
cH. 1 : MeEtInG AiNjElL

My name is Ainjell James Or A.J is what they sometimes call me.
" wake up!!!" my mom yelled. you know moms they can be so demanding.
"I'm coming already" as i run down the stairs I hear my twin fraternal siblings, Mia and K-leb crying because they either havent ate or they need a diaper change.
"oh crap,im going to be late, later mom" when I ran out of the door I saw my best friend kayla. Kayla and I have known each other since we were parcticly born. We shared secrtes about everything. Yes, we've had fight but we have a really strong friendship bond. " so did you sign up for that field trip next week" asked kayla " yeah, I cant wait too, I got this really cute two peice swimsuit."
since kayla and I were running to class I tripped on something and someone catched m- "..... Chase!"
Chase is my crush, he's been my crush ever since the 5th grade. He is very popular with girls good thing Chase is nice because if he wasnt i would not be friends with him right now. " sup! A.J, men you really have to watch out were your going next time I might not catch you next time you fall" I cant help but look at his deep pretty blue eyes. "hehehe..sory and thanks for worriying about me."
Ding!Dong! its lunch time now. During our lunch hour I sit with Kayla . Sometimes Chase comes and eat with us but every time he eats with us we need to either hide from his swirm of girls that like him or we need to hide from him.Though when he does eat with us Kayla is always trying to get Chase and I alone.There was this one time during P.E that Kayla locked me in a shed with Chase , Chase and i were stuck there for THREE hours . The teahcers found us and gave us detention. When my mom heard about this ,she said
" Young lady, how'd did you get detetion" with a furious look, then I gave Kayla a look which made my mom go like this
"Oh....I see Kayla was trying to give you and Chase some alone time,
"MOM" I said slammmimg the door close. I cant beleive that my mom got all of that information, just with that glanced that Kayla and I made. My mom is one sharp cookie.
The day before the science feild trip or
A.K.A lets have have fun in the beach while our science teahcer gets a tan, Kayla and I did some last minute shopping before the feild trip. When Kayla used the restroom, i bumped into some girls that hate me because I'm friends with Chase.
" well, look at here, looks like we bumped into a trash bag that cant dressed herself" that girl that was trash talking me was Alyssa, and i dont dress like a girly chick, Like they do. i wear loose cut up t-shirts and skinny jeans with coverse. "Hey, atleast I can get into the cheerleading team without bribing my teacher, even my dog can make the team without bribing the teacher" I walked away to see what kayla was doing.

Ch. 2: FeIlD tRiP

Beebeep....Beebeep...."Yawn....what time is it?...." When I
looked at the clock "8:30.........WHAT.....IM GOING TO BE LATA!!!"
I ran as fast as I could trying to get to school.
" YO!, Ainjell ..need a lift" Chase waving his hand to get my attention.
I stopped and and turned around.
" Yeah! I owe you one...thanks" I said trying to catch my breath
"anytime, and I'll think about what your gonna give me, since you owe me one" he said.
Ten minutes later we were there at our school. Chase dropped his bike and Chase and
I ran all the way to the bus and when we got up to the bus, we ended up laughing.
People looked at us like we were mental.
"you two! why were you two late?" Mrs. Garcia asked
"we-" Chase cutted me off
" Sorry, it was all m fault , A.J told me to go to school early but I refused"
saying those lies like it was true.
"Fine, as long as all my students are here, you two go sit over there" she said
I feel bad for Kayla because she has to sit next to one of Alyssa's possy.
When the bus started moving I started listening to music and I fell asleep. Zzz..
" Hey, A.J wake up, waky, waky" Chase said
" wh.." I got up fast because i noticed that I was sleeping in his lap.
" Im so sorry , i din't mean to fall asleep in your lap" i said looking away
" That's all right, you were actualy really cute snoring" Chase said while snickering
" I was NOT snoring take that back" I said . In the end we ended up laughing it off.
As we were walking to the beach Kayla wacked me with her hand, beause I was late
and, I dint get to sit with her in the bus. When I looked out to the beach , since
every girl in my class are wearing a swimsuit , well, they took off ther t-shirts
and pants. Kayla and I hid somewhere in the bushes and took of our clothes there. Dont
worry we were both wearing swuimsuites.
Those three hours went by fast because we were having to much fun. I saw Chase in the
corner of a huge rock , throwing pebbles.
" watcha doin" I said trying to act all cute
" oh nothin ....just thinking what you should give me ..since you do owe me a favor" he said
" well...have thought of anything" I said
"Hmmm....let's see, how out you give me a ride home using my bike" Chase said with a develish smile
"No Way....your to heavy" I said trying to escape the question, but he's not fat, Chase is actually quite muscular.
Then all the sudden he got closer and leaned so closely that it looked like we were about to kiss, then Chase asked
" How 'bout I take you out on a date?......."

