



In a silhouette thickest longest Ironwood tree, and taller, bushes in woodland something unthinkable was happening. Later, a young woman in her mid-twenties was running as her feet could carry her, in her hands she held an innocent African toddler by the name of Mvuela. He was around one, with curly noir hair, brown eyes, was wearing warmer fine lines white clothes, and barefoot. 

She was wrapping me in the thickest warm blanket to protect the child from the cold. Adding anything that could harm me. She flees through the woods behind the sound of ravenous enormous dogs barking, running foot after her, and experienced soldiers who pursued her. 

“Hurry. Men, we must catch up to her before she crosses the hazardous river! Um-er, well, which divided our kingdom from our neighboring village, Manassé. Remember, if we don’t put an end to the threats of our queen, our heads will be rolling!” A male voice cried. 

She was exhausted, breathless, and panting hard, but that did not make her give up on escaping her pursuers. Her name was Matilda Covenant, wearing a golden-brown hoodie covering her neck, emerald eyes, a light grey dress, and winter noir boots. She was a royal nanny from the kingdom of Kamina, but the toddler she held was a child of a commoner, whose rightful Queen died while protecting me. When I was a baby, the Queen nourished and raised me while being locked in a silhouetted dungeon. Kamina used to be serenity, homogenized, prosperous, and lived in peace till that abominable stormy night. 

That late night seven decades ago, a mischievous woman from the southwest invaded Kamina with her impenetrable army. She killed the King altogether with his sons and most of the people who were attached to him. She burned the village of the villagers who refused to bow down to her to ashes, execute whosoever dares oppose her. 

I became in danger after the prophet of the Lord told the evil of all evil Queen that when I become a man, I will abolish her reign. Overwhelming in rage, the Queen seeks to demolish her overbearing threats, therefore Matilda was running away with me as a toddler for my safety. 

Till it came time when Matilda was running for the Queen's guards, she tripped over the tree roots and collapsed hard to the ground. Her pursuers with their ravenous enormous dogs were catching up to her, and she knew that death was at her door. Matilda scanned around, where she saw the thickest tallest flower bushes. Its aroma was too strong for the enormous canines to smell my scent. 

“Um, forgive me, Mvuela, child. Please, I am so sorry. And death is at my door, so I cannot let you die with me. I am begging you to stay hidden so that you might live,” Matilda lamented. 

She deposits me in the silhouettes of the thickest tallest flower bushes. After Matilda did that, she ran away from me and met her pursuers waiting for her. 

“Enough running Matilda. Just give us the child and I will spare your life-,” the General paused. 

“Excellent. I should know better. And what has come over you? Can you mind telling me what that witch did to you that you want to murder the innocent child? Don’t you own any conscience?” Matilda shouted.  

“Handled over the boy right now! Or-or else?” Luke commanded.  

“Or else what? Isn’t it because I am complaining about the truth? Or because my confession of the truth is hurting your hearts has a two-edged sword-hah?” Matilda screamed.  

In the moments where Luke smote Matilda with rage with his two-edged sword, she collapsed to the ground on her knees, whimpered in pain, and was glancing at the general without fear.  

“Matilda, Matilda, Matilda. Enough of this game! Pointed to where you hid the threats to our queen. She will spare your life, too. Come on, old friend.” Luke chuckled.   

“Old friend indeed. I will not show where I hid the child. Neither do I need that tyrant evil witch’s forgiveness. And Luke, Luke, Luke, you were supposed to be the light that shines. I suppose that is the meaning of your name. My friend, you were supposed to be the light and hope in our struggle, but I see nothing but silhouettes itself-hah!” Matilda cried. 

Luke smote her with his two-edged sword, cutting off Matilda’s arm, and watched her cry in pain.  

“Be quiet now. What is the problem, my friend, the confessor of the truth? Cat got your tongue?” Luke mocked.  

Matilda was looking up at Luke, gasping for breath. A smile was on her that was full of warmth. She collapsed to the ground as she breathed her last.  

“Huh-um, that is the reason you did not speak, because you were dying. Forgive me, because you’re dead, Matilda!” Luke scolded.  

After Luke kicked Matilda’s dead body, he ordered his men to bury Matilda’s corpse. When they finish doing that, they continue searching for my life.  

Night covered that late evening fast. Luke and his fellow could not see me. I walked deeper into the tallest bushes of flowers. I fell onto the comfortable grass and fell sound asleep. 

The pursuers were still searching for the child but could not find him. They had no choice but to return to their families in Kamina. Menace de L’enfer was overwhelmed with rage. Her roar caused her eyes to turn in the golden color of the furnace. Cracks reaped from the throne room’s ground as hot lava came out of it. Causing the entire palace to shake. 

“Excuse me? Did you lose the child? For real Luke?" Menace de L’enfer roared.  

“Forgive me, Excellency. We searched everywhere. The child might be dinner for wild animals. And whatever that traitor hides him might be!” Luke grunted.  

Menace de L’enfer. Her name means menace of hell, mid-forties, a gorgeous British American woman. Golden-brown puffy long hair into a bun, cold-hearted dark emerald eyes, and claw fingers. She wore the darkest garment with a cloak hooded cover behind her and walked barefoot. She held Luke’s collar tightly.  

“Would you mind telling me about that traitor Confessor of Truth, woman? I mean—what’s her name? That’s right, Matilda. Is she still alive?” Menace de L’enfer reported.  

“Not all. I killed her in the same-ugh!” Luke whimpered.  

After Menace de L’enfer furiously touched Luke’s neck with wrath, he screamed in pain and burned to ashes. 

“How dare you? How dare you execute my enemies without my concern? The boy is dead, you better be correct. Or I will wipe your entire family!” Menace de L’enfer snared. 

 Luke Smarts, mid-thirties, caramel noir hair, blues, and golden impenetrable armor. He wore a scarlet long-sleeve protective shirt and pants with golden-brown impenetrable boots. 

In between the two villagers Kamina and Manassé, was a clear refreshing river. The village of Manassé has everything perfect. Manassé is the most enchanting, breathtaking, splendid kingdom. It has vibrant green pastures which sustain life for all the cattle, sheep, and other kinds of grass-eating wildlife. 

The sun is not as hot as in Tucson Arizona but fine. This marvelous kingdom has four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. It was spring in Manassé.  

The atmosphere of the village was filled with serenity and peace.  

In the silhouette thickest longest Ironwood trees, taller thickest bushes, and a steeping narrow and zig-zag route throughout the woods that led villagers to scoop in their jars, pots, and other water fillers for them to drink. 

Inside the tall flower bushes, the child felt cold. He was in the other border woods of Kamina. The child crossed his hands on his little body for warmth. Seven wild wolves came from nowhere and surrounded him for warmth. The next morning before sunrise, the wolves left and watched the boy further away in the darkness. 

Two children came to the river to drink fresh water so that they might quench their thirst.  

I overheard them talking, shouting as they had told themselves to be careful. “No one wants to fall into the water,” laughed one. The child followed their voices and stood on the other side of the river in Kamina’s woodland border. 

The children of the Willow household who stood in Manasse’s woodland border, saw me on the river. They ran back to tell their great-grandfather fast.  

A wealthy old man woke up. He goes ahead to his enormous acres of a farm field near the freshwater river. The old man is outdoors. 

“Lumière? Lionel? What’s wrong? And who hurt my great-grandchildren?” Nathan shouted.  

“Grandfather! Come, come fast. Or something will happen to the boy!” Lionel cried. 

“Excuse me? And what boy?” Nathan asked.  

