
CH. 1 Summer's meeting with the Angels

Hi! Im Summer Knight i hope you like my crazy story.
Every mornning was the same routine. Wake up, eat , brush my teeth,
change clothes and get the heck out of my apartment. I live alone because
my parent say that it'll teach me responsibility. I doubt it. They're not
even my real parents.
"yo" Ryan said. C.J is my only friends. I know I probably sound
like a loner, but Im not.
"Yo" i replied back. As we were walking to school a bright light
shined and i coudnt see. Then all the sudden everything in time stopped, Even
"Ryan, why wont you move" i ssaid
"is anybody there...please ..I don't know what's going on" I yelled.
"my poor daughter" a voice said . What the heck was that voice.
"who's there" I yelled. Then a I heard wings flapping. A beautiful
Angel flew out of the bright light . Her wings were as white as a pearl.
That angel look familiar, she resembled me.
"who are you ...and what have you done with Ryan" I yelled.
"I am , your mother, and you are an angel and I am here to give me a mission" She
said calmly.

" What the heck , I am a human not a Angel I don't even make good grades and
I don't have parents they left me a long time ago" I said.
"you're mission is to capture all you're feathers in a 100 days and if you don't
you will suffer from pain, and it wont be as easy as you think because a devil
that live in this worlds want your feather and use it to destroy this world" she said.
Then in flash of light everything went back to where i woke up.
In my bed there was one white feather and as soon as i touched it the feather
shined and it disappeared in m body.
When i looked at the mirror nothing change and the day went on like it never
happened. I summer Knight met an angel that resembled me.

Mission I: defeat the devil angel

Beebeep! Beebeep. When I woke the next day i found a necklace
with angel wings. Remembering yesterday , it seemed like a crazy dream but it
wasn't because right when the angel (my mom) left everything seemed to rewind back to
the time i woke up.
"hey, are you okay , you've been staring onto space lately" Ryan said. When
i looked at him he gave me a worry face .
"Yeah, don't spend your time worrying about me , it not worth it" I said. I mean
I'm not even human. Ryan suffered more than i did. Ryan saw his parents dying right in
him. Ryan and I met at a foster home, he got adopted first then a day later i was adopted.
We didn't see each for a year but when my non-real parents left we met again.
"How can I not spend a time not worrying about you? your too important to me"he
said. Ryan is such a sweet guy.
"Thanks"i said. I blushed a little when he said that.
When we got to class it was the same as usual. Thank gosh nothing changed. Then
that after noon when I was walking home my necklace the one with angel wings started
glowing then all the sudden it floated and the wings started flying to a direction.
I followed the necklace since i couldn't take t off.
It led me to a pond. Then I saw a two feathers just floating above the pond.
I had a feeling that, that was my feathers.
"How the heck am I suppose to get that? I cant even FLY!" I said. Then a whisper
in my head and it said"close your eyes, concentrate, wish to fly". FLY!,what the heck.
But there was no other way I guess, so I closed my and I wished to fly
When i opened my eyes it didn't work. I tried again and it didn't work, then I
tried again and again it just wouldn't work. Then that voice came back again and it said
" let everything in your mind go, just concentrate and wish to fly". So I concentrated
and I wished to fly. When I opened my eyes , I was FLYING!.
"Finally" i said. I flew straight to were the feathers were but something else
got it. It had black wings and something was covering that thing's mouth. It was fast and it
flew around me.
"what now" I said. I was getting mad I want to get this over with. The flying thing
slowed down flying and I saw it face. I was shocked, it was a devil angel. You've got to
be kidding me.
"Okay no more, Hey birdie I want my feather NO!" I yelled. Then he said nothing ,then
he flew up, so high that couldn't see him anymore.
"Becareful, be aware of your surroundings, that devil will come back"
the voice said. I didn't get freaked out about the mysterious voice anymore i had
other problems to deal with. So I looked around, but nothing. From the behnd it attacke me.
All I see blood coming out from my back. And then it kept attacking me till I was tired. I
tried to attack but I was to hurt i couldn't move. Then that devil angel attacked one more
time and I wasa goner.
"mmm!" i moaned. I fell to the pond and now I'm drowning i couldn't breath.
I thought about Ryan without me, he'd be so lonely. I couldn't see anymore and i just kept sinking and sinking.
Then a bright light came from my necklace and the next thing i know i out of the pond. The next thing you know i was flying again and my necklase turned into a crossbow. The
voice said " That devil angel is coming back , i can feel it , so watch out" .
I got my crossbow ready. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath when i opened my eyes
and i saw him flying toward me and i shot his black wing.
"yes" i yelled while he was falling he let go of my feathers while i had the chancce
i took and flew away.

