


Time was passing by in the second without me noticing till it became that late evening.

Mvuela has turned fourteen years old.

Miqueas had eaten the meal she was holding in her hands because she was still lost in her imagination and staring in the direction, where I went to be by myself. 

I remained glancing across the red clouds miles away to Lumiere’s landscape, scorched to ashes, then the sun’s rays were blocked by the thickest noir red clouds, and it was causing any growth of life on the soil in the further north.

In the further distance, when I was standing on a hill near the freshwater flowing river looking beyond, I was interrupted by the screeching cry of an enormous eagle.

Raising my eyes, I saw the enormous eagle with something sitting on its back.

“Would that be Malakai?” I thought loudly. 

I waited for the eagle to get closer and closer until I found out that it was Malakai. 

I patiently waited for the eagle to come to the land as Malakai came off the enormous bird. 

“Must be Gabriel, I hope? And Malakai would mind telling me what occurred beyond the horizon?” I asked. 

“I am the one whom the two enormous eagles told you about helping Malakai,” Gabriel answered.

“Excellent. So, I heard. And Malakai, how have you been?” I chuckled.

“Rather than being betrayed by my best friend whom I trust the most, that is not something to talk about, my friend.” Malakai scolded. 

“I see,” I answered.

“I was locked on top of the highest windy palace tower. And it was very challenging for me to escape. I am glad that this eagle came to help me. I appreciate it very much, Gabriel.” Malakai answered. 

“And you are welcome, Malakai. Besides, I need to go with the others. I am sure we will watch from on high.” Gabriel claimed.

“That’s all right. See you around.” Malakai answered.

“Exactly. And why is such a place ruined? I mean, the palace’s ruined. It’s like it was smitten by an enormous wave of tsunami and fire of brimstones.” I blinked. 

“Mardochee, which means Mordecai in French’s army of the beasts, cut down innocent trees of the Talking Oaks, and they were furious to exact their revenge on their fallen comrades,” Malakai exclaimed. 

“Classic,” I replied. 

“Man, I am exhausted. I think I need to rest,” he continued. 

“Right. And I am here figuring out how far I had to go to Lumiere. The scorching barren mountains region and lands ahead seem to be a mile away.” I sighed.

Malikai notes as we begin to go ahead back deep into the Talking Oak Trees’ Forest. 

“Would you mind if I asked?” Malakai interrupted. 

“I’m listening carefully, Malakai,” I replied. 

“Mind telling me where your fellow best friends are?” Malakai asked.

“Inside the Talking Oak Trees’ neighborhood. I mean, they are with the leaders of the neighborhood named Eminence.” I noted.

“I see.” Malakai signed.

“Something bothering you, old friend?” I asked. 

“Not at all. It seems as if Eminence has a rageful hatred for humans. I am shocked that he welcomed you to his Kingdom.” Malakai answered.

“No idea how my charm works but I am glad we are not the ones to feel Eminence’s rage. And did you see how he ruined Mardochee’s evil mastermind?” I chuckled. 

“And that is correct, I am sure he’s not done with him. First, we have a long way to go to Lumiere. From the start, we had to pass through the Shadow of Death. Where enormous beasts are massive, trickery, and untenable in strength. With only one swing, it is the end of you. To add on, there will be no stop until they take one of their opponents to the bottomless pit.” Malakai explained. 

“Classic. And that is a marvelous tale you just told me. Besides, I’m so glad to have seen you. Neither can imagine how thrilled Miqueas (Mika) will be when she sees you. I believe she’s fond of you.” I answered. 

Wait, what? Is Miqueas here on the quest to Lumiere?" Malakai chuckled. 

“Correct. Miqueas is here with us. And yes, on the embellishment quest to Lumiere.” I responded. Perfect. 

Neither will I wait to see her. And to tell you the truth Mvuela, to live is Christ—! Malakai paused.

“Meaning?” I gasped. 

“I am telling you boy that no matter what happens to us, you must complete our quest. Which is to toast the rod of wicked into the molten volcano. Or else all the lives we know on earth will sist to exist forever.” Malakai added. 

“I will accomplish it no matter what?” I answered. 

I felt uncomfortableness in my heart, a cold chill ran down my spine, and I sensed that someone was watching our every move. 

Outside the thickest forest of the talking oak trees, in Mardochee’s palace, they discovered himself on top of the highest tower seeking Malakai, but he was nowhere to be found. 

He thought that Malakai disappear sight he summoned one of his enormous but to come spy on us. 

Maybe that might cause enormous destruction that might prevent us from accomplishing our quest. 

“I have faith in you Cancer, leader of the enormous bats. And I want you to keep a close eye on them any move to the land of the molten volcano quest, prevent them from finishing it. I mean that boy they’re called the Messenger of Truth from accomplishing his quest mission, am I understood? I want you Cancer to make him suffer, cause his faith to perish in God, and break all his motives and confidence. I am sure that is going to work perfectly.” Mardochee cackled maniacally. 

Mardochee’s enormous bat Cancer and his legion of other bats flew out of his sight. 

Their important mission was to stop me from accomplishing my quest of casting the road of the wicked into the molten volcanic mountain.

Back in the quickest forest of the Talking Oaks Trees, both Malakai and I arrived where everyone was with Eminence, the leader of that Talking Oak Trees’ Kingdom.

“My old Eminence, I can see that you are taking care of my friends.” Malakai interrupted. 

Everyone turned around in the direction of the voice and met face-to-face with Malakai and me. 

“My, my, my good Jesus my living God. If it isn’t my old friend Malakai. And I am glad to have helped your friends. Because they were exhausted, I must take them into my Kingdom to protect them from harm.” Eminence answered.

"Excellent. And I have you to thank for. Would you tell me please, my old friend, as your heart went soft?" Malakai chuckled silently.

“Not even close. Because I am furious!” Eminence roared.

“Exactly. And I know the reason why you are furious. The reason is that Mardochee the Wicked has mercilessly martyred your innocent brethren. Maybe destroy your home, I suppose?” Malakai reported. 

“It is the Wisest response, my old friend. And my rage cannot be quenched till I destroy all of them!” Eminence snarled.

“Understand, understand. I understand your pain, my old friend. Besides, whether to destroy all or have mercy upon them is your choice for you to make. For the sake of your brethren.” Malakai continued.

Might be right about that. And be ready to demolish Mardochee with the army of his beast." Eminence agreed. 

