
Chapter 1: Day at the beach
I woke up this morning feeling like the happiest person in the world but it didn’t end that way. Before I get to that part let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Katie Weatherton. I have strawberry blonde hair that goes down to the middle of my back with bright blue/gray eyes and not to sound conceded or anything but I’ve been told I have a model-like body. Today is my seventeenth birthday and it was supposed to be the best day of my life but it ended up being the exact opposite. Anyways here is my story………………..

My alarm blared and I jumped out of bed grinning like an idiot. My birthday was finally here and I couldn’t wait to start my day off at the beach with all my close friends! I reached for my phone sitting on my dresser and called my best friend Crystal. It rang three times before she answered. “Hey birthday girlll!!!” She screamed into my phone. “Hey bestie! You getting ready?” I asked while digging through my dresser for my black string bikini. “Yeah, but I’ll be done in about ten minutes.” “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” I said and hung up. I put on my bikini and some jean shorts. I stuffed a shirt into my duffle bag with some tanning oil, sunscreen and some other stuff. I practically ran out my room and down the stairs. I screeched to a stop when I heard some unfamiliar voices. Curious as I am, I went to see who they were. Completely forgetting that I was only wearing a bikini top and some jean shorts I walked into my living room. When I got in I immediately saw who the voices were from. There was a tall, tanned lady about my mom’s age wearing a yellow sundress with a man who had Black hair with streaks of gray in his hair. You could tell he worked a lot from the bags lying heavily under his eyes. And then there was him……………. He looked about my age with his mesmerizingly green eyes and pitch black hair that covered most of his forehead and threatened to fall into his eyes. His skin was tanned to perfection and his arms bulged slightly from his muscles. I knew I was staring at him and I knew I should stop but I just couldn’t he was so- so hot! I soon realized I wasn’t the only one staring. His eyes seemed to travel all around and my body and I blushed a deep scarlet red. I heard a laugh and brought myself back to reality. “Hey there sleepy head.” My mom said walking into the living room and hugging me. My dad followed after her. “Happy birthday,” My dad whispered kissing my forehead. “Thanks,” I said smiling. I looked back over to the strangers in my living room and gave them a small wave. “Sweetie, this is Mr. & Mrs. Collington and their son Tyler.” My mom said with a tight smile. Hmmm, Collington. Where have I heard that before? I wondered then faced our guest deciding to drop it for now. I stuck my hand out to them first facing Mrs. Collington. “Nice to meet you, I’m Katie.” I said smiling politely at her. Mrs. Collington eyes seemed to sparkle and she smiled brightly. “Please call me Rebecca and my Husband Robert.” “Okay,” I said smiling and turning to shake Robert’s hand with a firm grip. He too, smiled brightly at me and I smiled right back then turned to Tyler and tried not to gape at his sexiness. I stuck my hand out and he smiled lightly. “Katie, Right?” He said in a seductively deep voice and I tried my best not to gasp when he took my hand and the electric sparks shot up my arm. “Yep, and your Tyler?” I asked trying to keep my voice straight. “Yeah,” He said and his smile grew wider. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was mentally slapping myself for acting like a love struck girl. “Well, umm, I got to go my friend is waiting for me and we are going to the beach with a couple of other people.” I said yanking my hand back and turning to my parents to give them a hug. “Okay, but we have something to tell you when you get home.” My mother said a little sadly. I looked at her questioningly and she just shook her head, her hair covering her face. Is that a tear sliding down her face? I shook my head clearing my mind. I’m probably just imagining and started heading towards the door then stopped. I turn to Tyler. “Hey, if you don’t have anything to do. Do you maybe want to come with?” I asked him. He looked shocked that I offered then composed himself. “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude.” He said nervously. “No, seriously it’s fine.” I said smiling “It’s my birthday so no one will mind.” “Oh, go ahead Tyler! It might be fun” Rebecca urged. “I don’t have any swimming trunks with me.” He said to her. “Oh, that’s okay, my brother Brandon has tons. I’m sure one of them will fit you.” I said and saw my mom turn down the hallway to go get one of Brandon’s many swim trunks. “Okay,” Tyler said hesitantly and I smiled brightly. “Good,” I said just as my mom came back with some trunks. I shoved them into Tyler’s hands then pushed him into the bathroom. “Hurry up and change we got to go!” I urged excitingly. I heard his parents laughing as urged him to hurry. He walked out in my brother’s plain black trunks and I couldn’t help but stare for a little bit before snapping myself out of it and pulling him to the front door. “Bye,” I yelled “Bye, Happy birthday! Have fun!” I heard them call back as I walked out of the house and pulled him over to my cherry red convertible VW Buggy. He arched an eyebrow at me and I laughed. “Isn’t it cute?!!” I said smiling. “Umm yeah,” He said laughing while I put in my key and dashed out of my driveway. I pressed a button and the top of my car started to retreat and I sighed as the fresh California breeze brushed over my skin.

