
I claw and claw my way through the darkness surronding me, screaming 'HELP', but no one seems to hear me as if I'm all alone in the world.
The last thing I remember is that I was with my boyfriend Jake in his car with my best friends Hannah and Orlando in the back seats. Then some drunk driver in a BMW hits us. Seconds later I hear screaming. I try to move but my body is still not moving. Then everything goes black.
Suddenly a bright light a seen at the far end of the black hole I was in. I quickly run towards it and see what was causing the bright light. The light was the crystal white walls of a room. I look down and gasp.
I'm on a bed with tubes connected to me. My black and red hair in little pigtails. Some of my hair covering my closed eyes.Some people would think I was goth or emo on the sight cause of my hair or how my clothes looked like, but I was a athletic, cute-as some people say-, and a tomboy. My eyes were golden and unique. I could be a model, actor or singer if I wanted to, but I never bragged about myself.
Sitting next to me is Orlando not Jake my...boyfriend. I look around the tiny room and see him making out with my supposedly best freind Hannah in the corner. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and hands around his neck.
I started crying only to see my body on the bed crying to but not watery tears but red ones. I touched my face and saw that it was blood. Orlando seeing my tears he speaks up and says. "You guys sicken me your making out in her hospital room what if she wakes up and sees this what do you think she'll say. I think she already sees what your doing that's why she's crying blood."
They stop making out and to my surprise Hannah waves her dirty blonde hair answers him. "She won't wake up retard she's in a coma and even if she does wake up she won't figure out about us cause you didn't even know about until we started making out in her room and you walked in on us." She says with a smirk and looks at my body in disgust.
"Plus if she's in a coma we can go out and make out as much as we want." Jake says. "I've never really liked her she was just the it girl and she actually thought I'd just stay with her even if I didn't go to bed with her." Also looking at my body in digust.
I thought those words couldn't hurt me any more but I was wrong they kept repeating in my head and ripping my heart apart. This was coming from the 2 people I thought I could trust. I don't think anything could mend my broken heart until I heard Orlando's words.
"You guys are just sick. Amy isn't one of your stupid toys like Hannah is to you Jake. She's special in every way she could be famous by now but she doesn't want to lose her friends who soon become her fans but she wants to keep them and cherish them. She finds everything that is good within a person and loves them for who they are. She different and that's why I love her."
I move my hand so it is on top of his and open my eyes. "Thank you. I...I love you too." I say hoaresly. I close my eyes slowly enough to see Orlando's frightened face. I squeeze his hand signaling to him I'm still here.
I feel relief overtake him and smile. Everyone would say I have a million dollar smile but I'd say it's just as special as anyone else's.


Texte: copyright 2011 Justine Joseph
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2011

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Widmung: friends and family

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