
Chapter 1


I was up at the party higher than a fuckin kite, but flyer than a got damn bird. Some song by Dj Lilman came on and of course all these broads went out on the dance floor. All I saw was ass. I saw this one chick bouncing and was on the verge of breaking her back. I came behind her and she started throwing it back on my. She was getting my dick hard. When the song stopped she got up and was about to walk away but I grabbed her hand.
“Wanna go somewhere?” I whispered in her ear and she laughed and nodded. I told my niggas I was gonna be back and I took this chick out the back to my car. She got into the backseat and I followed her. Immediately she took my manhood out and started sucking. Hell, after that mouth action, I aint want to fuck her. I nutted in her mouth and we both got out. She smiled and asked for my number and I gave her the rejection hot line number. She went in for a kiss but she got my cheek instead. I don’t know why bitches think it’s cute to suck dick and then get kissed shake my head.

I went back into the party and me and the chick parted ways. I went over to the table where the drinks were and put some grey goose into my cup and added some sprite and drunk the whole damn thing. I wanted to be out of this world right now. I was already high, now I needed to get drunk so my head wouldn’t stop spinning. I saw some girl pouting standing up against the wall. I walked over to her and smiled.
“Hey ma, what’s up?” She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
“Leave me alone Dahmiere” She said. I didn’t even know this chick how she know my name.
“How you know my name?”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me right?” I looked at her seriously. She rolled her eyes. “You know who I am Dah” She crossed her arms over her chest and sipped some of her drink.
“I’m dead ass, who are you?”
“Nicki” I looked at her “Nicki Sweet, you know who the fuck I am. Your bestfreind Nicki” My eyes widened. I looked her up and down at all different angles.
“oh shit girl , look at you!” I said supped as hell. “I haven’t seen you in a minute, how you doing?”
“More like 2 years and I’m fine. I just moved back to town and I will be attending the same high school as you so you have to show me around since it seems like my cousin aint gonna do it” She said looking into the crowd.
“No problem, damn, you look-“
“Nothing, nothing, Wow…It’s been a long time”
“Mmhmm” she said nodding her head. Her cousin came running to her and looked at me.
“You aiight?” He asked looking at me.
“Yeah, Oh Fahkir, this is an old friend of mine, Dahmiere, Dahmiere Fahkir”
“We know who the other is” I said nodding at I’m. We made it seem like we were enemy’s and she got nervous as hell.
“What’s up nigga” Fahkir and I finally gave each other dap and laughed at her face. Nicki rolled her eyes.
“I’m ready to go home Fahkir, this party is ass, no pun intended” She scrunched her nose up.
“Well, I’m enjoying this; you wanna go home, go ahead and walk”
“I can take her” I offered.
“Aiight, good lookin bro, I’ll see you later Nicki” Fahkir said leaving us. She rolled her eyes and headed out the back of the party. I led her to my car and she got into the backseat and quickly changed her mind.
“Uh imma walk” She said.
“Cause your car smells like sex” I laughed at her but she was serious. I shook my head.
“Just get in”
“No, I’m walking”
“Fine, I’ll walk with you”
“Whatever” We walked quietly up the street. There street lights weren’t even all that bright so I knew she was a little nervous walking down the street. When we reached her house a half hour later, she thanked me and gave me a hug. This girl smelled good a hell. She ran into her house and I walked back to the party so I can get a new chick to get my dick wet again.

Chapter 2


Seeing Dahmiere brought back old memories. We used to be the best of friends it scared people. The love we had for one another was strong and he made it perfectly clear to all his girlfriends I came before them and I did the same with the very few boyfriends I actually had. We were so close, people used to think we went out or something just cause we took cute pictures together and matched sometimes and would always go places every weekend. That was my homie though. We always got into fights and trouble when I was out here. But you know, back then we were young. He was 15 and I was 14. But we always looked out for each other. I remember when I left, he spent the night over my house and my brother was knocked out. We snuck upstairs to my room and I lay in his arms as we watched a movie. He told me he loved me and gave me this friendship ring that I wore until every day until my finger felt sore, then I out it around a necklace and kept it. He kissed me and then I fell right to sleep. When I woke up, he was gone and it was time for me to go to the airport with my older brother. I didn’t even have the chance to actually say goodbye.

But you know that’s life. When I moved to California, I met mad people. My boyfriend was the sweetest. We stayed together for the last year but I decided since I was coming back, I had to break up with him. I wanted him to move on instead of assuming we both were gonna be faithful. Although he tried to persuade me, I still told him no.

When I came into the house, I saw my brother knocked up, cuddled up with my sister in law. They were so cute together. He was taller than her and she was Asian and black with nice jet black curly hair, bright hazel eyes, pink lips and her complexion was so beautiful. It was like a light tan color. I turned the TV off and went into my room and prepared myself to sleep. But I couldn’t. I was thinking about Dahmiere and I don’t know why I mean, I loved that boy and everything but my thoughts were of us dating. I highly doubt we’ll go out considering the fact that he fucks all sorts of girls. I turned my light off and turned over in my bed and fell right to sleep.

Chapter 3


First day of school, of course I had to show how much money I had. I put my iced out rollie on my wrist and my all black rosary beads my grandmother always told me to believe in God. I do, that don’t mean I have to go to church. Anyway, I was fresh; I had my blue Hollister shirt that went with my Rolex and my Chuck Taylors. I put my true religion jeans on and made sure my black belt was showing and my polo boxers briefs were out. I was one fly ass dude. I brushed my waves in my hair and made sure a nigga wasn’t ashy. I put the lotion on my chocolate skin that was scratched a little from fights I had in the past. I remember this one fight I got in, Nicki and I was fighting these niggas for slapping her ass. She went in and so did I. I accidentally cut my arm on the gate nearby and mad blood was everywhere. When it got cleaned, it wasn’t even that big of a scratch. She laughed at my facial expression when she poured the alcohol on it. Those were the good old days. But now, I want her. She was my bestfreind and she will be now. Aint nobody getting with my bestfreind unless I approve. Just like when we were younger. If a nigga wanted to date her, they had to see me first. I sprayed a little Hollister cologne on my body then I put my giants snapback on my head and left, grabbing my backpack on the way out the door.

Hopping in my Lexus, I saw my nigga Malik leaving his girls house and walking up the street angry. I wasn’t gonna call this nigga’s name so instead I whipped out of the parking lot and drove up to him.
“Malik!” I yelled beside him.
“Yo, waddup doe?” He said running over to me.
“Nothin man, I’m about to go to school, where you headin?”
“Tss, home. I gotta get to school too but imma be late as fuck since I stayed with Trina ass last night” I laughed.
“Want me to drop you off over there?”
“Yeah” He got in on the passenger side and I sped over to his crib as I blasted Burn by Meek Mill ft Big Sean.
“Aiight, imma catch you son” I said as he gave me dap.
“Aiight bro” I whipped out of his parking lot and was about the speed up the street until I saw Nicki leaving her house with the shortest shorts. When I saw her bent over, I could see the bottom of her ass.
“Aye ma!” I yelled out of my car. She turned around and smiled.
“What’s up?” She asked putting her shades on top of her head.
“Nothin, want a ride?” I asked licking my lips.
“Uh, Sure, let me tell Camari I’m leaving” She said referring to her brother. He came to the door and saw me and waved.
“What’s up nigga!” He yelled.
“Shit, chillin, tryin to get to school”
“True dat, Do you nigga” He said as Nicki got into the car. I waved then sped down the street. This girl and I really had good taste. We was practically matching she didn’t have on a blue Hollister shirt, she had on a blue Aeropostale shirt that hugged her body and some white knee socks with blue lines on them. I smiled as I saw her looking in the mirror making sure her lip gloss was shiny.
“What?” Ashe asked.
“Nothing” I whipped into the school’s parking lot and parked in my usual spot. She played with her bang and then got out of the car. Her swag was on point with mine. She grabbed her Jan sport backpack that was black just line mine. I shook my head.
“Were too much alike” I said meeting her in the front of the car. She looked me up and down and laughed.
“Seriously, that’s why we are best friends”
“So I guess were starting where we left off?”
“Of course” He showed me a necklace with a ring on it and I laughed.
“You still got that thing?”
“Of course, someone special gave it to me” That truly warmed my heart. Nicki was beautiful. Her mocha skin was glowing and I noticed her freckles more and I laughed.
“I forgot you got freckles”
“Stop staring at me” She said trying to cover my eyes but I pushed her away.
“Come on, let’s go” I took her small hand into mine. I knew I was getting stares but I aint care at all. All I was worried about was Nicki bending over; her ass truly looked like it swallowed those damn shorts she was wearing.

As we entered the office, she told the receptionist, Mrs. Fidelity her name and then she received her schedule.
“Hey Mrs. F, how you doin”
“Mmm, Dahmiere, Whatchu want?”
“I uh need a new schedule”
“What happened to the old one?”
“Let’s just say, it burned” she shook her head and printed it out.
“Imma warn you now boy, if you talk to my niece, I will slap you into next week” I laughed.
“Now why would I do something like that Mrs. F?” I asked putting my arm around Nicki.
“I know you Dahmiere, don’t play with me” I waved to her as I left the office before the principle came in. I looked at my schedule and back at Nicki’s. Back and forth and then a wide smile formed on my face.
“We have every class except honors Chemistry together” She laughed.
“So what’s your science class?”
“Honors Biology” See I wasn’t a fuckin retard like some people would expect me to be. Nah, I was smart and that’s what helped me make my money last summer, this summer whatever, the summer we just finished. All I did was sell drugs and collected money. First, I made a very smartly dumb plan with the dealer. He said all I had to pay him was 4 G’s for my purchase but I made at least 100 G’s each time I sold the drugs. I sold everything and the fact that my mom had Oxycotton that was easy to sell. All I had to do was find some old people in pain and sell that shit. And you wanna know how I got away with it; I sold that shit in white neighborhoods. Yeah I slang crack in the hood but I also sold mad shit in white neighborhoods cause I know those white kids had money out the ass. Hell, I knew from them coming to my school in the summer to play basketball, all they had was LeBron’s and Rolex’s, driving Bentley’s, BMW’s and Lamborghini’s. All I had to do was befriend them and now look. I’m driving a Lexus, living in my own house and swagged out on top of that, I got enough money to go to college. Nicki shook her head. I took her hand and led her to homeroom. This is gonna be ass year.

Chapter 4


I felt like a bad bitch. Of course I noticed the stares everyone gave me, especially the glares these broads gave me for holding Dahmiere’s hand. Hell, I aint give a fuck. I gets shit rockin and if they want a fight, believe you me, I’m down for one.

When Dahmiere told me we had all of the same classes except for science at the end of the day, I was supped. Well, not that excited cause I already know him. He’s a fuckin class clown and never pay attention but can get straight A’s, now me…I need to pay attention to get an A but I guess this is gonna be hard since he’s gonna be passing notes and talking to me every day in each class. When we entered our first class, e requested that I sat next to him since he knew me and of course the teacher agreed. I shook my head and followed him to the back of the room, since we were the first ones in the classroom, we had the opportunity to sit anywhere and of course the back was perfect. The teacher looked pretty young, like late 20’s, or mid 30’s.
“Yo Dah!” I heard a guy scream and all the other niggas made a noise. They walked to the back of the room and gave him dap. They looked at me and I smiled. “Who is that bro?”
“My friend, Nicki, I want you to meet T-boogie, Roc, and Mikal”
“Hi” I said and waved.
“Hello” Mikal said walking over to my side of the table. “So, you gotta man ma?” I saw Dahmiere snap his neck towards us.
“Actually I don’t, why what’s up”
“Cause I’m sayin-“
“What are you sayin?” Dahmiere asked. I looked at him and then Mikal. Mikal went back to the other side of the table and I giggled. I dropped my bag on the floor so I got off of the stool and bent down to get it.
“Dayum!” I stood up and looked at the guys. Dahmiere was clearly upset and I shrugged my shoulders. I hopped back on the stool.
“Why don’t yall niggas head to class, the bell about to ring”
“Aiight true true, we out nigga” They gave Dahmiere dap and they waved to me. All except Mikal who came and gave me a hug.
“Oop” I said as he wrapped his arms around me. That was clearly not expected.
“Imma see you later ma” He said licking his lips. He left and soon, the bell rang and the class piled with students. The second bell rang and of course the teacher shut the door.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Homeroom. I know yall think all you gotta do is be early but not this year. This year, you will have to check in with me for your graduation robe sizes, your class trips and your photos for the yearbook. Also, your prom. All money and sizes and notes will be handed to me so this year will run smoothly” After his short speech, he made everyone stand up and say their names and all this other stuff. When it was my turn I stood up and looked around.
“Uhm, My name is Nicki, I moved back here this year to graduate with my bestfreind, uh I’m only 17 and yeah that’s pretty much it” I said sitting down.
“Where are you from?” The teacher asked.
“Well, I moved back here from California”
“What city?”
“San Diego”
“Hm, nice beaches out there”
“Yeah, and hot guys” I said and some of the girls laughed. The teacher shook his head smirking then looked at Dahmiere who refused to stand.
“Yall already know me, I’m Dahmiere, I play basketball, this right here is my baby” He said hugging me “And nobody messes with my baby or they mess with me, uh I love money and bitches but no bitch comes before my money. I’m straight and love getting my dick wet so ladies, hit me up if you willing to gimme that becky” The guys were dying and I slapped him in the back of his head “Sike nah, I prolly got it already from half you broads” I shook my head. This be the shit “But nah seriously, I’m a chill dude and a straight A student” The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom. I followed behind Dah as he gave some of the guys in the classroom dap and he stood to talk to them. I saw some girl grabbing her bags and looking nervously at Dahmiere. She finally took a deep breath and made her way over. This didn’t look good.

