the opposite direction of the others. That was one thing I loved about him -- even my perfect pet had this one small imperfection that made him real. "Him and his perfect imperfection were mine, all mine," I thought as my eyes continued to wander down to his eyes, staring at the ground, his head bowed like a good little slave.

I stared longingly into the red and pink of his luscious apple lips and licked my own as my eyes continued to make their way down his muscular figure. "What an incredible body he has!" I thought to myself as my eyes traced the lines on his muscular chest. 

Going lower down, came sheer heaven (or hell, all depending on my mood). My precious gem, already glistening with a drop of precum as my slave's vivid imagination wondered to what I might have planned. He was already hard, and that cock ring must have been at least a slight bit tight by now, but things would get worse later! My prize stood out, almost at attention, to greet my gaze. I rewarded the gesture as I licked the pearly droplets from its tip. I love driving my slave crazy like that!

And then, it was my fingers' turn. I walked around my slave and gently rubbed his wrists above and below the tight leather cuffs that held them beautifully in the center of his back. And I licked at them. I couldn't resist the first taste of fresh leather, and I couldn't resist the taste of his soft skin. 

I licked a careful circle above and below the cuffs and then blew a stream of cool air around his hands. Oh, the glorious goose bumps that I gave him then, as I took his little pinky into my mouth. I sucked on it gently, at first, and then grew harder, moving my tongue around it in little circles and swirling it in my mouth. Even his tiny pinky finger was long and tasty. 

I pulled his pinky-finger out through my sucking lips and took in his ring-finger in its place. I licked and sucked at this tasty appendage, as I had the last. And I focused special attention on his class ring. It was big and manly, silver with a blue stone -- his birth stone. Engraved into the stone were my initials, and in each of the gold facets was a heart. It was a very special thing he had done for me, even before I was his mistress. I was just his girlfriend then, no different from any other high school sweetheart; and, yet, it was me he chose to memorialize on his finger. I sucked at the ring finger and spun the silver band around with my tongue.

I sucked delicately on this fingertip then, and removed it, replacing it with the next - the middle finger. This had always had a special place in our relationship as "the fucking finger". This was the part of him that always, without fail, brought me pleasure - no matter what position we were in or how he was bound, he always managed that his finger would find its way to my clit and would gently circle my most sensitive skin. I loved this finger and paid it special attention with my tongue. 

I took the next finger into my mouth - the pointer finger - or, as I preferred, the finger-fucking finger. This was always the first finger to go in either hole. It was the finger whose job was the hardest - to make up for its lack of fullness with motion. My tongue mimicked this finger's motions along its very own skin. Where this finger would have turned and rubbed and pushed gently inside of me, my tongue turned and rubbed and pushed along its length.

Finally, came the thumb. The thumb is the only finger which I use teeth on. My tongue and my lips suck and pull on it, as I have the others, and then my tongue, darting over it, brings it to softly brush across my teeth. I am not biting into it, just gently running my teeth across his skin, teasing his finger with pleasure and circling, swirling my mouth around this most manly of his fingers. His thumb is rough and well used, but I suck it soft. And then I pull at it gently with my tongue and my teeth. I pinch it gently between my jaws and hold it, playing with it with my lips and with my smile.

And then I pull it from my mouth, grazing it harshly across my teeth, and take the other hand. All is the same there; except the ring. In place of the class ring, on this other hand, he wears the service ring I have given him. It is splotched in shades of green and blue and is a solid band, lined in silver. It bears the word "Master", a symbol of my service to him. He serves me as slave, and I serve him as fuck slut. The ring upon my finger, engraved with Mistress, matches the fuck slut collar around my neck. The ring around his matches his slave collar. In fact, our collars and rings match, the pink and maroon of mine replacing the blue and green of his, the lining of mine in gold. We are two switches and this is our world of domination, submission, and love inter-mixed. 

But now it is my moment to dominate him, to own him, to control him. With that, I take his other pinky into my mouth and give him finger-head one finger at a time, just as I had his other hand. By the time I am finished, he is fully erect (or as erect as his cock ring would let him be) and is whimpering softly, moaning like a little puppy dog, desperate for release. But he would get none or not yet, at least.

