



‘Charming, perfected man covered in blood discovered himself falling from heaven unto the frozen earth. He was in his thirties. He wore a messy white garment; his face was covered in bruises. He had short black curly hair, a beard, and bare feet. Whatever the man was, but his eyes were like a burning furnace of fire. 

After he remained lying on the cold earth ground, he stood up, while the courageous dog barked at him. He dusted himself and marched away on the Tucson, Arizona sidewalk till it started to pour cats and dogs unstop. Moments later, I came out of the store, with a lot of groceries, and I bumped into the same peculiar man. 

“Jesus! Man, are you unwell? And I am so sorry about that. Forgive me—!” I swallowed.  

The individual man looked at me for a moment before he would answer me, and he began to push me away, saying to me “Not one of them! Run.”  

Till I looked around I saw three people shaking uncontrollably.  

I picked up my scattered groceries, climbed into my old friend’s car, and drove off out of sight. I am called by the name of Liame Mwamba, eighteen, African cutest boy, curly black hair, brown eyes, I wear my black coat with white line, white sleeves sweater, jeans, and lower brown shoes.  

Minutes after I was out of the man’s sight, those three shaking people came to a complete stop, having the same clothes, and the woman seemed the same but with sharp canine teeth. Describing how they look, the color of their skin was pale, painted noir claw nails but their fingers and nose were normal, and their eyes were normal but seemed as if they were owned. 

“Warrior of the Lord? Is that you? And what are you doing here?” She asked.  

“Dominion! I have come to give him the message from the Creator of all living things, Lord God Almighty.” He answered.  

“Message? Message to whom?” She asked.  

“I cannot tell you that. This message is only for the sealed one. Have you forgotten that the seal of God must first have this kind of vision? He is watching us at this moment!” He replied.  

After he refused to answer the female Dominion’s question, enraged, she roared at him as swarms of flies and locusts with the tail of scorpion came out of her mouth, still, the man was unshakeable in front of her.  

Around that same hour in the morning, another man in his thirties, bald, and with a beard collapsed to the earth that early morning. It was another nightmare, wearing professional clothes and having friendly eyes. He came walking in front of the incoming car, two unbreakable couples were on their way and saw him standing in front of them. Though they honked at him to move and shouted for him to get out of their way, he still did not even budge. When the car came crashing into him, it went flying into the air. Both screamed in fear and the car exploded in flames, both burnt to ashes. Thankfully, Jesus, for they were faithful Christians coming from church’s fasting prayer and were heading home to be with Christ. Till I opened my eyes.  

‘Christ! Jesus, that was such a nightmare. And it gives me the creeps. I didn’t even know what the dream meant,’ I thought.  

Coming out of the warmth of my blanket deep in the woods. I went to check the traps I had made. If I am lucky, I might hunt down an antelope or something with my bow and arrow. I felt something rushing through the woods, I aimed my bow and arrow in the direction. Pacing silently when I spotted an antelope. It was staring back at me, and it was huge.  

“Um, forgive me, but I have no choice. “I swallowed.  

My hands were shaking but I let go of the arrow. I overheard it screaming in pain but collapsed to the ground with a thud. Later, I rushed towards it, pulled closer to the river, and dug a big hole for the blood to drip in. I took a bucket, scooped clear water, and cut the antelope into pieces. I was overwhelmed with guilt, but I continued doing it. When I have done this, I clean it meat with water and put it in my Hunter Quarter Bag.  

Later, I put my hunting archery under the stump and paced to my old friend’s mansion. After I had put everything down, I went to exercise for some pushups for a few minutes in the manga house of my old best friend. Returning to the house from the gymnastics room, I marched into the bathtub and took a warm shower.  

Moments later I came out of the shower, scrubbing lotion on myself. I am a high school student and repair colliding cars at my school. I put on my long-sleeved sweater clothes, army coat, jeans pants, and golden boots. Till I walked out of my chamber downstairs and walked towards the outside exit. My high school was two seconds away, and I did not know how to drive.  

"Morning, Liame, my boy. And how are you this morning?” the familiar voice said.  

I turned around and saw an old woman. Her grandchild helped to water the plants as she sat on her chair in the warm sun. Both were neighbors who had always been sweet people.  

“Morning to you two, my old neighbor. “I said.  

“Caught anything special today for sale?” she urged.  

“Nice. If I return from school, you will select whatever meat interests you. And see you at school, my friend! “I laughed.  

“Nice. And go on ahead, I will be behind you shortly!” She chuckled. 

“Classic. Fine by me, but don’t be late. “I said. 

She nodded and I was out of theirs and out of an old friend’s mega house sight.  

Later, I was in the cafeteria enjoying my breakfast when my neighbor and her friends came to sit where I sat.  

“Sitting alone again, Mwamba?” One of her friends asked.  

“I am always sitting alone. And would you care to tell me what is wrong with that?” I asked. “Neither do I want to develop any romance with girls. They are too complicated to understand.”  

“Here he goes again. Giving us excuses! And when are you going to man up, my boy? Still, there is something wrong with it!” Another girl scolded me.  

“Please, be quiet you two! And what is wrong with you? Besides, girls! Girls, leave Liame alone. In case one of you is interested in him. You should be my guess in becoming his girl. “She said.  

“No way, Liame, is too vague. And he does not seem to be interested in girls! He always focuses on his collision repairing work and education. “The first girl groaned.  

“His seriousness gives creeps to any girls who are interested in him. “Another girl said.  

“Sure. I will ask again, is that girl you or the one next to you?” She asked.  

I burst out laughing when my old friend’s friends yelped in fright when they saw her scary expressions. 