Papa, is that you? And where did you disappear to?" Miqueas interfered. 

“I was in an unexpected situation. And that’s the reason I was not around. Still, I just escaped, “Malakai whispered. 

Miqueas burst out laughing hard and came to hug her grandfather with joy. 

“Mvuela, are you ready to continue the quest to the molten volcanic mountain in Lumiere?” Miqueas asked.

“Classic. I am sure I am, my friend. And what about you?” I asked.

“My middle is ready," Miqueas chuckled. 

“Miqueas, just admit having feelings for him. And we are all excited about this quest!” Ezra interrupted. 

“No, she is not. And stop embarrassing her, Ezra!” Neema scolded. 

Miqueas glanced at me nervously, but I just burst out laughing, my eyes out. Later, around that time, deep in the steep tallest mountains called Mountainvalley, because of its breathless vibrating engulfing greens. Mardochee’s beasts were cutting down enormous boulders of rocks to craft fiery balls for their mega-cannons to destroy the walled fortress of the Promised’s palace.

Suddenly, the ground where the beasts stood began to shake.

All of Mardochee’s beasts were dumbfounded as they exchanged stares at each other. 

Out of nowhere, a huge rocky, sandy hand came down and lifted one of them. 

It was screaming in terror after it found itself in front of the six feet humanoid stone’s face.

“No, no. This cannot be. And what on earth are you?” Beast one whimpered. So, it is you who are murdering my people! And what sent you to kill my innocent brethren? Hold a minute--!" She paused.

She looked all around the mountain valley her homeland, most of her rocky people were wiped out, and the place was flat. She was overwhelmed with rage and shocked to see her fellow brother murdered.

After that, she roared furiously. Moments later, the other seven more of her fellow brethren awaken from the mountains’ frozen state.

“Jesus,  my Living God. What have you! What have you done, Mardochee? Have killed my innocent brethren.” She snarled.

“Please let me go. Please let me go, I am begging you! And what are you?” Beast one continued.

“Let you go! Let you go? Besides, why would I let go of a murderer like you? And did you just ask who I am? I am Zion, King of Mountainvalley! I am telling you my friend you are paying for it with your dearest life! This is going to be an eye for an eye, ha-ha!” Zion chuckled loudly.

All the beasts wailed in agony when Zion and her brethren stepped on them to death in unstoppable boiling enrage.



 Mardochee stood on top of his palace’s highest tower, looking in the outpace.

Finding out what the Mounts of Mountainvalley had done to his beasts working in a mountain north. He had seen what Zion, the queen of the Mounts, had done to his beasts.  

“Curse you! And you dare challenge me, you shall see what I am going to do to you! I mean, you and your people, once I have ruled all.” Mardochee roared.  

Out of nowhere, he was interrupted by the general of his beasts’ army. His name was Martin, the general of the beasts.  

“Forgiveness for the interruption, majesty, but it seems as if the messenger of the truth is hiding in the impenetrable thickest forest of the Talking Oak Trees. And I was just wondering what we are going to do.” He asked.  

“Martin, you’re back. And what about Cameroon and the others?” Mardochee asked.  

“Not even close, majesty. And it seems as if Cameron and the others were slain by the messenger of the truth and the legion of his army.” Martin answered.  

“I see. And do not worry, I can see that Eminence; the leader of the Talking Oak Trees destroyed the work that I worked so hard to carry out it. For now, I just create a new enemy.” Mardochee laughed sarcastically. 

“New enemy? And what would that be?” Martin blinked.

“Um, the Mounts of Mountainvalley.” He answered. 

“Mounts? And what are those?” Martin asked.  

“Look beyond the north and you shall find out. Listen, there is someone I need to meet in the Kingdom of Promised.” Mardochee sighed.  

Promised is the Kingdom between east city stone of Kamina Tabernacle and the empire of Judah, prosperous with vibrating engulfing perfection of mass land of mayflowers and abundance of cattle pastures.  

That is what Mardochee wants to be in control of wealth and alliance with the king of Promised to expand his army.  

Martin looked towards the mass land the mountain north and saw his worst nightmare. All his fellow beasts were massacred mercilessly.  

“Man, Mounts, are furious with us now. And what should I do with the boy watching over the rod of the wicked?” Martin asked.  

“Take hundreds more of the army. Go after them, kill if you must, and bring the rod of the wicked, understand.” Mardochee commended.  

“Right away Majesty. And we do that only if they are out of protecting the Talking Oak Trees. And I am sure there will go To God’s nowhere.” Martin chuckled nervously.  

“Excellent. Please bring me the best news. And I am begging you, do not fail me.” Mardochee snarled.  

Martin swallowed hard as he nodded. Mardochee went out of his sight and the general of the beasts was left alone on top of the highest palace tower.  

Later, Martin and one hundred beasts were on their way deep within the thickest forest of pine trees, enriched by the abundance of green pasture and flowers of all kinds.  

Meanwhile, Mardochee finds himself in front of Promised’s throne room.  

“Mardochee, my old friend. And what brings you here?” Nuru asked.  

“Nuru, it is nice to see you healthy and strong. Still, I have a minor problem.” Mardochee answered.  

“Problem? And what would that be? Hurry up and spit the beans!” Nuru scolded him jokily.

“Um, it seems as if I have found the boy responsible for your little cousin’s death during Menace de L’infer’s reign. I mean the king that ruled the Land of Living Water.” Mardochee responded.  

“For real? And what about him? It is very marvelous that the boy gets rid of that arrogant fool!” Nuru roared.  

“He has something precious to me. And I wanted it disparately. So, I came here for help because my army of beasts is not much for them,” Mardochee said.  

“Mardochee the Wicked? And what is he doing here? I want him out of our palace!” Interrupted the girl’s voice.  

“I beg your pardon girl. Have you gone insane talking to my friend like that? Guards!” Nuru growled.  

“Majesty!” Guards replied.  

“Take this incompetence of a girl. neither does she have respect for her elders. And cast her out into the outer darkness of the street!” Nuru shouted.  

“Father. What came over you suddenly? I am your only daughter,” she cried.  

“Daughter? I have no daughter? And what daughter? For your information, I want a son not a girl as ruler on this throne. Out with her now, Boaz!” Nuru commended.  

“It is not used, Princess. Come on, besides, you all know that it is not your father who is speaking but an evil force in him.” Boaz answered. 

“Perfect. And I am just praying that one day, one day my father will be free from Mardochee the Wicked’s evil clenches.” She cried.  