ch. 3 FiRsT DaTe!!!!

During field trip, Chase asked me a question I never knew would
be asked in a million years. He asked to go on a date with him. So let's go back at
that afternoon.
" How 'bout I take you out on a date?..." Chase said with a serious face
I wanted to yell out "yes, finally" but I dint.
" a" I blushed just saying those words.
"yeah, why not or do you not want to date the hottest boy in school" He said
I thought heck yeah I want go out with you, but something just dint feel right.
" don’t act so conceited, ...fine I'll go, but I'm only going cause I owe you"
I said
" And Ainjell....the place will be at the park near my apartment at
you then" he said then he walked away.
"MOM!!! I need help with something" I yelled. Since it was my first
date I need help with someone that is experienced with a first date.
"What...are you okay" she said worryingly.
"NO, It's my first date with Chase and I don’t know what to wear" I said.
My mom and I are like sisters, we tell everything to each other.
My mom and I started becoming like sisters when my dad left my mom when she was
pregnant with the twins , I as about 12 or 13 I think I don’t really remember.

case finally asked you out" she said excitedly
"yeah, I know, now I need help because I HAVE NO IDEA what to WEAR" I said
Ten minutes later, I looked like I should be in a magazine. My mom picked out
my clothes which was gray cut-up top, with a beanie and some skinny jean with holes.
And what made me look hot was Kayla's make up.
" wow, guys I love it ,thankyou ,thankyou thankyou!!!" I said
"Ok, go you're going to be late" the both said
Then I was on my way... When I came to the park Chase wasn’t there
or I thought. I felt hands on my eyes I couldn’t see who it was then
" guess who?" the boy said
" don’t play with me Chases" I said .
"wow, are you sure you're A.J" He said trying to tease me
"Hey!," I said with a frown then Chase said that he was just kidding
So the first thing we did was we went to a coffee Shoppe and everybody stared at
us ,but they mostly stared at Chase. After that we took a stroll at the park
then we went to the zoo and I played with snakes caused I loved them. Then before you knew
it was sun down.
"well, that was fun" Chase said smiling at me
"yeah, that was" i replied back. Something feels weird, it fee likes someone's
following us.
"hey, I think someone is following us" I said
"yeah i know, lately i think there is person watching me. I saw her before, She's been
watching me for quite a while now that's why I br-" I cutted him off
" that's why you brought me here , you thought that if you brought me here she will
stop following you" I said then I turned around, I dint want him to see my face sad.
" yeah, that why," he said .It got me down
but it was okay with it after a while because she was gone a few minutes later.
We stopped to the coffee Shoppe again but this time Chase only went in, he was going to buy
" Hey , how do you know Chase" this strange girl said coming out of nowhere.
I had a bad feeling she was the stalker.
"from school , why" I said giving her a glare
" Why? well I want your stupid face to get lost , okay cause he’s mine" she said
" Chase doesn’t eve-" the strange girl pulls out a knife and said
" get the heck away from him , Chase is mine" she said . All I could do
was close my eye. I thought I don’t want to die Help.
"Stop, just who the heck are you, and get away from her" chase said. When I
opened my eyes she was running away. I was so scared no matter how much I tried not
to show him, I couldn’t, I just ended up crying. I felt sick and dizzy.
" Hey!, Ainjell are you okay? did you get hurt anywhere?” he said
" hey, that's the second time you called my first name, other than A.J" I said.
Then I fainted.