Outside around nine-thirty, I cleaned the tainted car with water that I was going to sand. All I wanted was to finish washing at least three cars today, before going to class that is starting around ten-fifteen. When I was priming the car, something unexceptional occurred.  

“Huh, would you care if I helped you? “The individual voice said. 

Later, I stopped whatever I was doing to listen to the stranger who wanted to talk to me. He was covered in messy beard and hair, and his face was covered in mud. He wore clothes that were tainted and torn shoes. My eyes widened in horror because of the bones shown on his body. 

“Um, what is the matter? “I urged. 

“Would you care if I helped you clean, wipe, or something? And you will pay me. I haven’t eaten for five weeks! “He begged. 

“Liame Mwamba! What do you think you are doing? Besides, the cars won’t clean themselves! Would you care to tell me who he is? “The old man roared. 

“Um, no need to worry, my friend, it’s on me. I will give him the money if he helps me by cleaning the cars. “I said. 

“Perfect. And be my guest. Please could you clean up the car? “He begged. 

“Classic. And do not worry about that, my old friend. Thank you very much. “I said. 

After that old man nodded, he returned indoors. He wore a crowny hooded trench coat, grey suit pants, and leather boots. He has a gray beard and hair. He had brown eyes. 

I paced inside but returned with a bucket full of water and soap to give to the man. I appointed him to the car that was next to what I was wiping, but it was a bit further. He took the sponge as I watched him start to wash the car. 

“Mr. Mwamba, sir, I finished my car. And would you care to tell me what is next? “He asked. 

I glanced at him, came to check, and the car was shining. 

“Nice. And I think that’s it for today. Please, it will be best if you come tomorrow, understand. “I said. 

“Sure. I will. Besides, do not worry, I am not going to disappoint you. “He said. 

“Classic. And here is your hard work earning, please. Take care of yourself. “I said. 

“Wait what, two hundred dollars? But that is too much! “He gasped. 

“And you are welcome. I hope to see you tomorrow. “I said. 

“Right, I will be back. Again, I appreciate what you have done for me, Mr. Mwamba. “He remarked. 

“Um, call me Liame,” I uttered. “Nice to meet you, my friend. See you later.” 

“There you are, Liame! “The voice of a girl said. 

I turned around to find out who called my name, but I met face-to-face with my high school neighbor. She was wearing the same white dress reaching her thigh, which I saw her putting on in the morning. On top of it, was a hooded coat, and Nike blue shoes. Astonishing mixed African mesmerized girl. Her noir straightened hair was in a bun and had chestnut-colored eyes. 

“Nice to see you again. What is the matter? “I asked. 

“We have a quiz, remember? Come on, the teacher is waiting for both of us. “She said. 

“Great. Quizzes but she told us that it’s going to be tomorrow, Friday! “I frowned. 

Raising her eyebrow with a sigh. “I suppose she changed her mind. And everyone knows how strict our English teacher is. “She laughed. 

“I see. Let’s get out of here because I am done with my work. “I said. 

“That is a good idea, neighbor boy. We need to run fast! “She uttered. 

Both of us found ourselves rushing to room one hundred seventeen. We marched inside in time and rushed to our seats. 

“Mr. Mwamba! And his neighbor girl, you are right on time! And here are your quiz papers. “She remarked. 

“Classic. And thank you, miss. “I said. 

After she had put our quiz paper on our desk, we started doing our answers. Fifteen minutes later we completed our quiz, but some did not. Our teacher looks at her watch. She wore purple trousers pants, a long-sleeved navy sweater, and leather tapping shoes. Her eyes were blue, and her hair was grey. 

“Put your pencils down, please. “She declared. 

Our school bell rang, and it was time for us to go home. My neighbor called me; we were pacing toward our homes that late afternoon. 

“My grandmother wants to know if you would come to our home to eat dinner with us. “She said. 

“Not to worry, I am going there with you. Besides, I do not have anything to do. “I said. 

“Fine. And that is great, Liame! “She answered. 

Later, we walked in front of her house, she opened the door, and we were indoors. 

“My child, your back! And good evening, Liame, my boy. Welcome to my humble home. “The old woman said. 

“Classic. I am glad to be here. Thank you for having me. “I uttered. 

The neighbor girl glanced in front of her, she saw a European man. He seems nervous to see her. 

“And who is the man? “She demanded. 

“That would be your father. And he came into town yesterday. “She answered. 

She covered her hand in her mouth in shock but raised her eyebrow in doubt and blinked multiple times. In the end, she frowned with disappointment before she responded. 

“Wait, what? My father? “She blinked. 

“Yes, he is. And he was with your mother in the photos. “She said. 

“I see. Where was he for all these fifteen years? And he has to come here to show his face as my father! “She roared. 

She saw the man’s eyes overwhelmed with tears but got up the courage to connect with his daughter. 

“My child, please. Neither did I know that your mother was pregnant with you. She did not tell me. “He said. 

“For real? "The neighbor girl asked. 

“That is right. If I did, I would see you for the rest of the day. “He uttered.

I watched her bursting out in tears, but the man came to comfort her.

“Jesus, I am starved. Would it be best if we ate? Still, I have somewhere to go. “I said. 

All four of us sat around the table and we enjoyed our dinner after praying for it. When we were done munching our meal, I bid them farewell. In no time, that night I found myself deep in the woods inside of my tent. 

“Jesus, my Living God! Thank you for the breath of life. Forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me with Your precious blood. And protect me, my family, and my friends in the nighttime. In the mighty name of Jesus, I prayed. Amen. “I said. 

I looked over my shoulder quickly, I saw my bow and arrows. 

