
Chapter 1: The big move
Beep! Beep! Beep! I groan loudly at the sound of my alarm clock waking me up from my peaceful dreaming to what would most likely be the worst day of my life. I slam my hand down on the alarm and scream into my pillow trying to get my frustration out. I hear a hesitant knock on my door and bury my face in my pillow to try to block out any sound. "Sweetie, I know you’re mad at me but we are leaving for L.A. in one hour so get ready." I hear my Mom's honey sweet voice say to me from outside my door. I sit up in my bed and stare at my room that I grew up in and am soon going to leave. Before I even realized it slick wet tears were running down my face. I swiped them away and hurriedly took a shower and got dressed. When I was done I stared at myself in the mirror. My black hair cascaded down my back up until my waist making a beautiful contrast to my emerald green eyes and my curvy body barely noticeable under the jeans and baggy shirts I usually wear. "Come in!" I yelled when I heard the knock on my door. I saw a pale blonde head poke through my door followed by a brown one and couldn't help but smile to myself. It was Connor and Derek my best friends in the whole world!! I don't have any friends that are girls. I just never really got along with them. "Hey Zo!" Connor and Derek said coming over an each giving me a hug. "Hey y'all!" I said hugging them back and suddenly I was crying. AGAIN! I never cry and it’s starting to get really annoying!!! "Ahh, so the almighty Zoey finely cracks!" Derek says laughing silently while wiping my tears. "Shut up," I sniffle. "Aww c'mon Zo, I know you’re going to miss us but we will keep in touch and I bet you will make tons of friends!" Connor says trying not to laugh about his last sentence. "Oh shut your trap Connor! We all know I am not a very sociable person." I grumbled. Connor and Derek laughed at me and suddenly my Mom called me downstairs and said it was time to go. I gave Connor and Derek another hug goodbye and took one last look at my child hood home before getting in the car and putting on my head phones for the looonngg trip to L.A.

Chapter 2: House Mate
I tried my best to ignore my Mom during our ride but it was pretty hard considering how she kept glancing at me every five seconds. I was listening to flyleaf on my iPod replaying in my head how this all happened. I was sitting in my room eating some pizza when my mom came in and told me were moving. When I asked why she said because there were too many painful memories of my father and that we should move and start a new life. My dad died 7 years ago in a car crash when I was ten and although I reealllyy didn't want to move I knew that I had too. "Don't worry honey, this is for the best and I'm sure you will make lots of friends." My mom’s words pulled me back into reality and I snorted at her. "Ya, sure mom. Tons of friends because we both know I'm such a friendly person!" I said sarcastically. My mom just shook her head and sighed. It’s not that I'm not a friendly person it’s just that some people don't have the same interests as me. I like skateboards and basketball and football and all the other girls like make-up and short skirts and jewelry. So you see thats why I usually hang out with guys. I tend to get into fights around girls. The car made an abrupt stop. "We're here!" My mom announced waayy too excitingly. I grudgingly got out of the car and wordlessly brought my stuff to my room and started to unpack. It wasn't that bad of a house. It had five bedrooms with a bathroom in each room, a living room, and a kitchen. How could Mom afford a house this big? Just as I was about to get out and go ask her someone came bursting into my room. "What the hell?!?!" I shouted and then looked closely at the guy in my room. He was HOT! Sandy brown hair and piercing blue eyes with tan skin and an obvious eight pack. I heard a soft chuckle "You like what you see?" I heard a dark seductive voice say. I snapped back in to reality and glared at him. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked still glaring. "Is that anyway to talk to the guy you will be living with?" He asked in an innocent voice. "LIVING WITH!!!" I screeched. "What do you mean living with?!!? MOOMM!!" I heard someone curse and soon mom was at my door. "I'm soo sorry Zoey, I forgot to tell you. We are sharing this house with an old college friend of mine and this is her son Zack." she said while fidgeting with the ring on her finger. "Uuhhh you havve GOT to be kidding me!!" I said burying my face in my hands annoyingly while my mom hurriedly left the room. "Nope, I'm your new house mate." Zack said smiling at my annoyance. "Just get the fuck out of my room!" I yelled. "Nah, I think I'm good right here." He said lying down on my bed. "You’re impossible!" I yelled. Zack laughed and slowly got up from the bed and walked over to me. I felt his arms go around my waist. "What the hell do you think you’re doing!!?” I said trying to get away but he had a firm grip on me. "Shhh" He said and placed his lips gently on my neck kissing it up and down. I shivered slightly "G-get away b-b-before I beat your ass!" I said trying not to stutter. Zack sighed and then pulled away and gave me a wink before leaving the room. "Don't forget we have school tomorrow!" He shouted from the hallway. I groaned and closed my door. I turned off my light and tucked myself into bed before almost instantly falling asleep.
Chapter 3: First day of school
I stretched my hand out and glared at my alarm clock willing it with my mind to shut the fuck up! "What are you doing?" I heard a small chuckle from behind and turned only to see Zack. "It won't turn off!!" I whined "Why don't you try pressing the bar on the top that says snooze?" e said in a "duh" voice. "My arm isn't long enough!!" I said frustrated that my arm wouldn't grow longer. "Can you turn it off?" I asked/whined. He looks at me like I had just gone mad. "Nope," He said popping the "P". "Pllleeaaseee!" I begged giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighed and got on my bed. "Uhhhh what are you doing?" I asked confused. "Tuning off your alarm clock. Duh!" He said and reached over to turn it off. My breath caught in my throat as his little friend hovered above my face and couldn't help but sigh with relief when he finally moved back. I looked over at Zack and saw his amusing smile on his face. My eyes widened as I realized what he did. "You bastard! You did that on purpose!!!!" I said swinging myself out of bed and poking him in the chest. "What did I do?" he said innocently. "You know what you did! And I'm going to get you back! I'm warning you now Zack don't mess with me!" I yelled. "Oh I'm so scared!!" He said fakely. "Oh you will be." I said and stomped away towards my bathroom to get ready for my first day of school.
After taking a shower and putting on a baggy "My Chemical Romance” T-shirt, some red and black Bermuda shorts and my black converse. I picked up my skateboard and dashed for the door. Following the directions my Mom gave me I was about to turn into the school parking lot when I saw a shiny black F430 Ferrari coming at me. At first I just stared in awe at my dream car and then I realized I was about to get run over so I jumped to the side and ended up landing in a pile of mud. Some girl screamed when I almost got hit so people were coming around to see what happened. I glared at the driver of the car that I couldn't see the face of because of the tinted windows. "What the hell is the matter with you!!?” I yelled at the driver. I saw the door open and sandy brown hair came into view. Oh hellll nooo!! I thought when I saw Zack getting out of the car. You could literally see the smoke coming from my ears. "Hey Zoey," Zack said and started to walk away like he hadn't just almost run me over with his car. I jumped and ran over to him and punched him as hard as I could in the nose. I heard the familiar crack that happens every time I punch someone. "Oh shit Zoey!" Zack yelled. "I warned you Zack! Don't mess with me because I don't play fair and next time it will be worse!" I hissed and started to walk away to get my schedule then go to the bathroom to clean off the mud. As I walked away I heard people talking about the bad ass new kid and couldn’t help but smile to myself.
After getting my schedule and hurriedly making up an excuse to tell the attendant why I was so muddy. I walked toward the bathroom and wet a piece of paper towel. I groaned in frustration as I tried to wipe off the mud but only made it worse. "Oh wow, what happened to you?" I heard someone asked and turned to see a bright red head with glasses standing in front of me. "Some jackass named Zack almost ran me over but I jumped and landed in a pile of mud instead." "I hate Zack! He is a total jerk!!" the hatred in her voice clearly obvious. "I think you just might be my new and first GIRL best friend!!" I said smiling at her while still trying to scrub off the mud with no success. "I'm Zoey White. What your name?" "My names Marie but most people just call me cherry because of my hair." "Okay then, Cherry it is." "Cool, oh and I might have some clothes in my locker you could borrow if you want?" She asked. "That'd be great thanks." "Okay, I'll be right back." Cherry said and dashed out the bathroom.
"Cherry! I can't wear this!!!" I yelled as I stared at myself in the mirror. Cherry brought me short shorts and an off the shoulder shirt but since I was a little taller than Cherry and she was also a little skinnier the short shorts were a little tight and wayyy to short and the shirt wasn't baggy enough! It hugged my curves and made my bust stick out like two watermelons! "You look fine Zoey!! And I'm not gay or anything but you look really hot in that outfit!" She said trying to cheer me up. "But I don't want to look hot!!" I whined and Cherry laughed at me. "Do you have any other clothes?" I asked hopefully. She shook her head. "Nope sorry, the only reason I had those was because I'm suppose to have dance rehearsal after school today but it was canceled." "Okay, let’s just go and get this day over with." I said and slowly walked to the door. I heard Cherry squeal behind me. I lowly opened the door and peaked out on the crowded hallway. "Onnn second thought," I said turning around but Cherry just grabbed my shirt -and pulled me toward the door. "Nooo!" I yelled grabbing onto the wall while Cherry tried to pull me out. "Come- on Zoey- you look-fine!" Cherry grunted still trying to pull me out. Not long after my fingers started to betray me and I was forced outside into the hallways. As cherry tugged me to our first class since I had first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth with her. I glanced at the guys giving me hungry stares while the girls glared at me. Suddenly the bell rang and the halls were empty. Me and Cherry ran to class and opened the door to our language arts class with Ms. Young. "Cherry why are you late?" The young blonde teacher asked when we burst through the doors. "I'm sorry Ms.Young I was showing the new girl around and I guess we lost track of time. This is Zoey White." She said pointing at me. Everyone’s head turned towards me and I squirmed uncomfortably. A couple of boys whistled and I squirmed even more. "Well Zoey, welcome to our school! Would it be rude of me to ask if they let you dress like this in your old school? "No ma'am." I said and explained how I fell in mud. "Okay then Zoey since it’s your first day your off the hook but please be careful from now on." She said and waved me off to go find a seat. Since all the chairs next to Cherry were full I looked for the closest empty one and sat in it. "Why are you dressed like that?!?!" I heard a familiar voice hiss and I groaned. I looked over at Zack and was happy to see that his nose was bandaged. "Because SOMEONE almost ran me over and made me fall in mud!" I hissed back. "Look Zoey, I'm sorry! But can you pleassee put on some different clothes!" He begged. I stared at him like he was the dumbest person in the world probably because he is. "Do you seriously think I'd wear this if I actually had something better!?!?" I said incredulously. "Maybe," He said shrugging his shoulders. "Why would I do that?" "Because you want to impress me." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I punched him in the shoulder and turned away from him. "Ouch! Gosh I was joking Zoey!" "I don't give a fuck!" I said still ignoring him. "Alright, But can you at least take my jacket and cover up. pleasse?" He asked. I turned and stared at his outstretched hand holding his jacket. "No," I said turning away. "I don't want to be seen walking around in your jacket." "Why? You afraid people are going to assume things? Because I really don't think it'd be that bad if people thought we were dating." He said trailing a hand up and down my leg. I slapped his hand away and raised my hand. "Can I move plleassee!!?” I begged. Ms.Young raised an eyebrow at me and nodded. "Yes!" I said happily and skipped over to the empty seat farthest away from Zack.
