



“What the Queen, now away? You know I am not interesting in the Queen?” Celle snarled. Celle why you hate Queen Catherine so much?” The maiden asked. “Because she is rude and heartless!” The young teenager boy mumbled...


 ...The aroma, the sweetness smell and the delicacy of the cake; that the Duke and Duchess’ grandson was baking the early morning was marvelous and breathtaking. The delicious smell pastry was whooshing out the kitchen’s window like flowers bloom in early winter seasons. When the cake had been cooked, he took out of the over and put it on the table. Now Celestin was waiting for it to cool down, however, for it to cool quickly he had to put it in the fridge after putting all the different sweet decorations. 

Celestin was still in the kitchen waiting for his cake to cool down so he might have a taste when he was interrupted by the knock on the door. “Who is it come in!?” Celle replied after the door open and Andrew his butler came in. “Goodness- gracious, smell delicious in here. Sir, what did you bake in here?” Andrew questioned. “Oh,Andrew I was just baking and please would stop calling me that sir stuff. Just call me by my name!” Celestin whined. “Right, I got Celle how is that?” He questioned yet another knock banged on the door and Amen his maid busted the door open. Amen was like his best friend since childhood. “Holly, Celle smell pastry in here! What are you baking? Would mind if have a taste?” She asked. 

“No, thank you! Making for a certain someone!” Celestin snapped. “Aww, no fair!” She smirked. “A certain someone, is that for the Queen?” Amen informed. “What the Queen, now away? You know I am not interesting in the Queen?” Celle snarled. “Okay-okay, Mr. Grumpy, I got it but your grandparents needed to talk to you.” Amen grinned “Yeah-yeah, if this is about the Queen then leave me out of this!?” He hissed. “Maybe-maybe not, Celle why you hate Queen Catherine so much?” The maiden asked. “Because she is rude and heartless!” The young teenager boy mumbled. “I will never- ever fall in love with her again,” Celestin grinned and went out the door to meet his grandparents. Duke Philippi and Duchess Christie's grandson met them sitting on the living room on the luxuries sofas. 

“Grandmother- grandfather, did you summoned me?” Celestin interviewed. “Yes dear, sit down because we want to talk something to you.” Christie said. “Alright, is this about the Queen?” He gulped. “Yes honey!” Christie murmured. ”Okay, let me hear you out but grandmother-grandfather... you know that I don’t love the Queen not interesting in her,” Celestin responded. “Roger that, however, they're going to be a ball at the palace. So Her Majesty pleaded to us if you would come with us to the ball.” Phillip repeated. “Child, I know that she broke your heart when you were just kids, but please can you do this for us?” The Duchess pleaded. “All right, but if the ball not going to be interesting I will returned home!” He said. “Celle is there some other girl you're in love with?” Christie smiled with a interview question. 

“No I am not! Like I said before I am not in love with her nor interesting in her. By the way I am going to get myself ready, I can’t keep you waiting- can I?” He demanded. His grandparents nodded happily while he was heading to his room, to prepared himself for the ball. Soon Celestin’s butler came in and found out that he was ready. “Wow, looks like the clothes quite fit you, Celle?” He amazed. “Yeah, it is!” Celle responded. “Okay, chop-chop let's go your grandparents are waiting for you in the carriage!” Andrew replied. “Roger that, let go.” The young Duke answered. While Celle and Andrew his butler were marching quickly in the hallway, they met Amen who halt them to ask a question about the cake to Celestin.

“Amen, what is it?” Celle asked. “Well what about the cake shall I come with it at the ball?” Amen informed back. “Yeah- yeah, however, cut it in half, so I might give to it to the Queen.” Celle repeated. “Oooh, looks like someone is falling love with the Queen!?” Amen teased. “No I am not! Just do what I said, Amen!” Celestin growled. Amen just giggled very hard and ran in the kitchen for the cake; while Celestin and the butler arrived at the carriage and went straight in. Afterwards Amen came in the carriage and it marche of to the palace. Its was a long struggles to reach the palace, but at least they arrived at it. Celestin, his grandparents, Andrew and Amen walked toward the palace’s entrance through the palace to the castle’s hallways and straight to the Royal Ball.