“Hurry, Gramps! He will drown if he tried to cross the river. Maybe his doing it, “Lumière interfered.  

“Hold on, hold on, I am coming with you,” Nathan agreed.  

After picking up his two-edged sword, he followed his great-grandchildren. 

Running through the narrows, a zig-zag route of tall woods till three of them arrived at the river shore. To their greatest shock, they saw the child in the water. He tries to cross, so he can follow Lionel and Lumière, the twin girls.  

“Jesus! No! I have to help this innocent boy! My God, before he drowns!” Nathan panicked. 

Nathan jumped into the water, picked up the child, and walked back to the other side border of Manasse.  

Old man Nathan covered the child in his warm coat. He asked him what his name was, as they were walking towards the village.  

“Mvuela. Me, Mvuela,” I shouted.  

Nathan glanced at me with shock. He smiled when I said my first sentence.  

“Hah, that must be your name. Mvuela, I suppose?” Nathan laughed.  

They arrived at Nathan’s and his great-grandchildren’s enormous mega-gigantic house around nine. He took the child’s watery clothes and put them on the rope closer to the fire to dry. Nathan puts on the child’s little body a golden-brown long-sleeved sweater. He put on pants that were the same color. He then puts grey protective boots on the child’s feet. 

Ever since the child was a toddler, he has never known about my past. Nor his African origin, so that is why he will decide to quest into the unknown with the other seven. In the name of being called the Messenger of Truth. Though the boy’s belief is not a Messenger of Truth, but a simple and normal boy. So, he wants to know the truth. 




Thirteen days have passed, and the boy has grown up to his teen years. It was Thanksgiving eve and a time for those boys or girls who are lucky enough to untangle themselves into the never-end game of love. No one really can see it coming for you if you are not too careful.  

Even worse, pondering the dazzling illuminated marketplace in the village, I might be considered wariness because it is very treacherous. Though Manasse is peaceful, the girls are defenseless when they are walking alone at night.  

Every girl in this village is taught to defend themselves with swordsmen’s fighting skills. If I were an incompetent boy or man, I would be careful. In case you want your teeth to be knocked out for trying to mess up with the girls in the village, be my guest.  

Throughout his life, he grew up with joy, love, laughter, and peace with his adoptive family in Manasse. 

Manasse was overtaken by an enormous rainstorm late in the evening. The thunder was roaring without stopping till the loudest roaring cracks made me awake crying out. Crafting an expensive arrangement of flowers and water shattered into fragments. Lionel and her elder twin sister, their parents, and great-grandchildren dashed inside my room. 

Lionel’s and Lumière’s parents were Micallef Willow. She is twenty-nine, a gorgeous mixed-up African American, with curly dark-colored hair. She has brown eyes and wears a brown long-sleeved jumper, tan pants, warm socks indoors, and boots on the working field. 

Michael Willow, thirty-six, a stunning American. He has puffy short black hair, and brown eyes, and wears a white full-sleeved sweater, tan trousers, and shoes in the workplace. 

Twins Lionel and Lumiere. 

Lionel Willow, seventeen, is a mesmerizing blended African descent girl. Wavy black hair, honey-brown eyes, and dons a brown long-sleeved dress. She was wearing khaki trousers and work boots on the working field. 

Lumière, aged seventeen, was a mesmerizing African-descended girl with a unique look. She has short black hair and brown eyes. She wears a chestnut full-sleeved sweater, jeans, and shiny boots on the job. 

I, Mvuela Willow, am a fourteen-year-old. The most lovable and alluring boy, with curly black hair, and chestnut eyes. He was wearing a brown long-sleeved shirt, darker jeans, and boots on the farm. 

“Lord, Mvuela! And what's the problem now, boy? Having another nightmare, I suppose? My costly arrangement of flowers smashed.” gasped Micallef 

"Pardon me for waking you up. A thunderstorm has woken me up because it roared loud,” I sighed.  

“Tell me, son,” Michael asked.  

And your jar, mother. When I woke up screaming, I used my power. I assure to buy--!” I paused. 

“Nonsense, Mvuela. Accidents happen, and I am relieved that it didn't hurt you.” sighed Micallef.  

“Sure. Lionel? Lumière--?” I stopped. Do not even venture there! We are glad nothing happened to you.” Leonel insisted.  

“Right, right? We have hard work to do next. So, you girls should sleep. 

Lionel and Lumière blinked. Both burst out laughing. 

“Mvuela. Can’t you be serious?” Lumière asked.  

“Wait. What’s the problem?” I asked. 

“Forgive us, Mvuela. Tomorrow is Sunday, we will attend church, and after that, it will be ready for the Thanksgiving festival on Monday.” Nathan answered. 

I burst into uncontrollable laughter. Everyone went back to bed, and I remained with my beloved great-grandfather.  

“Is there something else that is bothering you? And besides, I overheard swordsman teacher Raphael telling me how skillful and faster a learner you have become. He complained you overpowered him by knocking him three times.” Nathan chuckled.  

“Nothing much. And I'm delighted that your content. That's why I'll try to repay you.  

“Sure. Sure. Rest now because tomorrow we have a great day to give Thanksgiving,” Nathan nodded. 

I nodded to him after yawning twice. Nathan bid me goodnight and left my bedroom. Elsewhere around that same damp, breezy evening, within the kingdom of Kamina, governed by a tyrant. Menace de L’enfer was the sinister Queen who sheltered four people that were a danger to her. Their names were Miqueas Ponderosa, Malakai Cornerstone, Ezra Righteous, and Mitchell Willow.  

Miqueas Ponderosa, eleven years of age, is a young mixed cutest breathtaking enchanting luminous gorgeous girl, the Confessor of Truth. She is the youngest and oldest great-great-grandniece of the prophet. She is the child of one of Luke’s daughters. Matilda’s great-grandchild, her grandson, married Luke’s daughter and gave birth to Mica. Has short puffy noir curly hair, blue kind-hearted eyes, and wears a white long-sleeved sweater, light grey jeans, and winter boots.  

Malakai Cornerstone, mid-fifties years of age, a mixed cutest-looking British man, the prophet of Lord God Almighty. He has lighter blue eyes, wears a light grey hooded cloak always to his feet, a cleaner white garment inside that reaches his feet, and darker scarlet winter boots. 

Ezra Righteous, thirteen of age, cutest-looking British American boy, Protector of Righteousness aka Truth. She has short puffy noir curly hair, darker emerald kind-hearted eyes, and wears a scarlet long-sleeved sweater, jeans, and noir winter boots. He is a great-great-grandson of Menace de L’enfer. 

Michelle Willow, thirteen years of age, is a young mixed cutest breathtaking enchanting luminous gorgeous girl, the Holder of Truth. She is the youngest and oldest great-great-grandniece of Nathan. She has curly noir hair, and brown eyes, and wears a light gray long-sleeved sweater, darker brown jeans pants, and boots to work within the field. 

Everything was normal in Kamina; everyone was sound asleep late at night.  

Because the thunderstorm was roaring without stopping, the four of them woke up screaming after the lightning-cracking sound.  

Miqueas flees into her gramps chamber, hiding in the warm blanket of his bed, as Malakai bursts out laughing hard.  

“Miqueas, there you are. There is nothing to fear. It was only the thunder, “Malakai chuckled.  

“I know, gramps. Still, I am very--!” Miqueas paused.  

Her gramps’ house door broke into shreds after the invasion of Menace de L’enfer, the evil Queen’s guards.  

“No, no, no, she knows! Run through that back door!” Malakai whispered.  

“Night, night, old man. I believe you’re coming with-!” Miguel paused.  