“See you around Sheba. And I hope that you will say salutation to your old grandmother Rebecca, ha-ha.” Mardochee laughed dryly.  

Sheba woke up screaming amidst the thickest forest of the Talking Oak Trees. Sheba was the girl who was holding the rod of the wicked to give to me.  

Boaz was the Lieutenant of King Nuru’s guards but joined Sheba’s quest to Lumiere. Neither did he want to set his eyes on Mardochee the Wicked.  

Eminence felt compassionate for her. His branchy hands came down, lifted her, and gently comforted her.

Later, Zion was covered in red after crushing the beast he was holding in her hand to death without remorse. She watched the enraged Mounts who did the same.  

Their names were Mounts that crushed Mardochee’s beasts mercilessly.  

Other beasts ran for their dear lives, but Zion and the other Mounts picked up huge rocks and launched at the remnant beasts.  

Smashing them to death until they were none. After Zion with the other Mounts had avenged their comrades, their rage was not quenched because they wanted to destroy the overconfidence of Mardochee. He cared nothing about all living things created by God, but himself together. 

Neither was his army of beasts who were emotionless about cutting down Mounts and Talking Oak Trees for their selfish reasons.  

Later, all eight of the Mounts were in line at the edge of Mountain-valley’s hill glancing across the red clouds miles away to Lumiere’s landscape. 

It was a scorching barren landscape burned to ashes; the sun’s rays were blocked by the thickest noir and death-trap red clouds. Causing the growth of life on the soil to emerge from the surface further south.

After the Mounts had killed all the beasts who massacred their brethren, they returned deep into their Kingdom for an important meeting about what they shall do with Mardochee the Wicked.  

All were gathering on the round of royalties’ circles to strategies, but humankind kingdoms do have to gather round of royalties’ tables in their great halls of the palaces. 

“Old Zion. What do you think we should do?” One of the Mounts asked.  

“I am sure that we should seek the messenger of truth first. And these are the strategies that we have planned. We will deal with Mardochee and his beasts’ army with our full strength later. I have heard that the messenger of truth is on a life-threatening embellishment quest to cast the rod of wicked into the molten volcanic mountain in Lumiere.” Zion responded.  

“I beg your pardon. The messenger of the truth is going to the molten volcanic mountain in Lumiere.” asked the second one.  

“Except, Grandmother, is not Mardochee the Wicked going to stop him?” Interrupted the female Mount.  

“I do not think so, young one. Eminence, the leader of the Talking Oak Trees, protects him with all his friends.” Zion answered.  

“I see. And what shall we do once we walk into this home?” The third one asked.

“I guess we must protect him from the Mardochee the Wicked’s clutches hands.” Zion sighed.  

“Grandmother, should I escort the messenger of the truth to the molten volcanic mountain?” Asked the female Mount. 

“Not necessarily Olive, because the messenger of truth must go into this quest alone. Or with a human person..” Said the fourth Mount. 

Olive sighed with a sad expression, but she had no choice but to accept what her elders told her.  

Returning to the thickest talking oak trees forest, your eminence put Sheba on his shoulder.  

“Is everything all right Sheba?” Malakhai asked.

“No, I had a nightmare, that is all. And my prayer is one day that my father might be free from Mardochee’s evil clutches.” Sheba sighed.  

“Amen. And so, shall it be, my friend?” I interfered. 

Sheba burst out laughing her eyes out though I look at him confusedly.  

“Mvuela, may I go on this quest with you?” Interrupted Miqueas.

“My, my, I can see love in the air.” I chuckled.  

“My goodness isn't that romantic!” Neema teased.  

“Enough of the teasing Neema!” Lionel called.  

Miqueas’ cheeks turned red while Sheba burst out laughing even more at Miqueas’ question. 

Meanwhile, it was worth it hearing her laughing as everyone knows that laughter is medicine. 

“Please, everyone leaves her alone. Neither is that romantic, Neema.” scolded Lumiere.  

“That is right though it might be funny still leave her alone. She is just trying to help,” I answered. 

“Seriously, Mvuela, can't you see that girl looking at you occasionally?” Sheba interrupted in laughter.  

“No idea I tell you, but it is not fun to make fun of someone's emotions,” I responded. 

Eminence and Malakai exchange glances while Ezra and the rest burst out laughing hard.

Mvuela are you about what you are talking about? Not any feelings for Miqueas. Even a little?" Ezra reported. 

"Nope even close. And listen, Ezra, my friend, I am not just ready to untangle myself in the game of love!" I scoffed. 

I beg your pardon. Game of love. And what does that even mean?" He continued. 

"I meant not ready for a relationship," I laughed. "Ouch, that is hard!" Ezra blinked. 

I marched away confusedly. 





Malakai saw and knew Mardochee commanded one of his evil minion bats to his binding.  

Until he took out his brightest lamp, as it shines brightly.

Mardochee screamed when the luminous light of Malakai’s lamp caused him to be blind for occasionally a minute. 

“Christ! Curse you, Malakai! And believe me, my old friend, I shall deal with you and that friend of yours mercilessly.” Mardochee roared.  

Mardochee was glancing further in the distance deep in the woods where we remained.  

Later, we kept our quest to the palace first in Judah Empire because we were having a gathering.

I mean, the round of royalties. First, before our journey began, we were still in the woods of Talking Oak Trees.  

“Eminence my old friend. And how are you?” Malakai asked.  

Eminence the king of the Talking Oak Trees turned around where he met Malakai.  

“It has for the longest time. And I have watched half of my people have been murdered by that madman named Mardochee!” Eminence said. 

“Forgiveness, old friend please calm down. I promise you that those who died are not in vain because you are avenged their death. And to tell you the truth, “vengeance is for the Lord God” says the Lord Himself remember that.” Malakia responded.  

“Amen, to that Malakai. And you might be right. Still, of course, you have avenged our comrade's death, majesty.” Titus, the Talking Oak Tree said.  

“Would you tell me my old friend where are you heading Right now?” Eminence urged.

“I am sure we are heading where we are going, right?” Malakai demanded.  

“That is right then. And we have a bon voyage.” Eminence said.  

“Thank you very much, old Eminence.” He continued. 

Moments later, we discover ourselves on our way to Judah Empire.  

Though it was extremely far but that did not stop us. We kept heading further that late in the evening.  

“Mvuela?” Miqueas called.  