Mission II: who is that devil angel?

When I came home that night my whole body ached. I was bleeding so bad
I thought I was goingt to die. Ryan saw me just lying there, he thought I was
dead, but he saw me move and he took me to my apartment there he took care of me.
"nn" I moaned. I got up and I saw I was back in my bed. I wonder who took
me here. When Ryan came to the room he looked sad.
"don't get up yet Summer, you're still hurt, by the way how did you get all
this cut" he asked. How am I suppos to answer that question, am i suppose to
tell him i fought a devil angel.
" ..I fell down on an old staircase and splinters cut me" I said.
Sorry Ryan .
"a..a...just go back to sleep" Ryan said. He actually looked speechless.
A week later i was feeling better and i could go to school again.
In class i saw a new student or it looks lik it. He had jet black hair and he was
very qiuet. When i looked at him he looked at me and our eyes met. I turned around
very quickly at the same time i blushed.
" to summer" Rayn said.
"wh...oh..hey..what's up?" I asked. That new kid really look familiar.
"oh nothing I just got bored, you" he said. Why do I have a bad feeling about that
"Me, just having deep thoughts" I replied.
"LIke???" he asked. so many questions. uhhg..
"Like how am I suppose to pass tommorow's test" I gave Ryan a pouty look. He gave me
a what the heck look and started laughing.
"HEY!...what's so funny" I said. Seing him smiling actually made my day.
During lunch Ryan was in basketball practice so as usual I sitted alone. I was sitting in the corner wher Ryan and I had lunch.
"hey, can I sit here" the new boy asked. What the heck, out of all the places
to sit, it just had to be here. I rolled my eyes .
" fine" I sighed. This was ackward he wont say anything.
" hey, what you're name" I asked . He looked kind of cute.
"My name is Aiden James and your name is" Aiden said . That is actually a really cool
"ah...My name is Summer knight" I said. When i looked at his eyes it was red, unusual.
Maybe he's wearing conatct.
"What the heck , who names a girl summer, she ain't even hot" He said. You son
of a devil. That was rude.
"HEY!, I know we just met and stuff but you dont have to be freaking rude" I said
furiously. I got up and I wlked away from him.
As i was walking to my last class, Aiden was there blocking my way.
"HEY, new kid move" I said. What does he want now, I'm still mad at him.
"....." nothing . what the heck he won't freaking move.
"Look if you don't move I'm going to be late for class" I said. He still wouldn't move.
So I kicked him in the shin.
"OW!, you" he said then his necklace fell so grabbed it and ran away.
I have no idea why I grabbed his necklace. Though the necklace looked cool it was an angel
with black wing it kind of looked like mine but my the wings were white.
During class while were silently reading our books Aiden barged in the room.
"Excuse me sir, your not in this class" my reading teacher said. Aiden looked around and
when he saw me he grabbed me hand and took me out side.
"Gi'mme my necklace" He said. I thought this would be my chance to make him apologize.
"NO!, unless YOU say sorry to me" I said giving him d devilish smile.
"fine fine , sorry, happy" He said. That's it .. not in my wacth. So I ran outside
making him chase me . Then at the park where I stopped running both of the necklacces
started glowing and I saw my feathers I was going to go and get it but aiden grabbed my hand.
"hey Let g-" i paused , I saw jet black wings just like Aiden's necklace. He gave me
a glare when I looked up at his eyes it was red just like Aidden's eyes that when
I realized that the devil angel was Aiden.