"Hey, I'm Zoey what’s your name?" I asked the cute dude sitting next to me. I was feeling in a much better mood now. The cute dude chuckled softly. "My names Darren." He replied and I gave him a big smile. Darren had pitch black hair and ocean blue eyes his skin was tanned to perfection and he was muscular. "Wanna be my friend?" I asked stupidly twirling a finger in my hair like a little kindergarten girl would. He chuckled again "Sure" He said smiling. "Yes!" I yelled happily jumping out from my chair. The class turned to look at me and I smiled innocently. "Is there something you would like to say?" Ms.Young asked raising her eyebrow at me. "Nah, I'm good" I replied. "Then sit down and stay seated!" She said strictly. I quickly plopped down but soon noticed that my chair had suddenly gotten softer. I felt someone’s hot breath on my neck and a shiver raced down my back. "Miss. White stand up and sit in your OWN seat." Ms.Young said. "Oh no Ms.Young you told me to say seated and I don't want to get in trouble again so I think I'll just stay here. Besides its more comfy than my old seat." I said and bounced up and down a couple of times to prove it. I heard a low growl and looked around to find it came from Zack. What’s up with him? I thought. Ms.Young started to talk again. "I'm sure that Darren doesn't want you on his lap all period." "I'm fine with it." I heard a deep seductive voice say from behind me and I smiled sweetly at Ms. Young. With a sigh Ms.Young shook her head and turned around. I did a fist pump in the air and looked over at Cherry who gave me a thumbs up sign. I stopped suddenly when I felt Darren’s warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. I stiffened at first but soon relaxed because he was soo soft. "You’re so soft." I said voicing my thoughts and poking him. He laughed loudly and people turned to look at us. Again I gave them an innocent smile and once again heard a small growl coming from Zack. I frowned at him and looked back at Darren. Suddenly the bell rang and I frowned again. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "The bell rang. That means I have to get off my cushion." I said sadly he laughed and I hesitantly got off. I stood there sad for a second but then Cherry came and I brightened up. I squealed and grabbed at her arm. "Bye cushion!!" I yelled as me and Cherry started to skip out of the classroom.

Chapter 4: Lunch time!!!
All my other classes were really boring and for some weird reason none of the teachers seemed to like me that much. Weird right? Anywaayss me and Cherry walked over to the lunch line and waited to get our food. It was sloppy Joe day (eeewwwww!) When all of a sudden some guy comes and slaps me in the ass "Hey cutie, you wanna go out sometime?" The dude asks. I walk over to him slowly and trail a finger up and down his chest while pressing myself closer to him. I stand up on my tippy toes while he grins like an idiot and bring my lips close to his ear. "If you EVER touch me again I will cut off your dick and watch as you slowly bleed to death!" I said menacingly and bit down on his ear really hard. He let out a little yelp then hurriedly walked away from me. I got back in line with Cherry. "That douche bag ruined my good mood." I pouted. "Weelll, I think I might have something to cheer you up." Cherry said smiling at me. I gave her a curious look while she started to dig through her bag. "Here it is!" She said excitingly. She pulled out one of those HUGE swirly lollipops and I squealed in delight. "Lollipops are my absolute favorite thing in the world!!!" I yelled taking it from her hand. "Thank you!!!" I hugged her and she hugged back laughing at my excitement. I unwrapped the lollipop and started to eat it as me an Cherry made our way to our seats until someone grabbed my arm. I turned around ready to punch someone again when the person took my other hand to stop me from punching them. I soon realized it was just Zack and looked at him questionably. "Do you need something? Or can I go?" I asked taking a glance at his hand that was still holding on to my arms. "Could you stop eating the lollipop or at least try and cover up a little more?" Zack asked. "Again I will point out to you that if I actually had another outfit I wouldn't be wearing this." I said looking down at the clothes in disgust. "No offense Cherry it'd look nice on you but its too small for me." "None taken," She said shrugging it off. "And why should I stop eating one of the most beautiful creations of the world?" I asked turning back to Zack. "Because! Zoey if you haven't noticed you’re not exactly ugly and since you’re wearing those clothes the guys are staring and you’re not exactly helping with the lollipop!" Did Zack just call me pretty? I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Why should you care?" I asked walking away. Zack, of course followed us. "Because! Because umm becauusee your mom told me to look out for you!!" He said nervously. "Some look out you is!" I snorted at him. "You e almost hit me with your car!!" "Not the point! Just cover up! Okay?" "And if I don't?" I asked wanting to annoy him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "Then I'll make you." He whispered sending sparks around my body. Then he turned and walked away. I walked to the table that Cherry was waiting for me at. "What was that all about?" She asked. "He wants me to cover up." I snorted still licking my lollipop. "Well, I don't blame him. With the clothes and the lollipop the guys are practically drooling over you!!!" She said laughing. "I know and I hate it! I wish they'd stop looking at me!!" I said furiously licking my lollipop for emphasis. "Then why don't you just cover up like Zack said and they won't look anymore?" She asked confused. "Because I like annoying the crap out of him and not covering up will do just that." I said with an evil smirk. Cherry stared at me. "What?" I questioned. "You are soo weird." Cherry said shaking her head and laughing. "But that’s why you luuvvv me!!!" I said throwing an arm around her shoulder. We heard the bell go off and started towards our next period class which was our theatre arts class.
I was walking in the hall going to my next period with my lollipop still in hand. Mrs. Bloom asked Cherry to stay for a little bit so she could talk to her. I actually liked our theatres art class Mrs. Bloom is a kick ass teacher! But I wouldn’t be surprised if she ever got shipped to a loony bin. I was kicked out of my thoughts when suddenly someone grabbed at my arm and next thing I knew I was in the janitor’s storage closet. “What the hell?!?! Why the freak do people keep on grabbing me!!??!!” I heard the deep chuckle and knew it was Zack again. “Do you need something?” I asked turning around to face him. I had to bite my tongue to keep from gasping. Dang it!! Why did he have to be so hot!!! “You never changed.” He stated. “No duh captain obvious!!Whats your point?” I said still annoyed that he pulled me into a closet. “My point,” He said leaning towards me and placing his hands at the side of my head. I backed up a little and my back hit the wall. Shit! I was trapped! Zack continued to talk. “Is that I told you if you wouldn’t change I’d make you. So this is your last chance Zoey. Change or I’ll make you.” Zack’s mouth was right next to my ear and I shivered as he started to nibble on my ear. “I told you already! I would have changed already if I had something other than this!!” I said annoyed that I had to keep repeating myself. “I offered you my jacket!! And if you couldn’t find anything you should have at least put away the lollipop!!” He growled lowly pointing at the huge lollipop in my hand. Again with the growling!! What is wrong with this dude?! “I didn’t want to take your stupid jacket! I can take care of myself! I don’t need your help! I kept the lollipop because it’s probably the only thing that is keeping me from punching every single person I see!! Is it really so impossible for me to go a full day being happy!?!?!” I yelled at him. My anger was starting to bubble and I could feel the tears pooling in my eyes and tried my best to blink them away. Zack was staring at me with a stunned expression. He grabbed at my arms and turned me so that I was facing him. “Zoey I’m sorry! I just-“ “You just what?” I yelled at him pushing him away from me. The tears were falling freely now and I hated letting him see me so weak. “I don’t know.” He said his head hanging low. “Thats what I thought.” I said reaching for the door handle. “And if you ever! And I mean EVER!! Grab me the way you did again without my permission I will kick your ass into the next century! And thats a promise!” I said viciously then yanked the door open and headed towards the nearest bathroom. I wiped at my tears and headed towards my sixth period class which was study hall so I really was in no hurry. Cherry ran up to me when I finally made it to the class. “Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere!!” She said hugging me tightly. I laughed at her and hugged her back. “Cherry I saw you twenty minutes ago! It really hasn’t been that long!” She laughed “Ya, I guess your right but where have you been?” She asked curiously, eyeing me with suspicion. Should I tell her? I asked myself. I mean Cherry has been awesome friend to me and I really don’t want to lie to her. I thought to myself. Okay, I’ll tell her. I silently decided. I dragged her towards a corner and told her about how we moved into Zack’s house and how he almost ran me over and how pulled me into a closet and when I was finished I was relieved that I had let it all out. Cherry stared at me. “I can’t believe you live with that jackass!!” She said still staring at me. “Uhhh stop reminding me!” I groaned “I mean at least he can’t bother me when I go home. But you! You have to see him every morning and night! How are you still alive?” She asked wide eyed. “Seriously Cherry? It’s only been one day.” I said rolling my eyes at her. “So what are you going to do?” She asked curiously. “What is there to do? I’m stuck in that house with him until I can convince my mom to move somewhere else.” I said pushing my bangs out of my face. “Well, if you ever need some help dealing with him you’ve always got me.” She said giving me a small smile and a light squeeze to my hand. I squeeze back and smile at her. “Weeelll, since you offered...” I trailed off biting my lip. “What is it?” She asked eyeing me suspiciously. “Its nothing big. I was just wondering if you could maybe hang out at my house for a little bit after school. I really don’t want to talk to Zack about today and I don’t think he’ll do it if your there. Plleaassee!” I begged. Cherry thought about it for a second. Then finely nodded her head. “Fine, but can I just like sleepover or something? I don’t like driving home in the dark.” I squealed. “Yes!! Oh my gosh yes!! As long as you come over!! Thank you soo much!!” I yelled hugging her tightly. “Squishing- boobs!” She coughed out. I laughed at her and we spent the rest of the period laughing and telling each other jokes and for the first time in a reallyy long time I felt like I could say or do anything I wanted. Even though I just met Cherry I would trust her with my life. She is the best friend I will ever have besides Connor and Derek. The bell rang and we headed towards our next class. Social studies. Uhhh wish me luck.
