

Scotland in the 13th century was a violent and hostile place to live , the English had crushed the scots intosubmission and humiliated there king John Baliol , and claimed Scotland as his own . Scotland then became a place that was leaderless and disunited , a place in turmoil and with no one who was willing to take up the fight to free the country , and put a scots king back on the throne . The scots lords fought and squabbled among themselves , over the scraps that were thrown from longshanks table that he was kind enough to give them , and they became lords that were easily bought with lands in the south and of course , some gold to feed and pay the peasants who worked the land . Any grumbling or rallying of arms was crushed on the spot by the english , but one man with the help from some like minded freedom fighters were starting to emerge , and the leader of this band was a man called William Wallace , a mighty man of great fighting ability , not brutally handsome but a magnificent fighter of incredible courage and talent and with a grudge to bear against a certain english knight who was just happening to be passing his way over the next few days .
Wallace planned to meet his enemy at a well known spot in ayrshire , it was to be at loudon hill on the main road from lanark to the garrison at ayr , by the sea . Wallace was a cunning fighter and had planned the battle well in advance , he new he was outnumbered by 4 to 1 but the area and surprise would be to his advantage . The english had about 200 fighters and weren,t expecting trouble on there journey from lanark . There lord and master was a knight that went by the name Fenwick whom wallace hated , as he had killed his wife and father after what had began as something peaceful and had turned ugly , and his father had been slaughtered and his wife and family without mercy , this he planned that day to put right and pay back the debt he felt he was owed .
On the day of the battle the ground was soggy and marshy , with only a small path for the english to pass loudon hill , this was wallaces advantage only a few of the english could fight at the one time .
The ambush went well with few deaths on the scots side but the english were demolished . Only a few of them were left and one was Lord Fenwick , but he was injured and his horse was on its last legs with the strain of the battle . Wallace himself had not gone uninjured and was bleeding badly from a wound in his side , but he now stood proud before Fenwick waiting his attack . The two just looked at each other , Wallace looked straight into his eyes with hatred and without fear he new he had won the battle , the english lay all around dying or dead but there was one thing left to do and that was finish Fenwick .
The lord sat on his horse exhausted and he knew finished , the horse was openly sweating and panicking with fear and on its last legs . It seemed like ages for the final battle to begin but eventually it did , Fenwick mustered his horse and into one last gallop it was forced and charged Wallace who stood proud and ready , sword in front of him . The horse and rider rushed towards him but wallace stood his ground and waited till he was nearly on him , and then at the last minute did he make his move .
As soon as the english lord was just within striking distance , Wallace fell to his knees and swung his great sword straight at the horses front legs and struck . The sword hit home , slicing into and through the front legs hitting flesh then bone and sending the horse and rider spilling to the marshy ground . Lord Fenwick was by now trapped under a horse which was finished and screaming in pain along with its rider trapped below . Wallace approached the lord and slashed aside his small attempt at defence , flinging aside the lords sword still held in his grasp he stood above him , forgetting that he was badly injured himself and in need of help soon or he himself might not survive the day of joy . Wallace muttered a few words to the finished lord who was by now pleading for mercy , and his words were to remind him that scotland would one day be free , and that his death was to revenge his fathers and his wifes and family that had died under his sword two years before . Quickly and without emotion he brought his sword down on fenwicks neck , removing it from its body and ending the battle for the day and satisfying a long sweet need for revenge , one of the others showing mercy , brought an end to the horses grief , showing more pity for the beast than for its rider . It was only then that wallace and his men looked around at the carnage and viewed there days work after all there planning it had finally shown some fruit , but they knew it would be short lived if they stayed in this place much longer , wallace decided they must disband and meet up at a later date and after some discussion it was decided when and where that would be , but everyone knew wallace was badly hurt and needed attention and quickly so , after some usual scots wrangling they decided what to do . In a month they would meet at Irvine and gather forces , and attack the english half built fort at ayr and take on and destroy the army , but they knew that would take some planning , something wallace was good at .
The small force departed the scene after taking a few trophies of the day as was custom , and wallace made his way into a local wood running along the river irvine and went deep into the forest to hide and seek help and protection , also safety as the english would soon be looking in numbers for him with a price . After a day of stumbling through the thick forest wallace came upon a clearing and a small stone house with smoke escaping from the roof . Wallace kept his distance hiding in the thick under growth just watching the small hamlet . Soon a women appeared carrying a bag of clothes , she was about his age and under the circumstances he found her to be kind looking and a pretty young girl , but he was still uneasy about approaching her for help . The girl stopped and put down the bag and stood up and looked around her having an uneasy sense that someone was watching her , wallace wondered what to do , whether to hide or show himself but he knew he badly needed help as his wound was bleeding , and infection would set in soon if something wasn’t done . His clothes were socked in blood so he had to decide and decide he did , he stood up with what strength he had left , he staggered out of the forest into the full view of the girl half expecting her to run and scream for help , but she just looked at him and recognised that this man was in a serious condition and needed help . The girl moved quickly towards him studying him closely , on reaching him she spoke softly and helped the big man by putting her arm under his and helped him toward the house , it was then that she spoke .