“Excuse me? Gone? Sound the alarm fast!” He ordered.  

Malakai and his last surviving generation escaped through the rainy night. Both were wearing their waterproof hooded cloak.  

The Queen’s guards broke Ezra’s royal chamber into shreds, but he was nowhere to be found. Ezra escaped through the guards’ noses. He wore a grey waterproof hooded coat in the palace's hallway.  

“No! And how could the prince escape under our noses?” Boaz blinked. 

“No idea, captain. I believe this is sorcery, “Matthias gulped.  

“Um-er, quiet, Matthias. Or do you want our Excellency to have your head?” Boaz scolded.  

Peter the Lt. of the queen’s guards broke through the Willow house. He beheaded Mitchell’s parents after passing their daughter through the back door. 

“Man, is it this sorcery of higher order? And how did the Willow family’s daughter escape our wrath?” Peter groaned. 

Mitchell was wearing a scarlet waterproof hooded cloak.  

The anointed met in the dark woods. They overhear the enormous dogs barking in the distance, and they ran to seeking for Mvuela, the Messenger of Truth. 

Four of them run unstopped in the deepest, thickest forest of ironwood trees. Neither was it far from Kimina. Menace de L’enfer army’s new general unleashed his bow and arrow. He puts them together and aims at the old man Malakai’s back as he screamed in pain.  

“No, you don’t, old man. You will die tonight!” Solomon scoffed.  

He released his arrow as it came at the speed of lightning. It penetrated through Malakai’s back, who collapsed to the ground.  

“Gramps!” they shouted. 

“No, no, no. Let me die. I am an old man. Keep running for your lives east, there you found the Messenger of Truth!” Malakai paused.  

“No, Gramps! We are not leaving you.” Ezra insisted.  

“Miqueas, my sister. And you are the Confessor of Truth, you must go before us. We will take care of your grandfather with our lives,” Mitchell said.  

“Right, she is my little Confessor,” Ezra added. 

“I agreed with them both, Miqueas. Must run away to be with the Messenger, hurry!” Malakai groaned.  

All two of them unleashed their two-edged swords of truth and were ready to protect the injured Malakai, and Miqueas did not have any choice but to continue running. 

Solomon, with the legion of armies, reaches them in time and the enormous canines were about to strike their first blow, but Mitchell and Ezra smote them to ashes.  

“Give up, little children. Or else you will die for your foolishness! And we have been ordered to bring you back to Kamina!” Solomon insisted.  

“Never will we go back there!” Mitchell shouted.  

“Right, right? So, this is your funeral, then!” Solomon roared.  

Unleashing his two-edged sword, charged after Mitchell but Ezra barricaded himself with his weapon.  

“Seriously, Solomon? And how shameful of you to attack her because she is a girl!” Ezra mocked.  

“Enough, boy! Soldiers kill these other two-!” Solomon gasped. 

Mitchell fought with all his armies, killing them one by one unless Solomon was left alone.  

“Wait, what? And how did you? Hah!” Solomon cried.  

“My, my, my, how have the mighty fallen? Besides, you underestimate her because she is female, but you forget that she is the Holder of Truth, “Ezra scoffed.  

Solomon burned to ashes as he wailed in pain after Ezra’s two-edged sword, went to pick up one of the army carriages, and rode away on horses for a healer in the nearby village that is between Manassé and Kamina named Willowbrook.  

Moments later, Miqueas was crossing the river to cross on the other side of the river in Manassé.  

The morning came, went to church, and came back to prepare for the Thanksgiving celebration festival on Monday. 

Nathan was working in a field near his enormous mega-gigantic house and very close to the river. I went to the marketplace to help Lionel and Lumière with decorating objects. Whereas the peculiar girl came falling behind him from running and exhaustion.  

“Jesus, child. Man, little girl, are you alright?” Nathan called. Michael, his grandson, and granddaughter-in-law came running towards him.  

“Gramps, what’s wrong? And what seems to be the problem?” Michael asked.  

“Look! Would you tell me if she is--!” Nathan stopped.  

“Water, water, water. Please, can you give me some freshwater?” Miqueas pleaded.  

“Sure, here!” Nathan laughed.  

He gave the girl water, and Michael and Micallef helped her sit up. I was at the marketplace helping the twins Lionel and Lumière with decorating objects. 




 I was watching what to buy till I bumped into something other than my worst nightmare, Neema. 

Neema Chanton, eleven, a Native-American gorgeous girl, with short dark hair, and caramel golden eyes, wears fine line scarlet long-sleeved sweater, a brown comfy coat, and fine shoes.

“Ouch, blind bat. And could you please notice where you’re going, man?” Neema rebuked. 

“Forgive me, my mistake. I will try to be careful. I mean, next time.” I exhaled. 

“Right, right? Well, um, at least you apologize. Tell me, Mvuela, are you okay?” Neema asked.

“Nothing is missing. Huh, well, the question is, are you fine? I mean, you’re the one that fell to the ground.” I clarified. 

“No, no, no! Mvuela runs fast! You’ve screwed Sundae if Neema got you!” Lionel laughed. 

I did not have any choice but to run from Neema’s rage. 

To continue, Neema dans Chanton was a great-grandchild of the royal family in Manassé and that was the Empress Lionne dans Chanton. 

She was in her mid-sixties, had short dark hair, and caramel golden eyes, and wore a fine line scarlet long-sleeved sweater, a royal put outfit, a red comfy coat, and perfect shoes. Neema chased me non-stop till she tackled me hard. We both fell to the ground, and we burst out laughing hard.

Lionel and Lumière covered their mouth in shock to see us collapse on top of each other. In surprise, Neema looked down at me. 

Lionel and Lumière exchanged glances. Both of them snickered in laughter, and we did not even verify.

“My, my. And what am I seeing, sister? Aren’t those two in love?” Lumière asked. 

“No. We are not Lumière!” Neema reprimanded. 

“Right. Right. And what were you doing on top of him?” Lionel demanded.

“Nothing, I was not doing nothing.” Neema scoffed. 

After that, she got off me and helped me up as I was dying of laughter. Bursting out, laughing even harder. The three girls exchanged looks. They stared at me and were wondering why I laughed so hard. 

Returning to the marketplace, Neema and I collapsed on the soft green grass. Four of us walked into the marketplace. We were buying decorating objects for our houses at the Thanksgiving celebration festival. 

When we were returning home, I had a pleasant conversation with Neema. Adding my twin siblings. Somewhere around the same time, back to our home, they took their new guest indoors. 

“Tell me, girl, what is your name?” Nathan asked. 

“My name is Miqueas. It means Mika in Spanish. I came from Kamina.” Miqueas answered. 

“I see, from Kimina?” Michael gasped. 

“Sure, from that far.” Micallef interfered.

“Right. I agreed with her. That place is very far. And why are you here?” Nathan urged.

“My Grandfather and three other friends sacrificed themselves to escape my pursuers. See my hometown, ruled by the most tyrant evil Queen. Twelve decades ago,  she killed my great-grandmother after saving a young toddler’s prophecy to end her reign.” She added.

“And ran away with him here. God anointed him to have an overbearing responsibility on his shoulders--,” Miqueas continued. 

“And what is that child? Can you mind telling me what was the name of the toddler?” Nathan asked. 

“I overheard my gramps telling me his name, Um-er, what is--? Of course, his name is Mvuela!” Miqueas answered. 

“Mvuela? Our Mvuela or is there another Mvuela?” Micallef gasped.

