
Katie meets Drake

 Kate's heart began to beat faster. She didn't have to look back to know the trouble which she wanted to avoid was following her. She was by the rental cottages now and knew it was time she made her move. She took a running start grabbed the fence in front of her and flipped over landing in a crouched position in the back yard of one of the cottages then froze.

There was a huge dog bigger than any dog she's ever seen before sitting right in front of her and he didn't look like he was welcoming any strangers as he growled showing off a very intimidating set of fangs. She was contemplating what her next move would be when he jumped over her and into the fence knocking whomever was trying to crawl over off and warning off anyone on the other side with his low horrifying growls.

"Come on, we'll catch up with her another time" she hears one of them say. A moment later she is again face to face with this gigantic dog. She stares at him for a second then puts her hand out softly trying to convince this giant creature she did not mean any harm, "I'm sorry boy, I didn't know what else to do" she almost whispers. His eyes entrancing her with their emerald color with a red line surrounding the iris. She's never seen such beautiful yet strange eyes before. She wants to look around to check her surroundings but is too afraid to take her eyes off the creature that has circled around her and then turns his back to her and walks towards the cottage pausing and glancing back at her.

"You want me to follow you boy?" she asks him thintking maybe she should just jump back over the fence but knowing it may not be possible that when she did jump over the fence it was because she had a lot of adrenaline built up from fear knowing what those losers wanted.

Most the time the cove was a safe heaven but there were times when outsiders came in looking for trouble and these three guys have been to the cove before. She's pretty sure these are the guys that brutally raped and almost killed a 13 year old girl in the cove two years ago while her parents were out getting groceries. Just remembering the last time she ran into these creeps made her shiver. They didn't catch her that time either but it was close and they made it perfectly clear she would experience a horrible nightmare she would not wake up from if they ever did catch her. She was usually careful not to be out after dark but she had lost track of time while enjoying the water. It still wasn't completely dark yet so she thought she would be alright. There wasn't many staying in the cove anymore ever since the 13 year old was attacked but Katie didn't have any where else to go besides the covej was pretty secluded which is how Katie liked it. 

Katie stood slowly stood up from her crouched position and started to follow this massive beast hoping she could just walk out the front door. The back door was open, probably so their dog could go in and out to the back yard. It was dark inside so Katie hesitated before stepping inside. When she did step inside somehow she managed to run smack into a huge solid form. She froze yet again and in an instant she realized it was the man that lived here. Taking a step back she manages to squeak out,"I....I'm so sorry" she stammers out trying to focus her eyes from the light outside to the dark now engulfing her. A low and deep voice boomed from above her "what are you doing here?" She is able to take another step back while she states "I'm so sorry....I was being followed... and.... and... I got scared....I didn't know what to I jumped your fence to get away from them...I truly am sorry" Katie takes a deep breath then adds "I'll leave right now if you could just show me the front door?"

She hears him move away from her then a click as a small light illuminates the room. she watches him move to the front door unable to take her eyes off him. He must be close to seven foot tall, muscles radiatng from every movement. He's massive just as his dog Katie thinks to herslf. He's now standing by the front door just starring at her as she's still just standing there looking at him. "Sorry", she stammers again. "Maybe....if you wouldn't mind.... I should stay here a little while just to make sure they are gone?" she asks. "NO" his response boomed out.

She stares at him with disbelief then quickly exits the house throwing back "fine" then spits out "sorry for the inconveince" and walks off. She repremands herself out loud once she is away "how rude Katie! You treaspass and then snap at the person kind enough to let you walk through his house....nice" then she realizes she's alone again so quickly heads towards her house then starts to go up the steps of her front porch but then stops. The powder she sprinkled on her front porch has been disturbed and she can see one of the glass pane windows that is beside the door is missing.

Katie quickly twirls around and smacks into someone. She instinctively knees the person then starts to turns to run when she does a double take was the stranger who's house she invaded. "OH...MY....GOD!! I am soooo sorry!!! Geez I thought you were one of those losers! Are you alright? Is there anything I can do?" he looks up and her heart skips a beat...those eyes!! His eyes are the same emerald green with the slinder red line circling the iris. How could that be? 



Drake meets Katie

Drake is taken back by this stranger that practically summersaulted into his back yard. He thought that all the women left this cove when the attack happened two years ago. He had moved in just a year earlier being warned about the thugs that brutely attacked an innocent little girl and left her for dead. Due to a technicality of shabby police work the thugs were not punished and are still roaming free on the streets. Luckily they said the little girl survived the attack and is slowly getting her life back on track but that night will haunt her for the rest of her life.

