
Chapter one

I stuck my head out the window and let the strong wind glide through my hair.Never have I loved nature this much.Maybe it's because where I come from nature is having a tree in your backyard and going to see birds at the zoo.

But here,nature was complete with forests,waterfalls,and birds singing right outside your window,early morning.Too bad I was never going to enjoy any of that.Because where I was going,nature was a whole two miles away.Or so I think.

"We're here." We all piled out of the limo.My mom,the limo driver and me.I stared up at the gigantic mansion I was now supposed to call a school.It was dark brown with forest green vines dancing up the walls.Rectangular windows lined up in rows and rows from top to bottom.This was the type of place that would look scary at night.

"You are going to have so much fun here." My mom squeezed my shoulder and I looked at her with bewilderment.
"Fun? Mom,look at the place.How is that FUN?" She slowly shook her head and sighed.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover,Clara.You can judge,after you see the inside."

Don't judge a book by it's cover.I can't tell you how may times I've heard that.But I can tell you that everyone who has said that has been right.Right now,though,I'm convinced my mom is just plain crazy.

A tall lady with blond hair,high up on abun,walked out of the building.Guessing from all the phone calls,I think she's Ms.Pinnerty.Two girls walked behind her,one smiling,the other looking like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

"Clara,nice to finally meet you." she shook my hand and I smiled at her.then her eyes moved over to my mom.
"Hello.I'm clara's mother.Sorry I can't stay,I sort of have a flight to catch."
"I understand." My mom hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't forget to write or call." Then she got inside the limo and I watched her drive out the old gates.Away from Argrave Arcademy.Away from me.

"Shall we go inside?" I snapped back to reality and turned to the three people staring at me.
"Yeah." We picked up my suitcases and walked inside the school.It didn't exactly look fun but it was better than the outside.The walls were dangerously white and pictures were hung up on the walls.There were also books stuffed tightly inside of bookshelves.

"This will be your room.and here's your key." Ms.Pinnerty gave me a small light brown key.
"These two ladies are Maibel and Olive.If you have any questions or need anything,you can ask them." then she smiled and left leaving me alone with Maibel and Olive.They sat my bags down on my bed but didn't leave.

"You can call me Mai.Only Pinnerty calls me Maibel." Mai rolled her eyes playfully.I had a feeling she was the nice one of her and Olive.
"And this little ray of sunshine is Liv." Liv smiled but it wasn't very nice and it quickly disapeared.

"So why are you here?"
"What do you mean?" Mai sat on the small space left on my bed.
"I mean why would you want to come to a boarding school while your mom is flying around somewhere?"

"She wants me to be around more kids.And her idea of that is boarding school." Mai nodded and smiled.
"Well,if you need us,we'll be in our rooms.I'm in 110 and Liv's right next door to you.See you later Clara." I waved and watched them walk out the door.

I was busy looking around the room when Mai poked her head back in.
"Almost forgot.Welcome To Argrave.You my friend,are in for a treat."

Chapter Two

Before I came here to Montana, I had a great life. Going to school, hanging out with my friends. My boyfriend. But my parents got a job that involves them traveling around the world year round. They didn't want me to be sitting in our house all alone, doing nothing.So they decided to send me to boarding school.

They let me choose which one ofcoure, and they said that when the school year was over, they'd spend a whole year with me,anywhere I wanted. I'm thinking maybe Paris.(As If)

"Where is that shoe?" I moved some clothes around looking for my left shoe .Yesterday, I didn't have time to fully unpack. I just put up some posters and unpacked half my suitcase. Which explains why there are clothes all over the floor. I can't even find my phone or my laptop. Someone knocked at the door.

"Hold on." I yelled over to them. I made my way across the room, stepping over suitcases, t-shirts, skirts, you name it.
"Oh, hey Mai." Mai walked inside my room closing the door behind her.
"Wow. Not even a full day here and your room is messier than mine."
"I was trying to clean yesterday but then I couldn't find my laptop, so I had to do this."