“I am listening,” I said.  

“Would you care if I walked next to you? And if not, I understand—!” Miqueas paused.  

“I beg your pardon, Miqueas. And I am the one who is walking next to, Mvuela!” Neema (—Grace) interrupted. 

‘Um, excuse me. And since when you decided to walk next to Mvuela?” Miqueas asked.  

“Huh, since today I suppose,” Neema said.  

“Jesus, Neema, sometimes you are unpredictable,” Miqueas grunted.  

Miqueas walks away to be with the others.  

Neema remained standing next to me.  

Miqueas focused ahead of her without looking at us.

“Seriously, Neema? I thought you were walking with David. I mean, with the others, why change your mind?” Leonel asked.  

“No reason,” Neema responded.  

“Man, our friend Neema is jealous somehow. Because she was not brave enough to ask Mvuela if she would walk next to him.” Lumiere responded.

“I am sure you might be right,” Micah said.  

“Christ, enough! Please, just stop it! And that is right I was jealous when I heard Miqueas asking Mvuela if she would work next to him.” Neema grunted. 

Leonel and Lumiere roared in laughter unstopped, Malakai was laughing lightly but Miqueas was still disappointed. 

“Miqueas, child. Would you mind telling me if you are fine? Besides, it is not time for you to conclude.” Malakai said.  

“I supposed grandfather. And why did I even bother to ask if I would work next to Mvuela? Neema grew together with him. There is nothing I am going to do about it!” Miqueas (—Mika) inhaled.

“I see. To remind you Miqueas, Mvuela does not seem to want to walk next to Neema. Though Neema grew up with him since childhood, I am sure Mvuela was about to say yes but Neema interrupt him.” Malakai uttered.  

“Like I said it is not time for you to jump to a conclusion,” Malakai said.  

“Jesus, grandfather. I am sure you might be right but right now it is not the right moment.” Miqueas responded.  

“Later that evening, I was out of energy but suddenly we were surrounded by Wraiths.  

“Jesus, man. It seems as if we are considering—gah!” I screamed.  

I was stabbed by a two-edged sword by all three of them, I was inhaling for my breath with a struggle.  

The rest of my trusted friends fought with the Wraiths. 

I fell to the floor, followed by the unconscious but I was holding to the rod of the wicked.  

Though the Wraiths did everything in their power to yank it out of my hands, they could not.  

One of them was about to finish me, but Miqueas came to defend me with her tongue of consuming two-edged sword. 

“Not so fast. Neither will I let you hurt the messenger of the truth!” Miqueas roared.  

“And then you shall die with him if you do not step out of our way—!” Wraiths paused.  

He yelled in pain when Ezra came to the rescue.

Both watched Wraith burning to ashes.  

I was unconscious on the Meadow floor, Malakai, and the rest of the fellowship of the truth engaged in the sword fight fiercely without noticing me down there.  

Only Ezra and Miqueas did notice.  

Malakia uses his tongue to consume the fire rod, as the rest of the roundabout me with worried faces.  

Old man Malakai saw blood gashing out my back after the rest of the others realized I was hit by the Wraiths’ poisonous swords.  

Days later, I woke up in an enormous chamber.  

I was covered in the thickest and longest metallic beads-like long-sleeved sweater, but it was lighter like a feather.  

Miqueas was still in the room when I lay asleep on the bed. Neither did she have any idea of the outcome.  

I mean I was at the verged of death, though I fought to be alive, but death was still knocking at my door. 

“Miqueas, my child, aren't you coming to eat?” Malakai asked.  

Miqueas stared at her grandfather, she burst out crying, though Malakai came to comfort her because he knew how her grandchild felt.  

“There, there, child. And I am sorry for saying such a thing.” Malakai said. 

“Right now, will leave you but I must remind you that Mvuela we will be unsatisfied if you are not eating. At least fill your stomach with something because of him." Malakai continued.

"For crying out loud, you are the Queen of Kamina. Others are waiting for you in the round of royalties!" He said. 

"Grandfather, please. And I knew that I am queen, but I cannot think straight right now!" Miqueas inhaled. 

"I realized that Miqueas because I raised you. So, I can read you like a book. And you are the second wealthiest Queen followed by the African nationwide kingdom of Wahadiwa across the world. It's Inkosi, the Lion King. I mean, Sayo will be laughing his crowned out when he sees you vulnerable like this. I mean defeated by love, perfect!" Malakai chuckled. 

"There you are, Malakai. And did I just hear you saying that the Queen of Kamina was defeated by love, Malakai?" Inkosi Sayo said. 

Two of them look in the direction where they meet face-to-face the Lion King, the strongest Jurami monarch of Wahadiwa. I mean, no man-made weapon can penetrate his lion-colored suit, but only a weapon made of the three strongest metals in Wahadiwa. 

"Inkosi, it is very nice to see. And we were on our way out--!"  Miqueas said. 

Inkosi which means king in my kins' language Kiluba, passed by Miqueas' and Malakai's way in his direction to where I lay. 

"Inkosi, is everything all right?"  Malakai asked. 

"This boy looks familiar. And did you say his name to be Mvuela?" He asked. 

"Sure, Inkosi. And what about it? Um, I must reveal to you this is my biological son. And where did you find him?" Inkosi asked. 

"He came from Manasse, my wife Matilda ran with him there when Menace de L'enfer sought to put him out of his misery! And how did you know that he is your son?" Malakai asked. 

"By his revan curly hair, chestnut skin colored ton. And my name is Mvuela the First!" Inkosi said. 

"No way, Mvuela, royalty?" Miqueas blinked. 

"Even so, his resemble is like yours, Inkosi." She chuckled. 

"That's why I say he looks familiar. And my wife has been blaming herself for sudden the disappearance of our first burn, but he was growing alone in Manasse." Inkosi said. 

"Right, Menace de L'enfer invaded Kamina like a wave, slain our king, and we did everything in our power for Queen Mukobe, the lioness to escape. Later, we discovered one-year-old Mvuela asleep in one of the guest rooms in the palace." Malakai said. 

"My, my son is alive. And this is a cause to celebrate," Inkosi said. 

"Not yet Inkosi," Miqueas uttered. 

"And why not?" He asked. Mvuela has the greatest responsible upon his shoulder of carrying the rod of the wicked to Lumiere." Malakai said. 

"Is that the reason he is in this condition? And responsible for vanquishing Menace de L'enfer?" Inkosi asked. 

