
Alicia's Magical Garden

A fine summer's morning kissed this world. Alicia woke from her nights sleep. Quickly she bounced out of bed, washed and ate breakfast. Mum was in the kitchen clearing up breakfast after dad went to work. Mum scratched her head, realising there was no honey left to put on her morning toast.
“ Could you go ask the Bee's for some honey,” mum asked. Alicia happily skipped out into her magical garden. She loved any chance to speak to the Royal Bee's.

A Honey Tree is not a giant like an oak tree. It stands only 15feet tall, more like an apple tree in bloom. These particular tree's had been under the care of Alicia's Great Great Great Grandpa. He was the Head Bee Keeper to the Royal House of Bee's. A job his father had done and one Alicia's dad did to this day. Inside the Honey tree is a labyrinth of tunnels, some big some small. The roots reach down more than a 1000 feet and big enough for someone to climb in to. Oddly the roots are far bigger than the branches of the tree's.

Alicia got a clean honey jar from mum & wandered over to the Honey Tree's. Dad had taught her a long time ago what she must do to be given Honey from the Royal Bee's. At first Alicia bowed to the tree, then held out the clean jar to be inspected by a Worker Bee. Her wings were beating softly, as the Bee gracefully floated out from a small door high up in the Honey Tree. She was garnished with a Golden body with soft green dots. A new dot magically appeared every year on her 6inch body. By the time she's finished she will have a 1000 green dots. This Bee's name was Princess Lily and she was as gentle as an angels kiss.
Alicia smiled when she recognised her friend.
“ Hello Princess Lily,” she said softly. Lily first inspected the glass jar checking inside & out. You couldn't put such a magical gift in any old jar. When Lily finished checking the glass jar, she flew over and landed next to Alicia's ear. Lily stretched and flapped her 6 wings, golden light kissed & dried each side.
Lily hopped a little closer to Alicia's ear.
“ I heard you rescued a baby Elephant,” Lily said excited. Alicia laughed watching Lily wave her wings too & fro.
“ Dragon flew all the way there and back,” she replied trying to be modest.
“ True,” Lily laughed.

All Bee's fly over a wide area, some will fly 50 miles everyday. They are forever resting on a Cow or Horse, even on a Elephant's ear. Bee's are the Post office of the animals world. If you want to know anything, ask a Bee.

Lily the Bee gave an invisible signal to the hive. Droves of Bee's flew out carrying Honey in little clear sacks, held tightly between their hands. They were graceful in there task and treated each sack of honey as if it was priceless. Every Bee would gently tip each sack into the jar and whisper goodbye. Soon it was over, Alicia had a full jar of honey for mum's morning toast. Mum ate her breakfast and after she was finished with the honey, she locked it in a cupboard.
The honey bestowed a wonderful gift on the eater. After eating some of the honey that person could speak to any animal. It worked in reverse as well, any animal who had eaten the honey could speak to any human. One day a dog called Hooch, had sneaked in the kitchen door. After rummaging through the kitchen bin he found a piece of toast with honey on it. The dog liked his new ability’s so much, he went to a local restaurant and ordered Sunday lunch. The waitress ran screaming out the door, shouting that a dog was possessed. Hooch the Dog took a week to stop talking. His owner was driven crazy, Hooch tried to explain to him the pleasure of sniffing dog butts. This was all too much for the owner to bare, he later sold Hooch to a Circus.

One day Lily the Bee, let slip that deep underground there was a city full of Badger Fairies. Ever since then Alicia has tried to find out more about this city under her magical garden. Princess Lily gave her a hint,
“ After it gets dark, keep watching the base of the largest Honey Tree.” Alicia's eye's were wide with excitement, “ Badger Fairies, brilliant.”

So that's what Alicia did every night. After a week she hadn't seen anything and was close to giving up. Then just when she was fed up and the moon was high in the nights sky. A head appeared out of a door at the base of the tree. Slowly at first the little Badger Fairy crept out of the door on all fours. Quickly he jumped up on his 2 back legs, signalling back to the base of the tree. Four other Badger Fairy's shot out following the first one. Now all 5 of them ran out into the darkness. Alicia thought the Badger Fairy's were cute. They all stood 2 feet high with white hair and a black stripe that ran down the back of their head. Each Fairy wore a Kilt with a black shirt, but oddly no shoes. Alicia's mind was racing, tomorrow I will investigate.