“ what happened to you “ , the girl asked kindly and softly .
“ The english “ , was all that wallace could mutter .
She shook her head and got him inside the small house , all he could later remember was the sweet perfume from the girl , and that she lay him down on a bed of moss and started to tend to his wounds for what seemed like ages , she dressed him with medicine and bandaged him together to stop the bleeding and made him drink a liquid which he later found out was opium , at that point he passed out with the pain and seemed to sleep for a long while , but dreamt of better days and knew he had found a safe haven a place he would be safe .
Wallace slept for 5 days and on waking he felt tired and didn’t know where he was , looking around the small room he realised he was alone and felt vulnerable but didn’t have the energy to do anything , he couldn’t move for the pain and it seemed every part of his body was crying out in agony . It was then that he started to remember what he and his men had achieved and the price that he and the others had payed for there day of victory , but he also started to remember his satisfaction at what had been achieved with Lord Fenwick that was now layed to rest and all he could do was get better and carry on his struggle for Scotland , and its people .
At that point the door opened and in walked the girl carrying a bag , wallace felt nervous wondering what to expect next , but all he got was kindness from her as she started to speak .
“ You know you’re a hero in the village , everyone is saying your name “ , she chirped . “ I don’t feel like a hero at the moment all I feel is pain , I can hardly move and I think I,ve made a mess in my kilt “ , he said embarrassed . The girl laughed and dropped her bag , We will fix that , and I,ve got a change of clothes although you are a little on the large side , but i Ihink they will do . “ Do you mind if I ask you a question “ , he managed to say .
“ No go ahead ask away , I,ve no secrets “ .
“ Whats your name “ , asked wallace .
“ Its Sarah , and before you ask I,m not married “ .
“ Why did you help me “ .
“ I gathered the english had something to do with this , and you were on your last legs and I didn’t fancy you dying on my door step , and lets say we have similar feeling toward our invaders from down south “ . Sarah moved forward to a hidy hole and brought out a large bottle of white liquid and poured a measure of the contents and handed it to wallace her patient .
“ Drink this it will make you feel better and take away the pain for a while “ , Sarah handed it to him and he eyed it closely but drunk it all the same , then he began to relax and lie back down in his bed of moss which Sarah had rearranged and wallace began to feel a lot more comfortable , and an inner peace swept over him and all his pain disappeared and he felt contentment and relaxed and detached from life , but could still talk .
“ What are they saying in the village about the battle Sarah “ , he asked .
“ Well they think you’re a hero , and there all singing your praises about your battle and your revenge for your family , so I take it you need to lie low for a while and keep your head down or the english will have it , there all over the place looking for you , but don’t worry they wont come here , the forest is too thick for them and there horses , so your safe for the time being “ , Sarah said with a smile on her face .
She moved closer , checked on his wound and thought it was healing up well , and he was on the mend to recovery and after maybe a week he would be fit to walk about a bit . Lying there wallace could strongly smell the sweet perfume from her and looked into her eyes and notice the sparkling blue they were , a sort of blue that could entrap a man for ever if he wasn,t careful . Wallace blushed a little at her closeness , and with a smile she noticed , “ Come now tell me you,ve never been this close to a girl , I wont eat you she laughed noticing his embarrassment and kept on tending to his wounds .
“ Tell me now isnt that much better , no pain and on the road to fitness ready to do battle with the english again .
Wallace coudnt help but feel gratitude to Sarah , she had taking him into her home and gave him the best of care , treated him with compassion and was bringing him back to full fitness .
Over the next two weeks wallace had grown stronger and was now on his feet , the relationship between him and Sarah had got a lot closer and they showed open signs of affection towards each other . The two of them would by now take walks in the forest .
Talking Wallace was explaining why he did what he did , and why he thought it was important to him and Scotland to be free and run there own lifes , we have had enough of there ruling and rampaging of our country side and people and some of us felt , it was time to stop .
“ You’re a brave man William “ , remarked Sarah .
He just looked at her , looked at the twinkle in here sky blue eyes that would captivate any man that dared stared into there watery depths , William found himself looking at them more and more , captivated by there beauty and passion within .
At the same time , Sarah found herself drawn toward this great man , a person she had only known for a few weeks but was strangely attracted to her visiting new found friend . Something that had not happened for a long time at least two years , since her childhood love had built this home and was foolish enough to go into battle to help the Scots win independence , but unfortunately he never returned , and now she had given up all hope of his return and built a new life for herself , that had been hard but not impossible . She had withdrawn into the forest more and more and only went into the village for food and sell her wares , people told her they would be another but she knew never like the other , her heart was in a special place . She had shed her tears and a light had went out in her life and it would never come again , she guest she still loved her other a love , the one that wouldn’t go away but now she could life with it and get on with life . Now for the time being she had another friend a good one she could tell . William sat on a log on the edge of the forest deep in thought , Sarah wondered what was going through the mans head , she knew he had troubles and a future that held some doubt to his end , it was to be either success or terrible failure that would lead to a terrible death at the hands of the english troops .
