

-Chapter 1-It's good to be here(not for long)

"Mum I'm okay I'm going into the office right now." I say tiredliy. Ever since she found out I was applying to a all-boy boarding school she has been on my case.
"Mum, yes I know my neck gets cold but I needed to do this." I say looking at my new side bangs. My black bangs flowing towards my right. I got the haircut that made me look like a boy but if you knew I was a girl you could totally tell the difference.
"Mr.Peterson please step into my office." Headmaster Phillip called.
"Mum I got to go Headmaster is calling me. Love you, bye." I say ending the call on my new Android.
I enter Headmasters office and sit down on the plush seats. "Yes, Headmaster Phillip." I say calm and low.
"Oh no Mr.Peterson you do not have to call me Headmaster. With your test scores you can call me Phillip." He says respectfully.
"Yes Hea-Mr.Phillip." I say trying to pass some time.
"No, no none of the Mr. stuff you make me feel old." He says. Well he's not wrong. He is well toned, muscular and maybe in his mid-twenties.
"Yes, Phillip." I say trying to get to the point.
"Your test scores are great and your family is well maybe the richest family after the royal family." He says slowly trying to see my reaction.
"My family is not that rich. We don't take advantage of our money. We only use it for things that are nessecary, like transportation, education, and communication." I say trying to indicate that our family is not rich but suceeded.
"Well, welcome to Ashby Boarding School. We are glad to have you as one of our students." He says while stretching out his hand.
I shake his hand. "It's good to be here, Phillip." I say uneasily I was brought up to say titles before my elders and this just felt wrong.
"What's wrong Mr.Peterson are you okay?" He asks, sensing something is wrong.
"Nothing, Phillip it's just that I was brought up to say titles when talking to elders." I say as if my life depended on it.
"Then all right you can call me Headmaster Phillip if you like." He says with a bright smile, that reminds me of my favorite teachers from my old school.
"Yes Headmaster Phillip thank you." I say while mustering up my best smile, not trying to cry.
"Now, let me get you your time table, and dorm room key." He says going through the bottom to the right drawer. "Let's see Andrew, Peter, Alex, Josh. Ah, here it is Tony Peterson. You will be sharing your dorm with...let's see." He says while checking his Toshiba.
Please, dear lord, please let my roommate be Taylor. "Ah, yes your roommate is Drake Waters in room 242." He says while giving me my things. Well today just wasn't my lucky day.
"Thank you Headmaster Phillip. I best be going now to unpack my things." I say trying to get away for it to backfire on me.
"How many suitcases did you bring? I can have someone bring them up for you." He says trying to hold me back.
"No, no no need for that my mum and dad have some one ready to bring in my stuff. So you see no reason. If you want to make sure you can talk to my parents." I say trying to convince him not to.
"Then may I talk to your parents." He says as if he's going to find out something about me.
"Sure let me dial them right now." I say qickly tapping on my Android. Mum picks up on the second ring.
"Honey are you okay. Did you get accepted." She quickly asks.
"Mum I'm okay but can you tell Headmaster Phillip I really don't need help with my things." I say quickly before she can give away any information about my gender.
"Okay. Baby I'll talk to him or do you want your father to talk to him. MAN to MAN." She says emphasizing the Man part.

Before she can say anything else I say "Yes mum I want dad to talk to him cause you will be no help at all."

"That is no way to talk to your mum I will not put up with that. Here is your father." I sigh relieved and pass my phone to Headmaster.

-Chapter 2- I meet the boys

I'm heading toward my dorm room, with Eric tailing behind me. Eric is a muscular, white haired old man, but you wouldn't now that by looking at him. He looks like he's in his mid-thirty's but he can pass as my grandfather cause of his age.

We finally reach my dorm room. I feel Eric stiffen as if feeling danger coming from behind the door. "Eric you can leave my bags here you can go." 

"Sorry ma'am but no can do I have to set them inside for you to unpack." He says.

"Eric don't call me ma'am I'm a boy here remember." I say as quietly as possible. Which sounds as if I'm not saying anything but I know Eric can here me. It's like he has super human hearing.