With a torch she borrowed from dad, Alicia went to find the hidden door to the Badger Fairies city. The grass surrounding the trees were always cut short, making it easy to see a pattern in the grass. Alicia pushed and pulled at the tree's bark, right where she saw the 5 Fairies come out. No matter what she did she could not find the door. Thankfully help came from a friendly feathered friend. Sitting on a branch near to Alicia was a bird she had named earlier Jay. She was a Humming bird with cute red feathers and yellow legs.
“ You wont find the door that way,” laughed the little bird. Alicia screwed up her nose and frowned.
“ All right I give in, I'm not as smart as I think I am.” said Alicia. Feeling defeated she sat down next to the Humming bird. Jay gracefully flew over, coming to rest on Alicia's shoulder. The little bird started to tweet & chirp in a language she couldn't understand. Then she sung a beautiful song.

On the wind I hear your name,
it calls to me from far away,
Does he still fly, Does he still cry,
My love for you will never die.

The whole garden went silent, listening to Jay sing her song. A leaf that tumbled in the sky, now froze as Jay sang her song. Over by the river a trout repeated the song back to her minnows, as they swam and played in their brook. The hidden magic in the song seemed to touch every part of life, in and around the garden. No leaves fluttered in the wind, no chill embraced their skin, just the warm glow of the sun. The magic of the garden was stronger and older than anyone could ever dream. Jay fluttered his wings waking Alicia from her dream.
“ That was beautiful, “ she said waking up.
Jay flew around laughing happily tumbling in the air. After her aerobatics Jay flew down and landed on Alicia's head. Digging her beak through her hair she asked.
“ Why do you want to find the Badger Fairies.” Jay asked still sitting on her head. Alicia lifted her up & sat her on her hand.
“ I saw them coming out from the tree, I'd like to meet them,” she replied.
Jay flew back to the Honey Tree and perched on a branch.
“ Its easy to open the magic door, just push this branch.” Alicia wondered over to the tree and pushed the branch.

A door popped open at the base of the tree. Looking inside Alicia could see a series of wooden steps leading down into the dark. A faint rumbling of machinery could be heard from below. Alicia didn't seem scared when she took her first step down into the dark. But she did jump a little when the door to her world, closed behind her.
“ Got to do it now,” Alicia said, now that the door had closed. The further down the tunnel she got the larger it became and the brighter her surroundings.
The tunnel walls stood no higher than 6feet. Covering these walls were the roots from the Honey Tree that grew down from above. These roots not only kept the Honey Tree's alive with nutrients but were shelter & vital to the Fairy city. The lights that covered the whole city were an oil extract that seeped from the roots of the Honey Tree.

After descending what felt like a few minutes, Alicia found herself standing in a large walkway.
“ What are you doing here”, shouted a small Badger Fairy holding a spear. Alicia jumped with fright throwing her arms in the air.
“ Your not going to spear me with that thing are you,” Alicia mumbled a little afraid.
“ Well that depends, maybe I will or maybe I wont,” the Fairy growled walking up to her. Now the Badger Fairy guard stood beside her sizing her up and down. Alicia gave a little chuckle, she was twice the height of him.
“ I like your clothes, kind of cute” she said. The guard smiled easing the tension between them.
“ I'm Alicia what's your name,” she asked. The guard stopped trying to look mean and answered her, “ My names Aiden, I'm 1st Guard of the Highest Chamber,” he said proudly puffing his little chest out. Aiden felt she wasn't there to attack the city. Taking her by the hand, he led her down into the city. Aiden guided her through a maze of tunnels, going this way and that. The covering on the walls of the tunnels went from gloomy to bright to dazzling. It wasn't long till they reached the heart of Badger Fairy city. Alicia stopped in her tracks, her eye's wide with amazement. Covering the walls and the floors was gold, beautiful shiny gold. She could see Fairy's everywhere polishing the walls & floors. Even the oil lamps that clung to the walls were made from gold. Alicia was so taken by what she saw, she didn't see a group of Fairy's walking towards her.
“ What are you doing here, this is not allowed,” said the tallest Fairy of the group. Alicia shook her head still stunned by all the gold. Eventually she managed to say,
“ I saw 5 of you come out of a tree last night.” The tall Fairy stamped his feet & shouted, “ That's impossible! humans cant see us unless we want them too see us.” Alicia gave a wee laugh and said, “ Well I can see You, Mr Grumpy Pants.” This made him even more grumpy, he shouted stamping his feet while his face went red. “ I am General Poo of the Badger Fairy's & I could have you speared, Alicia.”
He knows my name she thought,
“ How do you know my name, Grumpy Poo.” A crowd of Fairy's had now gathered around them. The Fairy's at the back of the group, were all quietly sniggering. They had never heard anyone talk back to or be cheeky to General Poo. A Fairy dressed in fine clothes and wearing a gold crown made his way over to the group. When the crowd saw who was approaching them, they all went quiet and bowed their heads.