Chapter 5: One crazy night.
I wiped the drool off my face as we walked out of our social studies class. “God, that was the most boring class in the world and not to mention the teacher is a bitch.” Cherry rolled her eyes at me and I followed her to her locker. “Hey, at least you survived your first day at West Road High School!” (WRHS for short) She slammed her locker door closed and we got my skateboard from my locker then headed to the parking lot to find her car. “There it is.” She pointed at a cherry red convertible buggy. “You got a buggy?” I asked like it wasn’t already obvious. “Yeah, I like the idea that someone is punching someone else because of my car.” She said smiling at me. “This reminds me. Punch buggy red!!” I say punching her lightly in the arm. We laugh and I tell her the directions to get to my house. I groan when I see Zack’s car already parked in the driveway. I slowly get out of the car and start to walk towards the house with Cherry right behind me. Just as I was about to open the door it burst open. “Zoey I’m so-“Zack starts to say but stops when he notices Cherry standing behind me. “Umm hi,” Zack says awkwardly to Cherry. “Hi.” Cherry says giving Zack a cold stare. “C-could we talk in private?” Zack asks turning to me with pleading eyes. “Hell to the mother fucking no!!” Cherry says getting in front of me. He growls lowly at Cherry and my anger shot up. “Pleease?” He asks again through clenched teeth. “Its okay Cherry.” I say tightly wanting soo badly to punch Zack in the face. “Are you sure?” She asks looking back at me. I nod my head at her. “Might as well get it over with. Could you wait for me in the living room over there?” I ask pointing down the hall. “Ya, call me if you need me.” She said squeezing my hand and walking down the hall. Once she is out of sight I turn and face Zack and glare at him. “How dare you growl at my friend!” I whisper/yell at him. Zack reached for my arms but I yanked them away and he sighs. “Look Zoey, I’m sorry! Okay? I’m sorry for everything I have done to piss you off since you got here but thats not what I needed to talk to you about.” “Then what do you want to talk about?” I ask getting a little curious. Zack breaths in a deep breath and lets it out. “This is really hard to explain.” He says running a hand through his hair. “And I think your mom should be here when I explain to you so can you come with me real quick to see her?” He asks his eyes begging me to just say yes. I eye him suspiciously and finally let out a big breath. “Fine, but it make it quick.” “Thank you,” He breaths out then starts to reach for my hand but thinks better out of it and just motions for me to follow him. He races off towards the back patio and I follow. We find my mom sitting there with a cup of tea in hand. “Ms. White its time to tell her and I just thought you should be there when I told her.” Zack says to my mom and I look at them both curiously. My mom nods at him silently. “Thank you for letting me be here when you tell her Zack.” My mom says then motions for me to come sit down with her. Slowly I walk over to her and hesitantly sit down. “Okay, I’m listening. Whats so important?” Zack glances over at my mom nervously and she sighs. Turning in her seat she takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. “Zoey,” She starts then hesitates. “Could you just cut the crap and tell me already!?!?” I ask annoyed. She takes another deep breath and starts. “We didn’t move away from Texas for the reasons you think. I mean we did move because of your dad but not for those reasons.” “Then why did we move?” “Because, Zoey, your dad is alive. He is also a werewolf. This makes you half werewolf.” She says slowly. I stare at her like she has gone crazy and she probably has. I mean come on! My dad can’t be alive! And werewolves? Really? “Mom, you need help.” I say putting a hand on her shoulder. She shakes her head and gives me a small smile. “No, Zoey I’m not and we can prove it.” She says putting a hand on top of mine. “We?” I question. She nods her head and points at Zack. I stare at him. “What does he have to do with any of this?” “He’s a werewolf too.” I laugh hysterically. “You have got to be joking!” I say still laughing. “Show her Zack.” My mom says her face still as emotionless as ever. Zack walks into their overly large backyard and takes his shirt off. No matter how much I hate him I can’t help but stare at his muscles that ripple with every move he makes. I see Zack fall to the ground. “Zack!” I yell and start to run over to him when my mom grabs my hand making me stay. “Whats going on!?” I ask turning towards her. “Look,” She says and points at Zack. I look back and instead of Zack I see the biggest wolf I have ever seen. It was about five feet tall and two feet wide with an oddly familiar sandy brown coat and blue eyes. My eyes grow wide. Oh my god it’s true. Its all true! I think shaking my head while backing up at the same time. “Zoey-“ My mom starts but was cut off when a scream pierced the air. I turn trying to figure out where it came from when I see Cherry standing at the patio door. She stares at me wide eyed and I stare back with the same expression on my face. “D-did you see that? He turned into a wolf.” She said staring at the wolf that was still standing in the middle of the backyard. Oh god! She saw the whole thing! She’ll probably never talk to me again. I nodded my head slowly and she let out a relieved sigh. Then the next thing I knew she fainted and fell to the floor. I quickly walked over to her my mom following behind me. “I’ll take her inside. You stay out her and......think.” She says then gently takes Cherry inside. I watch them leave then turn my direction back to Zack. Hesitantly, I walk over to him. “Whats wrong? You scared?” I hear Zack’s voice say in my head and jump back. “Oh my god you can talk?” I ask feeling stupid that I was talking to a five foot tall wolf. The wolf makes a wolfish grin and barks. “It’d just be dreams come true for you if I couldn’t talk wouldn’t it?” He asks and I can’t help but smile. “Nothing wrong with dreaming.” I say still smiling and start walking closer no longer afraid. I stretch my hand out and stop right before I touch his fur as if to asks if its okay. “It’s okay.” I hear and let my hand rest on his soft sandy brown fur. I rub my hand up and down his back just like I would do with a dog. “Oh my god,” I hear him say and yank my hand away thinking I did something wrong. “Whats wrong?” I asked worriedly. “Oh I’m sorry. It just felt really good. Nothings wrong.” I feel my cheeks flush at the thought of me making him feel good. “O-oh okay,” I stutter placing my hand back on his fur and continue to gently rub my hand on his back. “Shit, that feels soo good.” He moans loudly in my head and it sends shivers up my arms. I move my hands up his back and towards his head where I softly scratch his ears. “Oh god Zoey!” He moans and the next thing I know Zack is human again. He reaches towards me his breathing is hard and I think that something might be wrong with him. But then he pulls me towards him and kisses me. It was a hard passionate kiss and my first thought was to pull away but at the same time I just wanted to stay like that and enjoy the kiss that sent sparks through my body. So that’s what I did. I kissed Zack back as eagerly as he was kissing me and couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. He growled and swirled his tongue around in my mouth. I rubbed against Zack and knew that he was enjoying our little make out as much as I was when I felt mini Zack pressed up against my stomach. “Ahem,” I heard someone say faintly in the background. Not worrying about it much I just continued to kiss Zack. “Zack! Zoey! Enough!” I heard a familiar voice shout and immediately pulled away from Zack. He made soft whimpering sound when I pulled away but ignored him while looked for the person who called my name. I turn and see my mom staring at us with an amused smile on her face. I feel my cheeks burn red “Ummm h-h-hi m-mom,” I stutter out. She laughs and throws a pair of Jeans towards us. I look at her confused. “Get changed then met me inside so we can talk.” She says pointing at Zack. An I turn to find that Zack didn’t have any clothes on. I jump up from his lap and turn away from him. “S-s-sorry.” I stutter as my cheeks get even brighter than they were before. As I start to walk back to the house I hear the sound of Zack’s soft chuckle and I feel the warmth flow through me. What is going on? I shouldn’t be having feelings like this!! I say to myself as I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. I see Cherry start to stir on the couch across from mine and move to crouch down next to her. She sits up slowly holding her head in one hand. “What happened?” She asked. “You fainted,” I say softly pushing her back down. Her eyes grow wide and I know she remembers why she fainted. “Did it really happen? Or have I just gone crazy?” It’d be way easier to just lie to Cherry and pretend it never happened but I just couldn’t do that. I felt like I could trust Cherry so much and I really didn’t lie to her. So taking her hand in mine I slowly nod my head. “It really happened.” I whispered squeezing her hand. “B-but how is that even possible?” She asked shaking her head. “I-I don’t know.” I say truthfully. “But I do,” My mom says walking into the room with a cup of hot tea for Cherry. At that moment Zack walks in with his jeans on but he is shirtless and I blush remembering what happened just minutes ago. Zack winks at me and I blush harder. Get a hold of yourself Zoey! Stop acting like a giggly school girl and start asking questions!!! I yell at myself. Putting on a serious face I stare at both Zack and my mom.
