
Preface : The Beggining of Life

October 31st, 2003The sun was setting behind the tall, black building of MoonShadow Hospital, a baby began to cry as it was being born. It was 6:33 pm, on October 31st, 2003, the night Luna Lila Lanaster had taken her first breath. 


October 23th, 2020; It was only a few days before Lunas 17th birthday, and she was ready, she wasn't sure exactly what she was going to do, but she knew her best friend Ella would definetly have something planned. But Luna didn't know that the next few days she'd be going through some of the biggest changes of her life, a secret kept from her for the last 17 years, not only were her parents aware so was her best friend, Ella. Little does Luna know, someone else holds the secret she keeps. Both of them un aware that they even hold a secret, will have to learn how to tame their beast inside, while falling for eachother. Luna, not even having kissed a guy let alone had a boyfriend, she was searching for more in life, and oh did she get it. Ella, and Luna have to figure out a plan before things get ugly. With Tristian and Jake in toe they find themselves on the edge of their territory creeping into someone elses, Luna collapsing at the memories that jumped into her head. What will they do now that, they've stepped into half breed terriortory? Luna was scared knowing her father had told her Half Breeds, are half werewolf hald Shadow, which made it impossible for her friends and family to detect any sort of scent or sign that their coming to fight. Will Luna, her friends, and family be safe from this threat, impossible to detect or will Luna discover that she is more powerful, with the help of Tristian, she may just become powerful enough to erase the threat completely...

Chapter 1: Haunted Dreams

"Lunaaaa!" my mom called "Ella is here."


"Thanks Mrs. Lanaster, I'll just head up there!" Ella said.


As I laid in bed I could hear my mom yelling, I figured it was because Ella was here, so I finally got up and decided to shower before school. I was getting in the shower and Ella came in to my room I could hear her going through my drawers, and then my closet. When I was finishing up conditoning my hair I heard a loud crash coming from my room, I finished my shower and walked out into my room from my bathroom. My room was nothing special it was semi large with maroon walls and a painting of the night sky on my celing, I had painted it my self last year for the fun of it, I'd always loved art. The bathroom had a nice shower and a mirrior big enough to show at least 5 people, which i didn't need. But other than that it was simple just like me.


 Finally I wrapped my self in my towel and walked out to see the comotion that was taking place in my room. Of course it was Ella, she was looking through my closet and my snowboard fell from the shelf above my clothes, she was shoving it back up there as I was wondering out. She had already laid an outfit for me on my bed, she always picked out my clothes. I guess ever since the 5th grade she had been, before then I just wore the overalls that my mom bought me, they were easy. I don't think I would have made it this far in high school if it weren't for her, she made purpose to looking decent, it was more a self esteem thing for her, it made her feel better to look good. Once I made sure everything was okay I walked over to the bed and grabbed the clothes, they were a pair of black skinny jeans with a grey tank top, my black cardigan then a simple black and grey scarf. Of course she also had picked my shoes they were black UGG like boots but they weren't UGGs. They had fur on the top of them that was white and grey too, so they matched really well. I threw my hair up grabbed my purse then Ella and I were off to school.


Ella always drove, I hadn't gotten a car yet my mom wanted me to wait until I could pay for some of it on my own, which I liked because then it'd kind of be mine, if that makes sense.  I wanted to wait anyways Ella had to get a job over the summer just to pay for gas. That's why she has a car, her parents made her work to drive it basically just like my parents.  I'd saved a bit of money to get my self a car, even though i really loved getting rides from Ella. She was so fun and her car was awesome it was a 2004 Madza 3, it was definetly old seeing as its 2020 but it was still nice, it was a year younger than we were and Ella was happy with it. As we drove we listened to our favorite music, the artists name was Wildlight, the singer Ayla, has a beautiful voice and such deep lyrics. Then right in the middle of the song it shut off, I opened my eyes to see why, and of course we were stopped in our school parking lot.


"Ugghhh." I groned, "Why'd you shut that off, I was so not done listening!?"


"Dude, were gonna be super late its already 7:53 and class starts at 8:00! We have like 7 minutes."


"Ok, ok fine! I was just super in the moment. Sorry you know how that song gets me". I blinked my eyes trying to be cute but she just laughed and puched me in the arm.


"Lets go!" she said right after punching me.


When we finally got out I slightly rubbed my arm, Ella doesn't know her own strength sometimes. Ella and I have had the same exact schedual since our freshman year. Her Aunt Hilda was the principle here at Moonshadow. I've always really liked the name of our school because I've always loved the moon, my mom said it was because my name is Luna. She says she named me that because when I was being born the sun was setting and there was a big bright full moon in the sky. Everyone had gone outside to look at it and most kids were already outside due to the fact it was Halloween that night. But anyways, Ella and I's first class was about to start, so we rushed into the doors and through the halls to Science with Mr. Cripps. He was such a great science teacher and knew alot more about the world than most people did, which was important for me to know, he may be someone i can go to if i ever needed help finding something out. He had been our science teacher since freshman year, now we were Juniors, next year would be our last year here, and honestly the thought was saddening. I'd spent the majority of my teenage life in this building, and still hadn't had a boyfriend, my first kiss or even been to a real party. The bell rang and I jumped up to grab Ella, I had been contemplating in science on weather or not to get breakfast, our high school has a breakfast and lunch period. Its just easier to eat breakfast at school I guess, so we shot up and I asked her in the hall if she wanted to go, of course she said yes, Ella was literally always hungry.


"Come on Luna!" Ella said tugging me along.


"I'm coming! Just let me stop and put my Science book in my locker?" I responded


"K fine, but hurry up!"


"I will" I shouted from a small distance.


I finally got to my locker not far from where Ella was but kind of a ways, I looked back at her to see if she was still there, waiting for me, and she was. She was taking to Jake who is a senior but he didn't act like one, most of them just ignored the lower classmen, and pretended they weren't there, but not Jake he was nice to us he noticed us, made us feel like we fit in somewhere. I started walking towards them when; "Slam!" out of no where I was struck with the force of someone else, I looked up only to she the most amazing man I've ever laid eyes on. He was tall with shaggy brown hair, light pale skin and sparkling green eyes that had me melting. I stood up after I collected most of my stuff, then I looked up and saw him handing me some stuff that had fallen out of my un-zipped purse. He handed me my Science notebook, and I felt his hand brush against mine, a rush of warmth flew through my body, then suddenly out of no where I was at breakfast with Ella like it'd never happened.


Who was that who bumped into me in the hall? I asked Ella as we sat at our table.


"I don't know, I think he just moved here, Jake said something about him when he ran into you."


"So you did see him run into me?" I questioned


"Yeah it was really weird to, for a second after you acted like it never happened, the whole time we walked here you were just silent, the only thing you said was that you were hungry."


"Then I asked what him running into you was about, then you asked when you got ran into."


"That is weird, I remember now..."


"Good you should he was super dreamy." Ella said with a chuckle


I thought really hard about him running into me trying to remember if he said anything to me while I was lost in his amazing green eyes. So far I've come up with nothing, I can't remember anything but falling, him brushing my arm, and then nothing after that. As we ate our breakfast Jake and Ella talked about the Science project due next month, Jake and Ella were partners, Mr. Cripps was nice enough to let us pick out our own, I thought Ella was going to be my partner, but I was gone the day he let us pick them so she chose Jake, which I don't balme her I wasn't even here. So that left me alone, Mr. Cripps class always had an odd number which left Mr. Cripps him self to be my partner. He always worked with a student if there wasn't enough to pair up. I didn't mind working with him or by my self for that matter it was nice knowing i was in full control of my own project. As they talked I just sat thinking to my self who is that guy, why did he run into me, wasn't he freaking paying attention? But that soon came to an end when Ella kept saying my name, the less I responded the louder she got.