Chapter 5


I’m chillin, talkin to my boys, when some familiar lookin chick came up to me.
“Uhm, Dahmiere, can we talk” She looked at me with huge brown eyes.
“Yeah sure” I said trying to calm down from the laugh attack I just had.
“In private” She said and everyone got quiet and I let out a chuckle and finally calmed down.
“Sure” We walked to a secluded part of the classroom and I saw my boys talkin to Nicki. “Shoot” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
“Well, I don’t know how I’m gonna say this but I am gonna say it. Last year, at the winter ball we met and we left the ball together. We went up to a hotel room and had sex. What I’m trying to say is, I had a baby girl and she’s your daughter” I looked stunned.
“Her name is Janelle and she’s your daughter” The girl said shaking as she handed me the photo.
“I highly doubt I have a daughter”
“Well, I did the math and you’re the only one I did sleep with near the time of the winter ball. If she’s not your daughter then you can just erase what I told you but I need a DNA test to know and also theirs more but right now, I think it’s best you know that” I snatched the photo out of her hand and snapped.
“I don’t need a fuckin DNA test cause that’s not my daughter so you need to go some fuckin where with that shit” I stormed out of the classroom mad as hell. Fuck class today, I need some fresh air or a blunt. I ran outside and went straight to my car and grabbed an already rolled blunt I started but never finished smoking and finished that shit. I exhaled then looked at the photo. Damn this kid could be mines, she had the same eye color, nose and even lips as me.
“Fuck!” I yelled hitting the drivers wheel. How could I not wrap my shit up? I heard the bell ring and I decided to go to class.

I ran through the hallways and finally made it to class two minutes late.
“Detention” the teacher said. This uptight bitch.
“Why do I have detention?” I asked sitting beside Nicki.
“Cause you were late to my class”
“Yeah, two minutes and I can have a teacher vouch for me”
“Well talk about it at Detention” She said and I rolled my eyes. This bitch must really think I’m going. Nicki looked at me and rolled her eyes. I poked her cheek and she looked at me again.
“You are so cute” I said. She had this confused look on her face but didn’t say anything. She looked back at the board. I kissed her neck and then I heard her moan. I leaned back and I saw her look at me upset. I knew she was turned on so I touched her thigh.
“Dahmiere stop!” She whispered pushing my hand away.
“You know I love you Nicki”
“I love you too now stop, I’m trying to pay attention”
“Please what Dah?”
“Please can I at least touch it?” I asked putting my hands in the insides of her thigh close her kitty.
“Dahmiere stop” she slapped my hand away and I started laughed.
“You’re funny yo”
“Are you high Dah?” She asked and I nodded laughing. She shook her head.
“We need to talk after class” I rolled my eyes and decided I need a nap so I fell right to sleep.

“Dahmiere!” I heard Nicki call me. I opened my eyes and saw students leaving the classroom. I stood up and grabbed my textbook off the desk and followed Nicki. “We need to talk” She said stopping me.
“What Nicki?” She waited until people passed us.
“What was all that about?”
“All what?”
“That conversation with you and that chick that made you get high and almost finger fuck me in class” I laughed.
“I was just playing, I wouldn’t have done it”
“Mmhmm, tell me”
“She thinks I might be her daughters’ father” Nicki was shocked but shook the look off of her face.
“So, you getting the DNA test?”
“Good, well lets go to lunch” She said and I walked with her to our lockers. She threw her textbook inside and grabbed her wallet.
“Nicki!” I turned around and saw Malik, T-boogie and Roc. Mikal put his arm around Nicki’s neck and she smiled. I gave that nigga the death stare and we walked into the lunch room.
“Where we sitting at this year?” T-boogie asked.
“Right there” I said pointing to a table in the middle. Some chicks tried to sit there and I made them move a.s.a.p. I saw the girl from earlier as I sat down. This bitch, I can’t believe a quickie one night fuckin stand will change my whole life tragically depending on these next three days and a DNA result. Funny thing is, I don’t even remember fuckin this broad. Fuck man!

Chapter 6


When this nigga told me he might have a daughter, I aint gonna lie it did hurt. But you know, chicks are grimey nowadays. They try to set a nigga up and trust me, I ride for me and mine. Imma hold my nigga down these next couple of days until we find out if the baby is his or not. All I know is, if it is his, I aint gonna be babysitting nor going over his house when that baby over there but if the baby isn’t his, of course I’m spending the night and chillin with him all the time. I don’t want to seem like an asshole but honestly, what girl wants to fuck or chill with a nigga with kids? Not I. Anyway, Mikal actin a little too close to me I mean like, this hugging and lingering on me is pissing me off and I know Dahmiere gonna say something to him so imma leave it alone. We only had two more classes until I could get him alone and talk to him about Mikal. I mean he was cute, but T-boogie looked like trey songz and that alone was turning me on. Then Roc, he reminded me of Tyga, but Mikal…he just looked like himself. He aint really do not have any dope swag nor was his sneakers all that hot. I’m a huge sneaker head so I know my boyfriend gotta have some better sneakers then dirty ass concords. I shook my head and ate my salad. Shockingly it was good. Usually the lettuce is old and tasting like dirt but this was actually good. I went ham on that salad and then I saw a group of girls approaching the table.

“Hey Dahmiere” the darkest one said. She was like a dark chocolate color but she was pretty. Her wardrobe wasn’t all that. He dropped his arm from around me and looked at the light skinned chick that was really pretty. She had a Chinese bob and her make-up made her look like a Barbie doll. She was wearing this cute yellow romper with yellow accessories and her yellow and shite vans. I had to admit, she was bad. Apparently Dahmiere was feeling the same way cause he was practically drooling over her. All the other guys except T-boogie was flocking the other chicks. Soon, it was just me and him sitting at the table while the others left.
“Wow, they’re fucked up” He said laughing.
“Yeah I know right” The rest of lunch he and I talked about everything we could. He even walked me to my Dance class and I thanked him. Before he left he stopped me.
“I don’t know if you know this but Mikal likes you”
“Oh I know, but the feeling isn’t mutual, besides did you see what he did at the lunch table?” He nodded and laughed.
“Yeah I know, ok then you wouldn’t mind me asking you out then would you?” I shook my head and he was happy as hell. “Aiight, let me get your number so I can text you” He said and I typed my number in his phone and put my name as “My boo Nicki” With a kiss emoticon. He laughed and waved goodbye and I walked into the dance studio. I felt my IPhone vibrate and I saw his name in the text message. I saved his number in my phone as “Fake ass Trey Songz” and sent him a smiley face. The dance teacher seemed cool as hell. Although Dahmiere walked in late, she didn’t care. Instead she played some hip-hop music and told us to come up with a dance.
“Nicki, why didn’t you change?” Dahmiere asked. I realized everyone but me had on sweatpants.
“Well I aint know I needed to change, eff it, I’m good” I took him and we came up with a hot dance routine. It was four of us in a group and two guys and one girl. The girl and I were basically popping the whole damn dance but it was hot. The teacher clapped and told me to bring sweatpants next class. I nodded and the bell rang.
“Time for chemistry” I sighed and went into the classroom. 45 minutes in hell I thought sitting down in the back of the lab room.

Chapter 7

Days passed and I was so nervous to look at the DNA papers. Nicki was siting beside me texting someone.
“Who is so important that you can’t stop talkin to?” I snapped and she stared at me and turned her phone off.
“I’m sorry Dahmiere but you’re taking forever to open the damn results. It aint that serious” She said and I looked at her and she said sorry. I sighed and opened the papers. I read and then dropped the paper.
“What?” She asked and I started dancing.
“Yes! That’s not my baby” I said jumping up and down. I was really supped. I sped over to the girls’ house and I heard the baby crying. She came to the door and I told her and she started crying. Oh shit. I helped her into the house and sat her down, taking the baby from her.
“I don’t know who the father is. There are only two guys I slept with before and during the winter ball and neither of you is the father”
“Who did you sleep with afterwards?” I asked.
“Nobody” I thought and then looked at the baby. I saw a beauty mark on the corner of her lip and I chuckled.
“It’s not funny” She sniffled.
“I’m not laughing”
“You just-“
“Girl, you want to know why this baby looks like me?” I cut her off and she nodded “Its cause you aint fuck me, you fucked my twin brother Darius” She looked shocked.
“Yall look alike a lot”
“Yeah but you know what’s crazy, I did fuck somebody at a hotel but I never remembered her being you and we did meet cause my brother introduced us in the limo” I said handing her the baby “I will tell my brother he has a baby and I’ll tell him to call you” I told her and she thanked me before I left. Thank God I don’t have any kids.
“Dahmiere, come on I’m gonna be late if I don’t get home” Nicki yelled as I walked out of the house.
“I’m comin” I yelled and got into my Lexus and pulled off. My brother aint gonna be happy tonight.

I dropped Nicki off and as I was driving away, I saw T-boogie.
“Yo nigga, what’s good!” I yelled out the window. He ran over to the car and I gave him dap. “Whatchu doin?” I asked.
“Well, I’m about to go out on a date and I’m a little late” He said looking at his watch.
“Who are you taking on a date?”
“Nicki” My heart dropped when he said that. I mean, I know Nicki aint my girl and what not but still, she has my heart.
“Listen, lemme talk to you bro” I said unlocking my car door. He looked back at the house and shrugged his shoulders. He sat on the passenger side and I drove away. “Aiight listen, Nicki is a special girl” He nodded his head. “Nah I’m serious yo, imma let you take her out and everything cause I trust you and you my boy but if yall relationship go somewhere and you hurt her, I will hurt you”
“Chill nigga, it’s just a date, you act like I’m tryna fuck the girl and bounce. If I wanted all that I woulda called Damika and as far as her being a special girl, I already know. She’s smart and funny and cool as hell and I just want to get to know her more on a friend basis. If our relationship do progress into something more, I can’t promise I won’t hurt her cause you know not one nigga can be kind to girls and shit but I will try” I looked at this nigga sideways and parked in front of her house.
“I’m telling you now bro, don’t hurt her” He got out of the car and I gave him some dap.
“Aiight man” He said and did a light jog to her front door. I drove off and lit a blunt I already had rolled up. T-boogie and Nicki going out. Aint this some shit.