Drake figured this would be a good a place as any to settle especially since he wanted to be alone more than anything. Drake finds himself stareing at this small delicate creature as she apologizes for taking refuge in his back yard now his home. He understands her plight but irritated his sanctuary has been disturb so ready for her to go on her way.

Once she leaves he realizes he can't just let her walk home alone. He can sense the danger still lurking for her so he trails far enough behind her to keep out of sight to make sure she does arrive home safe. He hears her reprimand herself for being rude to him even though he didn't take it that way, silly girl.

He senses the men waiting for her and quickly goes to stop her from going any farther when she whirls around and smacks into him yet again. He looks into her golden brown eyes noticing that she is starring at him with her mouth open. He places a finger under her chin to close her gapped mouth. He is use to the stares hes obtained ever since he obtained the scars a year and a half ago. He shakes the thoughts out of his head as she says, "your eyes...." she trails off and continues in a near whisper, "I think someones in my house".

I wonder how she knows without even going up to the door he thinks to himself, of course she's right I can not only sense them but I can smell three of them waiting inside for her. Before I know it I hear myself saying, "you should stay at my place tonight then we can come back and check it out in the morning when the sun's up".

Before she could respond he sensed the losers eagerness and knew it was time to move! He didnt want to make her aware that the thugs were watching them and were getting restless so he just led her away as fast as he could thankful she didn't argue or pull away. Before he could get too far though he sensed the movements he was hoping wouldn't come. He instantly stopped and pulled her close to him to block her body from them. Again he was surprised she didn't complain or push away but also greatful since there was no time to argue before the first few shots rang out. He grabbed her up and ran having an intense desire to keep her safe. 

He got her to his house and once inside he gently put her down then told her to stay inside as he closes the door behind him on his way back out to detour the thugs. He knew they were following them and he could not allow them to get to her knowing their thoughts and knowing the brutality of those thoughts. He morphed as he ran, he was already hit a couple times before he ran off with her and morphing would increase the healing time. As he landed on all fours coming around the corner he meets up with the losers.

There were three of them. Two were pretty skinny while the other one was fat. All three were pretty out of shape and stunk pretty bad. A mixture of cheap booze, a strong odor of weed and smokes, and sweat like they hadn't bathed in months shot out at his nostrils along with that stitch of adrenaline they posessed in search of their victim. He waited until they could see him clearly. They walked up, one of the skinny ones said "oh that a freakin' dog?" Then the other skinny one huffs out "I go 'em" as he lifts the gun and fires. Drake didn't move, he didn't have to the bullet wasn't even close.

"You mother fucker! You didn't even get close! Let me show you how it's done, asshole!" as the fat guy rang out a shot. Drake seen it coming and side swept the bullet as he rammed his horrific size into the first skinny guy knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying several feet.

"Holly Shit boys we got us a demon dog!" Fatty calls out whlie ringing out another shot. Drake jumped over the oncoming bullet and came down right on top of fatty knocking him to the ground then ripping his throat out. The two skinny losers just stared at the scene. The one closer shook his head and was whimpering "oh god....please...please don't kill me! I'm not like them! I didn't hurt anyone! Please...d..don't hurt me!" He sobbed. Drake sensed the other one coming up behind him so he pounced over the whimpering man just as a shot ran out that ended up hitting the whimpering man causing him to cry out in agony, "SHIT BILL, what the hell! You were suppose to get that damn dog you mother fucker! NOT ME! You cock sucker...shit!" Another shot rang out "I got 'em for ya Jake!" "N..O Y..O..U D..I..D..N..T" a deep mono voice slowly rolls out as Drake slams into Bill and rips his throat out then stalks over to Jake. "COME ON YOU MOTHER FUCKER! I'll CUT YOUR ASS AND TAKE YOU BACK TO HELL WITH ME!", the last loser 'Jake' spits out.

Drake smiled then the red thin circle surrounding his iris began to grow spreading to cover everything besides his pupil then pushes out a red aura from his eyes that radiates out surrounding him then spreading out covering all three men. "WHAT'S HAPPENING." Jake manages to barely huff out as the red aura begins pulling out their essence and life force. Drake pulled their essence and life force into himself sucking it in feeding off every last bit enjoying the immediate rush and power that filled him. It has been way too long as he fills a hunger that food can't touch then the guilt of taking from others took the place of fulfillment so he closed his eyes and shook off the burning sensation the aura always brought. All that remained that was engulf in the red aura is now dust. Drake turns still in his morphed wolf form and trots back to his house. Back to her...