"But your a tom-boy not completely a boy." He says knowigly. "You'll fit right in." He gives me one of his million dollar smiles that show off his dazzling, sparkly, full set of teeth.

"Thanks now let's go in." I say getting out my keys. I flip through my 14 car keys, 12 house keys, and finally reach my 2 dorm keys. I unlock the door to see a group of 5 boys watching a movie. When they hear the door open all of them turn around to look at me and Eric. 

One of the boys breaks the trance first and yell to who I can guess is Drake. "Drake who's the dude and old man."

Drake answers. "I have no idea." To the black hair, green eyes boy. Then turns to me and asks. "Who are you anyway? And the old man." Referring to Eric.

I answer in a low kinda boyish voice. "I'm Tony Peterson Drake's new roomate, and this is Eric my-" Eric inturrepts me.

"I'm Eric his butler." He says without a shred of regret. At home we never refer to him as a butler but an old friend.

"No he's not my butler he's a friend. An old friend." I say with no worry at all.

"Wait Peterson. As in the Peterson family the richest family in Egland after the royal family of course." A guy with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes says.

"Yes, but I wouldn't say richest family. We're like an average family." I say quickly adding "Does anyone know where I can put my stuff."

They all point toward the window. I walk towards there with Eric right beside me. When we reach the end I see 2 seperate rooms with both doors closed. One of them are closer to a window that looks out towards the front of the school. I see the huge lake and the round hedges. The other room didn't have a view at all and was locked so I decided with the room with the view of outside. Not caring that someone might see me change.

"Eric you can set the bags over by the dresser, kay." I say while still staring at the view.

"Yes Tony." I hear a snicker and turn around.

"Hey that's the first name that came to mind so don't say anything." I say angrigly.

"Yes, sir what ever you say." He says with a smirk.

"Well that's it. Go home you can use my room for...whatever." I say not really caring.

"Now that's the person I watched grow up. Hope you come home soon." He says sadly.

"Wait, hold up." I say turning around.

"Yes, sir what do you need?" He says as if he's in a hurry.

I run towards him and give him a straight out hug. He's a bit surprised but starts patting my back slowly. "I'm going to miss mum, and dad, but I'm going to miss you the most. Tell mum I'm okay and don't tell her anything like I have to share a dorm, or that I'm going to miss you more then them." I say sadly on the brick of crying.

"Wouldn't dream of it Black Rock. I have to go and you have to start unpacking, remember to lock your door once I leave okay." He says while hugging me back.

"Yes, sir." I say while saluting to him. We both start to laugh then we part.

After I unpack everything, I decided to take a shower. I take off my Green Day Logo Shirt. I start to unwrap the black bandage that hides my puny chest from being noticed. I take off my baggy black jeans and grab a towel that I had in my drawers. I quickly make my way to the bathroom so that the boys wouldn't see me. I knew they were still here because they continued to make noise.

Once I reach the bathroom I'm lucky no one is using it. I quickly step into the shower and turn it on. The hot water washing away all my misery and pain.

Once I 'm done I wash my hair before I dry myself. Once I wrap myself I step out and run into somebodys chest. "Uh, oh." I say looking up to see Drake looking at me in surprise.

"Who are you?" He asks. I'm surprised he can say anything.

"I'm Tony. Who do you think I am." I ask trying to see an escape route.

"No your not. Your a chick, Tony's a dude." He says shock coming over his face.
I look down and noticed what he's staring at. "Um, I have to go." I say quickly and enter my room. I lock my door and quickly put on my bandage. I take out my favorite shirt that said 'Running is a LIFESTYLE not a SPORT.' I put on some faded boy blue jeans. I get out to see all the boys surrounding my rooms door.

"Can I go Headmaster Phillip is waiting for me." I say creating a diversion.

"Nice try 'Tony' is that is your real name but your not going anywhere." Says a boy with red hair and ginger brown eyes.

I cringe when I hear a threat added to the end of the sentence. "Oh, okay. What do you want?" I say.
Drake comes up towards me. "Who was the girl?"

"There wasn't a girl here just me." I lie. Man if there was a contest for the World's Best Liar I'd totally win.

"Your a really good liar you know that." Says a boy with brown curly hair and green eyes.
"No, I can't lie my parents would not allow it." I say looking down remembering the last time I lied. I took a lie detector test and I got shocked every time. I didn't notice that my body shivered.