Sarah approached William on his log and sat beside him , lifting his heavy head in her gentle hands she looked into his hurt eyes for a minute the two stared at each other . Sarah made the first move , she gentle stroked his cheek and wiped away his tears from his face , they never said a word to each other and never stopped looking into each others eyes , captivated by each others tender gaze both knowing what would happen next . Sarah lifted his head and kissed him full and tenderly on the cheeks and then full on the lips , William didn’t resist just went along with the embrace which seemed to gather intensity to the point they were nearly ripping each others clothes off in the clearing .
At some point they made it to the hamlet and they made love with passion and tenderness , as William was still tender but up to the job at hand with Sarah . This went on for some time , each of them exploring each others bodys bringing enjoyment and pleasure to the other with relish and vigor . The two of them spent the rest of the night in each others arms , cuddled up like a couple of kittens in a basket for warmth .
On waking William got up from bed and untangled Sarah from his waist , he felt vigorous and full of energy and back to full fitness after his nearly a month of rest and care . Over in the corner his mighty sword lay upright , he picked it up and held it in his large hands , he felt the rush of energy and power and new inside himself he had some unfinished business in Ayr as planned and it was soon time to be there . Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Sarah sitting up in bed watching him and knowing that there time was coming to an end and soon he would have to leave and go about his business at hand .
“ Your going “ , Sarah said , flicking back her long dark hair from her face and feeling a little upset but not surprised .
“ Soon Sarah , I have to , you know that “ , he tried to explain .
“ I didn’t think it would be so soon , your not ready , your still not fully fit yet “ , she pleaded .
“ I,ll never be that but I,ve got something to do and so many people believe in me and are waiting somewhere , the time is now “ . William approached the bed and sat down and held her hand and stroked her hair “ You know I,ll come back for you Sarah when the time is right , you,ll always have a place in my heart lass , how can I forget you after our time together and what you did for me out of kindness “ .
“ You know I love you William Wallace “, she held back the tears trying not to be weak in front of this great man .
“ And you know I love you , bonny lass “ , he said lifting her head and kissing her lips and tasting the tears streaming down her face , he held her close and she broke her heart because somewhere inside she knew the eventual outcome for him , and didn’t feel it was a good one . But let him go she knew she must as he had his destiny to fill for Scotland , that would change the country for hundreds of years to come and if she only knew he would be immortalised in Scotland for ever and would go down as an all time hero and savour of the Scots , and start of the great rebellion that would free Scotland for years to come , maybe she would have found comfort in that and be proud of her new man in her life that had came in like a whirlwind and been whisked back out again . But they had spent some wonderful days and nights together and now had good memorise of there time together that would last a life time and a love that was fresh and would last for ever .
Wallace packed his small belonging into a bag and put his massive sword down his back in a leather sheath to hide it out of harms way and praying eyes that would give him away . The good by to Sarah was more difficult after all the cuddles and kisses and promises to come back William said his goodbyes and walked to the forest just as he got there he heard a shout and turned , it was Sarah . “ William tell you what the house I,ll call it after you , for as long as I live the house will always be called WALLACES HOUSE ok “ she said and jumped up and gave him one last kiss and it was to be the last kiss she would ever give him or the last time she would ever see him although she would hear his name many times as a hero in battle and a large part in the freeing of Scotland along with Robert the Bruce .
William Wallace disappeared into the forest heading for Irvine and then Ayr , but unfortunately it was the last Sarah would ever see of him again .
But for the rest of time the house on that ground was always to be called Wallaces House and to this day it still does , after a great hero of the Scots and a great saviour to the land .


Chapter 1

Glasgow on a Friday night is a city full of hustle and bustle. It’s a city with a wide range of cultures, and a vast range of entertainment to match. The amount of pubs and clubs is large and varied , and there is always somewhere of interest to meet almost anyones needs . By midnight the city is full of people celebrating the weekend , the end of another hard working week .
Two men sat in the corner of one of these pubs deep in conversation unaware of the life around them , and one in particular unaware that his life was about to dramatically alter , and alter in a way that would change him forever , and take him on a journey that would terrify and excite him beyond his wildest dreams .
This lads name was David and he had been given news today that an aunt , he had never met , had just left him a large estate in the lowlands of ayrshire Scotland . The friend beside him Gary , was eager to know the details about his friends goodluck , and was trying to get all the details about it from him .
All David wanted to do was drink his problems away , as he had just finished with a long bad relationship and was trying to drown his sorrows . But on the other hand a ray of sunshine had come over the horizon by being left this large part of the country side in the shape of his aunts estate .