‘If the Lord will bless me with catching something in my trap, I will praise His holy name.’ I thought. 

I did this after I had done reading the Holy Bible. In the middle of the night, I was awakened by something outdoors. I took my arrow and bow but remained in my tent. I overheard it rushing to the woods. Later, I peeked out in the darkness with my flashlight, but I could not see anything. 

“Christ Jesus! I have no idea what that was!” I muttered. “Would be some wild animal. Um, a wolf perhaps?” 

I returned to sleep. After it began to become brighter outside, I found checking the traps. There was a bigger dead rabbit than its regular size. In my other trap, I caught an antelope. 

“Jesus, my Living God, this is an unusual size. And since when did the rabbit start to grow to this length? “I thought loudly. 

When some unexpected event occurred, I cast it to the ground in fright. I saw strange locusts with the tail of a scorpion coming out of its mouth. One of them almost stung me. Even worse, it comes to life. 

“Jesus, what is this!” I shouted. 

After I shouted the name of Jesus, I saw it screeched in agony. It caught on fire. I untied the antelope. I stared at the large rabbit; it was scorched to ashes. 




When it was all burned to nothing, I saw the fire go out at the same time. I rushed out of the gloomy woods as my feet could carry me. I arrived at the mansion of my friend, and I met face-to-face with the neighbor high school girl, Naomi. 

“Morning, Liame. And you look pale! Would you care to tell me what’s wrong? “She asked. 

“Something evil is about to happen! “I panicked. 

“Wait, what? Liame, what are you saying? “She scoffed. 

“I have never seen a large rabbit like that. I got it in my trap, but when I was untying it, mystery locusts. And even worse, it has a tale of a scorpion coming out of its mouth. “I said. 

I am sorry. And did I hear you correctly? Locusts with the tail of a scorpion, you are scaring me. And since when did that begin to happen? Liame, you are going mad! “She laughed. 

“I am telling you, Noami. It is in Revelation in the holy Bible. Go and find out! I am telling you the truth! “I said. 

“Mercy, Liame. I do not believe you until I see it myself. Huh, I can see you under pressure, my friend. See you at school, I hope. “Naomi chuckled. 

“Classic. See you around then. “I said. 

I went to put on my backpack, rushed into the shower, and came out ready. Later, I was sanding the car that I washed yesterday. My new partner, Michael, in a collision repair shop was doing the same. 

“I am done, Liame. “He said. 

“That is excellent. “I uttered with a frown. 

“Forgive me for intruding, but you seem down today. Would you care to tell me what is wrong? “He asked. 

“Nothing to worry about. And that will be fine. I am sure of it! “I said. 

“Great. Besides, it is good to talk about it. “He nodded. 

“Listen, I saw something unexpected, Michael. Neither would you believe it. “I said. 

“I am listening, my friend. “He uttered. 

“I saw mysterious locusts with the tail of a scorpion. It was coming out of the mouth of that strangely overgrown rabbit. “I said. 

We returned to do our work on our ruined vehicles. I taught him how to sand and prime the car, and he was the best. Later, I told him I had classes, so I was going to see him tomorrow. I gave him another two hundred as we bid ourselves farewell. We were sitting in class. We were listening to our teacher Mrs. Rodriguez, but the bell rang. 

“Tomorrow is going to be the beginning of the test. I should suggest that you all study your notes. “She said. 

All the rest of the students groaned, but I was lost in thought. 

“Liame, are you ready to go home? “Naomi asked. 

“I’m sure ready as you are. And let’s get out of here. “I said. 

We were on our way to our houses When we saw multiple police cars wailing. It passed by us and out of our sight. 

“See. I told you so. There is nothing to worry about. “Naomi answered. 

“Nothing is fine about it, Naomi! Something evil is truly going to happen! And why are you blind? “I roared. 

“Wait, what? Me blind? That’s you who is blind, Liame! This is reality, I am telling you. “She answered. 

“Fine. If you think so, then see you around. “I grunted. 

After I marched away and was out of sight. She was left behind, glancing at me with her eyes widened. In the evening I walked into the mansion, and I heard the TV on. I dashed into the kitchen; I met face-to-face with old Rebekka. 

“Classic. And you’re back! “I said. 

“I am. And how was your day? Besides, how is your hunting? “She asked. 

“My hunting is great. Except not a large size rabbit. And its mouth came out, locusts with the tail of a scorpion. “I said. 

“Pardon me. “Rebekka blinked. 

“That is the truth. “I uttered. 

“It is strange. Mrs. Watchmener, our old neighbor, came looking for you. You should go there right away. “She said. 

After I agreed with my old friend Rebekka, I strode to Watchmener’s house. I walked in after I knocked at the door. 

“Liame, you are here. It seems as if old Rebekka kept her promise. “She chuckled. 

“Would you care to tell me what is going on? “I urged. “I came as fast as I could.” 

“Everything is fine. How was your day at school? “She remarked. 

“It was outstanding. Though I have a little misunderstanding with your grandchild, everything else is better. “I said. 

“Misunderstood with my girl? And what was this about? “She urged. 

“Nothing serious. I only told her I caught a rabbit that was not in its normal size. When I was untying it, everything was normal. Until all of it went south. I told her that something was about to unfold, but she did not believe me. “I inhaled. 

‘“I see. Nothing to stress yourself about it, my boy. Naomi can be stubborn to understand, still, should we come around—! “Mrs. Watchmener winced. 

“Mrs. Watchmener all things well? “I asked. 

“I am fine. And it is just that COVID-19 vaccination, my arm is hurting. “She said. 

I observed Mrs. Watchmener shaking uncontrollably, but when I rubbed my eyes to look a second time, nothing happened. 