Drake put a hand on shoulder. I quickly moved it from his grasp. "I have to go." I say running past them and touching the boy with grey eyes. I hear him gasp and stop dead.
Letting my bangs hide my eyes I turn around. "Are you okay."

"Yes I'm alright. By the way I'm Andrew. You know Drake. This is Alex." He says pointing to the red haired boy. I kinda notice that he has a french accent. Drake picks up where he left off. "This is Josh." He says pointing to the black haired boy. "And lastly this is Peter." He says pointing to the brown haired boy.
"Nice to meet you all, now bye." I say running out the door. I'm so glad today's Saturday I can go see Taylor. I walk into Headmaster Phillip office.

"Headmaster Phillip, can you point me towards Taylor Henry's dorm room."

"Yes Tony. He's in dorm room number 240. Are you by chance friends with him." He asks prying into my bussiness.

"Yes he went out with someone I know." I say lying again. I shudder reliezing the lie detector has been fryed into my system.

"Okay then. See you at Monday's assembly." He says reminding about the assembly.

"Yes, and thank you for the information." I say as I turn around. Wow, he's only two rooms to the left of me. Can't wait to see him. I quickly run towards my room and look around. His room is across the hall and one door to the right.

I knock on the door and the door is answered by someone I don't know. A guy with spiky blonde hair and green eyes. I smile at him and ask "Is Taylor here I need to ask him something?"

"Who are you?" He asks with a hint of bewilderment.

"I'm Tony Peterson. Can you tell him I need to speak with him NOW!" I say urgently looking around to see if anyone can hear me. If I didn't know better I'd say that the boys in my dorm are easedropping.

"Ya I'll call him." He turns around and shouts. "Yo, Taylor some kid called Tony PETERSON says he wants to talk to you."Before he even finishes his sentence Taylor is already at the door. 

"Jake can you give you like go do something other than easedrop." He says to the guy standing at th door.
"Ya, sure dude." He says closing the door.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He whispers angrigly.
"I came here to be with you." I say using my girl's voice.
"Okay, but did you have to cut your hair?" He asks while rubbing my hair with his fist.
"Hey you know I like to take risks." I say. "Although I don't lie."
"Baby don't cry you don't have to lie to your parents any way. Do your parents know your here?" He asks.
"Ya, they know. Mum wasn't happy but she agreed that they have the best education so I came." I say smiling.
"I'm glad you came." He says smiling and edging closer and closer to my face.
"No, not here I think my roommate and his friends are eavesdropping." I say looking at my dormroom door.
"Who's your roommate?" He asks looking that the door too.
"Drake Waters." I say not caring.
"Drake Waters! The schools player. What's wrong with that Headmaster putting you in the school's player room. Has he guessed your gender?" He says a little too loudly.
"Shhhh. God Taylor not everyone needs to know. And he may have seen Onyx's chest." I say the last part quietly.
"What!! You have to move in here NOW!" He says demanding.
"No, he won't know it's me and any way if he does know my gender I'll still be dating you. I won't dump you for him." I say while making him looking me in the eyes.