"I don't see a laptop."
"yeah, I didn't find it yet." I spotted the missing shoe over by the corner then went to pick it up.
"I bought you a bagel." Mai handed me a bagel and right then I could have kissed her.
"Thanks.. You're allowed to eat in your rooms?" She sat down on the bed and picked up one of my shirts.
"You're allowed to eat anywhere as long as you're not late to class." I put on the shoe and sat down at my small desk.

"wait a minute." I opened the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out the silver laptop.
"I knew it was here somewhere." I opened it and there was one email from Toby.

'I miss u already, Angel. Counting the days until you come back. Love, Toby.' I sent him an email.

'How can I forget you, Toby. Missing u 2 up here in Montana. Love, Angel.'

"Who is that?" Mai asked and I shut the laptop.
"His name is Toby. He's my boyfriend."
"And he calls you Angel?"
"It's a nickname they gave me. He's not the only one that calls me that." Mai nodded and went back to looking at my clothes.

"We should probably go now. There's a lot more people you should meet."
"Are any of them like Liv? because I don't think she likes me very much."
"Liv doesn't like anyone. So don't start feeling special or anything."

I feel so much better now. Mai took my hand and pulled me out of my room. The halls were now filled with people. Friends walking arm in arm to class. People talking on the phone. Some kids were even sitting on the stairs, doing what I think was homework.
"And this is only just a slow day." My eyes went wide at Mai. Slow day?
I'd like to see what a fast day looks like.

Chapter Three

Being the new girl has it's advantages. For instance, while everyone else is learning about things we will never use in the real world, I'm learning how people here do things,'Argrave style'. Which means all I have to do today is watch and listen.No work, no talking, nothing.

My first class, I had with Liv. She doesn't talk much. Or at least she doesn't talk to me. My second one, I'm all alone and my third one was with Liv and Mai. Finally, lunch.
"Aren't you hungry?" I sat down next to Mai who was so far the only at the table. she said the seats were reserved for specific people.

"I-uh ,ate already." she said.
"Really, when?" I didn't get to hear her answer because right then, Liv sat down at the table and a boy sat beside her. He was the definition of hot. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Toby is nothing compared to him. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Toby was my boyfriend.

"Clara, this is Ethan." I smiled then stared down at my food.
"Hey." Don't these people eat. I was the only one here with a plate of food.
"Where's James?" Mai asked.
"Somewhere, I guess. I don't know." So there was one more person in this group. Can't wait to meet him.

After lunch, it was my free period. There's not really much you can do here.That James guy hadn't shown up to lunch and it had me guessing what he looked like. Was he as hot as Ethan? Was he hotter? My brain's all messed up and it won't stop until I see him.

I was walking to my room singing quietly to myself when I dropped my key. I bent down to pick it up but bumped my head into someone's else's. It hurt like crazy.
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Light British accent, light brown hair, hazel eyes ,the body of a god. This guy was the whole reason the word hot was invented.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He handed me my key and I felt dizzy just for blinking. He has a hard head, literally.
"Are you sure? I could get you some ice or something"
"No, really, I'm fine." I tried walking away but almost fell to the floor. Hazel eyes caught me just in time.

"You are not okay." So that's how I ended up in his room five minutes later with a bag of ice on my head. His room didn't have anything up on the wall. It was messy though. Way messier than mine. And I'm not just talking clothes. I mean, papers ,books, cd's. This was a Clara nightmare. I'm not a neat freak, but when things are too messy, I freak out.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked then sat upright on the bed. It felt too awkward laying down.
"It's my free period. And I'm guessing it's yours too." I nodded but then regretted it when a throbbing pain shot through my head.
"Relax. Don't move." He sat down beside me and adjusted the ice. I don't even know his name and he's helping me recover from possible brain damage.

"I'm Clara, by the way."
"James." JAMES!!!!This was James.
"You're James?"
"Yes ,and I knew you were Clara. Mai told me about you."

"And you didn't bother to hint out that one fact." He laughed.
"I couldn't really talk about personal information with you fainting."
"I guess not. Still , a heads up would've been nice." He smiled and I couldn't help but notice his dimples.