Chapter 6: The Explanation
“I don’t know where to start.” My mom sighs and grabs my hand that isn’t in Cherry’s giving it a light squeeze. “How about from the beginning?” I say suggestively. Mom takes in a deep breath and nods. “You were at school and I was walking into the house to bring in some groceries. I had just finished taking all the groceries in the house when the phone rang. At first I didn’t believe what I was hearing. About your father being alive and being a werewolf and you being half werewolf. I didn’t believe it until Zack came over to our old house one day and proved it to me.” My mom said her face was so hopeless as if she was remembering that day. The day she found out that the husband she has been mourning over for so long was actually alive and well and not to mention a freaking werewolf!!! I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back. “But I still don’t understand.” I say shaking my head. “Why now? If dad has been alive all these year why didn’t he contact us earlier? And what do we have to do with any of this? Why did they tell us this?” I ask. My mom sighs. “That’s the complicated part of this all. Zoey it seems that your dad is what they call the “alpha” of a very important pack. Why he left us? I have no idea. But I do know why he is coming back. You, Zoey, are next in line to be leader of your dad’s pack.” “What? No, that’s not possible. I can’t turn into a werewolf or anything.” I say shaking my head at the same time scooting closer to Cherry who I can feel is shaking slightly. “Half breeds can’t transform until their eighteenth birthday.” Zack said “And from what your mom told me is in one week.” He stated but I nodded my head anyways. “But why me? Why can’t he just get someone else?!?” I ask. “Because YOU’RE his daughter. His flesh and blood. It can only be you unless he has another kid which he refuses to do and the kid wouldn’t be old enough to take alpha responsibilities.” Zack stated as if it should be obvious to me why no one else could do it. I take a deep breath and take it all in closing my eyes for a second. “Okay, so what do we do now?” I ask quietly. Zack looks surprised for a second than shakes his head. “We go to the pack house. So you can move in with your dad. Your mom will be coming with of course.” He said giving her a small smile. I nod silently then remember Cherry. “What about Cherry??” I ask looking up at him. Zack bites his lip and glances over at Cherry then back at me. “I don’t know. She isn’t even supposed to know we exist.” Zack said still biting his lip like he is thinking hard. “I guess you should come with us too. Since you definitely aren’t threat I don’t have to kill you. I mean if you want to come then you can come.” Zack says and I turn and smile at Cherry hopefully. “Wow, this is a lot to take in.” Cherry says. “You’re telling me.” I snort “It turns out all my life my dad has actually been alive and I am half werewolf.” We suddenly burst into laughter. “So will you come?” I asked her when we finally calmed down a little. “Ya sure, why not? Some ones gotta keep you out of trouble.” She says smiling at me. I jump and hug her tightly. “Yay!” I cheer but then sit down. “But what about your parents?” I ask suddenly not feeling very cheerful. “Zoey, my parents died 3 years ago in a car crash. I live in a foster home.” She said giving me a smile. I stood up and hugged her again. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered still hugging her. “You never asked.” She whispered back and pulled away from our hug. “Okay then,” My mother smiled. “It’s settled. I’ll go to Cherry’s foster home tomorrow and we will adopt her.” Cherry’s eyes brightened and I jumped and down. “Oh my gosh! Thank you mom soo much!!” I squeal hugging her. “Ya thanks Ms. White I really appreciate it.” Cherry says smiling at her. “Call me mom.” My mom says and winks at her. “Now all of y’all get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow!” My mom says and ushers me, Zack, and Cherry up the stairs. I sneak a peek at Zack before I walk into my room and give him a small wink. After me and Cherry finally get over all the craziness that has happened we snuggle into our blankets and fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next day my mom adopts Cherry!! (Which makes us sisters!! YAY!) We pack up all or stuff and load it into the car. Then we buckled up and started on our way to our new home. Again. “So where is the pack house exactly?” I ask Zack who is driving. I sit next to him and my mom and Cherry in the back. He flashes me a dazzling smile and I can’t help but smile back. “It’s a surprise.” He says winking at me and I punch his arm playfully. “I don’t like surprises,” I say in a fake whining voice. “You’ll live,” He says and grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. Electric sparks shoot up my arm and I squeeze his hand and smile up at him. He smiles back and for a little bit we just stare at each other. “Awwwww,” I hear Cherry and my mom giggle. My cheeks turn bright red and I yank my hand away from Zack’s. Zack growls lightly and grabs my hand back into his. I glare at him and he smiles sheepishly at me. “Sorry,” Zack says shyly and I nod my head as if saying it was okay. I hear Cherry and my mom snicker from the back seat and I turn and roll my eyes at them. I look out the window and stare out at the blurry trees and I suddenly feel my head go light and my eyes start to close. I jump in my seat, determined to stay awake. Zack’s hand moves up my shoulder and I suddenly feel his breath next to my ear. “Go to sleep, we will be home by the time you wake up.” I hear him say and I feel his lips touch my forehead. “All eyes and hands on the road.” I murmur already half asleep. I’m already spiraling into a peaceful sleep when I hear Zack’s faint laugh and I smile to myself as the darkness consumes me.
Chapter 7: Our new home. Again!
“Zoey,” I hear a sexy voice call to me in my dream. I moan quietly. Such a sexy voice. I think to myself. “Zoey,” I hear the same sexy voice say again but a little more huskily. “Yes,” I moan out. I hear a groan and my eyes suddenly pop open. Zack’s face was right in front of me and his eyes blue eyes immediately capture my attention. He had a pained look on his face and I wondered what happened while I was asleep. “Is something wrong?” I ask sitting up a little. He shakes his head. “No, it’s just sometimes I have a hard time controlling my feelings about you.” He says and pointedly looks downward. “Ohhh,” I say when I look down and see his little friend straining to get out. I blush a little and suddenly his lips capture my attention. I push myself up and grab Zack by the back of his neck and pull him down toward me kissing him hungrily. He kisses me back just as hard and then the next thing I knew Zack was in my chair and I was sitting on his lap having a heavy make out session. I pull back from our kiss. Our mouths making a little “pop” sound when I suddenly remembering Cherry and my mom. “Where is Cherry and mom?” I ask breathlessly still straddling his lap. Zack look confused for a second but then realization dawns on his face and he immediately sits up while pulling me off him at the same time and starts to smooth out his clothes and hair. I look at him curiously an then he gets out of the car and takes my hand without saying a word. “Ummmm, where are we going?” I ask suddenly regretting asking Zack where my family was. “Surprise,” He says and smiles widely at me. We walk up towards a beautifully designed GIGANTIC house and Zack pulls me in. The inside had white marble floors and a chandelier dangling in the middle of the room with some comfortable looking black and white couches scattered in an organized way around the room. There were stairs at the very left side and a bunch of different looonngg hallways both on the first and second floor. I stared open mouth at the house- No, the mansion that is supposed to be my new home. “Oh my fucking god,” I heard Cherry mumble. “Cherry,” I said slowly. “Ya,” She replied still gaping at the house. “Are you seeing what I am our have I just gone crazy?” Cherry shook her head. “If what you are seeing is a beautiful gigantic mansion then you have soooo not gone crazy.” She said breathlessly. I heard a slightly familiar chuckle but new right away it wasn’t Zack’s. I saw someone flash by me and run into the man’s arms and then I soon realized that it was my mom hugging the stranger and…………..kissing him? Eeewww. “Umm, excuse me?” I said coughing a little and trying to get their attention and pull them away from their intense make out session. Eewwwww. I watched my mom pull back with a slightly annoyed sigh and then she whispered something into the man’s ear. He stiffened and then eagerly nodded his head. “And don’t think I’m not mad at you for leaving. You are soo not off the hook!” My mom said while walking away from the man and coming towards me. I scrunched up my brow in confusion. What the hell is going on?!?!? I stared at the man my mom had run and now that I could see his face he looked so damn familiar. Who is he? I asked myself. His pitch black hair and his emerald green eyes. Where have I seen that before? And then my eyes went wide and realization dawned on me. I’ve seen that pitch black hair and emerald green eyes on me. Every single time that I look in the mirror. He is my Dad. The guy that I have cried for so many times to come back and hold me like he did before he “died”. The guy that missed out on 7 years of my life for a reason unknown to me. And suddenly I was angry. I was REALLY angry. He LEFT ME. NO he didn’t just leave me, he left our FAMILY!! He saw me and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. “Princess?” He whispered. I stepped back shaking my head. “No,” I said quietly still backing up. “NO! I am not your princess! You lost the chance to say that when you faked your death!” I yelled I could feel the tears pooling in my eyes. “You faked your freaking death!” I yelled again and the tears dropped down my face. “Zoey, give him a break he didn’t have a choice.” I heard my mom’s gentle voice say. I stared at her like she was crazy. “You’re kidding me right? He LEFT us!” I said pointing at him for emphasis. “We used to sit down on the couch and just CRY over him because we thought we would never see him again!! There is always a choice mom and his was to fake his death and LEAVE us. How are you okay with ANY of this?!?!Please explain to me because I am so confused!!” Tears were streaming down my face and when I looked around so were my mom and dad. My mom took a deep breath and then stared at my dad as if she was asking him to let her tell me. My dad shook his head and I snorted. “That’s what I thought,” I said walking back out of the gigantic house and running through the wide range of trees that surrounded the house. Tears still streaming my face I ran as fast as I could. I just need to get away for a little bit. I thought to myself. I made a bunch of twists a turns and the next thing I knew I was in front of a crystal clear lake staring down at my reflection in the water. Tears were still streaming my face while I started to lie down on the soft green grass. I curled my legs up to my chest and held myself while I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I heard a twig snap and my eyes shot open. The sun wasn’t as high up as it was before and I knew I had been a sleep for a while. Another twig snapped and my eyes carefully scanned the vast amount of trees looking to see if anyone was there. Someone’s hand touched my shoulder and I quickly turned around ready to punch someone’s face if I had to. “Whoa, Zo calm down its me,” I heard Zack say and I unclenched my fist and let my body fall. I felt Zack’s strong arms wrap around my waist and he held me tightly to his chest. “Everyone has been looking for you. We were really worried Zoey.” He said holding me closer. I stared out at the beautiful lake and the tears fell down my face again. “Hey,” Zack said wiping away a falling tear. “I’m tired of this,” I whispered against Zack’s chest. “Tired of what?” Zack’s soft voice whispered to my ear. “Everything,” I whispered. It was quiet, for a while neither of us said anything. “You should forgive your dad.” I heard Zack say and I stiffened slightly, getting ready to pull away but Zack’s arms tightened around me. “He really did have a good reason for leaving.” “Oh yeah, what?” I said in an emotionless tone. “That’s something you’ll have to ask him. It’s not my place to tell you.” Zack said and he slowly unwrapped his arms from around me and took my hand leading my back out of the forest and to the house. I followed after him knowing that the sun was about to set and I had no idea how to get back to the house without him. We walked for about fifteen minutes before I could finally see the mansion in view. I slowly walked towards the doors knowing that I had to talk to him at some point but still trying my best to stall some time. With a deep breath I sighed and pushed open the doors. Let’s get this over with. I thought as I stepped into the mansion.