Mission III: Dont fall for a devil angel

Red blood eyes, jet black hair, a devil boy that I knew and now
is standing in front of me. What am I to do.
"give me my necklace back" Aiden said. For a minute i was mesmerized by his red
bloody eys then i was backto myself.
"why should I, you almost killed me" i replied. I cant stop looking at his eyes, why?.
"Isn't that a devil's job, to kill a angel, just go back to your human friend and
don't bother trying to catch the angel feathers because you dont stand a chance. he said.
Wow, this guy is just full of him self.
"Look that feather is important to me, and if your job is to kill me then I will
fight back." I said. Since i was holding his necklacce i threw it away from the feather.
Then Before I knew it ,Aiden's black devil wings showed and he flew to get his necklace.
This was my chance to get my feather i thought, so I closed my eyes and wished to fly.
By this time I've already mastered flying. As I was flying straight to get the feaher
Aiden caught up with me and he grebbed my hand.
"LET GO!!!"I yelled.
"NO, not until you give me your feather and necklece" he said.
" Close your eyes Summer, and wish for a weapon" the voice said. And so I did I closed my
eyes once again and wished for a sword, it worked.
"I said LET GO!!!" I yelled again and I swung my sword at his feathers and it gave a pretty
big woung. Aiden was having a hard time flying but it looked like he wasnt wounded at all
because minutes later he was flying normaly.
As he was flying right at me he took out a sword too and all i could do was fight with
"Look we could do this the easy way, just give me the feather and your necklace
and I wont hurt you" he said trying to smile. How low can this guy be.
" Do I look like I want to do this the easy way ,you cheap looking unwanted devil" I said.
He gave me a smile and swung his sword at me and dodge it by swinging my sword.
I was getting close to the feather but he grabbed my foot and pushed me ,which made me hit
a rock. My wounds opened again and I couldnt move. Aiden grabbed the feathers and flew away.
There i fainted.
"W..where am I" I said everything that I saw was blury and it somewhat very windy. So
when I cleared my eyes I looked up and I saw Aiden.
"Hey , let me go, you cheap lookin devil" I said. He was carrying me because I was wounded.
"Listen if i let you go your going to fall" he said.
"why the heck are you helping me" I said. This guy is just annoying me, first he tries
to kill me , and now he's helping me.
"because...." he said.
"because w-" I said. My wounds were pretty bad and it hurt, it felt like i was going to die.
Aiden flew down and layed me down .
"Ughhh!" I said. I was having a hard time bereathing.
" Be quiet" he said.
" why the heck should I li-" he cut me off and kissed me.
"MM" i said. I started hitting him. When he stoped kissing me i swallowed something.
" what the heck was that , why'd you do that" I yelled. The thing i swallowed tasted like
" the blood that you swallowed was a devil's blood, devil blood are much more stronger
than a human's and angel blood and it will heal you right away" he said. And sure enough I
was cured minutes later.
"but you didn't have to kiss me , you cheap looking devil angel"I said. That was
my first kiss too.
"Why are you getting so worked up about it,its not like it was your first kiss" he said.
Then I blushed and I tried to look away from him.
"You know next time ,if your going to help me just leave me be" I said. Once I got up he
pulled my arm and kissed me again. But this time he didn't put anything in my mouth.
"I wouldn't just a kiss a girl I dont have Interest in got it" Aiden said. So does that mean
Aiden likes me. He quickly got up and flew away and I blushed some more.

