

I jump and throw my sword pointed at the enemies chest. The blood oozes from his chest and runs down his muscular body. Once I reach the ground I transform into the white cat that my parents have been so desperately trying to hide from our people and retrieve my dragon-toothed sword.
To my left and right are my people who call me the White Hooded Cat because when I battle I wear a white hooded cloak so my people don't know their most skilled fighter is the princess who shouldn't know about the war. In front of me are our enemies. The werewolves who kill my people for food. Since we are the cat people we fight unlike their other food we can talk about it unlike their steaks made out of bull, and cows.
My cat instincts tell me to jump so I do. Underneath me I see a lad who leaped towards me. Once I get back onto the ground I put one of my white boots-that never seem to get dirty-on his back and make him face me. Once I look into his alluring green eyes I see grief and sadness. I take a look at his hair and I notice it's different from all the wolves out here. It's blond. I take a close look at his features because no werewolf can have blond hair. He's not a werewolf at all he's a seer.
His angular face shows he has been through much pain. I move my foot hold up my gloved hands. I know that seers need to touch skin to see who you really are but I never knew I meet one here on a battlefield. He grabs it and stands.
"Why didn't you kill me? Why did you hesitate?" He asks. While he wipes dirt and leaves off his pants.
"Well I'll take that as a thank you for sparing your life and I wanted to know why were you trying to attack me."
"I was trying to see who you were because they told me to." He states while hanging his head. "But you are very well covered up that I don't see any way to touch you but your face which I don't think you'll let me touch your face."
"You got that right but if you saw a little tiny bit of my skin you'd already know who I was." I say knowingly. "Why are you working with those dogs?" I ask wondering exactly what I said. Maybe they kidnapped his family and using them to make him do whatever they want him to do.
"Their prince saved me from certain death." He looks into my golden cat eyes as if looking into my soul.
"What was it he saved you from was it death by the hands of other werewolves." I ask with a smirk planted on my face knowing he could not see it.
"He saved me from death itself I had a huge cut on my leg and you know how werewolves saliva can heal wounds he sealed up my wound and brought me to the castle and gave me blood for how much I lost." He says as if it only happened yesterday.
"Oh well what's your name?" I ask trying to buy time.
"My name is Kyro and yours is?" He asks with pleading eyes.
"If I told you I'd have to kill you because by then all the dogs here would go after me." I say matter-a-factually.
"Well they are after you your the best cat warrior out here and you're a girl."
"That's so obvious." I say sarcastically. While my instincts tell me that someone is behind me. "Don't come nearer or else you're dead." I say to the person behind me. He doesn't acknowledge my warning and steps closer to me.
Once I can sense where he/she is I throw my sword towards them. I turn around in time to see him stagger back and fall limp to the floor. I look around to notice that everyone has stop fighting and started listening in to our conversation trying to see if they can guess who I am.
"You know even if you listen in you will not kill me or guess who I am." I say as I start to transform. I say "See you soon Kryo." before I start to transform. I scurry to the woods and take the secret passageway inside the oldest oak tree to my bedroom. I only know about the passageway and intend to keep it that way.