"What, ELLA!" I snapped


"There he is the guy who bumped into you! Duh."


I looked up to see a very tall very gorgeous man standing in front of me holding out a necklace with a cresent moon and the words LUNA in bold letters, dangling from the chain that held it in place.


"I believe you dropped this earlier." He said his voice harsh, and strong, somewhat mysterious.


"I...I think it is thank you." I said studdering horribly


"Well you can have it back if you want... Luna, right?"


Wait what how does he know my name i thought to my self, oh duh the necklace has my name on it, of course.


"Umm, yeah I'd like that, thank you... Mr."


"Tristian" he said "Tristian Snow."


I grabbed my necklace from his hand, and secured it back on my neck, I wonder how it even came off. Due to the fact i remember hardly anything from bumping into to him.


"Oh well nice meeting..."


Then suddenly I looked up and he was gone just like before no trace of him anywhere. I turned to look at Ella who was looking at me with her giant bright blue eyes, hinting a look of wonder and amusment. I'm sure I had the same look she was wearing but with even more wonder, he seems very mysterious, he also is very good at disappearing with out anyone even realising where or when he left. But this time I'd remembered every moment of him being there, his smell and the look in his eyes when they finally met mine, it was like a fantasy or a dream. I felt like no one else was around, like I was sucked into Tristian as if he were something I'd seen in my dreams. Actually I'm pretty sure I have seen this man in my dreams, am I going crazy I wondered as I seriously thought about the reaccuring man in my dreams and connecting all the similatries he has with Tristian, which turned out to be an exact match. I had been seeing Tristian in my dreams since my last birthday Oct 31st, 2019, and now I have a name to put to a face, one thats been in some way or another haunting my dreams since I turned 16....





Chapter 2: Mysterious Tristian Snow

"Ella! ELLA!" I yelled, she was half way to her car before I could catch up.


"Oh hey, I forgot about you, sorry todays been really off."


"I know exactly what you mean, I almost forgot to go to our last class today." I replied.


"Weird!" she said "Me tooo!"


"Huh, well maybe we just shouldn't have gone!" I said with a loud chuckle.


Of course Ella shot back with a "Luna, that's horrible!" laughing even louder than I.


"  We should probably get going now." I said as I reached for her door handle.


She grabbed hers too and we hopped in her car, it was cold, fog had set upon the windows as our body tempature acccelerated the tempature of her car. As Ella turned her car on, the fog disipated, her cars defroster worked really well, so did the heater it went from freezing to warm fairly quickly.


While we were driving, I had Ella put on some Wildlight so I could sit back and think about this man now with a name that had be reaccuring in my dreams for the past twelve months. I wondered why I'd been dreaming of him, espically out in the woods in the freezing rain. It always started with me walking towards the woods, it starts raining so I start running searching for cover under the trees. When I get to the spot where the rain is barely noticable I sit on a tree stump with my knees pressed to my chest then, I start to cry, I turn around at the noise of branches breaking beneath someone or somethings feet. I look around to see nothing, nothing at all, suddenly I feel a heat radiating from behind me on my back like somethings breathing upon me, and as I turn around this time I see and man in torn up clothes bleeding from his shoulders, with slash marks where the blood dripped from. The rain beating on him clearing the blood as he walks closer. Finally he stops and falls to the ground, he looks up pleading for me to help him, so I start walking towards him the heat eminating off of his body, and then I stop I just look down at him, then finally I reach out to him, all of the sudden his wounds are healed and he is staring into my eyes with such love and sincerity, then it's all gone I wake up.


When we pulled up to Ella's house I got out of the car and started to ask " So whats the plan??"


She didn't reply. So i asked again. " So whats the plan Ella?"


"Oh sorry, I'm not sure yet, maybe just hang watch some tv?"


"Sure I guess." I laughed.


When we got inside she finally asked if I was ok. She knew about the dream and how it had been reaccuring every month for the last year almost, she always wondered what it was about too, if there was a deeper meaning to everything I'd seen in my dream. I'd been thinking hard and decided that maybe this Tristian knew the deeper meaning of my dream, maybe I should ask him, but then again I didn't want to come off as a total weirdo. Would he think it's weird if I told him i'd been dreaming about him for a year and I barely even met the guy a few hours ago, if you can even consider that meeting someone. So, I decided I wouldn't ask until I got to know him a little better, maybe try to hang out, or even better invite him to my Halloween party!


I'd never thrown a party, let alone been to one. I was reclusive and mis understood by most, I'm not sure why. Ella always says it probably because I'm pretty, but such a nerd. I had long blonde hair reaching the small of my back, a round face with light green eyes, small lips and a cute button nose, my build is small, standing at 5'4 only weighing 110 Ibs and my skin white and soft like snow. I didnt think I was anything special, espically compared to Ella. She stood  5'7 slightly taller than I, with a small figure as well, but her hair was black like the night. She had giant blue eyes, a cute nose, and lips you'd die for. Her hair was always curly, she always wore it half up half down, plus it was all the way to the point where her back met her giant butt, which was something I envyed about her too, beside her lips and her brazillian skin. She was beautiful, and of course since she's where I got my style from we dress similar, I love black, and grey so thats mostly what I bought and wore, her as well. Honestly most of my clothes are from Ella's closet, she always had handme downs to give me which I liked because I hated shopping. Ella has a debit card so she just shops for me online when she sees something I'd like, like this necklace, the one with a cresent moon and my name, Ella had bought it for me for my birthday last year, I'd never taken it off since that day I promised i wouldn't, until it fell off today bumping into Tristian. I love this necklace and I'd never intentionally take it off, it made me feel safe and protected, which was its purpose according to Ella, and quite honestly I believed that it worked. Which also leads to why I'm such a nerd according to her, I watch Si-Fi, read books, do my homework, I obviously don't party, nor have I ever had a boyfriend or even my first kiss, which I cant blame Ella or anyone for that matter, I'll admit that I am definately a "nerd" so they say. As I was thinking about everything I decided to ask Ella what her plan was for the party, my party...


"Soooo, have you decided a theme for my party or themes?"


"Hmmm, I was thinking like Vampire, Werewolf, Frankienstien? I don't have a clue." she laughed.


"I like the werewolf idea, but i dont know how anyone would dress up for that....hmmmm." I said thinking of a plan.


" We could have a costume party, maybe?"


"I don't know Ella! I've never even had anyone but you in my house, I don't know who to invite. Who would even come no one really knows me." which was a lie because everyone knew Ella so everyone in some sence at least knew i exsisted.


"Really Luna, everyone who knows me knows who you are silly. Which is alot of people, hey maybe you can invite that new kid, whats his name.... oh yeah Tris."


"Tristian." I interupped, Ella shot me a look, then spoke.


"Oooooh, you like him, DON'T you!"


"I don't even know him Ella... yet." I added before shutting up.


She looked at me and let out a small chuckle followed by "yet.... so you are inviting him?"


To be honest I didn't really know if I was inviting him or not, or let alone having a party. My parents already gave me permission and booked a hotel for the weekend, this year Halloween and my birthday fell on a Saturday, which made it so much easier to throw a party, even though I have permission.