“Um, I should suggest that you take a warm bath! “I coughed. “Maybe it’s going to help.’’ 

“I should take on your suggestion. And here is something that I wanted to give to you. “She said. 

“No way! All the Harry Potter franchise books! “I gasped. 

“That is right. Naomi told me you are interested in these books. She responded. Um, you are right. It is my favorite book to read. And thank you very much. “I said. 

“Excellent. And if anything interests you in my house, you are free to take it, understand? “She uttered. 

I node, as Mrs. Watchmener handed me the books. I felt sand on the book when I touched its cover, but it smelled new. I bid her farewell, and she went to her room. Neither did I do not know where Naomi was, I hoped that she was sleeping. It was Friday so there was no school. No work either in a collision repair because my trainer Mr. Harris does not work on Friday. Even worse, have forgotten to tell Michael about it. I returned to my attic chamber, which had been weak since I slept. I cast myself and a king-size bed and slept right away. I was awakened by the sound of the emergency sirens. I glanced out the window, I saw police cars and ambulances passing by you know fastest speed. I paced downstair but Rebekka was already gone to work. She is the director of this underground agency, but I did not want to bother her about it with endless questions. In no time, I dashed out the door because I did not have any choice. I did not wash my face or my mouth, I was outside where I saw Mrs. Watchmener Enjoying the sun. Her grandchild Was doing her usual work. 

“Morning, Mrs. Watchmener. How are you feeling this morning? “I asked. 

“Never better, my boy. Not going to end today? “She asked. 

“Not today, Mrs. Watchmener—! “I paused. 

When she began to shake uncontrollably, Naomi rushed to her but snatched her out of her way. 

“Liame, let go of me! “She shouted. 

“No, I cannot! “I said. 

“Why not? “She demanded. 

“Um, I have seen this in my dream. “I said. 

“Please, Liame. not another human nonsense. She is my grandmother. Neither will she do anything to me! “Naomi scoffed. 

“Naomi was about to go to her grandmother, but I pulled her back. Both watched her coming to a complete stop. Noami pulled herself from my grip and went to hug her Mrs. Watchmener tightly. She smelled her perfume; it was refreshing which made her sigh with satisfaction. 

“Grandmamah! And see I told you so that there is nothing to do with her—! “She paused. 

“When she was flung out across the yard, Mrs. Watchmener pounced on her. She roared furiously at her with her sharp canine teeth. Naomi was screaming and whimpering in fear, but we were interrupted by the loud explosion. Mrs. Watchmener was flung across the yard on the wall. Her house split into pieces and left a vast hole. 

“Grandmammah! “Noami screamed. 

“Noami, your grandmother is no more! Get in the car first, you two! “Rebekka shouted. 

We both rush into the car, but Mrs. Watchmener Emerges from the wall. 

“Must kill all those who believe in Yahweh! “She snarled. 

I glanced across the neighborhood; all its residents were coming in our direction at the fastest speed. When I looked back, I saw Michael standing between Mrs. Watchmener and us. 

“Is that who it is? “I coughed. 

“Michael, the warrior of the Lord God almighty. And what brings you here? Don’t tell me the Most High God sent you to protect His children. “Mrs. Watchmener cackled. 

“Take them away, Rebekka! “He said. 

She climbed into the car, turned on the engine, and drove away. Leaving the dust behind us. All three of us rode along the neighborhood, we saw the residents turn against those who weren’t, but in about two seconds they turned into one of them. 

“Liame, I saw it! “She swallowed. 

“Saw what? “I asked. 

“Locusts with the tail of the scorpion into my grandmother’s mouth. “Naomi cried. 

“Classic. And you don’t need to worry because we are safe. Where are you taking us, Rebekka? “I urged. 

“I am taking you to the First Section, which is Capitula, Sion. There you will be safe from all the risks of the Owned. “She said. 

Later, we arrived in front of the maze concrete wall building. All three of us got out of the car and rushed inside before the Owned heard us. We were in the cleared unbreakable glass elevator, going down. Neither could we see anything because it was pitch dark everywhere. We found ourselves in the longest shining marble floor hallway. After the ground we were on, the door began to shake by the loudest explosion. 

“Jesus! And what is going on?” I screamed. 

“Is this earthquake old Rebekka? “Noami cried. 

“Not even close, my children. I am not even sure!” She said. 

Tucson and the rest of the states populated with the Owneds burned to ashes. 

Noami was separated from us. She lived with her noble father, Jireh McHarrison. He was feeling guilty for not knowing sooner that he had a child. He wanted to amend his mistakes. I returned to my usual business of hunting. Working in the palace of the Pharaoh. I was taken to live in a messy community in Capitula, Sion. Africans weren’t allowed to live among people who were of high status. Old Rebekkah refused to leave me alone with her family, so I am living with them in a ruined community. After I collapsed from exhaustion from overwork, I was taken to the emergency room right away. 

Two days later, I woke up from my slumber. I observed a girl around eighteen getting a vaccination shot. In a few minutes, she started to shake unstopped, turned in the Owned, and slaughtered some doctors and nurses. All of them came back to life and acted life-threatening as her. All thirteen of them began breaking the glass window of the room I was in, but one doctor came in and pulled me by my hand. 

"Um, and you are? And where are you taking me?" I asked. 

"My name is Dr. Sarai Watchman. And I am taking you to safety. Our life is in danger, with the girl and other medical assistance owned by evil spirits. "She said. 

"How do you stop them? "I asked. 

"Only the silver revolver with the Blood of the Lamb is what can kill them. Huh, this is what I meant," she answered. 