Chapter 8: Daddy
As soon as I stepped through the doors I was wrapped in a pair of arms. “Honey, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” She scolds hugging me tightly. I gently pull her off of me and stare at my dad who looks kind of uncomfortable. “I may have over reacted a tiny little bit and I should have given you a chance to try an explain first before I started shouting at you. Though, I don’t take back any of my words.” My dad smiled and jerked his head towards a door that I was guessing was a conference room probably. “Let’s talk,” He said and I followed him into the room.
The conference room had a looonngg mahogany table right smack in the middle of the room. And when I say long I mean like it could probably fit seventy people long. I found a chair and sat across from each other and before my dad could say anything I asked, “Why’d you leave? Right now that’s the most important thing question to me.” My dad took a deep breath and started on his story. “When I still lived with you and your mom my father was the alpha of this pack. At that point of time his role as alpha should have been given to me but my dad wasn’t ready to give it up yet. Which was perfectly fine with me. I didn’t want to be alpha I wanted live a normal life with your mother and my beautiful baby girl,” He said reaching over and softly stroking my cheek. His words sounded so sincere and I couldn’t help the tears that were starting to pool up in my eyes. He sighed loudly pulling back his hands and breaking my thoughts. “But then, when he died, I didn’t have a choice. It was leave you and be alpha or stay and have us all hunted and killed. And I’ll be damned if I let my family get killed over something that was my fault! So I left….. I faked my death and left.” One tear snaked its way down his face and I knew. I just knew that he really didn’t want to leave us. “Why would they have sent someone to kill us?” I asked him. “Your duties to the council ALWAYS come first and if you disobey then they find something to use against you. That’s just what they do.” My dad said shrugging his shoulders sadly. “Who are the council?” “They are the kind of like the leaders of all the supernatural. They make the laws and make sure you follow them and if you don’t then you get punished.” “But don’t you think that’s kind of unfair? Using peoples weaknesses against them so that they can get what they want?” He shrugged his shoulders. “That’s just how it goes baby girl.” “Well, it’s going to stop and soon.” I said authority rushing through my voice. “If you’re the one stopping it then there is no chance in hell that it won’t.” My dad said smiling at me. You could the pride in his eyes and I got from my chair and hugged him. I hugged him as hard as I could trying to make up for all the times that I couldn’t. “I missed you daddy.” I whispered still hugging him tight. “I missed you too pumpkin.” He said kissing my forehead. “And just to let you know I was always watching over you I have my reporters right outside that door. Connor! Derek! Stop spying and get the hell inside this room!!” My dad shouted towards the door. My eyes widened at the names and I watched Connors pale blonde hair come out from the door followed by Derek. They smiled nervously waiting for my reaction. I ran and I hugged them both tightly! “I missed y’all!” I said happy to see them. They relaxed and hugged me back now that they were certain I wasn’t going to attack them. “We missed you too Zo!” I pulled back and before either of them saw it I smacked’em both upside the head. “That’s for not telling me about my dad and that y’all were freaking’ werewolves you bastards! But I forgive you now.” I said smiling innocently at them. “Shit Zo, don’t you think you could have forgiven us before you tried to knock our brains out of our skulls?” Connor whined rubbing his head where I hit them. “Payback,” I said flashing my teeth at them.
Payback hurts,” Derek whined with him. “Like a bitch,” I agreed then snuck my way past them and walked off. “Bye!” I yelled from the hallway. “Bye!” I heard them call back at the same freaking time! “Creepy,” I said shaking my head at them. “What’s creepy?” I heard someone say and suddenly Zack was by my side. “Umm nothing,” I said stopping to look down a hallway. “What are you looking for?” Zack asked curiously. “Room,” I said simply and started walking down the hallway again. Zack grabbed my arm and started dragging me the other way. “Hey!” I yelled trying to yank my arm back but dang Zack was freaking strong! “Stupid werewolf strength.” I mumbled. Zack laughed. “Hey, you’re going to have this werewolf strength by the end of this week so I might as well use it against you while I can and would you stop struggling and come on! I’m trying to take you to your room!” “Right, I forgot and once I do get it, it’s going to be payback time and you’re going to get your sorry ass kicked.” I said stopping my struggle and following him to my room. “Is that a challenge?” He asked, I could see the glint in his eyes daring me to say yes. “You bet your ass it is.” I said staring back at him. Zack growled and pushed me into an open doorway. My back hit the wall and the next thing I knew Zack’s arms were at both sides of my face trapping me between him and the wall. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Zack said his lips hovering just an inch away from mine. “I guess so,” I said back trying to keep my voice straight. I stared at him for a little bit and when I got tired of waiting I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled. He immediately responded to my kiss and I nipped his lip asking him for entrance. He growled lightly, sending a vibration through my body and eagerly opened his mouth. Zack’s hands went down to my butt and easily picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling our bodies closer together. I felt Zack lay me down on something soft. A bed? Where are we? I pushed Zack off of me ignoring his sounds of protest and looked around the room. It was beautiful. Like seriously, it was my dream room. The walls were painted a light maroon with a mahogany dresser up against the wall and an awesome king sized bed with a black intricately designed mirror. There was a black matching chair/hammock that hung from the ceiling and there were two other doors beside the entrance/exit door which I assume is a closet and bathroom. “It’s your room. Do you like it?” He asked. My mouth dropped open. “Like it? No, I fucking love it!!” I said excitingly. “Your Dad had it made for you and we got Derek and Connor to help since they know you best.” Zack said smiling at me. Well, no wonder it’s so good, I’ve told Connor and Derek about my dream room like fifty fucking times. “It’s perfect,” I said turning to him and giving him a light kiss but very soon that light kiss turned into another one and soon we were back where we started. Me lying down on the bed Zack on top of me while we made out. “Ahem,” We heard someone say loudly. Zack rolled off from me and we turned to find my dad standing with his arms crossed at the doorway with both my mom and cherry standing behind him giggling. “I think Zoey has had a hard day and she should get some sleep. Don’t you think Zack?” My Dad said raising an eyebrow at him. “Yes sir,” Zack said standing up from the bed. I grabbed his arm before he could walk away. “No good night kiss?” I asked smiling mischievously. He smiled back and gave me a small kiss on the lips. “What the hell kind of goodnight kiss is that?” I asked when he pulled back. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hungrily. “That is a goodnight kiss.” I said smiling at him when I pulled back. He winked at me and started to walk out of the room. “Goodnight,” Zack said when he slid past Cherry, my mom, and my dad. My dad stood there staring at me sternly and I smiled at him. “Goodnight Zoey,” My dad said with a sigh and then closed the door. At first I just lay there not really tired but as time went by I slowly drifted my way into a peaceful sleep.

The next day I woke up from the very bright light streaming through my window. I groaned and rolled over trying to fall back into my dream. I heard someone chuckle and I immediately shot out of my bed screaming. “Whoa! Zoey its okay it’s just me!” I heard Zack yell. I stared at Zack wide eyed. “God dammit Zack! You almost gave me a mother fucking heart attack! What are you doing in my room?!?!” I yelled and Zack laughed at me. “It’s training day. Didn’t your dad tell you? You need start training to be alpha female.” Zack said and I stared at him dumbly. “Huh?” Zack shook his head and chuckled lightly. “Just change into some workout clothes and go see your dad.” Zack said with a sigh then walked out. With a huff I got up and put on some gym short shorts and a tank top before walking out of the room and searching the halls for my dad. I found my dad about ten minutes later in a room that said “Study” on the door. I knocked gently. “Come in,” I heard his deep voice say and I slowly walked through the door. The room was a decent size with a mahogany desk in the middle and a bunch of black book shelves lined up against the wall. “Hey sweetie,” My Dad said looking up at me and smiling. He had some reading glasses on and was shuffling through a big pile of papers. “Come sit down, I wanted to talk to you.” “Ummm okay,” I said hesitantly sitting into the chair in front of his desk. “What about?” “Zack,” He said simply and I gulped remembering me and Zack’s goodnight kiss that we had right in front of him. “Oh,” I said folding my hands together and nervously twiddling my thumbs. What am I doing? He doesn’t have any control over my relationship with Zack so why am I acting so nervous? I mentally shook myself then I sat up straight in my chair placing my hands at my side and waiting for what he had to say. “Are you serious about your relationship with him?” He asked and I was kind of surprised by his question. Was I serious about Zack? Stubborn, annoying, fine as hell Zack? I asked myself. The guy who sends tingles up my with one single touch and made me knee’s buckle every time he kissed me, am I serious about him? “Yes,” I heard myself say “I am.” My dad let out a sigh. “Good,” He said and I looked at him surprised. “I just wanted to now but either way I’m pretty sure if I told you not to date you wouldn’t listen so I’m guessing there is no point.” “You got that right,” I said smiling at him. “Zack is suppose to be the one to help you train but seeing as you two have a thing for each other I’m not sure that’s a very good idea…………” He said and I groaned. “It’ll be fine dad nothing will happen.” I assured him. “If you say so,” He said eyeing me suspiciously. “But if I walk in and see you two doing anything that isn’t training you will get a new instructor.” “I guess that’s fair.” I said nodding. “Okay then, you better get going Zack’s probably waiting for you.” “Yeah,” I said standing and starting my way toward the door then stopping and turning around again. “Where do you think Zack might be waiting for me?” I asked him. He shook his head laughing softly. “In the backyard.” “Okay, thanks!” I said and started my way towards the HUGE backyard.
Chapter 9: Let the training begin!
“For a second I thought you might have gotten lost.” Zack said teasingly when I made way out the backdoor. I just shrugged my shoulders. “Soooo what exact are we going to do?” I asked curiously. “Well, first we are going to run a couple laps and do some basic combat fighting but after that we are going to go see Derek and try and figure out your power.” “My power?” I said questioningly. “Yeah, every werewolf has a certain special power and Derek’s special power is knowing peoples special power.” “That’s kind of a stupid power,” I scoffed. Zack shrugged his shoulder. “Yeah, it kind of is but it’s useful if we want to know what were up against.” I nodded my head. “So are we going to start this training or what?” I challenged and started running. “You’re on,” I heard him say as he started to come after me.