Chapter 3: Burning Alive

When I woke up I looked around, not remembering I had stayed the night at Ella's, I reached for my phone under the pillow to see how many missed calls I'd have from my parents. Like always two from dad, one from mom, and no voicemails, so I checked my text messages, of course,


Mom: "Where are you? Your fathers called twice, call us back when you get this."

When I finally finished reading, I stepped into Ella's bathroom to make the call to my parents, I doubt they were that worried and I'm sure Mrs. Evergreene had already gotten a call from them to check if I had stayed. Which I was right, right before I started to redial my mothers number I got a text reading;


"Hey Lu, Ava called and let me know you were with them at Ella's, love you have a good weekend! We will be leaving tonight if you want to come home after school? We have a suprise for you."


I texted back saying "Sounds good mom love you too! Glad Ella's mom called we slept late, I got to get ready for school call you in the car!"


I threw my phone onto Ella's bed, running to her side to wake her up. Once she finally opened her eyes I told her we were going to be late if we didn't hurry up and get dressed. I opened her closet which was so much bigger than mine, but so was her room, it was slightly larger than mine, with the same maroon walls, mine much more purple than red like her's, it had a bathroom just like mine except hers didn't have a shower. When her parents buildt the house in 2015, she was twelve, they asked her if she wanted a big shower or a big closet, but then again she at twelve wanted a big closet, seeing no need for a big shower, which she now regreted. As I shuffeled through the blackness that was her closet, I found regular skinny jeans, the blue jean kind, I put those on and a black tank top with a black hoodie. Ella was soon to follow, doing the same thing but with a purple hoodie that had stripes of lighter purple going across it, hers zipped mine just pulled over. We grabbed our bags and headed out the door, telling Mrs.Evergreene thank you for letting me stay over. While we were walking out to her car I noticed Tristian walking into the woods across from the park Ella lived by, I got out of the car and told Ella I'd meet her at school. She was super confused but drove off anyways telling me to be safe. When I was walking to the park he started to disappear into the trees, I took that as he wanted to be alone so I turned around to start walking towards the school. I got half way through the park , and all of the sudden it started raining, I ran for cover under the trees closest to the opening of the forrest. I started  crying at the realisation this was part of my dream the rain the walking the running for cover from the rain and now the crying. I just cried harder and harder as the rain poured and my mind whipped like a tornado. I was afraid of what would happen next because in my dream I was met with Tristian bloody, and weak lying on the cold floor of the wet earth. Then it happened the slow warm breathing on my back, I contemplated turning around but decided I couldn't just leave him here to die, so I turned around to see Tristian perfectly fine. Reaching down to touch my shoulder I winced and shot away, as I did, he started to speak.


"Are you ok... Luna is that you? What are you doing out here in the rain like this?" he asked with a worried look upon his face.


"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, knowing I wasn't.


"Are you sure, here take this." he said handing me his jacket, which oddly wasn't soaked at all...


"Thanks, why are you out here anyways?"


He sighed " I was looking for someone, they were supposed to meet me here, but I guess they didn't show."


"Oh well, you wanna walk with me to school."


"We can drive if you'd perfer to stay dry." He stated.


"Sure I'd really like that." I shot back with a smile.


We walked through the rain to his car, which I couldn't believe it was his when we got too it, I pegged him as more of a manly type, maybe a truck or a sports car, definetly not a SUV. It was a nice SUV though, it was a Mazda like Ella's was but a CX-5 instead of a Mazda 3, which honestly I could see him driving Ella's car more so and Ella driving this. But I wasn't one to judge a car is a car, I got into the car and he started driving to school, I couldn't help but stare at him while we were driving, he caught me looking and cleared his throat. He seemed nervous, when I put my arm on the arm rest it touched his, and holy hell it burned, we both jumped turning to look at eachother. Tristian pulled over the car, and touched me again, it burned like it did before, then he touched me again, but this time holding his hand on my skin leaving it bright red and throbbing. But in that time the oddest thing happened, my necklace the one Ella had given me what as bright as the real moon shining in his car, making both Tristian and I hide our faces in our jackets, then he let go and suddenly everything was normal. I turned to look at him, also at my arm that burned horribily, but nothing was there but the pain. I looked from my arm to him, then to my necklace, finally I spoke.


"What just happened, what are you? What did you do to me!?"


His face grew saddened and full of emotion as he said " I'm not sure what happened, I didnt do anything to you, I just touched you, your skin looks so soft, and I had to make sure I wasn't the only one feeling my skin burn when we touched. And I was right you feel it too."


"Umm, oh well, thats odd, and never answered my question about, what you are Tristian!" I said with anger and confusion written all over my face.


But to my suprise he said something, "I believe I'm the same as you are...."


"What human? Because my normal interactions with humans, their touch doesn't burn me!?"


"No werewolf." He said staring blankley into my green eyes as i did to his.


I'm sure my jaw dropped as I tried to play it off like I didnt believe him or know what he was talking about, Ella had told me not that long ago that her father had told her a story once about a man that was a werewolf. He'd tried to attack Ella's dad, but wasnt successful, due to the fact he had, had a charm with a cresent moon on his dog tags. He was in the Army which is why Ava, Ella's mom was always home with no husband around,he was gone alot, just like my father. But as she had told me a cresent moon protects werewolfs who haven't shifted, or more so figured out who or what they are in socieity. Which brings me back to why it burned when we touched, Ella said that, this is what happens, when two werewolfs with no sign of having shifted touch it burns like hell. Everything she had told me had been true, so is she one too, I'm so confused, so i took off my necklace and touched Tristian, and look no burn, so I held my necklace and touched him and "FUCK" I screamed, it definetly burnt. I looked up at Tristian who was laughing, his smile was beautiful, and his laughter wildly captivating. We were parked on the side of the road in the middle of the forrest, when I decided to get out of the car and walk into the depths of the forrest enchanting me to come closer. I felt something in there, and for some reason I had to go check to see who or what it was. As I moved closer and closer to whatever I was looking for I felt Tristians hand on my shoulder pulling me back, I turned around to see Tristian just as I saw him in my dream marks deep into his skin, rain pouring, him falling, being weak and I blinked and there he was normal as ever, strong, no marks, standing tall and gorgeous like usual. I'm going crazier than I'd originally thought, I feel like I'm living in this long dream contuined from my reaccuring one. But its real, at least it feels real, I turned to Tristian to ask him;


"How long have you known you were a werewolf?" just to see if Ella's theory was true.


"A couple of days...I found out in my old town, my mother knew but I haven't shown any signs of having shifted yet, they thought I was never going to, and they never warned me." he replied.


"Well what do I do!?" I asked frantically. "I need to find Ella, she knows what to do, she's been through this before.... I think... either way I need to find out if this is real!"


I started running back to the car out of the cover of the forrest Tristian right behind me, I was running faster than I ever had, this whole time running I was thinking; why'd this happen to me, who am better yet what am I, whats Ella? I had so many questions for her. When we finally reached the car I slid in and right away called Ella;


The phone rang over and over, finally Ella picked up; "Luna?! I'm in the middle of class, whats going on, where are you!?"


"I'm with Tristian, wondering why you didn't tell me I was a werewolf, why you didn't tell me you were one and why do I keep burning when ever i touch Tristian!" I said with a raised voice.


"Woah, woah, woah Lu slow down, I can't tell you all of this right now, meet me at my house, you and Tristian both you need to talk to my mother.... and your own mothers too" she said sounding sympathetic.


So as Ella said, we rushed to her house, Mrs. Evergreene was already awaiting our arrival, she was wedged standing slanted in the front doorway, and she had a serious look on her face, as we walked up I saw a fimilar face through a slit, sitting on the couch, is that my;


"Dad!" I said reaching out to hug him.



Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed

 I rushed into my fathers arms squeezing the life out of him, almost. I hadn't seen my father since my fifteenth birthday, he was in the Army too, with Ella's dad Avaster. We both rairly saw our fathers, and it was a nice suprise to see that Ella's father was here too. Ella hadn't quite made it yet but when she did I knew she'd run into her fathers arms just as I did mine if not with more force. I sat next to my father and mother as we waited patiently for Ella to arrive, while we were waiting, Avaster called Tristian into the kitchen and had him call his mother, shortly after Ella, she arrived too. As I'd thought, Ella ran into her fathers arms quite possibly harder than I had to my own. I thought we were waiting for Tristians father to show up too, but Avaster proceeded to start, which led me to believe Tristians father wasn't coming, so Avaster started off;


"So we are here today because two young werewolfs, are about to go through a life changing event and they'll need our help, so with that said, why don't you Ella, give Luna and Tristian some of your background since they are comfortable most with you." Avaster decided


"Ok, ummm... well Lunaa, Trisaian" Ella said rubbing her arm "You know, how I had said I went through some changes, over last summer? And that I wasn't the same, well that's because I finally shifted I shifted on the full moon the month of birthday, that's why I left you that night. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you please dont hate me! But more importantly, you're going to shift too both of you, soon tomorrow actually. And you need to learn how to control your wolf or it will take you over."


Avaster cut her off;

"If we dont prepare you, worse could happen, unprepared a human may not be able to take the shift, with out their heart giving out, you have to learn to control your wolf only after you've shifted. If you don't it will control you, and worse strain on you and your being and your heart will give eventually. As long as you control your wolf with your human mind and let the wolf take over your heart, everything will shift fine."


"Wait so you're saying if I don't give my wolf control over my heart I will die? Now I'm really scared!" I said frantically.


"Don't be Luna, you'll be fine" Tristian said as he sat next to me.


"He is right Luna everything will be just fine, as long as you give your heart to your inner being, or wolf." Chimed in Ella, with a slight chuckle.


"I really just need to talk to my father, I'm sorry guys." I left my stuff on the couch and went outside to talk to my father, he was outside smoking a ciggarette, a bad habbit I'd always hated him having.


"Hey Bear can I talk to you, I really need to know more facts, about us."


"Of course sweetie, anything you wanna know."


"Why didn't you or mother tell me that I wasn't human, don't you think thats something I should know?"


"Of course dear, I know this is difficult but you have to understand, we didn't know if you'd shift or not and we didn't want to hurt you, by telling you, your parents are werewolfs. Not every child shifts honey, and until that night its best to keep it a secret, and since we know your charm works we know you'll shift."


"I don't understand, my charm, I thought was to protect werewolfs that can't shift?"


"Well no not exactly, it's basically there for the reason that, if another werewolf attacked before you were able to shift, touching you would burn their skin, so they can't attack a werewolf that has no way to shift to be able to attack back or defend them selves."


"Ok if that's true why did both Tristian and I feel the burn, why not just me since I have the charm?"


"Because Tristian wears the charm too, thats why when he bumped into you at school your charm came off. The jolt of energy between two charms that have yet to give a sign that they'll shift, surges through the body taking off the charm, which leaves no memory of what happened when you lost the charm, so that the werewolf you bumpped into's secret isn't reavealed, to a potential unshifted or you in this case."


"So that's why I didn't remember bumping into him?"


"Yes because you lost your charm."


"Why didn't it happen the second time?"


"Because your werewolf was aware after the first time that Tristian is not a threat, and so was your charm your charm knew that he was going to shift soon and so did yours. After the first connection of charms, the charm registers, if the person touching you is a threat or not, either burning them which will go after you've shifted or worse throwing them across a room with just a touch, which means their registered as a serious threat, and that goes away too after you have shifted. But see if Itouch you it only slightly burns, which is good, because it means your wolf and charm register every wolf as a small threat which means your concience is always aware."


"So what's going to happen to me when I shift, what if I can't gain control back from my wolf form. What will happen then, she'll take over me and I'll never be human again?!"


"Just relax Lu, let her have your heart but keep control of your mind, let her primal instinct come out, but not enough to where your not thinking clearly as a human. Embrace change, want it, want to be her, and if you do that there shouldn't be any strain on you or your heart. Of course shifting will still be painful."


"I scared Bear, what if I don't survive or I can't shift, what about Tristian, whose going to teach him all this, espically before the full moon?"


"Well sweetie, he doesn't have a father, so his mother with the help of all of us will teach him, just like I am you. I'm sure Avaster is giving him the run down right now."


"What happened to him Bear Tristian's father." I asked sadness in my voice.


"The Valcrie, a group of half breeds, half werewolf, half shadow people, attacked him. They tried tearing him limb from limb but Raine was too strong, all the got off him was his shoulder and they didn't even quite succeed at that. They got his left arm almost and just left it there hanging from his body. They left him in the pouring rain. Anna was with him and was running towards the forrest chasing him when she couldn't find him she ran for cover under the trees, and sat on a stump to cry. She said she felt breathing down her spine, as she turned around she saw Raine bloody and weak lying on the cold wet earth. Anna tried to heal him but couldn't,  the shadow in the half breeds made sure of that. They shielded anyone from healing him, making it easy for him to die."


"Why'd they kill him? What happened that made him get attacked? Why didn't Kiayla fight back against the half breeds?"


"Well, she was pregnant with Tristian and promised Raine that, she would protect Tristian even if it meant letting Raine go, she knew the sacrifice, and she was willing to make it for her son. The reason the fight started, was because Raine had a dream about a girl that was supposed to be a half breed born, to a werewolf whose wife was a shadow. Well in his dream he saw a sign that the girl was different not shadow but not werewolf something only legend had spoke of. A Cracken, which is a werewolf, with the power of versitility. Most were wolfves only have one power, like Anna and her healing, me I'm stronger than any, your mother can track anything,  and her speed it was unrealistically fast, but a Cracken has all of those abilities and the choice of which to use. Raine went to save her, the half breeds already knew he was coming, so they shadowed them selves and attacked Raine when he least expected, and shortly after that's when Anna found him and couldn't save him. Anna had not yet shifted, she was only Seventeen when Raine got her pregnant, and that slowed down her shifting, which ment she was still protected from the charm."


"Wow, I never knew, so Tristian never met his father? I can't even imagine what'd that be like.... So do you think that he and I both will shift tonight?"


"Yes, around the same time actually, not long after Anna lost Raine, Tristian was born, Anna had already moved to Avenville a couple towns over, when she delievered Tristian."


"Well with all that said, I think I'm going to find Ella, and try to prepare my self for my shift... I'll talk to Tristian and see if he'd like to join... I love you Bear, I really hope we'll be ok."


"I know, its hard honey but like your mother always says, we will get through this no matter what together." I took my stuff and started towards Ella's room.


I went up stairs to find  Ella, Tristian, and Jake, I was confused, as to why Jake was here at such an important moment, I thought to my self; Does he know about us about Ella? But I decided if Ella didn't mind I shouldn't either, so I brushed it off. I walked in over to the bed where they all were sitting, I saw Tristian look up at me and pat the bed next to where he was sitting for me to sit. When he look at me he had a worried look on his face, and I couldn't blame him I was worried too, but his face changed when he looked up, his frown turned into a bright loving smile and his body relaxed as I scooted myself closer to him. Finally I looked up at Ella and Jake and I couldn't hold it in any more.