Secrets unravel

Katie waited for him crunched down in front of the couch with a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I sure hope he's alright, I didn't mean to get him into this mess, I will just feel horrible if anything happens to him!" She thinks but no sooner did she think it did the door open, she made herself very small the fear swelling in her chest, then she heard whimpering of a dog and looked up into those beautiful strange eyes Which seemed different although the same. She slowly sits up from her almost crunched up position and holds out her hand to him. "Are you alright boy?" She asks him already taking inventory of the blood around his muzzle. She slowly rubs her hand down his coat noting more blood on his upper thigh and another on his hip. Slowly running her hands over him she begins checking for other wounds. She stands up heading for the kitchen and starts opening drawers and cabinekts. Not finding what she needs she heads to the bathroom finding a wash cloth she wets it and cautiously walks over to him and slowly and carefully starts washing off his muzzle. After getting off as much as she could she says out loud, "well at least when we bring you to the vet they won't shoot you on the spot". Drake backs up from her. Katie sees the concern in his eyes, the same eyes as...."ok ok let's clean you up better and see how bad things look then maybe we won't have to go" she says. "Come on let's get you cleaned up" she continues as she leads him to the bathroom. She asks him to jump in the tub so she can shower him off and starts slowly and cautiously cleaning the bloodied matted hair. Being careful of his wounds she slowly began her task examining for any damage but after cleaning a mass of blood from his thigh she found nothing so moved down to the mass of blood on his thigh. She cautiously rinsed the blood through his fur and when she moved some of his fur to the side she heard a binging sound as a bullet fell to the bottom of the tub. Katie gasped as she watched another bullet fall off him then watches as the skin starts nitching it's way back together. She locks onto his eyes, which reflected utter sadness. She wasn't sure why she felt compelled to protect him and assure him everything was alright or why she wasn't afraid. Maybe I'm in shock she thinks to herself then she smiles at him whispering,"it's ok boy" and runs her hand through his hair trying to reassure him while whispering, "it's going to be alright boy. Then it dawns on her that she hasn't seen the man yet. Katie jumps up and runs to the door, opens it looking around but doesn't see anything so she steps outside and begins to cautiously walk around the house when she is startled by a voice, "where are you going?" she recognizes the voice of the man and turns around to see him standing in the doorway. She just stands there starring at him for a second then asks, "where were you? I didn't see you come in". "You were a bit preoccupied" Drake points out. She seemed to except this answer as she walks up to him starring up at him then startles him as she says,"funny how you have the same eyes as your dog..." He interrupted her..."wolf". "ok....wolf. Keeping secrets are we?" she asks with a smirk on her lips.

"I don't know are YOU keeping secrets?" Drake asks as he studies her face waiting to see if she confides in him what he's already figured out after touching her. "Maybe" Katie smiles "but why don't you just tell yours first?" She stares up at him with a growing sense of uneasiness. "you already pretty much know my secret" Drakes states. Katie stares at him for quite some time frowning then smiles and says, "you're a dog" Drake glares at her "WOLF" he practically barks. "Ok dog...wolf...whatever" Katie smiles knowing she's aggravating him then adds "what do you think MY secret is wolf boy?" Drake smirks at her then rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the kitchen. "To be honest I thought you were like me at first but then I sense there's something else so to be honest I'm not sure". Katie just stands there with her mouth gapped open unable to grasp what he just said. Drake uses his finger to close her gapping mouth "you do know you're different"? "NO...I mean yes....I mean.....I know I'm different, i mean can do things others can't but I don't change". "You will" Drake simply says as he watches her face. "Let me see you change" Katie demands and as if someone just sneezed Drake shifted effortlessly into a wolf. "I like you better this way" Katie says as she rubs his head. Drake padded into another room then emerges back in human form with a different pair of sweats on. "Hungry"? Drake asks her as he starts grabbing things from the fridge. "When will I shift"? Katie asks as she starts helping him prepare omlets. "I don't know" Drake answers her then adds, "like I are different yet the same...." Then as an after thought Drake promises her he will take her to an elder in the morning to see if they could get more answers. Katie was satisfied knowing she may get the answers to questions she's had her whole life once she talked to one of these elders. "You said the females were massacred, am I safe"? Drake stopped what he was doing and looked down at her "I won't let anything hurt you...."Katie" she interrupts him "my name is Katie". Drake smiles down at this blonde haired creature with sapphire eyes as he manages to say "my name is Drake" as his stomach does flip flops just looking at her. He's never felt this way about anyone and it scares him because he knows he has no right to these feelings. He quickly looks away finishing the omlets and they both sit down to eat.