Ch. 4 PrEnTeNdInG LiKe NoThInG HaPpEnD

When I woke up, andI had no clue of what happend yesterday
afternoon. I got out of my bed and looked for my mom. And when I came out all
I saw was her worried face.
" oh , My poor babby, are you okay do you need anything" she said trying to
push a smile on her face
" Mom, I'm fine and why are you making such a worry face?" I asked.
"so.. you dont remember anything that happened yesterday" she said. All I remember
yesterday is Chase and I on a date. Then when look at my mom she still had
the worry face.
I came outside and walked to the park, there I saw Chase, but he was also
making a worry face just like my mom. I wonder what's gotten to everybody today.
"Hiya" I said.
" I.. I'm sorry about yesterday" He said while looking down.
" Why are you apologizing, why ? was I a bad date?" i said with a shock.
"no, wait do you 'member what happened yesterday" he said
"ah...lets see , you took me home after we went to th-" i stopped.
My head throbed. It felt like there was a missing puzzle from
happened yesterday. In a split second i rememberd everything.
The stalker girl almost trying to kill me. I was so scared.
I fell on my knees and before I knew it i was overwhelmed and I started
"I....I..was almost killed yesterday.." I said, while crying
"I....I'm so sorry.. this is all my fault" he said. I made myself believe
that nothing happened yesterday and it work.
"oh, thank're okay, I thought the crazy girl would come after you
again" my mom said
"can we pretend like nothing happened....please?" I said looking at the ground.
"yeah , we will, anything you want" my mom said, while trying to comfort me.
"I think, you and I should stop hanging out just for a little while" Chases said. I dint
say anything. Then we both walked away from each other. I just let my first crush
slip away, just like that.
Days and days passed by Chase and I haven't talked since then. Kayla and my mom
are always comforting me , saying that it'll be alright.

Ch. 5 ThE NeW StUdEnT

It has been over a month now since the incedent. I wonder when
Chase and I talk again.
"Have you heard, there's going to be a new student and its a boy" Kayla said exitedly
"really, I winder if he's hot?" I said saarcasticly
" never know a knew love could blossom" Kayla said
"In your dreams, let's go were going to be late to class again" I said
When we sat in our sits i looked out the window hoping that today Chase
will talk to me.
"Okay, guys in your sits please , we a new student" Mr. Dray, our reading
teacher said. As I look out the window daydreaming, the boy introduce himself.
And all i heard was " Ms.James, please give Mr.Park, here a tour around his classes.
The next thing that happened is~
"ok, that's your science class, and over there is your math class" i said. WHY ME??
this is so boring, but i guess it's better than listening to Mr.Dray talk.
"hey, what's your name" I asked. When i gave him a look, he actually doesnt look that bad
he's pretty cute , you could say.
"Hunter, weren't you listening when i told the whole class my name" he said.
Wow, he's got some attitude.
"okay, Hunter tour's over im going back to class know" I said
When class was over Kayla had to go somewhere so I had to walk by myself
or i tought.
"Yo, Ms.James" Hunter said. Speak of the devil.
"It's Ainjell, or A.J" I said . Then I saw Chase walking toward me I dint know
what to do.
"C..Chase" I yelled. He turned around and gave me a smile then walked away.
I wanted to cry, even though I never cofesed, I feel rejected.
"are you walking home" he said
"yeah , why?" i replied
"can I walk with you" he asked
"NO" I said . Trying to act cool
In the end we ended up walking together.
" So.. who was that guy" He asked.
"You know, you ask way to much questions,& his name is Chase" I said.
" Looks like you two are in a fight" Hunter said.
"I guess you could say it that way" I said. The rest of the walk was quiet.
Finally we got there.
"okay thanks for walking with me" I said.
Then something wierd happened. Hunter wasnt wlking to where ever he lives insted he
stayed . Then my mom comes out.
"Oh my looks like you to met, Ainjell honey, he will be stying with us" she said
"WHAT" Hunter and I both yelled.
My day just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Ch. 6 StRaNgEr In ThE HoUsE