Fighting, and Conversations

I walk into my room and take off the cloak and fold it. I walk to my closet and transform into my cat form. I press the hidden button that only my people can see. Once the secret entrance opens up I shift back and grab my cloak and...
"Oh no, Oh no I left my sword in the battlefield what am I going to do." I start to pace back and forth in front of my bed and don't acknowledge the person that walked into my room at the time.
"Yes what are you going to do Princess Ai?" I turn around to see my best friend-a maid.
"Anja what have I said about calling me Princess you can just call me Ai." I say tiredly, while shaking my head back and forth indicating that calling me Princess is just a title.
"Ai you know if your parents knew you kept going to the battlefield and fighting they'd keep an eye on you 24/7 and I don't think I can continue to make excuses for you to stay in bed." She says worriedly as if I'd let my parents hang my best friend.
"Trust me Anja they won't find out and as long as the soldiers don't know who I am then it's all good but tomorrow night I'm going for my sword." Sadly, they have my sword and now I have to have other weapons to use.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the maid talking to chocolate princess." My older sister-Angie said.
"And what about it white trash at least I have a friend unlike your trashy self." I say mad that she came into my room without knocking on the door and just has to dis me like that.
"I still can't believe your my sister dark chocolate." She says mockingly. Anja walks out of the room sensing a fight coming-which might happen.
"Oh you prune just because I'm different doesn't mean I can't beat you up." I say while taunting her into making her fight.
"BRING. IT. ON. PRINCESS. CHOCOLATE." She says making empasis on bring it on. She charges at me and I easily dodge it. Even though she's older than me she has less fighting experince than me. She makes more punches and kicks which I easily dodge.
"Is Miss. White getting tired?" I say mockingly. She shakes her head and makes one more punch towards my stomach this time. I make a back flip kicking her meaty white hands away from me.
"Well now I know how to get a reaction out of you." Before she can throw another punch I kick her square in the jaw and she falls back. I see blood coming from her lip. *Oh great I busted her lip now I'm going to get it from mom.* I think.
"How did you do that chocolate bar? I hardly put a scrath on you and you got me in one hit." She asks surprised as if this is the first time that she heard I learned to fight.
"Hey hot head if you'd pay attention in self-defense you'd actually learn something don't throw the first punch then if you fight after they throw one thats called self-defense. Plus, if you tell mom she's going to yell at you too for fighting and dad's going to be glad that I got you down in one kick." I say knowingly. She grunts and leaves.
I look inside my closet and put what I'm going to use tomorrow. I take about 20 shurikens of each designs in my cloak. 4 daggers that will be put in my white boots. I close the secret compartment and know the only people who know about it are all the maids.
I yawn knowing today was a long day and tomorrow something was going to happen. Something that would change my life forever.

I woke up to someone nudging me to the edge of my bed. I sit up straight and aim a fist at the person.
"Ow Ai that hurt why the hell did you do that and how did one punch throw me off your bed?" A all to familiar voice said.
I opened my eyes to see Adam on the floor near my bed holding his right cheek. "Sorry Adam it's a reflex."
"It's okay lil sis but this shouldn't surprise me you busted Angie's lip." He says smiling as if it was worthy of an award.
"Omigod does dad know and if he does, does he know that I did it in self-defense." I say panicking.
"Yes he does he's really proud of you, love." He says smiling.
"Wait how does she know that Angie would never tell him the truth and I told you never to say that I hate it that my name means love." I say angrily.
"Well Angie did tell but after your personal maid told mom." He says while looking at my confused face.
"What personal maid? I don't have a personal maid." I say bewildered. Cause no one told me I had a personal maid, I only had Anja who was my best friend.
"You know the maid that grew up with you since birth." He says while I flip my snow white hair and my cat ears pop up in understanding.
"Your talking about Anja aren't you. To tell you something she isn't my personal MAID she's my BEST FRIEND." I say quietly cause he's the only person I've ever told and the only person I trust that is related to me.
"Hey Ai, love you have a great heart you'd be a better queen than our stubborn stupid sister who can easily destroy the kingdom." I smile knowing this was true she would spend all the kingdom's money on stupid things like clothing, shoes, and of course make-up from the human realm.
I never went to the human realm. The only things I know about it comes from books I've read and what Angie and Adam have told me. It seems whenever I bring up about going to the human realm called Earth mother and father would pretend to be busy. It may have been because one time after Angie brought some bad news about the human realm something about a prince on Earth. It may have been an enemy for my parents to ban me and my siblings from ever going to Earth.
"I wish she could be a little smarter and caring instead of trying to pick a fight with me cause shes never going to beat me and she has to study to become the next queen of the throne." I say putting my long legs into a little rhombus.
"She's maybe second in line to the throne but I don't think she will be the next queen after my reign. The next queen will be you." He says pointing me in my underdeveloped chest. I was muscular and strong but I still had no chest, which was also weird because the women in my family had big chest. This was another reason why Angie teased me.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore. So is there any reason you came into my room to wake me up?" I stay getting off my bed.
"What was it?" He says while rubbing his chin. "Oh, yeah breakfast is ready come on down we're going to eat as a family for once." He says cheerfully. I would be too because our parents rarely eat with us, but I wasn't cheerful because my favorite sword was still in the battlefield with the enemy and our people.
"I'll be down dress and ready. Now get out of my room you goofy girly little boy." I say laughing knowing I was annoying Adam but knowing him he'd get over it.

