


I was standing on top of the mountain on the border of Kamina Tabernacle and Lumiere as I looked beyond the thousand miles away into the horizon landscape.

My old friend Miqueas who was standing next to me was seeing the same as me but was shocked at how the landscape across the sky was engulfed by the red clouds miles away to Lumiere's horizon, a scorched barren landscape covered in ashes.

The sun's rays were blocked by the thickest noir and death coughing trap of red clouds, and it was preventing any growth of life on the soil from emerging from the surface far west.

"Miqueas. If you are scared, now is the time to go back, and help the others against Mardochee's beast army in Kamina Tabernacle." I chuckled.

"Not a chance. Neither I am going anywhere or leaving you alone in this quest. Besides, we are already in Lumiere. So, what is the point of going back to Kamina Tabernacle?" Miqueas answered.

"Classic. And it seems as if you have grown, even become stronger than I last saw you decades ago on the way to put an end to Menace de L'enfer." I gulped.

"Please, stop teasing me. Everyone knows that you have feelings for Neema, not me. Besides,  I am just my closest old friend. That's all." Miqueas sighed.

I burst out laughing my eyes out hard while Miqueas covered her face with embarrassment.

"Would you look at that? Red tomatoes are classic! Neither is there any going on with Neema and me. And we were friends when I was young, so we are kind of inseparable. If you mind me asking, is that a confession I am hearing?" I asked.

"Um-er, no, it is not. And I am glad that I am on this quest with you. I am over the moon, I have no idea why!" Miqueas scoffed.

"My, my. I just don't understand girls. And why are they even very complicated to understand? Would you just tell me how you feel, instead of hiding it.?Miqueas, my old friend, you should fish out how you--!" I paused.

"Enough, Mvuela! I would love for you to just quit it. Never will be in love with you. And I can never be, please." Miqueas roared.

"Christ, I was only kidding. And it is getting late, you need to rest. Tomorrow we have a journey ahead of us," I sighed.

"Mvuela. I-I-I, um-er I did not want to say that!" Miqueas stammered.

"Please, I will be on the lookout. Would rest for now, " I sighed.

After that, I stood up on my feet and walked out of Miqueas's sight.

Miqueas glanced at me with a heartbreaking facial expression before going to be.

"Jesus, Miqueas, nice going. And why is it challenging to let him know your feelings!" Miqueas muttered to herself aloud.

I was staring at the full moon sky with its shimmering bright stars. Adding further, I was wondering how everyone is now doing. I was wondering if they were well and alive.

Later, I returned to where Miqueas was sleeping but woke up when she heard my footsteps.

"Um-er, Mvuela, is that you? And are you still angry at my reaction earlier, " Miqueas asked.

"Listen, if you have something to say. Would you just spit out, I am a good listener!" I scolded.

I went through the warmth of my blanket and covered my face.

"Nice one. And you are mad at me, for real I am sure. Even so, I can act like a jerk, sometimes, but just in case something happens to me. Neither I am good at fishing for my real feelings, but I think I'm beginning to have unconditional love for you. Neither am I sure of it, that's why I acted like a jerk earlier, " Miqueas sighed.

"Jesus! Isn't that a classic? Apology accepted Miqueas, now go to sleep. Would you mind telling me how you feel from the inside? Still, are you trying to burst my heart into pieces with your confession or something? Man, why are women very complicated to comprehend?" I sighed.

Miqueas squealed in excitement, followed by her bursting her eyes out in laughter.

"Ouch, love surely makes people go insane!" I muttered in my breath.

I scoffed in annoyance and was sound asleep.

“Mvuela, you might be right about that. I overreacted. Besides, I would like to say goodnight.” Miqueas said. 

“Jesus, my Living God. Nighty-night, Miqueas. We have the longest quest ahead of us to do tomorrow.” I stated. 

“Perfect, Mvuela. And forgive me for getting mad at you. It was not fine of me,” Miqueas declared. 

“Listen, I hear you. Please, go to sleep,” I said.  

"I understand we have a quest ahead of us.” She sighed. 

Miqueas put her head on her soft pillow as she looked at the night sky. 

Man, I must mess up this time around. And I hope Mvuela is not mad, she thought. 

She inhaled some more and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, when we were sound asleep, the possessed Pen was carefully getting closer to the rod of the wicked.  

“My dearest rod of the wicked. How do I miss you? Give up! Give up you filthy thieves! And I needed to have it. For my name is legion for we are many. We wanted it back.” Pen squealed.  

Miqueas woke up instantly, but Pen hid amid the rocks and waited for her to go back to sleep.  

“Christ, she almost caught us, you are clueless! And next time we must be careful!” Legion Pen’s possessed side scalded.  

“And forgive me for that. I am going to be extra careful. No need to worry!” Pen shouted back.  

“Fine then. If you make another mistake, I am going to take over all your body, comprehend?” Legion roared. And then we must do this time around with extra caution. Neither can I wait to get my hands on my dearest back to me. I will take it to my lord, Mardochee.” Legion cackled.  

When Miqueas was asleep, the legion within Pen got closer to us. Pen was crawling rock to rock faster and was looking down at me. Pay attention to Miqueas at the same time. In case she wakes up.  

“We have finally found each other, my dearest. And nothing would ever separate as ever again.” Legion said.   

Later, Pen grabbed the rod of the wicked and he was about to snatch it away, but I clenched it. Enrage that she could not take the rod of the wicked out of my hand but used force to get it out.  

“Mine. Mine! Let go you dirty thieves. It is my dearest. My lord promised me that if I get it back, my cousin is going to return.” Pen growled.  

“Please, what is this commotion about this early in the morning? Jesus my living God. And who are you?” I asked.  

When Penn heard the name of Jesus, she screamed in pain. It is followed by her collapsing to the floor, as Miqueas gets up and ties both her hands.  

“Not going to get away this time, thief! Miqueas demanded. Miqueas tightened the rope to her wrist and went back to sleep. I did the same after yawning loudly.  

The day came by quickly, Miqueas was checking everything. I was putting out the fire when I cast dirt at it.  

“Let go of me! Leave me, I beg of you!” Pen cried.  

“No chance. And would you mind telling us why you need to take the rod of the wicked?” Miqueas declared.  

“None of your business. And besides, this is the place the most dangerous to people.” She swallowed.  

“Would you tell me who they are?" I asked.

"Humm, they are called the Nephilim. And are fond of humans, so I would be cautious if I were you.” Pen laughed.  

“Nice. Do you know how we are going to pass by them—undetected?” I declared.  

“Right, Mvuela, the messenger of the truth.” She said.  

“How did you know that?” I asked.  

“Everyone knows who you are. Even at a time, you slay Menace de L’enfer.” Pen cackled mockery way.  

“I see. And why do you want to steal the rod of the wicked?” I demanded.  

“It’s my only hope.” She cried.  

“Only hope? Would you care to explain this to us?” I blinked.  

“My cousin went missing. And no one knows where he is. So, if I take that rod of the wicked, Mardochee, my uncle. He promised me that he would bring my cousin back.” Pen said.

“Wait, your Mardochee’s niece?” Miqueas gasped.  