"WHAT" Hunter and I both yelled. MY mom comes out of nowhere
saying that a strnger that i just met will be living with my mon and I.
"are you sure you know my mom, maybe you got the wrong son" Hunter said
"No, I know it's you because Janet sent me a picture of you. My mom said.
Thirty minutes later,
"OKAY!!, house rules, since your the only bor in this house" I said giving
him a serious face.
"yeah, the rules are??" he said
"Ok #1 DO NOT EVER GO TO MY ROOM if you do i will KIll you got it, #2 you have to
ask permition to use the bathroom " I said . Hunter is one of the only boy(besides my baby
brother K-leb) that is staying in this house and how is a teenage girl suppose to react
to that.
" HOLD ON, WHY do I HAVE to ask permision to go to the bathroom" Hunter yelled. Then
Hunter looks at my mom giving her a puppy dog face and she mouthed was "sorry".
That's what you get, since I'm a big sister with NO DAD with only a mom taking care
twins, other words my siblng.
"Fine, Fine " Hunter sighed.
Weeks later everyhting seemed fine, the only person that doesn't know that
Hunter is lving with me is Kayla, which is no suprise becasue she is my Best friend.

The only thing i feel bad about is Chase, I've been thinking non-stop about him, he
wont even look me in the eye anymore. Chase is also the only friend that i have that
doesnt know that I'm living with one of his classmate.
Ding!DONG! " Hunter, sweety, canyou please get the door" My mom said. I dont hate
Hunter it's just that.... I dont know....
" yeah" Hunter replied back to my mom. When he opened tha door the person i
saw was Chase.
"C...Chase" I yelled, then looked away to avoid eye contact. My heart hurts right
now i want to talk to him so badly but i dont know what to say.
" If it okay i want to talk to A.J ,alone please" Chase said. I was schocked
I thought he wanted nothing about me.
" yeah sure" my mom replied. When I looked over at Hunter, he dint seem happy, i
wonder why.
I went outside and i closed the door.
"y.. What do you wana talk about" I yelled out of nowhere. Stupid, why'd you do that
Ainjell James.
"Are you okay, I've been worried" he said. That question got me ticked off.
"worried?, Your one of my best friend and you told me to stop hanging out with you,
who do you think you are, I was beyond worried , i thought you hated me, you wont even
give me a smile at school, I wanted to yell I hate you!!!!" I yelled with anger. I was
so mad . I wanted to cry so badly.
" I'm sorry, i was afraid that if I stayed near you that girl woul come back again"
he said.
" will you forgive me, if i lose you it will feel like i losed a sister" he said ,he
looked like he was about to cry. Sister,huh, that hurts alot. I dont to be your
friend/sister, I want to be more than that.
" are...forginvined" i said . He gave me a smile and hugged me. But why do I
sad not happy.
" one more question... why is Hunter Parks in your house" he said , giving me
a seriouse look. What Am i suppose to now.

cH. 7 AiNjElL's ExPlaNaTiOn

"well, um.....Hunter is actually my mom's friend's son" i said .How the heck
am I suppose to explain this.
"ok, but why is he staying at your house?" Chase asked. More and more questions
this is never going to end.
"I guess Hunter cant find any relatives here, so how's you're life?" i asked trying to
change the subject.
Can things get any worst, and it did because Hunter checked on me.
"hey, close the do.." Hunter paused. He gave a confusing look then he continued on saying
" Aiden right, what are you dong here?" He said. Chase looks at me then he gave hunter a glare.
"yeah, that's me, A.J ,I have to go see ya to school tomorrow" He said. Well
couldn't this be anymore awkward.
Hunter looks at me and gives me a big sigh.
"HE is SO OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE, A.J!!!" Hunter said . What the heck, I already know
that he doesn't have to remind me.
"Tch!, and don't EVER call me A.J, got it?" I said giving a mean look.
Yeah so hi guys.....sorry for the really long update...and don't hate me that this is a short chapter