There were so many people in the dance ball when the young Duke came in with the others. Queen Catherine was nowhere to be found at the ball, yet Amen put the cake on the table and walk off with Celestin to talk with their friends. Celestin saw his casual friend Marcus the son of Sir Espoir Central. “Oh my, what we have here if isn’t Celle… you look great!” Marcus complained. “Thank you, you too look nice, Marcus?” He swallowed. “Well, I have to look my best in front of the Queen.” The young Sir grinned. “Oh, how interesting!” Celle replied. “Aw, Celle you are so heartless? The Queen want you to be her husband, but you insist. Gracious Celle, if I were in your shoes, I would accept it!? Every young men want to the future King of Zionside!” Marcus felted jealous.

 “Ah, good for you and them, but as for me I am way way out of her league,” Celle laughed hard. “You out of her league? I think she might be out of your league!?” Marcus said and they both giggled. When Celle was about to say something to Marcus, they were distracted by the Queen trusted guard named Emma. “Lady and gentlemen, presenting Her Majesty, Queen Catherine has arrived!” Emma introduced after everyone applauds. “Thank you everyone- Duke Celle is he in here?” Catherine asked. “I want to  have a dance with him!” She answered. “Oh no, this not happening!?” Celle mouth dropped wide open.

“Yes siree, it is happening now come you stubborn child!” Amen pulled him before the Queen gesture. “Ah, there you are Duke Celestin! I was begin to think that you didn't come? Never mind about that by the way you look nice!?” Queen Catherine exclaimed. “Umm, hooray I am here and thank you, Your Highness!” Celle gulped really hard. “Yes, Celestine.” The Queen replied. “You know that I have a short name Your Highness. It Celle and shall we dance?” Celle asked. “Alright then Celle I am happy to dance with you,” Queen Catherine giggled. Soon when the music begin, Celle and Cath were dancing beautifully, yet the young Duke was not making eyes contact with the Her Highness. He only was looking at his grandparents, who were laughing and enjoying their food. 

Later when the music pauses, Amen came with the cake to give to him, so he might give it to the Queen. “Celle don't forget this?” Amen recommonted. “AWh,thank you Amen and Your Highness this is for you.” He answered and gave her the cake. “Hwah, what is this and please call me Catherine? I might be the Queen, but I am still younger than you Celle!?” She tweeted. “It is a cake, Cath!” I just made from scratch in my kitchen.” Celestin replied. “Awh, isn't love a nice thing?” Amen winked. “Excuse me?” Celestine informed her. “Nothing!” Amen gulped while the Queen giggled so hard. “A cake- I love cakes!? My mama used to make this in the palace,” Catherine mumbled. “Then there you have it enjoy!” He gulped when the Queen took the fork on the side of the plate and dip through the pastry, reddish and creamy cake and deep in her mouth. 

“Ummm, so crunchy and delicious. Where did you learned to bake cake like this?” Catherine asked staring at it with her beautiful blue eyes. “From my late mama and it is hot in here?” He interviewed. “If you excuse me, Your Majesty, can I go outside to have a fresh air!?” The young Duke begged. “What the ball has not yet done? Wait Celle just one more dance?” Cath called. “It only a fresh air outside in the backyard. I will come back, Catherine,” Celle explained. “Oh, see you later then!” Catherine mumbled sadly. Just before Celestin could go outside, he saw a weird and strange man in black clothes on the nine feet balcony looking at the crowd with furious eyes. “He doesn't seems harmful and I can breath in here.

Just a quick past outside and back,” Celle thought and ran off quickly outside, reach it in time, and lay down on the cooling bench that night looking at the shimmering stars. The trees in the palace’s garden blew fresh air and cleansing out any hot air on him. “Ah, what a nice breeze out here, in there and dancing with Queen Catherine was really hot like hades,” Celestin thought again laughing to himself when he said the last sentence “hot like hades”. “Let me lay down just for a few minutes,” Celle said out loud to himself and he fastened asleep. Now in the dream Celestin dreamed that he was walking along the peaceful garden when he met the same man he saw in the palace on the balcony.