“I won't know until I see him. And last night when we were sleeping, we saw him in the dream waking up from the thunderstorm’s cranking sound. He caused us to wake up on our thunderstorm rainy day in my hometown.” She added. 

“After the evil queen knew God anoints four of us, so we were a threat to her. She ordered her evil guards to murder us. Despite his injury, my gramp and the other two stayed to engage with the Queen’s guards.” Miqueas explained. 

“Have this to give to him,” she continued. 

“Wait, what? A Holy Bible? And the two-edged sword?” Michael gasped. 

“Man, I am glad this place believes in Jesus Christ, believes in Him, and worships Him in truth and Spirit. Back home our wicked queen banned Christianity, killed most of us, and burned anything that has to do with Christianity to the ground." She said.

“Meaning she burned almost the end of summer fruits for our souls to eat. Only this one is one of its kind to stay intact!” Miqueas continued. 

“Are you saying that you need this child by the name of Mvuela to return home with you? Cutting down the evil hold of the Queen’s tyranny with this two-edged sword, and restoring Christianity in the kingdom?” Nathan asked. 

“Right, you are, gramp. And that’s why the Queen sought to kill him when he was a toddler, but the rightful Queen was wise. She knew that Mvuela was going to bring the downfall of her evil reign, so she gave the toddler to Matilda, my great-grandmother. She told her to escape here. And that’s what she did without disobedience, “she gazed. 

“Pardon us for reviving a tragic past. Our condolences, “ Micallef apologized.

“Um-er, thank you very much. This is more than a sword, “she chuckled. 

“Pardon us?” Michael blinked.

“Haha, this weapon it’s called the Word of God. Only the Messenger of Truth, Mvuela can hold it. Moments after, he held it in his hands. It glowed into the tongue of consuming fire. 

“All the other six of us. I mean I am called Confessor of Truth. The other three, Prophet of Truth aka Lord, the Protector of Righteousness aka Truth, the three Willow fourth generations, the Holder of Truth, Light of Truth, and the Tongue of Consuming Fire.” Miqueas explained.

“Three Willows will be number five, six, and seven? Gramps, did you hear her?” Michael gasped.

“Sure. And I am glad that a member of my family has been chosen to be part of the Messenger of Truth quest,” Nathan nodded.  

While our family was having joyous conversations, my sisters and I were walking home with our carriage, full of decorations and objects for Thanksgiving till we encountered a hooded man in the thickest noir cloak.

Unleashed his burning-in-flames sword, and charged after me but I unleashed mine. 

Whereas engulfed in a fierce duel, I  was much more experienced and penetrated through the midst of his chest.

He collapsed to the floor, wheezing, and uncovering himself, surprised us. 

“Raphael? And why?” Lionel shouted.

“Forgive me, Lionel, Lumière. I loved your brother so much as if is my son that I could not kill him.” Raphael cried. 

“Meaning?” Lumière asked. 

“Huh-um, well, I have been an enemy within the village. I have worked for the most tyrant evil witch of all time. She held my whole family captive, forcing me to cooperate. If not, she will kill my family. She told me to be a spy, observing your every movement. I mean where you go. And if I find you by yourself, I have to kill you, “Raphael explained. 

“And why could you not be alone, then?” Lionel asked.  

“Well, I said, I loved him as my own. And the evil tyrant gave the order to kill you now. Or in the evening, one of my children will be dead,” Raphael sobbed. 

“Man, Raphael, old friend, you should have told me this. And I promise you, I will deliver your family from her evil clenches, I tell you, “I sighed. 

Raphael nodded and breathed his last. I felt pity and disappointment for him. 

Moments later, we discovered ourselves marching in the enormous mega-gigantic farm field. We went ahead towards our home, reaching in time, and walking straight indoors. 

Where we met our family sitting in our vast living room. The particular girl turned around. Her eyes widened with joyous and shock when she saw me.

“Excuse me? No idea that the Messenger of Truth lived in the Willow family’s house!” Miqueas shouted. 

“Pardon me? Are you telling us this is the Mvuela you were referring to?” Nathan asked. 

“Me. Messenger of Truth? No, it can't be me. I cannot be this Messenger of Truth. Still, I am happy to meet you, my friend." I insisted. 

"Wrong. And you are the Messenger of Truth, Mvuela. My, my, you lived with numbers five and six of Willow’s fourth generations,” Miqueas answered.

“I have completed my mission. Take this two-edged sword named Word of God, you what this is, don’t you?” Miqueas asked. 

“Right, I know, old friend. And you look familiar?” I added. 

“Of course, I do. Here is your two-edged sword take it. Named Light of Truth and Tongue of Consuming Fire," Miqueas responded. 

Unless she collapsed and was asleep. 

“Huh-uh, rest a while, Miqueas. I believe you’re safe now, “I sighed.  

At that moment in Willowbrook, old Malakai woke up, and Ezra and Mitchell were glad to see him awake. 

“Gramps, you’re awake, “ Ezra insisted. 

“I am. Are you wishing for me to be bedridden forever? Come on, let us get out of here. Besides,  thank you. I mean, for your hospitality, Sarah, my old friend, “Malakai chuckled. 

“Um-er,  I am glad to help. I am sure, when the Messenger of Truth returns to Kamina, that’s where my life will be at peace,” Sarah replied. 

Sarah lives in Willowbrook that attends to Malakai’s wounds. Afterward, Ezra and Mitchell thanked an old woman without stopping. Both helped Malakai up and left her sight that evening.

 Arriving during night time in Manassé. They knocked at the Willow family house’s door, and Nathan opened it for them. 

“Wait, Mitchell, old friend Malakai, and you must be Ezra?” Nathan asked. 

“I am my old friend,” Malakai chuckled.

“Correct. And your great-grandchild told us everything.” Nathan agreed.

“Right, right. And the house seemed excellent for Thanksgiving this late in the evening. Besides, would you mind if I see my girl?” Malakai asked. 

Malakai marched into the house and walked towards the room where Nathan led them. Malakai saw his grandchild sound asleep and celebrated the Thanksgiving festival.





Marching towards the village, I saw luminous light decorating everywhere. My sisters and I were marching in the village on our way home.

Manassé’s villagers weren’t asleep that night. Somewhere within the darkest silhouette of the palace chamber, the rain was pouring cats and dogs without end.

Menace de L’enfer woke up screaming after a catastrophic thunderstorm roared.

“Excellency, is everything all right?” He asked. 

“Not you fool! And my worst nightmare is still alive.” Menace de L’enfer roared.

“Pardon me,  for asking if everything is alright.” Boaz gulped.

“Better be. If you bring the blood drops of all my armies, I shall know what to do, “Menace de L’enfer ordered.

Boaz accepted his Queen’s orders. He headed out of her sight to collect drops of his fellow army’s blood on that cold rainy night.

After a few moments, Boaz returned with the golden cup full of what she commanded him. 

Menace de L’enfer chanted this cursing word. She lifted her golden cup higher, and moments cast it into the burning flames it exploded.

Moments later, uncomfortable evil signs engulf the rainy sky at night. Causing wind blowing more harshly. The wind can burn, destroy, and demolish anything on its path to ashes. 

Later, the thickest evil of all evil silhouette figure beings started purring out of the dark sky. Menace de L’enfer’s armies shook without end. Where they were possessed, by ravenous undead which turned their skin pale. 

Menace de L’enfer’s shrieking laughter echoes through the night. 

Until something unthinkable happened moments later that same day. Before daybreak, people found half of the multiple breathless corpses lying dead in the streets and inside houses. 

Morning came by, I was working by myself within the enormous huge-gigantic farm field. It was nearby to the freshwater river and mega-mansion that we live in the middle of it. 