Chapter Four

I stayed in James' room for my whole free period and we talked.Alot.I found out that his family lives here in Montana.He hates having a clean room because it makes him feel lost,like he's just staying at a strange little place and not his room at a boarding school.He has a golden retriever called Tyson and there was alot more stuff too.I told him that I didn't have any pets,nd although I'm not the uber clean room frak,I still love a semi clean room.He laughed at that one.

I also told him Avril Lavigne is my favorite singer.
"What time is it?" I asked.James looked at his watched and told me.2:35.
"Oh-no,we're late to class." I got off his bed but he took my hand and stopped me.
"Your head hurts and you couldn't move.Just tell them that and you'll be fine."
"What about you?"
"I was taking care of you." He said.

The door opened and Mai walked in.
"I'm...What are you doing here?" She stared down at James hand still wrapped around mine,and I pulled it away.
"Oh,we bumped heads and he-" Mai's eyes went wide and she ran towards me.She took my head in her hands and moved it around,checking it.

"Are you okay,oh my god.Tell me you're fine."
"I'm fine,Mai.It was just a head-bump...That only I suffered from." She seem convinced I was fine and then let my head go.
"Yeahh,..Just a head bump.So I see you've met James.Isn't he wonderful?" Mai asked sarcastically.

"Yes,he is.Well,I've got to go.Promised my friends back home I'd send them an email everyday."
I picked up my bag and left James room.

"So,tell me everything,Clara.How's Montana?" I switched my phone to the other ear as I struggled to take off my shirt without dropping it.
"Great.So far it's been amazing here." My friend Lydia giggled.Which only meant she was with Mike.

"Sorry.That was Mike." Told you.
"I don't mean if you like it or not.I mean the people.How are they there?" I heard Mike mumble something but I couldn't make it out clearly.
"They're okay.The people here are very nice." I grunted as I tried slipping up my jeans.

"What the hell what was that noise..Oh-my-god,Angels, are you on the toilet?ew-"
"I'm not using the bathroom,Lydia.I'm just putting on jeans.' I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Well,have you found someone to replace me yet? Who am I kidding,you love to me too much to do that...Right?" I laughed.
"Right.You'll always be number one in my heart." I tripped over a shoe and fell backwards onto my bed.
"Aww.What about Toby? Did you replace your little chocolate cupcake yet?"

"Ofcourse not.But there are some pretty hot guys here." James and Ethan.James.Lydia squieled excitedly.
"You promised me pictures.I'll be expecting them."
"Yeah,yeah,yeah.Talk to you later,Lydz."
"Luv you."

Chapter Five

Two days later and I'm sitting in my room,on my labtop.It's raining heavily outside and I have half a bag of chips on my lap.My room is way cleaner now.Some clothes are in my closet,some in my suitcase and some on my bed.It's still sleepable though.

"Open up." Mai called from the other side of the door.I threw the bag of chips on my bed and walked over to the door to open it.
"Sleepover!!" Mai sang.She waltzed into my room carrying a pink spotted bag filled to the top with who knows what.

"Aren't we alittle too old for that?" She looked at me sternly in the eye.
"We're never too old for anything.Especially not sleepovers."

She dropped the bag on the floor and sat down beside it.
"Okay,let's get down to buisness." She put her short wavy hair in a ponytail and began removing things from her bag.
"I thought this was a sleepover,not a makeover." I sat down in front of her on the floor.
"It's alittle bit of both.But you need more of the make-over than you do a sleepover."

My jaw dropped and she started laughing.
"Kidding....Well,I'm half kidding." After her bag was empty,I looked at all the things on the floor.Hair curlers,make-up,face mask,nail polish.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm always serious,Clara.Don't forget that."

"I need you to be very still or else,I'll poke your eye out." Mai started humming as she brushed the mascara over my eyelashes.Already,she has made my hair a curly mess with the hair curlers,painted my face green with the face mask,and my nails were now a variety of colors.
"Done!" She stared in satisfaction at my face while her hands were on her hips.The past three days,I've learned she only does that when she's really happy or really mad.