"Ummm Ella can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked as she leaned over to me "Uhh, why is Jake here, does he know about us?'


"Well, you know how Jake has always been nice to us?" Ella asked "Well he is ummm, a werewolf too... and he is also kinda my mate..." she said wide eyed at my response.


I gasped at her words "Your mate? Whats that, like a boyfriend?"


"Well the night I shifted, Jake found me in the forrest weak, with my clothes torn and bloodied, I had just hunted and ate the neighbors rabbit, so I went to the forrest to cry, when Jake found me and took me home. The minute he touched me after I had shifted I just knew, more so my heart knew, which is more wolf than anything out of us, your heart is controled by your wolf's impulse. That basically means, your heart will tell you when you've found your mate, and Jake is mine, after a few months of seeing eachother, we actually mated and now were insepriable..." she explained


I think she knew from the look on my face that I was too suprised to say anything, I'm sure my jaw was down to the floor, I still couldn't find words to say, I just sat there blankly blinking at her. Finally she realised I wasn't going to speak so she grabbed me and pulled me into a warm hug, knowing it would calm me, I embraced it and hugged her back tighter than I'd every had. It was a great feeling knowing we shared the same secret. When I looked outside the window I noticed the sun beggining to set and the full moon creep up onto the horizion. My nerves were high, and I could feel Tristians too. Ella saw it to and reassured me that it was okay. She got up and told Tristian and I, that we needed to head outside, her and Jake followed behind. When we got down stairs no one was there, they were all already outside shifting. As we walked out the front door I saw humans shifting into wolf after wolf, as they leaped into the air their skin shed and fur the color of their hair replaced it. I could see my father and mother in the distance leaping as everyone else, my father was huge and dark brown with a short coat, mother was slightly smaller with a strawberry blonde coat, and she was very furry unlike my father. I turned to Ella who shifted and then Jake following behind her, Tristian and I stood there normal, until I turned to see Tristian drop, I could here loud cracks as his bones slowly shifted into paws and a enormus body, I heard him cry out and wince at the pain. Finally shifted he rose up, standing taller than my own father.


I decided it was my turn, I let go of all of my human qualities as I leaped into the air as Ella and Jake had. But to my suprise nothing changed, as I hit the floor I could feel my shoulders start to dislocate, then my hips, knees, and ankles, I screamed out in anguish and pain as the shift started taking over. Ella ran over to me hovering over me as I shifted, making sure I wasn't going to die, when I finished I stood up, just as big as Ella but with slightly shorter legs, go figure since she was taller than I. She was black as night and furrier than anyone, must have been her hair since it was so cruly. As, I was standing I heard this voice repeating in my head;


There we go. You got this, see everything is fine, you've shifted.


Ella is that you. I thought


Yes, it's me.


Startled I jumped up and tried to speak with my mouth, there was nothing, but a low howl as I closed my jaw.


We can't speak in wolf form. I heard Jake laugh.


Don't worry Lu I did it my first time too. Emma laughed with Jake


Wait so you can read my thoughts? I asked


Not exactly. A voice chimed from behind. "Only when the thought is directed toward someone specific, or a group like now." Avaster said.


With that being said, Ella decided it was a good time to take a run through the forrest, so Jake, Ella, Tristian and I took off, embarking on our first journey with us all as werewolfs.




Chapter 5: Into The Unknown

As we ran through the forrest, the soft soil, seeping deeper and deeper in between my paws, feeling the earth so warm and soft, I stopped shoving my paws even deeper into the soil until they were completely covered. The feeling of  just being in the forrest, made life seem so simple, but to tell the truth my life just got ten times more complicated. I was a werewolf now, I had no life before this, except the one I had with Ella and my family, and even with them I was reclusive. As my paws slowly pulled out of the dirt I looked up to see Ella staring at me with a giant black face and peircing blue eyes;


"You ok, Lu? Do you need ro rest?" her voice trailed in my head.


"No, I'm fine, just thinking about, how my life is going to change...I'm scared El."

I replied.


"Everything is going to be ok, it's really easy Lu, just try it out..."


I took Ella's words and really thought about them. She had already done this, she knew what she is talking about, and I'd always trusted her, why stop now. I let go of the thought that this was a bad thing, maybe it'd bring El and I closer and better yet my family and I closer. Everyone had already started running again, my paws still deep in the earth, I shook them out and began to pick up my pace to catch up, when I did Tristian slowed to be next to me;


"Hey, you holding up ok?"


"Yeah, still just putting all of this together ya know, it's kind of a lot to take in for someone thats only Six-Teen, well Seven-Teen now." I said.


"Yeah, I understand I honestly didn't believe my mother until today, when I shifted I never thought it would happen or even that it was really in the realms of possibility."


"Mhhhmm, I know I didn't think it was either, but hey now that I'm a giant wolf I'm conviniced." I laughed as I picked up my pace, racing past Tristian, Jake and Ella.


While I was running I felt so free so untamed, which was because I was, I am now an untamed wolf running free in a forrest that I now knew was free of anything bad, or I thought anyways. It was our forrest, it always had been since Tristians father was Alpha. My father told me to stay in our own terriortority, which I was certian that it ended soon. He said once you can see the clearing and a cliffe turn back. When we did reach the cliffe I wasn't too sure what was back there and I was curious to see, it looked so enchanting the big blue water, rushing against the cliffe, as I reached the edge I saw how vastly beautiful it really was. Ella, Tristian and Jake came shortly behind me. Ella made sure to let me know we were about to be out of territory, when a flash back of my dream sprung into my head, I could feel him Raine I could feel his presence. I turned to Ella and told her what I'd seen, and I now realised that my reaccuring dream had never been about Tristian, it was about his father Raine. My mind spun like a tornado whipping my thoughts around in my head, pain started to surge through my body as I fell to my belly lying on the ground. Ella tugging at my fur trying to lift me like a mother would her cub. All three of them dragged me back into our own territory, hoping that no other pack caught our scent. I layed there the pain slowly receeding, Ella cuddled up to me her voice repeating in my head; Your ok shhhh, calm down your ok." Shutting my eyes I drifted off into my dream trying to dipict what happened, possibly see if the fight took place at the cliffe. Then it came to me, that's the Half breeds terriorty, and we were just on it. I snapped out of my daze and everyone followed, running toward Ella's house. When we finally reached the clearing that led to the park and then to Ella's across the street, we slowed our pace, it was reaching almost midnight when we finally came to a stop at Ella's. We didn't know what to do seeing as none of the other wolves were around, I turned to the group;


"What do we do now?" I asked. "I was hoping my father would be here..."


"I don't know Luna, do you think they can trace you?" Ella asked.


"I'm not sure I'm new at this, you know more than I do..."


"Not about this!" she argued "I've never been that far into the forrest Lu.."


"I have though.." Jake replied


"You have!? Well, what do we do?"


"Can't you see that, no one has traced me."


"Soooo?" I questioned


"Soooo, no one is going to trace you either, so just calm down Luna, we will talk to Leim, I mean your father, and see what is going on, ok? But until then just stay calm."