“Sure. My cousin‘s name was Solomon. He went missing decades ago. He never came back. My uncle told me that it was my fault he ran away. If I bring the rod of the wicked, he is going to bring my cousin.” Pen answered.  

“Enough! Neither are you going to tell our enemies everything--!” Legion paused.  

“Quiet you, in Jesus’ name!” I shouted.  

Pen squealed in pain while Miqueas struggled to hold her still.  

“Great another one who is being deceived by Mardochee’s lies.” Miqueas frowned.  

“Besides, Solomon, your cousin, is still alive. He is not missing or dead. Solomon is healthy and kicking.” I answered.  

“For real? My cousin is alive? And how am I not sure that you are pulling my leg? Not even lying?” Pen blinked.  

“Wait, what? Besides, you know me to be the messenger of the truth, but you do not believe what I am saying?” I gasped.  

“Haven’t you wondered why Solomon is coming back for you?” I demanded.  

“No, I have no idea," Pen said.

"Would it be best if you found out the reason? Solomon is the royal guard of the king of the Promised. He fought against Mardochee’s army of beasts. As I speak.” I said.  

“No this is all lies. All lies! My cousin cannot be alive.” Pen insisted.  

“Fine, be my guest. And Mvuela, we put her out of her misery!” Miqueas snarled.  

“Miqueas! I beg of you. Would you mind calming down?” I pleaded.  

Pen yelped in fright, as Miqueas unleashed her double-edged sword but put it back. Later, we found ourselves skipping toward the enormous metallic border gate of the Nephilim.  

“Please, let me go. And don’t you think this is suicide?” Pen cried.  

“Quiet you! Neither are you going anywhere. You’re coming with us, understand?” Miqueas stated.  

She pulled her hard while Pen squealed in refusal. Miqueas did not even budge, she kept dragging Penny along on our way to the enormous border red gate of the Nephilim.  

Times passed; we were now standing in front of the gate. My good God. This is the tallest gate of the border I ever seen in my life!” Miqueas gasped.  

And it is written the Nephilim’s Gate, remember! Besides, they are goliaths!” I shouted.  

Abruptly, we were interrupted by heavy thundering footsteps.

“Now we are done for. Hide you filthy thieves!” Pen hissed.  

“Um, who goes there? And would you mind telling me where you are? May I remind you that you can never hide from me!” One Nephilim declared.  

In silence, Miqueas, Pen, and I lean our backs against the metal gate. Around that same time, in Promise’s massive palace, Nuru and the rest of the warriors of the truth were around the table. Altogether with the reunion of crowns.  

Though Miqueas was one of the crowns who is second in all crowns across the stone Kamina Tabernacle’s kingdoms was not around. So, her cousin was there as a representative of Kamina.  

“Malakai, have you seen my son?” Inkosi Mvuela one asked.  

“My Inkosi relaxed. And your son is on the quest to cast the rod of the wicked into the molten volcano, remember?” Malakai said.  

“I do remember, my old friend. And I am so worried about him, that’s all.” Inkosi said.  

“I am sure Mvuela can take care of himself. He will be careful while on this life-threatening quest. And would it be best if we focus on the threat beforehand?” Malakai pleaded.  

“I understand, my old friend.” He sighed.  

“Perfect, that is the best spirit, my Majesty,” Malakai said.  

Everyone!” Nuru interrupted.  

All the reunion of crowns and the rest became silent to hear the old king’s speech.  

“Would it be best if I took my people to stone Kamina Tabernacle’s palace? No one knows what Mardochee’s next move is. So, I should suggest that we all go there for protection. All of you know that no enemy ever sieged its stronghold tall fortress wall.” Nuru stated.  

“I am sure it is the best idea, old Nuru. Though I am worried about my son, Kamina Tabernacle’s palace which is in stone has an impenetrable fortress wall. And we must all go there. Besides, old Nuru’s subjects are the first spoil for Mardochee’s beasts,” Inkosi said.  

“Well, speaking my majesty. And we all agreed, yes?” Malakai declared.  

All the reunion of crowns, warriors of the truth, and the rest of the people who were there agreed to such an idea.  

“I will be out for a few days. I will see you all later, I hope.” Malakai continued.  

Ever since Malakai suggested such statements, no one has set their eyes on him.  

Old Nuru, warriors of the truth, and all of Promise’s people were in the vibrating mass of green pasture hills on their way to stone Kamina Tabernacle’s palace and its stronghold fortress wall.  

On the same day, Mardochee was sitting on his enormous ten horns throne lost in thought.  

Outside the overwhelming multiple sounds of rushing footsteps were fading away as he had on his face a wicked smirk.




Mardochee was outside on the highest tall two towers of his palace. He was looking across the mass land of the kingdoms.   

“All this will be mine. And this is just the beginning. Neither are they going to see coming.” Mardochee cackled wickedly.  

Time passed; Mardochee’s beasts invaded the innocent village of the people who lived on the boundary of the Lava Giants and massacred them.  

It is the unenterable lava boundary fortress that protected Promise’s kingdoms. Even worse, since the humanoid magma giants were hibernating, the village within the lava boundary fortress was left unprotected.  

Though one of the guards fought with his fierce skills to survive, escaped, and was on his way to give the terrible news.  

“Please, Camel. No need to waste your arrows. Besides victory is ours. Mardochee the Wicked will be king of all.” She said.  

“Nice speech, Magon, my commander. And come on, we have some people to put them out of their misery.” Camel answered.  

“Now you are talking. Let us venture forward.” Magon chuckled.  

Later, the only survivor of the boundary’s people came barging into old Nuru’s tent.  

“What is the meaning of this? And who are you?” Nuru roared.  

“Father, calm yourself down. And can’t you see he is injured?” Sheba begged.  

“Right. Guards, put your weapons down." Nuru ordered. 

“My majesty, my king. Please, they are coming. And you must continue to run away. I mean with all the people. And your family is in danger.” He answered.  

“I beg your pardon. And what is coming for our lives?” Nuru asked.  

“I am from the boundary of this Kingdom in Lava Village. And you know that the boundary protectors which are Lava Giants are hibernating, so my village is unprotected. Adding Promised with Kamina Tabernacle’s palaces which are at the stone. Even worse, Mardochee's beasts of a few armies massacred my people. I am the only person who escaped with my dear life.” He said.  

Would your name be Just, right?” Nuru asked.  

“That is right, my majesty. Just answered. Please I beg of you, water! And I have been running for miles.” He gasped.  

Lava Village’s boundary for the Promised Kingdom is within the enormous caves in the mountains. It has all kinds of vibrant pasturing colors.  

Even better, it is in the molten volcanic mountain. Since the giants responsible for its scorching lava were resting for a thousand years, Promised and Kamina Tabernacle in the stone mass land boundary were defenseless to Mardochee’s army.  

All the people in Lava Village lived peacefully until Mardochee’s beasts invaded their village.  

“Father, would it be best if I fight with the double-edged sword?” Sheba pleaded.

“No need to worry. And here this is your sword of the Lord. In case something happens to me, you will be crowned queen. Besides, we are there—!” He paused.   

Out of nowhere, an arrow came to pierce through one guard’s forehead, which made his skull crack.  