"Right. And he is fine now." Malakai said. 

"Jesus, my God. I am out of words. And all this time my son still lives, also doing well" Inkosi inhaled. 

"Now we realized thoroughly that he is the crowned prince of Wahadi because he is the son of the Lion King. And so, is a curtain someone in love with him," Malakai laughed. 

Her cheeks turned red, stood up, and she rushed out towards the exit of the chamber as I lay in Judah Empire. 

My father left Malakai by himself with a smile on his face and out of his sight. 

Mvuela, my child. I am glad that you are recovering by a minute. Everyone is waiting for you to wake up. Though my grandchild is glad that your father has been found. And royal blood rain through your veins, that is something mind-blowing," Malakai inhaled. 

After Malakai had imagined Miqueas' cheeks turning red, he burst out laughing before looking at me with gladness.



 Malakai marched inside and saw me awake. He was bewildered to see me alive.  

His eyes widened because he could not believe how I came to be sitting up.  

“Mvuela! And you are finally up.” Malakai responded. 

“Malakai. And what should happen to me? Neither do I remember.” I asked.  

“I am so glad that you are awake. And you were stabbed by the Wraiths. Besides, you know that their two-edged swords indulged in a life-threatening poison.” Malakai said.

“Classic. Now I remember. And what am I wearing?” I asked.  

“It is an unbreakable long-sleeve armor. No handmade weapon can penetrate in. Even Wraith’s two-edged swords cannot penetrate through if they dare try it.” Malakai replied.  

When I was about to ask Malakai a question, I was interfered with by my friends, especially Miqueas, who came to hug me tightly.  

“Mvuela, I am glad that you are alive. I mean fine!” she said sadly.  

“No worry about it, Miqueas. And everyone, I am fine.” I inhaled.  

“Not so fast, Mvuela. And you gave me a heart attack. From crying aloud, my little brother.” Leonel roared. 

Like I told you all, I am fine, Leonel. And I am sorry to have worried you all.” I said.  

“Better be, brother. And never die on me, do you hear me!” Lumiere growled.  

“Enough! And go easy on your brother, girls. And it is not his fault that he got stabbed unnoticed behind him, but aren’t you joyous that your sibling is awake?” Ezra scolded. 

“Ezra is right, you two. Go easy on Mvuela.” Neema scowled.

All the rest of my friends came in and they screamed in overjoy that I was alive.  

“Malakai? Would you mind telling me where the rod of the wicked is?” I asked.  

“In the round tables with the royalties gathering. And they are trying to figure out what will they do with the rod of the wicked. I mean, who will escort you, so that you may cast it into the molten mountain of lava.” Malakai answered.  

“Now they are waiting for you. And are you able to stand up? Because they wanted you to wake from your coma.” He continued.  

“Wait from my coma. And how long have I been out?” I asked.  

“Seven days. And we were getting late with the rod of the wicked glowing even more chaotic and stronger.” Malakai said.  

“Out for seven days. And are we in the Judah Empire?” I asked.  

“Correct you are. And come on, everyone is waiting for you at the round of the royalties’ table.” Malakai answered.

Everyone has returned to the round of the royalties’ table.  

Discussing who is going to escort me to the mountain volcanic mountain in Lumiere.

Malakai was there too, but I was looking around until I came to a complete stop.  

In front of me, I saw all the portraits on the wall. 

Amidst the portraits, someone with a resemblance to Malakai was there too and was young.  

“Is not he cute, Mvuela?” The male voice said.  

I turned around and met face-to-face with an unidentified man in his thirties.  

He was covered in a steady beard, raven curly hair in a ponytail, and was a British descendant. 

He spoke to me out of nowhere, and I was careful to observe whether he was a threat or not. 

“Wait what? Now no idea that it was old Malakai, But the resemblance with this portrait frame I do agree.” I said.  

“I see. And my name he Solomon the Second. Old Mardochee the Wicked, is my distant thirty-fifth granduncle.” Solomon replied. 

“And have you come to snatch the rod of the wicked to give it to him?” I blinked. 

“Not even close. And I was on my way to see if you were awake. Or if everything is fine because old Malakai is worried sick.” Solomon said.  

“Classic. Then lead the way if you may.” I answered. 

Solomon stared at me; my hand was on the hilt of my two-edged sword.  

He turned around while his eyes widened, but smiled, and led the way.  

I followed him Still ready by holding to my weapon. 

Suddenly, we found ourselves marching into the round of the royalties after the guards opened the two huge doors for us.  

When both of us walked in, everyone in there was silent. 

“My good Jesus, the messenger of the truth lives. And it is finally nice to have seen you.” Old Rebecca Sheba’s grandmother said.  

“Relax majesty. And we all can see that the boy is awake. Tell us, my boy, are you healthy and strong?” The old man asked. 

“Judea, the majesty of Judah controlled yourself. My apology Mvuela!” Malakai said.  

Judea Nazareth, fifty-nine years old, native American of European descent.

“Would anyone show me, my father?” I asked.  

Half of the royalties’ exchange looked, but one of them stood up as he looked at me.

“I, Mvuela the First, Inkosi of Wahadiwa, am your father! And I am sorry that if I had known—,” Mvuela One paused. 

“That is all right. And besides, I heard everything about what happened, so I cannot blame you, my father. I am glad to have seen you. But right now, I have a quest to fulfill.” I said. 

“I see. and all I just want to say is just careful, please.” He answered.  

“I will—!” I paused.  

“Everyone please, listen we are not here to argue, and we all know that Mvuela is on the watch for the rod of the wicked.” Miqueas interrupted. 

“Apart from that, no one had any idea that the messenger of truth is royalty. Continually, my answer is I am the one who is going to escort him to Lumiere. So that he might cast it into the molten volcano mountain?” She said.  

“Escorting Mvuela to the molten volcano? Are you for real?” Judea gasped.  

“I am for real, majesty. And who is courageous enough to do the same?” Miqueas asked.  

Out of nowhere, an argument broke out among them where I saw the unleashing of their two-edged swords.

Meanwhile, before my eyes amidst the bickering, I look at the table where the rod of the wicked glowing a red color brightly.  

I intuitively knew what was behind the chaos. 

I ran as my legs would carry me, arrived at the table, and quickly picked up the rod of the wicked.

After I did that, it turned back to its standard color. 

The argument ceased amidst the round of the royalties gathering as I stared at them.  