She showed me the silver revolver with the same four words in bold she told me. Both arrived in front of the elevator, she pushed me inside fast. The Owned girl crawled towards us at the quickest pace. In her hand, the doctor held a silver revolver, which she pointed at the possessed victim.   

The doctor was about to open fire, the girl had the revolver silencer. She picked it up on her way. The girl opened fire and we both collapsed to the metal floor. I smashed my head hard.

"No, this cannot be! And you won't get away! We will not stop until we get rid of all those who believe in Yahweh!" She screeched. "We are going to get you!"

Later, the other Owneds began to roundabout the noir hole of the elevator. It went further and further out of their sight before they scattered to pass their locusts with the tail of the scorpion to the unaffected human popularity.

Everything turned dark. Later, the cleared elevator locked itself shut before the Owned Girl would come in for my life. Enraged, she roared, but the elevator went downward from her reach. 




Crashing to the ground like lightning. Everything was engulfed in a massive sandstorm. Destroying everything in its path. When the sandstorm settles, the individual man who emerged from the ashes is shown. His eyes were like a furnace of fire.   

“Liame, only the seal of God can protect them from the locust from the bottomless pit. Has power as of scorpions. “He answered.   

“My, my, what do we have here? If it isn’t Michael, the warrior of the Lord? And I should know that the Living God Almighty would send you. “The voice cackled.   

Michael turned around as he met face-to-face with another individual man. He was wearing a tainted noir garment. His eyes were the color of scarlet. Pointing a revolver gun at him. Even worse, behind him, were legions of yellowed eyes, evil spirits, and locust beasts with the tail of a scorpion.   

“Lucifer. And what seek thou in the righteous? “He asked.   

“Nice. Spare me with that! Besides, you should know that you are outnumbered. There is no way you can destroy us. Oh, my army. I mean, legions of them. And there is only you. “He cackled.   

“And the Lord forbids you! Besides, God already sealed him. So, no harm will come to him. “Michael said.   

“We shall see about that. He and all those who believe in God will perish to ashes. “He roared. “I will put him out of his misery. Whether the Lord God sealed him! I will get rid of all those who followed Him! And you are in my way, Micheal!”    

“I said the Lord forbid you! “Michael remarked.   

After he was engulfed with the glory of God, it exploded in a frightening explosion. Lucifer and his legions wail in pain.   

I opened my eyes as my hand was covered in red, but it wasn’t mine. I observed in front of me through my vivid vision, I only saw the body of a girl on top of me.   

She was wearing a white coat, blue sky sleeveless shirt, and pants. I looked at her forehead, which had a bullet hole. In my hand, a silver revolver with ‘The Blood of the Lamb’ golden words in bold.   

I pushed her body with all my might and yelped in fright. In whatever place I was, it began to shake uncontrollably. It was made of unbreakable glass. I view the scenery outside as a messy wasteland hallway. Which goes forever. In the distance, I could hear all kinds of frightening sounds.  

“No! No! No! And what is the meaning of this? Where am I going? Who am I? Please, take me out of here! “I screamed.   

When my vision was cleared, I discovered that I was in an elevator. It kept moving. I scanned around as I was getting closer to a concrete marble ceiling.   

“Please, let me out. And you are going to kill me! I am going to die! Why are you doing this? “I cried.   

Though my screaming was loud, the cleared glass elevator was getting even closer to the ceiling. I did not have any choice but to accept my fate. After I overheard something opening, a bright light shone on my face.   

When I opened my eyes, I found myself uncovered in the elevator’s hole. Later, the noir elevator doors swung open, and I discovered myself surrounded by around ten people.   

“My good God. We have a newbie! Please, take him out! “The boy groaned.   

I watched each boy in armor stretching their hands and pulling me out. When I was out, I slipped out of their hands. Later, the boys burst out laughing their eyes out.   

“Perfect! We have a runaway! Besides, where do you think you are going? We are surrounded by woods full of man-eating beasts. And there are stingers called Shadows! “One of them laughed.   

All of them joined him, but I tripped on the root of a tree and crashed hard on the meadow’s earth.   

“Huh, well, I am not sure if we should worry about him! “Another boy said.   

All ten boys came to roundabout me and were kicking a lesson out of me.   

“Boys! Boys! And what do you think you are doing? Let him be! “The old man shouted.   

All the boys whined in annoyance but cleared the way for him. I observed the old man helping, and despite that, I ran away again as my feet would carry me. I stopped when I reached the edge of the gloomy woods.   

“Jesus, boy! “The old man said.  

“And where am I? “I asked.  

“Would you care to tell me where do you think you are going? “The old man demanded.   

“Out of here. And where am I? Besides, who are you? “I urged.   

“My name is—never mind. First, you tell me who you are. “He nodded.   

“Um, classic. I—I do not remember. “I stated.   

“Great. We have a useless boy who doesn’t even remember who he is. Would it be best if we called him Clueless, Chief? “One of them scoffed.   

“Quiet down, boy! Before you hurt someone. Besides, losing memories can happen to anyone. Follow me, child. And you must starve? “Chief uttered.   

“No, I do not! I want to get out of here. Find out who I am. And why was I brought here? “I roared.   

“And you will find out soon enough. It is getting late. Come, come with me. “The old man said.   

I inhaled as he glanced at the woods but followed the old man. I looked at the wooden wall surrounding us one last time.  

The night was closing in when it started to pour cats and dogs. Everyone ran faster to their massive grass-made hut houses. All rush in. I watched the old man pulling me into the hut in the middle of the meadow village. Other boys went to their parents’ homes. When I was inside, my eyes widened in shock.   