Ten minutes later we were pulling up to the only pink house in the neighborhood. Crystal’s mom had a big thing for pink. I personally hated the color but oh well. “Wait here,” I said and rushed out the car and to the front door. I rang the doorbell and ten seconds later Crystal opened it. She attacked me with a hug and I fell right on my butt. We laughed and she helped me up. “Who’s the hottie?” She asked curiously looking at Tyler. “That’s Tyler, he was at my house this morning and I asked if he wanted to come with us to the beach.” “Why?” She asked and I looked at her with an are-you-serious? Face. “No, I mean why was he at your house?” She asked. That caught me by surprise. Why was he at my house? I asked myself. “I don’t know, good question.” I said staring at Tyler. “Oh well, C’mon and help me with my stuff.” She said pulling on my arm. There was a big pile of beach stuff in the middle of the house and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “You have got to be kidding me!” I said still laughing. “What? It’s always good to be prepared.” She said like she hadn’t put together an unnecessarily large amount of stuff. “Do you seriously think this will all fit in my car?” I asked raising an eyebrow at her. She looked at the stuff then back at my car. “Fine, just grab the volleyball.” She pouted and walked off to my car. “Hey, I’m Crystal.” I heard her introduce herself as I picked up the volleyball and walked to my car. I started the engine and we were off.

It took us about thirty minutes to get to the beach. The whole time laughing at the different jokes or stories we were telling each other. When we got there my other friends were already there and they rushed up to me giving me hugs and telling me Happy Birthday. After I introduced Tyler to everyone we got our stuff from the car and ran towards the ocean water. We spent the day laughing and splashing at each other. We played a little beach volleyball and they even fired up a grill on the beach and started cooking some hamburgers. So far it had been the best day of my life just like I had expected but soon my happy little bubble was going to come crashing down.
Chapter 2: The Big Secret
We had dropped Crystal off at her house and were now sitting in my driveway but neither of us made a move to get out. “That was really fun, thanks for inviting me.” Tyler said smiling at me. I smiled back. “No problem, I’m really glad you came.” I said smiling back. Especially because I got to see your hot body all wet with no shirt on. I mentally shook my head. Get a hold of yourself Katie! I thought to myself then turned to look at Tyler again. “Look Katie,” Tyler said grabbing my hand and sending those same breath taking electric shocks shooting up my arm like they do every time he touches me. “When we get in there their going to tell you something that’s probably going to make you hate me, and I just want you to know before we get in there that none of this was my choice and I would never force this on someone but right now it really isn’t my choice even though it should be.” I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. “I couldn’t ever hate you.” I said my hand unconsciously going up to his cheek. “I hope you right,” He said quietly and then I was kissing him. Fireworks were exploding in my head and I never wanted it to end and apparently neither did Tyler because his arms wrapped around my waist and brought me across the car and into his lap so he could hold me closer. We pulled away from each other with a loud “pop”. Our breathing was heavy as we stared at each other. “Now I definitely can’t hate you.” I said my hand still on his cheek. He smiled a big bright smile that had my heart pounding against my chest. I kissed him one last time, long and hard, before getting out of the car and walking to my front door. Tyler following after me. I walked into my house and immediately saw all the boxes covering my house. “Mom!” I shouted. “What’s going on?” I saw my mom rush into the living room and she hugged me tightly, tears running down her face. “You know me and your father love you, right?” She asked a desperate note in her voice while she stared up at me with her tear streaked face. “Yeah, I know mom. Now what’s going on?” I asked her curiously and saw my dad come in and place a warm arm around my mother. “Sweetie, come sit down. We have something to tell you.” I stared at them and then my gaze flicked over to Tyler who had an apologetic look on his face. Cautiously, I walked over to our couch and slowly sat down. I noticed that Rebecca and Robert had come into the room and they were now moving to sit on the couch across from mine while my mom and dad sat next to me. “What’s going on?” I asked for just about the millionth time as my mom gently took my hand in hers. “When you were a baby you-““Almost died, but I survived and the doctors said it was a miracle. I know mom, I’ve heard this story a million times.” I said interrupting here. “That’s not exactly how the story really went…….” My mom said nervously twiddling her thumbs in her hand. “What? So what really happened?” I asked. “You were dying.” My mom said, her hands were trembling and the tears were still falling down her face. “The doctors said that there was only way you would survive.” My dad said holding my mother close. “But the procedure cost a lot of money and I and your mother aren’t exactly the richest people.” “And Th-that’s when the Co-collingtons stepped in.Th-they offered to pay for your surgery if we agreed that you marry their son when you turn seventeen.” “And we said yes.” My dad finished because my mom was crying too hard to talk. My face went a pale white color and I suddenly felt like throwing up as realization dawned on me. “But I-“ I started to say but the next thing I knew I was falling. I heard someone call out my name but the next thing I knew the world was black.

