

I am walking up a cabal stone path with bellflowers and purple lilacs on either side of me, to this mansion. It is a white and old fashion with glowing red and blue roses on the two pillars on either side of the entrance and some of the outer walls of the wooden paneled mansion. There to my left is an island in the middle of the grass. In the middle of the island is a white pedestal with a giant turtle on its feet with a rock on top of its dark green shelled back to hold it down. The pedestal was surrounded the same flowers as the path, other than the honeysuckle that climbs the pedestal. The yard was surrounded by the woods no salvation for miles around if anything went wrong. My mid-century dress making sounds as it grazed going up six, beautiful stone steps.

When I got to the door, I noticed that it had something carved into it. I took a closer look at the door there are two creatures in battle. One of the creatures is gigantic wolf with sparkling feathery wings coming out of its back. The wings were opened as the wolf was crouching and Bering its teeth. Then I noticed that there was a girl behind the wolf with her eyes closed as she had just fallen on her butt and to me the wolf looked like it is protecting her from the other creature. Which looks like a man with eight eyes and half a male, half falcon with arms like a snakes? This creature was surrounded by dead bodys torn apart.

After an half hour of admiring the beautiful, detailed cavings in the door. I began getting scared and nerves to go into the party on the other side of this door. But something inside me told me I had to do this, so I knocked on the door and waited. Three seconds later the door opens up and there stood a guy that looks as if he was in his teens. He has sparkling light blue eyes, and shoulder length silver hair. He has a muscular body in a gray suit with a white button up shirt and gray tie and a Blue rose in his suit pocket.

He smiles sweetly down at me, “you’re the last to arrive my dear.”

Taken a little back at how velvety his voice was, “sorry about that but…”

That’s when his warm lips kissed both of my cold cheeks in greeting, making me blush. He chuckles and takes my hand and pulls me into the white hall with a golden glow coming from the tulip like light fixtures going down to glass French doors that is ten steps away from the front door. We step into a dazzling ballroom with same color of walls as the hall, but in steed of the tulip light fixtures they had chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The room is full of people some dancing, some eating, and some just standing talking. My heart was leaping in fright. I held on to the soft fabric of his sleeve and hide somewhat behind him, as we walk through the crowd of people. When we got to a little clearing with less people standing around talking he took my hand into his left one. He then turned so we were face to face and he smiled.

I looked into those light blue eyes of his, they seemed like they were asking for forgiveness, “I’m sorry my dear I need to greet the other guest.”

He passed for a second at that time I felt a group of eyes whatching me. He wasn’t looking at me but behind me with a disgusted look on his face, so I began to turn my head to see what was bothering him and whom was stairing at me.

But he turned my face back before I could. His face was back to the kind look; his eyes were filled with sorrow, “but I will be back my dear.”

I felt uneasy about being left alone with people I didn’t know, but I nodded to tell him I’ll be alright. He smiled at my response and lifted my hand to his warm lips and kissed it. I blush as he disappeared into the crowd of colored dresses and suits. I then turned around since I still felt them whatching and to see who or what he didn’t like. I saw girls swooning over this Dark red, brown hair and a red, orange eyed guy. He is in a black tux, with a red tie and a grayish, white button up shirt, with a black rose in his tux pocket.

Our eyes met and my body became overwhelmed with fear. I nearly ran away, but I stopped myself from running. Instead turn to my right and began to walk, I didn't stop walking till I got to a mirror that nearly up the whole wall, and has gold wavy like frame. I looked at my neatly curled light brown hair that went to my shoulders, ice blue eyes. My frilly, light blue dress that went to the ground, I looked good even though my body was going from hot to cold and back every few seconds. Then I noticed a blue rose near the lace by my neck that somehow I knew wasn’t supposed to be.

Again that guy made me blush. As I pondered on how he got a blue rose there without me feeling his hand, then I over hear a conversation on the front door. They talked about that there is a story on the door.