“ What are you going to do with this house then David ,” asked Gary over the din in the pub.
“ Hell knows Gary , I havent even seen it yet , but I like the idea of a place in the country “ .
“ you,re not thinking about keeping it are you “ , asked Gary.
David had another swig of his beer , and thought for a minute then replied “ I,d like to keep it , maybe retire early “ , he said with a laugh .
“ you,re kidding , “ replied Gary , a bit surprised .
“ no, its worth a bit of cash , probably a good investment and it’s the only bit of luck I,ve had this year , since you no who left me “ .
Gary frowned at David , “ hell forget about that , you,re doing ok , you,re a good looking guy with a good job , there,s thousands of women who would love to meet a bloke like you “ .
“ oh ye , lets face it Gary , I couldn,t get a bird in a pet shop with a tenner “ , he replied , feeling a bit sorry for himself .
Gary laughed and finished the last of his drink .
“ tell you what David , you could get another two drinks with you,re tenner , then you can tell me all about this house you,re aunt has left you “ , Gary said laughing and rubbing his hands together .
David got up laughed , and made his way to the bar . Twenty minutes later he arrived back looking a bit frustrated , and holding two pints of beer .
“ I hate this place , “ said David , “ it takes twenty minutes to get a drink in here , we would have been better down the wine bar “, David said mowning .
Gary nearly choked on his drink , “ you must be kidding, I would get slagged to death if anybody saw me in there , I,d rather drink out the toilet “ , said Gary , “anyway sit down and tell me about this big house of yours “, he said having a large drink of his beer . David shuffled about on his seat a bit feeling a bit uncomfortable with the question and the pub he was in . He was more used to quieter places like the wine bar , with his workmates from the law firm where he was a junior partner . Gary was a great friend , but his choice of drinking holes could have been better . David didn,t want to come out for a drink but Gary had forced him , telling him that he had been hold up in here to long , and should get out and forget about the bitch that had dumped him 4 weeks ago . I suppose he was right he thought , and his mind began to wonder back to the times she had been there with him , now it was someone else who was getting there turn , at her constant need for sex and the good life. “ David “ , Gary said trying to get his attention . His head spun round unsure where the voice had came from , snapping him out of his day dream . “ What What” he said now aware of his surroundings .
“ You were going to tell me about this house of you,re aunts “ Gary said .
“ Was I , sorry I was somewhere else “ , he said .
“ I noticed “ , he replied .
“ There isn,t much to tell , it was my aunts and I was her only relation , so it came to me . Its large ten bedrooms I think , and sits on 100 acres of land , Bill her lawyer thinks its worth over £500,000 “ .
“ What “ , Gary shouted , obviously taken by surprise at the amount . “ £500,000 you lucky swine , if it was me it would be sold by next week , and I would be lying in the sun mate , not thinking of keeping it “ , Gary said excitedly .
“ Well I,m going to see it , maybe stay a while , its not far away and I think I owe my aunt that , its not every day someone leaves you a house “ .
“ True “ , said Gary “ when are you going “ .
“ Monday “ , replied David , “ I,m going to get there early spend a bit of time and try and forget the past couple of months “ .
“ Glad to hear it , I,m fed up you moaning in my ear “ , Gary said as he got up .
“ Well David , I better get going she,ll be looking for me , phone me when you get back will you “ .
Gary left the pub and David alone , feeling excited wondering what the next day would bring , but he had a strange feeling that something unexpected was just around the corner .

Chapter 2
David woke early on Monday morning , to find it lovely and bright . The sun was bright , the sky blue , with just a few whiffs of white fluffy cloud . He still had this feeling of excitement in his stomach , which made him feel alive, on top of the world . He couldn,t remember the last time he had felt like this , certainly not in the last couple of months . That had felt like hell , but I suppose lots of people know that feeling , that heartache when you lose someone you love . But today was different , he felt great and wasn,t going to let the past ruin his day .

The drive through the ayrshire country side was warm and pleasant . On and on he drove , down through Kilmarnock , past Newmilns and into Darvel . Soon he had arrived at what was a large old fashioned gate house . A sign hung on the gate , “ WALLACE HOUSE THIS WAY “ , it read . How it seemed funny that a guy like him , could own such a precious part of the country side . On he drove through the gates past the house and on up a grand country driveway , past rows of large gentle trees which lined the road . How beautiful it looked , with the trees giving the effect of driving through a cathedral , with the tree canopy blocking out the sunshine high above him . Birds played and danced in the trees and on the road , in front of his car , with peaceful grace and contentment . David was surprised at how relaxed he felt , a sort of peaceful detachment he hadn,t felt since he was a child .
“ Man I,m going to love this “ , he thought . On up he drove for what seemed like miles , until he came to a clearing in the woods . In front of him sat a large blue house with a neatly cut lawn surrounding it .

David parked the car in front of the house and got out .