Chapter 8


As soon as I got out of the shower, I heard my doorbell ring.
“Fuck” I said wrapping the towel around my body. Nobody else was home so I had to go get the door. I ran down the stairs and opened it and saw Trey standing there.
“Hey ma” He said hugging me.
“Stop trey I’m wet” I said and he laughed and still hugged me.
“When is that ever a bad thing?” I playfully hit him and shut the door behind him.
“I’ll be ready in a minute, let me go get dressed, make yourself at home” I said running up the steps. I put my love spell lotion on my whole body and then put my clothes on. I decided to wear a dress I bought at the vans store. It hugged my body and it was cute. It was mostly grey but it had yellow stripes on it. I put my grey vans on and put the yellow laces in them. Then, I grabbed my clutch that had my cellphone, money and I’d inside just in case my body has to be identified.
I went into the bathroom and combed and brushed my hair so it could be straight and then I flattened my bang. I ran down the stairs and my brother was talking to Trey.
“Aiight, I promise I won’t”
“Aiight, cool, you know I trust ya little ass cause yo brother was my homie and I always look after my homies little brothers and sisters”
“Yeah I know” I cleared my throat and Trey stood up. “Ready?” He asked and I nodded my head and grabbed my keys. “You’re not gonna need those?”
“Oh really? How else am I gonna get in the house?” He chuckled and I grabbed my keys and waved to my brother.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“You do everything!” His girlfriend yelled and I laughed.
“Wow, your family really is crazy though”
“Tell me something I don’t know” I said getting into his black infinity. These were some nice ass cars. “So, where are we goin?” I asked putting my seatbelt on.
“It’s a surprise”
“Uh, I hate surprises” I said scrunching up my face.
“Well, you’ll love this one” He said pulling off. The drive to wherever we were going felt like hours although it was just a half hour drive. We pulled up to this restaurant that overlooked this pond and it was beautiful.
“Wow, this is nice” I said as he opened the door. The outside of the restaurant looked a mess but the inside was so nice. Everything was in calm colors like wheat white, tan, and even gold. The hostess sat us outside near the pond and went back inside. Trey pulled my seat out for me to sit and I blushed. Nobody has ever done that for me.
“What?” He asked sitting in front of me.
“Nobody has ever done that for me” I said about to tear up but I promised myself I will never cry in front of a nigga.
“Awe don’t cry”
“I’m not”
“Then why is your nose turning red?” I laughed and calmed down.
“Whatever” I said looking at the menu. The waitress came to the table.
“Hi my name is Amber, I will be your waitress for the day can I start you guys off with something to drink?” She asked looking at Trey and turning her back to me.
“Yes, can I please have a virgin sex on the beach” She rolled her eyes at me.
“Okay and you?” She asked looking at Trey.
“Uh, I’ll just have a sprite for now”
“Okay, I’ll be right back with your drinks” I looked at this bitch as she tried to switch extra hard but Trey wasn’t paying any attention. I laughed and wouldn’t stop laughing.
“What?” He kept asking.
“This waitress bitch, she tryin to get your attention bad as hell” He looked at her and she winked at him.
“Damn, I aint know all that, but I’m here with you”
“Yeah I know” I said smiling. Our drinks came and my drink aint taste that good without the liquor.
“Uhm excuse me” I said to the waitress.
“Yeah” She said with an attitude.
“You need to watch your fuckin attitude, can you go give me an actual sex on the beach with the liquor in it” I said pushing my drink towards her.
“Sure, can I see some I’d” I rolled my eyes. Of course this shit was gonna block me from getting nice.
“You see, I don’t have an I’d, I have my school I’d”
“Well I’m sorry, you can’t have alcohol” She was about to walk away but Trey stopped her.
“Listen ma, can you please get my girl the drink?” She blushed and nodded. She disappeared and I rolled my eyes.
“All of that for a drink? Come the fuck on man”
“If you want, we can go somewhere else”
“I’d prefer to but this place is nice”
“So what? I want you to be happy” He took my hand and paid for the drinks and even gave her a tip. As we were walking to the door the bitch called after us. She was really pushing my buttons. She gave a piece of paper to Trey and he smiled. She looked at me and rolled her eyes and walked away.
“Fuckin stank ass bitch” I yelled after her and she stuck her middle finger up at me. Trey crumbled the paper up and dropped it on the ground.
“What was that?”
“Her number” I laughed and got into the car.
“What, you don’t think she’s pretty”
“Nah, I mean did you see that think on her lip?”
“Well, it looked like a herpe and I aint tryna get my dick wet by some STD bitch” I laughed.
“Plus I’m here with you, that’s disrespectful” I nodded my head and I felt my phone vibrate.
“Hey babe?”
“Babe? Who the fuck is this?”
“It’s me, Chris”
“Chris, I’m not your babe, I told you we were over”
“But what if we both can be faithful while you’re there and I’m here”
“I highly doubt that’s gonna work cause right now I’m on a date”
“Wow, you only been there for a week and you already on a date?”
“Yeah cause my life isn’t based about your feelings, it’s about mine and it did hurt when we broke up but you know, I had to. I’m moving on and I think you should do the same”
“You know what, Fuck you Nicki, you really just threw away a year of my life that I could’ve had fuckin bitches but you just put my life on pause”
“No let me talk,” He said cutting me off “Fuck you Nicki, I swear on everything I love, on some G shit I don’t ever want to see your fuckin face again cause if I do I swear it aint gonna be pretty. I’m mad as hell I actually tried to be faithful to find out you with niggas already, you probably didn’t even cry when we broke up but you know what, that’s you boo. Fuck you and that nigga and you know what, honestly I doubt he gonna be a good boyfriend like I was. He probably aint gonna hit that spot to make you reach your climax, he probably can’t please you like I could. Oh and you know what, I fucked your bestfreind Kimberly yeah and she’s pregnant with my seed” He hung up and I just stood there stuck. He fucked my bestfreind? I hung up my phone and threw it into my purse.
“You aiight?” Trey asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, uhm can we just call it a night?”
“No, we didn’t even do anything yet”
“I know, I just want to go home and sleep or get drunk or something”
“Wanna go to the club?”
“I’m too young”
“I gotchu ma” He said bustin a U-turn in the middle of the street. We drove about an hour to this club called Pure. They let us in and we went straight to the bar. The bartender didn’t even ask for ID instead he gave Trey what he wanted. He led me to the VIP room with bottles of Nuvo, Grey goose and Ciroc in his hand. He had me hold the cups and the cranberry juice we were gonna mix it with. Soon, all of my problems went away and I was felling nice. Soulja boys’ old shit “Donk” Came on and I had to get up to dance. The DJ announced a booty bounce contest and of course I made my way to the front of the club followed by Trey so nothing could happen to me. They made everyone else back up as me and five other girls were standing there. They brought the song back and I started popping my shit. I even jumped into a split and bounced my shit. I was doing some twerk team shit and was killing it. Soon they deemed me the winner since these other chicks aint really do shit. Trey grabbed my hand as everyone started dancing again and tried to grab me.
“Come on Nicki, it’s time to go home” He said.
“Awe, but I don’t want to”
“Well you have to” He said. AS we were about to get off the dance floor some guy grabbed my arm and tried to dance with me. Of course I wanted to dance but Trey grabbed me.
“Nicki didn’t I tell you lets go?” He said sternly.
“Nigga chill, we dancing right now” The dude said holding me.
“Get ya fuckin hands off of her nigga” Trey threatened.
“Or what lil nigga, what you gonna do” Trey stole the dude and started fucking him up.
“Trey stop come on” I said trying to pry him off of the guy. He was getting shit rockin and I saw the security guard.
“Come on before you get arrested” He stood up and led me through the crowd to the back door. As soon as we made it outside, we ran to his car and bounced. Good thing I left my purse in the car.

Trey dropped me off at my house and hugged me before I went inside. I know he was pissed, I could tell by his vibe but hey, I had fun and it was thanks to him. I went inside and I made myself up the steps and had to throw up. I ran straight to my bathroom and puked up the liquor. My cell rang and of course I saw Dahmiere’s name pop up. I decided to ignore it. I aint want to talk when I’m feeling sick as fuck.

Chapter 9


I FUCKED UP. The one thing I wasn’t supposed to do I did. My cousin told me last time, no fighting at her club or she is gonna call the police on me. Now I guess I gotta wait for the police. Nah, fuck that. If the police come after me imma just tell them I was with my girl at the restaurant or ill just say I was riding around town. Ugh, I need a blunt. This is some bullshit son.
I don’t even know why I snapped but hey, I don’t like when niggas be aggressive and try to take my girl, nah shit don’t jump off like that. We need to fight if that shit gonna happen. I took a puff from the blunt and exhaled. Im stressing right now.


So, Nicki wasn’t answering my calls and I was putting that shit on Trey’s head I called this nigga and he sound high, but hey I was high too so fuck it.
“Nigga, where is Nicki?”
“Home man, she probably sleep”
“You sure she home”
“Yeah, call her brother, I saw her walk in the house and shit man”
“What happened tonight”
“A fuckin long story but I might call you from the police station man, I need your help”
“Nigga what happened?”
“I gotta go, but seriously bail me out and I’ll pay you back” Aiight now that was some creepy shit. Nicki not answering her phone and this nigga talkin about he getting locked up.
“Uh fuck this shit” I said. I woke this bitch up that I was lying next to in my bed.
“Another round?” She smirked sitting up.
“As good as that sounds ma, you gotta go, I have to bail my friend out of jail”
“Aw, you’re a good friend” This bitch was high as me. I shook my head and put on my basketball shorts and my wife beater. She put her club dress back on as I put my socks and jordan slippers on.
“you ready?” I asked her. She nodded her head and made sure she had everything. I double checked too cause if anything is left, I’m not returning it to her. I put the blind fold on her and put her in the car. I drove back to the club and dropped her off.
“Call me” She said winking and I bit my bottom lip I just might do that. I whipped the car around and sped over to Nicki house. All the lights were off and I banged on the door.
“Where the fuck is she” I mumbled. I walked around the back and I saw a slight light from her window. “Nicki!” I yelled. She didn’t come to the window so I yelled again and she still didn’t come. “Fuck it” I said and I picked her lock. I ran up the steps and saw her hanging over the toilet seat with throw up all over it.
“Nicki what the fuck” I said covering my nose. I flushed the toilet and helped her out of her clothes and sat her in the tub as I turned she shower on.
“I am so sorry” She said.
“What happened?”
“He’s getting locked up because of me” She said. Oh great, Trey did something. When the color in her face came back, I turned the shower off and helped her back into her room.
“Nicki, just tell me what happened” I said putting her clothes on her body.
“He defended my drunk ass and now he’s getting locked up” I shook my head. I still wanted to know the story. Sure enough, my cellphone rang and I answered it.
“Bro it’s me, can you bail me out”
“How much is it?”
“Just 1 G, imma pay you back” I sighed and tucked Nicki in.
“Aiight, I’ll be there in like 20 minutes” I said leaving her house. I drove to my crib, picked my 2 G’s just in case and drove to the jail house. I paid his ass out of jail and they gave him a warning after releasing him. We got into my car and I turned to this nigga.
“Nigga, what happened?”
“Well, I tried to have a nice evening but after we left the restaurant early because of the waitress she told me she wanted to go home cause of some nigga named Chris on her phone and I told her we can go anywhere and she said she wanted to get drunk. I took her to Pure and she got wasted and did the booty bounce contest and smoked all the chicks or whatever and after that, niggas wanted to dance with her but I told her she need to go home and sleep but some grimey ass nigga tried to dance with her and tried to basically tell me to fuck off and let her do her but she was wasted and I tried grabbing her again but he pulled her away so I fucked him up” I laughed “Yall crazy yo”
“Yeah and we left as soon as the security guards came and I dropped her off, I knew I was gonna get locked up this time” I just laughed and drove away from the cell. Nicki ass gets everyone in trouble yo.

Chapter 10


Ugh, my head hurt. I looked at my cellphone and saw 69 missed calls and it was only 4:00 pm. I heard Right by my side by nicki minaj playing and o groaned and put my head under the pillow.
“Hello” I muffled
“Nicki!” Dahmiere yelled.
“Please keep your voice down” He started laughing. “Whats up?”
“Well, I wanted to see if you aiight cause you were puking your guts out last night”
“Oh you saw that?”
“Yeah, and I saw a whole lot”
“Whats that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing, but what does that tattoo mean on your back?” I sat up straight and saw I was dressed in my pajamas.
“You’re an asshole” I said laughing.
“Whatever” he said something to somebody in the background. “Imma call you back”
“Aiight” I said hanging up. I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. When I got out I saw Trey snooping around my room.
“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked as he was looking at my CD’s.
“nothing, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I’m trying to get dressed why what’s up?”
“Well since I got arrested because of you, I was wondering if you wanted to have a real date”
“Uh sure, let me get dressed” He left my room and I quickly threw some clothes on.
“Oh and wear a bathing suit” Bathing suit? I undressed and put my pink and orange bikini on and put my cargo shorts on with my white tank top and white flip flops. I put my hair up in a messy bun and took an Advil before leaving so I could stop the headache. I put my huge dark shades on and grabbed my phone before leaving the room.
“You ready?” He asked and I nodded. I sat in his car and he stood there.
“What?” I asked
“We can walk” He said.
“How far is it?”
“Not that far” Trusting him I got out of the car and he grabbed my hand. I sighed and got out of the car. He grabbed his wallet and locked his door while putting the alarm on. He took my hand into his and we started walking.

Not even 20 minutes and my feet started hurting.
“Can we stop?” I whined.
“Come on, were almost there”
“I can’t walk anymore”
“Some on, it’s not that far, we would’ve been there if we picked up the pace” I pouted and sat on the bench. We have been walking in this park for who knows how long. I thought the surprise was the park but no, we have to go through this trail and all this other shit.
“How big is this park?” I asked as he sat beside me.
“I don’t know, I mean probably 30-40 acres”
“Damn!” He laughed.
“It aint that bad actually, one time through this trail is 3 miles” I shook my head.
“How you know?”
“I run this every weekday” I nodded my head. “Come on, let’s finish the walk, were almost there”
“But my feet hurt.
“Get on my back” He said and I smiled.
“You’re really gonna carry me?”
“Yeah, come on” I hopped on his back and put my arms around him and he carried me at least 5 more minutes to this lake. There was a picnic table with food already set up and a lit candle.
“So this is why you wanted me to wear a bathing suit?” I asked him and he nodded. The scenery was beautiful. “This is nice”
“I know right, I saw this one day when I heard a woman almost drown in the water, I helped her out and brought her to the hospital to make sure she was alright” I nodded my head and just stared at the water. It was a beautiful bluish greenish color. “Come on, let’s eat then we can go swimming” He said and I sat across from him at the table.
“What’s this?” I asked pointing to the liquid that was in a wine glass.
“Well, yours is gingerale and mine is wine” He said and I laughed.
“What, you don’t want me getting drunk again?”
“That and I know your hung over” We just laughed and clinked out glasses together. After the dinner, we took our clothes off and hopped into the water with our bathing suits on. We splashed each other and were just having fun. I hugged him in the water and he put his forehead against mine.
“This is so fun” I said looking into his brown eyes.
“Yeah I know,” He looked up at the sky “Come on, let’s get going before it gets too dark out here” He said holding my hand as we got out of the water. I put my clothes on and he put his shirt back on, holding his jeans in his hand. We walked back to my house of course with me on his back.
“You want to come in?” I asked.
“Nah, we got school in the AM and I need my sleep” He said.
“Come on, just come in for a little” he shrugged his shoulder s and came inside. I took a shower and came out to see him lying on my bed.
“Come on, get off my bed, your soaking wet” He laughed and pulled me on top of him.
“Whatever” He said kissing my neck. I don’t even know if I let out a moan or not but he knew I liked it and kept kissing my neck. He was turning me on and I was squirming under his grasp. He finally kissed my lips and I deepened the kiss. His lips were shockingly soft. I straddled him and then I heard someone clear their throat and I stood straight up thinking it was my brother, but instead I saw Dahmiere standing there with a grin on his face.
“I gotta go Nicki, my mom just texted me, imma see you tomorrow” trey said kissing my cheek.
“Okay” I said tightening my towel. Dahmiere and Trey gave each other dap and I quickly grabbed some clothes to get changed as he shut the door.
“You can dress in front of me, I already saw everything there is to see” He said plopping on my bed.
“You ass” I said throwing a pillow at him and closed the bathroom door.

Chapter 11


Well, I was kinda jealous when I saw Nicki all up on T-boogie like that but hey, that nigga is like that. He can get a girl to drop the panties in one day, but he know how I am with Nicki and if he do that shit and break up with her, it’s his life. I never hesitated to shoot a nigga, friend or not, she’s like my sister and I will treat her like it.