I ran with Zack and then we did some combat training for a little bit and I have to admit, I LOVE kicking his ass! “Hey, don’t mess him too much!” I heard Cherry yell from the porch. I looked over at her smiling to find her holding her sides while she laughed wildly. I heard Zack grunt as he got up from the floor for the fiftieth time. “I think their times we go find Derek, your werewolf strength is really starting to show and you can’t even change yet.” I stared at him blankly. “Which isn’t normal,” He stated. “Ohhhh, ““Yeah, so let’s go.” He said pulling me along. I grabbed at Cherry’s arm wanting her to come with and feeling a little guilty that I haven’t really talk to her since we got here. “Zoey?” I heard Cherry whisper while Zack continued to pull us down a bunch of different hallways. “Yeah?” I whispered back. “I need to tell you something,” Cherry said a little nervously. “What is it?” I asked wanting to know what made her so nervous but at that exact moment Zack walked through a pair of doors. Derek was staring out a window and turned to look at us. He smiled warmly at me and then his eyes moved over and he froze. I looked at him curiously and then looked back at Cherry who was staring right back at Derek with a dazed expression. I stuck my hand in front of them and waved it around. “What’s going on?” I asked Zack. “Someone found their mate!” Zack teased. “And with a human that’s kind of surprising.” Derek shook his head his brow scrunching up on his forehead. “She’s an angel.” He whispered “Okaayyy,” I said backing up. “No, seriously guys, she is part angel! Smell her!” He told Zack. Zack sighed and walked over to her. “I went to school with her since we were kids, I think I would have noticed-“Zack suddenly stopped and sniffed at Cherry again. “Impossible,” He whispered “How could I have not noticed?” “Told you,” Derek said smugly. “What didn’t you notice?” I and Cherry asked at the same time. Kind of creepy………. “Cherry is a nephilim, she is part angel but I don’t get how I didn’t notice earlier.” Zack said frustrated. “If she didn’t know she as nephilim then her sent wouldn’t smell like one, but if you were riding in a car with her and you didn’t smell it then that means whatever reason she had to think she was something not human happened recently.” Derek said to Zack but he was staring at Cherry who was staring right back. I looked at her curiously, “Did something happen Cherry?” I asked and she sighed while moving her gaze from Derek’s to mine. “I tried to tell you,” Cherry explained. “Last night I was just so happy, I had a family again! And then the next thing I knew I was glowing and not some small little glow either it was so bright it was like someone put the sun in my room. I didn’t know what happened and I was going to tell you today so we could try and figure out what happened but you were kind of busy.” “I’m sorry,” I said hugging Cherry. “For what?” She asked and tears started streaming down her face. I heard someone growl but ignored it. “For not being there for you.” “I-I just didn’t know what was happening.” She sobbed. “Back up one second.” Zack said and we stared at him. “She said that her parents died three years ago and full angels no matter how much they want to, are forbidden by council law to stay away from their nephilim children.” “That’s horrible!” I yelled and Zack just nodded his head. “I-I wasn’t exactly completely honest when I said that, I meant that my adopted parents died three years ago in a car crash.” “Oh my god Cherry!” I said hugging her closer while she continued to sob. I felt someone push me away. “Hey!” I yelled only to find Derek had token my place and from the way Cherry was cuddling up to him I didn’t look like she minded. “They are mates.” Rolling his eyes like that explained everything. “Don’t roll your eyes at us; we aren’t the only ones with mates. I see the way y’all look at each other.” Derek said smugly. “Wait, mates?” I said looking at Zack. “And how do we look at each other?” I asked Derek. “You don’t know what a mate is?” Zack asked. I shook my head and Zack sighed. “Soul mate, love of your life, destined to be with.” “Ohhh and we’re supposed to be mates?” I asked pointing at him then me. He nodded slowly and waited for my reaction. “I guess I could deal with that,” I said and smiled at him. Zack smiled the most dazzling smile and walked over to me. He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. We heard the doors open and Connor walked in. “Whoa, y’all having a make out party? You should have told me I would have brought Krissy.” I heard Connor say then pulled away from Zack to find Cherry and Derek and in a very heavy lip lock. With a shiver turned back to Connor. “Who’s Krissy?” “His mate,” Zack whispered in my ear while leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. Someone’s in a good mood, I thought to myself. I nodded and dismissed the subject. “Sooo, you guys want to do something?” I asked. “Like what?” Cherry asked finally pulling away from Derek who whined sadly. “Ice cream?” I suggested. “Yes!” Everyone yelled jumping up to get ready. 5 minutes later we were walking out the door to get some ice cream.

Chapter 10: Meeting the council
We were sitting in a booth in the ice cream shop all happily eating ice cream with our mates. Connor found Krissy and she came along. She is real nice, I like her. I was sitting on Zack’s lap sharing an ice cream cone with him. When about ten guys with weird black robe like clothes on walked through the door. Zack growled and held me closer to him. I stared at the guys confused as they started to walk toward us. They all looked alike except for hair. Some had blonde others had black or brown hair. What was really weird was that they all had the weirdest yellow colored eyes. “Zoey I presume?” Said who I guess was the leader of the group. He had dark brown hair and the same creepy yellow eyes everyone else and looked to be about twenty five. I f he wasn’t wearing that weird robe he would look like a pretty normal guy. “Whose asking?” I said staring at the guy with cold hard eyes. He laughed lightly “You are definitely your father’s daughter. I am Ramu, head of the council.” “So you’re the bastard that forced my Dad to fake his death?” I asked giving him my best glare. “Aww no need to be so nice Zoey.” He said sarcastically. “What do you want?” I spat out. “Just to talk,” He said calmly. “Better hurry, you got five minutes before I kick your ass head council or not, you forced my dad away from me and that’s not something that I will forgive you about easily.” I said icily. Ramu leaned down close to my ear and I felt Zack growl behind me and pull me closer. I squeezed his arm to show him that it was okay. “You’re a trouble maker Zoey and I don’t like trouble makers so I’m going to tell you right now. You mess with me and I won’t hesitate to snap your neck.” He whispered but not quietly enough because Zack seemed to have heard most of that conversation and the next thing I knew Ramu was slammed into a wall. “If you even lay one finger on her I will snap your neck faster than a blink of an eye.” He threatened. Ramu growled and pushed Zack off of him. “Know your place pup.” I grabbed Zack before he did something stupid. “Stop,” I whispered to Zack. He nodded and I stepped forward. “I’m not scared of you and I think you should leave. Now. Before I prove to you how much your stupid little speech scared me.” He growled at me which made Zack growl at him. “Don’t do anything stupid Zoey,” Ramu growled before turning around and walking away motioning for the others to follow. “Seems to be the only thing I know how to do.” I said to him as he was about to walk out. He glared at me pointedly then walked out with the rest of the council. The bell on top of the door stopped ringing as the door finally shut closed and they were gone. I sat down with a huff and replayed what just happened. “The bastard doesn’t know who he is messing with.” I said to myself but when I heard a bunch of confirming grunts I remembered I wasn’t alone. “I think it’s time to go home.” Cherry said standing up. I nodded my agreement and we left the small ice cream shop.
I and Zack debated the whole car ride whether or not to tell my Dad. I for one thought he would just freak out and make things worse but Zack said that things were going to get worse soon and if we didn’t tell him now we’d have to tell him later which would just make things complicated. So obviously Zack won the argument and we told my dad.
“WHAT?!?!” My dad yelled so loud they could probably hear it in China. I sighed “I told you he’d freak out.” I mutter to Zack. “Shut up,” He said nudging me lightly. My dad was pacing back and forth running his hands through his hair and cursing under his breath. “Not a big deal dad, this guy isn’t as tough as he looks.” I said making an attempt to calm him. Obviously failing when he turns and stares at me like I’ve gone crazy. “Not a big deal? He threatened you Zoey! YOU! MY baby girl! He threatened you.” He said staring at me. I sighed and I walked over to hug him. He held me tightly like if he let go then I’d suddenly start to drift away. “It’s alright, I’m not hurt and he knows that he isn’t dealing with a little girl that’s going to back down from a couple of scary words.” “Nothing scares my baby girl,” He said smiling proudly at me. “You got that right,” I said smiling back. “Now sit down and go back to doing whatever boring paper work you were doing before we came in here and ruined your peace.” “Love you baby girl.” He said as I turned to walk out. “Love you too dad.” I said and grabbed Zack’s hand as we left my dad’s office.
Zack pulled me into corner and kissed me hungrily. “I love you,” He said breathlessly while leaning his forehead on mine. I stared up at him replaying those three words in my head. Did I love him back? I thought about for only couple of seconds before realized that I do. “I love you too Zack, I always will.” I said smiling up at him. I heard Zack let out a breath of relief and watched as he leaned down to kiss me and I gasped at the power of his kiss. My knees buckled and Zack slipped an arm around my waist to help stay up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Zack twisted one of my legs around his waist. I pulled him closer to me and moaned when I felt his BIG erection tapping at my core. Zack growled and slowly pulled me off of him. I stared up at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?” I asked using one of my hands to play with his hair a little. Zack groaned again and I smiled knowing I could make him feel this way. “God Zoey, I can’t get enough of you!” He said pulling my hands from his hair. “’The why are you pushing me away?” I said putting a hand on his chest and rubbing it slightly. Zack sucked in a sharp breath. “Because I can’t do anything like that with you until your birthday and if we don’t stop now I’m not sure if I’ll be able to control myself.” “Why not?” I asked curious now. “Because if we mate before you’ve had your first change then it could make your change more complicated. You could die or it could just make it more painful either way I’m not going to risk it.” Zack said taking a hold of my hands and placing them at my sides. “Wait, I still don’t get it. How would this affect my change?” I asked. “No one really knows how exactly but we just know that if you mate before your first change it messes it up.” I nodded my head and slipped past Zack and started toward my room when Zack grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. “I never said we couldn’t kiss.” I smiled at him and placed my lips on his.
Chapter 11: Not how I planned it.