As, I took a few deep breaths, I started to calm down, I knew we were still in wolf form so we couldn't go inside Ella's house. We all agreed to wonder the forrest, but not wonder too far, I was really hoping that I didn't just get all of our families in a shit storm. After the story my father told me aboout Tristian's father I knew what kind of threat these half breed shadow people or, whatever were, I had to do something to protect my family and all of my friends, and their families, I wasn't sure what but I knew it'd come to me. Earlier when I found out what I am, Ella told me that her father kept a Library full of books, that explained to new werewolves, what powers they have and what to look out for. She told me that is how her and Jake figured out what power they held. Jake had the power of whats called a Shade, I guess it's similar to a Shadow person, but not as powerful, it only shades Jake so he can still be seen somewhat, as with shadows you loose any trace of that wolf, espically their smell, which with out smell its nearly impossible to trace someone. Oh, and Ella she was a Telo, which ment she could control things with her thoughts, she hasn't gotten very far into it yet but she said she was learning fast, she told me she did her and Jake's entire science project with her mind, which was pretty good I thought, but Jake said when she hits her full potential she could possibily control people's minds. All of what they said made me even more egar to figure out what power I have, and Tristian's too. While we were wondering the forrest we decided to lay and rest, we all knew that we wouldn't change back into our normal selves until the moon was gone behind the earth and the sun arose, so we slept, most of us..


After everyone fell asleep and thought I was asleep as well, I got up and stared at the moon, I wondered a little ways away from everyone, and nestled my self up and layed there staring at its radience, and to think me of all people was named after her. I always thought about what it'd be like being up there isolated from everyone, looking down on them like she does every night, it made me happy the thought of being alone. My world was changing faster than I could even think, and I've still never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone but my parents. There were things I wanted to do, places I wanted to explore and people I wanted to meet, I couldn't do that knowing I'm a werewolf! I can't keep secrets, good thing my whole family and my friends were the same as I am... I didn't have a clue what to do other than read the books Ella had mentioned earlier, so I decided to dose off and worry about that in the morning, when I wasn't a giant wolf, and actually human... kind of. Why did I have to wonder this far into the unknown...

Chapter 6: Questions Unanswered

 When we woke up, I was in the same spot as I had been when I got up and moved last night. My clothes weren't shredded, as I thought they would be, everyone was still here and it was gorgeous outside, plus today was my Seventeenth birthday, and I'd already shifted, so there was nothing to worry about, except for my mistake last night... I was really hoping nothing caught my scent or anyone elses that I dragged into this mess, I stood up wiping the sleep crusted guck that layed in the corners of my eyes, streching I woke up Ella, who woke up Jake and I also woke up Tristian. As, they arose their hair looked disheveled, I could only imagine how I looked. While we ran home I could hear every one thinking, it made me weary.. Tristian at the moment had been thinking about the smell of waffles eminating from the neighbor hood, Ella was thinking like me of course, contimplating wether or not we were going to die the next full moon or if we'd never left a trace in the first place. And Jake was thinking of ways to kill the half breeds or figure out how to see past their shadow, seeing as he was some what like them, but only a Shade, that didn't effect him though being only a Shade, in his mind it was better than being a lousy Shadow, half breed. I took in all their thoughts, and thought really hard about every thing that popped into their heads, then I realised that I wasn't in wolf form... I shouldn't be able to hear their thoughts!


"Ella, pssst." I whispered, trying to get her attention


Wait she's a Telo. "Ella" I thought directing my energy to her.


Then she turned around, wide eyed she thought. "How are you doing that... can you hear me too?"


I nodded too freaked out to reply...


"Awesome!" she said in her head loud enough to make me jump.


"Omg! Lu, this is like the coolest you're a Telo too! Now we can share secrets with out even having to speak!" she continued.


When we finally met the front door of Ella's house I could tell the waffels Tristian was thinking about were coming from inside. As we opened the door the smell of them exploded in our noses, I'm pretty sure Ella's mom knew that we hadn't hunted, knowing we had just shifted only last night, hunting wasn't on my agenda anyways, for now at least. Mrs. Evergreene invited us all to sit down at the table as she grabbed the others, they'd learned long ago how to shift freeley as they'd wished but not on a full moon, they have no control then so as anyone else they aren't aloud inside of the house. But as Ella's mom explained, there was a place in the woods where the wolves could seek shelter in the winter months away from the cold called a shift house, obviously where wolves went to shift and sleep durning the full moons. Quite honestly this came in very handy because now I know where my father and mother had gone to sleep. Finally as everyone entered the house and gathered around the table, I accidently blurted out;


"I'm so sorry I really am, I didn't mean too!" I said as I began to cry.


"What are you saying Luna, what did you do?" Avaster asked and next my father.


"She didn't do anything, it's all fine." Jake said


"We need to tell them.." Ella turned to Jake


Then Tristian popped up from his plate his mouth half full. "Well, last night Luna was running, and" he said as he gulped,"she ran all the way to the cliffe, and walked onto half breed territory." he said as he swallowed his food.


"What!" my father yelled "You went onto half breed territory! This is bad really bad. Do you know if they caught your scent Luna?" he said grabbing me by my shoulders shaking me.


I didn't say anything and just began to cry, I knew I'd fucked up and now my father was yelling at me, telling Avaster, Ava, and Anna to hurry up and get the pack for a pack meeting. He grabbed his stuff from Ella's house, he told Tristian and Jake, to go to their houses and get as much stuff as they could as far as supplies, he informed them we'd be going to something called the Sanctuary, a place deep in the forrest where packs met to have meetings when they felt in imminent danger, which I had a feeling that's how my father felt. He told my mother and I to go home and get supplies for our selves and he told my mother to grab as many books about our kind that she could grab while we were there. She slightly argued saying something about the Sanctuary library, he snarled and told us to go. I looked around me everyone scrambling to get supplies, I thought to my self, what had I done? Why was my life now all of the sudden affecting other's lives, I just want to be simple, normal like I was before I had became a fucking werewolf... in the day I had shifted I'd caused more panic than I've ever seen on any of these people's faces espically my fathers. I was a failure, plain and simple.


As we reached my house my mother got out of the truck and hurried inside, I following closely behind, when we got inside I immidately went to the kitchen to grab as much food as I could, load after load we filled the bed of my fathers truck. Rushing back inside I had to grab my blanket my grandmother had left me, it had cresents all over it, and like the necklace Ella gave me, it made me feel safe, protected a sense of comfort. Once I got that I ran out of our house leaving behind everything I'd accumliated over the past sixteen years I've called that house my home.... We left in a rush, speeding out of the driveway to our new home, I was scared, and didn't know exactly how I should take this, my actions could potentially hurt everyone I love. I was hoping that the half breeds wouldn't stand a chance against all of us, but then again I hardly knew anything about being a werewolf let alone fighting one that's undetectable. While we were driving I grabbed a book out of the bag my mother had brought them in, she set them in the cab knowing that I had so many questions, and deep down I knew most of them would go unanswered..

Chapter 7: Discovering Myself

 While I was reading, I came along a passage about the Cracken, the species that Raine was looking for when he lost his life, it said in the book that Cracken's are very powerful creatures. Most of them were only born once every century, which meant that the girl Raine was searching for would be the last for another twenty or thirty years. In the passage it also said that they don't only hold one power but all, they were Telo's, Shades, Shadows, Seekers, Benders, and Suckers. With all of those powers one could read or move objects with their minds, shade themselves from anyone they chose, bend any any element or object they choose, they can seek down anyone or anyhting no matter a shade or shadow, and then after all of that they can suck the life right out of someone, which suckers were very rare in the werewolf community. Most werewolves just had the basics, like being a Telo, Shade or Bender, Shadows tended to arise usually when the person holding that power is a half breed, but in some cases their full werewolf. Crackens how ever usually hold three powers, and some are stronger than others, Cracken are not half breed nor werewolf, of course they have the ability to shift, have distinct scence of smell, and posses their powers, their not considered either or, just Crackens. Reading on it said two werewolves could produce a Cracken, and so could a shadow person and a werewolf, but not a human and a werewolf, they just produce babies and rarely produced half breeds. hen we pulled up Tristian was standing outside, we came to a stop and he opened my door;


"Would you like some help?" he asked, grabbing a bag from the bed of the truck.