King Campbell of the Clan Campbell was King & feared Ruler of Badger city. It was his duty to rule the city & increase the Gold that adorned these city walls. His father before him had been king of this great city. His wife who was Queen was feared by all. If you broke her law, you stood the chance of being eaten by her. The King walked up to Alicia and asked,
“ You do not belong here , why did you come here. “ The King was the same size as Alicia, much taller than the other Fairy's. A little nervously she bowed her head & replied.
“ Sir, I saw 5 of your subjects in my garden last night.” The King looked down his nose at her, finding her rather unpleasant.
“ I don't think so, humans cant see us. Your obviously here to steal my Gold.” Feeling a little scared she softly replied.
“ I don't steal Sire I was exploring.” The king scoffed, not believing her.
“ Why would you come to our great city, if not to steal from it,” The King asked. Alicia started to get cross with the King.
“ My friend Princess Lily told me there was a great city under the garden, Jay showed me the door in the tree.” The King looked shocked, Princess Lily brought honey to the city every week.
At the exit of another tunnel a tall female Fairy appeared listening. After a second the female Fairy approached the crowd.
“ What is all this commotion,” the Fairy shouted. Even the King got a fright, jumping a little. All the Fairy's recognised who it was and bowed their heads. This was Queen Libra, the feared ruler behind the throne. Although she was regarded as the most beautiful of all Fairy's, she was not a Fairy to insult. Libra made her way through the crowd slapping and shouting. Now she stood face to face with Alicia. Libra closely studied this invader from the human world. After a minute or so Libra smiled showing a huge set of fangs.
“ Don't be afraid girl, so you were exploring,” Libra said still showing of her fangs.
“ Yes mam, I'm sorry if I broke the law, “ Alicia said. The Queen continued to smile, her tongue running along her huge fangs. The King looked worried, smiling nervously at his Queen.
“ Do you no the punishment for stealing My Gold,” Libra hissed.
“ But I wasn't going to steal anything.”
“ Rubbish, you humans love gold nearly as much as I.” King Campbell coughed, attracting the Queens attention.
“ My husbands gold I meant to say.” The King bowed his head & smiled. Now the Queen showed her horrible side.
“ Guards take her to the dungeon & chain her in irons,” Queen Libra laughed. “ Tomorrow you will be put in the Royal ovens & cooked for my dinner. The guards handcuffed Alicia and led her away to the dungeon.

Alicia had been taken to the lowest dungeon in the city. A small light clung to her prison cell that was cold and damp. Every few minutes a bug could be heard scuttling around on the floor and up the walls. The smallest of sounds were amplified in her cell, where she sat chained. A scream from another cell woke her from a short nap. After the scream a loud laugh followed by another scream.
“ What have I got myself into,” Alicia said, looking around in the darkness.
“ You've got yourself into Badger Fairy's worst prison,” Said a voice in the dark. Alicia jumped up with fright, she hadn't seen anyone else in her cell.
“ Who are you, I cant see you,” She shouted afraid.
The sound of many marching boots rang out in the cell. They went around the floor, up the wall & over the ceiling marching toward her. The sound came from a large red Centipede who had a 100 legs & feet. Thankfully her visitor was friendly and introduced herself.
“ Nice to meet you mam, my names Truedy.” Alicia screamed, Truedy put 2 of her boots in each ear to cut out the noise. After she stopped screaming, Truedy ran around the room again then stopped at Alicia's head.
“ I don't bite,“ Truedy said softly.
“ I'm sorry Truedy I’ve never spoken to a Centipede before,” Alicia said.
“ Are you a prisoner as well, “ Alicia asked her new friend.
“ No, I'm small I can sneak in and out of the city.” Truedy showed her how she could walk upside down, in & out of cracks in the wall. That gave Alicia an idea and she sent Truedy on a mission.