One of the men asked what story. A lady began the story,” there was once a prince, fell in love with a woman with angelic feature. Well some say any way she was out picking flowers with some of the guards and their wives. Then this winged wolf demon was just walking by when he crossed the group he saw her beauty or kindness and he wanted it for himself. He killed everyone but the princess, but the prince had saw this when he was running to join the group. That is where we get the picture is the wolf demon going to fight the handsome prince who is coming to save his true love.

I looked to the group that was having this conversation with a confused look because there wasn’t a prince charming on that door but they were all agreeing with what she was saying. That is when I saw the wall wave just above them and everything stopped for just a second other than two people in the group and then everything started again like nothing happened.

I shook my head in disbelief and turned around to bump right into a muscular body of some guy, “I’m sorry!”

“It is alright my dear,” I looked up quickly up knowing the voice to see the silver haired guy from earlier smiling down at me,” it was my fault for sneaking up on a lady.”

He slightly bowed, “may I have this dance?”

The music changed to a slow dance song I took his warm, gentle hand that he offered when he bowed, “I’m warning you now I don’t think I’m a good dancer.”

He chuckles as he walks me out to the dance floor,” oh you will be just fine, Kana.”

We got to the middle of the dance floor,” how do you know my name,” I sounded shocked but then I realized I didn’t know him at all and yet felt like I knew him forever.

He turns my face to face him,” I asked around of course,” he places his right hand on my lower back which pulled us closer together so there was barely any space between us, and then takes my right hand into his left.

“I still don’t know your name”, I blushed and looked at the other dancers that didn’t have a care in the world.

I glanced back at him. He was smiling,” do you wish to know it.”

I nodded and turned my head toward him. He chuckled again it always made me smile when he did that,” Hogosha tenshi, but you can call me Tenshi for short, my dear Kana.”

I giggled,” ka..,” the music stopped and everything with it other than Tenshi and me this time. Then everyone and thing began again after a minute, like nothing happened. I looked to the band they were playing without a problem other than one.

“The stopping is normal on this day,” I turned back to him in surprise.

His nods reinsure me that it was okay and then he spins me around. Bring me back into his arm but this time he tighten the grip he had on me so our bodies were pressed up against each other. I felt my checks burning when I noticed how close our faces were together. That is when the music stopped on its own.

I looked into his eyes as he sadly sighed and it showed on his face also that he didn’t want us to stop. We separated the sigh got louder but it made me smile, because he was now doing it on purpose. He smiled back at me and then he held out his arm in gestured for me to take it and I did.

Walked as slowly as possible, I think he wanted to have as much time with me as achievable. I heard his name called every step we took as he escorted me to a table nearby.

I sat down and looked directly into those blue eyes, now filling with regret, “I’m guessing you know I have to leave you for the second time.”

I nodded, “its okay, you’re the host and you have to attend to your guests.”

He gave me a weak smile, “hopefully I will find you once more or twice before this night is through.”

I smiled at him as he departed from my side and then was engulfed by the crowed. I sadly sighed when I thought he was out of the range of hearing. I looked to my left when I felt three pairs of eyes stare at me. There was standing in a row two black hair, and brown eyes guys that looked like twins and in the middle of the 6ft 8in twins was a girl roughly the same height of me that is 5ft 4in. she was wearing a light green dress that showed her shoulders and fit her perfectly. She had hazel eyes and ginger hair that was neatly curled bangs. The boy to her right was wearing an orange tux with a tiger lily in his pocket and the other was in a light blue tux with no flower in his pocket.

The strange thing that strikes me was the feeling that I knew them but I didn’t. They walked up to me looking around like they were making sure that they hadn’t been followed.

Then the girl asked a question I wasn’t expecting, “um, by any chance do you see the walls move.”

She looked pleading, I looked around the walls looked like ocean waves when you’re on a boat. I nodded slowly and that was when everything stopped. The girl grabbed the arm of the guy to her left, she was probably was getting creeped out by the not moving bodies of people stopped in time.

“Its okay Tenshi said that this is normal,” I said to reinsure her and the twins that were looking around for something that might come popping out of the sea of people.

The orange tuxedo twin snapped out of the look they all gave me when I said that,” Tenshi you mean the guy you were dancing with told you that.”