cH. 8 PrANkS

I woke up this morning only finding myself racing Hunter to the bathroom.
"Me first" Hunter yelled. I grabbed his towel and threw it across the hallway which
him run and get it. "FETCH, oh and ladies first" I said while sticking out my toung.
After all the morning ruckus Hunter and I ate breakfast like it was the last day of
the Earth and then we both left for the bus. I took a sit and looked out the window,
only seing Chase running for the bus. I giggled. "WAIT!!" I screamed.
The grumpy old bus driver looked shocked and gave me a glare.
"Okay....I....m..made it.." Chase said while tryingt ot catch his breath.
He took a sit next to mine, then he gave me a let's-play-a-staring-contest-look.
Though in the end we ended up playing the game and won.
"That'll be five bucks please"I said playfully
"Wait, we didn't even bet on this" Chasesaid .
"so" I replied back. Chase gave out a sigh and smiled while he ruffled my hair.
The seat across Chase and I was Hunter's. Looks like he fell asleep so i thought
of praning him. When the bus stopped for the stop light i went over to Hunter's seat
and i grabbed out a pen and I drew a mustache on him. When i finished i couldnt help
but laugh, Chase laughed to.
When we got out of the bus Hunter's friend came to hang out with, though they ended
up laughing at him.
"Dude...your..face" a boy said in between his laugh.
"What, do i have something at my face, what is it" He asked. Hunter looked over
at Chase and I, when Hunter found out we were laughing he gave me a glare. I walked over
were hunter was and showed him a mirror. Hunter did not look happy. I couldnt help but laugh out loud. Hunter was looking at me and Chase which made Aiden and I say "He/she Did it".

cH. 9 GiRl tImE WiTh KaYla

Two months has passed since every incident that happend starting from
Chase and the date to the day Hunter came to live with me. I thought my life was
normal, but i was wrong.
I was dreaming about something then the ringing of my phone woke me up.
I look at the caller ID, it was Kayla.
"What!" I grunted.
"well, goodmornin' to you to" Kayla said. "are you buisy?" Kayla asked.
"No, why?" I replied.
"GOOD!, we could hang out today, since it's been a while and you need to give me
updates bout your new life" She said in all one breath. I did miss my best friend that
I haven't talked in a while.
"yeah, okay, let's meet in the T's cafe in bout' an hour" I said. I got up, took a
shower then brushed my teeth got dressed and before I knew it I was heading to
the cafe.
"HOY!" Kayla yelled which got my attention. Oh and Kayla is full filipino or in
other word my crazy filipina best friend.
"Do you usually shout in a cafe" I teased.
"No, only if I see my best friend" she said. I couldnt help but smile.
"Okay, no more me ,it about you this time, so house Hunter and Chase going along" she
"Well, okay, I guess, I get aw-" i got cut off because Mollie(our waitress/friend)
came to take our order.
"The usual?" Mollie asked.
"YUP" kayla and I both agreed. Mollie nodded and went to get our coffees.
"okay, so anyways, Hunter and I, well we argue alot on stupid things" I said. I just now
realized that we really do fight about stupid things.
"well, I figured that much because even in school you two act like an old fighting
married couple stuck..well in your age" She said. I couldnt help but giggle.
As our cuppachino came we cathed up on what we miss during the weeks we haven't seen
other. We both talked about music, what's up on T.V like this show that cracks both of us up
it was called 'the world's dumbest criminal', and of course boys. I loved Kayla, she's
really like a sister to me. I aslo knew she liked Chase, she knows I like Chase too,
but we both promised not to get it in between our friendship. I checked the time
I was suprised because I left at 11a.m and now it's already 2:30. Whoah, three hours
passed already. We said our 'see yah later' goodbyes and went home. "Today was a nice day"
I thought.
Okay i hoped the poeple who read this liked it.
I did mention Kayla in one or two chapters so i wanted to give
Ainjell and Kayla there best friend and girl talk moments.
F.Y.I: Kayla's personality is actually my best friendds personality, she is filipino and
so am I. We met in America when we were about 6 and 8. Yes we are two years, one month, and
a day apart huh..
well that's a minie biography about me and my bff.

Ch. 10: GeTtInG tO kNoW hUNtER (w/ Hunter's POV) Part 1

"Ainjell, sweety, I want you to take care of your baby brother and
sister today" my mom asked as she prepared breakfast. I was to tired
to argue with her so I just gave her okay nod.
"Morinin" Hunter said.
"oh, good your awake, can I ask you a favor" my mom asked. I selently listened
to there coversation.
"sure , Mrs. James" Hunter replied back.
" I want you to help Ainjell take care of the twins" she said. I started to
choke on my bacon.
"but mom, I can take care of the twins just fine" I butted in.
"Okay, ever since Hunter stayed with us you two have been awkward to each
other....I want you two to atleast get to know each other" she said.
I look over to Hunter, he seemed okay with it and i really didn't want to
argue with my mother.
"fine" I said.
"Good, now I'm goingt to meet up with a you" she said and then
was gone.