Mission IV: Avoid the devil angel

When I got down to my apartment I leterally droped my self in my couch.
I was confused, why'd he have to kiss me. "uhgg" I groaned. I ended up thinking
myself to sleep.
The next day came school went smoothly till linch. As usual i was sitting
alone because Ryan was at basketball practice. Then speak of the devil Aiden came.
"Can I sit here....Again" he asked. I was so lost at my thought that i didnt even
know i said yes. "Um....about..yesterday..nothing happened" he said playing with his
food. Mother of all people that doesnt love you, you annoy me. I stood up
and glared at him "look here, you devilidiot, if you're going to kill me or whatever
then do it, don't just kiss me out of the blue and dont save me when I dont ask for it"
I said furiously. It was weird i thought he would look shocked but he didnt.
The rest of the week went okay, during those days i avoided him. Aiden tried to
talk to me a couple times but he failed.
Looking down at my textbook trying to read(not really). The voice came back and
said"I sense the feather, it's near the river". "okay" I said, whiched made people
turn and look at me. "Mr.B can i go to the nurse" I asked. He nodded and i jogged out
of the room. I went through the back door so no one can see me and I flew away.
I landed on a land near the river, while I searched for the feather someone grbbad my
arm, which made my voice gasp. "ahh!" I yelled. It was Aiden, his eyes looked sad, I
tried releasing my hand from his grip but it was to strong. His red eyes were glowing,
Aiden looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't help but let my free hand cup his
cheeks. Aiden closed his red eyes and let go of my hand and put his hand were my hand
cupped his cheeks.
"A..Aiden, are you okay" I manage to croak out.
"Summer...I..I'm sorry, I know i've been a jerk" he said opening his eyes slowly.
"I am not going to kill you, it's just that..I" he paused. I furrowed my eyebrows
making a worried face. I was confused, he said he wasn't going to kill me but why
is he hurting me. Plus why does he need (good) angel feathers anyways.
"I'm trying to gather up the (good) angel feather because I don't want to be
a devil's toy anymore. I suffered to much pain from him. They say if you want to
be a new born angel with clensed wings you have to gather up the thirteen feathers and bring
them to heaven. When i first saw you getting the feather i thought you were trying
to get in my way. That was why I tried to hurt you and acted like a jerk." Aiden said
trying to breath in air. The he continued "About the kiss-es, I'm sorry i couldn't help
myself , you just reminded me of a person that i used to love before she was killed
by the devil". I wanted to say 'it's okay' because he looked so sad, i wanted to hug
him and take all his trouble away. I looked up at him his blood red eyes were so pretty
i couldn't help but stare. Aiden leaned his forhead resting on mine.
Okay sorry for the really long update ... hope you liked the chapters.

Mission VI: Falling for him

"I think I'm falling for you Summer" Aiden said. His forhead was still
resting on my forhead.
"" Aiden cut me off and kissed me. He thinks he's falling in love with
me. As he kissed me, I could'nt push him off or slap him. Am I falling in love with him
to. Im to confused. When he stopped he looked at me and gave a small smile.
We sat on the ground full of grass and just sat there. We both were to
immeresed in our own thought to talk to each other . Then all the sudden i felt something
heavy on my shoulder.
It was Aiden, he fell asleep. He looked handsome oh who am I kidding he was hot.
"Hey are you really sleeping" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm sleeping" Aiden mummbled. I closed my eyes to relax a little bit.
"doesn't sound like it" I said back. I heard him chuckle for a little bit.
"you're wierd" I said. My eyes were still closed so I really didn't know what was going
on. Then I felt his head move so I didn't feel the heaviness of his head anymore.
I was curious of he was doing so I opened my eyes. I saw him right in front of me.
"your.." I said. Aiden's eyes were shining and it especially looked
really pretty because the sunset was going down. He leaned closer so that our lips were
almost touching.
"My what" he asked in curiously.
"Your eyes...they're..really pretty" I said.
"well, your hazel eyes are prettier." he said. I closed my eyes again this time
I smelled a woodsy scent from him. He put his lips in to mine. My stomach flipped
in knots. I think I am falling for him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2011

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