Till I overheard a rumbling roar of a thunderstorm in further distance. When I looked up, I saw a silhouetted darkness further away in the outpace. 

“Jesus, this is the end of summer fruits. I have this uncomfortable feeling in my spirit and soul that something unbearable malevolent will happen.” I wondered out loud. 

“Mvuela? Is something wrong? And why are you mumbling to yourself?” Interfered Nathan. 

“Man, I believe my older cousin is going mad!” Mitchell chuckled.

“Mitchell!” Michael shouted. 

“Sure, sure. I know uncle. You are telling me to be nice to my cousin. Besides, we have no relation. Um-er, so do you believe I’ll marry him someday?” Mitchell asked. 

“No, Mitchell! I believe he has someone interested in him, cousin?” Lumière shouted. 

“Ooh, and do you mind telling me who this lucky girl is, Lumière? Don’t tell me that is you?” Mitchell teased. 

“Um-huh, well, since you want to know cousin, is a girl that starts with N. Does that ring the bell?” Lionel asked.

“Ladies, ladies. Stop arguing, look west. That is the reason I shouted the name of Jesus!” I answered. 

All ten of them looked in a further distance west. They saw a whirlpool of silhouettes thickest tornado, shocking them.

“My good Jesus. And what you say about the end of summer, is the truth.”He gasped.

“Menace de L’enfer has created a silhouette tornado to track down the Messenger of Truth. If she found out that her threat is here, God helps us all.” Malakai gasped. 

“God helps all, meaning?” Micallef asked. 

“Micallef, child, the evil of all evil Queen, Menace de L’enfer has created the most abomination to the Lord of hosts!” Malakai responded.

“And that is what, old friend?” Michael asked.

“I believe Menace de L’enfer has created the army of the undead!” Malakai whispered.

“Excellent. Very excellent, army of the undead?” Michael blinked. 

“No way! Meaning that the army that cannot die?” Nathan asked.

“Correct. And we must get out of here as fast as we can. Or else Manassé will wipe out the face of the earth.” Malakai answered. 

“Wipe out the face of the earth?” Micallef gasped.

“Correct, Micallef, my old friend, “Malakai replied. 

“Man, this is not cool. And I suppose I must go buy a waterproof hooded cloak for Mvuela. Please, don’t go anywhere. I wanted you all to wait in that silhouetted thickest tallest bushes and Ironwood trees woodland. Near the freshwater river.” He added. 

“I want the safety of my precious son Mvuela Willow and the rest of you all, understand!” Michael shouted. 

After that, all seven of us escaped in the silhouette's thickest longest Ironwood trees woods. 

Lionel, Lumière, Miqueas, Mitchell, Ezra, and Malakai put seven water bottles in our backpacks. Lionel and the rest of us had arrows, sacks, and bows behind our backs too. The sword of Truth was in our hilts. 

Somewhere within the marketplace, Michael marched to the counter to pay the owner for the hooded cloak. He had bought it for me, but out of nowhere, enormous canines were crushed in the shop's wall. It dragged him with its sharp teeth. 

Michael caused chaos in the marketplace to nothing, and three enormous canines growled in response and surrounded him. 

Everyone had run to hide, and other villagers scattered everywhere. Others the beasts killed them. When the beasts were about to slay Michael, an arrow came from nowhere. It penetrated through the midst of the beast’s forehead. 

Enormous canines collapsed to the earth dead, and six more experienced centurions killed the two beasts to death. Michael realized that the beasts had come for his son, as he glance up, and saw me.

“Mvuela--?” Michael blinked. 

Until the royal Empress of Manassé discovered him, with an army of soldiers that walked up to Michael.

“Michael,  my old friend?” She called. “Excellency. And what brings you here?” Michael gulped. 

“Tell me if you are hurt. And how is that adoptive son of yours?” Lionne asked. 

“I am fine,  Excellency. And father, are you alright?” I answered.

“Fine, I am. And what brings you here? I don’t you that dangerous out here?” Michael panicked.

“Dangerous out here? What do you mean, Michael?” Lionne asked.

“I meant is dangerous because those enormous beasts that attacked the village minutes ago are coming for my adoptive son. And you do not need to worry, I will pay for you.” Michael nodded.

“Pardon me, are you telling us that Mvuela is in great danger? And the beasts will attack if he remains in our village?” Lionne asked.

“Correct. And the longer he remained here, would you just look there west!” Michael pointed.

All the villagers turned around and looked west in the further distance and saw an uncomfortably silhouetted whirlpool tornado.

“Christ! And what is that?” The villagers asked.

“Means the end of summer fruits is at an end because the evil queen named Menace de L’enfer had made her army undead. With that whirlpool silhouette, the tornado is tracking Mvuela and if he doesn’t get out here, all of us will perish to ashes," Michael announced.

All the villagers gasp in terror and disappointment at the same time.

“Here Michael takes this waterproof hooded cloak please for free. Huh, because your Mvuela has been a good young man for my children. He constantly tries to make adventures with interesting stories. And what shall we do to prevent this?” The shop owner asked. 

“And that’s why I came to buy him this cloak because he and the other six are leaving the village for our sake,” Michael announced.

“Excuse us, Mvuela is our son too, Michael. And we loved him like our child, and if he left this village lifeless.” All the villagers shouted.

“All of you are my family, because of your love, that’s why I must leave. And I promise you, after this is done, I will come back to the village because this is my home!” I answered.

“Huh-um, but where would you go, child?” Lionne asked.

“I believe Mvuela must go to the Land of Living Water, and after Menace de L’enfer is dead, he shall come back to the village!” Nathan interfered.

Whereas everyone swirled around and met face-to-face with Nathan and his old friend Malakai next to him.

“Nathan. And great-great-great-grandfather, what brings you here to my village?” Lionne asked.

“Um-er, well day, remember your oldest great-great-grandmother’s prophecy to Menace de L’enfer after she became the Queen?” Malakai asked. Of course, I do remember.

“Wait? Are you telling me that Mvuela is the Messenger of Truth who is going to end the evil queen’s reign?” Lionne asked.

"Correct it is. Seems like half of the prophecy is unfolding before me," Malakai chuckled.

“My, my, my, Gramps.  Truly God’s way, it is not our way. And neither did the child prophecy by my oldest seer in my family lived in my village and our home.” Lionne gasped.

Whereas Lionne dans Chanton walked towards me and hugged me tightly.

“Please do take care of yourself. Remember to eat plenty of food, and water, and most of all, take care of yourself, am I understand?” Lionne scolded.

“I will, Gramps. And Malakai?” I called.

“All ears, child?” I asked. “Huh-uh, where are the other five?” I asked. "Still, waiting for us in the silhouette’s thickest forest. Now come on, let’s get out here before you know what finds you here!” Malakai whispered.

“Sure. And farewell everyone, do take care of yourselves.” I shouted.  

Malakai dragged me away out of their sight, all the villagers nodding in disappointment.






Marching towards the village, I saw luminous light decorating everywhere. My sisters and I were marching in the village on our way home.

Manassé’s villagers weren’t asleep that night. Somewhere within the darkest silhouette of the palace chamber, the rain was pouring cats and dogs without end.

Menace de L’enfer woke up screaming after a catastrophic thunderstorm roared.

“Excellency, is everything all right?” He asked. 

“Not you fool! And my worst nightmare is still alive.” Menace de L’enfer roared.

“Pardon me,  for asking if everything is alright.” Boaz gulped.

“Better be. If you bring the blood drops of all my armies, I shall know what to do, “Menace de L’enfer ordered.