“Zoey,” Someone whispered while shaking me lightly. “Hmm,” I moaned. “Zoey, come on get up,” The voice said tightly. I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with someone’s crotch. I screamed and jumped up looking around while my memory of what happened slowly came back to me. I turned and saw that Tyler was the one who had woke me up and he was also the one whose lap my head was lying on before. “You,” I said my eyes narrowing at him. Tyler frowned, “Katie, Can you let me explain?” He asked as I walked out of the……….. Limo? When did I get in a limo? Who cares, I thought as I walked off. “Katie!” I heard Tyler say then suddenly felt his warm hand on my wrist and scolded myself when it made me tingle all over. “What.” I said yanking my hand away. “Please just listen!” “What is there to listen to!?!” I yelled at him. “How you ruined my life? Or maybe how you-“ But before I could finish Tyler pulled me close to him and kissed me. I struggled at first trying to get away but soon his amazing lips coaxed me into kissing him back and to tell the truth…… I damn straight enjoyed it! Tyler pulled away from me and I stumbled a bit still a little dazed. “I had no decision in this and if I did, I wouldn’t be making you do this, no matter how cute I think you are.” Tyler said now that he had my attention but the only thing I heard was that he thought I was cute. I stared up at him and cursed myself for being so attracted to him. “Shit,” I said then grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down to my lips. At first he was too shocked to kiss me back but soon came to his senses and slipped his arm around my waist pulling me against him. I pulled back slightly and rested my forehead on his. “I hate you,” I whispered. “No you don’t,” He whispered back his breathing still heavy from our kiss. I was just about to prove to him how much I didn’t hate him with a kick to the place a guy never wants to get kicked when his mother suddenly appeared at our side. “Oh Katie, I was just looking for you, I see you and Tyler are getting along.’’ She said smiling happily. I faked a smile at her and pushed Tyler away. “Hi Mrs.Collington,” I said trying not to let my emotions show. She frowned at the name. “Rebecca,” She corrected and I nodded. “Come along darling, I was just going to show you your room. You must be exhausted.” She said pulling my arm. “Yeah,” I said smiling tightly. Even though Rebecca was probably the reason why I’m being forced into this marriage, I couldn’t be mad at her she was just way too nice! I wish she was mean; it would be so much easier to be mad at her! Rebecca had pulled me into an enormous and beautifully designed house. The walls painted white and white/tan marbled floors. The house split off into a bunch of different hallways the same with the upstairs. There were antiques placed carefully all around the house. Dang!! Tyler is fucking rich!!!!We were walking down a hall when she suddenly stopped and turned to face me. “I know this all sudden and it’s probably going to take a lot of getting used to but could you please just give Tyler a chance? Please? I know I have no right to ask you this but he really is a good person.” Rebecca said and I could see the honesty in her words. I could also the love, care, and pride she had for her son. I nodded my head at her and gave her a small smile. “I’ll give him a chance.” I said and suddenly she was hugging me. “Oh, thank you Katie!” I could feel her happy tears dropping onto my shirt. She backed up and straightened herself out then smiled at me again. “Come on,” She said and took my arm continuing to show me to my room. She stopped in front of room and urged me inside. It was a nice room. The walls painted a light blue and the king sized bed with black bed sheets. There was a big stereo system in the corner of the room with a bunch of different CD’s sitting next to it along with a big mahogany dresser. There was a door and me being curious, I opened the door. “Ummm,” I said facing Rebecca. “I think someone already stays in this room.” Rebecca laughed. “Of course someone does, it’s Tyler’s room silly.” “Oh no-“ I said starting to protest but she just patted the back of my head. “It’s perfectly fine darling, besides how are you suppose to get to know each other if you’re in a room on the other side of the house?” She questioned. “But-“ I stared but she cut me off. “I insist you stay in here. Now you get to bed you must be tired from your long day.” Rebecca said then closed the door on her way out. “Sneaky little…..” I mumbled and heard Rebecca laugh from behind the door.