“Hah, welcome to my home. And my wife might be cooking something delicious. “He laughed.   

“Chief, right you are. Who is this young man? “The old woman asked.   

“Leah, my queen! And please do not frighten the guest. Neither does he remember who he is. “He said.   

“No need to worry, Jacob. And I am not scaring him off, I hope? “Leah said.   

“Not even close, Madame. I am not frightened! “He uttered.   

“Excellent. Well, come on, I am starved. “She said.   

All five of them sat around the table.   

“Grandmama, there is a boy in our hut! “One girl squealed.   

“Right, you are my girl. Please try not to scare him. He remembers nothing. “She said.   

“We hear you, grandmama. And why doesn’t he remember? “Another girl urged.   

“No idea, my child. We pray that in the meantime he does. Or else, the boys in Section Twelve will make his life miserable. And I will not be here to protect him. Besides, ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 vaccination, food has been scarce. So, then people will come to complain to me.” Jacob said. “Christ, I wish the Evans boy, Jael, won the competition in the arena. Our lives would be better. Causing twelve more of our children to lose their lives by being gunned down.”   

“Ever since that time, he was overwhelmed with the guilt of causing their downfall. “Leah added.   

“Right, you are my dear. And I am not sure what is going to bring his spirit back. “Jacob said.   

“Even worse, he has been avoiding me ever since. Come on newbie, you are sleeping outside for two days. “The girl said.   

“Classic. And that is fine with me. “I coughed.   

All finished our dinner, the old man, his wife, and their granddaughters were still sitting around the table.   

“Tomorrow is going to be time for the boys to train through the maze. It is going to open. Uh, for the preparation of the 85th Annual Mission Seal competition arena.” He said. “Eleven constants will be harvested for the competition. It might be one of our granddaughters in my house will be selected.   

“Fear not, chief. Whosoever will be chosen, I hope he or she succeeds. Or else more lives in our section will die. And I cannot bear to see that again! “She cried.   

“We sure will not. “Jacob said.   

“Newbie, are you coming or not? “She shouted.   

“I am coming. And would you calm down? “I said.   

“I am down. And don’t tell me you are thinking of escaping. Everyone knows that it is impossible to do such a thing. “She scoffed.   

“Great. So do I hear! Besides, the maze walls of the woods are extremely high. “I said.   

“I see. Then follow me, newbie. “She groaned.   

After I observed that girl leading that way, I followed her for a few moments. Outside it was pitch dark, but a red moon’s light brightened their passageway. Both arrive at the netting bed sleeping campsite. It was tied from tree to tree, with its thick blanket and pillow.   

“Here we are. Hope you are not scared, to not sleep alone. Are you? “She scoffed.   

“Classic. Now you are insulting me. And goodnight, whatever your name is. “I uttered.   

“And do you think I should tell you, my name? “She laughed.   

“Would you go home already? Before your grandparents worry about you. “I scolded.   

“And I will. What is the point of me wasting my breath with you? “The girl roared.   

After I, the newbie boy watched her pace away, and out of sight. I was left alone surrounded by a lot of trees and climbed on my net-made bed.   

“Jesus, I pray that I remember my name tomorrow. Protect me during the nighttime. In the mighty name of Jesus, prayed. "I said.   

Later, the first light shone on my face, and I opened my eyes. It was early in the morning, but I was interrupted by shouting. I glanced in the direction, where I saw the boy who called me Clueless, and the other nine marching towards the opening maze’s doors.   

“Nice. That is where the maze doors are located. “I said.   

I came out of my warm blanket and dashed towards it for a better view. Though it was cold that early in the morning. I wore nothing to keep him warm, but a white long-sleeved sweater. My sweater’s entire front was painted green after I crashed in the meadow yesterday. I also wore jeans and Nike shoes.   

When I was running, I felt something in my pocket. Stopping for a moment to check what it was. I discovered that it was a silver revolver, which I put back in my pocket. Though the chill was unbearable, that did not stop me from pacing in the wet grass. Out of nowhere, someone knocked me hard to the ground as the boys roared in laughter.   

“Morning, Clueless! And what brings you here this early in the morning? “One boy mocked.   

I tasted my blood after my head smacked the ground hard. My ears were ringing, and their voices and laughter were muffled.   

“Get up! Get up! Show me you are a worthy opponent. And for me to allow you to become a seal for the coming arena game in Capitula. “He roared.   

His eyes widened when he saw me, the boy he knocked over on my feet. Enraged, he pounced on me, but I dodged all his attacks. He continued to attack me, and I backflipped and struck his knee, which made a cracking sound. I overheard him wailing in pain, as I stood in front of him.   

“Excuse me? And you are dead to me, Clueless! “He roared.   

“Classic. Then what are you doing down there? Kissing the meadow this early in the morning. Shouldn’t you and your friends train in the maze of the woods? “I mocked.  

“And you are dead meat, Clueless! “He snarled. “Better run for your dear life.”  

“Sure, I should have my chances. And what’s stopping you then? “I asked.  

In fury, the boy charged after me, but kicked him in the stomach. I watched him crash to the ground. Though he tried to stand up, I pushed him down with my foot.   

“Get off me, Clueless! And you are not getting away with this! “He grunted.   

“For real? And what is wrong now? Besides, why are you wasting time with me? Um, instead of going running through the maze? Would you care to tell me how you are going to do that, Dustkisser? Besides, I am called Liame. Not Clueless got it! “I said.  

I overheard him laugh hard, I scoffed at him. I pinned him to the ground even harder. 




I watched the heavy doors of the maze closing itself shut. After I saw the boy, I beat a lesson out of him, and the other ran through its messy hallways out of sight. After that, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around; I met face-to-face with that girl who escorted me last night.  