I walked back around to his front and ran my fingers through his dark brown hair. That is truly a sign of his submission to me... The ability for me to touch his hair and to move it in any direction I choose, to play with it, to feel it, and to control it. This may not seem like much, but to us it is a symbol. He is one of those guys who is very hair conscious and doesn't let anyone touch his hair. It always has to be "perfect". But, I love the little imperfections he lets me bring to it. This is the nature of his submission to me.

Then my fingers reach his shoulders and gently massage the knots from his neck. My submissive side is showing, I suppose. I want to please him because it gives me pleasure. Tonight is definitely all about my pleasure. And kneading his sore muscles brings us both pleasures. Then, I look deep into his eyes and kiss him.

Usually, his tongue is all over my mouth, but tonight, I am in control. Complete control -- of everything -- even that. When he tries to bring his tongue into my mouth, I pull away from him and pull his head back with his hair. I just look at him, helpless before me. And he hides his eyes. And then I lean in and kiss him. We kiss open mouthed, with no tongue. I know how much he wants to taste the inside of my mouth, but this is just a tease. With that, I run my tongue across the outside of his lips and taste him. I taste him, where he cannot taste me, yet.

"But our evening of fun is just beginning," I think to myself as I plant a line of kisses along his chin. I lick around the outside of his lips and suck above and below them and on either side, allowing my tongue and my lips to caress his sweet skin.

I slowly make my way with the trail of kisses along his neck and softly nibble on his soft skin. I reach the gap between his neck and shoulder and run my tongue across it. And then, I slowly, softly, tenderly bite into his flesh. The colors of pink and purple and red delight me as my tongue and lips dance across his skin - pulling, nibbling, and sucking. And then, tortuously slowly, I made my way across his shoulder and down his arm, kissing and sucking at his sensitive spots. When I reached his wrist, I again licked around those dark cuffs and began to make my way up his other arm in an equally slow and teasing fashion.

I had finally returned to his shoulder. I looked deep into his eyes and licked my lips and then his. I pulled his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it, pulling on it with the suction of my mouth. And I teased his tongue with my mouth and ran my tongue across his sweet lips. Staring into his eyes, I bent my head down and kissed him just above his cock. I flicked my tongue along the sensitive skin between his hips but avoided his jutting gem altogether. Such a tease I was, but I loved being one.

Then I began another trail along his body, but it was a more random one this time. I darted across his stomach, along his ribs, inside his belly button, on his tight abs, up his shoulders. I left a trail of kisses, licks, and nibbles everywhere I went. His body was mine and I was having fun savoring every inch of it. Apparently he was having fun, too, as I could tell from his moans and purrs as my trail continued its sensuous pattern.

When my lips had touched every inch of his stomach, chest, and upper body, I left a soft, sweet kiss on each shoulder blade. I kissed his elbows, sucking on each for a second or two. And then I reached his bound wrists again. With my mouth, I undid the cuffs and began to lick a path along where they had been. With my mouth I caressed the pinked flesh where the bands had left marks on his wrists. My lips left kisses on the edges of his bones, and along his hands and fingers. Delicately, I kissed each fingertip. And then I took his hands in mine and held them tightly.

I kissed each of his tender nipples and bit gently on them with my teeth. I writhed and moaned, begging for more. And so I gave it to him, slowly kissing my way down his happy trail - the line of hair from his belly button to his pleasure button (more of a pleasure lever than a button, really). I licked his happy trail with one long flick of my tongue, touching every patch of skin along the way with my wet mouth and warm lips. And then, I finally, I licked his manhood - just one flick of my tongue across the base of his cock drove him wild. He moaned and squirmed and begged me for more.

And so, teasingly slow, I began to oblige. I first flicked my tongue across the middle of his shaft. Then I sucked on just the base of his cock, licking little lines around his cock ring. This was gloriously fun for me and torturously pleasurable for him. Next, I slowly lick circles around his cock head, running my tongue in lines up and down his hard shaft. He is squirming and writhing and moaning, but still I go drag my warm, wet tongue ever so slowly across his cock, teasing and torturing him with glorious pleasure.

His engorged cock is huge inside my tight mouth. And he is moaning loudly as my tongue slides along his manhood. Then, suddenly I stop and look devilishly up at him. He is more aroused and more frustrated than he has ever been, all in that one single instant. I will let him cum tonight!