Boaz accepted his Queen’s orders. He headed out of her sight to collect drops of his fellow army’s blood on that cold rainy night.

After a few moments, Boaz returned with the golden cup full of what she commanded him. 

Menace de L’enfer chanted this cursing word. She lifted her golden cup higher, and moments cast it into the burning flames it exploded.

Moments later, uncomfortable evil signs engulf the rainy sky at night. Causing wind blowing more harshly. The wind can burn, destroy, and demolish anything on its path to ashes. 

Later, the thickest evil of all evil silhouette figure beings started purring out of the dark sky. Menace de L’enfer’s armies shook without end. Where they were possessed, by ravenous undead which turned their skin pale. 

Menace de L’enfer’s shrieking laughter echoes through the night. 

Until something unthinkable happened moments later that same day. Before daybreak, people found half of the multiple breathless corpses lying dead in the streets and inside houses. 

Morning came by, I was working by myself within the enormous huge-gigantic farm field. It was nearby to the freshwater river and mega-mansion that we live in the middle of it. 

Till I overheard a rumbling roar of a thunderstorm in further distance. When I looked up, I saw a silhouetted darkness further away in the outpace. 

“Jesus, this is the end of summer fruits. I have this uncomfortable feeling in my spirit and soul that something unbearable malevolent will happen.” I wondered out loud. 

“Mvuela? Is something wrong? And why are you mumbling to yourself?” Interfered Nathan. 

“Man, I believe my older cousin is going mad!” Mitchell chuckled.

“Mitchell!” Michael shouted. 

“Sure, sure. I know uncle. You are telling me to be nice to my cousin. Besides, we have no relation. Um-er, so do you believe I’ll marry him someday?” Mitchell asked. 

“No, Mitchell! I believe he has someone interested in him, cousin?” Lumière shouted. 

“Ooh, and do you mind telling me who this lucky girl is, Lumière? Don’t tell me that is you?” Mitchell teased. 

“Um-huh, well, since you want to know cousin, is a girl that starts with N. Does that ring the bell?” Lionel asked.

“Ladies, ladies. Stop arguing, look west. That is the reason I shouted the name of Jesus!” I answered. 

All ten of them looked in a further distance west. They saw a whirlpool of silhouettes thickest tornado, shocking them.

“My good Jesus. And what you say about the end of summer, is the truth.”He gasped.

“Menace de L’enfer has created a silhouette tornado to track down the Messenger of Truth. If she found out that her threat is here, God helps us all.” Malakai gasped. 

“God helps all, meaning?” Micallef asked. 

“Micallef, child, the evil of all evil Queen, Menace de L’enfer has created the most abomination to the Lord of hosts!” Malakai responded.

“And that is what, old friend?” Michael asked.

“I believe Menace de L’enfer has created the army of the undead!” Malakai whispered.

“Excellent. Very excellent, army of the undead?” Michael blinked. 

“No way! Meaning that the army that cannot die?” Nathan asked.

“Correct. And we must get out of here as fast as we can. Or else Manassé will wipe out the face of the earth.” Malakai answered. 

“Wipe out the face of the earth?” Micallef gasped.

“Correct, Micallef, my old friend, “Malakai replied. 

“Man, this is not cool. And I suppose I must go buy a waterproof hooded cloak for Mvuela. Please, don’t go anywhere. I wanted you all to wait in that silhouetted thickest tallest bushes and Ironwood trees woodland. Near the freshwater river.” He added. 

“I want the safety of my precious son Mvuela Willow and the rest of you all, understand!” Michael shouted. 

After that, all seven of us escaped in the silhouette’s thickest longest Ironwood trees woods. 

Lionel, Lumière, Miqueas, Mitchell, Ezra, and Malakai put seven water bottles in our backpacks. Lionel and the rest of us had arrows, sacks, and bows behind our backs too. The sword of Truth was in our hilts. 

Somewhere within the marketplace, Michael marched to the counter to pay the owner for the hooded cloak. He had bought it for me, but out of nowhere, enormous canines were crushed in the shop’s wall. It dragged him with its sharp teeth. 

Michael caused chaos in the marketplace to nothing, and three enormous canines growled in response and surrounded him. 

Everyone had run to hide, and other villagers scattered everywhere. Others the beasts killed them. When the beasts were about to slay Michael, an arrow came from nowhere. It penetrated through the midst of the beast’s forehead. 

Enormous canines collapsed to the earth dead, and six more experienced centurions killed the two beasts to death. Michael realized that the beasts had come for his son, as he glance up, and saw me.

“Mvuela--?” Michael blinked. 

Until the royal Empress of Manassé discovered him, with an army of soldiers that walked up to Michael.

“Michael,  my old friend?” She called. “Excellency. And what brings you here?” Michael gulped. 

“Tell me if you are hurt. And how is that adoptive son of yours?” Lionne asked. 

“I am fine,  Excellency. And father, are you alright?” I answered.

“Fine, I am. And what brings you here? I don’t you that dangerous out here?” Michael panicked.

“Dangerous out here? What do you mean, Michael?” Lionne asked.

“I meant is dangerous because those enormous beasts that attacked the village minutes ago are coming for my adoptive son. And you do not need to worry, I will pay for you.” Michael nodded.

“Pardon me, are you telling us that Mvuela is in great danger? And the beasts will attack if he remains in our village?” Lionne asked.

“Correct. And the longer he remained here, would you just look there west!” Michael pointed.

All the villagers turned around and looked west in the further distance and saw an uncomfortably silhouetted whirlpool tornado.

“Christ! And what is that?” The villagers asked.

“Means the end of summer fruits is at an end because the evil queen named Menace de L’enfer had made her army undead. With that whirlpool silhouette, the tornado is tracking Mvuela and if he doesn’t get out here, all of us will perish to ashes,” Michael announced.

All the villagers gasp in terror and disappointment at the same time.

“Here Michael takes this waterproof hooded cloak please for free. Huh, because your Mvuela has been a good young man for my children. He constantly tries to make adventures with interesting stories. And what shall we do to prevent this?” The shop owner asked. 

“And that’s why I came to buy him this cloak because he and the other six are leaving the village for our sake,” Michael announced.

“Excuse us, Mvuela is our son too, Michael. And we loved him like our child, and if he left this village lifeless.” All the villagers shouted.

“All of you are my family, because of your love, that’s why I must leave. And I promise you, after this is done, I will come back to the village because this is my home!” I answered.

“My, my. Seems as if you arrived before us, Neema, princess of the first four corners of the world. And close Jesus! ” Interrupted the voice.  

“Worry not yourself second, fourth corner, prince.” Neema mocked.  

“Seriously, you are mocking me!” David snarled.  

“Am not!” Neema scoffed.

Until we were discontinued by the snarling and growling of two enormous dogs, who were about to reap all three of us into shreds when two spears came from our left and right and penetrated the beasts’ skulls. After both wailed in agony, they collapsed to the earth as it breathed its last.  

“Seriously, prince of the east, Jerusalem. Princess of the north, British, behave yourself!” Scolded both voices.  

“Huh, great if it isn’t third and fourth corners. And why do you even care about our arguments?” David groaned.  

“Because you must focus on protecting the Messenger of Truth, but instead you are goofing off!” Rehab snapped.  

“Cool down, Rehab of the east, India!” Neema scoffed.  

“Cool down? Cool down? Oh, will show how to cool down meat, Neema!” Mical roared.  

“Whoa, whoa, all four you calm yourself down, Mical of the south, Asian. Besides, I am all in one piece, not pieces, I am?” I ceased.  