The next two days before my birthday went by fast. Zack trained me and we hadn’t seen any council people since that day at the ice cream store. I woke up the morning of my birthday when I felt my bed dip down from the weight of someone’s body. I peeked one eye open and saw Zack’s smiling face staring at me. I smiled at him and let him kiss me. “Happy Birthday baby!” Zack said nuzzling my cheek with his nose. “You ready for today?” “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I said sitting up and rubbing my sleepy eyes. “I love you,” I heard Zack say and I looked to find him staring at me lovingly. I smiled at him. “I love you too. Now where is my present?” I asked teasingly. Zack smiled and started crawling across the bed towards me. “Right here,” Zack said leaning over and kissing me hungrily. After a while I pushed him back. “I like that present.” I said licking my lips. Zack stared at me his eyes darkening with lust but he shook his head and backed up a little and I couldn’t help but pout a little on the inside. “There is more.” Zack said finding his composure again and smiling. “I’m not sure you can top that present.” I said smiling at him. “We’ll see” He said smiling back.

Zack made me close my eyes while he walked me out of the house and towards my present. I could tell we were walking in the forest outside the house when I felt branches start scrape against me. “Open your eyes.” Zack whispered when we had stopped. I opened my eyes to find myself at the same beautiful lake I had run to when I had first reunited with my dad. The same place where Zack had held and comforted me. But this time there was a huge picnic spread out in front of it and I smiled up at Zack. “I love this,” I said unable to keep away the smile. “I thought you would,” He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the blanket while he started getting the food out. Zack and I spent what felt like forever eating, laughing, talking, and of course kissing before Zack suddenly tensed up and sniffed the air. “What’s wrong?” I asked rubbing a hand up and down his arm. “Someone is here. The council.” Zack said his eyes scanning the trees carefully. “Why would the council be here?” I asked confused. “I don’t know but it doesn’t feel right.” Suddenly the guy from the ice cream shop came out from the trees; Ramu I think was his name. The other guys in the weird robe like things followed out after him. “What are you doing here?” Zack growled “Tsk tsk little pup no need to get dirty.” Which made Zack growl more. “We are here to get Miss Zoey over here.” “You won’t take here.” Zack said placing himself firmly in front of me. “You must not remember who I am little pup.” Ramu said mischievously before reaching his hand out and flicking his wrist to the side slightly. Zack feel down to his knees with an agonizing roar of pain. “Stop!” I yelled at Ramu whose hand immediately flicked back and stopped. Ramu looked at me with an intense stare. “How did you do that?” He asked between clench teeth. “Do what?” I asked “Command me. No one commands me. I am council leader.” He stated “Well apparently someone can command you but all I did was tell you to stop and you did simple as that.” “Interesting. Well Zoey, as you see we have a problem here.” “Which is?” “I cannot have a person in this world that can control me I just won’t accept it and if you have your fist change then you will be to powerful for us to kill you which means you have to die. Now.” He flicked his wrist out at me and I waited for the pain to come but it never did. He flicked his wrist again and again before using both hands and yet nothing happened. “Impossible!” He yelled eyes wide and filled with anger. “Your powers aren’t of much use when someone is immune to it, is it?” I asked a smirk on my face. Ramu brought his gaze to mine a mischievous smile on his face. “I will admit you’re stronger than I thought. I never thought you would be immune to my powers but that doesn’t mean that your boyfriend over here isn’t.” Ramu said before flicking his wrist again and Zack again roared in pain. “Enough!” I yelled as the anger of Zack’s pain bubbled up in me. Ramu’s surprised and shocked face was the last thing I saw before everything went black with pain. “No!” I heard Ramu yell while bones popped around me and hair started growing all over me. The pain as excruciating and for a while I thought that I wasn’t immune to Ramu’s power and that I was about to die but then my clothes ripped off and the next thing I knew I was on all fours with a soft golden coat of fur. I stared over at Ramu who was already slowly backing away and I growled at him. “This isn’t over little pup.” I heard him say before he disappeared into the woods.
I stared into the woods where Ramu had left until Zack’s groan of pain snapped me back into reality. “Zack, baby, are you okay?” I asked worriedly while helping him up. “Yeah I’m fine” He replied his breathing deep. “God I knew it wouldn’t be safe to take you out here but I was so sure that I could keep you safe!” Zack yelled at himself. “Zack I’m fine, I don’t even have a scratch on me.” I said rubbing my hand down his back. “Come on I have to take you home.” My words obviously not helping to calm him down. He grabbed my arm and practically dragged me through the woods. Yanking my arm back from his grip pulled Zack closer to me and kissed him. The same electric shocks that happened every time we kissed flared up and I swear I heard Zack moan. When I felt his shoulders relax I hesitantly pulled away from him and placed my forehead on his. “I’m fine Zack, nothing happened to me. In fact the only person who really got hurt was you.” Zack took a big breath and wrapped both arms around my waist. “I know but when people try to threaten you Zoey it just makes me so angry! And I love you so much I just can’t stand the thought of losing you!” His arms tightened around my waist as if I was going to try and get away. I smiled at him and place my head under his chin. “I love you too,” I said into his chest. “And I have a present for you. Tonight.” Zack smiled at me all hint of anger gone. “Last time I checked it was your birthday.” “Oh trust me; we’ll both like this present.” I said with a naughty smile and wink. Zack’s eyes darkened and I heard the faint sound of the growl building up in his throat. With a smile on my face I turned around and walked back to my house swaying my hips slightly.
Chapter 12: The Kidnapping
We got back to the house and of course told my Dad what had happened. “Dammit Ramu!” My Dad yelled at nothing slamming his fist into his hard mahogany desk. “Dad relax. I don’t want a big blow out right now. It’s my birthday and I want to be happy not mad. I can be mad tomorrow. Besides after my change he can’t touch me, he said so himself.” Dad ran a hand through his hair about a thousand times before he felt he was calm enough to have a normal conversation. “Your right,” He said plastering a fake smile on his face. “It’s the first birthday I have been to of yours in the past 7 years and I am going to damn well enjoy it!” At least he is trying not to look like the only thing he is thinking of is killing Ramu, I thought to myself. “Good, I’m hungry now so let’s go get something to eat from the kitchen!” I said already heading towards the door. “We ate an hour ago.” Zack said behind me. “Right now it seems like two years ago.” Zack and my Dad laughed at me but followed behind me to get some food.
We were eating some food and playing a game of monopoly. (Cherry and the rest of the gang had found us in the kitchen) And everyone was having an awesome time when there was a crash from the kitchen window. My mom being the curious person she is immediately went to go see what happened which led to my Dad following after her. “Should we go with them?” I asked Zack. “It’s probably just a tree branch that flung into the window that happens a lot over here with the wind so high an all that.” I nodded my head focusing on the game when I heard my Mom scream and instantly knew something was wrong. We all shot up from our seats and ran toward the kitchen but by the time we got there the only thing left were a smashed open window, a trashed kitchen, and a note. I walked towards it and snatched it off the counter.

My dearest Zoey,
Obviously you know that we have your parents and all I have to say to you is that I warned you. I warned you not to mess with me and that’s exactly what you did so now we have to do this the hard way. You have until midnight tonight to meet me at the council hall and trade yourself for your parents. If you don’t come they will die.
Love, Ramu
“That bastard!” I yelled slamming my fist into the wall and slowly slinking down onto my knees. Zack immediately hooked his arms under my elbows and pulled me up tight against him. “Shhh,” He soothed rubbing my hair while the tears started to come out. “We’ll get them back. Tonight.” I said pushing away from Zack. A determined look on my face. Ramu pushed the wrong girl too far and he is about to pay the price. I’m going to go save my parents life.
Chapter 13: Ass kicking

I ran out of the kitchen and over to my room changing into some shorts and a tee while at the same time grabbing every weapon I had gotten a hold of since I had moved into my Dad’s house. By the time I was done I had a 45. Pistol gun and six different knives that I hid around my body. I had mostly taken them from the training during me and Zack’s sessions. I was ready to kick some ass and there was no way in hell that anyone could stop me from doing it. I looked around one more time making sure I had everything before I ran out my room while snatching a pair of keys on my way toward the front doors.
Zack, Cherry, Derek, Connor, Krissy, and another five or so people that I have seen hanging around the house but never really knew. I stopped for a second eyeing them warily before dashing off toward the doors. “Zoey, just calm down for a second and lets think about this!” I heard Zack say the same time I felt his strong warm arms wrap around my waist. His sexy strong arms and seductive voice……. No! Focus Zoey. I scolded myself and turned my attention back to the conversation. “What is there to think about!!?” I yelled “They took my parents and I’m going to get them back. If you guys don’t want to help me then I’ll do it by myself.” I said determinedly while trying struggle out of Zack’s warm, sexy grip…. What the hell is wrong with me? I should be focused on saving my parents not how hot my boyfriend is!!! FOCUS!! I mentally yelled at myself. “Zoey think for just one second. Where are you going to go once you get past that door? Do you even know where council hall is? You can’t just go in there screaming bloody murder you need a plan!” Zack said shaking me slightly his intense gaze burning into my eyes. I slumped into Zack’s chest. “Your right,” I whispered softly. “If I ran in there with no plan I probably would have just gotten myself killed. But I don’t know what to do and just the thought of Ramu having the nerve to kidnap them makes me want to beat the living shit out of him!!!” “Me too but I’d really wouldn’t like it if you got killed. We need a plan and then we can go kick some ass. Okay?” He said to me will kissing me softly on the lips making a burning sensation in my tummy. “Okay, but we have to hurry we don’t have that much time.”
