

As the bell rang for the end of the period, I rushed out of my Spanish class and went straight to my locker. I thought it was pretty funny that I knew Spanish but I couldn’t pass the class. Maybe it was because the teacher was white? I turned the combination on the lock on my lockers door and I couldn’t help but feel like there were eyes on me. I ignored that feeling and opened my door to leaves falling on me. I let out a small yelp and heard the bitch laughing a little down the hallway. She smirked at me then walked away. I shut my locker and ran as fast as I could to catch up with her and when I did I punched the bitch clean in her face. I pulled her long blond hair and kept punching her in her face regardless of the blood gushing from her nose. I pushed her to the ground and got on top of her as I hit her. Soon, a teacher pried me off of her and I kept kicking the bitch until I was far away from her as possible.
I was escorted to the principal’s office and of course this child molester would take Cassie’s side. As soon as she made her way into the office, I knew my work was done. I smirked at the sight of her busted lip and the bandage on her noise and her shades on.
“Because of the fight ladies, you two both have 2 months suspension”
“What?” Cassie stretched. Hell I didn’t care, I wanted out of this school ASAP!
“You heard me Cassie” Mr. Freidman said holding his hands on his desk. “The way I see it is, you both played a role in this accusation and both of you will pay equally”
“But Mr. Friedman, I’m sure you can make an excuse for me you know considering the fact that I’m on the cheerleading squad and I was the party injured here” she flashed him a little cleavage and He looked like he was thinking.
“Alright Cassie, you get a week suspension”
“What!” I shouted
“As for you young lady, you are expelled!”
“Why am I expelled?”
“You have many strikes on your record and this is the last one, you are expelled from Lincoln High and I do not want to see your face on school grounds or I will have to be authorized to call the authorities.” Cassie smirked at me as he wrote a note for me. “Go get your belongings; I’ll call your sister”
“Mierda con esto yo realmente no necesito esta mierda! No puedo creer que me hayas expulsando a esta perra de mierda pederasta, es por eso que Imma informar a la policía hijo de puta rata gorda” I cursed them out in Spanish and left the office. Of course she got her way. Just because she’s so rich and wealthy, she always gets her way. I went to my locker and threw the remaining leaves on the floor and started outing every book inside this bag I took from the janitor. I threw all of my belongings and even the schools books into the bag. Cassie came up to me as I shut the locker.
“I’m so sorry you have to leave” She said sarcastically. “But look at the bright side, you can finally go to public schools with your type” This racist bitch.
“You know what Cassie, I hope you find a good nose doctor to help fix that little situation of yours” I smirked and I heard her mumble something slick but decided to ignore it.
“Where is she?” I heard my sister shout in the hallway. This isn’t gonna be good.


“Lianna, I’m really getting sick and tired of this, why can’t you control your anger in a positive way?” I tried to answer but she cut me off “And I have to keep calling out of work just to pick you up from school and bring you home what’s the matter with you huh? You love the hood life?” I sucked my teeth and looked out the window. “You know what this time, it’s gonna be different. I called out of work and today you’re going to be moving with your older brother”
“Yes you heard me, you’re moving with Chris at his place” I rolled my eyes as we pulled up the clean paved driveway. I slammed the door shut and ran up the stairs to get my stuff. I packed every little thing in that room and I decided to head out of the house. My sister and her boyfriend were outside kissing and I snickered. I threw my belongings in the trunk of her car and sat on the passenger seat.
“You ready?” She asked sitting next to me.
“I’ve been ready 20 minutes ago”
“No need for that slick remark” She snapped started the car. She beeped to her boyfriend as we drove away from the house.

The ride was so long and boring. Chris only lived about 1 and a half hours away from Beatrice but this ride still seemed long and boring. The radio wasn’t even bumping and my phone was extra dry. I groaned as I saw a sign that read Los Angles 3 miles. Soon, we were pulling up in front of my brother’s house and he came out to meet me.
“Hey little sis” He said hugging me tightly. He hugged my older sister and helped bring my bags to the room I was going to be staying in. The house was nice and his neighborhood wasn’t ghetto, but it wasn’t the suburbs. He showed me the room I will be staying in and as I unpacked, he talked to my sister.
“Lianna, I’m leaving” She screamed and I ran down the stairs.
“Bye, have a good life” I said sarcastically.
“You know you’re gonna miss me” she said pinching my cheek. She gave me a hug one last time and soon shut the door behind her.
“You want something to eat?” Chris asked.
“Nah I’m good”
“Alright then have a seat, we need to talk about a few things’ He turned the basketball game off and sat across from me.
“Listen, I don’t want any fighting at the school I applied you to today, you better be on your best behavior because you know if I get called out of work, or school, the first thing I will do is call TiTi Dina, and you know she’s not going to be happy about it okay?”
“Alright” I agreed.
“Okay, also, we have roommates, 4 other guys not including me so I just want to fore warn you because I know you wear some crazy looking clothes, especially at night” We laughed in unison.
“Sike nah, but you know I just want to let you know” He got up then decided to give me a tour of the house. In the backyard, there was the biggest pool I’ve ever saw. He got a call and stepped away from me as we were back in the house. Within minutes, he was back.
“Uh, are you okay here? I have to go do something, theirs and emergency at my business so I’ll be back in a few, make yourself at home okay?” He kissed me on the cheek and he left. I ran upstairs and changed into my Pink and Orange Bikini. I put my flip flops on and grabbed my shades and beach towel and went right to the backyard. I placed my stuff on one of the chairs that were there and looked into the small shed the boys had. I saw a float I could use to lay on while I was in the pool. I threw it inside and hopped right into the pool. I put my shades back on and lay back on the float.
“Uh, excuse me” I heard an unfamiliar man voice say. I pulled my shades down to see him from the rim and pulled them back up.
“Yes” I asked getting a little more comfortable.
“Who are you?”
“I should be asking you the same thing”
“Well I live here”
“Yeah so do I”
“Since when?” He asked.
“Since this afternoon” There was a long pause.
“Well I’m Elizer but you can call me Eli”
“Hmm, I’m Lianna but you can call me Lia” I said sizing him up. He looked good, he had to be Puerto Rican because he had nice cut hair that was shaped up, he had pretty grey eyes that were bright and his swag was on a hundred. He had on khaki cargo shorts, a white wife beater that outlined his 6 pack, and some white and blue Jordans. His earring was shining in the sun and his snapback was clipped around his pant buckle hoop.
“Eli!” I heard another male voice call him.
“Out here” He yelled back. The guy came out and he looked good too, but not as sexy as Eli. He was black with an eyebrow ring and he had his cartilage pierced twice in one ear and a regular ear piercing on each of his ears. He had on a red t shirt with black cargos and red and black supras with a black g-shock. His bull’s snapback was on his head but his hair looked curly. He had a sexy ass smile and of course he had to be the funny one.
“Damn, she looks good as hell, who is that?”
“Lianna, she just moved in today” They tried whispering but it wasn’t working. I giggled and he turned toward me.
“Hello beautiful, welcome to our house, my name is Tyler and if you need anything, and I mean” He looked me up and down and licked his lips “Anything just let me know”
“I will” Eli stormed off and I went back to tanning.
“LIANNA!” I heard my brother scream from inside the house. I fell off the float into the pool. I came back up to the surface and saw him a little upset. “What are you doing in the pool?”
“You said make yourself at home and I did” I said climbing out of the pool back to the chair I my stuff was lying in.
“Whatever, just go” He said and I wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked in the house and saw another guy. He wasn’t as cute as the others but he was cute. He was in his workout clothes and was sweating like crazy. His curly hair was dripping in sweat. He of course was white and had that white boy type swag. He was like the skater of the house. I gave him a slight smile and ran up the stairs. You see white boys aren’t my type, some are cute others…not so much and when their…let me stop talking about it. Anyway, I took a shower and got dressed. I put on my blue aeropostale sweatpants, my white ankle socks. I slipped on a white tank top and underneath was my bright pink sports bra. I ran downstairs and sat on the black leather couch. My brother and Tyler were in the kitchen grabbing snacks and beers and soon they disappeared. I turned the T.V on and turned to on demand to find a good movie. Of course they had the movie for love and basketball. I love that movie. I sat there and watched as the two best friends were at prom with people they didn’t really like or want to be with.
“You like this movie?” I turned to see Eli leaning on the wall.
“Of course, it’s cute” I said turning back to the T.V.
“You mind if I watch it with you”
“Sure why not” I said grabbing the bag of popcorn in front of me. We watched the movie and as the saddest part of the movie come on, he snuggled closer to me and put his arm behind me. At this point I wasn’t really beat in watching the movie, I just wanted his pink lips on mine. He leaned over and I couldn’t breathe, I thought he was gonna kiss me. Instead, he grabbed the remote and turned the Heat and Celtics game on.
“Hey I was watching that!” I yelled.
“Yeah well now you can watch this” He said putting his finger under my chin. I pushed him away from me and paid attention to the game. My Heat was winning and I was excited as I yelled at Kobe to shoot the ball. Eli was looking at me like I was crazy. The T.V went black and I turned to Eli.
“How about you come outside and chill with your new roommates” He said standing up. I rolled my eyes and followed him out into the backyard. The pool lit up and the sky was dimming. The guys sat in the chairs around the table they had outside laughing and drinking. Eli grabbed two beers and tried to give me one but I turned down and stood beside him.
“You want to sit down?” Tyler asked looking at me.
“Uhm yeah sure”
“Come on” He said patting his leg. “You can sit on my lap, maybe you’ll find the trouser snake hidden in there” Everyone almost spit out their beers and my brother was inflames. He grabbed Tyler’s shirt and threatened him. I still couldn’t stop laughing.
“Lianna, go to bed, you have school in the morning” He demanded.
“Why I gotta go to sleep because of him?”
“Just go” I rolled my eyes and said goodnight to everyone. I ran up to my room and decided to look on Facebook and Twitter for any news. Nothing but an inbox and a friend request. I looked at the friend request and saw Eli had added me. Then I looked in the inbox and saw my thirsty ass ex-boyfriend asking me what’s up. I ignored his message and accepted Eli’s friend request. I decided to linger on his page for a while until someone knocked and opened my door. I shut my laptop fast.
“I just wanted to u, say goodnight” Eli said walking in the room.
“Goodnight” I said smiling. He gave a half smile and walked out of my room. I really wanted to fuck him tsss. I shook the thoughts out of my head and logged out of Facebook and twitter and went right to bed.