All five of us burst out laughing hard, I told everyone to hold out their swords.  

We put our two-edged weapons in unity that burned in the tongue of consuming fire, and Malakai was widened that the prophecy was unfolding in front of his sight.

He discovered himself having a flashback of his mother named Nuruni was holding me a bit, Menace de L’enfer was summoned, and a rightful Queen, Matilda, and himself were gathered in a silhouetted dungeon to hear the seer of the Lord of hosts’ prophecy.  

“He shall have the greatest responsibility upon his shoulders, but seven shall be anointed. All four corners shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free. They shall become one as their swords gather as a tongue of consuming fire and shall smite the wicked to ashes.” Nuruni chuckled nervously.  

Menace realized that they shall smite the wicked to ashes was me, and she killed Nurundi afterward, Esther the rightful Queen gave me to Matilda to flee to Manassé after she killed by Menace who burned her to ashes with her hand and commanded her army to pursue after Matilda and the child.  

“I cannot believe this. My mother’s prophecy has happened. I mean, the people from four corners of the world shall unify. Only the part where it says, “and they shall smite the wicked” has not been fulfilled.” Malakai gasped.  

Malakai saw the incoming other enormous owls, unleashing his rod to point at his target, where a tongue of consuming fire came out of it.   

After, the enormous owl screeched in pain as it burned on the surface to ashes before touching the ground.  

“Malakai!” I called.  

“Surely. And we are waiting for you to bring fire woods, so this is the trouble you are in? The is struggling with two gigantic owls, and meeting the children from all four corners of the world-? ” Malakai asked.  

“Exactly. And of course, two enormous canines, Malakai, “I laughed.  

Neema and the others helped me to collect wood.  

Minutes later, we arrived at the other ones at the campfire. Mitchell added more dried wood to the fire, Neema made delicious meals for eleven of us, and we immediately went to bed.  

During that same night, Menace sends his six-horse undead army after us.  

“No, no, no! Everyone wakes up, hurry! I believe six undead soldiers on horses are on there here! ” I shouted.  

All of us woke up, picked up our backpacks and everything, and ran for our lives.  

Going further, it was around six, and I heard the galloping of horses getting closer to us.  

Four hours later, we could see the Land of the Living Water’s palace.  

“We are almost there! Run, run, quickly! ” Malakai paused.  

Our six horse riders caught us, and some of them ignited the two-edged swords from their hilts on the side of their horses.  

Heading further, they were wearing noir cloaks that covered their heads, with red eyes glowing within the silhouette’s hoods.  

Their horses had red eyes and were faster than normal horses.  

To all of us release our Word of God’s two-edged sword.  

Charging after us, their horses, trying to smite us, but we backflipped to dodge their attack.  

Malakai quenches his opponent on the horse with his word of God with a tongue of consuming fire. It screeched in agony, altogether with his horses that burned to ashes.  

“Hurry, Mvuela. We will handle them, run for your safety fast!” Ezra shouted.  

I had no choice but to run as my feet would carry me, arriving closer to the wide-open entrance, and was about to go inside.  

I overheard the screeching of an enormous owl, it was getting closer to me, and it took me away in its sharp talons.  

Taken away to the refuge land was not remarkable, the other ten screamed in my name in panic as wailed on top of my tongue.  

All the others watched me getting further and further unless I was out of their sight.  

Everyone was looking in my direction, but I was out of sight. Watching me carry away further and further until I was out of their sight became unbearable terrors in the eyes and hearts, but I had to carry on with their mission to the Emperor.



Neema penetrated the midst of Naamani’s chest after being exposed to notice him having a cause for my nabbing the enormous owl to Kamina. He burned to ashes as he wailed in pain.

After they have slain Naamani with his guards, they began their quest to Kamina that late afternoon.  Late evening was getting closer. All ten of them were sitting down under the shade from walking for hours.

Malakai and the other ten were sound asleep that late night, though old Malakai was worried about my well-being. Out of nowhere, Peace, the king of the ironwood trees with three more of the ironwood trees, surrounded them.

“Malakai, my old friend, you are safe in my domain!” Peace whispered.

His branch hands came down at where the ten were asleep. Peace and ironwood trees took the exhausted Malakai and the rest. They were carried away deeper into the woods by ironwoods.

“Rest for a while. Neither do I see the Messenger of Truth. Where in the world could he be?” The first Ironwood trees asked.

“No idea where he could be? And that wicked madwoman who is full of arrogance won’t get to them.” Peace responded.

“Perfect. And what do you think we shall do?” Interrupted Peace’s grandchild.

“Miles, girl. And why aren’t you sleeping?” Female Ironwood trees asked.

“I was curious. And I was worried about you and Grandfather Peace,” Miles replied.

“Excellent. Come here, please. And you need to sleep!” Old Simone sighed.

The next morning came fast by the second, but Menace de L’enfer’s darkness of wicked engulfed the day’s sky.

“Malakai, my old friend, are you awaken?” Peace boomed.

Malakai turned around when he heard the voice he looked up and saw Peace, the king of the Ironwood Trees.

“I am awake. And what seemed to be the problem?” Malakai asked.

“That wicked madwoman Menace de L’enfer has killed my people. And has contaminated our water with ill acid rains. I am overwhelmed with rage against her. Still, where is the Messenger of Truth? ” Peace asked.

“In Kamina’s palace right now! And he is fulfilling the prophecy! ” Malakai announced.

“Correct. And that is the reason, I and my Ironwood tree warriors have not attacked that madwoman’s palace,” Peace responded.

“It is that you have held your rage against Menace de L’enfer. Right, we are going there to meet him. “ Malakai sighed.

Peace nodded after everyone was awake, he bid old Peace farewell as he escorted them to the edge of Ironwood forest in the palace’s direction.

Malakai and the other nine marched toward Menace de L’enfer’s palace, which they were getting closer and closer to.

Neema, Ezra, Michelle, Lionel, Lumière, Rehab, Mical, and David unleashed their two-edged sword burning in the tongue of consuming fire. They were ready to engage in swordsmen duels with the army of the undead.

Somewhere within the silhouette chamber of the palace in Kamina, I was tied to two huge poles, and I was struggling to liberate myself from my bondage.   

“Christ, child. Would you stop struggling to free yourself? And you cannot be freed alone! ” Menace snarled.   

“Man, is that what you think? Careful of what you wish for. And please look outside. ” I laughed.   

Moments later, Menace walked up to the window of her palace and saw a huge, enormous army.   

All six of the anointed people were in front of their army holding two-edged swords in the color of the consuming fire where Menace watches her undead army surrounding them in terror.   

“My good Jesus-!” I stopped.

Minutes later, Menace de L’Enfer roared in pain after I had mentioned the name of Jesus. She collapsed, and the earth screamed in pain but stood as she cackled in laughter very loudly.   

I was glancing at her confused and wondering why Menace was laughing like a maniac madwoman.   

“Imbecile! Fool, child. And do you believe numerous army hosts will stop me? Well, think again, and see why they call my name Menace de L’enfer, ha-ha!” Menace shrieked.   

Moments later, Menace’s undead guards came to put them by the window and went to pick up her rod as it was pointed in the dark sky and below her palace. Outside, Malakai with many armies like a grain of sand on the seashore were waiting for Malakai’s command.   

“Release, the Messenger of Truth, this instant Menace!” Malakai shouted.   

“Says who, you? Never will I set him free. And you are the most foolish man I have ever seen. You should remain in the Land of Living Water or Manassé but here you are! Would you mind telling me to watch when-!” Menace de L’enfer paused.  