-Chapter 3-Busted

I open my dorm room door. All the boys who were listening in on Taylor and me. Which was every boy that was in the dorm. They all came tumbling down once I opened the door widely.
I walk around them and into my room. I'm about to go into my room when a arm goes around my waist. The arm directs me towards. None other than Drake.
"Let go of me." I say trying to pry his hands from my waist.
"No not until you tell us who that girl was and who you really are, Peterson." He says holding my waist firmer.
"You really want to know." He shakes his head yes. "Come closer." I say slowly and seductively.
He brings his head closer to my head. He stops when his ear is in front of my mouth. "I'm a girl. And that girl you saw earlier is me." I say getting closer to his ear.
When my mouth is just a breath away from his ear, I stop. He stiffens not knowing what I'm going to do. I kiss his ear softly. Then I bite his ear. His breathing becomes uneasy. I step away from his limp paralyzed body, and into my room.
I hear someone go into the bathroom and take a shower. I guess I gave someone a boner. I take off my shirt and then the corset. Man, my chest hurt. Whoever my real mum was I bet she was always asked out cause of her big chest. The only thing I remember about her was that she had wavy raven black hair that reached the small of her back and was as beutiful as an Angel. My father also had curly black hair, he was really built. He looked like he fought all the time. He was really handsome.
I was given over to Elizabeth and Eric when I was at least 2 years old. From then on, I've been known as Oynx Peterson, the heir to the Peterson's money.
I continue to strip and go to my drawers. I took out black pajama pants that had skulls and hearts on the sides. I took out a white t-shirt and put them on. I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping and forgetting everything that happened today.
I fell asleep faster than I thought possible. I awoke to people talking. I crept out of my room and went to the living room. I stayed hidden behind the wall that seperated the rooms from the living room.
I heard Drake say. "Shut up. I'm not kidding I can't believe she gave me a boner and she didn't do much. How is that possible."
Some one answers. I think it's Andrew. "It's because she's your mate, man. Anything, you think is sexy will make you have a boner." The french accent making him sound older.
"Yo there's no way in hell shes my mate. She's a human. We don't get mated to humans." Derek nearly yells.
"Well to tell you the truth she isn't human." The french accent trying to reason with a stubborn voice.
"What is she then?" Derek's voice seething with anger. "Can you tell me what she is, Andrew."
"No. I can't she has all these powers locked up in her. The one that is the brighest is...she's an angel." Andrew says not really sure.
"That's not possible Angels were all killed after there most powerful angel died. Remember her name was...Alexandra."
Alexandra why did that name strike a chord in my heart. The women from my memory. My mum is Alexandra and she was an ANGEL. Now who was that man.
"Come out, come out Tony, or should I say Oynx." Drake says his voice full of mock and hate.
I step out of my hiding place to see only Andrew and Derek there. The others must have left. Once I can see the whole living room I see the other guys there sitting and looking at me.
"How did you know I was behind there?" I ask bewildered. I don't think I did anything wrong.
"You gasped when we said the name Alexandra. Do you know her?" Andrew's voice showing care.
"Yes, I think so. I think she's my birth parent." I say slowly while looking down. I hear a few gasps and know this is not what they expected.
"Wait, a minute so your adopted when were you born anyway?" Drake's voice wringing with curosity.
"I was born in June 14, 1995. I was adopted on Febuary 7, 1997. I never met my real parents and I only have a memory of them. Why is this important?" I ask cause I don't like talking about my life.
Derek's voice rings up. "I was born June 14, 1994. On, January 20, 1997 Alexandra died anlong with her husband Daniel."
That other name this struck closer to my heart did when they said Alexandra's name. Maybe it was because that I was closer than when they said her name. Then suddenly everything went black.
I woke up to see all the boys around my bed. Drake with a worried look on his face. When he saw my eyes open he got this relieved look on his face. I looked at all the faces of the boys.
"Hey sleeping beauty." Drake says as everybody's eyes travel towards me.
I scowl at him. "What time is it?" I ask not wanting to talk.
Seeming to see I wouldn't talk to Drake, Alex spoke up. "It's 1:00 am. Sunday mourning."
That's all I needed to hear. I ran out of the room and into the living room. Took the remote and went to cartoon network. Adult Swim was still on and I was watching Dudrarara.
The boys came in and sat far away from me as possible. I would to if I were them. Nobody gets between me and my adult swim.
After watching Inyuasha I went into my room and changed. I put my lace white corset. I put on my favorite tee-shirt that said 'Don't mess with me just because I don't bite doesn't mean I don't know how to fight.' I knew it seemed kinda of tom-boy style, but hey I was a tom-boy. I put on my favorite black skinny jeans.
Before I left the room I remebered what the guys were talking about last night. I think they were waiting for me to say something. I walked towards them. They were still in the living room, talking to each other. Josh had a soccer ball in his hands, and Peter has a football.
"What were you guys talking about last night. And why did I collaspe when you said the name Daniel