“Lianna, wake up” I heard my brother yell. He started jumping on my bed so I kicked him off. Finally, he took me by my ankles and dragged me out of bed.
“Chris stop!” I yelled. Finally I got up and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and I wiped the sleep out of my eyes.
“Uh do you mind” I turned around and saw Tyler half naked. Sheesh, his body was glistening from the shower. His muscles sheesh, there’s no words to describe. “Can I get my body back?” He asked walking towards me. He rubbed his member on me as I reached for the toothbrush that was in the toothbrush holder.
“Whatever” I said rolling my eyes. I walked back into my room to grab my towel. I went back inside and thank God Tyler was out of there. I shut the bathroom doors and hopped in the shower. Unfortunately the locks on the doors didn’t work so anyone could walk in. As I washed my hair, I heard someone come into the bathroom. I rinsed the soap out of my hair and looked out on the shower. I saw Eli naked, shaving his face.
“Uh, excuse you” I yelled.
“Oh hey Lia”
“I’m taking a shower can you please wait?”
“We’re gonna be late for school, can I take a shower with you?”
“NO” yes.
“Come on please” He begged. I looked him up and down and his dick was like tsss…how could I fit that in me?
“Fine comes on” I said and soon, he was near me washing his body.
“Pass me the soap” He asked and I passed him the body wash for men. Soon I was all clean and had to rinse off. My eyes were shut but I could still feel eyes on me. I looked and saw Eli looking at me from head to toe. He bit his lip and I cleared my throat.
“I’m sorry” He said quickly before turning around. I shook my head and climbed out of the shower. He “Accidently” Slapped his thing on my ass and that made my whole body quiver. I started to get wet down there and I just stayed at him for a while.
“I’m sorry” He said yet again.
“Don’t be” I winked and wrapped my towel around my body. I left the bathroom and started to get dressed. I locked my bedroom door and put lotion on from head to toe. I put my clothes on and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I had on the cutest outfit. My pair of dark skinny jeans, my brown moccasins, and a white ribbed tank top with a brown off the shoulder poncho shirt. I had flattened my dark red hair I dyed a month ago and put my silver hoops in. My lips were extra glossy and I made sure I had my tan Hollister shoulder backpack with me.
As I finished breakfast, Eli came downstairs and looked at me blushing. Awe he’s so cute when he blushes. I laughed and everyone looked at me.
“Good morning” My brother said kissing me on the cheek.
“Good morning”
“Uh Lia, Elizer is gonna drop you…well take you to school”
“Okay” I said. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the house in front of Eli. I know he was checking me out but hey, I don’t care if he’s not gonna do anything about it. We walked to his all white BMW and drove to the school.
“Don’t be scared, you can chill with me and my friends” He said at the first light we stopped at.
“I’m not scared, I’m just not beat” I said truthfully. I looked at my phone and saw my bestfreind was calling me. I answered the phone and immediately I heard all of my friends.
“How is it?” Chardonnay asked
“It’s fine I guess, I’m on my way to the school…how about I just text you cause I gotta tell you something”
“Oooh, aiight, and bye” She said singing the bye. I sighed. The car ride was pretty quiet.
“So, what did you want to tell your friend?” He asked as I sent the text message. I locked my phone and looked at him.
“Nosey much?” I asked as we pulled up to the school.
“Whatever, where here” He said and of course this school was like any other school. It was full of cliques and blondes. I groaned as he parked his car. He grabbed his Hollister hoodie from the backseat and we both got out of the car. He put his arm around my neck and walked with me into the building. I already felt some stares from girls. I shook my head as we walked into the principal’s office. I received my schedule and he escorted me to my first period. “Just text me okay” He said handing me a piece of paper. He gave me a hug and disappeared. I walked into the classroom and sat way in the back. I had history and of course I get the annoying bitches that try to get you excited that you’re graduating. She assigned me a book (after realizing I was there the whole time). I tried to pay attention as she kept talking about our government but my mind wandered to what happened this morning.
As soon as class ended, I packed my belongings and as I stood up, a small group of girls headed towards me.
“Hey you’re the new girl right?” This is the dumb blond shit I be talking about.
“Yes” I said smirking.
“Well I’m Marcy, this is Britney and Alison”
“Hi” I said looking at them.
“So uhm, Lianna is it?”
“That boy you came into school today, do you guys go out?”
“Well I just want to warn you, my friend Shelby is going after him and she wants him so if anything and I mean anything gets in her way, we will have to be forced to embarrass you…maybe make your life a living hell” I know this bitch didn’t, do she not know where I’m from?
“Listen, Marcy is it, yeah uhm, I really don’t give two fucks about Shelby and uh she cannot embarrass me, I embarrass people and trust me I’m from Newark and I gets shit rockin’ okay so don’t step to me on some bogus shit, what Eli and I have going on is between us, not anybody else okay, if your friend had him bagged, he wouldn’t be acting like that around other girls so unless their dating I’m not backing off and you can tell your friend that” I said in my white girl voice. I walked past the girls who were stunned and went to find Eli. Of course, he was leaning on my locker.
“So how was your first class?” He asked.
“You don’t even want to know”