“My God. And what is the meaning of this? We are under attack! Sheba put the rest of the warriors of the truth to take the people to Kamina Tabernacle at the stone fortress fast!” Nuru ordered.  

“Right, my majesty. And you are staying to fight?” Sheba asked.  

“I am. Besides, I am the Promised Kingdom's king. So, you do not need to panic.” He stated.  

When they were interrupted by the shouting, the beasts sat on huge canines. It was like the canine beasts they had never seen because the beast had the fur of a bear. 

“There is no way I am going to leave you alone, my king,” Solomon said.  

He unleashed his double-edged sword of the Lord burning with fire and stroked the first beast who charged after him.  

“We must hurry to Kamina Tabernacle at the stone fortress quickly, people!” Sheba shouted.  

All the people ran screaming in freight towards the north and the king with the other seven skillful warriors of the truth fought with the beasts. 

Later, the duel was still on because more of the beasts were coming, but they had no choice but to engage with them.  

Nuru screamed in pain when he was stabbed in the leg by the spear, but when the beast was about to finish him, Solomon decapitated the beast’s head.  

“My king, are you, all right?” Solomon asked.  

“Not exactly. And thank you very much for your saving because I am beat.” Nuru chuckled.  

“I can see that my Majesty, but at least you are still alive.” He declared.  

When he was interrupted by the scream in agony, he saw one of his nephews stabbed straight into the heart.  

“No! No! Not my nephew. Steven! No, please somebody help!” Nuru cried.  

“My, oops, forgive me, my king. Besides, you are next ha-ha!” The beast cackled.  

“I tell you; you are going to die by my hands, murder!” Nuru roared.  

“Please, old man. And you are wounded. I would not do that if I were you. I am going to crush you like a woman.” He laughed.  

Nuru, with all his strength, stood up though he won in pain but got back on his feet.  

“Um, old man, be my guest.” He exhaled.  

Nuru charged after him in a rage and knocked the cocky beast to the ground.  

“My good Christ. I can see your storm strength left no you’re going to die anyway—!” He gagged.  

Afternoon periods his weapon through him, he collapsed to that floor and wailed in agony to ashes.  

All the rest of the five warriors of the truth engaged with the remaining beast but Solomon was not lucky.  

He was engaging with the beast commander at the age of the hill seven feet. Below it was the sea.  

My Solomon the Righteous. It seems as if you have nowhere to go. Old man Mardochee will you be thrilled that I get rid of a threat like you.” He cackled.  

“I am sorry. Would you mind telling me what it was? I did not hear you.” Solomon scoffed.  

He barricaded his opponent’s sword with his burning sword. Solomon unleashed his dagger and pierced through the beast’s heart.  

And I am sorry you were saying?” Solomon mocked.

“No! It cannot be. I cannot be murdered by the likes of you! If I die you are going down with me.” He shrieked.  

“No can do. And you are going down by yourself!” He yelped.  

After Solomon lost his balance, down he went all together with the beast in front of him. He was cackling maliciously as he burned to ashes in mid-air. Solomon crashes into the sea as Nuru screams his name. He ran up to the hill to look down with the rest of the warriors but could not see him anywhere.  

Abruptly, Nuru with the remaining army arrives at a palace in Kamina Tabernacle at the stone kingdom. Sheba led the people to the palace’s fortress safely, but she was distressed when she did not see Solomon among the warriors.

“No, it cannot be. And is that what it is?” Sheba gasped.  

Nuru was getting closer to the heavy metallic door in time with the other five warriors and arrived at it on pace. It automatically opened for them, and the horses galloped inside like the thundering sound of many chariots.  

After the heavy door slammed shut with a thud, Sheba ran down to our father. She hugged him tightly, but he winced in pain.  

“Father, you are injured. And where is Solomon?” She asked.  

“I am sorry to tell you this, but Solomon is gone,” Nuru stated.  

“I am not sure about this. And I cannot believe this father.” Sheba cried.  

“I am sorry, child. I am telling nothing but the truth.” He paused.  

“We are under attack, my king!” One guard cried.  

“I beg your pardon. Under siege but how?” Nuru blinked. 

He rushes to a fortress as you look down, all Kamina Tabernacle at that stone region was surrounded by a multitude of beasts as a grain of sand.  

“There is no way this could happen. And how could this happen? How did Mardochee manage to create this large army?” Nuru gasped.  

Out of nowhere, arrows rain on them knocking the guards dead to the ground. Sheba pulled her father down the beast invaded the stronghold without them noticing.  

All unleashed their sword which was burning in the fire of Jesus and fought to defend the fortress and prevent more beasts’ invasion. 

Soon, it was followed by the beasts launching their gigantic rocks made by the murdered Mounts’s comrades from their cannons. More other guards and the warriors were crushed to death.  

Even worse, more beasts came forward with their ladders to lean it on its wall, yet a multitude of Nuru’s army and warriors came to defend it. Many of them lost their lives in the rain of arrows.  

Even so, they engaged fiercely because none of the beasts climbed the fortress wall inside their kingdom’s wall. Nuru and the rest of the army fought restlessly without holding back.  

Back at the hills’ seashore, Solomon emerges out of the sea coughing and hoping for fresh air.  

He was interrupted by the thundering galloping of horses.  

Solomon observed miles away, he saw unharmed getting closer to where he was and surrounding him.  

“And what are you? Still, why are you in our homeland? Hold on, capture him fast!” She ordered.  

“Right away my queen.” They declared.  

“This person works with one of the most life-threatening Mardochee, the wicked man in the world.” She answered.  

“Umm, I do not work with this Wicked man you are speaking of, though I am his nephew.” Solomon chuckled.  

“Exactly. Neither do I trust you because Mardochee’s Blood ran through your veins. Take him away boys!” She ordered.  

“We are going to torture him if he does not cooperate with us. And telling us the reason is here.”   

Solomon was taken away before he could explain why he was doing on her land.  

Later, he discovered himself in front of the throne as its queen sat on it.  

“Would you mind telling me why you are here? Or do you want to be the hard way?” She demanded.  

“Not thank you. I am ready to talk to my queen. We were on our way to Kamina Tabernacle at the stone palace. When we were attacked by my uncle’s beasts, sitting on gigantic canine beasts.” Solomon declared.  

“Wait what? Are you telling me that you went against Mardochee? Did you betray your uncle? Is that what you mean?” she demanded.  

“No, my uncle is the one who wanted me dead. That is the reason he gave me up to Nuru’s army. He wanted me to die in a war when Nuru was in his possession.” He answered.  

“My good Jesus. And that is such a tragic story. Besides, I do not care who you are. Neither what side you are on. If you came to spy on us, you are dead!” She snarled.  

“I beg of you, my queen to let me go. And as we speak, Kamina Tabernacle at the stone palace might be surrounded by my uncle’s army of beasts.” He said.  

I fell off the cliff after I lost my balance after I had slayed Bond, The beast. He was my opponent.” Solomon swallowed.  

“I see. And have you seen this messenger of the truth? Would I meet him if you introduced me to him?” She asked.  

“Besides, my name is Elizabeth. And mark my word Solomon if you betrayed me, you are dead!” Elizabeth growled.  