Morning came slowly as Drake tossed and turned. He is going to have to leave her with one of the elders unable to control his feelings that just keeps growing for this creature half his age. "Good morning" Katie sang out while she radiated with happiness knowing all her questions will soon be answered. Drake was only able to manage a nod he knew he would have to carry her in order to reach the elders before dark and the thought of touching her angain came with mixed feelings. He wanted to touch her but knew he would be better if he didn't have to. The sun was just starting to come was time to go. 

Katie could sense the reluctance in Drake. Katie wasn't  going to let Drake's grumpiness get her down. She was happier than she had been in years! 

Drake picked Katie up with ease. Katie thought he was finally joining into her celebration so she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. Drake froze. Drake looked down into those sapphire eyes and the next thing he knows he's kissing her. Softly at first then it grows into a more urgent needing kiss. He slowly releases her as she slides down his length and touches the ground. She pulls him with her not letting him go wrapped up in the kiss. Drake lifts her back into his arms this time cradling her close as he carries her into another room and finds the bed. He lowers her to the bed as she clings to him. Katie pulls him on top of her wrapping her legs around him. A golden glow starts to fill the room as Katie deepens the kiss grounding her hips into him moaning his name. Drake knows he should stop but he can't, he wants her, he needs her. He looks down at her and sees the golden glow. It dawns on him she's changing so she really didn't want him after all she was driven by the change. At least the first change won't be as painful this way he thinks as he watches her morph into the most stunning wolf he's ever seen. Her fur was mostly white with golden streaks and a golden tail, her eyes were still sapphire but now had a golden ring surrounded the iris. She looked up with pleading eyes. "It's ok" Drake assured her "you look great!" he said as he smiled down at her. "We will have to wait and leave tomorrow unless you don't mind going like this" Katie's answer was getting up and trotting out towards the door as Drake follows. It will be easier to travel now that we both have speed Drake said as he shifted to his wolf.


Drake and Katie made record time as Drake leads the way still wrapped up in his thoughts wondering how she's stayed hidden from their kind and hoping the elders will be able to pinpoint what it is that makes her different. Once they came upon a clearing with a meadow full of daisies Drake shifted back to human form and asked Katie to relax and to concentrate on a human form. Katie began to shift, the hair on her head got longer and her body started to change but her tail got longer and so did her legs. Drake stares with interest and amazement at the beautiful white and golden mare that now is standard no before him. Once he's able to get over th initial amazement he then says, "maybe think harder on human form". Katie then starts to shrink a bit and her tail disappears as her human legs and arms finally replace the mare's legs. Drake just stands there still with his mouth wide..."wow, I've never seen anyone shift into a horse before" Drake laughs. Katie was too concerned about the lack of clothes to be amused. Drake understood her discomfort and offers her the bag he packed before they left. Katie dug out some clothes and quickly got dressed. "You could of warned me" she hissed. "YOU could of warned me" Drake said with amusement still in his voice. Katie punched him in the shoulder before asking, "so where is the elders?" Drake lead her to a tree with a large hill in front of it. The hill started sliding down revealing a dirt stairwell. They traveled down a bit then came to a path that forked in several directions. Katie followed Drake as he lead them through several pathways and passed several doorways to finally come to a doorway that opened up to what must of at one time must of been a remarkable place but now was run down, drearie, and pretty empty for a huge village. Before Katie could ask about it Drake booms out, "Welcome to Levion". Katie looked around...there were a lot of unkept homes and grumpy men whom were frozen in their spots just starring at Katie. She was starting to feel pretty akward when one of the men boomed out "what are you doing here"? "What is the meaning of this Drake?" Then an older man walked up to the two of them and hugged Drake "you have brought us our missing princess, Drake" Drake looked from the old man to Katie. "You mean she's the missing princess?" The old man smiled then lead them to one of the run down homes and offered them tea and berries. Drake introduced the elder to Katie as elder Terry who is the oldest of the tribe. Terry was very old but his personality was very pleasant. He apologized for the other mans outburst explaining strangers were not allowed in their sanctuary for the safety of the clan. Terry grabs Katie's hand then looks into her eyes and smiles. "You're presence here is a gods sent my child!" "We never thought we would ever see a royal or a female of our kind again after the attack on your' parents then the attack on our tribe". Katie was confused, "what do you mean the attack on my parents"? Terry squeezed her hand a bit tighter "there are many that do not understand our kind and see us as a threat. We are unfortunately targets for humans that hold hatred in their hearts for things they cannot understand or control". They do not all feel this way but the ones that do were trying to wipe us out. "THEY ARE ALL THAT WAY"! hissed Hank the man that was quick to try and keep Katie from their sanctuary.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2015

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