I had a banging headache when I got home FINALLY. It’s not bad that I had to be at the school for 7 hours but staying an extra hour was ridiculous! That was just so annoying well it was good but annoying. I sat in the stinking workout room just to watch Eli workout and then we got in the car, the sweat was reeking. As soon as I got home, I ran into the shower before Eli had a chance to. When I finished running the hot water over my body, I went in my room, laid my towel on the bed and lay on my stomach. My phone rang and I answered it.
“Hey Lia, I’m not gonna be home all week, I just wanted to let you know, I had an important business trip to go on”
“Okay” I groaned into the phone
“How was school?”
“So you don’t like it?” He chuckled
“No I don’t like it, but who likes school?”
“True, well let me go, I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
“Okay bye” I threw my phone across my bed and soon I heard a knock on my door followed by someone coming in. I quickly put my towel over my ass before they had a chance to see it.
“Oh uh I’m sorry” Eli said “I’m gonna go”
“No its fine, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to know how your first day went” he said sitting in my bed.
“Well first period some girls tried to tell me to keep away from you because Shelby already got you and I told them off, then in the hallway after lunch Shelby came to my locker talking about she likes my sass and how we should be friends, mind you I hate girls like that but whatever and then as soon as I thought school was over, no, I had to wait an hour to watch YOU workout”
“I’m sorry, but it’s a mandatory thing for basketball”
“Mmhmm, I really don’t care, as soon as that bell ring, I want to GO!”
“You’ll be alright” He said lying back on my bed. I groaned at how bad my body felt. Maybe it was because of that run earlier in the morning.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, my body is just sore. I would soak in the bath but the doors don’t lock” We laughed.
“Want a massage?”
“UH, sure” I said turning my head towards him. Eli got up, ran to his room and came back. He had bay oil in his hand and massaged it into his hands. He started at my shoulders and it felt so good. He took his time and the room was getting darker, he was halfway on my back.
“Want me to turn the light on?”
“No, just light some candles” I moaned from the way he massaged my back. He got up and the ecstasy was paused. He lit some of my Yankee candles and put them around the room. He went back to massaging my body and made his way to my legs. He massaged my feet and made his way back up. Whatever he was doing, he made me get wet I mean, I never felt that way EVER, this guy just had the full package. As soon as I thought it was over, he started to massage my ass. I looked at him.
“You don’t want me to?” He asked
“Nah, you’re good, go ahead” I smiled and shockingly it felt good. Soon, the towel was off and my ass was being oiled by this guy.
“There you go” He said getting up. Pause. Okay uhm, he got me all excited for nothing? That’s some bullshit.
“Thank you so much” I said sitting up wrapping my towel around me.
“Mmhmm, no problem” He said leaving the room. After the door shut, I lay on my back and looked at the ceiling. I finally decided to get some clothes on, as I put on my bra and panties, I saw his baby lotion on my dresser. I grabbed the bottle and looked down the hallway, as I ran to his room. I knocked and immediately he opened the door.
“Here’s your baby oil” I said handing it to him as I walked into his room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and sheesh his body looked so good. I didn’t have to imagine what was under that towel cause I already knew ;). He looked at me and licked his lips.
“Uhm listen I gotta tell you something” he said sitting on his bed next to me. “I really like you-“I cut him off by kissing him. Soon, we got into it and were breathing heavily. Soon his towel was being thrown across the room and my bra was being undone. My panties were next, they were thrown off and he pinned me down. We looked at each other with lust in our eyes. He kissed me deeply again and were so close to getting it in when somebody knocked on Eli’s door.
“Aye Eli, Pizza’s here” trey said as we tried catching our breath.
“Aiight” he said clearly disappointed. We waited a couple of minutes when his hard on started going down and I out my clothes on. I ran to my room through the bathroom and put my basketball shorts on and my Miami Heat jersey on. I walked down the stairs and saw the guys downstairs eating all the pizza.
“Damn, you couldn’t wait for me?” I asked grabbing a plate.
“Well I tried to tell you but you weren’t in your room” Try said winking.
“Whatever, I was in the bathroom” I smiled and grabbed the cheddar cheese pizza in front of me. As we were talking about basketball, Eli finally came down wearing some basketball shorts.
“What’s up Eli?” Tyler asked looking directly at me. I ignored him and Eli sat beside me.
“Enjoying the pizza?” He asked watching me stuff the pizza in my mouth.
“Yeah, it’s good, where’s it from?”
“Luigis, right around the corner from the school”
“Yeah, maybe I’ll take you there for lunch one day” I started blushing.
“Oh my god, the world has to be ending, you’re gonna take her out to lunch?” Tyler said
“Shut up” Eli went to go sit on the couch.
“Listen, Eli doesn’t take anyone out nor does he like to pay for anyone. This girl her used to go out with, he liked her and everything but would never buy her food or anything. One time” He started laughing “One time, this boy gonna invite her over to chill or whatever and she started getting hungry. Your brother was out of town and we had no food in the house and he was the only one who had money on him. E all was complaining about being hungry and we went around in a circle asking if anyone had money. He said no and his girlfriend told on him, you when I tell you he snapped, he snapped he was like why you all in my pockets? Damn nobody was telling them how you cried when we were about to fuck Yo it was comedy, you had to be there” I laughed just because of the way he was sounding saying it.
“I did not say that” Eli said defensively
“Then Whatchu say?” Tyler asked putting his hands on his waist.
“I said she need to stay the fuck out my pockets cause nobody was telling her business about how she was crying telling me she already fucked 6 guys and how much she really liked me and wanted to fuck me, the only reason I broke up with her was because of that incident anyway”
“Mmhmm, to make it short, he’s cheap”
“As a mother fucker” white boy Tommy said grabbing a beer out of the refrigerator.
“Shut up Tommy” Eli yelled.
“Awe don’t be mad sugar plum butt” Tyler said pinching his cheeks “His mom does that when she comes by” I laughed and everyone was making fun of him.
“You know what, it’s time for me to go to bed so I’m ready for school tomorrow” He started up the stairs “Lia, are you coming?”
“Yeah” I thought about it.
“Uhm, sure, goodnight guys” I said following Eli.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Tyler screamed behind us.
“You do everything” Tommy said
“True” Eli and I went inside his room.
“Don’t listen to them okay, their just hating cause I’m the youngest and flyest guy in the house” I laughed and lay on his bed. He turned on the movie get him to the Greek and lay in the bed next to me. Soon, we were knocked out.


When I woke up in the morning, he had his arm wrapped around me tightly. Although I was enjoying this, I had to get up.
“Eli” I said shaking him.
“It’s time to get up for school”
“Urg, fine come on” I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took my shower and went into my room to get dressed. All day in school, people were pissing me off. My friend had sent me a text asking why I don’t talk to this boy I met on a trip we took but eh, he was ugly and I really don’t like boring people like him plus we had NOTHING in common, we were more like friends besides I’m really feeling Eli. He was funny, cute smart and planned on going to college, he was my type of guy. He was athletic and played my favorite sport, Basketball!
When I finally got home, I saw my sister’s car parked in front of the house.
“Oh boy” I said to Eli as we parked in the garage. When I entered the house, she hugged me and started babbling about how much she missed me; mind you she was the one who made me move. I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet as she talked on and on about her job being crazy and she might be fired and she thinks her fiancé is cheating and blah, blah, blah. The only thing on my mind was when this bitch was gonna leave so Eli and I can finally have the house to ourselves. But of course, that couldn’t happen. As she was leaving, He came the gang! They were drunk and were begging me to go hop in the pool with them. I don’t know what the fuck these boys are on but they kept asking if I would go into the pool with them nude….basically go skinny dipping. This I thought was comedy because Devote, another roommate of ours, was big as hell and he really started stripping. I saw all of these niggas dicks and took a picture of them and quickly put it on Facebook. That surely made my night.


Finally, it was Saturday and I was chillin. I was in my room bumping when I heard a knock on my door.
“Come in” I yelled as I turned my music down.
“Hey Lia, the guys and I were wondering if you wanted to go with us to the water park?”
“Uh sure, can my friends come as well, they’re on their way here and I don’t want to tell them to get back on the train home”
“Yeah of course, uhm, bring some extra money just in case cause Devon talkin’ about he got the hook up but usually it’s a disaster” We laughed and he told me to be ready in 20 minutes. I quickly took a shower and put my one piece on that were cut off at the sides so the guys can see my tattoo that led from my waist up. I lotioned and then put on my orange Sophie shorts on because it went with my yellow and orange bathing suit. I bought a tank top but I didn’t want to put it on since I hated wearing clothes outside. I put my yellow flip flops on and my sun hat with my dark shades. I bout a beach bag with me that had sunscreen, my towel, my tank top, cellphone, cellphone charger and anything else I needed. Then, I went to knock on Eli’s door but there was no reply. I opened the door and pocked my head in calling his name but he wasn’t inside and his bed was made. I ran down the stairs and ran right into Devon’s belly. GROSS!
“I forgot to tell you” Tyler said “a couple of our friends are going too, they are girls so if we accidently leave you there, do not call us, just call a cab aiight”
“Sure” I said laughing. Soon the doorbell rang and Tyler was the first one running towards the door.
“Hey ladies” He smiled and soon, it faded.
“Hi uhm, does Lianna live here”
“Oh uh Lia, I’m guessing your friends are here” I walked towards the door to see Aria, Jazmine and Chardonnay standing there with their overnight bags.
“Hey girls” I squeaked. I let them inside and told them to quickly get changed in my room because we were leaving. As the girls got dressed, I ran downstairs to see Tyler looking at me. “What?” I asked with a huge smile on my face.
“What, so you couldn’t tell a nigga your friends were hot?”
“Whatever Ty”I playfully pushed him. The doorbell rang again and this time I opened it to see 4 hoes on the porch.
“Hi is Tyler here?” The one popping her gum asked looking me up and down
“Yeah, babe, somebody at the door for you”
“Babe?” The girl questioned. Tyler ran over here fast.
“Nah baby, she’s just joking you know she’s Chris sister, you know how much he jokes around”
“Mmhmm” He sipped his beer and they all sat on the couch chilling a little. The three girls all on Tyler, Devon and Tommy were all giggles as they left the fourth girl out.
“Hi” I said sitting by her on the stool.
“I’m Lianna”
“So, why are you by yourself?” I asked.
“Listen, I’m not gay, my boyfriend just left town and” I cut her off
“No I’m not gay; I just wanted to know why you weren’t like the other girls here, all up on these ducks”
“Oh I’m sorry but my boyfriend is in St. Louis doing something I have no clue, usually he’s here with me” I nodded my head.
“So, who’s your boyfriend?” I asked eating a Dorito out of the opened bag in front of me.
“Elizer” I choked on the Dorito.
“Are you okay?” She asked patting my back.
“Mm, yeah” I managed to get out. My friends finally came downstairs putting shame to what I was wearing. We all got our belongings and filled up the cars.
The heat was blazing as we walked around the park. I distanced myself from the group as much as possible and this fun day turned into a bad day as soon as I found out that girl went out with Eli. All the fooling around we did was pointless. I just wanted to sit at home and watch a movie and eat. But you know what; I had to put on a smile while my friends were here. We went on almost every ride here. Finally, the sun was going down and I was tired. We all hopped into the car and headed home.
The first thing I did when I got home was hop in the shower. Everyone else went into the hot tub and started popping bottles of liquor. When I went back into my room, I saw chardonnay was still in her bathing suit, ready to hop in the shower.