"Sure, thank you, did you already finish bringing in all of your stuff?" I replied


"Yeah about that..."


"What?" I chuckled as he rubbed his head.


"Well I planned to share a room with Jake, but uh, Ella beat me to it... so that means we'll be sharing one..."


"Oh I see, well no worries I get the big bed!" I joked walking up the steps of this beautiful house.


I was amazed at it's beauty, it was a huge house, more so what you'd call a mansion, the entry way was amazing, it had a black marble stair case leading to the bedrooms up stairs, a wallpaper black and grey, in the style of pasley. The doors huge and dark grey, walking up the stairs after Tristian I saw pictures lined along the walls with men and women looking of high class, their eyes so bright, but not all the same color. As we reached the hall way even more pictures of these beautiful people were alligned running all of the way to the doors at the end of the hall. There were other doors inbetween the rows of classy faces, and when we'd reached the third door to our left Tristian stopped. He grabbed my bags and opened the door for me, throwing the clothes my mother had gotten me into a closet door next to another door leading to the bathroom, I turned around only to find a single bed, a tv, a desk, and a couch. I turned to Tristian with a smile and said;


"Like I said I get the big bed!" I said plopping down on the king sized bed.


"I know Luna I've already put my stuff by the couch.." he said lowering his head.


"Tristian, I was joking, we won't be here long anyways, this will all soon be over, I promise."


His head jolted up and he said "How do you know Luna, were going up against the pack that killed my father! He was Alpha you know, he had power and those dirty half breed Shadows took him from me, and my mother!"


"I know Tristian, I know I'm sorry! I'm trying too figure out a plan, I just need to figure out how to get control of my Telo skills and then maybe I could be of use other than causing problems.." I started to cry, thinking of all the lives I could potentially hurt, because I stepped out of our territory.


"Luna, no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped, I'm just scared, I'll loose my mother too, or worse you..."


"You won't lose her, that is a personal promise, and me don't worry about losing me, I've caused you and all of them enough worry already..."


"Stop Luna, your special to all of us, don't tell me I shouldn't worry."


"I'm special to you?" I questioned him


"Of course you are Luna, you understand excatly what I'm going through, and when I told you, you didn't turn me away, you believed me you didn't make me feel like I was absolutely nuts, you made me feel normal, like I finally fit somewhere."


I turned to look at him, and decided that before I died, I was going to have my first kiss. "Really, you think that?"


He nodded looking into my eyes, and that's when I did it I leaned it and my lips touched his, his warmth over came my body, his lips like fire on mine, his smell so invigorating, captivating me even more, I kissed him harder, trying to use my Telo to figure out what he was thinking. We pulled away from eachother and tears met my eyes, they were in no means tears of sadness but more so tears of happiness knowing I at least kissed somone other than my parents before I met my iminent death. He pulled me in for a hug, shoving his fingers through my long blonde hair, pulling me closer he kissed me again, then asked if I'd like to go to the library with him to find out more ways to get control of our power, so we'd have a chance at least fighting the half breeds. Quite honestly we didn't have a clue if the half breeds were even coming for us, but even if  they were we wouldn't know due to the fact they can shadow their every move and their scent, which made their attack undetectable. As, we headed down to the library I noticed a painting of Tristian, no wait, Tristians father Raine, sitting above a velvet bench right outside of the library doors. The plaque below the painting read; Raine Snow, Alpha of Snowshade pack, Tristian stared at the painting noticing every simularity he and his father held in common, and honestly it was an uncanny resemblance. He finished looking at his father, knowing he was hurt I took his hand and whispered "He loved you very much.. anyone would be a fool not too." he squeezed my hand tightly and leaned down to kiss my forehead. Once we entered the library we started searching the shelves for anything we could find on the relations to any power a werewolf possessed, Crackens, and half breed Shadows. While I was skimming I found a book labeled; Powers We May Possess, I picked it up off the shelf, and opened the first page, inside it had a Table of Contents, which read; Werewolf, Half Breed, Cracken and Phenioxus, whatever that was. I went to the first chapter Werewolves, so I could find out more about Tristian and I's power, I already knew I was a Telo and that I could  already speak with my mind without being in my wolf from, which Ella said took her two weeks. Tristian though, still haden't shown any signs of anything but being somewhat stronger than others, which in this book I'm reading says is actually a sign, a sign of being a Bender. In the book I read in the car, it only said what the powers do, not the signs of possessing that certin power, but this one did, it said that a Bender, starts out strong in their body but soon becomes, stronger once a Bender masters their mind, their like Telo's but can't read minds or put thoughts into someone elses head. But what they can do is remarkable, at full compasity of a Bender's power he or she can basically bend earth's elements and objects, for example, moving elements, lifting them and manipulating them to their choice of shape and size. With objects, they could do the same thing, it also says that Bending takes a lot of pratice to do those things.

I flipped through the pages a bit and went to the Telo's, I read into it a bit and found out Telos, can manipulate human emotions, read minds, emotions, even pasts or futures. They can move objects and elements but cannot make them smaller or larger as Benders can, they can also manipulate their apperance to whatever they please, all of this at their full potential. As new born, so the book says, Tristian and I will need alot of pratice before we even had a chance possessing any of our powers besides what we already possessed which wasn't much. Oddly though Tristian and I's power were just being discovered, and yet I was just as strong as Ella, well almost.

The next day Tristian, Jake, Ella, my father and I set off to do some training, my father had made the decision to train us with the help of Avaster, and Anna Tristians mother was a Telo so she taught Ella and I while the men taught Tristian and Jake which worked out as my father was a Shade and Avaster was a Bender. We were running to get to our training area, once we finally reached a clearing I saw a big circular arena, with all kinds of obsticle courses set for each different power finally, I truly felt I was discovering myself.

Chapter 8: Power Surge

 More and more each day Ella and I praticed to get stronger, have more control of our Telo, which was working, Ella, could move boulders with her mind, change Jake's thoughts and even make her hair shorter and longer. I on the other hand was making much more progress, I could pick up more than one object at a time, change more than just Tristians thoughts but anyone that is standing with in a three feet of me of my choosing, and most of all I could make my self a little girl or a elderly woman. Not even Anna could change into a child, Avaster said that Tristian's potential was growing exponentially fast just like mine was, I'd talked to my father the night before and asked him what a Phenioxus is, he told me that there was a high possibility that that is what Tristian and I were. With all of our training taking only three days, before Anna nor Avaster could teach Tristian, or I what we possessed was far fetched from what they had control of. But back to Pheonixus, their werewolves that are beyond what regular werewolves possess, Alpha's, Council Members and Higher Up's were Pheonixus. They possess power greater than that of any of those species, their all in one, beside the half breeds of course. Some my father said; even possess all of the seven powers including being a Sucker which was a rairity, my father said theres a possiblilty that Tristian and I were Phenioxus. He said to be sure we'd try pratcing on other powers like Avaster teaching me Bending and Anna teaching Tristian Telo, which so far so good, Tristian was Telo too, I was so powerful a Telo I couldn't tell the difference between if I was Bending or using my Telo. I looked over to Tristian;


"Wow Trist, you're getting good." I thought as he tried cracking into my mind, but I wouldn't give.