Breakfast, and Arguments

Horns blared as I made my way down the stairs. How many times have I told them never to that for me I can introduce myself before entering a place.
Before I can say anything one of the horn players introduces me. "Princess Ai Kitty is now entering the dining room."
I blush because if you say my name backwards it's Kitty, Ai and with what my first name stands for it mean Kitty Love. I enter the dining room gracefully and bow to my parents. I quickly take my seat which is right in between Angie and Adam.
"Morning mother, father. Anything new." I say happily with a small forced smile.
"No nothing Princess Ai. Just the usaul. Paperwork and such." Mother says while trying to keep father quiet. Mother is a great liar, and so is father, but when it comes to lying to me he can't.
"Father anything new?" I say while tilting my head sideways and giving my best ear-to-ear smile that no one can resist. I know not much of a princess but hey who said I wanted to be a princess.
"Well something did happ-" Mother cuts him off with by thrusting her elbow into his stomach.
"No nothing sweetheart." Mother says with her this-conversation-is-over face.
"Mother I asked father the question and you said the person you ask the question to has to answer it not another person." I say while grinning showing my pearly white teeth.
"Yes, sweetheart it is true I said that but-" I cut her off this time.
"Under any circumstances you must tell the truth unless it's a secret that you are meant to keep." Beside me Angie grimaces and Adam beams a smile at me.
"Well then since you've learned all that by not listening to anyone, you should hear about the war that's going on. Outside the castle gates." I hear Angie gasp. I can't believe she didn't know about the war. She is way beyond stupid.
"Yes mother, but I do listen in my studies I know our hitory, the different languages of our world, and Earth's, I know about all the types of art, I read every single book in our library, and lastly I know self-defense." I say while looking at them wondering if they dare challenge me to see if I can really do all the things I just said.
"Yes we can see you can defend yourself." Father says while looking at Angie's face. "But we don't know about the other's you have said. Please demonstrate."
I sigh knowing they would not trust me. "Yes, father and mother. But listen to my words. Can I ever lie to my family, I think not. So why distrust my words."
Every one looks at each other with confusion. They did not believe that I could do it so I gave them something to think about.
"I don't think she actually listens. I think she's lying so she can get out of studies." Angie says.
"Well I believe her because she is a smart little Princess. Who doesn't spend her time doing her nails, or think about boys." Adam says to my rescue. That's why he's my favorite.
Father speaks up. "Yes, I believe my little Ai. She would never lie." I smile encouraging at my father.
I mouth 'Thank you'. Mother speaks this time. "I need proof first then I'll believe you." Angie smirks.
I feel Adam and Father's confidence waver but stay strong. I clear my throat and begin.
"Je suis vraiement blesse, maman, même quand tu ne me crois pas" I say with a smile. (Translation:I am really hurt, mother, that you don't believe me)
Angie's right next to me with her mouth wide open. I'm going to have fun with this one."Derecho de Angie a mi lado con la boca abierta. Me voy a divertir con esto." (Translation:Angie close your mouth or you'll catch flies.)
Angie's mouth widened but when she finally understood what I said she shut her mouth quickly and glared at me. And people say I don't act like a princess. Like I want to act like my stuck-up sister.
"Well since you have learned many things I

will tell you what's happening. We are in war with the dogs that humans call werewolves. I personally think they brought this on themselves. They are dogs who are uncivilized and unsociable. They think highly of themselves and treat people like dirt." Mother says.
"As if they're the only ones, mother. Have you taken a look at yourself. You think lowly of our people cause they are not as rich as us. You do know you use to be one of them. Now I bet, you even think lowly of your mother." I say getting up. "Maybe they are just fighting for something they need. Maybe they don't think lowly of us, that they can just eat one of us without a second thought. Have you even met one to compare. How can 1 werewolf that was so hungry he could eat anything including one of his own just happens to stumble across one of our dying


