



Mikai at eleven years old of age in her middle boarding school in Manchester, stopped the boy she had her unconditional love for the longest time.  

“I beg your pardon. And what is it Messermans?” Said the boy.  

“No worry, just read this, and you will find out. I mean no arm is down.” Mikai chuckled nervously.  

The boy took the letter from her hand and unfolded it with annoyance. 

Dear Herod, I am writing to say that I have been in love with you for the longest time. Would you go out with me?” Herod read aloud. 

“For real? And you have feelings for me? Herod blinked. And so, what do you think? What is going to be your response?” Mikai asked.  

Herod was furious, he ripped Makai's letter and watched in horror.  

Herod stomped on the ripped pieces of paper while laughing at Mikai's shocked expression. Every one of her classmates joins in the hallways and laughs at her to scorn.  

“For your information, you know that message, don't you?” Herod shrieked in laughter.  

Herod Ponderosa, eleven-years-old but older, was the child of the wealthiest Duke in Manchester. So, he is nothing but a spoiled little brat and treats everyone like dirt, especially Mikai.  

He walked away while Mikai kneeled and cried her eyes out with unbearable pain.

Outside after three years has passed, the new most infamous student was being praised by some of her paparazzi at Seaside Boarding School, Manchester in America.  

“My God, it is nice smooth hair you have. And what did you do with it?" asked one of the paparazzi.  

“Jesus, I do not know girl. And not bad yourself. Besides, it is because of the new shampoo. It is being improved. And here we have," she chuckled.  

“’ Morning, everyone. And well, well, what do we have here? If it isn't the queen of the sea, herself." One of the boys interrupted.  

“My good God is that you. I think it is?" She asked.  

“That would be right. And what made you transfer to this boarding school? London is known for having the best boarding school in the world?" He continued.  

"My parents want me to come live with my grandparents, so here I am." She reasoned. 

Everyone in the paparazzi roared in laughter, cheered, shouted her name, and applauded her. 

Manchester's Seaside Boarding School was the closest to her grandparents' mansion. Meaning that all family forebears were a family of nobility.  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.03.2023

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