." Then suddenly another image of the man who I guess was my father popped up. "He was my father." I say sadly looking away.
Drake came up to me and tried to hug me from behind. I should have mentioned this before but oh well. I took karate, and martial arts. I flipped him over my shoulder before he could touch me. Everyone looked at me in shock.
"I'm going to ask this again and you better answer." All the boys nodded. So, I continued. "What were you talking about. Were you talking about soulmates cause I know my soulmate isn't Drake. And my mum wasn't an angel they don't exist."
Andrew answered. "Then that means we don't exist or that you don't exist."
Alex says. "Your soulmate is Drake, or should I say Drake is your mate." I got angry at this comment but said nothing.
Josh speaks up. "We were talking about you and Drake how you are not human and that your Drakes mate." This got me really angry.
"What do you mean he's my mate. What are you guys any way." I half yell half whisper through cletched teeth.
Peter answers knowing I don't want to hear Drakes voice. "Well we're werewolves. And well your Drakes one and only love of is life. This is really important because he's Alpha. And now your Aplha Female of the pack."
I look at Drake who's on the floor. I don't think he'll recover anytime soon. But hey he's a werewolf maybe I'll be surprised.

-Chapter 4-Cheater

Suddenly my chest started hurting. I mean hurting like I'm-hurt-and-holding-my-gut-hurt. Oh no. I quickly made my way towards my room. Looking out the window.
The clouds are forming. Aw man. Not here, not today. I can't really be hurting over some werewolf. I was pacing in front of the window that I didn't notice all the guys come behind me. I stopped pacing and turned towards the window and close my eyes.
I feel the power come up from below. From under my feet. The cold refreshing water touching my bare skin. The memory of my parents show up into my mind. Like always. I concentrate on the image and on clearing the clouds.
Once I feel the rays from the sun on my arms I open my eyes. I smile at what I did. But still feeling the sick feeling slowly receding.
I sigh and turn around to see all the boys staring at me with wide open eyes and their mouths literally hanging down to their knees. Oh god, they saw me do that. I'm totally screwed.
"Wow did that chick actually do that." Andrew says.
"That was AWESOME!!!!" Josh says.
"Angels can't do that can they?" Drake asks.
"No way in hell she did that." Peter says.
"Your a dark witch aren't you." Alex says knowigly.
"I guess. What's a dark witch and what can they do?" I ask curiously. They say curiosity killed the cat but hey I'm curious.
"A dark witch is a witch that is more powerful than the white witches-" I cut Alex.
"Wait a minute there's also white witches. Are there any more types of witches." I ask quickly afraid he might cut me.
"No only white and dark witches. White witches do teeny spells like love spells, and etc. While dark witches have the power over almost any thing including the weather, and neocromance." Alex says while looking out over my shoulder.
"So I have the power over the dead." They all nod. "Cool but ewwwww I don't want to see dead people maybe their spirits but their decayed bodies." I shiver uncomfortably.
"Well I think that's cool you have the power over vampires if they drink your blood." Peter says.
"You won't think that for long." I say, while my eyes are staring at them. I feel a change in my eyes but I don't see anything, but I guess the guys can.
Peter shivers but continues. "Why do you say that?"
"I say this because I'm not a dark witch, I'm something similar to it but I can't put my finger on it." I say dangerously low.
"How do you know this?" Josh asks uncomfortably. I see fear flash in front of their eyes but have no idea why.
"I don't know, it's this feeling. It's trying to tell me what I am but all I can make out is D...E." I say while walking towards the mirror.
"She's a demon. No wonder no one knew what her father was he was a demon. That makes her half angel and half demon." The french accent flowing through the room.
"I don't think you want to see yourself just yet." Drake says while getting inbetween me and the mirror.
"I don't care what you think I want to see myself. NOW!!!!" I say. I already know what I'll see in the mirror. My once chocolate brown pupils now completely black and the color spreading and covering my eyes. Until they look lifeless and seems as if I have no eyes at all.
I stepped around his quivering body and stepped in front of the mirror. As I thought my eyes were completely black. One look at my eyes they lowly faded back to the white and chocolate brown eyes everyone was so use to.