“Nice. Neither am I going to betray you. Please would you get these chains off me?” He begged.  

Elizabeth ordered her guards to unchain him as all of them found themselves on horses.  

“May I remind you that the messenger of the truth is on the way to Lumiere’s molten volcano.” He swallowed.  

“To Lumiere’s molten mountain, why?” she asked.  

“To cast the rod of the wicked into it boiling magma,” Solomon said.

"Seriously?" She blinked. 

That is correct. And I promised him that I am going to introduce you to him, would you be patient with me, please?" he uttered.

Elizabeth stared at him with her wide eyes while Solomon could not dare look at her.  

He had no idea what she would do next to him, he knew that he had no fear of what would happen to him. Not even having an idea of what Elizabeth's mind is, he is patient because all he wants is to live. 

Adding more, Solomon is a man of principles, so he must accomplish what he had promised her she is going to meet the messenger of the truth.

All the rest of Elizabeth's army were preparing their horse and were waiting for her command. 




When Solomon was waiting for Elizabeth’s question of what he meant, his deduction came to pass.  

“Rod of the wicked? And what is that?” Elizabeth asked.  

“My good God. And well, the rod of the wicked is Mistress Moavu’s my forebear rod. With the one holding it, he or she can have an unimaginable army of the bottomless pit. It was given to Moavu by the old adversary.” he uttered.

"If it is not destroyed, Moavu will return. So, that is the reason the messenger of the truth must cast it into the molten fire.” Solomon continued.  

“And are you telling me that Mardochee the Wicked wanted the rod of the wicked too?” Elizabeth demanded.  

“That is right, my queen. All he wanted was to rule over all living things. And pledged the entire world into darkness. Even worse, wiping out all those who will stand in his way.” Solomon stated.  

“Man, Jesus! I am willing to meet the messenger of the truth. And do you have any idea how he defeated Menace de L’enfer?” She asked.  

“No one knows, but I am sure old Malakai does know. He said.  

“I see. And all you men prepared because we are going to vanquish Mardochee the Wicked’s army of beasts.” Elizabeth declared.  

“Correct, my queen. That is the wisest decision.” One guard chuckled.  

He went off the presence of the queen. In the throne room, both overheard the shouting from the balcony.  

“Humm, have you heard of my best friend Penina?” Elizabeth asked.  

“Wait a moment, is my cousin your friend? He blinked. This is interesting. Not only did I capture Mardochee’s boy, but my old friend’s cousin. Surely this is my lucky day.” She laughed.  

“True to that you just spoke. Since you have fought along the messenger of truth against Mardochee, your sword will burn with the fire of the Lord. It can consume your enemy into ashes.” Solomon said.  

“That’s all I needed.” She chuckled.  

Elizabeth led the way, Solomon was next to her, and behind them, thousands of armies followed them.  

“I am going to tell you more if the rod of the wicked is cast into the molten volcano in Lumiere. It means the only way; Mardochee will be vanquished once and for all.” Solomon uttered.

“I see. And for now, we must be on our way to Kamina Tabernacle at the stone region.” Elizabeth exhaled.  

After she kicked a horse gently, it galloped away, and many of her army were her on her back and Solomon. Kamina Tabernacle at the stone region was not that far, so Elizabeth was on their way, and the warrior of the truth and the army defended the fortress from the beasts, but there were too many of them.  

All were exhausted, and the beasts were invading the fortress. One beast was about to vanquish Nuru, but an arrow came out of nowhere and penetrated its back.  

It was followed by many more by the thousands, and most of the beasts were slain. Nuru looked beyond a mile away, he saw horses with the riders. They unleashed their swords that were burning in fire, passed through the beasts, and massacred most of them.  

Others came from the South and smote many of the beasts. Many more came to the West, which was a lot of them. 

Mardochee’s beasts are more confused about where all these armies came from. Into the North, two groups of multitudes of armies were coming greatest in the greatest speed.  

Releasing their double-edged sword and slaying a lot of Mardochee’s beasts. Neema and the other three royalties of the fourth corners of the world fought with the beasts.  

Many of the army and the warriors of the truth, were breaking down the weapon launchers of the opponents. Though the beasts did try to invade Kamina Tabernacle at the stone region’s fortress, they were unable.  

When the conflicts were occurring in Kamina Tabernacle at the stone region, Promised the Lava Giants woke up from their hibernation. They all observed around, but could not see the villagers who lived in the luxurious caves of volcanoes. Everywhere, bodies lay motionless. 

“Would anyone tell me what happened here, my lord?” One Lava Giant asked. 

“Besides, we were supposed to protect its boundary. “He continued.  

“I smell death! Mardochee’s beasts Massacre them!” he roared.  

“We must hurry and protect the people beyond the boundary of the Kingdoms.” he declared. After that, the Lava Giants agreed and followed their leader. Nuru, with the rest of the warriors, fought without holding back. 

Mardochee the Wicked’s army of beasts, were overwhelmed with overflowing strength after the strongest wind blew on their faces.  

On their way, the Lava Giants’ leader could smell the death of the beasts‘ army from a mile away. Abruptly, they were getting closer to the beasts as they launched balls of fire at them and picked some of them. Some of them were burned to ashes. Even worse, the Lava Giants were stepping on them while they screamed in agony.  

“We must vanquish all of them! All of them must feel our enrage for massacring our people in the caves of the boundary!” He ordered.  

“We will, our lord!” All the giants declared.  

Nuru observed in the distance, his eyes widened. Everyone was shocked to see the Lava Giants burning the beasts to ashes.  

Elizabeth and Solomon fought against the beast army without holding back. Neema engages without that end as Lionel and Lumiere join her and all the warriors of the truth.  

Times passed; Mardochee’s army of beasts was overwhelmed by the army of the Lord God. They slew them from left to right. Even worse, their ladders were burned by the Lava Giants.  

“Jesus, my Living God! And the Lava Giants have awoken from their hibernation. They must be furious to see their innocent people that live in the caves in the boundary murdered.” Sheba said.  

“That might be right, child. And we must engage so we might defend the fortress because Solomon is still alive.” Nuru said.  

“For real? And where is he?” Sheba gasped. 

“Is there someone talking about me, my Princess?” Solomon interrupted.  

“Not even close. And don’t you ever scare me like clueless!” She scolded. 

Solomon pushed the ladder, and the beasts went crashing down. Nuru threw his dagger at the beast that almost smote Solomon. It went through its throat.  

Sheba ignited her sword, and the clashing for survival began. Solomon watched Elizabeth from the top as she fought with that holding back with a smile.  

Later, in the Talking Oak Trees’ neighborhood, Eminence With his people were at the edge of the forest. All of them observed smoke going up to heaven beyond the horizon that late afternoon.  

“Eminence, my lord. Are we getting ready to go? One Oak asked. We are my friends. No need to panic.” He said. 

All Oaks nodded and waited for his command. Abruptly, to the north, Mounts, and their queen were at the edge of the Mountainville.  

Zion further observed the distance, clouds of smoke were going into the sky.  