“It’s about time you remembered your name, Liame. I am Ruth. “She answered.  

“Morning Ruth. And it all thanks to your crush, Jael. “I sighed. “And what brings you to my domain?”  

“I was wondering if you would escort me to check my traps. “She said.  

“Wait, what are you a hunter? “I asked.  

“No, Liame, I am a gatherer. And today it is my turn to check the traps that I made. “She uttered.  

“Nice. And what are you waiting for? Lead the way, Ruth. “I said.  

“Fine by me. “She chuckled.  

Ruth led the way, and I was behind her.  

“Besides, the woods are dangerous, in the morning. Huh, who knows what risk we might find ourselves in.“ She sighed.  

“I hear you. It might be a man-eating beast. Or some ravenous wolves. Or wild beasts. “I said.  

“Not bad for the newcomer. So, your name. What does it mean? “She paused.  

“Mwamba, that’s my name. So, I am called by the name of Liame Mwamba. Liame is a shortcut for William. In French, it is Guillaume. And I am sure about Mwamba—means rock in Swahili. “I stated.  

“Right then I am going to call you Liame. If that’s right with you. “She said.  

“I am used to it. It doesn’t bother me. “I said.  

“Right, you are. We are almost there. And here it is your bow and arrows. “She answered.  

“Thank you very much. Are we taking good care of it? No need to worry about it, Ruth. Besides. Is that the truth of what old Jacob said? About the world plunged into an incurable outbreak. “I asked.  

“That’s right. And about a thousand percent of the human population was infected by it. From the start, the infected person would shake uncontrollably. For now, it has become worse. That is first, after you get stung, you can cough. It is followed by a gooey noir coming out of your mouth. Next, you dissolve to ashes or turn. “She said.  

“Turn into what? “I asked.  

“Into an intelligent, skillful Shadow. That’s what people call today across the whole world. I tell you that you are not too much for each untenable natural strength. Even worse, this happened seven decades ago when that girl got vaccinated. “Ruth answered. “She got infected. Turning eleven doctors and nurses into Shadows but one escaped with a boy. Locusts with the tail of the scorpion. It came out of their mouths, which turned into enormous beasts. Neither can they be killed by any man-made weapon.”  

“What can kill them then? “I asked.  

“No idea. We have tried everything, but nothing ever works on them. “She remarked.  

When we were about to cross the river, I saw a million skeletons of the dead. Both of us kept heading deep into the woods. I swallowed my heart, and still, I kept following Ruth. In no time, we arrived at our destination. My eyes widened when we saw a dead antelope in her trap.  

“Jesus my good God. This is a huge antelope I never caught. And it could feed all the people in the meadow—! “Ruth paused.  

When we were interrupted by the cry of the animal, we turned around. We meet face-to-face with the fawn.  

“Jesus, no! This antelope might be its mother, but no! “I cried.  

“Sure, he is. And I am sorry for the little one, but we need food. Maybe meat. Sorry for your loss. “Ruth wailed.  

After she took out a bottle of milk, picked up the fawn, and began feeding it. I untied the antelope from Ruth’s trap, but we were interrupted by the roaring of the life-threatening beast.  

“No, don’t tell me it’s what it is—? “Ruth paused.  

“Ruth, behind you! Dock, now! “I shouted.  

Ruth docks as she whimpered in fright, but I took out my bow and arrows.  

“Run! Run fast! Get to safety! I will handle the Shadow. “I cried.  

“No, you cannot kill it, Liame! And I told you it is immortal! “Ruth cried.  

“No time to argue. Take the antelope. Get out of here to safety, now, please. “I said.  

“Um, I am taking it, but make sure you live. Even stung by it is risky! “She screamed.  

I nodded while Ruth picked up the antelope and ran away as fast as she could. I broke a branch with a pointy end. I threw it at the six-legged locusts. After the branch pierced into its forehead, the Shadow wailed in agony. In the distance, Ruth paused for a moment while cold sweat ran down her face.  

“No. Liame, you promised me! Huh, you promised me you would be fine. “She sobbed.  

Ruth kept moving forward but met other fellow gatherers.  

“Ruth, you are back. And we rushed as fast as we could to help you. Are you stung anywhere? Besides, where is the new boy? “One girl asked.  

“I am not sure. He is dead as we speak. Let us get out of here before the Shadow comes for us. “She swallowed.  

“Right, you are, our friend. “All said.  

Some girls took a huge antelope from her shoulder. Others took a fawn to the village. In the woods, I stood next to a dead locust, which burned to ashes. When I spotted an antelope passing by, I picked up my bow and arrow. I pointed at it. I observed the antelope looking back at him. It did not run away.  

‘Classic. And I am sorry. Besides, why isn’t it running away for its dearest life? ‘I wondered.’  

Later, when I was about to release the arrow, something pounced on me. It flung me hard on the tree, as I tasted my blood.  

“My, my, my, what do we have here if it isn’t the seal, boy? “He cackled.  

“Seal boy? And what are you, if I may ask? Um, what are you talking about? Show yourself, you coward! “I roared.  

He bounced on me, lifted me, and was squeezing the life out of me.  

“Me? Coward by you? “He scoffed.  

“Meaning? Would you care to tell me? “I coughed.  

“Clueless. And this is whom the Lord God sealed with the mission for redemption and equality across the earth. To all humanity, don’t make me laugh! “He mocked.  

I smacked him on the chin. He was flung crashing hard into the wall. I focused the bow and arrow in its direction, where he heard his voice. I let the arrow go, and I overheard screeching in agony. 