Chapter 3: Tyler’s chance
“Guess I’ll have to make the best of this.” I said to myself. I noticed that I was still in my beach clothes and I started to walk into the bathroom. It had a huge tub and a separate glass shower that looked really tempting right now. There was a cabinet next to the marble sink and I opened it, looking for a towel. I hung on the towel hanger outside the shower and started to strip. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up before stepping into the shower. I slowly washed away the salt water while at the same time washing off all the stress. I started thinking about what I’m going to do with Tyler while I was washing my hair and suddenly and idea came to me. I was so excited to tell Tyler about my idea! I started to rush through the rest of my shower. I grabbed at the towel and wrapped it tightly around myself hoping that someone had brought my stuff up. I walked out of the bathroom door and started for the closet when I heard a small cough. I turned slowly and my eyes widened when I saw Tyler lying on the bed staring at me with an amused expression. “Hi,” he said smiling at me. I turn and ran towards the closet and slammed the door shut. I could hear his laughter from behind the door and scowled lightly. Sadly, no one had come up with my stuff yet so I looked around Tyler’s closet and pulled out a REALLY big shirt that went down to my knees. With nothing but Tyler’s big shirt on I walked out of the closet. He looked up from where he was on the bed when he heard the door close and I could literally see the dirty thoughts running through his head when he saw me and I couldn’t help but smile mentally to myself. Tyler got up from the bed and walked over to me. He carefully pushed me back so that I was up against wall and leaned forward so his mouth was next to my ear. “You’re wearing my shirt,” He whispered huskily. “No one brought up my clothes yet,” I whispered back. “You look so hot in it,” He said nibbling lightly on my ear then trailing a bunch of kisses down my neck. Unable to take it anymore, I moved my head toward his and eagerly pushed my lips against his loving the feeling of sparks that ran straight through my body and into a special spot between my legs. I moaned loudly into his mouth and he wrapped his arms around my waist picking up from the floor while at the same time pressing me closer to his body. I wrapped my legs around his waist, completely forgetting that I had nothing but a t-shirt on. I moaned again when I felt his erection tapping right on to my core. Unconsciously, I rubbed myself against him and he pulled me even closer to him. “Oh god Katie!” Tyler moaned putting his hands on either sides of my waist to stop my rubbing. I pulled back and looked at him curiously “Why’d you make me stop?” I asked him while slowly unwrapping my legs and sliding back down to the ground. Tyler groaned and closed his eyes. “I want you to make sure you really want to before I have sex with you.” I stared at him thoughtfully. If it was any other guy they wouldn’t have hesitated to put me on that bed and take my virginity but not Tyler…………… “That’s really sweet,” I said smiling him. He gave me a small smile and stepped back still trying to get control of himself. “So, ummm, I have a…. proposition to make you.” I said slowly to him. He raised an eyebrow at me signaling for me to continue. “I’m going to give you a chance.” I stated and watched as a big smile broke out on Tyler’s face while my heart fluttered. “Here’s the deal, you have one month. Make me fall in love with you and I’ll marry you if not then I won’t. It’s simple.” Tyler nodded. “I can agree to that. “Good,” I said smiling. “Now let’s go to sleep, I’m tired.” I said crawling in to bed and hoping that Tyler’s shirt is covering my special parts. “Okay,” Tyler said turning off the lights and getting in next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his chest. “What are you doing?” I mumbled “Trying to make you fall in love with me,” He whispered back. “M’kay,” I said before falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling the most relaxed that I have ever felt in my life. I stretched my arms up over my head and sighed contently when I suddenly felt a small restraint. Curious, I looked down and saw Tyler’s arm was still wrapped around my waist and couldn’t help but smile lightly to myself. Then I slowly tried to get out of bed but Tyler had a damn strong grip and he held on to me. I rolled over in the bed so that I was facing him. “Tyler,” I whispered while shaking him lightly. “Hmmm?” He sighed “Move your arm I want to get up!” I said pushing his arm for emphasis. “No,” He said moving his head into the side of my neck. I gasped at the shocks that ran down my spine then quickly regained myself. “Tyler move!” I pushed at him, trying to keep a tough face on but failed miserably. “No!” He replied again and started to trail kisses up and down my neck. “Stupid ass big muscled guy……” I mumbled under my breath but apparently not quietly enough because I suddenly felt Tyler’s chest rumble as he laughed. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me Katie,” He stated in a very confident voice. I turned so he could see my face and cocked an eyebrow at him. “Don’t be so sure of yourself Tyler.” I said while mentally telling myself not to fall for him no matter what over and over again. “I will be very sure of myself.” Tyler replied and smiled at me gently and in a movement to quick for me to stop, he kissed me while at the same time pinning my arms so I couldn’t move. Okay so one kiss couldn’t hurt could it? Uhh who cares! I thought and kissed Tyler back as hard as I could. He groaned into my mouth when I shoved my tongue past his lips and into his mouth. Tyler’s hands left my wrist and started to lift up my shirt and I pushed him off me so he landed back on the bed with a thump. “Katie!” He yelled like he couldn’t believe I just threw him off. “I’m not going to make this easy for you.” I said and walked off toward the bathroom while grabbing a towel.