“ Well its better than I imagined “ , he thought .David walked closer to the house but was startled by a voice from somewhere behind him . “ Hello “ , the voice said . David spun around but didn,t see anyone . “ Hello there “ , the voice said again , but he still didn,t see anyone , and then was surprised to see an old man climbing down a large oak tree in the middle of the lawn .
“ You must be David “ , he said as he approached to shake hands . “ I,m Alec Campbell I looked after the place for you,r aunt “ . The two men shook hands .
“ Nice to meet you Alec I,m glad someone,s here I was worried there would be no one and I wouldn,t get in “ .
“ Oh no , I was told to expect you today so I thought I,d better hang around the house and show you around “ , said Alec . The two men chatted , and began to make there way toward the house .
“ What do you think of her then David “, asked Alec , pointing to the house .
“ she,s lovely Alec , better than I could have imagined “ , said David gazing at the grand old house . “ Well let me show you around David , you don,t mind if I call you David “ , asked Alec .
“ No , David will be fine thanks “ .
The two men walked over to the grand entrance door , which was surrounded by stone pillars on either side , with a large carved stone engraved with WALLACE HOUSE standing on top .
David was overjoyed by it , but had a strange feeling of being watched , and watched he was by a figure and shadowy figure in the upstairs window .
“ It has a lot of history this place , there has been a house here for maybe 700 years “ , Alec said , “ it goes right back to the days of William Wallace that’s where the house got its name “ .
“ It doesn,t look that old “ , remarked David .
“ This house isn,t , its only a couple of hundred years old David “ .
“ So how come its named after the Wallace “ , asked David .
“ Wallace used the house here as a refuge after his first battle at loudon hill , which is just up the road and people have remembered ever since , so after that all the houses built here were called Wallaces house “ , explained alec .
“ Brilliant he,s a hero of mine , “ said David with a grin on his face .
The two men stepped up to the large carved wooden front door and went in . David was surprised how grand and bright the entrance hall was , with the walls filled with polished wood and large portraits hanging on each side of the hall .
“ My oh my “ , said David , “ I bet this hasn,t changed in a long time , its like stepping back in time , its lovely “ .
“ I,m glad you like it , your aunt wouldn,t change a thing , about the only thing she did was put in central heating . She would always complain about her aching bones , so we managed to persuade her to upgrade the heating “ , explained Alec .
Alec showed David through a door on his left , which was the main living room . The room was large , just as grand as he had expected after seeing the hall it was easy to imagine elegant balls and party,s in here . There was a large fireplace and hanging above it was a beautiful portrayed of a lovely looking lady , she was all done up in a golden gown and a large diamond necklace .
“ That’s lady Elizabeth “ , said Alec , “ she had the house built around 200 years ago as a hunting lodge for her wealthy friends “ .
“ She’s beautiful “ , David said , a little taken aback by her stunning looks .
“ Yes she was , but looks can be deceiving lad , she was ment to be a right bitch and would ride over the top of anyone , who got in her way “ .
David laughed , “ I know a women who fits that description exactly “ .

The rest of the house was very much the same style all grand and cared for . One thing was different , the bathroom in the main bedroom had been modernised and fitted with a spa whirlpool bath , and when he asked about it , Alec told him it was put in because your aunt had a lot of aches and pains , and it helped her a great deal . Thankfully the bedroom had been brought up to modern standard , as well so David picked that one as his . David had a snigger to himself when he thought of the spa bath , as he had some very good memories of one on holiday , but maybe this one wouldn,t be as much fun on his own .
After he had brought his bags in , Alec shouted him into the hall .
“ Oh by the way David , my wife has left some food in the kitchen for you , its not much but it will keep you going for a couple of days “ .
“ Tell her thanks very much , that’s really thoughtful very kind Alec “ , David said while patting Alec on the shoulder .
“ One other thing David , this is an old house with lots of memories . Its been around a long time and there’s some strange goings on , nothing dangerous but strange all the same “ . David shot up of the chair , “ what do you mean , its haunted I’m going to be chased out the house by some mad axeman “ .
“ No , no “ , laughed Alec , I didn’t mean to scare you , I’ve been here 30 years and never seen the mad axeman , but I’ve seen something strange , not of this world but beautiful all the same “ .
“ God you’ve got my heart going now Alec , is there a gun in the house “ , David said with a nervous grin .
“ Now I wish I hadn’t told you now , you’ll be safe enough , I better go now if you need me , just phone the numbers beside the phone at the front door “ .
“ Ok Alec , and thanks for everything , you’ve been very kind . I’m meeting with aunties lawyer Bill , then I’ll tell you what I’m going to do with the house “ .
“ So you haven’t decided to sell then “ , asked Alec .
“ Well I would like to keep it , but I don’t know if I could afford the upkeep , I hope there’s some cash with the house Alec , but wait and see what Bill says , it all rests with that unfortunately “ .
“ Ok David , enjoy the house have a good look around , I think you’ll find a few surprises for you just around the corner , pleasant ones only “ .
