
t>As I walked through the doors I saw eyes staring at me. I didn’t want anybody to notice there was a new girl at school but because it was a small school everybody knew who I was by the end of the day. My name is Halo Mendoza and I have a pretty simple life I am a normal teenager. I have an older brother named Charles we are pretty close and he is a great guy he is 18 he is on his way to college I really will miss him. I will miss him now even more than ever because we just moved to a new town called I don’t even know what this town is called. My father left my mother as soon as my mom got out the hospital with a baby girl in her hand. He never wanted a girl so when he saw my mom with a baby girl he left he doubted that I was his child. My life without a father has been hard but that is why I loved Charles so much he was like a father to me he treated me with such care and such love that he was like a father. But now that he is going off to college my life will become miserable. I walked around looking for my locker but I couldn’t find it. Everybody would just stare at me. It was awkward but by the time the first period bell rang I got use to it.. My first period class I met this girl named Daniela we became pretty close by the end of the day we were best friends. But it hurt me that I couldn’t tell her my life story and what goes on at home. I was walking to the bus stop I was scared to go home. When I go home I turn into a whole different person. I usually wear long-sleeved shirts or bracelets I do this because at home I cut myself my mom noticed this once but I told her that I had stopped and that wasn’t a lie I had stopped for a while but then I started I don’t know why I do it brings me so much happiness when I see bruises on my arm. I think it is because I have caused people pain so I deserve to feel some of the pain I have caused people. I walked through the front door of my house and without a surprise my mom was waiting there for me. I was scared at what she was going to do to me. The first thing she did was lift up my bracelets and long sleeves. She wasnt surprise at what she saw. She was actually proud at what she saw there were no new marks on my arms there were just old scars. She had a big grin on her face. I was trying hard to not cut myself again.But i didn't try hard enough i was walking home from school and i saw glass on the floor i picked it up and held it to my wrist. I examined the piece of glass and then something amazing happen a boy i didn't know came up to me and said "what are you doing"? I didn't know how to respond so all i did was shrug my shoulders. He told me " you know exactly what your doing" i really wanted to know why he cared so much so i asked him " why do you care i don't even know you" he told me "i have been watching you every day i really like you and you seem sweet it doesn't seem like you have problems and the fact that your about to end your life makes no sense to me and it really hurts me and i am surprise you don't remember me i was in your school in 4th grade" i looked at him for a while then i realized his face does look familiar. that day i went home and looked through my old pictures of the last few years of my life


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2011

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