But not quite yet! I smile at him and lean back down towards his cock. But I stop just millimeters above it. Stretching my tongue to its fullest, I barely lick at the tip jutting prize, tasting the droplets of pearly pre-cum in front of me. I lean in closer by a microscopic amount and graze his penis with the very tip of my tongue, teasing it with my slow torturous pleasure.

And then, I move closer and begin licking and sucking in earnest at the area just above his pubic hair. It is as if I am giving him head - my head bobbing up and down above him, my tongue running across his skin, and my lips sucking on him deeply - but I'm not sucking where he wants, but agonizingly close to there. I slowly trail my tongue up his chest and bite gently at his nipples. Oh my precious slave, you are in for torturous pleasure tonight! 

I looked up at him and kissed him hard on the mouth and nodded. That meant it was ok. His tongue entered my mouth in frantic exploration, seeking out my tongue as it circled around his own, engaging it in an erotic tongue tug-of-war. Still kissing him, I reached back and undid his cuffs, gently massaging feeling back into his precious limbs. Slowly, I was giving him more and more freedom and control; slowly I was letting power slip away from me - bit by bit by bit. But no matter what happened, I was in control. With that thought in mind, I bit gently down on his tongue and pulled my head back, stretching his, pulling it from his mouth gently.

My eyes glistened as the light caught them. And his shown like diamonds in the rough. His eyes shone bright and multicolored. Staring into them fascinated me. It was part of what had attracted me to him in the first place. I could lose myself in those eyes. Pools of color, patterned with lines and pictures. His eyes were incredible. Staring into them, I could almost see his devotion to me, see the depth of his submission. I loved watching his soul dance in his eyes. I could see fire in his eyes. It was pure lust.. true love.. complete submission.. and total domination.. all at once! "This was what was so incredible about him," I thought to myself, knowing my eyes mirrored his.

I ran my fingertips across his shoulders and gently dragged my nails down his ribcage and over his chest. He let out gurgled moans. I smiled at him and growled, playfully, before nibbling at the crevice in his shoulder. As my tongue slid along the crevice and my lips sucked and pulled on the soft skin there, I began to gently pull at his nipples with my thumb and forefinger, gently twisting them into little pointy knobs. This was driving him crazy. And, the thing was, it was driving me crazy, too. Watching him squirm and hearing him moan and beg was pushing me towards the edge. 

I pulled up the bottom of my black leather skirt so that he could see just the very bottom of my cunt. I wasn't wearing any panties. I teased him by teasing myself as I flicked a finger across my clit, running it along my wet slit. I straddled him and sat there inches above his hard cock, touching myself. As my fingers toyed with my moist flesh, I gently brushed against the head of his cock with my thumb, teasing it - and him - to the extreme. I inserted a finger deep inside of me and, removing it, brought it to his lips to taste. He eagerly sucked my juices from my finger. And then, back I went to my pussy, filling my hole with two fingers this time. I thrust them in and out of me, running my thumb along his shaft as I worked myself slowly towards the waves of pleasure that would overtake my body.

I withdrew my fingers and again brought them to his mouth. He eagerly accepted both into his lips, sucking on them and slurping every bit of my wetness from my fingertips. I drew back and put my fingers back to work on my slit. I ran my thumb across my clit and inserted three fingers into my dripping hole. He could feel my juices running down onto his hard cock. This time, I ran my pinky along his cock-head. This was the ultimate torture - barely touching, totally teasing him with my body.

Three fingers slid in and out of me eagerly. Faster and faster, I thrust them inside of me and withdrew them again. My body rocked, humping my fingers as they buried themselves deep inside. He was watching me, eyes wide with desire, body rocking with lust, lips curled with pleasure, and cock hard with anticipation.

I slid my fingers out of me, licking them myself this time. And then, I began to play with his balls, running my thumb along them as I held them in the palm of my hand and gently, barely squeezed. I looked up at him, lifted my body up, and dropped myself down, impaling myself upon him. We moaned together in unison. Slowly, almost too slowly, I began to pump my body up and down, picking myself up off of his shafts and ten dropping down, impaling myself on him. Over and over, I repeated this process with increasing fury and speed. "Don't cum until I give you permission, slut!" I commanded him.