“ I can hardly wait “ , said David sounding a little nervous . The two made there way to the front door and Alec left . David stood in the hall way just looking around , feeling alone and a little uncomfortable .
He was alone now , in a house that made him nervous . He felt aware that it held many memory’s , and not all of them good , he was sure . Like lots of other people you can walk around a strange house , and get a number of different vibrations , and some he did not like .
“ Ok David , first things first lets gets some lights on , if I’m going to run into the grim reaper then I want to see him first , so I can run like hell “ , he laughed , “ come on what age am I , 25 years old not a kid , want a bet “ , he laughed again this time glad to hear a familiar voice in his ears , even though the house by now was pretty dark . “ Its too quiet in hear “ , he said making his way up the stairs to get his cd player in his gear bag . As he made his way up the stairs , he suddenly froze near the top , he had seen a shape and it had moved . For the first time in his life he was scared , very scared , the shape moved again , and he felt panic begin to rise inside .
“ Oh christ , hello “ , he shouted , “ is there someone there “ . There was no answer only a scraping sound .
“ Fuck , where’s the switch “ , he thought as he franticly searched the wall for the light switch . He froze again , the sound had moved closer , and now he felt terror inside but continued to search the wall for the switch . David’s hand brushed something , it was the switch he made a grab for it and flicked it . Suddenly all the lights came on in the hallway and he quickly scanned it while walking backwards towards the stairs incase he needed to bolt for it . Now in front of his eyes was the thing that had scared him so much , it was a cat , a blooming moggie just sitting there looking at him .
“ Bloody hell , how did you get in “ , David said , as he moved toward the cat .
He knelt down and picked the cat up , which made a soft purr . David laughed and was glad to get rid of the tension .
“ How did you get in here “ , he asked the cat , “ I wonder if you were my aunts “ , he said stroking it . “ I bet you’re hungry “ , he said making his way down the stairs toward the kitchen , leaving the hall behind and unaware that the cat was not alone in the hall , and that it had a companion , a very strange and ghostly companion .
In the kitchen David gave his new found friend some milk and a little cold meat from the fridge that Alec’s wife had left . The cat ate the meal with relish and great satisfaction , as if it hadn’t been fed for a few days .
“ My did you give me a fright little one , Alec’s story really got to me I nearly crapped myself up there “ , he chuckled but really glad of the company .
“ I wonder what other surprises this place has in store for me “ , he asked half expecting the cat to answer him . By this time the cat had finished its meal and had jumped down from the table and made its way to the front door . David followed it and opened the door , the cat ran out into the darkness .
“ I take it you have a hot date “ , he shouted after it , “ but please no singing to you’re girl friend , I want to sleep tonight “ , David laughed and closed the door , and locked it .
“ Ok time to explore “ , said David rubbing his hands together and made for the living room . “ What a grand place “ , he thought as he strolled into it and walked over to the portrait of lady Elizabeth . “ My , I could go for a girl like you “, he said to the painting . “ You’ve got all the quality’s I like in a girl , looks , a place of your own and of course money , but the temper that will need to go , I think a course of H.R.T. might do the trick “ , he laughed remembering that his mother had a terrible temper , but after H.R.T. she was a pussy cat . And if it could work for her then it could for you “ , he said tapping the portrait ,” Lady Elizabeth “ .
David strolled about the rest of the house , going from room to room picking up things of interest that caught his eye .
“ Some of this is worth money “ , he thought , “ really old , an antique dealer would give his right arm to get in here “ . David looked at and picked over some other pieces that interested him . He thought of selling some of it , that way he could keep the house , but it would be a shame to start breaking it all up , but I suppose I could , only as a last resort he decided .
David yawned tired from his eventful day , “ time for bed “ , he thought , and started to make his way up the stairs to the bedroom , David started switching of the lights as he went up , leaving the house behind him in total darkness . Suddenly a light he had just switched , suddenly came back on , he stopped dead in his tracks , too scared to turn around and too scared to run for the bedroom . Slowly he turned around half expecting to see someone standing behind him , but there was no one . He let out a breath of air unaware he had been holding it .
“ This place is getting to me “ , he said , “ its probably a faulty switch “ . Reaching out he flicked the switch again and the house was plunged into darkness again .
Not hanging about in the hallway , he quickly made his way to his bedroom humming a little tune , and feeling more than a little spooked .
David got ready for bed and switched on his compact disk player and was glad the music brought a comforting effect to his unusual surroundings . Getting into bed he was glad the bedroom had a bathroom as he didn’t fancy a late night trip back into the hallway . Leaning over he switched off the bedside light and the cd player , and lay back thinking about what it must have been like here , when the place was filled with lords and lady’s having grand balls and party’s . People would have been wined and dined , and sat about bragging about this and that , and of course brought along there mistress to have there bit of fun . I wonder how many had been in here or maybe died in here , he didn’t like to think of that so he put it to the back of his mind . Thinking only pleasant thoughts , he soon drifted into a deep peaceful sleep .