Chapter 4: Rich
I took a short shower since I already took one last night and opened the door, praying that my clothes were there. Thankfully, when I opened the door all my stuff was in the room. I rummaged through the boxes looking for my clothes but the only clothes I could find were my VERY short shorts and a one size too small white shirt that said “they’re real” in big black letters right where my boobs would be. I sighed remembering when Crystal bought me this shirt when she convinced me to go to my very first high school party with beer and liquor and all the works. Oh god Crystal, does she know what happened? Uhh, I guess I’ll have to worry about that later but right now I have to focus on not falling in love with Tyler. I never thought it would be so hard to resist. I mean it’s only been one freaking night and I already have to keep my distance from him or I’m afraid I might jump him!!! Still grumbling I found a pair of black panties with a matching bra and put on my shorts and shirt. I groaned as I stared at myself. I looked like a slut! I’m suppose to push him away not wear clothes that will make him want more!! I ran my hand through my hair multiple times frustrated that my idea isn’t going exactly as I planned. “It’s one month Katie. You can do it.” I said silently to myself. Trying to keep my confidence, I walked out of Tyler’s room and into the long and complicated spirals of hallways. I wandered around trying to look for anything that I recognized when one of the plaques on the wall caught my attention. “Collington’s music industry award” My eyes grew wide and I finally realized why Collington sounded so familiar when I first meet them. They were one of the biggest music industries in the world! Crystal’s dream is to work for them; she talks about it all the time. No wonder it sounded so familiar! How come I didn’t realize this earlier? I started running down the hall panicked. I don’t want to be here! I don’t want to marry an insanely rich guy! I turned a corner still running and ran into someone’s chest. I bounced back and fell right on my ass. I stared up at Tyler wide eyed with fear in my eye. “Katie what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly and kneeled down beside me looking for injuries. I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back shaking my head. “You’re rich,” I said backing away from him. “Umm yeah,” He said looking a little embarrassed. “Take me home,” I said slowly. “What?” He said confused. “I want to go home. I don’t want to be rich. And I want to leave.” I said still backing up until I hit the wall. Tyler’s face turned to a mixture of emotions. Admiration, confusion, and maybe……. Love? I mentally shook my head no it’s not love; he has barely even known me for two days he can’t be in love with me. I thought to myself. “You want to go home?” He asked and I nodded my head. “Because you found out I was rich?” You could tell he was really confused. I nodded my head again. “But I was pretty sure you figured out that I was rich when you walked into this house. Why do you want to leave now?” “I didn’t know how rich you were but then I finally realized why your last name was so familiar. When I first figured you were rich I didn’t think you were THAT rich. I thought maybe a couple million dollars but it’s not a couple million it’s more like a couple billion!” “Okay, let’s go over this one more time just to get my mid straight. You didn’t think I was that rich so you stayed but then you found out I was REALLY rich and now you want to leave?” I nodded my head. “I don’t understand. Why would you want to leave because I’m rich?” “Look Tyler, your family has a lot of money and if I marry you then you share that money with me and I just can’t handle that! Don’t you see, I’d drown if I had that much money! I just can’t handle that!” I shouted still backed up against the wall. “You are so weird,” Tyler said staring at me like I was an experiment in a box for him to poke at. “Just take me home.” I whispered turning my gaze down to the floor. Next thing I knew Tyler was in front of me, his hand on my chin making me face him. “No, we had a deal. I have one month to make you fall in love with me and if I succeed then I will drop my inheritance.” I gasped and felt the tears well up in my eyes. “That’s a lot of money to give up on over one girl Tyler.” I said moving my gaze back to the floor. Tyler jerked my chin making me stare at him again. “But she’s worth it,” He said gently. His eyes stared into mine so caringly and I fought myself so hard to keep from kissing him but even that wasn’t enough. “God dammit!” I said hitting my fist against the floor. I reached for Tyler; he saw it coming and eagerly complied. Moving his neck down to touch my lips. I put all my strength in that kiss and then reluctantly pulled away. “Stay. Please?” He whispered. I nodded my head “Okay, but only for a month.” “We’ll see.” He whispered back and pecked me lightly on the lips. Then he stood up and extended a hand down to me to help me up. “I like your shirt, by the way.” He said staring lustfully. “Eyes up here bulldog, and thanks…..” I said my cheeks turning a light red. “Hmmm, well I guess we better get going.” He sighed and pulled his gaze away from my boobs and started dragging me down the halls. “Where we going?” I asked curiously. “Surprise,” He said and winked at me.