I decided to leave her house after she got changed. I totally forgot why I went over there in the first place. Damn, I need to stop getting high. I drove back to my place when I saw this sexy ass chick walking with her friends. I was gonna drive passed them but this chick was lookin good as hell. I did a U-turn and parked my car.
“Ayo Ma!” I yelled and they ignored me, not even one of them turned around and I chased after them. “Hello ma, what’s yo name?” I asked to the light skinned beauty in front of me.
“Uhm, who are you?” Her friend interjected.
“Someone who’s trying to talk to your friend”
“Carla, were gonna go ahead into the store, catch up when you’re done” The other girl said pushing the girl who said something to me. She looked mad as hell.
“So Carla, can I have your number?”
“I don’t even know you” She said smiling.
“Well you can get to know me” She looked me over.
“I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re my type”
“Never judge a book by a cover” I said. She rolled her eyes.
“Sometimes the cover says all”
“Maybe, but you’ll never know until you read it” She laughed.
“Now I think we’re just talking about books” I shrugged.
“Well how about this, give me your number and we can meet up sometime next week and go out on a date”
“I don’t know”
“I’ll pay” She laughed.
“I don’t need no one paying for me”
“Oh you’re independent huh?”
“Something like that” I nodded my head.
“Well, how about it?” She looked in the store and I looked too and saw her friend staring at us.
“Okay” she put her number in her phone.
“I’ll call you tonight”
“Alright” She said opening the door. “Wait, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you Dahmiere”
“Nice to meet you too ma”
“Please call me by my name”
“Aiight, Carla”
“Thank you” She went inside the store and I ran back to my Lexus. I need to make some more money and fast. I drove over to my father’s house and of course he was busy. I waited in the kitchen with his friends Damion and Kilo. When my father came up from the basement, he looked shocked to see me.
“What’s up son?” He asked opening his refrigerator.
“I need some more stuff pops”
“Didn’t I just give you some last week?”
“Yeah but I sold it all” It smoked some.
“Aiight, then where is my cut?” He said talking about his 10% I gave him 4 G’s and he smiled. He told Kilo to get me some more weed and in a minute, he came back up. “The shit is already bagged up”
“Thanks pops”
“No problem” I was about to walk away when he stopped me. “Hey, how’s school?”
“You still getting A’s?”
“Of course pops”
“Good cause you know what I told you if you get less than a B”
“Yeah I know, you’ll cut off my connection I gotchu pops”
“Okay, when is basketball starting?”
“Well, we have practices and tryouts in three weeks but games don’t start until December”
“Aiight, good, I’ll be at your games”
“Aiight” I was about to leave.
“Oh, you now Nicki back right?”
“Of course I do, I been over her house the past week and we got the same classes”
“She still look the same”
“Actually, she look good as hell to be honest witchu”
“Oh aiight, I might have to stop by to see her”
“Just to say hi, and see how she and her brother is”
“What? You think I wanna fuck that lil girl?”
“Well, I know you”
“Yeah well, Nicki’s mother and I grew up together and when she died, I was kinda upset and her father is a deadbeat. I used to help them out until they moved”
“Yeha I know pops”
“Okay, then you know I will not touch that little girl, that’s like a daughter to me”
“I know”
“Aiight then, I’ll see you later’
“Bye pops” I said leaving. That nigga really aggy.

As I left my father’s house, I sent a message to Carla and not even 5 seconds later, she called my phone.
“Hello young man, my daughter is not going to be dating a young thug like yourself and I advise you to stop talking to her-“
“ERICA!” I heard Carla’s voice in the background and they started arguing and I hung up. Her friend is just jealous. I drove over to the street I sell my shit at cause my father’s always told me keep business and pleasure separate. I found my house to be the pleasure palace cause there was always a new bitch in there. Only woman I had in there more than once was Nicki cause that’s like my bestfreind. I lit one of my blunts and soon niggas was joking. When I sold the last baggie I had for the hood, I left and went straight to the white neighborhood to sell my shit.
“Yo bro, what’s up?” This white boy named mike said to me as I pulled up in the parking lot of an abandoned building.
“Nothin bro, you got the money?”
“Hell yeah man, you got the stuff?”
“fo sho” I said and he nodded.
“Listen, theirs a change of plans bro, we want all of the stuff, but you aint getting your money” He said and his friend pulled out a gun.
“Woah bro, I thought we was cool”
“Yeah we are but, my parents are being more observant in their money and I can’t just give you 10 G’s for a measly 60 baggies of weed” I shook my head this nigga. “I hope you understand” He said slapping my face lightly as he walked back to his car with the weed. These niggas must be dumb. I took my gun out and started shooting these niggas. They fell to the ground and I ran over and grabbed my shit and their money. I shot both of these niggas again in they dumbass heads and bounced.
When I got home, I saw the breaking news and all the white people kept saying was shit that wasn’t relevant to me nor did it have anything to do with me. I counted the 10 G’s and was satisfied. Now I guess I can sell this shit to someone else and make more money.

Chapter 12


It’s fucked up what I heard on the news but hey, that’s life. Life is too short to decide to get high and then stiff a nigga, well that’s what they were saying on the news. I aint know the kids but I did hear they were fucking trust fund babies. I turned the TV off and went to my room to go pick up my car that finally arrived.
“Nicki hurry up, I will leave yo ass here and you won’t be able to get your car” My brother yelled. We had our cars shipped from California and of course it took days a week and a half to get it. I had school in the morning and I needed my car. As I left, I bumped into trey.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” I asked locking the door and he hugged my waist.
“Nothin, where you goin?”
“To get my car with my brother” I said pointing to the cab.
“You want me to drive you?”
“Uh, you can, let me tell my brother” When I did that he rolled his eyes and slammed the door. I know he was waiting for me for 10 minutes but damn, he aint have to do all that. I ran back over to Trey as the cab drove off.
“Ready?” I asked him and he nodded.
“Can I use your bathroom?”
“Yeah go ahead” I said opening the door for him. I walked in and sat on the couch and waited for him. I heard the toilet flush and he came out.
“Thanks ma” He said kissing my cheek.
“Eww, did you wash your hands?” He smirked and touched my face and I pushed him away and tried to run but he grabbed me and picked me up. “Stop Trey, that’s nasty” I said laughing and then he pinned me on the wall and I turned around to face him. He kissed me passionately and then picked me up from the ground.
“It aint nasty now, is it?” He asked kissing my neck.
“Yes it is” I moaned.
“How about now?” He kissed my spot and that was enough to set me over the edge. He unbuttoned my shorts and I quickly kicked them off and he picked me up again.
“You’re wearing a condom right?” I asked and he nodded and took his time putting it on before entering me. I know my shit was tight cause his dick hurt. I bit his shoulder and he went deeper.
“Damn ma” he said exhaling. He came back out and continued until my pussy finally could take his dick. I was a virgin or anything but I haven’t had sex in like 3 months since the pregnancy scare my ex- boyfriend and I had.
“Uh, trey” I yelled and he grunted.
“I’m about to cum”
“Yeah me too”
“Well let’s come together” He said going faster. Finally, it took all my energy away but I did cum. He held me still for a couple of minutes and breathed heavily.
“Damn” I said laughing. He kissed me.
“I was gonna say the same thing. His hard on resided and he went to the bathroom and get rid of the condom and I went upstairs to shower and put my clothes back on so my brother wouldn’t suspect anything. I mean, he knew I was having sex but I aint want him looking at me like that. I met up with Trey in the living room.
“You put it in the toilet paper?” I asked and he nodded.
“Aiight, let’s go” I said and I asked him to hand me the toilet paper so I could throw it in the trash. As he drove I sang every song on the radio. When we got to the place, My brother was on his way out of there with his car. He beeped his horn and we waved back. I was about to get out of the car when I saw my baby, my Porsche when Trey stopped me.
“You know your my girl now right” I laughed.
“Why, cause we fucked?”
“Cause we had sex, plus I really like you. You’re so sophisticated and sweet and smart and all that, plus your sexy as hell” I hit him playfully and we laughed. “Well you are and I want you to be my girl”
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I’ll be your girl” I finally said and he smiled and kissed me.
“I love you” He said before I left the car.
“I love you too” I said just to be nice. To be honest, I don’t love him like that. I like him, I don’t love him. To me, love is if you can’t live or breathe without the person, love is spending everyday worried about their welfare but I just met Trey, who knows if this love could be genuine? I waved to him as he pulled off. I sighed the papers and gave the guy my school ID and he let me take my car. I drove out of there blasting the Radio’s remixed version of Beyoncé’s Love on top song. I got myself a new man and the love of my life, my car.

Chapter 13


Today was Friday and yeah, me and Carla have been talking. I basically know her whole life story by how much we talked and texted each other. Our date was tomorrow and I had no idea what I was gonna do. I never actually took a girl on a date before but I had some idea of a date from the movies. As the bell rang, I looked up and didn’t see Nicki anywhere and I frowned. I grabbed my backpack off of the floor and walked to next period and near the classroom, I saw Nicki and T-boogie kissing. I shook my head and looked at my phone to see Carla was calling me.
“Hey, I’m at lunch, what’s up” She said.
“Nothing, I’m on my way to my math class”
“Oh, I wished you had lunch then we could’ve met up”
“Yeah I know and I have to go to class or my dad will kill me” I said Nicki and T-boogie holding hands and laughing. “Anyway Carla, what would you like to do tomorrow for our date?” I asked walking into my math class and I saw Nicki kiss t-boogie once more before coming to sit next to me.
“Hey Dahmiere” I pointed to the phone.
“Hm, I don’t know, surprise me”
“What do you mean by surprise you?” The bell rang “Never mind, I gotta go, just text me” I said quickly before hanging up. Nicki looked at me sideways and then paid attention to the front.
“Today class will be an easy day since I am leaving in three minutes. Your sub will be here and I will see you guys next week” Our math teacher said and I of course with the rest of the class, was supped. He told us the project and of course it was easy, and he left and the sub entered. This nigga was a college boy.
“Hello class, I’m Mr. Fields but yall can call me Kenny, I will be your sub for today, I understand the teacher already told yall yall project so get to it. I will be walking around to make sure it’s done and if you need anything, raise your hands” He sat down and took his laptop out and Nicki went up to get our supplies. I tried calling Carla back but she didn’t answer so I texted her.

“Who are you talkin to?” Nicki asked trying to be nosey.
“This girl I met, yo she bad and smart and all that in one”
“So, you really like her?”
“I don’t know, she might just be one of those undercover hoes that’s just gonna be good to get my dick wet”
“Nothing, come on let’s get to working” Carla didn’t text me back so I was like fuck it. I finished the project and we had a half hour left in class so I just plugged my headphones into my ears and started bumping. “Drop it to the flo, make that ass shake woah, make the ground move that’s an ass-quake, built a house up on that ass that an ass-state, roll my weed on it that’s an ass-tray say ye say ye don’t we do this er-day day, I work the long night long nights to get a payday-“Nicki taped me and I looked at her.
“So, you’re going on a date tomorrow?”
“You know where you taking her to?”
“Maybe a movie and dinner”
“No, don’t do that”
“Why not?”
“Cause that’s not someone’s ideal date, take her to the park and out to eat and take her to see a nice scenery”
“You have any suggestions?”
“Yeah, take her to the lake, its beautiful out there and at night” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I guess” I said and she slapped the back of my head and laughed.
“So who is she?”
“A girl I met”
“No really, I mean what is her name”
“Oh, Carla”
“She go to this school?”
“Nah, she go to Westwood high school”
“Isn’t that where the rich kids go?”
“She is rich”
“Hm” Nicki rolled her eyes and went to talk with the other girls. I wonder why she kept doing that. Oh well.

The rest of the day went by and before I knew it, I was on Carla’s doorstep lookin fly as hell. I had on my black dickies pants with my black button down polo that I had the sleeves rolled up and my fresh concords. I got a clean cut and made sure a nigga wasn’t ashy since I was planning on getting her wet tonight. The girl from the store that got mad at me came to the door and her eyes widened and then went back to its normal size. Yes my earring was shining and I had my iced out rollie on my wrist. She pursed her lips up and led me inside without saying anything and I shut the door behind me.
“Carla! Your…Friend is here” She looked me up and down and walked away. I stood there feeling stupid as hell cause Carla wasn’t down yet. I looked around and saw pictures of people, I’m guessing her family.
“Oh you did show up” Carla’s cooler friend said. “Carla will be down, she’s just brushing her hair, come have a seat” She said leading me into the living room. This girl had a fatty I mean damn, her ass was big as hell. I sat on the couch and she offered me something to drink and I had to decline.
“This is a very nice house” I said looking around.
“I know right, my old place aint shit compared to this” The girl said.
“Aint shit? Seriously” the girl who didn’t like me said sitting in the chair holding cookies and milk.
“Stop criticizing me Laurel”
“Well when you get that ghetto talk, what else do you want me to do Kianna”
“Well it isn’t my fault I grew up in a place like that unlike you, you had a silver spoon in your mouth your whole life, I had to be fed with plastic fucking spoons”
“Whatever Kianna”
“Don’t whatever me, actually, get the fuck outta my house!” Oh shit, these bitches was really mad.
“Oh and Kianna, since you want to put on an act for him, lose my number okay”
“Please bitch, I didn’t have your number to start with” the girl looked mad as hell and she stormed away. “I’m sorry you had to witness that” Kianna said sitting on the couch.
“Dahmiere I’m ready” Carla said and I popped up.
“Good, let’s go” I said. Kianna waved to us and I put my deuces up. “you’re wearing your bathing suit right?” I asked as we sat into the car.
“Yeah but I don’t know why, its kinda chilly out here” I shook my head and chuckled. I drove off and we had the night of our lives. We kept arguing about the bill from the restaurant I brought her too since it was practically $300. I told her I got her and I went ahead and paid and put an extra hundred as a tip since the waitress had a fat ass. I drove over to the park and grabbed Carla out of the car. We walked up the trail for a while and then turned to go near the lake. The sun was just going down and it looked nice. We sat there looking at the scenery and then I pushed her into the water. We kept messing around and then finally, I kissed her. Our kiss was deepening and we decided to go back to my place so she can dry off and go home. As soon as I brought her into the house, I kept kissing her and I brought her to my room and we fell on the bed. I was kissing her neck and was taking off her bikini top and she was calling me name.
“Dahmiere” she finally said seriously.
“What’s up ma?”
“I can’t do this” I sat up.
“I promise I have protection”
“No it’s not that, it’s just…well I’m a virgin” I sat up straight this time and she leaned on her elbow. “I’m sorry, I’m just waiting until I find someone I can you know, trust and everything” I nodded my head.
“Can you take me home?”
“No come on, let’s just chill” I said
“No I wanna go home and get out of these wet clothes” I sighed and went into my bathroom to take a quick shower and threw on my boxer briefs, basketball shorts and wife beater. I put my socks and slippers on and I led her out of the house. I dropped her off and stopped her before she walked out.
“I don’t care if you’re a virgin Carla, I won’t rush you to have sex with me and hey, I’m glad you said something and I’m glad you actually want to wait. You earned my respect and I want to take you out again” She smiled and blushed at the same time. I kissed her lips and then she ran to her door. I waved and whipped out of her driveway and went home. What a night.