"Liv's at the door." Mai said.And just like that,someone knocked.
"How'd you know?" She looked up and her eyes went wide.
"Uhh...l-lucky guess?" I opened the door and sure enough it was Liv.She stood there staring at my face,and I knew she was holding back a laugh.

"Let me guess? Mai?" She asked.I nodded and let her in.
"Atleast she'll stop bugging me now that she found herself a new guiney-pig." Mai looked at Liv and scoffed.
"Who says I'll stop? A girl can't complain about having too many clients." I laughed.

"Clients? What,are you running a beauty salon?" Mai ignored me and took out her camera.
"Say cheese." I covered my face with my hands as the flash went off.
"Clara,I don't want a picture of your hand,I want a picture of your face."
"You are not taking my picture while I look like this."

"It's not like anyone's gonna see it.Now smile pretty." Liv laughed while I forced a smile and Mai took my picture.She was the type of person that could sell peanut butter to a man that's allergic to it.After taking the picture,she took out the curlers in my hair and wiped the green paste off my face.
"Wow.You look so pretty." She spinned the chair aroun so that I was facing the mirror.

My dark brown hair was now full of bouncy curls.But my eyelashes were longer,my lips a darker shade of pink and my gray eyes looked almost green.The girl in the mirror.Wasn't me.She was a whole other person.
"If her hair was shorter,she'd be an exact match." Mai whispered to Liv.What did she mean 'exact match'? I knew one thing was for sure though.

"You are not cuting my hair." I spinned the chair around so that I was facing them.
"We won't cut it-yet."

Chapter Six

I'm no longer the new girl here.So I have some work to do.I'm sitting staring intently at the board,when James walks in and sits beside me.
"Hey Angels." He says,smiling.
"How do you know about that name? Wait never mind.It was Mai." He laughed.
"Exactly.the past 18 years I've known her,I've learned not to trust her with secrets.You should know that by now."

18 years.But Mai's 18.Is he saying he knew her his entire life.
"She's my sister." James said as if he read my mind.
"I didn't know that? See,you guys never tell me anything...Is there anything else I should know?Like,you were born with a tail or something." He laughed and leaned back in his chair.
"Well Ethan's our brother and Liv's our sister." I never would've guessed that if he hadn't told me.

"See,it's not so bad sharing information."
"What about you?Any siblings I should know about?" I shook my head.
"Nope.Only child."

Later that day,I was back in my room studying,when something hit my head.At first,I just ignored it.But then,it happened again.And again,until I finally went to check.There were people down there,throwing rocks at my window.
"What are you doing?" I yelled down
"Trying to get your attention." Mai's voice.How did she get out.How did any of them get out? The other people down there were James,Ethan and Liv.

"How'd you guys get down?"
"Doesn't matter.You need to get down here.We're going swimming." How was I supposed to get down there? My room was 3 stories up.
"You need to jump." James yelled up to me.
"Do you want me to die?I'm not jumping." I would break every bone in my body.

"Clara,look at me." That was Ethan.Why'd he want me to look at him? But I did.And then something weird happened.Like suddenly,I had a strange urge to jump down.
"Jump,Clara.We'll catch you." And so I did.I stood on top of my window's ledge and jumped down.It scared me,but still I did it.I landed in someone's strong arms,my face hiding in his neck.

"See,you're safe." James said.He put me down and I just stared at them.It felt like I had been controlled to jump.
"How did you guys get down? Because the first person to jump had to have been hurt some way."
"I have a little talent with unlocking doors." It took me awhile to realize that Ethan meant he can open doors without keys.Like those bad guys on t.v

My jaw dropped and I playfully punched him in the arm.
"And you mad me JUMP?!" They all laughed at me.
"First timers always make noise so we figured why not let you jump.Plus it's always exciting to see a scared little girl,jump out of a window screaming the whole way down." Liv said. I rolled my eyes.
"I could've died,you know." Mai put her arms around my shoulders.
"But you didn't...I'm tired of talking,let's go."