"Now, I'm a demon. Sounds about right. I can be devilious when I want to." I say smiling. All the boys are staring at me and I get uncomfortable.
"Put your eyes back into your sockets. I know I'm cute but this is too much attention." I say while going to my wallet. I open the top drawer and withdraw the money.
"Where are you going?" Drake asks looking at the money in my hand.
"Going out for breakfast." I say while moving towards the door.
"Well let me go with you since we're mates. We can go in my car." Drake says to eagerly.
"Sure why not. I'm going to need someone to talk to any way." I say shrugging.
We step into the student parking lot and Drake moves me towards a black and red kia soul. I stop and quawk. This is way better than my all red kia soul. Which is mysteriously placed right next to his car.
He opens the door on the passenger side of the door for me. I take a seat not bothering to thank him. He gets in and starts the car. I look out my window not bothering to talk to him. As I stare out the window flashbacks of Taylor keep showing up. Then I notice things I've never noticed before. His skin is a weird sick pale color, he is too well built, and he has almost white glowing blonde hair.
There's no way that can be human. Come to think of it he smells like blood sometimes. He's a vampire. I'll ask Drake about that later.
*Ask me what sweetheart?* Someones annoying voice says in my head. Wait it's Drake annoying voice. How did he get in my head. Oh wait he's 'mate'.
*Get out of my head before I block you out* I confidently say.
*You know you can't block out your mate.* He says like the jerk he is.
*Watch me Waters* I say.
*Oh so you going to call me by my last name huh. Well I'll see if you can block me Peterson.* I laugh and build up a sturdy huge wall you can't go around, above, below, or break it down.
I look at him and notice his face. It has surprise written all over it. I laugh right out loud.
"Surprised are we, Waters." I say with mock stinging in my voice.
"Yes actually I am, Peterson. By the way where do you want to go anyway." He says while turning his head in my direction.
"I feel in the mood for spagetti for breakfast. Let me rephrase that. I feel in the mood for spagetti for one." I say while smiling smugly. "Watch the road, Waters"
"You know your the only girl that didn't fall under my charm. You make love interesting and really worthwhile." He says while shifting his head.
"That's because I don't date players, I have a boyfriend, and I didn't really take a good look at you." I say telling him the truth.
"Well I know your going to start kissing me right away once you see my sexy profile." I laugh while he grins. "You know when you laugh it feels so magical."
"Thanks, Waters. And I should add this I don't date guys who love to look at themselves in the mirror each day." I say between laughs.
"Well I'm not that conceded. I don't stop at my EVERY reflection." He says while his grin grows into a smile.
"Ya we'll see about that, Waters." I say while looking at the side of his face. He really is handsome, sandy blonde hair, carmel brown eyes, and he was ripped. No, not ripped as in he had so many muscles, he was muscular that his muscles were showing through his shirt, but as I said before I don't do players.
He parked the car in front of this Italian looking place. The theme was actually Italy. The showed pictures of Italy. The second thing that came to me was the yummy pasta smell coming from inside. I licked my lips wanting a taste of the spagetti. I looked back at Waters only to see him smirking, not the cocky smirk that I thought he would have was replaced by a I-know-something-you-don't smirk. I was really confused right now. I rush into the resturant and hit a couple making-out. I mutter a quick sorry, and made my way towards the only vacant chair in the whole place. Wow, this place is packed for a Sunday morning. Waters, makes his way towards our tables, the feeling of eyes on me left me as soon as they came and I felt comfortable.
A waiter comes up to us almost immediantly and asks us what we want. Waters ordered some eggs and the likes. I looked at the menu and right off the bat I knew I was getting more than spagetti. I wonder who's paying. "I would like spagetti; eggs and waffles; diet coke; pancakes; and a pink lemonade, oh and some chicken fingers." I didn't say it was going to be a lot or just a platter with just a drink. As I stuff myself I fix myself on the couple who was still making-out. The male seems familiar to me, but the chick is new to me.
They break apart long enough to see that Taylor was the guy making-out with that chick. That's not right. He's dating me, not that other bimbo. I rush over to them and stop beside them. I see Taylor glance my way and I feel a tear falling from my face onto my cheeks. "Care to explain, Taylor?"