“And it seems as if Mardochee the Wicked has enraged another living thing created by God Almighty. For that reason, we are going to get them all, my people. We will not stop until we get rid of Mardochee and his abomination of beasts of the face of the earth.” Zion declared.  

After she went forward, one thousand of Mounts were behind her like a sounding swarm of chariots with each step they took.  

Emmince saw them on their way to the North after turning around.  

“Comrades, I am sure this is the time because the messenger of the truth’s warriors needed our assistance.” He stated.  

He paced forward and the rest of the Talking Oak Trees followed him with shouts of enrage.  

Moments passed, and the Mounts were the first ones to arrive and commenced crushing the beast to nothing. Pick some of them and squeeze them into powder.  

Talking Oaks Trees Did the same. Sheba was fighting at the edge of the fortress when she lost her footing, and down she went.  

Nuru panicked in horror as he shouted her name. She almost touched the ground, but eminence stretched his branchy hands. He caught her before she would break her neck. Emmince lifted Sheba as she finished her opponent before he put her on his shoulder.  

All strong defenses of the beasts were being brought down and and there was there for them to run to. Underneath the tunnel Where the people of Kamina Tabernacle and Promised were hiding safely, but fear overwhelmed them. I mean, when they hear clashing swords, shouting, and the wall of the palace, and the screaming above them.

Out of nowhere, they were interrupted by a scream. All turned around, they saw the beast with malevolent smirks on their faces.  

“My, my, my, what do we have here? So, this is the safety of the Kamina Tabernacle in the stone region. Please, are they pulling my legs, right? And don’t you all worry it is going to be easy and the quick death. So, you should not be afraid.” One cackled.  

Every one of them ignited their swords and charged after them while the people screamed in fear. 

In the mist, warriors in lioness weaves emerge to reveal themselves from their disguises.  

“Wait what? And how did this happen? Would someone tell me how?” Their general gasped.  

“It is too late to run away. We must kill them all!” He commanded.  

The warriors in lioness weave suits that they wore were impenetrable and stood between the beasts, but the beasts had no idea.  

“Ngoy, My Princess. And do you think we will see Mvuela?” One lioness asked.  

“Not at all, but I hope we can see him. Still, he is on an important mission to Lumiere. I mean, to cast the rod of the wicked in the molten volcano.” Ngoy(gooh-yee) said in an African accent.  

“I see. And come on, Nasara, the Jarumi. In other words, my warrior in Swahili! Let us show the beasts to not mess with the lives of these people.” Nasara uttered. 

“Now you are talking, Nasara. And come on, Wema, it is time to knock some sense of death into them.” Ngoy chuckled.  

She touched her lion-head golden necklace and found herself in the lioness weave suit from head to toe. Every Jarumi was in their lioness weave suits from the start, but Ngoy’s had a fine linen green African-designed cloth mixed with real diamond lines. It was on her right shoulder down to her left waist.  

Jarumi held diamond rods with spears in their hands. Ngoy had normal fingers, but lioness claws for her weapon. All the Jarumi have claws for their weapons too. 

“Wahadiwa!” Ngoy shouted.  

“Together we believe in Jesus!” All Jarumi declared. “With what?” She continued.  

“With our hearts, minds, and souls!” They stated. Ngoy ignited her weapon and the Jarumi pounced on the beasts and put them out of their misery.  

Not in time, in the horizon outside, Malakai was on the white horse. Behind him were thousands of the army at his command.




Later, the door of the enormous ten horns throne room is slammed open with a thud. It is followed by the woman in tears being dragged along by the hair in front of the king who sits on it.  

“My majesty, I am sure our princess was found reading the Holy Bible and praying. It would be best if you reconsider. She is your only child!” One lord begged.  

“Never will I back down! Off with her head! If I said no Christian in my family—!” He roared.  

“No! No! Grandfather! Grandfather, please! And you promised me that nothing will happen to my mother!” The boy cried.  

“And you said that she will be forgiven!”   

He saw his grandfather getting up from his enormous throne, ignited his double-edged sword, and decapitated the boy’s mother’s head.  

“No need to worry, my boy. I just saved your mother!” He cackled.  

Both body and head collapsed to the marble floor with a thud.  

“My majesty, it is unwise to force your grandchild to watch his mother’s head decapitated,” the same lord warned.  

He stared at the boy, glancing at his old grandfather in disbelief. He was shaking in fear as his eyes were luminous in the color of fire. Tears rolled down his face after witnessing his mother’s massacre.   

The boy was only five years old. He could not expect his grandfather to break his promise.  

Mardochee woke up screaming from his throne room. He was panting and gasping for air.

He remained sitting in his ten-horn gigantic throne room, lost in his thoughts. When he was interrupted by an unidentified tapping step, striding in the palace hallway.  

The sounds of the door opening and the pacing steps in his throne room. Mardochee observed around and met face-to-face with the man in his thirties.  

He was wearing a hooded garment. It indulged in the color of noir, covered in tainted ashes, and bare feet. In his hands, he held a rod. His hands, as long sharp fingers have noir claws, he has a pale skin-colored tone, and no one could see his face.  

“My good God. And who are you?” Mardochee asked.  

I am just a visitor to an old friend of mine. He said. He took out the golden goblet and handed it over to him.  

“And what would this be? Would you mind telling me who you are?” He demanded.  

“My name doesn’t matter. Neither is that important.” He stated.  

“I see. Would you tell me then what is in the goblet?” Mardochee asked.  

“Curiosity can kill the cats, my friend. And this will make your dream come true. If you drink this, you are the power of the entire world. Are you willing to make a deal with me? I mean don’t you want to be ruler over all living creatures on the earth? Crush those who stand in your way.” he uttered.  

“I am. Especially that worthless friend of mine—!” Mardochee hissed.  

“Sure, Malakai. Everyone in my kingdom knows.” He scoffed.  

“Nice. And what is it for you?” He declared.  

“Um, just take this. I will come to collect what is mine. And as you can see, I am a busy man. Not with horns, red skin color, and a pitchfork like people in the world described me to be. I am a simple and astonishing man.” He cackled.  

“Excellent. And Ken!” Mardochee summoned.  

“My lord,” Ken answered.  

“Could you kindly bring that goblet to me?” Mardochee urged.  

“Right away, my lord.” He added.  

Ken came to take the goblet from the unidentified man and give it to his lord.  

“No need to worry my friend. Drink because it is going to give you peace of mind.” The man responded.  

Mardochee Glance into the cup, which has red wine, and gets it closer to his mouth. He drank all of it. The man glanced at him with a malevolent smirk.  

“Excellent, my friend. Relax. And watched the chaos amid your enemies unfold. Besides, tell your army to get ready.” He said.  

After the man bid him farewell, he marched out of his sight. Outside, Mardochee’s army cheered in victory. Abruptly, his army of beasts began multiplied as the grain of sand.  

Mardochee the Wicked paced towards the balcony of his tower While Ken walked next to him. He arrived in time at the edge of it to look down. In front of him, he saw legions of the army. Causing his eyes to be bewildered For I never see such amounts of army.  

“My good Christ. Triumph is all mine! I am going to rule over all. And I will wipe all creatures from the face of the earth, pledge the world in absolute darkness, ha-ha-ha!” Mardochee cackled.  

