
It Could Have Been Me

It could have been me
But it wasn't
It happened to Renate Wolf
But it shouldn't
Hitler did this to her
When he had no right
He hit and he yelled
While Renate tried to shield
She was just one
But there was 1.5 million to come
Time has gone on by and Renate has been forgotten
But now I know why
We should never forget.

Long Nights/ Lang Nætter

Long nights alone/ Lange Nætter alene
The bright stars shone/ bright Stjerner og
And you asked me/ de spurgte mig:
"would you be mine"/ " ville de være min"

It Hurts

I don't know why
For there is no reason
I couldn't let this fly
It didn't help this feelin
He told me more than once
That I was not loosing him
I must have been a dunce

Little One

Little one trys to sleep
But all she does is weep
Her mom must be around
Or she won't sleep sound
She lays at night
Praying with all her might
That some one will tuck her in
But It can't be dad
No it must be mom

Lost and Alone

Shes lost and alone
In a world so unknown
With no one to guide her
And no one beside her


Definition of bff's:
Standing up for the other,
Acting in place of a mother.
Definition of bff's:
Helping through the tears,
Sticking through the fears.
Definition of bff's:
Gossiping through the night,
Always ready for a fight.
Definition of bff's:
Calling each other sisters,
Even through all the blisters.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2010

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