Unleashing the strongest wind, the moment she pointed her rod down on them, many armies began turning against one another and killing one another.   

Malakai watches in horror, the army of the undead gets the opportunity to attack while Malakai’s friends turn on one another.   

It was chaos, death, and mistrust everywhere, whereas Menace returned to her business of putting out my misery where she stroked the ground of the palace.   

Instantly, it opened with a catastrophic deathly stench and burning molting sulfur as it glowed into consuming fire and brimstone.   

Out the open door, Malakai felt uncomfortable in his spirit.   

Later, he saw the darkest cloud of smoke and smelled sulfuric scorching fire and brimstone.   

“No! Oh, no!” Malakai cried.   

“Malakai what’s wrong!” Neema asked.   

“Abomination! Very truly an abomination!” He cried.   

“Meaning?” Ezra insisted.   

“Hum, well, if Mvuela is cast into a molten volcano, God help us all because all four corners of the world shall be pledged in total darkness.” He answered.   

“Deaths will be pledged across the earth, the sun will be no more, there is going to drown out famine, and everywhere they will be evil of all evil. First! I need you Confessor of Truth, the Protector of Righteousness aka Truth, the Holder of Truth, the Light of Truth, and the Tongue of Consuming Fire.” He ordered.   

“I wanted all five of you to rush inside, fight your way in, and abolish her from doing such sacrilege! Besides, I know this was the plan she had in mind. I, as the Prophet of Truth aka Lord, have a business to deal with out here!” Malakia continued.   

“Right away, gramps!” All five agreed.   

Subsequently, they unleashed their two-edged consuming fire swords and commenced engaging in a fierce duel breakthrough on their way to the palace.   

All five of the Truth children smote the army of the undead to ashes unless they find themselves running upstairs of the palace and fighting their way through.   

Sometimes around the same time, Malakai took out his lamp that shone in the brightest luminous light. Causing his fellow multitude of hosts to come to reality instead of engaging each other.   

“Listen to me, all of you. Remember that you, yourself, are the people of the four corners of the world. People from royal families from far ends of the world. Chosen by God to unite with the Messenger of Truth and fight evil, not among yourselves. We are not enemies, but together as one against the evil of all evil. And that is Menace de L’enfer!” Malakai announced.   

Minutes later, Neema whistled, whereas the soldiers below the army of the undead, began dragging their opponents from the ground, and smote them as their two-edged swords glowed in flames.   

Another seven of Neema’s soldiers emerged from the palace’s concrete hallways, and walls, and fought the undead guards.   

Within the darkness of the dungeon, a girl was locked in chains because she dared to make a mockery out of Menace de L’enfer. 

She was distraught by the loudest screaming and shouting outside but since there was no window, only total darkness, it was useless to try to find out.   

Until three of Neema’s centurions emerged from the wall and broke her chains as they gave her burning in flames a two-edged sword.   

“Lastly! I have a sword!” She shouted.  

“Excellent. Isn’t it that nice? And this is no time to celebrate, the others are waiting for us,” Centurion One scolded.   

“Right, right. It would be just chill, man!” She whimpered.   

Following that, all four of them discovered themselves engaging with the army of the undead and guards. Arriving before the other cell, he liberated Raphael’s family members and gave them burning two-edged swords.   

All the experienced and inexperienced people smote Menace’s army of the undead with the edge of their Word of God to ashes.   

Out there in the open, Malakai and the multitude of armies fought their opponents without holding back until they were only a few in the number of the army of the undead.   

Back inside, Miqueas released her arrow from her bow and through her chest

“My, my, Menace de L’enfer. Seems like it is the end of your reign! When I was living my life in Manassé, I thought that I would never leave my comfort zone. My disbelief had nothing to do with being the Messenger of Truth, but I was wrong. Seeing you fall when I mention the name of Jesus, is where I am the Messenger of Truth for real. So, I wanted the truth and I have found it. Though I know nothing about my African origin, my theme is never giving up on the truth!” I wheezed.   

Menace was at the edge of the lake of volcano fire and brimstone, trying to control her balance, so she might not fall below.

“So be it! To tell you the truth. This world is full of chaos, so I am doing it a favor. Why do they want to save this world or this kingdom when its king, who sat upon the throne, hands indulged in the blood of the innocents? He murdered my entire family when I was thirteen. Leaving me alone in this wicked, cruel world. This is the reason the world is chaotic. And I have exacted my revenge upon the king,” Menace de L’enfer growled.

“But Menace de L’enfer Jesus can restore your heart. He can heal your heart. Reconsider your wicked way. And turn back! Jesus is still on the throne, so the world is full of His goodness because He is in control,” I pleaded.  

“No! It is too late for me to be redeemed. And first, I must get rid of you—hah!” Menace de L’enfer yelped.  

I smacked her on the chest with both my feet with every strength left in me. Instantly, Menace went collapsing below while screaming to her demise. After a gigantic hole of the suffocating staunchest molten rocks closed itself shut.   

Miqueas broke the unbreakable chains with a two-edged burning Word of God after the other four walked in, hugged me tightly with excitement, and let go while clearing her throat.   

All the armies of the undead turned to dust after Menace de L’enfer fell to her demise.   

We all overheard people shouting and celebrating our victory through Jesus Christ, who gave us strength outside.   

Minutes later, we discovered ourselves in the throne room, the sky had turned to its normal afternoon hours, and Miqueas was told to come forward.   

“Forward? And why may I ask?” Miqueas asked.   

“Um-er, let’s just say you are the rightful heir to the throne of Kamina, Excellency!” Ezra chuckled.   

“Rightful heir? And still, am I too young to be crowned queen?” Miqueas gasped.   

“Not all, my dearest cousin. No such thing as being too young! And remember, in the Holy Bible, there was the youngest king in Israel,” interrupted the voice.   

All heads swirled around until we met face-to-face with a particular girl.   

“Wait, what? Navidad, are you still alive? And who was this youngest king?” Ezra asked.   

“Sure, sure I am. Huh-um, well, this youngest king, what was his name? Exactly Josiah, that was his name. And that is why there has been no such thing as being too young. And why, little cousin?” Navidad answered.   

“Um, I thought you were dead. Grams, you told me you died four decades ago!” Ezra said.   

“And believe her? Well, let me tell you a secret, Ezra. All my two years, I have been locked in the dungeon’s darkness by that witch!” Navidad scoffed.   

“My good Jesus Christ. So, Gramps, I still have leftover relatives?” Miqueas asked.   

“Exactly, and three of you are Ponderosa. I mean, you are Miqueas Dans Juan Ponderosa, she’s Navidad De Feliz Ponderosa and Ezra Allumée Justo Ponderosa,” Malakai chuckled.   

“Aye, aye Ay, too much Ponderosa.” I complained.   

Everyone in the throne room burst out laughing, Miqueas was crowned Queen of Kamina, and everybody shouted Long live the Queen.   

Later, after two days had passed, all four Willow siblings and one Dans Chanton returned home.

In the distance, where every villager was waiting for us, the space, they saw us coming.   

All of them shouted and cheered, as they ran towards us, and hugged us very joyously in cheer.

A further mile away, hooded beings in noir garments rode on their raven horses with their ruby color eyes.  

The galloping of their horses sounded like a thousand chariots of thunder.  

Later, passing through the enormous, luxurious marble stone mansion’s hallways.  

Arriving in front of the wide-opening heavy metal door, the rod of the wicked shone into a blinding, luminous light. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.05.2022

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[Isaiah 34:6] “The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea.”]

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