We walked and walked and walked some more.I don't understand how they weren't tired.I was ready to fall down right there and faint.Finally,we made it to a forest just past the gates of our school.We all stood on top of a small hill staring at the beautiful lake.the moonlight bounced off it and the light wind caused it to make ripples in the water.

"So who's jumping in first?..I vote for Clara." Liv said.They all looked at me and I started rocking back and forth on my heels.
"Do you need some help,because I'll be glad to give you a hand." Before I could react,Liv walked behind me and pushed me off the cliff.I landed face-up in the water and sank deeper and deeper into the bottom.

I tried swimming back up to the top,but waves kept crashing on top of me and sending me down.Someone took my hand and pulled me back up.I took several deep breaths and wiped the water out of my eyes.
"Thanks." I said. James started laughing.
"you really haven't done this befor?" He asked.
"Sorrry,but commiting suicide isn't on my list of fun things to do."

Chapter Seven

"I'm gonna get you back for that."
"And I'll be looking forward to it." Liv smiled and started walking ahead.I shivered from the cold and hugged my body tightly.We finished swimming in what had to be THE coldest river evr,and were now walking back to school.

"How could you not tell me you guys were related." I said to Mai.She shrugged.
"It's not my fault,you never asked me." I scoffed.
"But we're not totally related."
"What do you mean?"
"We're adopted.All of us." That explains alot.Why none of them look alike,at all.Except that they're pale and disturbingly beautiful.And that James has a british accent and the rest don't.And also why They're all at the age of 18.

"Got it." Ethan quietly opened the large oak door and we all snuck inside.We left a trail of wet puddles but James said it'll dry up by the time everyone else is awake.I walked silently to my room,making sure I didn't slip on the hard tile floors.The window was still open,and after locking it,I changed out of my wet clothes,into my dry pajamas.

My phone started ringing and right away,I knew it was Toby.
"Hey,what's up?" I asked.
"I've called you like ten times today and you didn't answer.Where were you?" he sounded worried.
"I went swimming with some of my new friends I told you about." He scoffed and from all the years I'v known him,I knew he rolled his eyes.

"And let me guess,you forgot you were supposed to call me today?" I covered my face with my free hand.Today was friday,which meant I had to call Toby.I totally forgot.
"I'm so sorry,Tobe.I got distracted...But I'm here now."
"I just want to know one thing." He said.
"Was that boy 'James' with you?"

There was only one way he could have known about James.Lydia.She was the only one I talked to about James and then she had to go and tell Toby.
"Yeah he was.But other people were there too."
"Yeah,and that doesn't change the fact that you-"
"That I what Toby?!..Do you think I cheated on you?"
"I don't know what's going on down there,so who knows?" Now it was my turn to scoff.

"God,stop acting like such a jealous boyfriend.We were SWIMMING.Since when has that become a crime." I couldn't believe he was acting this way.I thought he trusted me.But apparently not.
"Look,why don't you just tell me the truth,and we'll work it out." I sat on my bed with my legs crossed.
"You want the truth? NOTHING happened." He was silent on the other end,thinking.
"If you really love me like you say you do,you'd believe me."

There was a long pause before he finally answered.
"Okay,I'm sorry for over-reacting." I smiled and relaxed.
"And I'm sorry for missing your calls."

"Do me a favor.Don't hang out with James anymore." Now he has gone too far.If I didn't hang out with James,then that meant,Mai,Liv and Ethan were also out the picture.They were my friends and they bought me into there group.I couldn't really leave them.On the other hand,Toby was my boyfriend and after the school year here was over,I'd be going back home to him.

"Okay.No more James."

Chapter Eight

"So you guys have never once been caught?"
"No..Well,I guess once Mai did." I leaned in closer to him.
"Ooh,tell me what happened."

"She got caught on the way to her room,soaking wet.So she acted like she was sleep-walking."
"And,they believed her?" James nodded and I started laughing.That's when the teacher walked by and we pretended to go back to reading.
"Is there something funny about shakespear,Ms.Clara?" I immediately went red.