In the middle of the night , while he was asleep . Someone came into his bedroom , not by the usual method of the door , but by walking through the wall . This someone was a women , a very beautiful one , she walked round his room looking at all the strange things this man had brought . She walked around gracefully and quietly so as not to disturb the man sleeping in the bed . She was mystified by the cd player and the electric razor what on earth could they be she thought . She drifted over to the bed and couldn’t take her eyes of the young man in it , how handsome he looked . She had watched him since his arrival this afternoon and thought he had a warm kind face , not unlike someone she used to know and love but never forgot , it all seemed a long time ago now . Today the memories came flooding back to her , memories of a love of sunshine , of a best friend who treated her like a lady . A friend who showed her passion and kindness and gave her gifts . Someone who made her feel alive not just a maid , but sadly there love was not to be . His mother had seen to that , the lady Elizabeth had taken there love away , and forbidden it .
So I did something stupid , she thought , I took my own life which I deeply regret now , she thought . But I have been punished for it for 200 years , how much longer must I suffer this loneliness , this pain , this sorrow . She lifted her head and looked at the room about her , I am bound to this house can not leave it , chained to it like some herded animal . How she craved for another chance another go at life , to again feel the wind in her hair , the rain on her face . All the wonders of life that people take for granted and how I’d like to love again to have another go at life , to get a second life and learn from my mistake . She turned at that final thought and left , walking through the wall into the hall and was gone , back to her place where she would pine and dream of what the future might hold for her .


The morning light flooded through the large bedroom window , filling the room with bright sunlight . David woke feeling refreshed and ready for another day , and all the wonders it might bring . He lay in bed for a while listening to the radio and thinking , but something puzzled him there was a strong smell , a smell of perfume filled his room . How odd he thought , but he felt it comforting and was happy to lie in bed and enjoy the moment , letting the sweet sent flow over him .
After he was dressed he headed for the kitchen feeling hungry. He cooked a meal of fried eggs and toast with lots of coffee , when suddenly the cat jumped up on the table and startled him .
“ Hello there my little friend , how did you get in , got a secret entrance “ , asked David . The cat came over to him purring loudly , obviously looking for something to eat . “ I suppose you’re hungry after a hard night out with you’re girlfriend “ .
David petted the cat and gave it the last of the cold meat and milk . All the while he was thinking , there’s something strange about this cat , something I can’t put my finger on , just a feeling . But it would become clear later on that there was something very different about this cat , dangerously different .
David made a mental note that he better go to the local village to get some supplies and on his way , stop in and thank Alec and his wife , for leaving me the food .
David jumped with fright as he heard a load crash from up the stairs . He turned and ran out the kitchen and up the stairs , not knowing where the sound had came from he stopped , and listened . He heard a noise again which came from the door to his left , which was partly open . David slowly went through the door, and in front of him was a set of stairs which led up to another door . Strangely at the top of the stairs , in front of the door , was the cat .
At Davids feet , was a small table which the cat must have knocked down the stairs . He bent down and picked up the table , and put it the right way up and made his way up the stairs toward the cat , and the other door .
“ Hello little fella what are you doing here “ , he asked .
The cat meowed and jumped at the handle , trying to open the door .
“ You want in here , is this where you stay “ .
David tried the door and it opened a little but it seemed to be stuck , or something was holding it back , from the inside . He put his shoulder to it , and it moved a little more , thump , thump he hit the door with his shoulder , and the door burst open . David expected someone to be there , but there was no one . The cat rushed in David followed at a slower pace , a little scared of what he might find . The room came as a bit of a shock , it was very small and bare . It had a bed at one end and a set of drawers by a small window . The place was dusty and he guest it must have been servant quarters , but oddly it looked like someone had been in here . A dress was hung up on the wall , and the room was filled with a funny smell , it was perfume and fresh , and was the same as he had smelled in his bedroom that very morning . One other thing that puzzled him was a candle in the corner , it wasn’t lit but it looked new and had been used . David sat on the bed beside the cat which , was curled up in a ball.
“ Who stay’s here “ , he asked the cat , which lifted its head and let out a cry as if he understood what was being said .
“ What’s going on , I wish someone would tell me “ , he said to himself .

There was a loud knock at the front door, which made David jump of the bed and run down the stairs and open the door .
On opening the door he found a smart dressed man standing there .
“ Can I help you “ , David asked .
“ Yes I’m Bill Murray , you’re aunts lawyer I think you’ve been expecting me “ .
“ Yes please come in “ , said David not certain whether to be glad to see him , since so much hung in the balance with this man , and what news he had to tell him .
“ What do you think of the house then David , isn’t it something else “ , Bill asked .
“ It sure is , but to tell you the truth I’ve been scared stiff half the time “ .
“ You’re aunt always said , you would have you’re hands full just staying here “ .