After Aindjell and I washed the dishes together. Mrs. James was right
it was awkward.
"mama" a little girl's voice said.
"Mia, mom's at work, so today your going o spend time with big sis, got it" Ainjell said.
Mia nodded as she rubbed her little sleepy eye.
"A.J.. I want food" the little twin boy yelled.
"A.J.. K-leb want's food" I yelled . Ainjell turned around and gave me a glare.
" I know what K-leb said and I told you to never call me A.J" she said. Her face was
pretty but beautiful when she's smiling.
" Why can't I call you A.J, why HUH??" I whined.
"because....." she said. As she turned around to not face me I put my hand on her hip
and gave her a hug.
"AHHH!" Ainjell yelled. She looked frightened and shocked.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE...OKAY" she said furiously. She ran up to her room and from the
looks of it I hurt her. Someone with tiny hands hugged me I looked down and I saw Mia.
"I want mama" Mia said with sleepy eyes. I looked for K-leb, only finding out
he was asleep. I made Mia sleep as well. I went upstaires and knocked on Ainjel's
"Ainjell...I'm okay" I said. I kept knocking but she didn't answer.
I opened the door, I was suprised she didn't lock her door. I found Ainjell in the corner
she was crying.
"I'm.....sorry...Hunter...I didn't mean to yell at you" She said in between sobs.
She looked up at me I saw the tears that was coming out from my eyes. Her green eyes
looked so sad. The next thing I knew I was wiping her tears off her face.
"I am sorry Ainjell did I scare you when I hugged you" I asked. She nodded her head.
"T....Three...y..years..a...go" she said.
"'s okay tell me later..go take a nap" I said. I sat right next to her
and put my hand in her head trying to calm her. I felt something heavy laying in my shoulder
and when I look it was Ainjell. She looked so innocent and pretty. I put my head on top
of her head and went to sleep with her as well.

Ch. 11: GeTtInG tO kNoW hUNtER (w/ Hunter's POV) Part 2

I felt a ray of sunlight coming of from my window curtain. I felt something lying on top of my head. Then suddenly everything came back in my mind of what happened earlier. I gasped out loud and bolted my head up which made HUnter's head hit the wall.

"Ouch" Hunter said while rubbing his hand.
"Oh, crap... are you okay... I didn't mean to bolt up like that" I said worridly. He chuckled but he stilled rubbed his head.
"it's okay, I'm just glad that you're back to you old annoying self again" He said.
"I am not annoying, well maybe just a little"I mumbeled. He gave me a smirk and patted my head. I looked at the time it was one-thirty, I'm shocked that I actually slept that long.
"Hunter, where are the twins" I asked.
"Oh, I put them to sleep"Hunter said. I gave him a nod then we both went down stairs. For the next thirty minutes we watched t.v but Hunter broke the silence.
"um....can I ask you a question" Hunter asked.
"you just did" I said. "what's you're question" I asked. Hunter looked stiffed for a moment and then he spoke.
"Why did you get scared when I hugged you" He asked.


After asking the question I thought she would get mad at me for being to nosy but instead she sighed and gave me a faint smile.
"I got scared because three years ago..." She said.
"you don't have to tell me" I said. But she insisted.
"well, my mom and dad were never of with a good start. My mom knew that my dad was cheating on her because he would always have scent of another women....Three years ago my dad came home very late and very dunk...he" she paused. It looks like she was about to start crying again but she kept going. "I was asleep in my room and he came up to my room and he started touching me everywhere....I yelled and scream but no one heard me..I kicked and I tried to punch him off me but nothing worked..." She said chocking on her own words. She burst into tears. I couldn't bear the pain of her crying. That old man should've know better. I wanted to go to that man ripped his head of. I gave Ainjell a smile and wiped her tears of her beautiful green eyes, but tears kept coming out of her eyes. I couldn't stand it anymore so pulled her into my arms and hugged her.
" okay now he wont get you anymore" I said while trying to comfort her. I was only here for a couple of months but the way Ainjell is telling all of this makes me feel like I've know her forever.

there you have it...sorry for the long update...
post on the bulleten bored in my profile who you guys want to end up together. :)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2011

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hope you enjoy this book :)

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