All his army cheer at the top of their lungs.  

Back to Kamina Tabernacle at the stone, Sheba, the Talking Oak Trees, and the rest of the warriors of the truth fought Mardochee’s beasts without holding back.  

“My good God this is a love-threatening war I never fought against the beasts. Have you all wondered where Malakai and the army would be? He promised that he was going to come with a legion of army.” Sheba asked.  

“No need to worry about that Sheba. I am sure Malakai is on the way, just be patient.” Eminence said.  

“And what do you mean to be patient, Eminence? I am patient all right!” She giggled.  

“Um, because the rod of the wicked is not cast into the molten volcano. I fear the worst.” Eminence uttered.  

“Would it be best we go to help Mvuela with the queen? What if they face challenges if they try to cross over the red gate of gigantic Nephilim? Or on their way what if they had met the beasts’ army?” Boaz said.  

“We must help fight against Mardochee’s beasts. Lionel added.  

No, panicking my sister because Mvuela with Miqueas are going to be fine, everyone. I mean, we are doing the rest, aren’t we? When the messenger of the truth cast the rod of the wicked in the volcano, Mardochee and his army of beasts will be no more.” Lumiere stated.  

“Remember that war has come to us in Kamina Tabernacle across at the stone kingdom,” Boaz declared.  

“Not done, my child. And I am sure Malakai will come with more multitude of army. Mardochee will be vanquished; I am sure of it. Though no one knows his strategies for making all the kingdoms across the world crumble. We all know that he will massacre whosoever will get in his way. Wipe all living things created by God Almighty out of existence. Pledging all earth in absolute darkness. He wanted to rule all over creatures—.” Eminence paused.  

“Excuse me, you all.” Neema urged.  

“Huh, what is wrong my friend?” Boaz asked.  

“All of you should know that we are at war against the beasts right now. So, I wanted you to focus because I do not want any of you to die at the hands of the beasts.” She shouted.  

“Right, you are my child. None of them are going to die if I am around!” Zion said.  

After she stepped one of the beasts, as she crushed the other to death.  

“Though the gathering reunion of crowns has already passed,” Solomon shouted.  

He was from the top of the fortress of the palace. All burst out laughing and engaging with the beasts.  

“We must get rid of Mardochee and all his abominations from the face of the earth.” The Lava Giants roared.  

“No one had any idea what did they talked about at the reunion of crowns. Besides, we did not get summoned by Malakai.” Eminence repeated.  

“That is the truth. And they did not summon us Eminence, my old friend. Mardochee might be on the way with more army to fight against us, my lord. We all know that Mardochee’s army is trying their best to invade Kamina Tabernacle at the stone’s fortress, but it is a challenge to them.” One Oak grunted.  

He crushed many more beasts with his feet to death. Neema’s army came from the underground and pulled more of the beasts with them and smote them.  

Eminence’s branchy vine was Sheba’s life-threatening weapon against the beast Because she massacred Mardochee’s beasts Without mercy.  

“I can see that the Princess is overflowing with joy. I mean, her father allowed her to fight.” Boaz said.  

“She is the future queen of promised, clueless! Of course, she must be happy! Now get back to work on fighting against your opponents which you are not, old man!” Mical scolded.  

Boaz yelped in fright, but Mical scoffed and disbelieved.  

Time passed a mile away, and Mardochee’s army of beasts as a thousand grains of sand were preparing themselves. 

All cheered triumphally because they are coming like a storm for all those who believe in the truth. 




 Mardochee was in the lead with the centurion of the army of beasts behind him. Adding they were on the horizon, getting closer to the stone of Kamina Tabernacle’s palace.  

All the army unleashed their double-edged sword and were shouting in triumph. At the stone palace’s fortress of Kamina Tabernacle, even fewer beasts were losing their lives to ashes.  

Though the beasts were being slayed by the warriors of the truth, the all-around of the palace was almost empty. Even better, though the clashing of swords echoes through the wind, the duel with beasts was far from over.  

The rest of the warriors of the truth overpowered their enemies without mercy. Other of the beasts were decapitated as they screamed echoes through the of the first evening.  

“Besides, Neema, my friend, how have things been?” Her friend Micah asked.  

“All are fine. Um, apart from this endless sword clashing with the beasts. And I am worrying about Mvuela.” Neema responded.  

“No need to worry. I am sure Mvuela we are fine.” He said.  

“That is what I am afraid of.” Neema sighed.  

“And are you only worried about Mvuela? That is quite interesting.” Leonel winked.  

“No, I am not. And Miqueas too.” Neema answered.  

“Sure. And why didn’t you mention Miqueas being together all alone with him? May I remind you that you have a duty? Which is to be the crowned Princess of Manasse.” Lumiere scolded.  

“I am Lumiere. It is just that I am worried about Mvuela. Is there any harm I have done?” Neema asked.  

“Nothing much. All I know is that Mvuela and Miqueas are going to be fine. But what I am worrying me the most is what if both are trapped by Mardochee and his beasts? Even worse, what about if they did not cast the rod of the wicked into the molten volcano?” Leonel gasped.  

“Now, Leonel, you are exaggerating, my friend. Aren’t you the one who said Mvuela and Miqueas are going to be fine?” Neema laughed.  

All burst out laughing hard as the clashing of swords continued unstopped. Everyone knew that Kamina Tabernacle in the stone region was under attack. So, that is the reason they are in that mess of clashing in a duel with Mardochee’s beasts.  

Some warriors of the truth were in the throne room protecting it, window glasses began to shatter, and the few remaining beasts began invading the reunion of the crowns' gathering throne room.   

All warriors of the truth in the throne room unleashed their swords, which were burning in fire. It followed by their swords clashing with each other in the war between life and death has been made.  

Nema’s army emerged from the ground and dragged their opponents underneath in the reunion of crowns in the throne room.  

At that point, there were none of them. Outside, all the skillful guards defended the fortress, we all their might.  

“All of us must defend the fortress’s wall! We are going to defend it with our lives!” One guard shouted.  

“Right, you are, my friend. We will surely protect the fortress!” Solomon added.  

Every rest of the warriors of the light smote the beasts without holding back. Even engaged with those who tried to climb the wall.  

Time passed, and Eminence with the rest of the Talking Oak Trees dealt with their remaining beasts surrounding the palace.  

Even worse, he was looking on the horizon for any arrival of Mardochee’s legions of army coming to wage war against Inkosi, Nuru, another reunion of crowns, and the rest of the warriors of the truth in Kamina Tabernacle at the stone’s palace.  

“My good Jesus! That was a lot of armies.” One old Oak uttered.  

Eminence turned around to look at him before he could answer.  

“Please, do not panic, my old friend. We are helping them, aren’t we?” He stated.  

“Whenever you are ready eminence, we are always behind you, our friend.” The same old Oak said.  

“Well-spoken, my friend. Well-spoken. And we need to crush all these abominations to powder.” Eminence declared.  

“Nice. And now you are talking, Eminence.” He said.  

Eminence observed both sides and all his Talking Oak Trees comrades were fighting with him side by side. Others were beyond their backs while the scream of the beast echoed through the air.  