-Chapter 5-The Rules have Changed

I ran out of the room and jumped into Waters car and hotwired it. Don't ask how I hotwired it, don't ask. I drove all the way towards the academy. Bursting through his door I found him sitting there, drinking coffee from a "Best Headmaster" coffee cup.
"I was wondering when you would come. Found out he was a cheater too, eh." He nodded his head and put the cup on the coffee mat.
"I want out of this school. NOW! I'm a girl, I'm not allowed to be here, its in the rules. I want to get out of here now." I was surprised when my voice didn't shake. "None, of you people are normal, Mr.Phillip. I can even put some money on the table and bet that even you, the headmaster isn't normal." All he did was nod his head as if saying he was considering what I was saying. What was to consider, I said I was a girl, just showed that I was half looney, and that I wanted out.
"Tell me...Tony. What is your name, forsay?"
"Oynx. Its Oynx Peterson, Mr.Phillip."
"Oynx, would you consider being the first female, ever to be permitted to enter this school? This is just temporary its to see what the male students and their parents think of this." Did he not hear me I said I wanted out, out of here, meaning I didn't want to stay here seeing each and every day with my cheating ex-boyfriend. "Saying if you said yes, I would have to move your room so you have your own and that you don't have any problems with the male students." This sounded planned, as if he knew I would want out, how did he know all that about Taylor being a cheater.
As if reading my mind he said, "I'm a seer, when I got your phone from you, you brushed your hand aganist mine and viola, I now have access to a small part of your brain. Its really hard seeing into your brain but considering that I have continued access to almost all of the many minds of our time. You, my dear are special. You may come in." The last part of his comment wasn't directed to me, it was directed to Waters who was standing outside easedropping.
"Hey, Phil. I was just passing by wondering what happened to my car cause I was by food one minute and my car is gone the next." Waters is eying me up and down trying to figure me out.
"He's not over the schock, is he?" My voice is as direct as my eyesight, seething with anger.

He's looking at me, I feel him.

I tell Waters through our mind link. I wait and wait. That's when I know that the person right next to me was not Waters. He doesn't move his stare from my face, and has this unreadable mask on his face. I'm a demon, right. What does that mean exactly. 'You can read his mind.'

A voice in my head said. It didn't sound like Waters in-between voice. So I listened. I concentrated on his thoughts rummaging until I found the thoughts belonging to the person who acted as Waters.
'Damn. How did I let myself get caught. How did she know about Vamps.'

I didn't need to hear more to know that, the person in front of me was my very own ex-boyfriend Taylor. I jumped. That was the only thing that made sense to me, jumping and landing full force on top of Taylor's...ummm...body. As soon as his head collided with the marble floor his appearence changed many times, from Waters, to a girl I've never met, to a man, then finally back to his original appearence, the guy I saw cheating on me in the resturant.
"Ouch. That has got to hurt." I heard Waters voice say above me.
"What took you so long, I could've been murdered by him. What is he anyway." I ask finally looking up. 'A shifter.'

There it was again.
'Who are you.' 'I'm your...double.'

'What's that.' 'The one animal or thing that matches you in everyway, for example wizards and witches have animals such as cats, dogs, dragons and the sort, those animals match there personality, strength, everything. I'm...whatever you want me to be but my true form is a spirit wolf.'

'What do you mean, your whatever you want me to be." 'I can take any form that you want me to take, for I am a spirit.'

Cool I learned a few things new today. First, my parents are supernatural, I'm half angel and demon, plus a lot of other things, my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me and a shifter, while I have a spirit wolf as a friend. How more awesome can my life get.
"Are you considering coming to this school, as the first female student, Oynx." Headmaster Phillip stated.
"I'll consider it. What the hay...I'm all for it." He smiled and nodded and silently turned back to his laptop. How hard can my life really get.

-Chapter 6-First Day

The water falling from the shower-head ran down my body, until I was drenched in the lukewarm water. I sighed as my groggy body became more efficient and the morning sniffles went away, except for the occasional boogers that trailed down my face only to be brought back up. I got out and looked at my face through the foggy mirror that was positioned right next to the shower place. I guess the water wasn't really lukewarm considering the mirror is fogged.

Ya think.

Jule's voice rang up, showing that she was also awoken by the shower. I brought my royal purple towel towards my body and wrapped it tightly, not that I needed to. I was all alone in this dorm room. Jule's, my spirit wolf continued, " Oh, you better look good for your guy." Ugh, why does Jule's have to say that. She considers that since according to Waters, Waters and I are mated, but I don't think so. I wouldn't be thinking that if I were you.