 He was even more furious as before when he saw Celestin. “Who are you stranger?” He interviewed. “The name is Raven and not Stranger!” He said. “What do you want with me?” Celestin questioned. “You stay away from my Queen!” Raven roared and transformed into this nightmare great beast with sharp claws. “If don't stayed away from her, I will destroy you!?” Raven thundered. Celestine was really terrified that he closed his eyes, yet he was surprised when he discovered the bow and the arrow on his hand and big sack full of arrows on he’s back.

 Afterward Celestin passed away his fear and engaged the great beast. Celle prest the arrow towards the beast which pierced on it right rib. The beast screeches in agonies, so it was coming after him. “How dare you?” Revan growled ferociously and was ready to attack him, however, the young Duke ran away and that where he woke up terrifying about that mysterious dream.Soon he was sitting on the bench panting breathless, Celle notice that the big sack of arrows was next to him, but no Raven disguised as the horrible great monster. “

Phew,the dream was really, that means something is happening in the castle.” Celle thought and took away the mysterious sack of arrows and put it on his back. The young man Duke was marching towards the peaches, oranges, and lemonade trees trying to go home, but he was exhausted so he fainted on the soft green grass. Yet he was caught by this stranger girl in white, who laid him softly on the grass. Since the mysterious girl didn’t see Celestin waking up, she took him to his grandparents’ house. 








“The dream was so really and I remember carry the sack of arrows on my back, but where I put it?” He asked himself...


       ...Celestin spend two days resting on his bed and his room was structured with a big windows near the tree and the breeze was coming from the peach tree through his window. Finally Celle woke up, came out his blanket, and walked towards the window to breathe in fresh air. He imagine about the strange dream he had last night at the palace‘s garden. “The dream was so really and I remember carry the sack of arrows on my back, but where I put it?” He asked himself. Celestin began searching. 

It was a hard struggles for him to find it, but at last he find it. “Ah, there it is on my tablet,” Celle thought happily, when he was interrupted by the bang on the door with Amen with his grandparents coming in. When his grandparents saw him walking, they ran after Celestin so they can hugged him. “Celestin, you are awake?” Phillip informed. “We were worry about you!” Christie sobbed while hugging her husband in tears. “Never do that again you stubborn child. You been laying on that bed for this pass two days. “How dare you make us worried like that?” Amen commanded in a broken crying voice. 

“Okay- okay, Amen that enough but Celle it true what Amen said,” Andrew sniffed. “Aww, I am sorry to worries you, but I am fully strong again. “I was in the Royal Garden at the palace’s ball last that night, but how didn’t get here?” Celle questioned. “You don’t remember?” Andrew asked. “No, how?” He interviewed back.“ The horrible beast appeared from nowhere and tore two people at the palace for breakfast in pieces and took one. It was very horrible also he told everyone to stay away from the Queen, because she is his future bride.” Christie broke in tears. 

“It was asking everyone if we know Duke Celestin Christopher, but we were to scared to revealed ourselves. So the beast told us it name is Raven and said that I will take this one as my prisoner.” Philippi groaned in a low crying voice. “Revan responds again that if we see Duke Celestin anywhere tell him that he has his subject to rescue, because is the chosen one of the Most High God and the future King of Zionsider!” Amen yelped. “So my dream was true it happened in real life? Grandmama- grandpapa, the beast attack the palace called by the name Raven?” Celestin informed. “Yes it happened the beast before us, slaughter two people for breakfast and left with one of us to his Dark Castle!” Andrew added. 

“Huh, it the same dream I have when I was sleeping outside the castle’s garden. Raven told me the same thing when he appeared to me- to stay from Queen Catherine!”  Celle gulped. “That’s weird but Her Majesty is happy that you didn’t show up at the Royal Ball. If you did shown up in there, the beast would slaughter you in little shreds,” Amen commented. “Yeah, she did but still that doesn't changed my mind of falling in love nor interesting in her!?” Celestin smirked. “Stubborn as usual,huh Celestine?” The maiden laughed yet Celestine went to look out the window. He was looking at the window, so his grandparents and the others went out to the living room. Philippi, Christie, Amen, Andrew nor Cele didn't know that Queen Catherine was coming to their house after hearing a knock on the door. 