“Um, I will escort Mvuela to cast the rod of the wicked into the molten volcanic mountain of Lumiere without holding back,” Miqueas repeated.

Everyone gasped with their eyes widened, but she stood up from her throne and marched toward me.  

Malakai was standing next to me beforehand with a smile. 

Solomon followed her, Ezra, Neema, Leonel, and four more.  

Last, Judes King Judea’s thirteenth grandson came to join the team.  

Ten people joined in this life-threatening quest to Lumiere.  

We all bid the remaining people off the round of the royalties’ table, and we were on our way to the molten volcano.

After hours of our voyage, we find ourselves in the pine trees.

Abruptly, from everyone corner of the thickest pine trees woods, we were ambushed by Mardochee’s beasts’ Lieutenant named Martin with his army.  

We all unleashed our sword of the Lord’s weapon and fought our opponents.  

“Mvuela, hurry! And take care of my grandchild, please—ah!” Malakai yelped.  

I screamed in rage as he collapsed to the ground, but I pulled Miqueas away before she would react to what had just occurred.  

Solomon and the rest of the fellowship of the truth stood in their way, preventing them from chasing after us.  

They fought Martin and his army of beasts fiercely from his reach.  

We were far from the beasts, but the beasts found a way to come after us.  

Malakai breathed his last while we ran through the steep zigzag mountain region.  

Martin, with the swarm of beasts, was to pounce on us, but the Mounts spring back to life.  

“I will not let you pass abominates of wickedness. This is my kingdom!” Zion roared.  

Miqueas and I overheard the beasts’ screaming, and heavy stomping thuds.  

Martin and the rest of the hundred beasts were crushed to death.  

None of them escaped the Mounts’ rage as we run into the mountain's gaps without a break. 




Malakai is resurrected back from the dead by the Lord God because he had unfinished work.  

God wants to use him mightily and with wonder so that people might see His glory.  

He was now marching through the thickest of the pine trees. 

Side to side were piles of Mardochee’s beasts’ corpses. 

Later, Malakai finds himself standing at the edge of the thickest forest of pine trees.  

He was looking west in the direction of the Kingdom of Promised.  

Meanwhile, in Promised’s palace throne room, Mardochee was having an unfinished conversation with the king. 

Solomon and the rest of the combatants of the truth barged into the enormous throne room.  

“My good God. And how dare you interrupt our important discussion?” Nuru roared.  

“Forgive me, majesty, important discussion? And why is darkness doing amidst the children of the light? And we all know that light and darkness cannot comprehend.” Boaz asked.

“And so do you. Solomon, how dare you? Treason! Guards!” Nuru growled.  

Boaz unleashes his two-edged sword, and it was engulfed into the tongue of consuming fire.  

The rest of the combatants of the fellowship of the truth released theirs.  

Their swords lightened the throne room.  

“No! No! And how could this be? How could this be? This is not over!” Mardochee roared.  

“It is over, old friend. And he has come for that day for old King Nuru to be plucked out of your clutches.” The voice said.  

Boaz and the rest swirled around, and their mouths widened to see the person who was once dead.  

“Malakai! And how did you? But my beast Martin murdered you?” Mardochee swallowed.  

“Old friend, Nuru. Today thou say the Lord, it has come time for me to pluck you out of the hands of the enemy. Remember what it has said in my holy scripture: I form you in your mother’s womb to be a prophet amongst the nation. Have made your life prosper, not harm. Now you, the abominate of wickedness, the Lord rebuke you!” Malakai shouted.  

Nuru hissed in pain but burst out laughing, and Mardochee was staring at him with a sinister smile.  

“My, my, ha-ha. And what’s wrong Malakai? Is this all you got?” Nuru laughed.  

“He was answering in a demonic voice. I said in the name of Jesus,” The Lord rebuke you!” Malakai shouted.  

Nuru squealed in agony but continued bursting into laughter intensely.  

Malakai had no choice but to remove his light gray raincoat, the glory of the Lord overwhelmed the enormous throne room with an unimaginably brightest light.  

Nuru squealed in pain as Malakai walked up to him. 

Mardochee hissed in agony and crawled battle sight into the darkness.  

“I will say again, in the name of Jesus, the Lord rebuke you! Out of him, you evil spirit of darkness. Out in the name of Jesus!” Malakai shouted.  

Nuru wailed in pain, while the evil spirit struggled in him, but came out wearing an ashy-tainted garment.  

It was engulfed into the tongue of the consuming fire of Jesus to ashes. 

Abruptly, Mardochee discovers himself alone on the floor of his palace’s throne chamber groaning in pain.  

“Curse you, Malakai. This is not over! And believe me, you all are going to perish!” Mardochee cackled.  

“After he had gotten back to his feet, Mardochee marched towards the balcony of his palace.  

He looked outside, thousands upon thousands of his beasts’ army or in lines.  

Everyone! Gather your weapons, and rides, and sharpened your swords because we are heading to war against doors incompetent of the truth.” Mardochee announced. 

His beasts roar enjoys.  

Later, some beasts commenced to climb on the horses with ruby-colored eyes, and wooden made-up cannon balls weapons to bring down the wall of Kamina Tabernacle’s palace.  

Mardochee Came down from his palace balcony, downstairs, outside, and mount on his pale-colored horse.  

His horse had red eyes on the front as they rode on their way to Kamina Tabernacle.  

Around that time, Eminence and Sheba watch everything that was going on.  

“My, my, Sheba, my girl. And I am sure that this is a war against your homeland Kamina Tabernacle. This is the time I helped my old friend Malakai against that overconfident madman.” Eminence said.  

“Now you are talking, old Eminence.” The Talking Oak Tree interrupted.  

He was standing next to him, as Eminence’s branchy arms reach down, wrapped around Sheba, and put her on his shoulder.  

Sheba, Eminence, and the rest of the six Talking Oak Trees marched in the direction of the Kamina Tabernacle. 

Mardochee and the legions of his beasts’ army came from all corners to surround the palace.  

Malakai went somewhere after Nuru was freed by God who work His wonders through Malakai.  

Nuru was disappointed after Boaz told him what he said to his child. 

“Majesty, we are surrounded!” Boaz interrupted.

"Surrounded by what—?" Nuru paused.  

He overheard screaming outside the throne room.

Following Boaz releasing his tongue of consuming fire sword.  

Every guard of the palace ignited their swords engulfed in the fire, and their king did the same.  