As we were chilling, watching bad girls club, we heard stuff being slammed and people giggling and running around. Hey, I didn’t give a fuck because I knew I wasn’t helping cleaning none of that stuff up. I heard distant moaning and I was getting aggravated. I turned the TV up more and soon, I was asleep in my bed with Chardonnay was beside me with her back towards me. I woke up, and it was 1 in the morning. I decided to go downstairs and get something to drink. I saw bikini bottoms and tops all over the place in the house. Hell, I even saw Tyler’s shorts on the refrigerator. I threw them on the floor and grabbed a bottle of water when I felt a presence in the kitchen with me. I looked up to see Eli, back from wherever he went.
“Hey” He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. This boy wasn’t wearing anything about basketball shorts.
“Hey” I said tilting the end of the water bottle towards him.
“What? No I missed you?”
“How can I miss somebody who has a girlfriend that misses him enough for the both of us?” He looked surprised.
“So you know?”
“Of course I know, the question is why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well for one, I planned on braking up with her”
“Whatever, goodnight” I said trying to go passed him.
“I know what that whatever means and you need to believe me”
“I don’t have to believe anything” I said looking up into his eyes. I could tell he was getting angry because the veins in his neck started popping out.
“Lia please” he said breathing heavily.
“No Eli, until you can prove to me you earn my forgiveness, then I won’t forgive you” We stood there for a second and soon he had me pinned up on the wall and was kissing me from my lips to my neck and back. He took my baggy t shirt off and threw it on the floor and then my sports bra. Soon, we were naked and he sat me on the kitchen counter.
“Fuck me” I whispered into his ear and soon, we were going in a slow rhythmic beat. Of course this was my first but although it did hurt, it felt so good. He kept holding my small frame as he went in and out again and again and again. Soon, we both reached that climax and lay on the kitchen floor. We caught our breaths and soon, I fell asleep.


Luckily the next morning I woke up before everyone. I grabbed my clothes and hopped into the shower. Feeling rejuvenated, I came downstairs to see the guys saying goodbye to the girls and Eli didn’t say anything to Tina. She looked at him and smirked and just left. The guys obviously had hangovers and couldn’t remember what happened after we came back home. They finally starting cleaning up at around 12 and my friends decided to leave after their showers. I said goodbye to all of them and told them to stay in touch. I felt really happy until I realized Eli was trying to ignore me.
At around 7, The Miami Heat vs. OKC was on and I put my jersey and ran downstairs to watch the game on the big screen. Every time I yelled, the guys groaned but Eli just went upstairs. I decided to just leave him alone for the rest of the day.

As soon as my brother got home, I gave him a big hug and told him about school and everything. Well, not everything but I told him some things.
“Lianna, I want to introduce you to someone and I don’t want a smart remark”
“Okay shoot” I said putting on a smile. He went outside and bought in a really pretty girl.
“Lianna, I would like you to meet, fuchsia my fiancé”
“No she is not; she’s too pretty for you”

“I’m just kidding, hi nice to meet you” I said shaking her hand. All the guys already knew her so she was hugging each of them and even asked about Eli. You know what; slowly I was getting annoyed by his name. I shook it off and tried to bond.
“Oh uh Lia, you’re not going to school tomorrow, Fuchsia want to have a little bond time at the spa”
“Oh okay” I said smiling at her.
Soon, it was bedtime and I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about what I did to Eli. Instead I just played with my hair on the teddy bear my parents bought me when I was younger. Unfortunately they died by a fire at the restaurant they owned. To this day I still remember their words. “I love you” They said as the fire fighter separated us. I went to bed with tears in my eyes and not dream on my mind.


As I ran down the stairs, I saw Chris and Fuchsia in the kitchen all hugged up and kissing. It was 9 o’clock in the morning and I guess Eli ran out of here earlier. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.
“Oh shut up Lia” Chris said jokingly.
“Whatever, so when are we going to the spa?” I asked grabbing a strip of bacon off the counter.
“At 12” Fuchsia said smiling. She seemed pretty cool but shy around me. I don’t know why, I’m not scary, hell Chris and I act just alike but you know, I’m hot and he’s bleh hahaha. As soon as 12 came around, I grabbed my sunglasses and my coach purse. We drove in the car in silence, listening to the music playing on the radio. Finally my favorite song came on the radio and I turned it up.
“Said it’s a lot of bad bitches in the building, AMEN!” I said singing Amen by Meek Mill ft. my baby Drake and Jeremiah. Fuchsia started laughing. “What?” I asked as I stopped dancing in the seat.
“Oh nothing, it’s just funny how much you act like your brother”
“Why cause he turn up other peoples radios”
“Yeah and start trying to rap the words he don’t even know” I laughed.
“True” It was silent in the car yet again “so uhm, do you like my brother?”
“Like? I love your brother. We have been going out for 2 years now and each and every time he had the chance he would talk about how much he missed you and how he wants you to meet me”
“Now he got his wish huh?” I said jokingly.
“Yup, sure did” We pulled up to the spa finally. “Hide your bag in the car”
“Because if you give it to the ladies in there they tend to go inside your stuff and steal shit. Their immigrants like seriously have green cards and everything but they cannot speak English, they speak Thai and unless you know what they’re saying, don’t ask any questions” I hid my bag under her backseat and took my shades off in the car. We went into the building and as soon as we went in, we were naked under robes. The first thing we did was take mud baths. We sat there drinking strawberry daiquiris and pina colodas. We were laughing and talking about everything under the sun.
As we sat in the chairs, getting our feet done, she put her glass down.
“So tell me, house full of guys, are you crushing on anyone?” She asked and I started blushing.
“Well kinda” I said and she sat up in her seat
“Ooh tell me, no let me guess Tyler?”
“Hell no”
“No” I said chuckling.
“Oh, Eli” She said singing his name.
“So, you two flirt a lot?”
“Yeah but uh, okay promise not to tell any of this to my brother”
“Pssht, I already know if I tell your brother, he’s ready to fight” we laughed
“True Okay well Sunday morning or Saturday night, Eli and I did it” she gasped
“Yall did?”
“Yeah, and it was in the kitchen” Her eyes got big.
“Wait a minute, you saw me eating on the counter and didn’t say anything?”
“I’m sorry” I chuckled.
“It’s fine, so are you guys going out now?”
“Nah, I don’t think he wants to talk to me anymore”
“He was acting weird around me and I don’t know” I shrugged
“Well listen, you two would be a hot couple and if he keeps acting weird, call him out on it. What you should do is this, call an old guy friend of yours to come down, wear the hottest outfit you got and chill and flirt with your friend around Eli and watch how he acts”
“Hmm” I thought about it “That’s a real devious plan” We laughed in unison.
“Well you know, that’s how I got your brother, besides Eli might just be uncomfortable because im guessing he popped your cherry”
“Well we shall see how this plays out” She went back to her drink and we started laughing and carrying on the rest of the day.

