
chapter 1:moving out and in

Uhhhh! my mom gets on my last damn nerves. That was fuckin the last straw,so I packed up my belongings and called my bro. Mom kept nagging me about how she hates me for being way better than her. Here that bitch is, on her knees, on the doorstep,begging me not to go. I said deuces because my bro said i could live there. there's not that much space in the car and i had alot of stuff, so, objects kept poking me in innapropiate places. Finally I arrived at my bro's house. Now listen, before we continue any further, you should know that i am no girly-girl. i am boyish in a hot way. I know that my brother lives with 7 perverted boys so i should tease them a little. I got out of there so fast that all i have on is some skin tight black leather booty shprts and a DOUBLE D vicki secret's black lace pushup bra. I hopped out of my audi:

and rang the doorbell. A hot looking boy named Zayn, who actually is from 1 direction, but as I said we were rich and have lots of famous friends, answered the door in only his boxers or briefs:

When he say me he jumped out of his sleepy trance and was wide awake. My bro came to the door in some clothes or such:

Sis, what are you doin lookin like a hooker in this time in the morning and Zayn go and put on some clothes. My sister looks like she wants to rape you slowly. But he was actually right. I would do that later to Zayn, whether or not he said yes or no. Well, sis go change. Go get my stuff from my car. At that moment i decided to carpe dium(seize the day). I ran up to Zayns room and teared off my crotch hole. I locked the door. I snuck up behind zayn and started grinding against him. He turned around and pressed me against the wall and started sucking my neck and grinding into me slowly. Then he kissed me slowly and passionately. Suddenly he threw me on the bed in 1 quick motion.he got on top of me and took off my bra. My boobs were so big that they didnt even fit in his hand. He took a camcorter and turned it on, filming us. He bit the nipples of my boobs and took turns massaging each one. 5 minutes later i cummed onto his shorts and alot of my breast milk squirted out.he used both hand to reach up and tease my breasts while biting and licking my clit. i was sure that my moans were waking every one up. 2 minutes later i came. then i removed his 15' dick and sucked it like a lollipop.he came a big ass nut and i enjoyed every drop. next he stuck that dick up in my pussy. i adjusted alot then i asked for the fastest he could go and it was ausome. that was the best breakfast I've had in years.

CHAPTER 2:facing brotherly rules

CHER!GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! i was in such big trouble."hey Zayn want to be my boyfriend,"i asked.he said"of course." as you should know that Zayn Malik is 19 and i'm 18. On the way down i saw my ex harry stylles(also from 1 direction)shirtless.

"hey harry.""hey girl. how have you been.the band mates still want to meet you.""later on this week kay.i'm in trouble right now."
I ran downstairs hand in hand with Zayn. "what bro." i said casually."were you having u know what up there,"he burst out through clenched teeth."yeah! and Zayn's my new BO!ahh he yelled like he was constipated or consicreated."hey honey, help me get the rest of my luggage please.""sure thang."15 minutes later and a red faced harry and zayn."what do you carry in here, a load of bricks.lots of heavy bricks,"harry said."yeah. when i'm angry at someone or something, i thrown the brick at it. but the rest are cllothes,shoes and bags. dont drop that bag! i yelled. harry dropped it and out came my pad,tampons,bras,underwear,g-strings,thongs,corsets and teddies.harry picked up a g-string, a thong, a teddie and a corset and asked what's this...


THAT I SAID POINTING AT THE G-STRING IS a piece of material covering only the pubic area, supported by a narrow cord between the buttocks and around the waist. That is said pointing at the thong is a narrow piece of cloth or leather that goes between the legs and is attached to a band around the hips, worn as a bikini bottom or as underwear. That i said pointing at the tampon is a cylinderish plug of soft material inserted in the pussy during a girls period to get blood. and last but not least, the teddie is awoman's one-piece undergarment serving as both bra and panties.


Texte: l.a.s
Bildmaterialien: bing images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2012

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