Guards outside fought fiercely, preventing the beasts from overwhelming the wall of the palace.

Down below, Neema’s guards emerged from their camouflage and pulled their opponents, including their horses, from underneath the earth.  

Neema and the other combatants of the true guards fought Mardochee’s army, but they were too many.  

Most of her comrades fell by the enemies’ swords and she did not have any choice but shout retreat.  

Solomon defended the palace’s fortress without holding back, and they were underground, engaging with overwhelming beasts.  

When all hope was lost, Mardochee’s army of beasts was overcrowded and taking over the fortress.  

Sheba and the Talking Oak Tree were overseen on the horizon.  

Solomon and the combatants of the truth underneath cheered in triumph.  

All the seven Talking Oak Trees and the girl arrived in time and commenced stomping on Mardochee’s beasts and crushing them to the abyss.

“This is the end of you, an abominable of evilness! And all of you will perish.” Eminence roared.  

Meanwhile, into the steep mountains, Zion and the rest were on the way to avenge their comrades on Mardochee altogether his beasts. 

First Zion scooped me, and the others picked up Miqueas with their huge hands and put us on a steep mountain route.  

I mean, that will lead us to the molten volcano mountain of Lumiere.  

Miqueas pulled my hand hard after thanking Zion for saving us and ran through the rocky mountain passageway. 

Zion and ten more of the Mounts head their way north to Kamina Tabernacle.  

Minutes later, they came out of nowhere with heart failure bewildered, and start to crush the beasts that were yelping in agony.  

Mardochee was more baffled at how his army was crushed by both hands and feet of the Mounts.  

Even worse, the Talking Oak Trees’ branch hands twisted around the beasts and pounded them to death. 

Lastly, Malakai and the legions of the army were on the scene to the east.  

Malakai was on the white horse; he took out his gray raincoat and the glorious brightest light of the Lord.  

Overcoming Mardochee with his army, who wailed in pain because of how mighty the power of Jesus was unbearable to withstand.  

All his beasts crawled into the outer darkness, out of sight, while Malakai was getting closer.  



Malakai came off the white horse while the other riders fought with the remaining beasts.  

Mardochee saw the white flag collapse to the ground in front of him after being shaken by the mighty wind. 

Mardochee’s eyes widened in terror once you realized what it meant. 

Malakai took out his gray raincoat and the glorious brightest light of the Lord’s unimaginable light roundabout the beasts and Mardochee hissed in agony. 

Mardochee and the thousands of his remaining beasts crawled into darkness and out of sight.  

Malakai, in the combatants of the truth, had won the war, and Sheba was hugging her father very tightly.  

“Sheba, my little girl. Are you fine? And you know that what I said, I did not mean it.” Nuru swallowed.  

No worries, father. And I know it was not you but an evil spirit possessing your mind.” Sheba chuckled.  

“Um, thank you very much for having mercy upon an old man like me,” Nuru answered.  

“No problem, my king. Still, Boaz has been keeping his eyes on me for a while and protecting me. Adding grandmother.” Sheba said.  

“That is perfect. My, my, now I can trust Boaz heartily!” Nuru laughed.  

After that, Malakai marched in the throne room followed by Solomon, Neema, and the other three individual royalty from that corner of the world.  

“Old friend Malakai. It has been years.” Nuru said.  

“I am sure it has, my old king. And I am glad that you are back to your usual self.” Malakai answered. 

“It is glory to God. and I am happy too,” Nuru responded.

“Can anyone tell me where the messenger of truth is?” Malakai asked.  

“I am guessing that they are on their way to Lumiere. And might arrive there about now.” Solomon said.  

“They? And what do you mean by that?” Malakai blinked. 

“Miqueas insisted on going to Lumiere, remember?” Solomon said.  

“Excellent. And I was just wondering if they were fine. All our prayer is for the Lord of the hosts to give them strength and health. I mean, to cast the rod for the wicked into the molten volcanic mountain.” Malakai inhaled.  

Outside, when Malakai was discussing with the others in the palace of Kamina Tabernacle, Eminence, the old talking oak tree was having an endless hugging with Zion.  

“Eminence, is that you, my old friend?” Zion asked.  

“That is right, Zion, the queen of the Mounts. It has been decades.” Eminence chuckled.  

“I agree with you, my friend,” Zion responded.  

“Have you met the messenger of the truth told to vanquish evil and bring the gospel of Christ across all wide world?” Eminence asked.  

“Right, I did. And we are the ones who protected him with his friend Miqueas Ponderosa from those abominations of Mardochee the Wicked.” Zion answered. 

“Perfect. I might admit, would you mind telling me what caused you to fight in this good versus evil continued conflict? The reason for joining the round of the royalties?” Eminence asked. 

“All because my people were murdered by those abominable beasts. And that is the reason I came to avenge them with mounts.” Zion answered.  

“Same here. And it seems as if the conflict is far from being over. I mean until the rod of the wicked is cast into the molten volcano by Mvuela.” Eminence said.  

“My addition is that Mardochee has not done fulfilling on pledging the whole world into darkness, old Eminence. And ruled over all the creatures in the universe.” Zion continued.  

Later, Mardochee was cast back into his palace, his army burned to ashes.  

He was lying flat when that marble ground in front of his enormous pure golden throne with a red caution. 

“Christ, my living God! Curse you, Malakai! This is not over, my friend. This is not over! And it is just the beginning, I tell you. I will rule above all.” Mardochee cackled in laughter.  

He crawled towards his throne and sat on it with a malicious expression that was life-threatening. 

His remaining beasts underground, create more of their thousands of fold comrades to wedge war against Malakai and all those who believe in the truth.  

“I was hoping on what is your command you.” the female voice interrupted.  

“Peninna, my trusted girl. And it is genuinely nice of you to pay me this visit. I am telling you, girl. Old Malakai will surely not see coming, ha-ha.” Mardochee screeched.  

Peninna glanced at her king dumbfounded. 

She believed that he had gone mad. Meanwhile, Peninna hit the exit and was out of his sight.

Mardochee stood up from his throne with a smirk as he went back and forth.  

Outside legions of the beasts round about his palace as the grain of sand.  

They were waiting on Mardochee’s order to go on a massacre spread on the humans.  

Returning to the palace of Kamina Tabernacle, old Eminence bidden Malakai and Zion.  

My old friends I will be watching call my home. And in case you need my help fighting that abominable madman’s army of beasts, I will return with thousands fold.” Eminence said.  