“ She’s right there , did she ever say anything about the house Bill “ , David asked .
“ Well when you could get her to talk about the place , all she would say was something very sad happened here a long time ago , and that the pain lingered on , and that it would until it was put right . But what she ment I really don’t know , sorry David that’s all I know “ , Bill said as he took a seat , in the living room .
“ Its all a bit strange , I found a room in the attic that seemed to be servants quarters , but I got this feeling that it was still being used . And now I think of it I woke up this morning and my room was filled with this strange perfume , and I found the same smell in the attic , perhaps there’s a connection something I haven’t seen yet “ .
“ It’s a mystery “ , said Bill , “ anyway David we have some business to sort out and I have some papers for you to sign , which makes you the new owner “ .
David signed the papers for the house and they chatted more about it but the mystery still remained that , for the time being .
“ Ok that’s that out the road David “ , Bill said , “ now I’ve got some good news for you , you’re aunt was a wise old lady and had some good investments , as well as a fair bit of cash in the bank which is now you’rs “ .
“ You’re kidding , I didn’t no there was any cash “ , David said , the excitement beginning to grow .
“ Know the government tax this its called death duties , it’s a bit unfair but it’s the law . Now the figures I have are after tax is off “ Bill said looking through his bag for the papers with the figures on it , while David sat by the fire waiting to hear the words which would decide whether he would be able to keep the house or have to sell it .
“ Here it is “ , said Bill , “ The figures are large David to say the least , with the stocks and shares the figure is just over 5 million pounds , congratulations David you’re a wealthy young man “ , Bill said , reaching out to shake his hand .
He just sat on the chair totally numb , “ 5 million “ , David repeated , then burst out laughing . “ You beauty , oh thanks Bill , I never expected that much “ .
“ Well I’m glad you’re pleased , what are you going to do with it then David “ .
“ I really don’t know I’d like to keep the house I suppose , just the way it is “ , answered David .
“ I’m glad to hear it you’re aunt would be pleased , as you know there are a couple of people who rely on the house for there income , that’s Alec and his wife Betty . They have been here a long time and I’m sure will be happy to stay , how do you feel about that “ , Bill asked .
“ Yes I suppose we could keep it as it is , would it be possible to keep paying there wages from the money that’s in the bank , that way the house and grounds will stay the same “ .
“ I’m glad you think that way , I’ll set it up , that’s if you want me to keep handling the estate business “ , asked Bill .
“ Yes I’m happy with that , I’d like to make a go of things and there’s a mystery , I want to solve “ , replied David .
After there business was completed David walked bill to his car .
“ Something I want to ask you Bill “ , David said as Bill got in his car .
“ Ask away “ , he replied .
“ Did my aunt ever have any pets , like a cat “ , David asked .
“ A cat , I never saw a cat about the house , why do you ask “ .
“ Its just that there’s this cat in the house and I thought that maybe it was her’s “ , David asked . “ As far as I know she didn’t have any cats , she had a bad chest and the cat hair would have made it worse , I’m sure its not hers , probably a stray “ , Bill said. “ Strange anyway thanks Bill “ , David said and waved him goodbye as he drove away back down the drive leaving him with mixed feelings , of joy and fear .
David strolled about the front lawn for a while , then sat down on a seat under an old oak tree which took up the centre of the front lawn . He sat there thinking , it was going to take time to get used to this , its all mine . I’ve went from a small bachelor flat in the middle of the city to a grand rolling estate in the scottish lowlands . I wonder if that makes me a lord or something what a laugh that would be , a lord at 25 a knight at 30 maybe . I’d ask all my friends to call me sir especially Gary , he would love that I bet . I can’t wait to phone him , he thought , give him the good news the first thing he would say was can you give me a loan , and like a sucker I’d give it to him . Gary had stood by him and helped him through the bad period in his life when Elizabeth had left him . She didn’t only take his heart but she also took his tv , and video also the hifi and the cds , she even took the bed and the carpet it sat on and ran up the limit on his credit cards . She was setting up another flat for herself and he had no idea . Never mind he had landed on his feet this time and was going to make a dam good go of things .
He got up from his seat in the garden and decided to walk into the nearest town Darvel and get some grocery’s , and on the way stop in at the gate house and tell Alec and his wife the good news . Walking down the road the sun shone through the woods and made the tree’s twinkle in the light . The woods were alive with wildlife and he felt it relaxing to hear the birds chirp and sing as they flew from branch to branch . Its only when you relax that you appreciate what a wonderful place this earth really is . David stumbled into a clearing with a large oak tree in it which seemed to populate the woods . On the bark of it was carved a large heart shape and in the centre was carved J + U , it was easy to imagine two young lovers pledging there love to one another .

Authors note, this is just the start of this book i have wrote but still not complete. My english grammar maybe not great and i have never written a story before so please look on my talent or lack of it kindly. If people want to read more of this story then please let me know. Thank you


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.04.2011

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