Chapter 14


“You’re breakin up with me?” I asked on the phone.
“I’m sorry Nicki, I just can’t be tied down” This muthafucka.
“Fuck it, I don’t give a fuck” I heard some bitch in the background “Have fun with your whore and don’t hit me up again fucking asshole!” I screamed. I was mad as hell. I heard someone knock on my door and I ignored it. I was mad as hell I started shaking and crying. “FUCK!” I yelled and threw my lamp across the room.
“Nicki!” I heard Dahmiere yell and run up the stairs. He burst into my room and ran toward me.
“You aiight”
“I’m fine” I said still upset”
“Nah you mad about something, what is it?”
“Imma fill that bitch of a friend of yours” I said hopping off my bed and looking under it at the shoebox I kept my gun in. I grabbed it and checked to make sure bullets were inside. I stood up and Dahmiere grabbed it from me.
“Nicki chill the fuck out!”
“Nah, niggas think the punani is free and then gonna break up with me over the phone? Nah fuck that shit, they don’t know me”
“Nicki, chill the fuck out yo or imma beat your ass”
“I wish you fuckin would now give me my gun!” I yelled trying to take it from him but he pushed me back on the bed. He pinned me down.
“Nicki, calm down” He said kissing my neck.
“Give me my gun!” I yelled and he said it softer and kissed my neck. “No Dahmiere, give me my gun”
“Nicki, calm down” He kissed my spot and this time I let out a soft moan and forgot all about trey slimy ass. “You clam now huh Nicki?” He kissed my stop again.
“Yes” I moaned. He laughed and stood up. “Woah, what just happened?”
“I gotchu Nicki” I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed.
“I’m still mad nigga” I said putting my glock away.
“You’ll get over it, come on lets go”
“Where are we goin?”
“The mall”
“I’m not beat” I said turning off TV.
“Come on, what else are you gonna do?” I thought about it and sighed.
“Fine, let me get changed” I grabbed a yellow and white stripped Hollister skirt and a white tank top. I flattened my hair and put my yellow flip flops on. I made sure my skin wasn’t ashy and my lips were glossy.
“Ready?” Dahmiere asked looking me up and down.
“Yeah, let’s go” I grabbed my keys and cellphone and he drove over to the mall. As we parked his cellphone rang.
“Hello” He said answering and a smile spread on his face. “Nothing, im at the mall with my friend Nicki…Oh you are?...Aiight…bye” He hung up and smiled at me.
“Who was that?” I asked.
“This girl I’m talkin to, she said she’s in the mall and I want you to meet her” I nodded my head and we got out of the car. I walked side by side with Dahmiere and as soon as we turned to the food court, his girlfriend was all on him. They kissed and I cleared my throat.
“Oh I’m so sorry” She said giggling in his arms.
“My bad ma, I mean Carla, this is my bestfreind Nicki, she’s like a sister to me, nicki, this is Carla” I shook her hand and looked her over. She was alright. I mean, she didn’t look better then me but she was aiight. She had curly hair that was up to her shoulders, some flawless light skin, she reminded me of an Dominican girl. Her lips were dark and her eyes were a dark grey. She had a nice body and a big butt. I looked at her attire and she was wearing a grey and purple strapless dress and purple flip flops. We walked through the mall, well Dahmiere and his girlfriend walked while I stayed behind them since I was already feeling like the third wheel.
“Uh, I’m going into Pacsun”
“Aiight, meet us in Lids” I nodded my head and walked into Pacsun. I was so preoccupied with my phone, I didn’t realize I bumped into someone.
“Oh, I’m soo sorry” I said and he smiled and it melted my heart. This dude looked good as hell. He had low cut curly black hair with a light brown streak, he was mocha skinned and had a small beauty mark on his face. Yes, I saw the beauty mark; I had to take this dude in. He was fresh to death too. He had on a jean jacket with an Obey shirt and snapback on his jeans. He was wearing addidas and sheesh, he looked good.
“Its aiight ma” He said walking past me. I sighed and went deeper in the store too look around. I found a cute ass dress and I paid for it. On my way out, someone grabbed my arm. “You aint gonna talk to me?” The guy said smiling.
“Well, you aint seem interested and I aint that type of chick that chase men” He chuckled.
“My bad ma, but what’s your name?”
“What’s up Nicki, I’m Christian” I smiled and him and he walked me to lids as we talked. “So, can I have ya number ma?”
“Sure” I said and he gave me his phone. I typed my number and name in it and I heard someone clear their throat.
“Oh, my bad Dahmiere, this is Christian, Christian this is my bestfreind Dahmiere…he’s like a brother to me”
“We know each other” Christian said and I could feel the tensity in the air.
“Okay, ell call me” I said and Christian hugged me and then walked away. I looked at Dahmiere who looked like he had something on his mind. “You aiight?”
“Yeah, I’m straight, come on, the movie starts in 2o minutes and I need to buy some candy” I laughed and followed behind the couple and of course I got a message from Trey.

Hey babe, I’m so sorry about earlier, I miss you, come over.

Ha! IGNORE. I walked into the candy store inside the mall and of course I brought mad shit. It came up to $11 and of course Dahmiere offered to pay but I shooed him away and paid leaving me with $25 left to my name. I didn’t want him paying for me cause I knew that his girlfriend would’ve felt some type of way, I know I would. I stood outside of the candy store and Trey called my phone. IGNORE. Dahmiere came and led the way to the theatre. As we were walking my phone rang again and this time an unknown number popped up. Thinking it was the boy I just met, I answered.
“Oh so when strange numbers call, you can answer huh?” Trey yelled.
“Nigga, you broke up with me, why should I want to talk to you, I’m like five seconds from going over there and pistol whipping yo bitch ass” I yelled and people walking by looked at me. Dahmiere and his girlfriend turned towards me.
“Bitch, calm all that shit down-“
“Oh so now imma bitch?” I cut him off “you know what, imma show you a bitch!” I yelled and hung up. “Dahmiere, I gotta go”
“No you don’t, let’s go to the movie”
“If you don’t take me home imma”
“What are you gonna do Nicki?” He asked getting in my face and I pushed him.
“Stay outta my face Dah!”
“Nah, you need to chill the fuck out with your anger management problems”
“Oh so now I have anger management? The nigga broke up with me and was sleeping with some hoe and I gotta be straight with that?”
“Yeah, now let’s go”
“Fuck you dah” I screamed and went the other way. I felt my body being picked up and as they walked, I saw his girlfriend behind us. “Put me down Dahmiere!”
“No Nicki, you need to chill and get over that nigga, he don’t deserve you and he damn sure aint worth getting mad over” He finally put me down when we entered the theatre “Now calm the fuck down or as soon as we leave here, were fighting and you damn sure don’t wanna go there Nicki” I rolled my eyes and we went to pay for tickets to see Ice Age Connenental drift. I sat way in the back, away from Dahmiere and his girlfriend cause frankly, I was getting upset even sitting near that nigga. I wanted all rounds with that nigga after this. I paid attention to the movie and planned on how I was gonna fuck this nigga up.

Chapter 15


“Come on, hurry up!” Carla yelled as we were driving down the parkway to get to her place. When we pulled up she kissed me on the lips and left. As I was about to back out, I saw some guy yelling and calling her name. She looked frightened and turned to see him. He yanked her arm and she pulled away from him. He slapped her and I stepped out of the car.
“Ayo nigga, we gotta problem?” I asked stepping to him.
“Who the fuck are you?” This nigga was big, obviously a damn football player.
“I’m her boyfriend who are you?”
“I’m her fuckin boyfriend”
“Ex-boyfriend” She managed to get out in between sobs.
“Listen nigga, you better leave my girl alone cause word on my mom’s grave, I will fuck you up then ill some after your whole fuckin family and test me if you want to. I NEVER hesitate” The nigga had fear in his eyes but wouldn’t back down. He stole me and that was it. I pushed this big nigga to the ground and started fucking him up. I saw blood but I aint stop. I stomped him out and everything until he couldn’t do shit.
“Now get ya big ass up and go home, I don’t EVER want to hear you around my girl nor you glanced at her you go it?” He ran over to his car.
“This aint over Carla”
“But it is nigga” I said rising my shirt. “Test me if you want” He was scared now He hopped in his car and sped off. “You aiight ma?”
“Yeah” she said sniffling.
“Come on” I said bringing her into her house. Her sister and friend came running in and of course they were nervous.
“He came didn’t he?” Laurel asked and Carla nodded.
“Thanks to Dahmiere, I doubt he’ll be bothering me again” The girls looked at me and smiled.
“I don’t like you Dahmiere, but thanks” laurel said. Kianna just nodded her damn head.
“Aiight ma, I’m out, I’ll see you later”
“Okay, and thank you Dahmiere” She kissed me and I kissed her back. I went to the car where Nicki was smirking.
“What’s so funny?” I asked getting in the car.
“The fact that these rich niggas think they bout that life” I laughed.
“I need to drop you off”
“Yeah, and get your gloves cause we are fighting” I shook my head and we drove all the way back to the hood.

15 minutes into the fight, I had her pinned to the ground and kept punching her in the face. I knew it hurt but since we had on boxing gloves, it didn’t hurt as much as it should of.
“You gonna clam down now” I asked.
“Fuck you!” She yelled and punched me in my face. I got off of her and she stood up and put her guard up. We went back at it and of course I wasn’t gonna quit, neither was she but one hit changed that. I threw a hook that did land and she fell to the ground. I helped her up and brought her into the house.
“Now are you gonna calm the fuck down?” I asked and she nodded. Aint this some shit?

I drove over to Carla’s house to check on her and it seemed like nobody was home but she told me to come right in. I yelled her name and she called me from upstairs. I ran up the steps and she yelled again. I walked into her room and saw her in some revealing lingerie. She came over and kissed me and then whispered in my ear.
“I want you to take my virginity” She then nibbled on my ear. I grabbed her waist and kissed her deeply and pushed her back on the bed. I already had a hard on and was so ready to do this. I kissed her neck and went lower. Within minutes, I made her come with just my mouth. When she was wet enough, I slipped my condom on and slid into her slowly and then when she could take it, I increased the rhythm. She was enjoying this as much as I was, when we both came, she screamed and we laid in the bed together
“Next time, I wanna try to ride” She said catching her breath and I chuckled and kissed the top of her head and fell asleep.

Chapter 16


It was over a month and I haven’t been talking to nobody. Halloween was around the corner and me and my best was out looking for costumes.
“I want something sexy and scary at the same time” I told Dahmiere looking through the racks of costumes.
“Mhmmm” He said looking at his phone.
“Come on, put the phone away and help me” I said taking his phone.
“Aiight, what was it you was sayin?”
“You would’ve heard me if you wasn’t texting your girlfriend” I mumbled with an attitude”
“What was that?”
“Help me look for a sexy costume”
“Look at this” He said holding up a maid costume.
“I don’t want to be a maid…I should be a sexy vampire” I said grabbing the vampire dress.
“that dress isn’t sexy” He said looking through the racks.
“No really?” I said sarcastically “I’m gonna sew it into a sexy outfit”
“Okay, do you, now I need a mask” He said.
“Get a Joker mask”
“Nah, I want something like that movie when those people were trapped in there houses and those people had on those masks and tried to kill them, what’s the name of that movie?”
“Man, I don’t even know what you’re talking about”
“I want a scary looking baby face mask” He said looking. This nigga was deadass cause as soon as he found it, he grabbed that and some other scary looking masks. We were going to this Halloween party in this huge ass abandoned house and of course, the girl throwing it got the mayor to agree so I helped her clean it up a little, not a lot cause she wanted to scare people. She hired niggas to set up trap doors that makes people end up in another room is they lean against it. This shit was gonna be fun. I really needed this party too cause I wanted to get drunk and to fuck somebody since my sex drive was running low.