Chapter 5: Attempt at love
Tyler dragged me out to the limo and patiently waited for me to get in. I sat down and looked around at the spacious inside of the limousine. There was a bar at one side and a TV one another and there were a bunch of buttons everywhere. The seat went down slightly and I knew Tyler had sat down. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my toward him. “No.” I said pulling his hand off and moving away from him. “Yes.” He replied and scooted up so close to me that I hit the door. I glared at him before getting up and moving to the other side of the limo. Tyler gave me a sad face and I rolled my eyes at him before turning my attention to the TV. I was really getting into the TV show when I once again felt someone’s hand slide around my waist. “Stop,” I said huskily when he started to kiss up and down my neck. He continued and I weakly tried to push him away. His lips move over to my ear and I moaned when he hit my soft spot. “I don’t think you want me to stop Katie.” Tyler whispered in my ear. And just when I was about to give in and kiss him until he couldn’t breathe the limo rolled to a stop and the driver announced we were at our destination. With a growl Tyler hesitantly pulled away and climbed out of the car then stuck his hand back inside to help me out. I stared wide eyed and gaped mouth when I walked out of the car and saw we were at a six flags amusement park then came back to my senses and smiled widely at Tyler who of course smiled back. “Six flags?!?!” I said almost squealing with delight. “I thought you’d like it.” He said smiling and I nodded back. He grabbed my hand and pulled me threw the entrance. We spent the whole day going to all the rides in the park and laughing and for a while I completely forgot that I was being forced into a marriage but instead felt like a normal girl hanging out with her boyfriend. Wait, boyfriend? Is that how I think of Tyler? I guess with all our make out sessions he would be considered my boyfriend and it not like I’d really mined but…….. No! Nonononononononono! I’m supposed to be making this harder on Tyler not easier and thoughts like that will definitely make it easier. “Katie? “ “Huh what?” I said looking at Tyler. “Are you alright?” He asked looking concerned. Dang it! Why did he have to care? If he didn’t actually care about me this would be so much easier! “Yep. Where you asking me something?” I said trying to keep my voice non chalet. “Yeah, I asked if you wanted a funnel cake.” He said not sounding like he believed me. “Oh yeah, that’d be great.” I said with a small smile. “Okay, wait here.” He said as I watched him walk up to the little cart. Why is this so much harder than I thought it would be?
We stayed to ride a couple more rides before quietly walking back to the front of the park and waiting for the limo. My hands suddenly became much more interesting as I tried to stop myself from fidgeting in the awkward silence. “Katie,” Tyler said while softly grabbing my arm. “Yeah?” I said trying not to sound nervous. “What’s wrong?” He asked sincerely. I glanced at him nervously before quickly bringing my eyes back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said trying to play it cool. “Bullshit Katie! You’ve been acting weird ever since I asked you if you wanted a funnel cake! Was it something I did?” I flinched a little knowing I was caught and couldn’t just keep pretending that I wasn’t having a good time when in reality I’m having the best time of my life. I turn to Tyler my eyes staring at the little wisps of curls that moved onto his forehead. I wanted so badly to reach up to him and push them away but forced myself not to. I sighed “No Tyler you didn’t do anything wrong I just….” “Just what Katie? Tell me. Please?” Tyler asked his eyes pleading with me to tell him what was wrong. “Stop doing that!” I yelled at him. Tyler’s face turned to one with a mixture of shock and confusion. “Stop doing what?” “Making me like you!” I said frustrated. Tyler’s face broke out with a big huge smile his blue eyes shining brighter then I have ever seen them before. “You like me?” He asked his stupid grin still on his face. “Yes! Okay! I like you! But I don’t want to!” I huffed. I felt Tyler slip his arms around my waist and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Can’t always get what you want but for the record I like you too.” “But not falling in love with you was supposed to be easy! Why is it so hard?!?!?!” I blurted out suddenly without thinking. I immediately tried to pull away from Tyler’s arm and hope he didn’t hear me. But he had heard me loud and clear and just tightened his arms when I tried to pull away. I stared up at him trying to figure out what he was thinking about but all he did was stare at me with what looked like…… love? It’s the same look I always see my parents giving each other but love? No I’m probably mistaking it for lust. “Marry me Katie? Don’t make me wait another month.” I shook my head at him and his whole face fell. My heart ached and made me wish that I had said yes. “I’m sorry Tyler. I’m not going to try and lie anymore I really want to say yes but-“ “But what Katie! If you want to then why won’t you?” He asked interrupting me. “I can’t Tyler. I’m Seventeen! I want a life! I’m not ready to be tied down yet!” I said slow streams of tears falling down my face. “Katie you know that if I had a choice I would wait till the ends of the world for you to marry me but right now neither of us have a choice. My parents aren’t going to let this go. It would just be so much better if you actually liked me.” Tyler said his hands cupping my cheeks and wiping of the tears with his thumb. “How long do you think we have before they force us into this?” I asked in quiet voice. “I really don’t know Katie but it won’t be long.” I nodded my head plans already forming in my head. I looked up at Tyler and let my hand stroke across his face. “I love you Tyler. I want you to know that and always remember that, no matter what happens just remember I really do love you.” Tyler’s face was a mixture of joy and confusion. But before he could ask any questions I pulled him toward me and kissed him. I kissed him with all I had trying to show him how much I really did love him before kneeing him hard in the balls. Tyler fell to the ground and ran. “Katie!” Tyler called after me in a devastating voice. “I love you!” I yelled but I kept running into the crowd away from the park to somewhere I hoped he couldn’t catch me at. The whole time Tyler’s voice calling out to me played in my head over and over again. I’m going to miss him so much but I am not getting married until I am damned ready and if they try to force me I’m going to go kicking and screaming.