"The writing is a bit funny." James said.I was trying my hardest not to burst out laughing.
The teacher stuck up his chin and walked away.I giggled as quietly as possible hiding my mouth with the big textbook.
"I cannot believe you just did that." I said.

"I can't believe it either." James smiled showing his barely visble dimples.
"No problem.I'm always helping out a friend in need."

I tried not to think about the promise I'd made with Toby as I stared into Jams eyes. What toby didn't know wouldn't kill him. I was all the way in Montana where he couldn't even visit.

"So do you do anything else other than sneaking off into the woods in the middle of the night?"
"We roam the streets of Montana.It's hard to believe that you can escape this school so easily." He lives here in Montana.I wonder if he ever leaves to go visit the rest of his family.I'd love to do that.But mine are all the way in Europe.

"Do you sometimes visit your parents too?" James shook his head.
"We'd get into too much trouble.....But I wish I could.I miss them alot." Which got me to thinking why they are in this place.If his family has no reason to send them here,then why'd they do it? I asked him that.

"It keeps us out of trouble.You know,to make sure we don't skip class." I smiled knowing that not even boarding school could keep them from not skipping class.
"I'm glad this is our last year here."
"My last year too."

"I'm thinking of going to Paris after I finish school." James laughed a 'Keep on dreaming' laugh.

"I'm serious.I've always wanted to go to the city of love."
"And how are you going to make that happen?" He asked
"My parents said after I'm done here,they'd take me anywhere in the world.I'm pretty sure they meant anywhere in the united states,but....A girl can only try." He laughed again.

"Is there something about me that you find hilarious.Because you just laugh after every thing I say." I wish he never stopped laughing.It's so cute.
"It's just the way you talk.It's like you're giving an important speech while trying to shove a few jokes in there." I scoffed.
"Well,Paris is important...I'm even thinking of getting married there."

"Good luck with that,Angels."

Chapter Nine

Time really flies when you're having fun.Because three months later,I'm sitting at the office waiting patiently.Today was May 13th which was my birthday.I'm waiting for a special package my parents sent for me.
"Clara Angels?" I walked up to the desk and gently took the package covered entirely in brown paper.
"Thanks." I said cheerfully then walked back to my room.

"This better be good." I carefully opened the box with scizzors.Inside was a beautiful brown necklace that looked like an egyptian and 21st century got mashed together.It was beautiful.There was a beep from my computer,meaning I got an email.A video from my mom.

"Happy birthday honey.Sorry,we couldn't be there on your big day.But we promise,once we get back,we'd get you something even better.Have a happy birthday.Your dad says happy birthday...Yes,Rick,I told her." It was just like them,to be talking to each other during my birthday message.

"It's your birthday?!" I spinned around to see Mai staring directly at me.
"How'd you get in here?" She looked mad and surprised.
"You didn't answer my question." I sighed and nodded.
"Yes,Mai it's my birthday,now how did you get in here?"
"I have a key,but never mind that.How could you not tell us it was your birthday.we could've got you something." She was upset that I didn't tell her it was my birthday.

And there she was with a KEY to MY room and I hadn't even known about it until now.
"I know!!We could go out and celebrate"
"No-No way."
"Well,it's the least you could do for not telling me about your birthday-I thought we were friends."

"Are you kidding me Mai? You got a key to my room without my permission.The least YOU could do is just let this one slide." there was a two second pause before she burst out lauging.
"M-Are..oh..Let this one slide? It's like you don't know me at all...Now,stop your whining and bring out your suitcase."

This is the girl that was supposed to be older than me? She's like those girls in the cartoons.Sugar,spice and everything nice.But if you mess with her,she becomes fire and ice.That poem describes Mai perfectly.When I told her I didn't want to go to a club on my birthday,she called everyone else in my room and then told them her side of the story.