We finally got back to the house and it was 8 pm. I decided I was gonna hit my old best friend up since I hadn’t talked to him in a while. He of course was sexy as hell but the thing is, he’s a player and he tried to have sex with me and my brother wouldn’t let me talk to him again. Luckily, throughout the years we have been talking and he even moved to Cali a couple weeks ago (so I saw on Facebook). I called him and of course he answered on the first ring.
“Hello” He said on the phone. His voice was deeper.
“Hey Cameron, what’s up?”
“Who this?”
“Lia, oh shit what’s up ma?”
“Nothing really I just wanted to see what was up with you, I haven’t talked to you in a while”
“Yeah yeah, I’ve been chillin; you know I moved to Cali right?”
“Yeah I heard, so uh, I gotta ask you something”
“Okay so I have this guy I want to make really jealous and I was wondering if you could help me”
“Aiight, what you want me to do?” I told him everything. I made sure we were gonna be flirtatious the whole time and that it was gonna happen on Saturday.
The rest of the week was going by so slow. I was getting aggravated everyday going to school. Luckily, Chris let me use his Beamer and I was supped. Finally Saturday came and of course everyone was at our house for a BBQ for my brothers’ birthday. Fuchsia was there and kept looking at me. I heard music blasting down the street as we were in the backyard drinking. My cell phone rang and I of course answered it.
“Hey, I’m outside” He said and the music cut off. I ran through the house to the front and saw him swagged out. He had on true religion jeans that were sagging showing off his ralph Lauren boxer briefs, his wife beater with his white t on his shoulder. He had a fresh shape up but his hair was still curly. He had a little facial hair and his body was like a football players. His muscle was crazy and he had an 8-pack, sheesh. He still looked good. I looked at his sneakers and of course he had the orange grey and white Griffey’s and his Rolex on his right wrist.
“Oh my gosh I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever” I said hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and then put his arm around my neck as I led him to the backyard.
“Yo ma, you look good as hell”
“Thank you” I said smiling. My dimples were of course showing. I had to admit we were sexy as hell. I had put my hair up into a bun and flattened my bangs and they were out. I had my silver hoops in and my silver necklace my brother bought me when I was younger. My outfit was cute too, I had my booty shorts on with a white baggy obey shirt and my white flip flops. We walked to the back and I introduced him to everyone. Then we sat in a secluded are and just talked.
“So which one you want to make jealous?”
“Oh you like him huh?”
“I guess, I gave him the punani and he’s acting like a dick now so you know how that goes”
“Oh true, he must be crazy ignoring you, I mean look, you finally got curves girl”
“Whatever” I knew this nigga was high since his eyes were bloodshot red. Throughout the night he kept hugging me and playing with my ass and my boobs. He almost got me upstairs. I knew Eli was getting jealous but didn’t say anything. We all went inside as it was about to rain and we all decided to watch a movie. Chris got rid of mad people and we turned to HBO. It was Chris, fuchsia, Eli, Tyler, Cameron and I. We sat and watched and Cameron and I cuddled up. I was really feeling him and hell, I walked to fuck him. We all started falling asleep and everything so instead of making Cameron drive home, I let him stay with me. Shockingly, Chris wasn’t even home when I got out of the shower, he went with the guys out and fuchsia went home. So It was me and Cameron in my room and Eli in his.
“So do you think it worked?” Cameron asked lying on my bed with nothing but his boxers on.
“I doubt it, but hey I really don’t care anymore”
“Why not?”
“Well, let me keep it a hundred, I really want to fuck you”
“Oh word?” He said biting his lip
“Yeah, I don’t know ever since I actually did have sex I want it like all the time”
“Hmm, so now you’re ready?”
“Okay, let’s do this then” He said pushing me back on the bed.
“Nah I can’t”
“Ugh, why”
“Because, I like Eli” and as soon as I said that he opened the door to see Eli standing there looking at us. Cameron on top of me playing around. “This is not what it looks like”
“I don’t care, just keep it down okay?” he rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut.
“He’s mad” Cameron said laughing. We sat up and finished watching the movie. Cameron was sound asleep so I decided to go downstairs to get something to drink. As I crept down the stairs, I saw the refrigerator light on. As I came into the kitchen, I saw Eli inside the refrigerator. I hit him in his ass and he quickly stood up. He rolled his eyes at me and went back into the fridge.
“What’s your problem?” I asked sitting on the counter.
“I don’t have a problem” He said pulling out sandwich meat, cheese and then went to grab the bread.
“Then stop doing this to me?”
“Doing what Lianna” He said raising his voice. This nigga want to get loud?
“Acting like an ass, how one day you’re so sweet and nice and gonna take my virginity and then turn around and be a dick to me?” I yelled at him
“Lianna just stop”
“No I’m not gonna stop, What’s your problem huh?”
“Go back upstairs to your boyfriend”
“No tell me, what the fuck is your problem? You still have feelings for Tina or something?”
“Yes” He screamed at me. “I still have feelings for Tina” Tears filled my eyes.
“Oh so all of that flirting, and seduction hell even Saturday didn’t mean anything?”
“Nah it aint even like that”
“Whatever” I ran up the stairs with him calling after me. Fuck it, I aint gonna cry over this nigga, who cries over guys anymore, that is so fucking pathetic. I did let tears drop just because I gave up my Vcard, my virginity to this nigga for nothing!
“You okay?” Cameron asked me as he sat up in the bed.
“Yeah I should be fine” He rubbed my back.
“It’s gonna be aiight Lia” I looked into his hazel eyes and kissed him. Finally, I would be able to fuck this guy. I straddled his semi- hard on and kept grinding onto him as it was getting harder. He couldn’t take it anymore and flipped me onto my back and took my pants and underwear off. Soon, we were making the bed rock and moaning in ecstasy. As soon as he came, we collapsed into the bed. This guy had to be the best. We did it like 3 or four times that night and each time we did it, it just got better. Soon, I fell asleep.


My life is so fucked up right now. I told Cam that we can be friends with benefits until one of us are taken, then I found out my bestfreind fucked him so now I’m feeling some type of way. Eli went back to Tina and at the end of the day, I’m still the single one in the house. I ran down the stairs this Halloween and saw everyone matching with each other. Chris was superman and Fuca was superwoman. Tyler was matching with his girlfriend Lexus and they were Tom and Jerry. Don and his girlfriend Dominique was fat albert and the girl from the movie I couldn’t remember her name. Tommy was Spiderman and his girlfriend Louise Mary Jane. Eli and Tina was cops and robbers. And I well I was of course a naughty evil killer maid. I mean hey I looked hot but I had fake blood splattered on the dress and a duster with a fake knife at the end. I wore red lipstick with a black outline and put on some eye liner so my red contacts could pop out more. I let my hair out and it was wavy and passed my shoulders. My dress was short put luckily I had on long cotton socks that ended mid-thigh.
“Oh hell no, Lia go upstairs and change!” My brother yelled and everyone turned towards me.
“No I’m not, I want to wear this besides I’m not even going out, I’m staying here to hand out candy and chill” I said sighing as I flumped onto the couch.
“Aiight, everyone lets go” Tyler said and everyone but Fuchsia and Chris.
“Go ahead, wait outside ill catch up to you later” I heard fuchsia say to Chris. The door shut and she sat next to me. “What’s the matter Lia?”
“I’m just upset, I’m single and I have no talking buddies, I feel so left out and like Eli won’t talk to me ugh, I just feel pathetic. I just can’t wait until June so I can leave here” I sighed.
“You know, when you first moved here, Chris couldn’t wait to see you. He left my house as we were gonna get it in but anyway, you know if you leave that’s gonna kill him right?”
“Yeah well” I had nothing to say, I just shrugged my shoulders. “I miss New Jersey”
“Yeah well your brother is gonna miss you and is gonna worry about you…just think and instead of being a boring looser, get up” She pulled me up from the couch “Put a smile on your face and go trick or treating or else each kid on the block is gonna throw eggs at your face” I laughed and grabbed a backpack. Fuchsia and I finally caught up to the group and I of course stayed in the back. We went house to house until everyone else was tired. I wasn’t so I decided to hit up a few more houses and even to drive to my sisters’ neighborhood before it got darker outside.
When I finally got back home, the streets were empty. I went inside the house and saw nobody was home so I went to take a shower and scrape this entire gunk off of my face.


Months passed and soon, I was going to the winter gala where the students were noticed for sports and any good things they did at the school. Of course when I came here I decided to join the tennis team which was hard but fun. Getting ready for the ball was crazy. I decided to wear a black gown with a red wine color silk bow around the waist. The dress of course was strapless and my hair had to be up in a style so I just put it up in a bun and let my bangs out. I put minimal make up on and soon I was ready to go. I grabbed the gloves I had to wear and went downstairs to see Chris and Fuchsia, and Eli and his girlfriend dressed up. What was crazy is she was wearing this short tight skimpy dress so you could tell she wasn’t from our school. She stood out like a sore thumb.
“Oh my gosh Lia, you look beautiful” Terry said hugging me. This boy is like a brother to me.
“Thank you” I smiled.
“You’re forgetting something” Chris said.
“Really what?”
“This” He gave me a necklace that had my birthstone on it. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you so much” I said wiping the tears out of my eyes. I felt my phone vibrate and I stopped the hug. I looked at my phone as I wiped my eyes.
“Oh, Char is here, she was wondering if we could pick her up since it’s on the way to the school?”
“Yeah, come on lets go then” Chris said holding the door open for us girls and following behind. Terry yelled something out of the house but I couldn’t hear him. As soon as we pulled up, I could tell that was Char. She was wearing a black and silver cocktail dress and her hair was out and wavy. She was holding something in her hands.
“Hey girl” I said opening the car door for her.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Nothing much” I hugged her as she sat beside me.
“I love your dress”
“I should say the same thing, this dress is hot”
“You know, hot people have to wear hot stuff, what’s crazy is I just wore this to homecoming and now I’m wearing this today” I laughed because of the fact she never wears stuff a second time.
“True” I said agreeing with her. “Recycling finally”
“Yeah, and saving my money finally” We laughed and talked the whole ride to the gala. When we got there, we found a table that we all could sit at. The music was bumping and people were ordering what they wanted to eat. I loved the colors they chose, it went with the theme masquerade. I of course bought my own mask while others had to buy one in order to get into the gala. The colors were black, dark purple, a red wine color and Fuchsia. We sat at the table talking and then finally, my song Dance by big Sean came on and of course my friend and I had to go and dance. I left the table and we started booty bouncing in our dresses. I mean hey, I had a poofy dress on but you could still see my ass jumping. Her on the other hand, you could see all that since she had a straight dress that hugged her body. As we danced 2 guys came behind each of t=us and we started to throw it back like what we did when we were in Jersey. Finally the song ended and we were about to go sit down when the guy I danced with stopped me.
“Hold on were just getting this party started” He said shooting me a killer smile. I saw him around school before once but never again. “Hi, I’m Manny” I the guy said.
“I’m Lianna”
“So Lianna, are you gonna dance with me again or go sit down and be a prude?”
“Prude? Are you from jersey?”
“Nah, I stay out there though”
“Oh” I smiled. Luckily, the next song that came on was Amen by Meek Mill and you know I love this song. We were dancing and of course as we were having fun, the principle got on the mic. And we all had to go to our seats. We separated and soon she was calling our names to get our awards. I won 2 plaques for tennis, winning the county finals and the state finals. Then I won an award for extracurricular activities I did. Eli of course won an award for basketball and then Manny won like most of the awards there just for being the best wide receiver in football, forward on basketball, doing community service, and he also got a full scholarship to the school of his choice. I was shocked at how good he was.