“And so, do I. I wish to keep an eye on the messenger of the truth with my neighboring Mounts people.” Zion answered.  

“I am thankful for your help, all of you. And I promise you whenever I need your help, I will call for your assistance.” Malakai said.  

“Or we might come without your call to hold this never-ending conflict of that madman.” Zion continued.

“If that is part of your choice, then you are more than welcome to fight with us.” Malakai laughed.  

Oaks and Mounts bid farewell to Sheba, Malakai, and the rest while they returned to their homelands.  

“Mardochee never gave up. And I have known him since we were children, he will return to war with a rageful malicious iron fist. Still, fear not because if God is for us; who shall be against us?” Malakai answered.  

He was watching in the distance where the Oaks and Mounts were out of the horizon.  

Sheba and her father came to stand next to him on the balcony.  

After Solomon, Boaz, and the others came to join them with a joyous smile.  

Miqueas and I arrived safely on the border of the mountain regions in Lumiere. 

Both of us were looking at the burning, choking, and smoke cloud of the molten volcano mountain in the distance. 

Near to us, deep in the steeping narrow, fresh drinking water and pitch darkness in the cave, a hooded figure is shown. 

“It is all mine. And I have found you. I find you. Please, filth thieves of my rod of the wicked. Give me back what belongs to me.” She answered.  

“I am pleading with you to give back Pen.” She continued.  

Pen has two faces of mental disorder. One is normal, and the other is a madwoman.

Once her life used to be a normal girl, from the wealthiest noble family.  

She was fond of her older cousin, but the day her older cousin went missing triggered such a misfortune to happen to her.  

Penina is the daughter of a royal ruler, so no one knows the cause of the illness.  

“Mother, what do you think I should do with them? I should put them out of their misery. Father promises me I will take care of them. And stole the rod of the wicked, he shall point to me where my older cousin is. My rod of the wicked, it is mine.” Pen muttered.  

After pouncing on the slippery, rocky floor, crawling from wall to wall toward the light.  

Moments later, when she came to the light, she screeched in pain because its brightness was unbearable to withstand.  

Pen with all her might and was able to stand firm in the light, but she was unable to.  

Going ahead, she was a captain in her army. 

In despair, she sat outside at the entrance of the cave.  

Looking down into the deepest gorge of the canyon mountains, she saw the hottest boiling lava.  

Pen bounced out of the edge while screaming and hissing in rage. 

Her face was covered in sweat, shaking, and all the overwhelming frights in her soul.

Returning to the canyon of the gorge, in her mind she was calculating the way she would pounce to the other side divided by a mile way gap.

“No matter what, I must do this. Even if I pledged to doom by scorching to a crisp. This is for my cousin, you incompetent thieves! Giving me back!” Pen shouted. 

Abruptly, she lanced forward and successfully was on the other side looking at us with a vicious smirk. 

Uncovering herself, to be the girl that was with Mardochee earlier.  

Jesus, that is an unfortunate remarkable sight.” Miqueas muttered.  

Tell me about it, Miqueas. Still, we have a long way to reach the scorching molten volcano.” I said.

“Jesus, are you feeling like someone is watching us?” Miqueas asked. 

“Classic. And never close, Miqueas. I am not feeling any peep nose eyes.” I laughed. 

“Right, but we must keep our eyes peeled, just in case.” Miqueas whimpered. 

“Jesus, my Living God. It is getting cold. And I am coming back. Besides, I am going to keep my eyes peeled. 

So, you must do the same!” I laughed. 

“No worry, Mvuela. I am keeping mine peeled.” Miqueas said. 

“That is outstanding, my friend,” I responded. 

Miqueas nods while focusing her eyes on the direction miles away, mountain peak revan smoke coming out of it. 

We find ourselves crossing to the other side a risk death trap muddy swamp that can swallow us with one wrong step.

Our faces were covered in sweat while we went cautiously ahead, and we were holding hands.

Pen was crawling in silence from rock to rock behind us.

Miles away a swarm of Mardochee’s beasts called the Crawlers were at the greatest speed, destroying everything or anything in their paths.

Malakai was still standing on the balcony as the Crawlers were on their way to the palace of Kimina Tabernacle unnoticed.

Mardochee the Wicked who was sitting on a huge luxurious golden throne with ten horns, and a red cushion grimaced in a malicious malevolent way.

We finally were to the other side safely, but our clothes were gone, and it was getting colder.

Miqueas went behind the tallest rock and changed into simple peasants' clothes. 

On the further horizon, Pen was looking at me, watching everything around us getting darker from that late evening.

I went to collect wood fire Miqueas sat down and focused on looking at the molten volcanic mountain in the distance.

Teasing between the two questers turned into a painful argument.

Nationwide kingdoms's old nemeses who is the leader of the wickedness' grandniece tried to steal the rod of the wicked from them, but he could not. She ended up being burned by the consuming fire of God when the messenger of the truth mentioned the name of Jesus. His fellow quester girl tying her with the rope, their thief telling them that the border red gate is the way to Lumiere's molten volcanic mountain is swarmed with Nephilims.

On the round of crowns.

In other words, the gathering on the round table of the authority leaders to strategies on an already rising war over dominance of good versus evil across the earth. Promised's king with the other crown leaders decided to take every person across the kingdom across the life-threatening voyage to the stone of Kamina Tabernacle's palace for their safety.

People who lived in the caves in Lava Village were massacred by the lord of wickedness' beasts because Lava Giants who are the protectors to both Promised and the stone of Kamina Tabernacle were hibernating leaving its boundary unprotected. Only one survivor escaped to inform the king of Promised of what occurred.

In addition, being attacked by the gigantic canine beasts with their beasts' army riders on their way to Kamina's palace was unimaginable.

Most of the warriors of the truth and their king clashed with the beasts for the survival of the Promised Kingdom's people. Though most of them were slain,  the people were able to arrive at their destination unharmed.

Worsen to come is the arrival of the people in Kamina Tabernacle's palace, they are around about the legion of multiple army beasts.

Their lord of wickedness makes a deal with the devil which gives his armies immortality, and Kamina Tabernacle in the region of stone finds itself in another endless warfare for dominance.

The awakening of the Lava Giants came like a storm against the leader of the wickedness with his army.

Two questers and their newly found friend were in front of the noir gate of the border, but on newly friend Pen know the place around.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.09.2022

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Revelation 3:11- "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

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