Early next morning a Badger Fairy guard opened the prison cell door and looked in. “ Hello are you awake, “ he laughed being horrid.
“ Queen Libra has commanded that you drink this potion.” The guard opened and handed her a small bottle of liquid. Alicia took the bottle but didn't drink.
“ What is it,” she asked. The guard laughed and answered,
“ Its garlic, our Queen Libra loves the taste of garlic.” Alicia screamed and poured the bottle of garlic over the guards head,
“ She will love the taste of you Badger Fairy.” The guard ran from the cell screaming, the garlic burning his eye's.

At the Queens commanded time, the Royal party made there way to the prison. The King wore his crown and robes, the Queen wore her crown of gold & diamonds. The robes she wore were the finest silk, spun by captive Fire Beetles. The sparkle from her diamonds could be seen all over the city. Great and small, little & large the Fairy population came out to see the procession.

The King was the first to hear it, a soft buzzing around the city. It was soft at first, then a bit annoying and then a full on attack. A centipede with 100 boots led the assault on the city, guiding the path for the rest of the soldiers. Down the Honey Tree tunnels the Royal Bee's flew, angry with the Fairy's. After the Bee's came a troop of Monkeys from a near by Circus. A huge gorilla with a farting problem pounded his way through the Fairy guards. Truedy was the first to get too Alicia's prison door. A Humming bird called Jay opened the lock with her beak.
“ We have to move fast Alicia, “ Jay said. The 3 of them ran up the tunnel out of the prison.

The King & Queen looked around trying to see where all the noise was coming from. A Guard came into view running & screaming like a baby.
“ Were under attack, run for your life's.” A large Bee chased after the guard, stinging him painfully on his backside. All over the city 5000 Bee's were attacking the Fairy's. The pain felt when stung by a Royal Bee was said to be extremely painful. Queen Libra stood watching all the commotion, believing no Bee would dare sting her royal backside. Behind her 7 angry Royal Bee's sneaked up on the Queen. Timing their attack together all 7 Bee's stung the Queen on her backside. She screamed loud enough for the whole city to hear. The last the Bee's saw of her, she was running screaming for her mummy.
“ I enjoyed that, lets sting her again” the 7 Bee's laughed flying off to find their target. After King Campbell saw his Queen stung & crying like a baby he decided to hide. Finding what he thought was a safe place to hide the King relaxed in a dark tunnel.
“ No one will see me in here,” he sniggered to himself. After a few minutes the King noticed an odd smell. A smell like rotten fish, that got stronger & stronger to the point he couldn't stand it any longer. King Campbell felt the wall in front of him for a light, finding it he switched it on. Feeling he was no longer alone, he turned around to find where the smell was coming from. When King Campbell turned around a huge Gorilla roared & beat his chest, sending the King screaming away.
“ Help me mummy,” screamed the King.

Alicia, Truedy & Jay carefully made there way up the tunnels, hopefully to freedom. A large metal door blocked their path, carefully they opened the door. Inside was the kitchen with cookers cooking, and pots a bubbling. At the far end of the kitchen, Truedy told them there was a way out. A tunnel went from the kitchen up to the surface and came out inside one of the tree's. The heat from the kitchen was used by the Royal Bee's in the making of their Royal Honey. The 3 of them tried to quietly sneak through the kitchen, past all the cookers. A smelly old Fairy covered in grease & oil was asleep on one of the tables. Alicia put her finger to her lips to say be quiet. Jay flew along as quietly as she could, a flap at a time. When they were nearly at the kitchen tunnel Alicia tripped on a sleeping Monkey. The noise woke the smelly old Fairy who then chased them. Alicia picked up Truedy and they all ran out of the kitchen. Again they hid in a dark tunnel quietly listening as armed guards ran past them.