Soon, the whole gala was over and we were leaving the party. Chardonnay got the boys number and couldn’t stop texting him. As we were walking towards the car, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Manny.
“Hey what’s up?” I asked.
“I was wondering if I can have your number and maybe we could talk” He said smiling. When I tell you his smile made my heart stop it was like that beautiful.
“Uh sure” The whole time I gave him my number, I had the feeling someone was staring me down.
“Thank you, I’ll text you tonight” He gave me a hug and winked as he walked away. He smelled like Hollister cologne.
“Lia, I’m not going home so Eli said hell drop you and your friend off” Chris said halfway in and out of the car.
“Okay that’s fine” I said rolling my eyes. Chris drove off as Char and I got into the backseat of Eli’s car. I was aggravated. The whole ride Eli and Tina was holding hands. We dropped Char off at the train station and I got out of the car to hug her and tell her to text me later. When I got back, I could tell something happened because both Eli and Tina were acting weird.
“So uh, I saw you talking to Manny” He said out of the blue.
“Yup” I looked out of the window.
“So what’s up, yall go out now or something?”
“Or something” I said staring at the houses pass.
“Why do you care Eli?” Tina asked sapping her head towards him.
“I just wanted to know” Eli said in defense. She said Mmhmm and went back to her cell phone. I had to surpass a laugh until we dropped her off. As soon as she shut the door I was dien. He looked at me from the rearview mirror but I didn’t give a fuck. I looked down at my phone that vibrated and it was Manny. I smiled at his message and saved his number into my phone.

Manny and I were really hitting it off. We actually started hanging out during Christmas break when school was out. One thing I miss about Jersey is the snow because at least we would have days out of school from the bad snow storms. The day before Christmas Eve, He came over and sat on the couch with me as we watched Charlie brown marathon. Nobody else was home so we decided to start making out and somehow I ended up on my back and I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Eli cock blocking. We sat up sighing and my brother came in with mad groceries. He smiled at me and kissed me on top of my head.
“You remember Manny right?” I said to my brother and he nodded his head and gave him dap. Eli was throwing mad hate towards Manny.
“Of course we all remember Manny” He said in a sarcastic voice.
“Yo what’s your problem son?” Manny asked him calmly.
“I have no problem and I’m not your son so fall back homie” Eli said defensively.
“Both of yall just calm all that down” I yelled. Tyler came in the door laughing and stopped as he felt the tension in the air. Eli was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw clenched. Manny looked at him with anger in his eyes, I really don’t hope they fight. “Manny don’t do it please” I whispered to him and his eyes softened. He looked at me and gave me a hug and a kiss.
“I’ll talk to you later Ma, I want to see you before I go okay?”
“Aiight” I smiled as Chris came in with the last thing of groceries. I shut the door and went to sit down. As soon as they unpacked everything, Tyler left and the only one in the house was Eli, Chris and I. Eli sat next to me on the couch as Chris sat in the armchair. I could Eli staring at me as I tried to watch the show.
“What?” I finally snapped.
“Nothing” Eli said.
“No tell me since you wanna stare at me” I turned the TV off.
“Listen, what’s up with you and ol’ dude?”
“Who, Manny ?”
“Why? Last time I checked I didn’t have to ask your permission to date people”
“Oh so you guys are dating?”
“Listen just watch your back okay, he’s not the guy you think he is”
“Listen Eli, I like that you want to help me and everything but you don’t know Manny like I do okay? And you know what I just think you’re jealous of Manny”
“Jealous of Manny?”
“Yes Jealous”
“How am I jealous?”
“Because he has me and you don’t, he’s good at both football and basketball and you can’t even compare to him and he’s got a full scholarship to whatever school he wants to go to and you don’t”
“First of all, I don’t care if he has a full scholarship, I don’t care if he thinks he’s better than me because at the end of the day, I have scholarships to go to whichever school I choose and I already know he sucks at basketball, you want to know the truth about him? He’s a woman beater okay? He went out with this girl I tried to go out with and beat her half to death and guess what, now she’s addicted to cocaine and is slow thanks to him, he sells drugs okay Lia, and as him having you, I don’t care. I care for you and I’m trying to protect you but you know what, since you want to be a stubborn bitch and keep flaunting him around me, I don’t think I can protect you any longer” With that he walked up to his room. I heard the door slam and Chris just stared at me.
“Listen I’m not gonna tell you not to go out with that boy”
“Then don’t”
“Yo Shut the fuck up and let me talk, All I know is Eli is a good dude, I know you two like each other I’m not stupid but if that boy you’re with ever puts his hands on you, he better fucking run okay” I nodded my head and Chris left. I got a text message from Manny and decided against going to see him. I turned my phone off and I decided to dodge him as much as possible.