Andrew went to check out the on a small window and discovered that it only was the Queen and her advisor guard Emma. “Who is it, Andrew?” Philippi demanded. “Sir, Queen Catherine is here!” He responded. “Open the door and let her in-what are waiting?” Christie added and looked at her husband in confusion like she saying to him “The Queen here proposed she’s worried about Celestin?”. “Right away sir!” He responded. Andrew went to open the door and Queen Catherine came in. “Your Highness you are welcome to our humble home. “Please sit down!” Philippi answered. “Thank you, Duke Philippi.” Queen Catherine exclaimed. “By the way how are you Your Majesty?” Christie asked. 


“I am fine Duchess Christie and I don't see Celestin is he here?” She informed in confusion. “He is in his bedroom! Can I call him and Amen please can you call Celestin, please?” Christie quizzed. “Yes ma’am!” Amen smirked. Celestin was still looking at the peach tree on his window when he was discontinued by the knocked on his door. “Who is there?” He examined. “It only me Celestin- can I come in?” She interviewed. “Ahh Amen, yes come in what is it?” He asked back. “Your grandparents told me to summon you!” The maiden responded. “Why?” The young Duke questioned. “Queen Catherine was worried about you, so she is here at your house,” Amen added. “Queen Catherine?” Celle suspended while opening his door opened with his mouth dropping. Celestin ran towards the live room and arrived at it in time and saw the Queen sitting on their favorite spot where they usually sit when they were kids.


“Well, look who had shown up if isn’t Celestin?” Catherine beamed. “Hmmm… umm… huh,yes that’s me and why are sitting on my favorite spot?” Celestin glared with a flushing face. “Actually not your favorite spot our favorite spot, Cele!” The Queen dazzled. “Why you… argh, just leave me alone at least for once, Catherine!” He frowned and burble in tears while looking at the wall. “Celestin, why you hate me so much- why?” Her Majesty informed. “Because you are so rude and heartless!” Cele answered and ran away to his room.“How rude- Celestin come back here and apologize!” Christie hissed. “Ummm, it okay Duchess Christie. I understand well I have to go at least his safe and healthy,” Catherine murmured in disappointment and walked away to her carriage. Soon the carriage went off the palace and reach it in time. Queen Catherine was walking through the hallways and through her throne room that night. When she sat on her throne, she cried bitterly looking at the bright full moon. “Why I am falling in love with the guy who isn’t interesting in me?” Catherine thought. 


“Emma, what did I do to deserve this kind of hurtful pains from him?” She asked her advisor guard. “Well, I don’t know for sure, but I think Duke Celestin is heartbroken from the past; when you were just a princess and he was a young Duke. His parentS and your parents  were closest friends.” Emma mumbled. “Heartbroken? What did I do to make him hate me so much? Emma, talk to me I am losing my mind.” Catherine sobbed. “Ah… losing your mind Your Highness very funny!?” Emma laughed. “Hmmm, just after Duke Celestin’s parents died you, him and Marcus were sitting on bench in the Royal Garden under the peach, orange and lemonade trees. You all were thirteen of age when Celestin’s grandparents called you to ask you a simple question, because them and your parents saw you sitting next to Celestin mostly rather than Marcus. 


Celestin was charming and you were gorgeous at such young age and he love you more then Marcus, so his grandparents asked. “Princess Catherine, between the two boys,who is the most young man deliquesce your heart- is Celestin or Marcus?” Duchess Christie asked you. “Ew, Celestine is way out of my league. I prefered Marcus, because is cute and kind, but Celestin is so humble and doesn’t talk to much. It’s borned me!” You said. Young Duke Celestin’s heart shatters when he heard you saying that he bored you. So when you ran back to the bench to sit next to him, he stood up and ran away back to his grandparents’ house.” Emma explained everything to her. “Ah huh, I can’t image I said such thing! I was such a fool and heartless to dyned my feelings towards him.” She groaned. “I fall in love with him for the first sight when he came with his grandparents. I was falling in love more and more by the day way before I met Marcus.” She confessed her feelings for Celestin, Emma. “Urgh, how useless of me!?” She growled.