Which was that today was my birthday I had nothing to do so we should all go to aclub to celebrate.I had alot of stuff to do.....They weren't birthday fun but they fun..ish.
"You are coming whether you like it or not." Mai shoved the short,strapless dress at me and put her hands on my hips.
"Put that on.We'd be waiting outside." After a long staredown with me,she left my room.So what else could I do other than put on the dress.

"See,it's not so bad."
"It's horrible." I grumbled.
"Whatever.Don't be so grumpy on your birthday.You're supposed to look 18 not 80."

Chapter Ten

Mai took my hand and dragged me over to where Ethan, Liv and James were. I couldn't help but notice the look displayed on James face as he looked me over. Did I really look that good?

"You look..."
He took my hands in his and I felt a shiver run through my spine. His touch was electrifying. Something like shocking yourself with a balloon and then feeling a strange warmth fill you up soon after. Touching James was a little something like that.

"Thanks." I whispered.
He put his arm around my waist and I kept it there. It felt nice, and it wasn't too forward. James and I were friends. No matter where he held me.

"Uhhm." Liv cleared her throat. "We have to leave. Now."

James kept his arms around my waist and we all walked out the door of the school. It was weird how easily a person could leave. It was a cold night as we all walked out into the street, then climbed inside the taxi. We arrived at the club and flashing lights surrounded it. James hand slipped from my waist to my hand. All five of us walked inside the building that was stuffed with people.

James squeezed my hand and we both walked forward, pushing through the crowd of people. Soon, Mai and Ethan were off, dancing. It was just me, James, and Liv, and it looked like we were heading towards the bar. James leaned towards my face and whispered in my ear.

"I'll be right back."

He let go of my hand and walked away, leaving me and Liv alone. We both sat down at the bar and the bartender stared at the both of us.

"The usual?" He asked, staring now at Liv alone.

she nodded. "Only for me, though. Something lighter for my friend, here."

The bartender handed both me and Liv drinks. Mine was a light blue while Liv' was a dark red. It looked sort of like blood, and for awhile, I thought it was.

"Come on, birthday girl. Drink up."
Liv stared at me while I took a tiny sip of the alcohol. She laughed at me and gulped down her entire drink. I narrowed my eyes at her and rank mine too, all in one take.

I felt my brain start to hurt as Liv ordered us both more drinks. I drank the next one even faster than I did the first. By then, things were starting to get a little hazy. Liv had given me a way too strong drink.

"One more, ple-"

"No!" I interrupted. "I-I'm fine."

Liv smiled and waved her right hand in front of my face.

"You okay there, Clara?"

I slowly nodded and gripped the edge of the table then jumped off the chair. The room was spinning and everyone was just a small blur. But I tried to ignore it and walked outside the club. Wind ruffled my hair and I hung on to the wall for support.

I continued walking, not sure where I was going when I tripped and fell into the arms or someone with light hazel eyes.

"Whoa there, Angels."

I looked up and James smiled at me. He helped me to stand up properly, and still kept his arms around me.

"Are you drunk?" He asked, pulling me closer to him.

"Not much." I slurred.
He frowned and pushed me away, but only slightly.

"It was Liv, wasn't it? I shouldn't have trusted her with you."

Everything was becoming too much and my head fell on James shoulder. He stroked my hair and held me tightly to him. If I didn't have a boyfriend, or if I wasn't drunk... this might have felt nice.

"I'll take you home." James whispered. Did he mean my home home or the school. I didn't care. I just wanted to leave.

James whispered to me to close my eyes and I did. I suddenly felt like I was bouncing up and down. When I opened my eyes again, I saw that James was running. Either he was a really speedy runner or everything was getting more and more blurred. I went with the last one.

I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until I was somehow back in my room. How long did I close my eyes for? It didn't matter. All that mattered was that James was layng me down on the bed and I didn't want his electrifying touch to leave me.

"Stay." I whispered, my eyes still closed.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

I shut my eyes even tighter and turned around to face the wall. If James ended up leaving, at least I didn't have to watch him get away from me. Again. Again? What was I talking about?

"Please stay." I whispered once more. The last thing I remembered was James climbing into my bed and putting his arms around me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2012

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