Unfortunately for me, Manny moved with his mom to New York. I made up this big lie about my brother taking my phone and everything. I wanted to ask him if he really did beat women but I was so happy I could be by myself finally. As the months passed, spring finally came. All anyone could talk about was Prom. I didn’t know who I was taking. As soon s spring break came (I know, all I’m talking about is breaks but hey who wants to hear a story about what happens in school 24/7 I sure as hell don’t) I was of course invited to this party. All the seniors were invited because it was like a pre-prom party. We could dress in jeans and a shirt but it was like a little get together.
When I got home that Saturday of the party, I saw Eli fresh to death. This boy made my lil mami wet if you know what I mean. I looked at him from head to toe. He had on a black collar polo from ralph Lauren, I could see he had the boxer briefs from ralph Lauren as well, He had on the true religion jeans, his black diamond earring, a bulls snapback on the loop in his pants, then a pair of red vans. He looked so good.
“Uh Lia, you aiight?” Tyler asked putting his arm around me.
“Oh uh yeah I’m fine, I gotta go get dressed” I smiled and ran upstairs. I put on my skinny jeans, a red and tan obey shirt with my red and white Jordans. I put my gold hoops in and gold bangles around my wrist. I put some lip gloss on which gave my lips an extra shine and I put my Victoria’s secret perfume on. I let my hair fall down and brushed it so it looked neat and straight enough. I put an extra shine and then ran downstairs.
“Where’s Eli?” I asked the guys
“He left, he went to the party”
“That asshole, I told him to wait for me urgggg” I stomped up the stairs. Now I had no way to get to the party. There was a knock at the door.
“Lia, Chris wants know if you want to borrow his other car” Fuchsia asked. The hootpie
“The hootpie? Oh hell naw, Id prefer to sit in my room and eat ice cream and watch re-runs of pretty little liars before I take the hootpie” She sighed.
“Take my car, its way more attractive than his” She handed me the keys. As I reached out she snatched them “Put gas in the car and don’t get into any accidents you hear me” I nodded then she gave me the keys. I had no idea what type of car she had cause she rarely drove over here. I ran out the door after saying bye to everyone and looked up and down the street. I had no idea what car was hers, luckily she had a remote and I pressed the unlock button and when I saw the lights I screamed. This bitch had a Bentley! I hopped inside and looked at the interior. It even had that new car smell. I turned on the radio and decided to hook my iPod up. I played cashin’ out by cash out and sped off. I guess they heard the tires screech cause as soon as I made it to the light up the street from the house, my cell rang. I saw Chris’ picture and rolled my eyes.
“Lia, was that Fufu’s car” Did he just call her Fufu?
“Nah, who’s fufu”
“Shut up, you know who Fufu is” I laughed
“Let me go, you know it’s bad to talk and drive”
“Be careful, that’s a nice expensive” He put emphases on expensive “Car and if anything happens to it, you’re paying for it with your college fund, you got that”
“Lia don’t play with me”
“Aiight bye Damn” He didn’t hear me say damn cause I ended the conversation. I pulled up to the beach home and smiled. I saw the light from the bom fire they were having. I parked and then put the alarm on the car. I walked around back and saw everyone who was anyone there. I smiled hugging some guys I met throughout the year then I grabbed a plastic cup and poured some ciroc and orange juice inside of it. I didn’t plan on getting drunk but if I did, I was gonna call Chris to get the car. As I partied, people’s faces were becoming a blur. Soon, the party people were leaving and it was Eli, Tina, Jared (this sexy ass football player), Nate, Shelby, Marcy, Britney, Donovan, and I. Of course Shelby sat next to Eli and I sat far away sipping the coffee she brewed up. It was actually making me sober again. I laughed as Jared was telling stories from 9th grade.
“What about you Lia, any stories from 9th grade?” Jared asked getting closer to me. I thought real hard. 9th grade was probably the best year of my life.
“Okay so I went to Freeber High school and I was living in Jersey. One day my friends and I decided we were gonna go to Rutgers and sneak into a party. Luckily, no body guards were outside checking school id anyway, we went into the party and started throwing It back on the guys graduating. We had mad fun until the police came and asked how old we were, mind you were drunk so we ran and they chased us. Our pack was if one gets caught, they don’t tell so we hid near one of the parks and separated deciding to meet up. I walked down the street by myself and its dark outside so it was creepy. I heard a car stop and I noticed the police and my heart sank, my first instinct was to run but I got scared so I stayed there and they asked if I saw three girls running. Where I’m from you’re not supposed to talk to the cops so I lied and said yeah, they turned right. They sped off and I ran up the block to the bus stop. There, we all met up and went home but my stupid ass friend left her cellphone so we all got caught” They laughed “We all got beat before being released from jail that night”
“Wow” Jared said still laughing “You got anymore”
“Well I remember I went to Senior prom without a date but I was a freshman and they told me I had to leave. I snapped and told them I was a senior. It was all good until I saw my math teacher and she escorted me out of the dance with a refund” I laughed “But I never paid to get in, the ticket was fake since they used copy paper, I just copied a friends” They died in laughter. We sat and talked about school and where we were going with our future and again I had the spotlight.
“Truthfully, I want to become an entrepreneur, I met lots of people since I moved to Cali and they said as soon as I graduate to call them for help and hopefully, I can have kids and a successful life by the time I’m 23” I smiled.
“How about we play never have I ever” Marcy suggested.
“Sure” everyone said and I nodded my head.
“I’ll go first” Shelby said “Never have I ever wore the same clothes twice in the same week” I put my thumb up and soon everyone but her had theirs up to.
“Okay Eli your turn” She said.
“Aiight, never have I ever sucked dick” Tina, Marcy and Shelby put their thumbs up. The girls shared who and Tina said Trey. He looked at her like she was crazy and shook his head. I had to keep the laughter in. I would never put a niggas dick in my mouth that just left my pussy and hell probably another chicks pussy as well.
“Never have I everrrrr” Tina started “Fucked someone else’s boyfriend or girlfriend” She looked at me when she said boyfriend and I put my thumb up. And so did some of the other guys except Tina and Eli. They went around a circle about who and their boyfriends or girlfriends were then it came to me.
“Uh I slept with this boy Cameron, he went out with this girl sashay” I said and they left. Of course I lied and Tina knew. So what Eli and I did it once…twice who cares hell, I didn’t ask her why she sucked Terry’s dick. Then it was Jared’s turn.
“Never have I ever kept my feelings for someone a secret” I put my thumb up. They decided to share who and the name that popped into my head was horrible.
“This boy Deon, I wanted him so bad but my friend got him knowing my feelings and since then, I haven’t talked to either of them” I said sipping more coffee. I was no longer drunk, I was perfectly sober now. My turn.
“Never have I ever fucked somebody and then said I still have feelings for my boyfriend or girlfriend” I said looking at Eli. He didn’t put his thumb up instead, he walked away and everyone stared at him.
“Wassup with you and him?” Jared whispered into my ear.
“Nothing, I don’t know what his problem is” I said and we all continued the game. Shockingly, I won and we all decided since it was 3am to spend the night at Shelby’s beach home. When I woke up in the morning, I was lying beside Jared and smiled kissing his pink lips. I couldn’t remember if we did it or not but since I still had my bra on I’m thinking we didn’t. He woke up and we decided to exchange numbers. He got dressed and left the room. I slipped my jeans back on and carried my Jordans with me and I grabbed the keys to the Bentley and my cell had over 40 missed calls and 20 text messages all from Chris. I walked inside the kitchen where Eli sat at the table eating the breakfast Shelby made all of us
“What’s your problem Lia?” he asked eating his pancakes.
“I have no problem” I said putting my J’s on. He looked at me as if to say yeah right then went back to his food. “Why’d you leave the game?” I asked and he dropped his fork.
“Fuck you Lia, I have a girlfriend and you just gonna shout out my…our business out like that?”
“Fuck me? Nah, fuck you Eli, what you did was selfish, taking my virginity then claiming you’re still in love with your girlfriend. I knew what my sister said was true, get to know a boy before I gave up the punani and look where that left me. Boyfriend less, Pure less and now look, I’m now one less friend” I stood up and left thanking Shelby. I hugged Jared goodbye and drove home to shower and return this damn car before Chris break my legs or worse, call TiTi Dianna.


Finally, it was prom and I decided to take Jared with me. He looked handsome as he waited for me down the stairs. Chris was cheesing hard as hell and “Fufu” Was tearing up. Bitch this isn’t a wedding. He had on a dark wine red tie that complemented my dress and a black button down shirt with a white crème suit on. He left the jacket in the car but he still looked like one of those guys right on the cover of GQ magazine. I smiled and walked over to him. He gave me a red black and white carnation. We took like a million pictures and finally Eli came downstairs. Fuchsia helped me with my dress, fixing the front since my boobs were on the verge of popping out. I fixed my tiara and we all got into the limo. Eli had to pick his girlfriend up and of course this was going to ruin my night. Jared and I waited about a half hour until she came out looking like a flamingo. Her dress was a pink like pepto bismo and had a long tail while it was short in the front.
“Move over” She said to Jared and o shook my head no. She came in and sat in the seats at the side with Eli. They looked a mess. How is it she’s wearing pink but he got on black white and yellow? Oh well, my date looked fresh and I really didn’t give a fuck about them.
As we pulled up to the hotel, Jared helped me out of the limo and took me by the arm. I looked back to see Eli getting out and ignoring Tina until she said something. I laughed, My man had manners. We went inside and took a few pictures for the yearbook. We went further inside and found a able. I don’t know why but Tina and Eli decided to sit with us.
“Come on, let’s dance” I told Jared putting my clutch in his jacket as we went to the dance floor. We had so much fun as we danced. I kept looking over at Eli and his girl and saw how miserable he was. I laughed and then our eyes met. I turned my head into Jared’s neck and gosh he smelled so good. I kissed his neck and he smiled and kissed me on the lips. He had to be the best kisser ever. I literally saw fireworks. When I looked at the table, they were gone and I just smiled. We finally decided to go get some refreshments since we were going out after this. I grabbed some juice and I knew someone put liquor in it because the shit was so strong I almost choked. We sat down and soon, the principle was on stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this years Prom Queen is….Lianna Minilla?” I spit out my water and all the girls that were the candidates looked shocked. I laughed and took the bigger tiara. Then Jared was called since he was a candidate, I guess everyone decided to vote for me too. We did our dance and then sat back down.
“Ready to go?” He whispered in my ear and I nodded. We took a few Prom king and Queen photos and then left. He showed me the key to the suite he bought and I smiled forgetting all about Eli and his girlfriend needing a ride. We were on our way to the other hotel and we got a call. Eli tried to get an attitude and I hung up and we sent the driver back once we got to the hotel. I saw a few other students in the restaurant in prom dresses and we decided to eat. After dinner, we ran upstairs to the hotel and were so close to getting it in when there was a knock on the door.
“Go away” Jared yelled between kisses. The person at the door kept knocking and Jared sighed. He stood up and opened the door and somebody rushed in.
“Lianna get dressed lets go now!” Eli yelled upset.
“Bro calm down, she’s with me tonight”
“Eli, what are you doing?” I asked wrapping the blankets around my half naked body.
“Taking you home now let’s go” He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away.
“No I’m not, I’m trying to chill with my date”
“Oh so did your date tell you he’s HIV positive?” Eli crossed his arms.
“What?” We said in unison.
“Yeah, ol’ dude got HIV from my girlfriend. She told me that they had sex 3 weeks ago and she told me she got tested, either he got the virus from her or vice versa” I could tell Jared was getting upset but then his facial expression softened.
“Is this true? You fucked Tina?”
“Yeah but that was before I met you” he took a step up and I backed away from him.
“Stay away from me” I grabbed my stuff and Eli tried to come with me. “Both of you” I left the guys in the room and went to the lobby. I saw the limo driver and asked him to take me home.