And with that, I began to furiously pound my body up and down along his cock. Hard and fast, I continued to impale myself on his cock. I could feel him about ready to explode.. "Not yet, slave." I said with an evil grin. My hands began to play with my nipples, twisting and pulling, as I rocked rapidly on his cock. I leaned forward and bit down into his neck (gently of course) as I came. My pussy walls clamping on his cock as I continued to pound him into me, he squirmed and moaned and begged and pleaded for release. "Now slave. Cum for me.." I said, moaning and screaming s my body shook with waves of orgasm. 

Hot jets of cum spurted out of him and rushed up inside of me. He moaned and screamed as I thrashed, still taken by the throes of my own orgasm. We came together as I rocked up and down on his cock.

And then, when we both had finished cumming, I looked up at him and kissed him on the lips. Softly and gently we caressed each other as I cast my eyes downward. I had enjoyed my evening as queen. And he had, too. "One of many.." we thought as we cuddled and held each other close. Softly, our fingers touched each others' skin and softly, our lips met in a gently kiss, our arms tangled in a sweet embrace. We lay there, loving each other and holding each other close, just relaxing in each others' arms. And then, safe in his arms, comforted by his presence, I fell asleep.

All doors close

hand intertwined in mine
he whispered a secret
and it tickled my neck

I closed my eyes and giggled 
as he led me down the hallway
reopening them, I saw Him
He stared at me and then at our hands, his hand

He walked right by us and never smiled
and in that moment I knew
He would never feel guilt for what He did
for the pain He had put me through
for using me

But that was the first time I realized it didn't matter
because His eyes were full of hurt
at the sight of me holding a different hand

maybe He hadn't only used me
maybe He had felt a slight bit of love for me
and it felt amazing to know It wasn't all a lie
that I hadn't wasted a year of my life
that there was some truth in our old disgusting relationship

We walked past and He never spoke
and that was alright
because I finally felt closure
and now I had the opposite of a lie - truth
and held my hand at that moment
never letting go

Selena Enigma

 You, moon of flesh and bone
You, moon of magic and charm
You, moon of wit and art
You butterfly

You have outshone all the stars in the sky
And brought darkness to my life
You have blurred the golden sun
And dimmed the silver moon Waning she may be, but her light is ever bright
Even more than enough to brighten up my night
No dark clouds she wouldn't fight
No sky she wouldn't might 

For she is the ruler of the sky that is night The warmth of her body numbs my nerves 
The soft feeling of her skin against mine
Suddenly all the worries in the world seem to disappear 
Holding me tight as I feel her chest move slowly with each breath
How I wish I could of stayed in her arms 
To remain in that moment forever and ever
Her eyes are bluer than the sky and ocean combined
Her black hair waves like a silky night
Though sassy at times I still see her beautiful soul
How can one person make me feel so wanting
Wanting to be with her for as long as my heart beats
I want to be one with her and share all my secrets 
To experience new things by her side
She makes my bleary thoughts clear from the sound of her laugh
Her smile boils my blood as it takes away the sadness
She was named after the moon
And I a warrior 
She comes from the South
And I the North
Yet so far apart we share so much
Take me away my sweet
For I will always promise to love your beautiful presence 
And forever whisper your name in my dreams

Good Dawning

I know of a land
where none but I have been
Not a land between seas
but a land of within
The familiar becomes fear
A home becomes a stage
The room whispers empty
I yell back in rage
The walls have me captive 
Outside is but lore
For the clouds upon the ceiling
send floods through my door
A plea sent through the waves
for mere grace to stay afloat
But the sound heard in the gap
are the thoughts inside my throat
Like running from a bee
when you become aim of its sting
The past will pierce you again
with the daggers that it brings
The moon sings the stars' ode
My soul beside me it lays
for no one else would
I bid goodnight from the grave


 Hold me closer
Don't let me go
The feel of you inside me
It's like you're touching my soul
Deeper, faster, 
Reaching my peak
Don't let me go
My knees are weak
So much friction
Yet there's more to know
It's an addiction
Don't let me go
I'm feeling so high
Stay steadfast and hold
I need to reach the sky
My insides are still cold
Please...Crush me round your arms.
Pin me to your chest.
Keep me safe and sound. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2018

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