Chapter 6: Where are you? (Tyler’s P.O.V)
Have you ever had your heart rip out of your chest a billion times but for some reason you never died so you were forced to face the agonizing pain? Yeah? Well, that’s what I felt as I watched the most beautiful, caring, and honest girl I have ever met run away from me. I hoped into the car as soon as I could move again and ordered the driver to drive around town hoping that somehow we would spot Katie. “Katie!!!” I called over and over again out the window of the limousine. I knew she couldn’t have gotten far on foot but I couldn’t help thinking about all the horrible things that could happen to her. She could starve to death or die of dehydration or some other horrible thing. My heart clenched tightly in my chest as an image of her body lying on the floor in her own blood pooped into my head and suddenly I was more determined than ever to find her. No matter how long it takes.
~Katie’s P.O.V~
I was sitting in a dark alley hidden by a large trash can. I probably shouldn’t have left, I thought as I wrapped my arms around myself to fight off the clothes. Two days had passed already since I had run away from Tyler and he is the only thing on my mind. I had a couple twenty’s in my pocket but they weren’t going to last me very long and when it was gone I didn’t know what I was going to do. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I heard a loud crash from the other side of the trashcan next to me. “Please! Please stop!” A girl screamed from the other side. “Just shut up and enjoy it bitch!” A man growled. I slowly got up from my position and as quietly as possible crawled to the other side. I bit my tongue to keep from gasping at the horrible sight in front of me. A lady around twenty years old was pushed up against the dirty alley wall struggling to get free. Her shirt was ripped and her skirt was hiked up on her waist. The man on top of her was roughly tugging and pulling at her while she fought to get him off. I could see his rough face with a wide scar stretched across it from his chin to his ear and a small golden earring dangling from his ear. “Please! Please just let me go!” She sobbed as she again fought to get his gripping his hands off of her. “That’s it. Bitch I have had enough of your struggling.” I saw him reach into his pocket and pull a knife out. Before I could warn her he shoved it into her stomach wriggling it around so that her screams were louder and longer. “Get the hell away of from her!” I yelled at the same time that I jumped out from behind the dumpster. The man slowly turned around at the sound of my voice, pulling the knife out of the girl at the same time. I shuddered when I saw the tinge of red that covered the knife. The girl slumped to the floor her chest heaving as if it were hard to breath. “Well hello there.” The scraggly voice said forcing me to turn my attention back to him. His eyes raked over my body slowly before a big grin spread out onto his face and sent a shiver running down my back. “Run,” I heard the girl on the floor whisper before her head lolled to the side which I guess means she passed out. “What’s a young and pretty girl like you doing out here at night all alone?” The man whispered and brought a hand up to touch my cheek. I cringed and backed away from him. “I don’t like being disobeyed,” He growled out at me before grabbing my hair and pulling me close. I flinched and stifled a scream. “You’ll make a nice new pet after I teach you all the rules.” “I won’t make a nice new anything. Get away from me.” I spat out at him. He gripped my hair tighter and next thing I knew my face hit the brick wall and I could feel blood trailing down the side of my head. “You will listen to me you little brat or else you will regret it.” I struggled underneath him but he held tight. I poured all my body weight onto him and felt him struggle to keep me up. Using his disadvantage against him she struck her legs out and hit him right where the sun doesn’t shine. He roared and fell to his knees clutching himself tightly cursing at me. As soon as he was on the floor I dashed out of the dark alleyway and ran to the crowded diner that I had spotted across the street. “Help! Please help me!” I screamed as I ran into the diner. As soon as I said the words a waitress who looked to be in her late 40’s rushed over to me along with serious looking cop. “Oh dear, what happened to you?” The waitress asked wrapping me in her arms. “He’s coming for me. He’s going to come for me.” I whispered to her tears streaking down my face. “Who’s coming for you?” The cop asked patiently. “The man. He had a scar on his face and- and the woman. She is in the alley he stabbed her she’s hurt!” I told him desperately begging him with my eyes to go help her. “It’s okay darling. We’ll keep you safe. Now let’s get you to the hospital you look like you might need some stitches.” The nice waitress said in a soft relaxing tone. “Okay,” I nodded looking out the window back at the dark alleyway. ‘He’s gone’ I thought ‘No way would he risk getting caught by the police’ but even as I reassured myself I could have sworn I saw a figure hiding carefully in the shadows. I shivered violently then it all went black.