Truedy was the first to notice something strange.
“ What's that awful smell.” Alicia sniffed the air, oddly a smile crept across her face.
“ I know that smell, but where is he.” Alicia looked around into the dark but couldn't see anyone. Then in the dark she heard Truedy howl, quickly Alicia ran back to her friends. Where her friends had been hiding in the dark, stood a huge black Gorilla. Alicia was shocked for a second, then the Gorilla spoke.
“ Alicia, remember me, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“ Yes Coco,” she said and hugged him. Truedy and Jay looked shocked their mouths hung open.
“ Who is this Gorilla that squashed me, I thought he was going to eat me,” moaned Truedy. Alicia sniggered and kissed her big friend.
“ This is my friend Coco the Gorilla,” she giggled then added. “ He wont eat you Truedy he only eats Hot dogs, Beans, Candy floss.”
Truedy laughed back, ” He definitely has a wind problem.” Alicia sniggered and asked Coco.
“ Were stuck here Coco do you have a plan, a way out.” Coco gave a big Gorilla roar and put Alicia, Jay and Truedy on to his back and said.
“ Hold on.”

The 3 of them took a good hold of Coco's dark hair. Then they sped off into the tunnel system. Coco crashed through barrier after barrier making his way up towards the garden. The Fairy's didn't stop chasing them, it seemed like for every one he knocked down, another popped up. Some of the Monkeys that still searched for Alicia in the city gladly joined forces with Coco. Most of the Royal Bee's had left the city flying back to their Honey Tree's.

Queen Libra was a horrid old Queen in the way she treated the Badger Fairy's. They were all terrified of her, even the King. Queen Libra knew there was a good chance Alicia and her friends would make it out of the city. She managed to convince 5 Fairy guards that were not stung by the Bee's to follow her.

Alicia knew they were getting near the surface when she saw wooden stairs ahead of them. Jay flapped her wings while still holding on and started to sing, lifting every ones spirits. Coco bashed aside 3 more Fairy Guards and bolted up the last tree root and roared out into Alicia's Magical Garden.

Coco the Gorilla went round, checked & counted every one was safely out of the city. The Bee's & Monkeys were all accounted for, so everyone could relax.

The garden now had a party atmosphere. Alicia's mum & dad raided the farmers field next to their home. Vegetables were cooked and stewed to everyone's taste. Dad laughed and hugged his daughter, thankful she was home safe. Some of the Monkeys were asleep in the grass & the trees. Bee's were chilling out resting in the soft petals of their favourite flowers. Everyone laughed when they saw Coco the Gorilla sitting in the fish pond, blowing bubbles.

“ Not so fast little lady,” said the angry voice. Alicia looked around and was shocked to find Queen Libra standing in her Garden with 5 Fairy Guards.
“ Did you think you could beat me, I'm a Queen ” she shouted. The Fairy Guards all had spears aimed at Alicia. “ I'm taking you back to the city, where I will eat you with my garlic.”
Coco and all the Monkeys didn't make any attempt to rescue Alicia. All of them oddly looked up to the sky and smiled. A shadow crossed over the garden, small at first. Then without any warning something huge crash landed in the garden. The Queen turned around, angry that she was being disturbed. When she eventually saw what had landed next to her, her mouth fell open with shock. Standing next to her was a huge red animal with a very large appetite. The Queen screamed as Dragon smiled, showing off his large teeth. Quickly he bit her, holding the Queen in his mouth. The Queen screamed & screamed but with one large gulp, Dragon swallowed the Queen alive. Never again would she terrify this garden or any of the Fairy's in the city. The 5 Fairy Guards all threw their spears away, relieved it was all over. Hiding behind one of the tree's, the old King Campbell watched. He smiled, laughing and cheering,
“ Maybe now we can all be friends,” he prayed as he joined the celebration.

Alicia thanked everyone of her friends, taking time to hug each one. Thankfully for her, the Circus was in a town near her home. Truedy had escaped Fairy city and asked the circus animals to rescue Alicia.

Alicia's mum & dad were amazed & proud of their daughter and all her friends. Dad sat beside his wee girl and asked,
“ Do you think you will have more adventures.” Alicia laughed and thought for a minute, then said. “ Yes, sure I will dad.”

The End.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.09.2011

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