



Imani woke up early in the morning of the essential 21st-century Alkebulan, England.

He was thirteen years old who want was to make his family have a better lifestyle than being in the middle class.

He wanted to go into the woods to find the luxurious herbs that only bloom in the early winter of November season.

He dashed out of his comfortable hay bed chamber.

It followed by him tiptoeing in the corridor to not wake up his adoptive father.

Because he was exhausted from working late on the queen’s grandchild’s best sword.

Even worse, he needs to come back as soon as possible.

Or else there will be consequences with the Queen’s appointed ruthless mayor’s army.

That is the law of the village in Alkebulan, is thirteen and up must join the army.

He opened the door to check up on his father, but relief ran down his spine because he did not want to wake him up.

Jesus, what am I going to do? Neither do I want to wake him up. Telling him I was going deep into the woods. It is going to freak him out. And because the wood is overflowed with wildlife that would eat me alive, he thought.

Worse came to mind, the herb is the best in healing all illnesses.

So, he wants to get in the woods as fast as he could.

Or else, they will stay in the middle class for the rest of their lives.

It was dark outside around four. He was overwhelmed with guilt in his mind and heart because he did not want to worry his father.

More unpleasant, not telling him where he had gone to.

“Wait, I know what to do, “he said.

He took out a piece of paper from his satchels and wrote it down.

Father, I am going to the woods. And I will return before the Queen’s appointed mayor’s army comes.


He left it on two smooth and comfortable fur chairs table and rushed out of the enormous cabin.

All Imani wanted was to make his father have a better life.

Because guilt overwhelmed him when he sees her father being mocked by noble people for his status.

Unpleasantly, adopting an orphan chocolate color skin tone boy was unbearable to his father.

If he is found in the woods by any ruthless nobility, he will be forced into slavery.

Imani feared that the most if it did not come as fast as he could, it would be all his fault. Their ruthless village mayor’s army will behead his father and the rest of it will be history.

Outside it was cold, as he looked in the noir's wood direction.

In the distance, he overheard the howling. Shivers ran down his spine.

He shook it out of his mind because all he wanted was to find that more expensive herb to better their lives.

Imani marched the way of the horses’ ranch quietly, for he did not want to startle them.

He arrived at it in time and dashed indoors.

His favorite horse snorted at him the moment it saw him.

“Nice to see you too, Noa, my friend. And how are you this morning? I am sorry to come this early, but I need your help. “He said.

Noa was the fastest white stallion, that’s why it was Imani’s favorite.

He was wearing a white long-sleeved sweater, hooded navy coat, jeans, and impenetrable leather shoes.

Noa snorted joyfully and began licking Imani’s face.

“Please stop, Noa. Stop! And you know that I hate kisses, but I’m glad that you are happy.” He chuckled.

He wiped Noa’s slobby from his face and cast it to the ground.

He gently pulled him out of the ranch, mount on him, and Noa started galloping towards the woods.

“Noa! Noa! Please, slow down. Slow down! I need to catch my breath! “He screamed.

Noa did not heed him but kept galloping through the woods.

Imani accepted defeat because it was hopeless.

“Faster as always, my headstrong horse! “He laughed.

When he pulled his reigns, Noa paused as Imani glanced back at their home.

It was visible and the night sky was getting brighter.

Jesus, my Living God, I hope the mayor’s army did not come early to our cabin. Or else, there will be trouble, he thought.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2023

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