Chapter 7: Keeping her safe (Tyler’s P.O.V)
I paced up and down the hospital corridor hoping to God that Katie was okay. The hospital had found her phone in her pocket and since they didn’t know who she was and I was the last person she had called they called me. No one will tell me what happened and it’s driving me crazy. “Mr.Collington?” I heard a someone call. I whirled around to face both a doctor and a cop. “Are you family to our unknown patient?” Asked the cop. “I’m her fiancée” “Excuse me?” The doctor said in a flustered voice. “I’m her fiancée. Is there a problem with that?” I questioned. “Oh- uh no she just looked so young to be engaged.” I shrugged my shoulder at him brushing it off. “What happened to her?” I asked facing the cop. “We think she may have come in contact with Scar.” “Scar?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “Yes he is a top wanted serial killer. He is known for raping, torturing, and killing girls from the age 15 to 25.” My heart felt as if it had suddenly stopped beating. “Is she okay?” I asked desperately hoping she would be. “Right now she should be fine. She has a minor concussion and stitches on the side of her head.” “Can I see her? Is she awake?” “That’s why we need to talk to you. If this does end up being Scar then we are going to have to relocate her to a safe spot.” I nodded my head telling them I understand. “I can come with her, right?” The cop thought about for a second before nodding and suddenly he was my favorite person in the world. “Seeing as though she doesn’t know any of us she will most likely want you there.” I nodded silently saying my thank you. “Can I see her now?” I asked eagerly. “Of course, go down this hall take a left, last door of that hallway room 306.” “Thank you,” I said before quickly walking down the hall. As the door came into view I sprinted into a run and burst through the door. I guess I must have startled her because as soon as the door opened she started screaming. “Katie! Katie shhh it’s just me.” I said carefully walking up to her bed and taking her into my arms. I rested my chin on the stop of her head and breathed in her scent. Slowly reassuring myself that she was safe and wrapped in my arms exactly where she should be. “How’d you find me?” She whispered “Hospital called me.” I replied placing a soft kiss on her forehead right before my eyes skimmed to the large band aid running along the side of her face. “What happened?” I asked worriedly. Katie let out a choked sob and tears spilled down her eyes as she explained to me what she had saw and what had happened to her. “Aww baby, I’m so sorry. I should have been there.” I said holding her closely to my chest and softly rocking her back and forth. “Never leave my sight again. Please, I don’t think I could live with myself if something else happened to you.” I begged her and only stopped when heard her soft whisper of agreement.
~Katie’s P.O.V~
I sighed contentedly as Tyler held me to his chest. I was so glad he was here but no matter how grateful I am my mind couldn’t help but wander back to what happened last night. My mind keep flashing images of the scar faced man and the girl who had gotten stabbed. The girl. Where is she? Did they listen to me? Is she safe now? The cop from the diner and the doctor who had done my stitches had chosen that moment to step into the room. “Where is she?” I asked immediately. Confusion spread through everyone’s face. “The girl who was in the alleyway with me. Did you find her?” I asked desperately hoping they had. The doctor and cop exchanged a glance at each other then with a curt nod started to explain. “We did find the young lady in the alleyway and we did everything we can to help her but by the time we got her to the hospital she had lost to much blood and the damages to her internal organs were too much. She died.” The doctor said with a sad sigh. I nodded stiffly already feeling the tears trailing down my face. The cop stepped forward “I know you have had a rough couple of days but we are going to need description of this man you were talking about. If he is who we think he is then you and your fiancée will be transported to a safe house.” I nodded my head again not really hearing his words but understanding them completely. With a small shudder I once again told them what happened and gave a description of the scar faced man who I evidently learned is his name, Scar. “Get some rest Miss; you’re going to need it. We will be transporting you to your safe house now that we have confirmed that it is indeed Scar who attacked you last night. I nodded numbly then snuggled into the covers next to Tyler as I heard the door click shut. “I love you Katie,” I heard him say along with the soft brush of his lips on my forehead and that’s how I fell asleep. In Tyler’s arms. Exactly where I belonged.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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