After I had vanquished the man that had pounced on him, I returned to the village. I was jogging out of the woods. I found myself inside the circle of the meadow. Ruth was working on the antelope. People were gathering to get their share of the meat.  

“Jesus, my good God. This is the best meat! Neither have I seen—! “The old man paused.  

“Liame, it can’t be! “Ruth gasped.  

“Is Liame his name, Ruth? “Old Jacob urged.  

“That is right, grandfather. And that is the name. His full name is Guillaume, the French name for William. But change it to Liame. “She said.  

“Would you care to tell me what happened to him? “He asked.  

“Ah, he is dead. “Ruth answered.  

“And what do you mean is dead? “Jacob asked.  

“The shadow attacked us. He stayed to fight it as he told me to run back to the village. “She cried.  

“No, this cannot be! He gasped. Classic. I am not dead; you should know that. And see your expression chief! “I laughed.  

Jacob turns around and his eyes are overwhelmed with joy.  

“Liame. And your back? “He gasped.  

“I am. What do you think? “I asked.  

“Not at all. But I am glad that you are home safe. “Jacob responded.  

“And so do I. Would you care to tell me if this antelope is enough for all the villagers? “I urged.  

“Sure. It is enough. This is most of the meat that we feed for days. No need to worry about it. “Ruth said.  

“Classic. And I was about to hunt another but got interrupted. “I sighed.  

“Got interrupted by what? “Jacob demanded.  

“By someone who was infected but the incurable diseases. And trust me, his strength was untenable, but mine was on the same level, but more superior. Would anyone tell me what I am? “I urged.  

“We do not have any idea. But we can call you a special person. God might have a brilliant plan for you. Special person? “Jacob remarked.  

“Um, what are you talking about? “I remarked.  

“Huh, you will find out soon when one of you is calling for the 85th Anniversary Mission Seal into the arena. “Jacob said.  

“I see. And would I perceive? “I asked.  

“Well, the answer is that we do not know what you are. Or where would your superhuman strength come from? God might seal you on your forehead, who knows as it says in the Holy Bible in Revelation. Eighty percent of the population of humankind is throughout the world. All those who live in Capitula have resources. Such as food, tools, clothes, and other important stuff.” Old Jacob stated. “That is the reason the arena was created. The remaining people in the eleven sections, are lower than the Capitula, the First Section to join the competition to the death. In the name of “maintaining our population.” He or she must win. Huh, the game for those families who lost their sons or daughters. All this was because the girl in the hospital was infected with the Shadow virus. All those hospitals’ hallways were sealed with concrete. To prevent the virus from infecting all Capitula’s remaining population.”  

“Classic. This is terrible. And who made these cruel rules? “I asked.  

“Not tell anyone, but I hear to be Pharoah. And that is enough of questions. “The old man scolded.  

I burst out laughing hard, but I took a sharp knife. I went to help Ruth pill out the antelope’s skin. After we had done that, we cut the meat into little pieces. We gave each village’s families enormous sizes to each one of them.  

“Good God, this is great. All the village’s people will not starve. “Ruth inhaled.  

“Um, you have said all of it, my friend. Neither are any village people going to complain to old Jacob. “I said.  

“And don’t get too comfortable with her, newbie. Get your girl because she is mine. “The voice roared.  

I turned around where I met face-to-face with Jael.  

“If she is your girl, would it be best if you help her cut the meat for the villagers? “I urged.  

“That is her job because she is a gatherer. And I am a Seal, I do not have time to step that low. “Jael shouted.  

“So, do not complain if I help her cut the meat. Call me whatever you want, but I am not here to smack words with you, understand? If you want a girl to be interested in you, helping her out is the only way, Dustkisser. “I scolded.  

When I headed to the chief’s hunt, Ruth was glancing at him in silence. She was washing her hands.  

“Don’t tell me you believe him? Aren’t you going to say something? “Jael roared.  

“Listen, Jael, I am tired. I have been cutting this antelope all day. And I need to rest, so I am going. “Ruth said. “Besides, all this time you have been avoiding me. You want me back because you see me talking to another boy!”  

“Ruth, please, could you spend a few minutes with me? “He begged.  

Ruth walked out of his hands. She disappeared into the darkness of the evening. Later, she marched into the hut though Jael called her name, but she did not look back. Her grandmother had prepared everything, which she put on the table.  

“Would you care to tell me, Liame? And you know a lot about girls. Can you tell if you have a special someone in Capitula? “Ruth urged.  

“Not sure at all. Neither do I remember everything. But at least that is what a gentleman would do. Not for Jael to lose all his jealous business on me. “I laughed.  

Ruth joined me in laughter. Her grandparents and her sister exchanged glances on seeing her laughing hard.  

“Jesus, our girl is laughing at last, Chief! “Leah said.  

“Uh, your eyes are not deceiving you. It is all thanks to our boy, Liame. “The old man said.  

“I am glad that Ruth is happy again. “She chuckled.  

“Mother. Liame and I are friends, that is all. Who knows, someone special might wait for him. “Ruth said.  

“True you might be. Jacob uttered. Ruth went to take a shower after heating the water on fire. I went back to my sleeping campsite on the netting bed.  

I stood at the edge of the wire fence. I observed across the forbidden woods. On my back, I had the hunter bag. I crossed the fence; I was in the woods. After I passed by the stump, I took out my archery gear. I was passing through the forest seeking some meat. I hoped to feed all my good forsaken ruined community. Even worse, the woods were only for the pharaoh and noble people to hunt in. Not common people such as me, may not be in that forbidden area.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.08.2022

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Psalms 34:20- “He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.” King James Version (KJV)

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