We paid for our shit at the cashiers register and bounced. I felt Dahmiere’s cell vibrate and I handed it to him. He kept that stupid ass grin on his face and I rolled my eyes. His relationship was really getting under my skin I mean, this bitch is rich and is pretty as hell and she’s taking all his attention away from me. If I wasn’t a good friend, I would’ve got him to cheat on her and then tell her. Oh well, I have no right to be jealous I mean, I know he used to be jealous of all the guys that would hit on me.
“You heard me?” He asked tapping me.
“Nah Whatchu say?”
“Carla has a game today, wanna go?”
“Man, I don’t care, I gotta get changed though”
“Aiight” He drove in the direction of my house and I ran into the house to get dressed. I put on my white tights and then my black skinny jeans that had rips down the legs. I put on my long sleeved white Aeropostale V-neck and then my black and white concords. I grabbed my black Aero hoodie and put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my geek glasses. I was trying to show out. I got back in the car and this nigga laughed and drove to the football stadium she was at. Of course, we had to pay $20 each since this school was a private school. I was mad as hell. We sat at the top of the bleachers and then the cheerleaders came out.
“I’ll be back” Dahmiere said and walked down the bleachers and gave Carla a kiss and they started talking until she was called to do cheers. I looked away for a second and this nigga was MIA. I rolled my eyes and looked at my cellphone. I really didn’t care for football and that’s why I didn’t cheer for it. I cheered for basketball cause I knew exactly what these niggas meant when they said foul or holding or stuff like that. I had no idea what 4 and 1 mean in football nor did I care to learn.
“So we meet again” a manly voice said kinda scaring me. I looked up and saw Christian.
“Oh hey” I just said plainly and he chuckled.
“What’s up ma?”
“Nothing” I looked back on Twitter to see my bestfreind Tiarra snapping on some chick that was sleeping with her boyfriend. These bitches was threatening each other to the max. I decided to join in since the bitch’s best friend got into it.

BigBootyNicki: @Mz_Lashay @Mini_qua Aint nobody touching my best. Trust me, we roll deep all the fuckin time bitches! @Tiarrabby <3

As soon as I put that, these bitches started to chill the fuck out but I wasn’t stopping the arguement. These hoes all this fuckin mouth and I rides for mines.

“So, why are you here?” Christian asked and I looked form my phone to him.
“To support a friend and his girlfriend”
“Oh okay” I nodded and went back to the phone. I was getting angry I wasn’t at home now cause i already know I was gonna pick up my best and we were gonna handle these bitches. She sent me a text asking where I was so I called her.

“Bitch where you at?” she yelled.
“Calm your shit the fuck down, I’m at this damn game with Dahmiere but he went MIA and now I’m alone, come scoop me”
“I can’t, my mom took my car”
“Urgh, I min the mood for fight now, those bitches messed with the wrong one”
“I know, ask Dahmiere to drop you off”
“Nah, I aint even gonna bother. Well catch these hoes next week at the party and it aint gonna be pretty at all” I said and Tiarra agreed.
“Aiight, imma call you back cause these scary bitches stopped talking shit”
“aiight” After she hung up, I looked on twitter and I retweeted her status.

Tiarrabby: Bitches is scary as hell now that my best @BigBootyNicki got into it *cough Cough* @Mz_Lashay @Mini_qua

I couldn’t stop laughing and Christian looked at me. I looked around for Dahmiere but couldn’t find him.
“Do you know where the bathrooms are?” I asked and he smirked.
“Well, there’s the porta pottys but I think you need to wash your hands so come on” He said taking my hand. He led me through this room that had mad football shit and I was guessing it was the football locker room. He opened another door and it led to a hallway and he brought me to the bathroom. I went inside and peed and cleaned myself up and washed my hands. As I was leaving, I didn’t see Christian so I was making my way back to the football locker room when I heard noise from in there. Oh great, I’m locked in the building. I thought it was the football team, instead it was Dahmiere and some girl getting it in. Fuck this. I walked through as quietly as possible and as I was making my way out, the football team actually made their way inside. I ran as fast as possible as one of the security guards chased me for being in there. I ran all the way to the main street and looked both ways. I didn’t know what to do cause security was chasing me still.

It was like 10 minutes later when I lost his ass an di had no idea where I was. I looked at my cellphone and looked on maps to see how to get home . The fastest way was the fucking bus, this is great. As soon as I see Dahmiere, I’m fucking him up.

Chapter 17


“Uh, Dahmiere” The chick moaned my name. I know it was wrong for me to leave Nicki and to cheat on Carla but I needed that. Carla was giving me blue balls and I needed my dick wet ASAP. The chick had to be a cheerleader cause she had the full uniform on and she led me into this room so we could get it in. As I was about to nut, I heard someone yell.
“What the fuck?” I turned and saw the whole football team and the coaches looking at us.
“Oh my gosh daddy” the girl said jumping off of me and pulling her underwear and shit up. I put my dick away and was about to go.
“Dahmiere?” Carla said with tears rimming up in her eyes. The girls’ father was still yelling at her and Carla was staring at me.
“Carla I’m so sorry” She slapped me and I just laughed in her face. She let her tears drop and I felt bad but nobody put’s their hands on me.
“Save your sorry Dahmiere, I don’t ever want to see you again”
“Fuck you Carla, All you were was a piece of ass anyway!” I yelled and I knew I was making her upset.
“I gave you everything! I even gave you my virginity, something nobody has ever gotten out of me!” She yelled back. And I chuckled.
“And that’s your fault” I said cold-heartedly and she cried and ran passed me. The cheerleaders followed her and I looked at everyone and walked right out of the room. I went into the fresh air and I saw that nigga Christian.
“What’s up nigga?” He asked me as I passed.
“Shit, what’s up witchu?”
“Same ol same ol, you gonna get me some more work to sell at home?”
“I can, just hit me up” I told him. I acted cold towards this nigga was cause this was my mom’s son. My mom died and she made sure me and Christian didn’t know about each other. He did grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth and my mom left me, my twin brother and my dad to take care of him and his father. I thought It was fucked up I didn’t find out until she died. I aint cry at her funeral and neither did Christian. We were too fucking pissed we aint know about each other. We knew each other for 3 years now and shit has been cool. We are close to the same age but I’m older by a year.
“Oh, tell Nicki to text me”
“She don’t have your number, but I’ll tell her” I gave him dap and went the other direction. At the exit, I didn’t see the security guards nor did I see the money people. The money was out but they were nowhere to be found.
“Fuck this” I said grabbing a couple of twenty’s. This game wasn’t worth shit. I got into my car and drove home. I wasn’t even gonna hit Carla up, I was gonna wait until she calmed down. Nicki was nowhere to be found and I guessed she left.

When I got home, I sat right on my couch and watched TV when I heard the door slam. I was Nicki angry as hell holding her handgun.
“What Nicki, you gonna shoot me?” I asked laughing. I was high as fuck right now an di wasn’t thinking.
“Yeah nigga! Where the fuck was you when the security guards were chasing my ass?”
“ My bad Nicki, but for your information, I was breaking up with Carla now put the fuckin gun down” she pointed to my head and I walked towards her taking another puff of my blunt. I blew it in her face and I knew she was upset.
“Get the fuck out my face Dahmiere” she yelled.
“Or what? You gonna shoot me?” She looked me dead in the eye and I chuckled. “Shoot me Nicki” I said. “You don’t have the balls too” Then all I heard was a gun shot and I ducked. I looked down and realized I wasn’t hit, instead she shot passed my head and it hit the wall. “What the fuck!” I yelled.
“Hm, so close, well your lucky I love you, that bullet was meant for your head” She said.
“That’s not funny” I said and we sat on my couch.
“Nigga you aiight?” My boy Raquel asked running into my spot with his gat in his hand.
“Yeah I’m straight, Nicki play too fucking much” I said mushing her. she exhaled the smoke and stuck the middle finger up at me.
“Oh Nicki, I heard you were single so what’s up with me and you ma?” Raquel said sitting in the chair.
“Yeah, what is up with me and you?” She questioned.
“You know, when you gon let me hit that fat ass” He said biting his lip. I shook my head and she laughed.
“Trust me, you couldn’t handle this ass even if you tried” She said blowing some into his face and he laughed and took a hit.
“You never know until I try ma” He said and we were all laughing.
“Yall need to calm that shit down” I said turning the TV on. As we sat there and watched the football game, my cellphone rang.
“Hello” I said without answering.
“Why?” I heard a sniffle.
“Why did you do it?”
“Cheat on me. Why?” I sighed.
“Listen Carla, it isn’t you. It was just…I don’t know, I felt really bad about what I said to you and everything and honestly, I don’t know why I fucked that girl. I guess it was just because she led me inside and dropped her damn pants and lead me to it. I’m so sorry Carla and trust me. I never apologize to a female but your something special. I’m always gonna remember I was your first and I hope I can have another chance but that’s your decision. I don’t beg, instead imma just move on and have NOBODY” Carla sniffed a little.
“I love you Dahmiere and you’re really hurt me. I want to be mad but I can’t because I know I’m still in love with you. I an’ accepting your apology and yes I want us to work this out but any sexual activity will not happen for a while” I nodded my head.
“Aiight, I agree and you know, you’re the first female I ever waited for?”
“Well good because your gonna be waiting for a while” I looked over at Nicki and Raquel and he grabbed her hand and stood up.
“Okay so, how about I take you somewhere tonight?” I said to Carla on the phone.
“Ooh, I’m sorry but I’m going out with my bestfreind”
“Oh aiight, maybe next week…crap well whenever but next week I have a party to attend”
“Okay, well see each other whenever then”
“Okay bye love you” I cannot believe I said that.
“Love you too” She hung up and I stopped Nicki and Raquel
“Where yall think yall goin?” I asked and Raquel sighed and rolled his head to look at me.
“Nicki and I were going to chill”
“No you’re not” I said grabbing Nicki and making her sit down. “Yall re not to fuck around in my house and I aint gonna make her make a decision high!” I yelled and Raquel put his hands up in defense.
“Hey, I feel you dawg but this horniness is about to go away so I gotta go get my dick wet ASAP” He left the house and Nicki sat there frozen.
“What’s wrong?” As I said that she started balling. Her tears will not stop.
“Nicki what’s the matter?” I asked rubbing her back.
“I can’t believe I fucked Trey and he did that to me and I’m…I’m pregnant” Damn. I knew I said I will always fuck a guy up when they hurt her but I forgot all about trey. He my homie and shit but I aint gonna let my bestfreind get hurt cause a nigga wanna get his dick wet. DAMN. I got up and grabbed my clip and left her there to cry. I wasn’t gonna kill the nigga but you know a nigga gotta stay strapped just in case ya feel me? I went to his house and opened the screen door since he wasn’t answering my knocks. I went to the back near his room and heard moaning. I knew that nigga was here. I kicked opened the door and saw Carla in bed with Trey. I immediately rushed that nigga and kept punching him.
“Dahmiere STOP!” She yelled but fucks her. This was for Nicki.
Of course I had the upper hand and somehow, this nigga stood up and we were out for a brawl. I knew Trey could hold his own but I was stronger and not one fight I lost. I punched this nigga one last time and he fell to the ground.
“That was for Nicki” I said spitting the blood out of my mouth onto the floor.
“Dahmiere, look at what you did” Carla wept.
“Bitch Ion’t care, Have that nigga, apparently you don’t love me” I said.
“I do love you”
“Yeah whatever, I’m out” I left the house and whipped the car to go the other direction. When I got home, I saw Nicki and Christian kissing. WHAT. THE. FUCK!

Chapter 18

Christian stopped our kissing session and stood up.
“What the fuck you doin here?” I heard Dahmiere say behind me.
“Aye bro, uh I came to see you and I saw Nicki crying and one thing led to another and we kissed” Christian explained.
“Why are you here is my question”
“Well, I needed more stuff, I got the money” Christian held a jansport backpack in front of Dahmiere. I knew what they were doing but I didn’t give a fuck.
“Aiight well, meet me in like 20 minutes at the bridge aiight?”
“Okay, text me Nicki” I waved as he left and I laid on the couch. Dahmiere sat beside me, putting my legs on his lap and I grinned.
“Nothing” We sat on the couch watching TV for 5 minutes and then we heard the doorbell ring. Dahmiere sighed and opened the door.
“Don’t fuckin move nigga!” The guy yelled and I grabbed my gun from the table and hid near the bathroom.
“Where the fuck the money at nigga?” The guy yelled.
“Listen Bruh, chill or I swear yo life is at stake”
“Shut the fuck up nigga! Who got the gun?” I crept behind him and pointed the gun to his dome.
“Me nigga now drop yo shit” He dropped the gun and put his hands up Dahmiere grabbed his piece from his waist.
“Take the mask off nigga” The guy hesitated and I hit him in the head with the gun.
“Do what the fuck he says” I yelled and the guy took his mask off.
“Raquel?” Dahmiere and I said in union.
“Listen Bruh I’m sorry” Dahmiere didn’t even hesitate. He shot the nigga and put his gun down.
“Clean this shit up” He said to me.
“I aint the one that shot him in my house so you better put the body back in his house or something” I said and he sighed.
“Help me roll his ass up in this carpet”
“Wait, wrap him in that plastic shit you had”
“Oh yeah right” He came back with this plastic he used to make sure no paint got on none of his furniture. We then brought the body to his car and he drove to the niggas house, dumping him on the porch and we rushed to his house. I helped him clean up the blood and make sure not even the cracks of the wood had blood in it. We even put a new rug down just in case.

When I got home, I took a nice ass shower and put my sweatpants and tank top on and put my wet curly hair into a bun. I opened my laptop to check out Facebook and Twitter and on Facebook I had MAD messages from Trey. All of him apologizing and asking me to take him back but fuck him. I heard when Dahmiere went over there, he was fuckin Carla hoe ass. He lucky I wasn’t there cause I would’ve shot all them niggas and any witnesses. I Was about to log out when this bitch Toya messaged me. I talked to her and she said I wasn’t right for threatening her cousin (the bitch that was arguing with my bestie) and I told her straight up, we was fighting. I don’t care about what happened, my bestfreind is my best friend nobody touching her without a fight. I logged out and went to twitter and saw bitches trying to talk shit about me.
BigBootyNicki: If any1 got something to say, yall all know where the fck I live, im on my G-Shit right now so bring it niggas!