Ten minutes later we were huddled up in the biggest and loudest van we had with a full proof plan. We waited outside the council hall for another five minutes before some of the council men came outside to find out who was making all the noise. As soon as I saw them Zack and I snuck out of the van from the back so they couldn’t see us and quietly moved toward one of the windows at the back of the building that was always left open. As soon as we had climbed in a guard started running toward us. We easily knocked him out and dragged him to a corner. “Well, that was kind of easy.” I said wiping my hands on my jeans. “Let’s go find my parents.” “Uhhh Zoey? I think you spoke to soon” Zack said grabbing my arm. Confused, I looked over to where Zack was staring and saw that another fifty or so guards had turned up in the hallway probably heading to the front of the building. “Shit! Run!” I yelled and Zack immediately complied holding onto my arm tighter and taking off down the hall. Zack pulled me into a corner and I stiffened my body making sure to be as quiet as possible. I heard the heavy footsteps of the guards and gripped Zack’s arm tightly. The guards ran right past us not even giving us a second glance. I let the air out of my lungs not realizing that I had been holding my breath. “This way,” Zack whispered tugging on my arm. He led me through so many different hallways I almost thought we were lost until we came to a slightly open door. It wasn’t open wide enough for us to see who was in there but it was wide enough for us to hear what they were saying. “-ready to be reasonable yet?” I heard Ramu’s scraggly voice say. “Bite me,” A voice that I recognized instantly as my Dad’s and l let out a silent breath of relief that he was still okay but probably not for long……. I heard a sharp snapping sound and a grunt and suddenly a muffled scream. Mom! The anger bubbled up in me. If they laid one finger on her I’m going to break each one of their bones one by one I silently promised myself. Curiosity soon got the best of me and I slowly eased the door open a little giving a small thanks to God when it quietly eased open. Now able to see I peeked my head in making sure that no one would be able to see me while Zack looked inside over my shoulder. The first thing I saw was Ramu’s back which was faced to the door so he couldn’t see us but right in front where Ramu was standing was my Dad duck tapped to a chair his skin was soaked with his own blood and I could tell he was in a lot of pain even though he wasn’t showing it. I heard a small mumbled noise from the corner of the room and saw my mom duck tapped and gagged on the floor her eyes wide and tear streaked when she saw me come in. I raised a finger to my lips to signal for her to be quiet and she gave me a small nod to show she understood. “I’m beginning to realize that you are going to continue to be difficult so if your pain isn’t going to convince you to say yes, I guess I’m just going to have to hurt your wife.” Ramu said viscously walking over to my Mother and pulling her up by the hair. “No!” My Dad yelled at the same time. Ramu flicked his hand leaving my Dad to wither in pain on the floor. I could hear my Mom’s muffled screams. I pushed through the door. “Stop,” I yelled at him. Which he immediately did, before turning around to face me. He looked surprise to see me at first but soon masked his face with a too bright smile that sent shivers down my back and not the good kind. “Ahh Zoey, here to save the day I see.” Ramu said while at the same time removing his grip from my Mom’s hair. “Zoey, Get. Out. Of. Here. Now.” My Dad said between clenched teeth. I could literally feel his eyes glaring at the side of my head. “No.” I said firmly and put all my attention back on Ramu. “You wanted me here Ramu and you got me now let my parents go before I kick your ass so hard you’ll end up in China.” Ramu chuckled softly at me and I continued to glare at him. “Poor, sweet, innocent Zoey. Did you really think I would just hand them over? Did you think that I went through all this trouble just to give them back when you showed up at my doorstep?” “Yes because you will give them back and I will be going with them.” I said firmly clenching and unclenching my fist. “Oh really? And why is it, do you assume that I will be letting any of you go?” I saw a flicker of movement in the corner of my eye and saw Zack and my Mom hurriedly untying my Dad. Zack must of untied mom while we were distracted. I silently thanked him and glared back at Ramu. “Either you let us leave or we force you to let us leave but no matter what I and my family will be leaving completely intact and alive.” “We shall see about that Zoey.” Ramu said in a calm voice that for some reason made the anger inside of me bubble even higher. “Yes we shall.” I heard the deep rumble of my Dad’s voice and could feel him standing behind me. I saw a flicker of fear cross through Ramu’s face at sight of my Dad but it was soon masked by a blank look of nothingness. “You force me from my family, kidnap me and my wife, Tie and gag us, beat me and my wife, then you threaten my kid. This is the last straw Ramu. You will be petitioned out of the council and you will be executed.” Ramu gave out a harsh laugh. “You can’t petition me out of council without any proof and I am positive you don’t have any.” “Really?” My Dad said raising an eyebrow up at him. “What about my scratches and bruises? What about the note you left for my daughter? What about my broken window and invaded house? And if that doesn’t convince them the security footage will. You can’t get away from this Ramu. Admit it.” Ramu went pale slightly and I could see his eyes looking around the room for a possible escape. Suddenly he lunged to the left and the next thing I knew he had his arm around my mom’s neck with a knife pressed against her throat. “Get back or I will kill her.” He said viscously. The anger that I had been trying to calm down for the past hour suddenly shot up in a big wave but this time I didn’t try to stop it. It passed through me so hard I swear my vision turned red and then there was pain and the sound of bones cracking. I saw Ramu’s eyes widen and I felt hair start to sprout all over my body and my mouth grew longer while my teeth grew sharper. My hearing and eye sight were suddenly in tune with my surroundings and the net thing I knew my first shift was over. I was a werewolf. I growled low in my throat at Ramu silently commending him to let my mom go. He gulped and I watched his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down in his throat. It looked so tempting……. “Let her go Ramu or else I’m not sure I will be able to stop her from hurting you.” My Dad’s voice brought me back to the real world and I again growled at Ramu baring my fangs at him. Ramu shakingly let go of my Mom who immediately ran over to my Dad who held her tightly to his chest and kissed her forehead. During the distraction Ramu had tried to scurry away but I immediately ran after him and knocked him to the floor, my mouth hovering over his neck. “It’s okay Zoey” I heard Zack’s luscious voice say before slowly pulling my big wolf body off Ramu. I snarled at Ramu one more time before silently retreating into the warmth of Zack’s arms. Then everything went black.

CHAPTER 14: A legend?
I groaned slightly from the pain in my head and tried to ignore the sunlight shining on m face. “Zoey, baby wake up. How are you feeling?” Said the very familiar, very sexy voice. I reached my hands up and could feel the hard biceps under my hands. I moaned slightly trailing my hands up until I could feel hair under my hands and moaned again but louder this time. “Zoey, I think you should let go.” Said that same husky sexy voice. Who is he? Where am I? The questions trailed through my head but soon disappeared into nothing when I heard a soft groan. My eyes popped open and I suddenly remembered who the sexy voice was belonged to.Zack. Zack was straddling my hips his head over my face with my hands tangled in his hair and his mouth clenched tightly. ‘Let’s have some fun’ I thought with an evil smile. I tugged harder on Zack’s hair planning to move him over to my lips but instead I guess I tugged too hard because soon Zack’s face was right in between my breast. And that’s when my Dad walked in. “What the hell do you think you’re doing!!!” My father bellowed and I cringed slightly at the loud sound that made my head pound harder than it was before. I felt Zack quickly scramble to get off me and immediately went cold from the lack of his body warmth. “Ummm I was just-“I heard Zack scrambling to explain himself and with a sigh, tried to heave myself up from the bed. “Don’t worry about it daddy- God my head hurts- it was my fault, I kind of pulled him onto me. Guess I’m stronger than I look,” I said shrugging my shoulders but then groaning from the pain of it. My Dad’s eyes flicked from me to Zack and back to me. I knew he probably didn’t believe me but I also knew he was too worried about my head to really get into it. With a nod he faced over to me again. “How are you feeling?” A frown creasing his forehead. ““Fine,” I said trying not to wince as I attempted to stand up. I wobbled slightly then put one foot in front of me before falling. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the enormous amount of pain that was about rack through my body, but it never came. Instead, I felt Zack’s warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to his chest. “I don’t think you’re doing so well.” He said trying to hold back the laugh that I could feel forming in his chest. “Well, enough to kick your ass.” I said elbowing him in the stomach. Zack doubled over onto the floor and I would have laughed at him if he wasn’t the support that kept me standing which kind of means that as soon as Zack let me go, I fell flat on my ass. After the pain passed through my body, I opened my eyes to find Zack grinning at me. “What are you smiling about? You just got knocked onto your ass by a girl.” Which made him smile wider. “Exactly, you’ve never been able to do that before.” I thought over it a minute then soon turned to him and smiled. “Your right, I have never done that before. I guess I really don’t know how much strength I have. This werewolf stuff is going to take some time to get used to.” “Yeah it is, but you have all of us to help get you threw it.” Zack said pulling me into his arms and giving me a small kiss on the head. I vaguely remembered my Dad being in the room and turned my head to find him staring at me and Zack with a small smile on his face. “Get some rest,” He said before walking out the door. The door clicked closed behind him and I leaned back against Zack with a heavy sigh. The reality of what happened last night whooshed back at me and slowly replayed the memories in my head. I remembered the pain and the urge to kill Ramu. Then I realized I never really got to see what I looked like. “What do I look like?” I asked Zack who gave me a confusing look. “I mean in wolf form.” A smile bloomed onto his face. “Your fur was as white and as soft as fresh snow and your eyes, your eyes were the brightest and most beautiful shade of golden eyes I have ever seen.” He said staring me straight in the eyes. I could feel the love he had for me radiating off of him. “Wait, white fur? And golden eyes? But I have black hair and green eyes. That makes no sense. When you shift you have the same hair and eye color as you do when you’re a human. Are you sure you weren’t just imagining it?” Zack shook his head at me. “No, I’m positive. You were beautiful.” He said stroking my cheek softly. “But how is that possible? Why didn’t I keep my hair or eye color?” Zack shrugged his shoulders. “We were wondering the same thing. Some people think you’re the Salvatorul.” “Who’s the Salvatorul?” I asked curiously. “Salvatorul means ‘savior’ in Romanian. There is a prophecy about a girl they call the Salvatorul who is supposedly supposed to bring peace to the werewolf world or something like that. It’s rumored that her fur would be white as snow and her eyes as bright as the sun and that together with her closest friends she would fight the hardest battles and win.” “So- so y’all think that I-I’m the Salvatorul?” I stuttered nervously. “Yep, pretty much” I shook my head as fear racked my body and I started to breath harder. “Hey, you okay?” Zack asked rubbing my back. “They have to be wrong. I am not y’alls savior. I barely ever get up enough energy to make my bed. You have to be wrong!”I said reassuring myself. “I don’t know Zoey they are pretty convinced that it’s you.” Zack said in a soothing voice. “Well, they are wrong and I’m going to go tell them that right now.” I said firmly and quickly stood up. Apparently to quickly because the next thing I knew I started getting light headed and heard Zack yell at me to be careful and take it easy before I once again blacked out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2012

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