"Not as good as you." he said through his teeth as he strained to lift with his mind


I tried even harder to Bend the water and throw it at Avaster, I got it up but when I tried to throw it, it just fell back into a puddle, I kept repeating in my head it's all in your movement, be more percise, I picked it up again fluently using my movement to try to throw the water, I closed my eyes and moved as I  thought the water would, I swayed back and forth and with all my power I threw the water, turning it to ice before it came to a stop, right before impaling, Avasters face, Ella had stopped it with her mind, thank goodness for her.


"Father, are you ok?" Ella said worrily


"I'm fine, Luna just can't control her Bending, which is ok, I couldn't when I started, it takes time, and in Lu's case not much time El." he replied.


"Ok, I just don't want anyone getting hurt ok? Why don't we rest and try more tomorrow, we've been out here practicing for four days now, I think we're prepared."


"I'm not!" I chimed


"I need more practice too, I think I'll just stay." Tristian said


"Alright, but be back for dinner." spoke my father


"No prob, love you Bear!"


"Do you want us to stay Lu?" Ella asked with Jake in toe.


"If you'd like, I can teach you some things?" I questioned


"Sure, I'd love that, I miss having you around to learn with Lu."


We all stood in the arena trying out our powers on eachother, not being too forceful with them, we threw objects and played find the Shade, we read Tristians and Jake's minds to see what they were thinking. Jake was thinking about how funny it was that we couldn't find him, and where he was, eventually we found him. Tristian was staring at me thinking about lying next to me in the king sized bed that was back at the Sanctuary, running his hand through my long hair, admiring my bright green eyes, and pale skin. I was shocked, why would he be thinking about me? Oh my, he was projecting thoughts in to my head! Stoppp, I thought, the thought of him putting these thoughts in my head made me feel amazing, I'd shared my first kiss with him, laughed alot, and most of all we understood eachother. I sat their next to Ella blocking out all that I'd pictured, I needed to be focused on this fight, if there was even going to be one.

I motioned to Ella that I wanted to go back to the house, soon after Jake, Ella, and Tristian followed, Tristian caught up to me, he looked down at me staring into my eyes as we walked;


"Your going to trip if you don't keep your eyes ahead of you Tristian." I said heat rising in my cheeks, surely turning them red as a rose.


He laughed. "Sorry I can't help it their beautiful, your eyes, so green and bright, green is my favorite color, and the green in your eyes is the exact shade I enjoy."


I looked down blushing even more, I felt the heat in my cheeks grow. "Really, I'd always thought they were too light, I'd wished they were emerald like my mothers."


"Their perfect Lu, absolutely perfect."


With his words in my mind, I picked up my pace even more, I felt the heat rushing through my body as we reached the house, with out a word I opened the doors and ran up the black marble stairs, into the bedroom I'd shared with Tristian. When he finally made it up the stairs into the room, I was on the bed, trying to project my feelings into his mind. I assume he got the picture, because he rushed over to my side, picking me up caressing  my every curve, he threw me down, kissing my neck he ripped off his shirt, then mine. He slid his hand up my torso, caressing my breast underneath my bra, he took that off in one swift tug. He started to unbutton his pants and then mine, I slowly pulled mine off of my feet throwing them to the side, kissing my body downwards he finally met his mouth with my hips moving lower and lower, finally he reached the spot that made me want more. I pulled him up and started kissing him frantically, I took hold of his shaft and stroked my hand back and fourth, finally I got on top of him entering his shaft into my body. As he went deeper and deeper he finally eruppted, leaving me soaking and my body jolting with such a power. Then suddenly every though he had been thinking flowed into my brain, he was thinking about marking me, even though we've already mated, but marking me to make it offical that I'm his, I turned to look at him and he'd already knew what I was thinking, he grabbed my thigh and bit into it leaving a sensation, a small tingle where he'd bitten. The wound healed faster that humanly possible, as his dna shot through my body, bonding him and I together, I felt all the powers I still needed to be taught seep into my brain, every power I could possess was now all inside my head, with out me even being taught. I turned to Tristian who was obviously experiancing the same thing, Shading him self then un shading, finding stuff wolves that lived here before us, lost, and of course having full control of him self while doing these tasks. I tried and had the same ability's, its like after we mated, our powers surged...

Chapter 9: Control

 I woke up the next morning, Tristian not on the couch, but next to me his arm over my body holding me tight, I tried to get up but his grip on me made it nearly impossible to escape. I turned around to wake him up but he already was, knowing I was trying to get up he smiled and held tighter, I laughed "I've got to get ready, I'll come back."
With that he let me go and I got clothes ready to hop into the shower, I grabbed them and went as fast as I could wanting to get this shower done so I could go lay with Tristian before we had to go train, and get control of our powers. Tristian and I had found out that he is a Cracken and I'm a Phionus, we were both very rare and our powers should have shown much earlier than we did. I guess while we mated all of the training we were missing had just came to us, flowed into our minds, I asked my father what this meant and it ment exactly what I had said I'm a Phionus and Tristian a Cracken. While I showered, I thought about everything that had happened last night, Tristians warm body, his shaggy hair, but then I thought about my powers and what I could do with them, I had already reached my full potential last night, proving that by manipulating my father to think he was in love with Ava, Ella's mom, after I pulled out of his brain he was shocked, no one had ever been able to pass through his mind block. I got out of the shower dried off and then tried to turn my self invisible so I could scare Tristian, this was a power of a Shade, which if I was correct and so was my father I was a Phionus, which meant I possessed all the powers with versitility to change my choice if what power was right for me to use. Tristian was a Cracken which meant that he possessed three powers he could willing choose which as well, which meant we both really needed control training.


Before I stepped out of the shower I grabbed my towel to wrap my self into before I wandered out into the cold, I stepped out and oh am I glad I put on my towel, standing in the doorway of the bathroom stood Tristian with this devilish look on his face. I tried to shoo him away waving my hand in a motion saying go way, but he didn't budge. I went into the closet that was in the bathroom and shut the door, I hurried and got dressed in some sports looking gear Ella had let me borrow, she had tons of clothes here at the pack house. As, I came out Tristian was laughing, I shot him a look and he started walking toward the door, where the imaginary smell of pancakes were coming from, then he turned saying;

"Hey you can't just manipulate me like that!"

"I was joking totally, lets go train though."


With that we went down the stairs and out the front doors to the training arena, Avaster was already there waiting, with some new people, elderly people, not to elderly seeing as they could seriously kick ass, Avaster introduced them as the Elders and the one of them being the only other know Phionus, her name was Yevisari. Avaster also had an older man maybe late 60's that was a Cracken, and the one who told Tristains father about the Cracken that was trapped with the Valcrie. Yevisari, was stronger than anyone I'd met obviously, and she was teaching me so much. So far today I've learned Shading, Seeking, and Bending so far Yevi, said that Shadows and Suckers are very dangerous, and that we wouldn't explore those powers until and imminent threat is close by, healing she said was in every werewolves dna, which meant anyone could heal, some just more rapidly than others, like Anna she can heal you faster than you could your self. What Tristian was learning was similar with Gentry, he already possessed all his powers at full potential after we mated, but now he has to control them, which has been easier for me, than him. His powers spiked every where, one minute he was reading your mind the next he was squishing Gentrys brain, bending it. Gentry was stronger so it was easy for him to force Tristian to stop, which if he hadn't we'd have a man with suqished brains in our areana. Quite honestly, I'd rather not have that happen.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.10.2015

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