Later back at the nobilities house, Cele was lying on his pillow looking at the full bright moon. “Hmmm,ah- the moon so beautiful this night!” He thought when Amen and Andrew busted in. 


“Hey, Andrew and Amen what did you want is Her Royal Majesty; want to have a word with me?” Cele questioned. “No, look at you- you are a mess knucklehead!” Amen snarled. 


“Look who's talking just leave me in peace?” Cele huffed. “Leave you in peace ugh- no way I  won’t leave you in peace. 


Look you just broke the poor gorgeous girl’s heart and she is the Queen for crying at loud!” Amen yelped. “Huh, like she did broke mine years ago. 


“Yeshe, young women this days I don’t understand them.” Cele sheshed.  “Excuse me? Hello you are talking to one!” Amen gnashed. 


“Eeshe, oh boy!” Andrew signed and began laughing when he saw Celestin and Amen arguing. 


After the young Duke and the maiden saw Andrew laughing, they too began giggling. “You know laughing is a good medicine!?” Andrew sniffed. 


“You can said that again, but guys I don't want to fall in love with, Catherine!?” Celle gulped. When Andrew and Amen were about to say something to him,they were interrupted by the bang on the door. 

“Who is it- isn’t grandma- grandpa?” He interviewed. “Yes Celestin, can we have a word with you?” Philippi domaded. 


“Okay, come in!” Celle signed after his grandparents came in. “Celestin, please can you come with us to Queen Catherine's birthday?” Christie suspended. “No, grandma no more birthday party from the Queen. Why can't I just have peace at least for once. Every time the Queen has this and that. Urgh at least I'm charming that Her Majesty won't leave me be. 


“By the way did this came from your pleading or hers?” Celle examined. “Yeshee, Celestin but looks like you're right it us. “We remember her birthday is tomorrow!” Both added. 


“Talking about the Queen. Okie- dokie, I’ll go because I don’t want Queen Catherine to be a lonely wolf!” Celestin winned while his grandparents and the others were laughing to his jokes.



“Lonely wolf, indeed?” Philippi cackled in laughter. “Lonely wolf ah, Celestin you're very funny!?” Christine giggled. “The Queen’s birthday is tomorrow Wednesday.” Philippi added. 


“Roger that, grandpa!” He grinned when his grandparents walked out the door. Andrew and Amen staying in Celestin talking to him of what gift he’ll give to the Queen.



At the palace Queen Catherine was thinking about Celestine. “I wish Celestin would bring me he’s delicious cake!” Catherine thought in disappointment, yet exciting about her birthday tomorrow morning, but sad at same time thinking if Celestin will come to her birthday.


 Celestin went to bed early, because he had something to do early in the morning. Early in the morning around five O’clock, Celestine woke up in the morning to bake the cake for Her Majesty.  


Then after that, Celestin go to the market to shop for the Queen’s gown, which is white her favorite color.


 It was a long struggles for him to finish the cake, yet he done it and told Amen to take it to the Central Park in the carriage while he go to take a shower. After shower and putting on his clothes, Celestine took the sack of arrows in case the beast appeared again and went to the market for shopping. Celestin arrived in time when he met his casual friend Marcus and his father Sir Espoir. 


“Well-well, what we have if isn't Celestin. Wearing white clothes as usual that not like you?” Marcus teased. “Urgh, yes Marcus white is my favorite color what about you?” Celestin questione.


“Light blue the Queen’s second favorite color!” He answered while looking at Celestin with a furious glared. “Ummm, isn’t that interesting? Well forget about that I didn’t come here to fight with you, Marcus.” Celestin replied. 


“Sir Espoir, can I have that white beautiful gown?” The young Duke asked. “Yes sire!” Espoir said, went to take a white gown, give it to Celestin while he gave the money to him. 


“Thank you, come back again!” Espoir thanked him when he was walking towards the door and outside, also was marching towards the park. “Celestin wait- I'm going with you!?” Marcus called.


”Yes, let go- hurry up!” He pissed. Celestin and Marcus were walking along the road after the Central Park, when a Celestin heard a familiar voice calling his name. 


“Sire Celestin- sire Celestin and Marcus come in!” Esperance called them. Both look to see who were calling their names when Celestin’s mouth open after seeing Esperance in a carriage carriage, which came to stopped before them. 