Waters thought to me. You're not the boss of me. I can think whatever I want, thank you very much.

I shot the thought harsher than I meant to. Well we are going to have quite a day since you and I have all the same classes.

What how can that be?

I was frozen from fixing up my hair. You better be ready to not be allowed to date any guy in this school, you know, since we are to be mated.

Woah Woah Woah wolf-man. Who said I even wanted to mate you?

I thought you wanted to be mated to all this awesomeness.

Please ,I thought, you wish.
"Now lets see side ponytail or messy bun?" After a few seconds thinking I exclaim. "BUN!!" I was feeling lazy, can't really blame me. Entering my new dorm room I went to the king size bed placed inside the room. On the bottom right corner laid my uniform. Quickly putting the customized uniform pants, I walked over to my drawer and withdrew a plain white corset. Bad habits last. Putting on the starch white crisp uniform I grab my uniform jacket which was optional and an apple. Munching on the apple I leave the dorm room and lock it with my key.
"Are you afraid someone will intrud?" Of course, Waters. Man, I can't really remember his first name. Maybe I'll get it from some other person. As if the fates were blessing me, some guy walked past.
"Yo Drake!! Whos the dude?" The guy seemed to be glancing to me every so often. "You don't usually hang with the fresh meat."
"You mean 'Whos the chick?' don't you lover boy?" I said, his gaze went from Drake to me. Seriosuly I just wanna blurt something out but it might hurt not only him, but he might not like me and wanna be best friends.
"Ash this is Oynx Peterson. And she's my mate." You should've seen the hurt look on this guy, Ash's face. Damn the wind must've been knocked out of him. Any chance of him wanting to be friends with me wer blown, I jus stole his gay crush. Pretty sure he's gay now.
"Waters can you excuse me and...Ash for a bit I'd like to know him better and you tell anyone else that little piece of information I will crush you like a roach." He nods and moves away just a few feet away. I shoo him away further because I know with his werewolf hearing he could hear a lot. As he turns around the bend of the hallway which is at least a yard away I turn to Ash.
"What do you want?!" Gosh, someone needs anger management. And people say I need anger management.
"Wanna be my best friend!! My very first gay best friend. Yay I'm so glad we'll have the most fun together. Like going shopping, checking out some really good-looking people, and going to the skate park and showing off my rad skills. Now lets go!" I tried to grab at his neck but he was so freaking tall so I got his chest, so I improvised. Dragging him with me I went in a direction.
Ash laughed after I made a few turns and stopped suddenly. "Is the little miss, lost?" I move towards the great big double doors in front of me and smirk.
"Nope, I'm exactly where I wanna be at...the dining hall. Now to put some meat on these bones for today." I let him go quickly making my way towards the display of delish looking food.
"The quickest way to woo the woman is through her stomach. I'll remember that, now won't I." Waters voice is right next to me and I'm startled and I look for Ash. Damn he is one slow dude.
"Seriously I want Ash here, not you. Ash is my new bestie! Now shoo boy before I make you." He laughs but moves on and sits down at a table filled with people, some from before who had cornered me in my old dorm room. I stuck my tongue out at them and turn back to the assortment of food in front of me.
"Yo, I'm here and hungry." Ash finally caught up and takes a plate while stacking it up with eggs, bacon, and fruit salad.
"Dude fruit salad seriously? What are you on some diet because you look pretty ripped and tall to me." I state while filling up 3 plates with breakfast pastries and 1 with a stack of buttermilk pancakes that were all well-syruped.

 "Chica you eat too much to be this skinny." Ash says tauntingly. 

"I don't even eat much of what I choose...maybe 2 pancakes then 2 plates of these pastries. Thats it really." I leave the tray of food on the rail and pat my stomach. "My stomach can't take no more. Oh about the assembly, what are we doing exactly." I ask with puppy dog eyes, but considering that Ash was a werewolf, or so I was guessing, so he's probably seen better puppy dog eyes.


Texte: copyright 2011 Justine Joseph
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.08.2011

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