Before humans and all breathing things, including the Earth were created by the Living God. None of the world with every breathing would have existed. It was said that they were perfect, beautiful, and holy beings in the sight of the Living God Almighty. God saw the pride in Lucifer’s heart and told him.
Isaiah 14;12- A voice of God came from heaven saying- “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? How are thou cast to the ground, which didst weaken the nation? Your heart has become proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor,” said the Lord God Almighty to Lucifer.
Lucifer became so impressed with his beauty, intelligence, power, and position that began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belong to God alone. The sin that corrupted Lucifer was self-generated pride. Until Lucifer gave himself to pride, he became rebellious against the Lord God Almighty. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought back and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called that devil, and Satan which deceiveth the whole world: he was cut into the Earth, and his angels were cast with him Revelation 12:7.
For instance, this talks about Lucifer giving himself to sin in the Holy Bible in Ezekiel 28:7 ‘An Accuser named Lucifer (Satan) was accusing some of God’s faithful children that they were too powerful to deal with especially the little boy, who is He’s Ordained One to slay the demons including him. He is of minor threat to them. After he pleaded with God Almighty to allow him, to go test them even unto the point of death. Saying if they loved Him. The Lord of Glory, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, and God in flesh permitted Lucifer to go test them.
“Lucifer-Lucifer, what are thou seeking amid the righteous? Why are you in my presence without my summons? Have thou completed going against my people?” God asked.
“What can I do, nothing? Because you always stood in my path, protecting them!” Lucifer answered.
“Protecting them?” Asked the Eternal God Almighty.
“Of course- You are calling them to Your grace, never let my claws pierce their flesh. Never let me go as far as I want to do, so I might prove that they do not love You. Send me to be dealt with!” Lucifer replied.
“What do ye want, Lucifer?” Jesus asked.
“I guess you already know my thoughts. Let me have the freedom to shake them a little from your protection. And rubbish love and let us see who will call You, the Lord at the end?” Lucifer complained.
“Is this supposed to be the test of my faithfulness?” Jesus informed him.
“Yes, costly those who serve You; costly like the Cleanliness family!” He added.
“Go-Lucifer, go and put my children to the test, but do not touch their souls for that is mine. Go...go...go!” Lord Almighty ordered.
“Thank you, my Lord,” Lucifer answered.
Oaktown is an outstanding, breathtaking, and enchanting little town. People who live there called it—La Ville Verte meaning in French the Green Town. Mostly there are oak trees, in almost every part of it. They had fresh air for oxygen, it is like four seasons of weather, but now in summer it only reaches hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit. Oaktown is a neighborhood Township in Tucson, Arizona, United States.
After Lucifer fought God, God permitted Lucifer to go and test His faithful children even to the point of death. Lucifer is free to tempt God’s faithful Christians to sin, especially the Cleanliness family.
Eli Cleanliness is God’s Ordained One. God chose him to slay all the demons. The evil spirit (demons) is called Legion. Eleah Cleanliness is the Chosen One and Eli’s little cousin. They usually work together as Slayers.
Lucifer is working with Jezebel, the first earthly demon of damage and destruction. Jezebel wants to destroy all the believers of Yahweh. This story is a ministry novel of spiritual warfare against unseen opponents, a battle between good and evil.
The Cleanliness family must put on the whole full armor of God, so they might withstand the Devil’s schemes. New enemies appear as the Ordained in every chapter of Legion, but the story is still the same as the falling of Lucifer and his legion who rebel against the Most High God.
Little Eli is a Chosen One of the Living God…to be the Ordained, but the young child does not know because he is still a baby. Lucifer the old serpent; Satan sent his Legion, the shadow of darkness; a demon named Jezebel to possess a maiden by entering her mouth. Turning Mary into a killing machine with creepy yellowish eyes, but no worries the eyes can turn back to normal.
Jezebel killed both of his parents and crawled to the ceiling with blood on her face and mouth. It was dripping on Eli’s little face. After getting a delightful position, she bounced after the innocent baby too. Unmoved, the evil spirit Jezebel charged after that little child, for he was going to be a threat to the evil forces of darkness. When she was getting closer to the baby for the final blow, the glory and consuming fire of God protected the child.
Eli was sleeping in his little bed- his mother was with his father getting ready to go to church. When Maria came out of control, killing both Cleanliness parents.
The poor child wailed as loud as he could when blood dripped on his poor face. After his great-grandfather, Nicole Cleanliness, the old Ordained One, came to the rescue by shooting bullets of the Word of God from his revolver at her twice, but he missed it.
Jezebel disappears without any trace as she shrieks in laughter.
“Well, what do we have here? If it is
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Guillaume Mwamba
Lektorat: Guillaume Mwamba
Korrektorat: Guillaume Mwamba
Übersetzung: Guillaume Mwamba
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-6757-4
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Romans 8:36
Subtitle Prologue:
After Lucifer fought God, God permitted Lucifer to go and test His faithful children even unto the point of death. Lucifer is free to tempt God’s faithful Christians to sin, especially the Cleanliness family. Eli Cleanliness is God’s Ordained One. God chose him to slay all the demons. The Legion Angels (demons) are called the Legion. Elisha Cleanliness is a Chosen One and Eli's little cousin. They usually work together as Slayers. Lucifer is working with Jezebel, the first earthly demon of damage and destruction. Jezebel wants to destroy all the believers of Yahweh. This story is a ministry novel of spiritual warfare against unseen opponents, a battle between good and evil. The Cleanliness family must put on the whole full Armour of God, so they might withstand the Devil’s schemes