As I stepped into the house, everyone was shocked. I rolled my eyes and went right upstairs. I took a quick shower and went right to bed.
“Lia!” Eli yelled.
“Get out” I said in a low tone, I really wasn’t beat.
“No we need to talk right now!”
“About what? About you ruining my fucking life? About you ending every relationship I had because you were jealous? What is it you want to talk about huh? How about we talk about you dissing me and lying to me just to fuck me how about that? You know what, leave, I think I fucked up when I moved in here. Let me be honest right now, I don’t want to talk to you anymore, I just want to be done with school in a few weeks and I’m going back to jersey and I’ll stay with my bestfreind”
“Lia but-“
“Just GO Eli, I’m over it” I rolled back into my covers and let the tears shed. I heard him mumble something but ignored it and fell into a deep sleep.

“Congratulations to the class of 2012!” The principle yelled and we all stood up cheering. I looked around at everyone, Jared looked happy he wasn’t infected, Tina looked a mess, Eli was happy as hell, and me? Well I don’t know. I wore a smile but I was ready to leave ASAP! As we all were dismissed, I finally found Chris and Fuchsia hugged up under the tall red tree that stood in front of the school. I hugged them and then Tyler came.
“What? I can’t get a hug?” I laughed and gave him a hug. I’m truly gonna miss him. We stood there and I was waiting for them.
“Uh, what are we waiting for?”
“Were waiting for Eli”
“His car broke down so I offered to drive him home” Chris said.
“Okay well I’m leaving with Tyler” I grabbed his arm.
“Sorry red, I got a ride with them” I rolled my eyes
“Of course you did” Eli came and they all hugged him. I rolled my eyes and the smile was immediately erased from his face.
“Now can we go?” I asked and Chris nodded his head. We sat in the car with Tyler between us. I smiled as Tyler put his arm around me. He whispered “play along” in my ear and I laughed. He kissed me on the cheek and then he backed up. He sent me a text about what to do. Every time we did, Eli would look at us. I was having so much fun.
“Yo chill the fuck out Tyler” Eli finally said as we pulled up to the house.
“What you talking about Eli?”
“This flirting b.s”
“Flirting?” He questioned and I laughed.
“You know what I’m talking about”
“No not really” He said looking at the phone.
“Okay, Lia your plane comes at 8 so you have 3 hours to pack and say your goodbyes” I got out of the car and ran to the house. I packed everything and remembered everything we did in this house. The sex, the games, the pool, that’s one thing imma miss. I looked over at the clock and it was 6:30. I decided to go downstairs and wait. I ate a slice of pizza they ordered and sat next to Tyler on the couch.
“He likes you ya know?” He whispered talking about Eli
“Oh well he had his chance and blew it”
“I know but you didn’t date him, from my knowledge you gave him the v-card”
“Still, he blew his chance when he said he loves Tina” Tyler shrugged.
“Lia you in here?” Chris asked and I stood up.
“Yeah” I gave Terry a hug. “Bye guys” I yelled and soon I heard them running down the stairs
“We can’t get hugs?” Tommy asked wrapping his arms around me. I hugged everyone but Eli who refused to come back downstairs.
“Bye guys, you know yall can always hit me up, you have my number” I smiled and then Tyler began to fake cry.
“Imma miss you Lia”
“Imma miss you too, all of yall” I opened the door and walked out of the best place I lived my whole life. Chris drove to the airport and hugged me.
“Imma miss you sis, be good in jersey cause if I hear anything, I will be on the first flight and it won’t be pretty what I do” I laughed and hugged him. I went through the gate and smiled at him. I gave the lady my ticket and boarded the plane with the rest of the people. As I sat in my seat, I glanced at my phone and saw a missed call and a text message from Eli. I ignored it and turned my phone off. Soon we were on the plane going to my home state.

When we landed I stretched and grabbed my stuff. My bestfreind Melanie was right at the gate and I hugged her jumping up and down. She helped me with my bag and we went to get my suitcase with my clothes and we went to get a cab.
“You missed a lot girl, watch when you get back and see who was pregnant, who turned into hoes and shit” we laughed. I really missed Cali but I was back in jersey where I could start booty bouncing again to club music.
We made it back to Melanie’s house and I put my stuff away. We quickly ran outside and walked around to show off. When I was a 9th grader I was a little chubby and guys aint like me. I wore glasses and everything but things changed. Now I am a size 12 in jeans because of my ass and im a c-cup and im still gorgeous. Mel showed me everyone and then we went to a party. I dance like crazy and of course the asshole that dissed me in 9th grade was there. I decided to tease him, they put on a slow song and I gave him a lap dance, grinding on him until I felt his hard on between my legs. He kept rubbing my thigh and biting his lip. When the song was over I stood up and walked away, of course he chased me.
“Woah ma, what’s your name?”
“Lianna? Chubby Lianna from 9th grade”
“Damn ma, you look good is hell, and you can dance, you got my man growing”
“Hmm, is that so?” I spoke flirtatiously.
“Yeah, why don’t we get outta here and talk”
“Thanks but no thanks”
“Because I remember what you did to me in 9th grade and also you’re not my type” I walked away and he kept pushing it until his baby mama came in and smacked the shit outta him. I laughed then the bitch tried to hit me. Of course I fucked her ass up, this bitch had her kid in the club, who does shit like that? I spit in her face then I walked out of the party with mad people following me. Oh how I love Jersey.

5 months later….

Being in school was a struggle. I had to find my classes wherever they were then I had to go back to the room. Of course I decided to be on the schools tennis team so that was a headache, going from workout to class to class to practice to class then to my dorm room to be with my friend Mel who didn’t give a fuck about how dirty shit was as long as she looked good. I went into the room and saw her dirty clothes all over her side of the room. I rolled my eyes at her looking herself in the mirror. I grabbed my towel and stuff and went to take a shower. When I got back, there was a note on my book.
Some hottie named Eli came over lookin for you, call him
His number was on the sticky note and I put it inside my book. Instead of calling him, I called my brother to tell him how I’m doing in school but his phone was disconnected. I decided to take a nap until I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Eli.
“Go away!” I yelled as I walked towards the bed.
“Lia, you better open this door right fuckin’ now cause I need to talk to you”
“Or else what Eli?”
“I will kick this fuckin door down, don’t play with me” I rolled my eyes and decided to let him in cause I do know he would kick the door down and I don’t have the money to replace it. He tried to give me a hug but I gave him the cold shoulder as he walked into my room. He sat on the computer chair and faced me as I sat on my bed. “Lia, do you have to tell me something” His eyes looked dark.
“No, I don’t know why you’re even here, you should just go” I said breaking the eye contact but he made me look at him.
“Lia, I know you lost our baby”
“What! Who told you that?”
“Terry, he told me before I left for school; he said you were pregnant after we did it the second time and you decided to get rid of it. He wanted me to check on you to see if you were alright since he couldn’t leave until the summer” tears started rolling down my eyes “Lia, I love you and I don’t care if you lost the baby or not, I will always love you and care for you” He hugged me and kissed my forehead “I have to go Lianna, I have football practice in an hour, I just had to tell you how I felt because honestly, when you left there was an empty void in my heart, hell the void was there even when I was with Tina” He exhaled “Just call me if you wanna talk, goodbye Lia” He shut the door behind him and I just let the tears fall. I put my face into the pillow and screamed to the top of my lungs. Of course Eli is the one to make my happy days turn into sad ones. I can still remember the day I lost the baby:
It was January and of course, my stomach started poking out and I gained weight. I also kept throwing up but didn’t think anything of it instead I kept working out and eating healthy. One day I guess I worked myself out to the limit that I felt a sharp pain and I collapsed on the sidewalk. I was blocks away from the house so I tried to get up and walk but the sharp pain kept coming. I felt something wet between my legs and when I looked down it was blood. I fainted and the next thing I remembered was I was in the hospital. The doctor informed me I was 2 months pregnant and I lost the baby from working out so much. I knew it was Eli’s baby but decided not to tell anybody about it. The only person who knew was Terry and that was because he came to the hospital when I was healthy and helped me come up with a lie to my brother telling him I spend a couple of days at my friends’ house. I told Terry not to tell Eli or anyone else about it but I guess he couldn’t keep that secret.
Ever since I lost the baby I decided to get out more and meet guys that have potential to date me. When we went to that party, I was drunk and I finally had fun for once. When I met Jared I was happy because he was not only intelligent, he was sexy, funny and athletic…my type of guy. But still, Eli kept getting in my way, I wanted to have sex with Jared just to see if I would enjoy it again but here came Elizer messing up my night. I did have feelings for him and hell, I still do but since he told me after we had sex that he still loved his girlfriend Tina, I said fuck him and decided to stay away from him but of course, he followed me to the place I love, New Jersey.
There was a knock at my door and I opened it and saw Eli.
“What are you doing-“He kissed me while hugging me tightly. I kicked the door shut as he kept kissing me all over.
“Lianna I love you” He said breaking the kiss. I was breathing heavily and finally admitted.
“I love you too Eli” He smiled and kissed me again and we fell onto my bed and well, you already know what happened next ;)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2012

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