Celestin went in first then Marcus. “Well, Espe it's nice to see you it been a long time?” Marcus questioned while the carriage was running off towards the park. 

“Yep Marcy, it been a long time!” Espe answered while Celestin was looking out the window. “Ummm, Celle why you are not talking. Are not you not happy to see me?” She asked. “I am happy Suspe. Looks like you become quite a young lady then last time?” Celle examined with a grin. “You haven't changed one bit Celle. 


Thank you by the way, and here we are- everyone come out chop-chop!” The young Duchess responded after everyone came out the carriage and were heading towards the the Central Park and immediately arrive at it.


 Her Royal Majesty and Celestin’s grandparents including Amen and Andrew were walking- meeting everyone. Celestin, Esperance and Marcus stood in their way while Celestin was holding something on his hands to give to her.




“Good evening Celestin, Esperance and Marcus nice to you all!” Queen Catherine murmured. “Huh, I can't hear you Catherine. Wake up sleepyhead you birthday as not finished yet and I didn't heard what you said! 


Can you repeat that one more time?” Celle examined while looking at her anxiously. “Uh, good evening Celestin, Esperance, and Marcus nice to see you all.” Catherine gulped, yet looking at Celestin then laughed very hard. 


“Much better and here Happy Birthday!? Yeshe, I just don't understand ladies this day. The next day you see them laughing and the other day you see them gloomy, isn't that right, Queen Catherine?” The young Duke asked. “Excuse me? What did you say and you’re the one who is gloomy all the time!” Amen glared while her cheeks flashing with anger. “Uhmm, nothing!” Cele guled. Catherine and everyone were dying from laughter.


 “Thank you for the gown Celestin it is gorgeous and the cake was super delicious,” She added while looking at him with a smile. “You welcome Cath and grandpa- grandma are you having a nice day?” He questioned when they happily nodded.


 Esperance was about to say something to the Queen, but she was discontinued by a loudest boom on the roof. “Oh no, the beast is here!” Queen Catherine exclaimed, yet everyone were panicking.


 Duke Celestin took out his bow and arrow ready to slaughter the beast after the roof crumble to the ground and a ravenous beast was in after everyone ran in panic. “Ummm, we'll want we have here if isn't Celestin, the Chosen One? And do you think, you take the Queen that easy without a fight?” Raven growled. 


“Her Majesty, is not your beasty and she will never want a man like yourself!” The young Duke asked and pointing his dangerous arrow at him. “Huh, enough- how dare you insult me?” Raven snarled, but Celestin wasn't afraid nor whimpering, yet his grandparents were. 


Raven glared at him more angrily, so he attack him with his sharper claws, but Celestin prest his arrow towards him which pierce through it giant arm. The great beast howled in agonies corruptly.


 “Impossible, no immortal weapons pierced through my tougher skin, but how could you yours preceding through? Oh, of course you are the Chosen One of the Most High-...” He added yet Cele shot another arrow which pierced his left rib to silence him. 


“Urgh! I will go but I will come to crush you once and for all,” Raven responded and flew away. “I will be waiting Revan!” Celestin mumbled after the the great beast flew away to it Dark Castle.


“Sir Illinois was the strongest knight ever lived.  Now he has returned back to Zionside- to do what?” Celle thought.



After the  beast attack the Queen's birthday party,Queen Catherine, Celestin and the others was marching towards the palace when somebody came in the scene his name was Sir Illinois.


Illinois ask if anybody has seen a beast named Raven. “Everybody said I have seen him! The more the merrier,” Illinois said. Illinois his hand was cut by Raven a long time ago when he was in middle age now he's an old geezer. 


He hates Raven, so much that he wants to kill him and kill him again and again. Queen Catherine immediately recognized him, because it Sir Illinois who fought besides her late father his to back to Zionside.


“What Sir Illinois as return? I thought he was dead but anyway he was the strongest knight ever lived in Zionside Kingdom.

Everyone the entire kingdom of Zionside and other part of regions admired him. Now he has returned to Zionside.” Celestin thought when he was laying still on his bed looking at the half moon.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2020

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