I logged out and decided to sew the rest of my costume. It was looking fabulous.

The party came and went. Yes, Me and my best was against like 5 girls but we got shit poppin. I heard my best had a fuckin knife and sliced like 3 of the bitches while I banged some bitch head to the concrete and she was in a coma and the other chick couldn’t remember anything. That just goes to show stop talking shit.

Christian and I were a whole other story I mean, I ride for my niggas but Dahmiere kept getting upset when I blew him off for his half-brother. They both were sexy but he had to understand he’s my best and is always gonna be my best until the day we die. I know that people be like girls and guys can’t just be best friends but with us, we were really best friends. I fight his bitches, he fight my niggas, we fight each other and we still got mad love for one another. Eh, well see what happens sometime in the future cause I will marry him but I am with his brother and I don’t want to seem like da weez.

Chapter 19


Days turned into weeks which turned into months. Nicki was still dating Christian and me?I was dealing with Carla foul ass. She was worse than Malik baby momma. I mean No I wasn’t Carla’s baby father but in her mind, I still wanna be with her. I mean, I would get if I fucked that bitch raw that I fucked at the football game and got her pregnant but nah, I chose proper precautions. This bitch just fucked my homie and got pregnant. Knowing him, I know he denying that baby. When I found out she was pregnant, she was over here in my crib crying and shit like I was supposed to give a fuck. And I told her and ever since, she been goin crazy. Like take right now for example. I’m here, chillin with Nicki Christian and this chick I met named Skylar. Were just staring at her and as she’s blacking out.
“Is that your baby’s momma?” Skylar asked.
“Fuck no man, don’t even pay her any mind” I said back to her. “Carla man, go home and take care of yo baby, I told we were OVER that was what? 4 months ago? You fucked up and now you mad I aint accepting yo ass back? Look at you. You’re pregnant with some other niggas baby cause you cheated on me”
“You cheated first”
“Okay, I admit that but you know, I aint get that bitch pregnant. I made sure I had a condom and you didn’t so whatever predicament you in now is yo fault not mine now leave!” I yelled and she jumped. I saw the tears fall from her eyes and I looked at Skylar and scrunched her face up . Carla left and Skylar looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes.
“Why did you be so mean to her” I sighed and put my head down.
“Listen Sky, Imma be straight up with you. I cheated on that girl but I didn’t get the bitch pregnant. I told her I was sorry and she didn’t forgive me. Well, she did forgive me but I guess payback is a bitch right? I told her I loved her and she turned around and did this to me? Fuck outta here” I said and Skylar rubbed my back.
“You really had feeling for her?” She asked.
“I did but now, she just like all these other tricks out here. She made me wait for the P and I did for a month the first time and then we broke up after getting back together. It’s fucked up but hey” I shrugged my shoulders “Shit happens”
“What if that’s your baby?”
“It isn’t, you wanna know why?” She nodded “Well, if she was having my baby, she would have been told me before she cheated”
“Oh” she said nodding her head. Honestly, I didn’t know but hey, I told her that if the baby happens to be mine, imma raise him or her without that bitch. But I do know for a fact that I wrapped it up. Oh well, we shall see in the next 3 to 4 months.

“Dahmiere, were going to the movie, you comin?” Nicki asked and I looked at Skylar.
“Yeah, we can” She said and I nodded. I really wasn’t beat to sit in a movie theater for over an hour watching a fuckin movie. We sat near the front so we were able to see the screen and it wasn’t too big nor too small, it was perfect. Nicki and Christian couldn’t stop kissing. It wouldn’t be a shocker if Nicki was pregnant by the dude but hey, its whatever. I was here with a beautiful woman who told me she will NOT ever have sex with me unless she knew I was committed. I mean hey, a man is a man,. I did like her but I will drop her in a heartbeat if anything. I looked at her from head to toe. This girl had it all. A nice body, some pretty white ass teeth, pretty pink lips, the smoothest clearest skin, and nice curly hair. She was just gorgeous. I remember the day I met her.

I was chillin at my boy Roc house and his baby momma was over there arguing about some bitch coming over his house and asking for him. He kept trying to explain that was his sisters’ friend Kasey who was older than us and he wouldn’t fuck her. She just kept yelling and throwing shit and he left her ass upstairs.
“Yo bruh, put yo girl on a leash” I said passing him the joint.
“Man, putting her on a leash is like chasing a fucking lion…all she gonna do is fight until she gets hurt” I nodded my head and was watching the news. Of course they assumed the killer of those boys was some Spanish guy and trust, I wasn’t turning myself in. Hell, it’s been too fucking long since they were even shot, anyway, Roc and I were about to leave his place and of course his girl was snapping.
“Hurry up, go” He said slamming the door. We hopped into my car and sped off as we saw the front door fling open. She kept calling his phone and it got to the point where he turned it off. I just laughed at this nigga.

We went over to the mall to shop for some new clothes for the party since we were gonna pretend to be killers to get the attention of some chicks. We went to store after store until we got black dickies, a black hoodie, a black knitted hat and black sneakers, I of course had to get vans while this nigga goes and gets Nikes. I shook my head and we left.
“Hold up, I gotta get some cologne from Hollister” Roc said and I followed him inside while looking for something for any other day.
“What do you mean I’m fired?” Was all I heard so she could get my attention. She was so beautiful but right now, she was heated. Her dress hugged her curves and I had to meet her. She threw some clothes on the ground and left the store clearly upset.
“Ayo ma!” I yelled chasing her. I saw her wipe away her tears.
“What?” She snapped and sniffled a bit.
“You aiight?” I asked and she chuckled and rolled her eyes.
“Listen cut the bullshit, I know you don’t give a fuck and plus I don’t need this right now” She said trying to walk away but I grabbed her hand.
“Fine, then how about I meet you at the Halloween party tomorrow, wear a costume” I said handing her the extra flyers. She rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you right?” I asked as she walked away. She waved her hand and i took it as a yes. Roc came out and we were soon running to get to my fucking car since he stole the bottle.
The party was here and of course Nicki came to my house to pick me up. I didn’t plan on bringing my car cause I was spending the night at the haunted house to chill with the 16 people that were VIP.
“Ayo Dah, you ready?” Nicki yelled and I ran down the stairs in all black. The doorbell rang and some teenagers were at the door.
“Trick or treat”
“Man if yall don’t get the fuck outta my face” I said grabbing my baby mask and shutting and locking my door with Nicki leading the way.
“Yo, what about our candy?” The kids asked. I sighed and looked in my bag. Shit, I had enough condoms for myself and everyone at the party.
“Huh” I said putting the magnums in theirs pillow cases. The boys looked at the condoms and were happy as hell. I got into the car with Nicki who blew a kiss at the little boys and they all blushed. I laughed as we pulled off. Virgin Dicks. When we got to the abandoned house, niggas were already outside drinking and shit. E went inside and people were all up on each other. I put my mask on and stood near the drinks to look around. My dumbass didn’t think to get a mask with a mask so I realized, I was gonna be sober. Hey, maybe that’s for the best huh? Anyway, the time passed and soon midnight hit and that was our towns curfew if you were out on Halloween. I decided to set up with Roc and we hid in cupboards. People kept walking by and I finally decided to go after one. I grabbed a girl with a school girl outfit on and when I looked at her face, my face dropped. I took my mask off and she hit me.
“Damn I’m sorry ma for scaring you, don’t you remember me?”
“Yes I remember you, you’re the one that stopped my crying session at the mall” She said smirking.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I just think a smile looks better on your face” She blushed.
“Anyway, what’s your name?”
“I’m Skylar” And after that we hit it off.

We talked about everything. She snuggled close to me in the middle of the movie and I just relaxed and held her. I didn’t realize I fell asleep until I heard Nicki yelling.
“Get the fuck off of her” I popped up and saw Carla holding Skylar by her hair and Skylar punching her in the face.
“Ayo stop!” I yelled and broke these bitches up. Carla accidentally hit me and I back slapped that bitch. Tears formed in her eyes and I really aint give a fuck cause i was worried about Skylar. I heard a loud bang and people oohing and aahing. I looked down and saw I had been shot. I looked at Carla who was shaking holding the gun and I blacked out. Aint this some shit?

Chapter 18

I was shocked. I mean after that bitch shot Dahmiere I was about to kill her. But instead Christian strong ass hauled me out of the theatre cause he knew I was gonna fuck her up. I heard skylar crying and I knew she was over Dahmiere helping him. Exactly where I should be. Trust me, if that bitch wasn’t pregnant, I will shoot her ass. Nah fuck this. I ran back inside and took the 9mm out of Dahmiere waist and I told Skylar to keep pressure on the wound. Christian found me and grabbed me. This bitch was a dead bitch. Luckily, Christian took Dahmiere’s keys and we bounced. Thank GOD he didn’t have drugs on him. We whipped over to my place so I could take a shower cause I was gonna fuck this bitch up as soon as I saw her. When I came out of the hot shower, I saw Christian looking blankly at the TV.
“You aiight?” I asked crawling to him on the bed. I kissed his soft lips.
“I’m fine, it’s just like bizarre that bitch shot him at point blank range” Hm. It don’t matter cause I’m fucking killing her tonight. “Don’t do it”
“Do what Christian?”
“Don’t shoot her. Wait and let her have the baby first”
“Why? So she can try to keep Dahmiere? I don’t think so”
“Babe” Christian picked me up and made me straddle him. Mind you in still naked. He kissed my neck and I let out a moan. “Don’t do it”
“Fine” I sighed and stood up to get dressed. I called Dahmiere’s father who tried to get me to tell him who the girl was but I told him I got him. This shit wasn’t over, Imma wait. In 3 months, it will be on and I will be outta school? Fuck yeah.

Every day I went to see Dahmiere and every time I was there, Skylar was there like she was his wife or some shit. It was pissing me off how she would break down drying looking at him wrapped up. Today I was there and she wasn’t which was odd cause I heard she was here every day until visiting hours were up. I just looked at my magazine and didn’t see nothing interesting. I did see the best dressed columns and none if these bitches killed the clothes. I threw the magazine on the table and I took my IPod out. I started singing Theraflu by Kanye West and Dj Khaled.
“Nicki?” I heard Dahmiere manage to get out.
“Oh my gosh he’s awake” I ran to the hallway and yelled for a nurse. She ran inside and he was trying to sit up.
“Please, lay down sir” the nurse said and he stayed. The doctor came in and then left. I was so happy he was up. It was a good thing too cause he had to know in 2 months I was killing that bitch. After finishing with him he kept trying to talk to me but I told him to relax until tomorrow.
“Where’s Skylar?” He asked as I flipped through channels.
“Not here damn, now stop talking and relax” I said and he did.
“Call her please” I rolled my eyes and sent her a message. In no longer than 10 minutes, she came running into the room. She gave Dahmiere and hug and she was looking foul like she was just working out.
“Damn ma, you smell” Skylar laughed and wiped the sweat off her forehead.
“I’m sorry, I had just left the gym when I got the message and I ran over here instead of going home to shower” She exhaled and I decided to leave them alone. I left and hit up his father to let him know his son was awake. I knew he wanted to visit.

Chapter 19


I was kissing my girlfriend, something I haven’t done in two weeks when this nigga came into my room.
“Is this the bitch the reason why you here?” He asked angrily and walking towards her.
“Dad No!”
“Don’t fuckin lie to me, I can have this bitch killed in an instant” He backed her into a corner and she slid to the ground.
“DAD!” I yelled and he finally looked at me. I managed to sit up. “Skylar come here” He looked at her pass him and I wiped her cheek and kissed it.
“Dad, this is my girlfriend Skylar, she was fighting the bitch that put me in here”
“Who is the chick?” He asked not even apologizing.
“Just some chick” We sat in the room silent for a bit.
“I’m sorry ma but you gotta understand, this is my son and I’ll kill someone for putting their hands on him” She just nodded her head; I knew she was still scared. The nurse came in and told everyone they had to go. Skylar hugged me and gave me a kiss before leaving and it was just me and my father.
“Listen son, you need to stop fucking these girls and settle dawn” I laughed.
“Dad, I’m 18 about to be 19 in a few weeks, I don’t need to settle down, I need to explore” He chuckled and hugged me.
“Whatever floats your boat” He left and I fell asleep. I was tired as fuck.

A few days later, I got out of the hospital. Since Skylar hadn’t seen me since my father scared her to death, I asked her to take off from her job and chill with me. I grabbed my stuff and I went downstairs and Skylar was sitting on the hood of her Toyota. I kissed her and climbed into the passenger side and she went to the driver’s side.
“So bae, what you wanna do today?”
“I just want to go home, sleep in my bed cuddled next to my girl and then, maybe well do something special tonight, I just need to relax” I said kissing her. She nodded her head and drove in the direction to my house. 15 minutes later, we pulled up (since she took the long way) and I held her waist as we walked to my door. I handed her my key and as soon as she opened the door, people popped up yelling surprise. So much for my relaxing day.

All the homies were there and Skylar obviously was annoyed cause I ditched her. As I sat and smoked the blunt Skylar tapped my shoulder and had a pout on her face.
“Dahmiere I’m going to go”
“What bae? We just got here come on” I plead but she snatched her hand out of mine.
“Bye Dahmiere” She said leaving. I knew she hated when I smoked but fuck it, I needed to get rid of the pain. As soon as the party ended, I went to my room and left Nicki to clean up since she threw the party. I tried calling Sky but she ignored my phone calls so I said fuck it and put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.