All were following Eminence’s engaging skills with the remaining Mardochee’s beasts. It had been decades since Eminence led them and they followed him.  

Around that same time, Zion and her Mounts did the same. In the start, they all were standing at the edge of Mountainville.  

They saw Mardochee’s army of the beast in the multitude on their way to wage war at Kamina Tabernacle in the stone region.  

Now they were fighting amongst God’s children who believed in the truth.  

“And so, the clashing of swords at Kamina Tabernacles is about to ring through the wind of the air now. We are also helping our friends as we promised to Malakai!” She stated.

Zion was leading in line, and if she went side by side to crush an escaping beast, all her people did the same. Others of her companions were indulging in the red stain of the beasts from crushing them to powder.  

More of them were being crushed to nothingness.  

Oak, Mounts, and Lava were slaying Mardochee’s beasts without mercy.  

Neither none of them escaped because if they do, they will either be burned to a crisp by a ball of fire, or a bulldozing stone crushing them to death.  

When all hope faded from the beasts, in the distance, Mardochee came to all directions of Kamina Tabernacles on the stone in a circle.  

He shrieked in laughter in a wicked way.  

“And where are you Malakai? Don’t tell me you are cowering somewhere in that palace. Go on forward, my army, and destroy them all!” He cackled.  

All his beasts shouted in triumph. Mardochee was getting closer, but Mounts saw them and began to launch their large rocks at them.  

Though the Mounts massacred most of them, they kept coming. Most of the warriors of truth and Nuru’s army together with Elizabeth’s army were massacred.  

“Where are you Malakai? Come out, come out wherever you are!” Mardochee shrieked.  

All hope from Nuru and the rest was lost, but they kept clashing swords with their opponents. When the beasts find the wall and take over the fortress.  

Others, most of Nuru’s Guards and army wake column to the ground in their pool of blood. One of the beasts uprooted the white flag with a dove logo on it and cast it to the ground.  

All of them were roundabouts in defeat, but they all were discontinued by the loudest sound of horn playing in all directions.  

Mardochee’s beasts did not know where the sound was coming from and were beginning to run for their lives. Nuru so the brightest light from the morning sky. It caused the beasts to hiss in agony.  

None of them noticed that it was night, so it was followed by Malakai on the white horse. In his hand, he held the horn which he sounded. After he had done that, the army that followed him surrounded the palace, as they came forward.  

He took out his gray hooded cloak, the glorious light of the Lord God shone blindly into their eyes. Everyone screeched in pain. Some of them flee into the shadows of darkness.  

At the time, Malakai and the multitude of the army were getting closer, they smitten most of Mardochee’s army. Many of the beasts were knocked off their horses in all directions.  

His beasts found themselves on the ground after they were smitten.  

Enraged, Mardochee charged after Malakai who ignited his sword burning in the fire of God. Both swords clashed with each other.  

After Mardochee stroked Malakai down off his horse, he climbed down from his.  

“My good God. How art the righteous fallen. Out with the old Malakai. Because you and your fellow believers of Yeshuah cause me a lot of unbearable pain. Maybe getting rid of you all will give me peace of mind. If it weren’t for my mother believing in your kind, she would be a life.” He roared.  

“Now I am left with nothing but vengeance on Him. And all those who believe in Him.”   

Malakai was looking at him with his eyes widened.  

"So, Malakai the Righteous, would you accept my defeat? I am going to rule over all living things.” He cackled.  

“I am sorry to burst your bubble, Mardochee. Fighting the One who creates you is pointless. And you are nothing but a mere man. Turn away from your wicked way, I tell you shall live forever more.” Malakai cried.  

“To tell you the truth, your mother lived everlasting in God’s kingdom.” He begged.  

“Um, let me think about it. Forgive me, but it is a hard pass. After I get rid of you with all those who believed in Yeshauh, I am going to be king overall. Every knee will bow down to me.” Mardochee cackled viciously.  

“And then you and I chose different paths. Besides, to tell you the truth—!” He paused.  

Malakai pierced his sword through him while Mardochee screamed in agony. It followed by him smashing Mardochee hard to his knees as he screamed in pain to the earth. Malakai was surprised because nothing happened to his opponent.

When he took out half of his gray cloak from his white garment, the light of Jesus shone brightly.  

Causing Mardochee to wince in agony. 



Mardochee screeched in pain as the light of the morning became even brighter. All his army of beasts evaporated to ashes and the all-around of Kamina Tabernacle at the stone fortress became clear. 

“This seems as if it ends with you Mardochee,” Malakai said. 

Mardochee shrieked in laughter while hissing at the bright light of the sun.  

“It is not the end of me, Malakai! And you have not seen the fury of Mardochee the Wicked.” He cackled. 

After he crawled into the shadow of darkness, and out of sight while his evil laughter echoed into the wind of the air. Everyone cheered, for they have triumphed over evil and some of them worship the Lord their God with praises and worship with all their hearts. 

People of Kamina Tabernacle at the stone region and Promised Kingdoms came out from their hiding places. They were helping to clean up the mess. Later, Nuru While sitting on that chair as medical people attend to his wounds. Sheba was on the shoulder of Eminence, the king of the Talking Oak Trees.  

“Tamara, my girl.” He summoned. 

“Umm, I am listening to you, grandfather.” She said. 

“I wanted you with the others to return to our woodland. And keep an eye on Mardochee the Wicked’s next move.” Eminence uttered. 

“Right away, grandfather. And thank you very much for giving me this chance to lead.” Tamara replied. 

“And you are welcome my girl. Besides, all of you must be careful.” He responded.  

“We will, grandfather!” She said. 

“Nice idea, my old friend. And this is the reunion of the crowns. Gideon, my child.” Zion stated.  

“I am here, Grandmama.” He responded.  

“I am sure you know what I taught you, yes?” She chuckled. 

“For real grandmama?” Gideon said. 

“I am sure I have faith in you. And I am getting old, the responsibility I will give you then for the first time. Do your best my little one.” She answered. 

“I will not let you down. And everyone, we are going back.” Gideon said.  

He led the way, and the Mounts followed the boy.  

“All of you forgive us. We were hibernating. All the people who lived in the Lava Village are dead.” He cried.  

“Not all, my old friend. And I am glad that you came to our rescue, I am sure of it.” Nuru said.  

“Not quite? And what do you mean?” He blinked.  

“He means I am, Lyon! And I am the only survivor of the people who lived in the caves in Lava Village.” Just said. 

“My good Jesus, thank you, Lord. Just, my friend, are you sure you still kicking?” Lyon urged.  

“I am alive, Lord Lyon. And I fought for survival against the beasts, so here I am.” He winced. 

“And it is too soon to celebrate, Just. Besides, you are not healed.” Sheba scolded.  

“Mercy my Princess. And I know that I am not here, but I am glad the lava giants are awakened.” He laughed.  

“My King Nuru, forgive us for letting you down. And will we never slumber ever again? I mean, until Mardochee with his abomination of beasts is wiped out at the surface of the earth?” Lyon begged.  

“Fear not Lyon. We know what to do to protect both Promised and Kamina Tabernacle at the stone kingdoms.” Nuru said.  