“He told me that it always happens on this day.”

“Really,” they said at the same time and I nodded.

They came and sat at the table with me. As we began to tell each other the girl went first,” I’m Angela”

The Twins went next and the orange tuxedo said their names,” I’m Kyo and this is Andy.”

“And I’m Kana,” I was about to say, ‘it was nice to meet you three,’ but I was cut off by one of those voices that for no apparent reason it gives you a chill down your spin.

This guy had made us jump up from our seats to see who was there, “Hello, Kana I’m Korosu.”

I realized the voice came from behind me. I turned around and my whole body was shaking. A quantizes came to stand beside me from other side of the round table.

There were eleven people behind the guy that scared me when Tenshi left me the first time I was here. He had a smile on his face that made me feel ill, but other girls in the group behind him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I glance to see who it belonged to. It was Andy he nodded then looked back up toward the big group before us.

“Is this all that we can find for the ceremony,” He shook his head in Disappointment as he scanned the group.

A girl that I recognized from the group by the mirror, she asked, “what ceremony?”

He just smirked at the comment,” The ceremony on the door.”

“I thought that was a story,” asked a guy in the back of the group.

“It is kind a story and it goes like this: two beasts rage a war over a beautiful and kind princess,” he was Interrupted by the girl.

I now identified her as the girl that told the story before to a group,” I thought there were a monster and a prince?”

“Oh I must have forgot that only the three characters can see the true picture,” he held up three fingers and then he moved his ring finger,” But the princess always changes and so the beasts take turns trying to find her, and today was Tenshi’s turn.”

I gulped because the three people by me were looking straight at me and Korosu laughed when everyone else stared with them.

That was when everything started to shack everyone ran toward me and the ceiling caved separating the group from Korosu. Then I heard a familiar voice call my name and I turn around and there was Tenshi with a serious look.

“We have to get to the garden,” he walked up to me and grabbed my wrist and was dragging me to a hall nearby.

I shock my wrist free,” why should we fallow you.”

A scream from a girl just to the left was next to three people who just clasped and died in just seconds,” There is my reason the house starts killing people if we don’t get out of here!”

This time when he grabbed my wrist there was no resist as we ran down the hall that looked like a school hall way with no windows, white brick walls, and a flashing red light above us. We ran for what felt like hours rarely turning left or right and the whole way Tenshi didn’t let go of my wrist. We stopped for a break at what Tenshi calls the three fourths point.

Everyone was painting for breath accepted for Tenshi, but as I look at them all I established that we had tripled the size of the group.

“You will have to choose between Korosu and me,” I looked at Tenshi like he was crazy.

“Even though other princess's choose the wrong one, as long as you choose the right one, they will live but choose the wrong one the other ones before you and they...,” I think he could tell I got it.

“So what do we do when we get out there,” I asked as he grabbed my wrist again and began to run again but this time when we turn the corner there was the door out of here.

He whispered in my ear as he just stopped and letting go of me,” go to the turtle.”

The rest of us kept running even though I wanted to stop to see where Tenshi was going. The group burst through the door and darted toward the turtle in the garden. The own thing different was it was on its back and moving. When we got to the island everyone’s faces went blank like they didn’t have any emotion at all.

I turned to face the building and there stood the snaked armed monster. It had the head of Korosu his eyes now filled with blood lust. People began to walk toward him and when they got to him he began to rip them apart. I tried to stop them but something was stopping me. I realized that it was Tenshi’s tail.

I turned to him he was looking at me, his wings neatly folded to his sides,” Tenshi you’re the one I choose, please safe them!”

Everything was a blur and I was then taken into a warm embrace I felt wet spots on my shoulder,’ thank you, Kana I have been finally chosen.”

He released me a little so that we were face to face, he smiled,” I will find you again, once you wake up.”

That was when I woke up. It was all a dream I thought to myself as I looked at my purple PJs, but when I flung my blankets off to the right to get out of bed. There on my lap was a blue rose with a note saying:

It did happen. Love, Tenshi.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.04.2013

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