Chapter 20


So Christian and I had been dating for 2 months and I decided to get him to meet my brother. Of course they hit it off and then they got on the subject of Dahmiere and his ex shooting him.
“Yeah, Nicki trying to kill the bitch” Christian said.
“I aint tryin to do nothing, I am and I aint gonna hesitate either” I motioned my fingers into a gun and cocked it back twice.
“Ayo nick, you better chill that shit the fuck out yo, I aint bailing you outta prison” My brother said coming out of the kitchen to sit down. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Winter break was next week an di knew I needed to go shopping for gifts since my dumbass decided to oversleep on black Friday. Oh well, I needed stuff and fast. Christian and I said bye to my brother and went to the mall. I helped him pick stuff out for his sister and I went to find stuff for my brother and his girl. On the way home, I brought some wrapping paper and I went straight to my room to wrap it.

In school on Monday, I felt kinda weird. Not like I was pregnant weird but like something was missing weird. When I went to lunch I realized Christian hadn’t texted me all day. I sent him a message.
‘Hey’ I went back to talking to everyone at the table. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned and saw Trey staring at me. I knew he was mad I moved on but that’s his problem, not mine.
“Aye, I gotta go to the bathroom, I’ll be back” I said standing up and walking out of the cafeteria.
“Nicki” I heard trey call after me. I turned around and he stopped in front of me. “So what’s up with us?”
“Nothing is up with us” I said rolling my eyes.
“Oh so fuck what we had huh?”
“Yeah pretty much. You’re the one who broke up with me and your mad I moved on why?”
“Nicki, you’re my girl”
“No I’m not” I said walking away but he grabbed my arm.
“Nicki!” He yelled.
“Oh shit!” I heard someone yell and then mad footsteps were running towards me and Trey fighting. He punched me hard as hell in the face but I was beating his ass pretty badly cause all I saw was blood. I was on top of him throwing blow after blow.
“Nicki!” I heard Dahmiere yell and I looked up. I was now on the ground and trey was chocking me.
“Get the fuck off of me” I manage to say. I was so close to blacking out when he finally got off of me. I coughed as I saw Dahmiere and Trey fighting. Dahmiere was fuckin this dude up, beating him half to death.
“Let me through” The principle said an di finally got up and led Dahmiere through the crowd that started to disperse. I led him into the women’s bathroom and he helped me get cleaned up to hide we had anything to do with the fight.

Trey’s POV

I can’t even talk to this bitch without a fight. I mean, all I wanted to do was go out with her but her and Dahmiere fighting me? That shit was for the birds. The principle brought me to the office and asked who hit me. I kept quiet and just or that, the nigga suspended me for 3 weeks. 3 fucking weeks! Oh well, I got something for Nicki’s ass and as for Dahmiere, that nigga better watch his fuckin back.

Nicki POV

The bell rang and Dahmiere and I went to class. We saw Trey pass us and gave us the evil glare. Dahmiere was gonna hit him but I held him and we walked passed that nigga.
“Bitch ass nigga” I heard trey mumble and I laughed. This nigga just don’t get it.
He just gonna get hurt at the end of the day. The last period and Dahmiere and I split ways. Christian finally text me back talking about we need to talk. This shit was gonna be crazy.

Chapter 21


I hadn’t spoken to Skylar in like 3 days. It was finally Saturday and I decided to hit her up. She ignored my call and I kept calling. After the 6th call she answered.
“WHAT THE FUCK SKYLAR? YOU REALLY NOT GON ANSWER ME THE FIRST TIME I CALLED? YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT! WERE THROUGH” I hung up and threw my phone. I’m so done with this bitch. She really had the nerve to make me call her 6 times and make it seem like I’m whipped. Fuck outta here. I sat there staring at the TV and then decided to get changed and play some ball. I called Mikal and him I was coming through to pick him up. I grabbed my ball and left the house. We was there for about 2 hours. Of course the weed was getting to me cause I was breathing hard as hell and wasn’t as fast.
“Dahmiere!” I heard someone yell as I shot the ball. I saw Nicki running towards me scared.
“Nicki what’s up-“
“Come quick, Skylar’s in the hospital” Malik and I ran towards my car and followed Nicki to the hospital.
“Is there a Skylar Wesley here?” I asked the nurse scared.
“Yes, we moved her to ICU, she’s pretty beat up, are you a relative?”
“I’m her boyfriend, her father is probably working right now and her sister doesn’t no longer have a way to be in contact. Her grandmother is ill so I guess I’m the only one you can talk to”
“Well sir, Your girlfriend has been beaten half to death, she was then rapped and-“
“Where is she!” I heard a man yell. I looked and saw Skylar’s father. “You did this to her!” He said pointing his finger in my face.
“No I aint no get your fingers out my face” I said smacking his hand out my face. He tried to punch me in my face but I dodged it and chocked this nigga.
“If I let you go, you better calm yo ass down, I aint touch yo daughter, I haven’t even spoken to her in 3 days. I called earlier but she didn’t seem like she wanted to talk to me” I let him go and he sat down.
“What am I going to do. This is my little girl, the good one. The one that helps me with everything. My other one is probably struggling taking care of her son” He said crying in his hands.
“Sir I love your daughter and trust me, as soon as I find out who did this, its game over for them”
“Sir, you can go see your daughter if you want” The nurse finally said. I walked with her father into the room. I saw Skylar attached to a machine to track her heart beat and an IV.
“Oh my sweetheart” Her father said grabbing her hand and kissing it. He sat in the only chair beside in her room. We stayed there waiting for her to wake up. It was around 1 am when something was happening. She was having a stroke and everyone was screaming into the room. I looked as the Nurses were rushing her out the room. Her father was blacking out and the security guard had to escort him out. I left the hospital and went right to the liquor store. After my work today at the basketball court, I decided to never smoke weed so I was gonna get drunk.

When I got home, I sucked on a bottle of vodka and soon, fell asleep. When I woke up, it was nearly 5 at night and I decided to sit there and think. I really like Skylar. I didn’t deserve to snap on her and what if this rape was my fault? If I didn’t hang up on her, I could’ve killed the nigga that did this to her. My phone kept ringing and I kept ignoring it. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I had my gun in my hand and was itching to kill a nigga.
“You really gonna ignore our calls?” Christian and Nicki was in my house now.
“Why bother talking Nicki, my girl is in the hospital and I cannot wait to kill the nigga that did it”
“Well if you would’ve answered the phone, you could know”
“Skylar woke up” Christian said.
“She did?”
“Yes now go clean yourself up!” She screamed and I ran into the bathroom. I got cleaned up. I went to my room to change. My phone rang and this time it was an unknown number.
“Hello?” I said answering.
“How’s yo girl doin nigga?” The guy asked on the phone.
“Who the fuck is this?” They just chuckled.
“I hope I aint hurt her from this DICK!”
“Whoever the fuck you are, imma find yo ass and kill you. On some G Shit,real talk, you better hope she don’t tell me who you are cause you dead” I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. My phone rang again.
“What” I snapped.
“Dahmiere?” I heard Skylar’s raspy voice on the phone.
“Oh hey babe, I was on my way to see you” She didn’t say anything “Skylar”
“This is your fault Dahmiere” She said crying. I sat on my bed.
“Is it because I snapped on you earlier? Bae, I swear It was cause-“
“No! the reason why I’m in the hospital is because of you” She cried “Your friend raped me and yo baby mama tricked me” She said and i got angry.
“That’s not my baby mama”
“Whatever, I don’t wanna talk to you ever again! Goodbye Dahmiere”
“Babe” She didn’t say anything. “Babe” I said again. “Skylar!” I looked at my phone and saw she hung up. I threw my phone on my bed and fell back. Fuck this shit. I grabbed my glock and stormed into the living room. Nicki and Christian stopped kissing and looked at me.
“Either yall coming or not but I’m putting an end to these niggas’ life’s” I said putting my Jordans on. Nicki hopped up and Christian followed. We all got into my black camery that didn’t have any plates. They knew I was about to kill somebody.
“What’s wrong?” Nicki asked in my ear since she was in the backseat.
“Imma fucking kill that bitch!” I said and Nicki’s eyes widened.
“Carla” I nodded and she rubbed her hands together. When we pulled up to her house, she was walking to the door. Luckily I had my mask on. “Get the fuck in the car!” I barked and she was scared once the barrel of my gun was pressed against her head.
“Oh my gosh” She said crying. “Please don’t kill me, I’m pregnant”
“I don’t give a fuck bitch, Grab her” I yelled at Nicki and she did that. She held her in the backseat and we sped off to my trap house I haven’t used in months. I brought her to the basement where Christian tied her up to the chair he had set up.
“Please don’t do this, I’m giving birth in less than 3 weeks and my baby’s father will kill me” She said crying.
“Who’s the baby’s father?”
“Trey Sampson” She wept and Nicki punched her in the face.
“Fuckin stupid cunt!” Nicki yelled.
“Take her upstairs yo!” I yelled and Christian dragged her up the steps as she was cursing. I took my mask off and sat in the chair across from her.
“Dahmiere? Baby I miss you, I’m sorry I said try was the baby’s daddy but I thought you’d be scared”
“Shut the fuck up BITCH!” she got quiet “Now, you had the nerve to try to punk me into thinking the baby was mine, you shot me in the fuckin theatre and had the nerve to trick my girl and get her rapped?” She rolled her eyes “Look at me when I’m talking to you” I said smacking her and she let out a scream. “Who did it?” I said making her look me in the eye.
“I’m not telling you” I chuckled.
“Either you tell me or ill cut this baby out of you right now” She got scared.
“No Dahmiere please, don’t so this” I pointed my gun at her head.
“Who did it?” She broke down crying.
“Trey, I’m so sorry Dahmiere, I didn’t mean to-“Three shots rang out. I looked behind me and saw Nicki shot the bitch.
“Nicki what the fuck?” I asked her and she put her arm down.
“The bitch almost killed you” Nicki said. Christian came in with a bloody noise.
“Real talk Nicki? You just gonna hit me like that and bitch me?”
“You wouldn’t let me go”
“I don’t give a fuck” Christian said snatching the gun out her hand. I heard a phone ring and everyone looked around. I looked at Carla’s dead body. The phone was in her pocket and I pulled it out.
“Carla baby, I got the house and the baby’s gonna live a great life”
“Shut the fuck up!” I yelled.
“Who dis?”
“Nigga you know who this is. I’m the nigga who’s girlfriend was raped by yo ass oh and as for your girl and yo baby? They dead”
“Imma fuckin kill yo ass when I see you!” Trey shouted and I laughed.
“I’m coming for you and you better be strapped” I hung up and Brought the phone with me.
“Get rid of the body” I said leaving. I knew exactly where that nigga was gonna be.

Chapter 22


We did want Dahmiere told us. We brought the body to Trey’s house knowing he wouldn’t be home. We placed a gun on the ground wiping the prints off and trashing the house. We ran out of the house and sped away. I tried calling Dahmiere but he wouldn’t answer.
“So, can we talk?” Christian asked. I sighed and put my phone away.
“What’s up?”
“You know I love you right?” I nodded my head “But do you have feelings for my brother?”
“Yeah, I mean you always putting your life on the line for him. God forbid it was me, then what? You wouldn’t do anything”
“Chris listen to me, Dahmiere and I are best friends. I knew him since I was in diapers, We did everything together and when I moved, we didn’t talk. I feel like I owe him cause he made me feel like I was back at home. He is and always will be my bestfreind, but you are my boyfriend and we only have been dating for how long? 2 to 3 months? Dahmiere and I knew each other for our whole lives okay, I would do all this for you if I knew you for more than 3 months cause I would be able to trust you and ride for you” He sighed “I love you Chris, I do but understand that if our relationship goes further than 8 months, hell yeah id do this shit for you but now, I can’t cause I don’t know you like that” He nodded his head and aint say anything.
“I love you too ma” he finally said and I chuckled and kissed him. My phone rang and I saw Dahmiere’s name pop up.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Where you at?”
“At the corner store, this nigga just went inside”
“Aiight stay there”
“He probably gon be out by time you come, I’ll call you and tell you where were headed” and then he hung up.
“Fuck! Go to the corner store” Christian made a U-turn and we were literally speeding down the street. Dahmiere called again.
“Aiight, were on the parkway heading south”
“Aiight” I said and we drove up the parkway. I saw Dahmiere’s car and we got behind another car, following him. He finally turned and we got off of the exit and realized we were deep in the hood. This neighborhood was abandoned. The car in front of Dahmiere’s stopped and Trey got out of the car with his gun in hand followed by Dahmiere.
“Stay on this road and keep the lights off” I told Chris. He did that and I made him park. I got out of the car and heard 4 shots ring out. I ran back and told him to go. He busted a U-turn and we drove and saw Dahmiere struggling to get in the car and trey on the ground.
“Leave the car, get in” I told him and he did exactly that. He gave me the keys to that car and I took it making sure no evidence was there. Christian and Dahmiere was long gone when I was about to leave.
“Nicki” I heard a faint voice say. I stepped out of the car and looked on the ground and say trey.
“I guess I should do the honors of finishing you” I pointed my gun at this niggas head.


Chapter 23


We drove towards the hospital and I told him to take me home. I called this girl Tamika and she told me she’ll be right over. Christian helped me into the house. He laid me onto the couch and then the girl came in. She handed me a blunt and i didn’t accept it. She laughed and smoked that shit and made Christian hold it while she worked. That shit was painful. She stitched me up and then left.
“Where Nicki?” I asked Christian.
“Man, Ion’t know, just get some rest” I fell right to sleep.

Dahmiere, Ayo Dah wake up” I heard A voice say. I woke up and saw Mikal standing there.
“What is it?”
“Nicki’s been shot…they don’t know if she’s gonna make it” FUCK!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2012

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