Lyon nods as his eyes widen. Around that time on top of the mountain, three men in lion weave suits. They were putting something on the side of the wall of the molten volcano.  

“I am sure all of this is done.” One said in an African accent.  

“And let it reap my brothers!” He commended. 

“Right away, Amina, our general!” He said.  

He pushed the button, And the whole place exploded. Scorching burning lava poured down like a waterfall at the fastest speed. The boundary of Promised and Kamina Tabernacle at the stone kingdoms became protected.  

“Did everyone hear that?” Lyon asked.  

He looked East where the explosion sounded. 

“I am sure they have done it, Lyon. Now you and your people will hibernate unbothered. Till the day comes.” Inkosi said.  

“Nice. And if isn’t the Lion of the African nation Kingdoms. Where is that son of yours? I heard the little birds telling me.” He swallowed hard.  

“Um, he is the messenger of the truth. He is on his way with a friend to cast the rod of the wicked into the molten volcano in Lumiere.”  

“Wait what? In Lumiere? Homeland of Nephilim, the giants?” One of the Lava Giants gasped. 

“Nephilim? And did you say that they are giants? No one told me this!” Inkosi panicked.  

“I must go to help him! Hold your horses, my king. Besides, you put on him a gold lion necklace for protection, remember? No manmade weapon can penetrate through, so I heard?” Malakai whispered.  

His eyes widened in shock but burst out laughing hard.  

“Neither can my father be panicking this way. Mvuela is on a quest to Lumiere, I suppose.” Ngoy interrupted.  

“That is right Ngoy. Forgive me for not keeping a promise.” He said.  

“Not your fault, Papa. And I have faith that I shall see my older brother again,” she uttered. 

“No need to worry, my child. When he returns, he will come home to see all his siblings,” Inkosi remarked.  

Ngoy (Go-oh-yee) was twelve years old.  

“Mukobe won’t get a photo of him. She is going to be upset.” she inhaled. 

“Nice. Still, where are all those people keeping an eye on your brother?” Nasara asked.  

“We are girls! My king, my princess.” Leonel stated.  

All four of them turned around and met face-to-face with the twin sisters.  

“My name is Lionel, the oldest. And this is my little sister Lumiere.” she laughed.  

“Nice. This is a strange coincidence!” Ngoy answered.  

“Would you tell us the reason?” Lumiere asked. 

“Um, because Mvuela, The lion crowned Prince as twin siblings too,” she remarked.  

“I beg your pardon. Are you telling us that he has twin siblings back home?” They blinked. 

“Exactly, it is a boy and a girl, they are eight years old,” Wema stated.  

“I see. And it is nice to meet you, princess. I am royalty too of Manasse.” Neema declared.  

“Nice to meet you, Neema. I am sure my brother is having a challenging time to your irresistible astonishment.” Ngoy urged.  

“Uhm, well, Neema argues with him all the time. However, he is not the kind of guy who does want to mingle. Even worse, he is in a love triangle,” Lumiere announced. 

“Love triangle?” Ngoy blinked. 

“That is right, but we are not sure.” Leonel sighed.  

“To tell you the truth, Mvuela is with another girl. Ah, she is in love with him.” Neema laughed.  

“For real? And who is this girl?” she urged.  

“Her name is Miqueas,” Malakai remarked.  

“Miqueas? Wait, you are telling me about the queen of Kamina, the border of Manasse?” Ngoy demanded. 

“That is the truth. She is my grandchild.” Malakai chuckled. 

“Nice. And I heard that she was the rightful queen’s descendant.” Ngoy asked.  

“Right, you are, my child.” He said.  

Ngoy nods back at Malakai, he turns around at the Lava Giants. 

“Malakai, my boy, it is nice to see you. Lyon said.  

“I am overjoyed to see you as well, my lord. How have you been, my old friend?” He asked.  

“I am fine. And what about you?” Lyon urged.  

“I am still alive by the grace of God. To tell you the truth, we need you in this gathering of the crowns. We have important strategies we want to discuss.” Malakai stated.  

“We hear you, old friend,” Lyon answered.  

All the other Lava Giants remained outdoors. Ngoy paced away with the rest of the girls.  

Later, Mvuela and Miqueas were in front of the noir gate of the border, but their new friend Pen knew the place. Even worse, Miqueas has trust issues against her.  

“Is this what am I image to be?” Miqueas gasped.  

“I beg your pardon. And you know this place?” I asked.  

“Right. And we must not be seen. Or make noise!” Miqueas swallowed. 

“Would you mind telling us your reason?” I asked.  

“Because this is a place where the most life-threatening monsters live. 

“Would you get to the point, Miq? And they call this place the Noir Gate of the Man-eating Giants!” Pen scoffed.  

“Noir gate of the man-eating g-g-giants?” I gulped.  

“Perfect. And I was told you until bubbler mouth here ruined it. Besides, my name is Miqueas, not Miq!” She snapped.  

“Easy there, Miqueas. And what is your problem?” I roared.  

“My reason is why are you trusting this person so quickly? She is Mardochee’s puppet.” Miqueas grunted.  

After she had said such cruel words, Mvuela’s eyes widened in disbelief. He looked around; the height of the noir gate’s wall was too high to cross over. On their way to the molten volcano was impossible because the gate itself was over nine feet.  

“Jesus, my Living God. Neither is there a way to go around the gate!” I inhaled.  

“This can surely be challenging, Mvuela. And I told you that I know this place. Would you kindly follow me? So, are you Mardochee’s puppet!” Miqueas scolded.  

“Need to worry, Miq, lead the way!” Pen answered.  

Miqueas led the way by crawling on the heaps of big stones that were near the gate. Neither did she want the nine feet and quarter Nephilim to detect us. When Nephilim thought to hear something, he came to the gate. He was observing the vast ruined land-field.  

All three of them lean their backs against the massive stone. Miqueas watched Pen sweat, her teeth rattle, and shake.  

“Quiet down Mardochee’s puppet, we are safe. Trust me, I know what I am doing!” Miqueas whispered. 

“Fine, fine but the giants will get us.” She coughed silently.  

“No, they won’t! How will they get us if they don’t see us?” Miqueas whispered.  

“Both of you, stop arguing! And the Nephilim is gone, lead the way Miqueas! Besides, what did Penina ever do to you? I mean, for the two of you to bickering like two marrying women to the same man?!” I scolded in a whisper.  

Miqueas and Penina exchanged glances but burst out laughing hard. Later, Miqueas was ahead of us, and we followed behind her. After crawling for hours, they find themselves in front of the huge heavy noir gate’s door. Mvuela observed around to see if any Nephilim were around, but there were none. Later, all three of the questers found themselves at the bottom front of the highest molten volcanic mountain while they stared above them.

Climbing the highest mountain After entering the gate. Resting for the night because they were too tired to go ahead. Two quests arrive at a molten volcanic mountain Lumiere. The new friend tries to cause them to argue among themselves, but the messenger of the truth knows his closest friend more than anything. Warriors of the truth engaged in a life-threatening fierce battle. Clashing their sword of the Lord in the scorching vast land of Luminance with a lord of the wicked’s beasts.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2023

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