cats. He was dying and had nothing to live for, anymore. Mother you can't just say things about people before you even know them." I say furious at her.
"That's it young lady. I want you in your room for the rest of the day. You got that." She says while glaring at me. Angie smirking and Adam, plus father looking surprised.
"Fine, but if I have to stay in my room I want all the maids in my room and some video games, and movies in my room. I don't want to hear your opinion. I want them in my room and that's final." I say. I turn around and notice the maids leaving the room. Mother must have sent them out to get what I commanded and go into my room.
I turn towards Adam and he nods his head. I get up not bothering to finish my food and go up the circling stairs.

Partying, and Fighting, and Tears

Uh, how can my own


mother be just like my sister. How can I be nothing like my family. Okay I'm a tom-boy princess how is that so bad. It didn't matter to me cause that was just me.
I quickly move towards my door and waited. Anja passed by me. She didn't even give me a second glance once she passed me. I knew exactly why. Mother was standing across the hall while looking at me. My smile quickly faded and I just waited until Adam passed by while giving me the cold shoulder.
I didn't care if mother threatned to do something to them if they talked to me. I would get them out of it. My mother may be queen, but she isn't for long. The people will side with me because of all the death going around happening with the war going on.
He came back a few minutes later when mother left. Man, I hate her. She's becoming more of a overly-confident queen who can spend all the money in the world. Just like Angie.
He hands me the movies and video games. "Man you are a very dangerous person, Ai." he said smiling. "But I'm glad you put mother back in her place. You were right about all those things she shouldn't think of them so lowly."
"Thanks I just got aggrivated. I don't want mother talking like she does now. It was like she was a spoiled little princess, growing up." I said telling the truth. "How she can talk like that and have no remorse. She can't talk about them if she has never met one."
"Have you met one, Ai?" He asks making my eyes drift towards his.
"No, I haven't but I'm not judging them as if they are horrible people. I'm judging them by how I judge everyone else before I meet them. I don't expect much. The only thing I judge is that they are different. We are cats, and they are...wolves." I say while making sure he saw that I was telling the turth.
"I believe you, love. And, I know that what mother said was just as wrong as judging people by their color. Now onto the topic of you being violent. I hate to be the person that pisses you off so bad you beat them up." He says holding up the discs.
I can feel the smile creeping up on my lips. "Hey, you know I absolutely LOVE


Romeo Must Die. Violence, Different Races, Betrayal, and LOVE all mixed into one." I say snatching the movies.
"Ya, that explains that movie but what about the others." He says eyeing me.
I shurg. "I'm just a violent person I guess. PEACE


big bro."
I run into my room to see frightened maids everywhere. The only one that looked comfortable was Anja who was staring at the maids in amusement.
"Okay let's get the party started. We got video games, movies, popcorn, and the life of the party. Moi." They start to laugh nervously although not moving.
Anja makes her way towards me. I hear a few gasps as the maids watch her comes towards me.
"Hey Anja." I hug her recieving more gasps.
"Hey Pr-Ai." Again more gasps.
"Okay, okay I know your not used to seeing me and Anja being buddy-buddy but we are. Anyone have a problem with that feel freely to raise your hand." I say addressing the other maids.
No one raised their hands. "Good, NOW


let's get the party started." I say while Anja is laughing at my outburst. Hey you knew it was coming.
I jump on my bed which made me bounce into the air. I pulled my legs closer to my body and landed gracefully. The maids looked at me as if I wasn't some princess but a daredevil with awe clearly on their faces.
All the maids in the castle were all young. Some from 14 years to 18 years old. Although they were young they were not younger than me. The reason for that was because my brother was suppose to pick one to be his bride.
That was a sick tradition. Treat the maids like dirt, and then only pick one to be your wife, and leaving the others dreams crushed. Although that was bad it was nothing compared to what happened if a princess was to marry.
The men that wanted to captivate the princesses heart had to spend a day with the princess. Until the princess has spent a day with all the men. She has to pick the ones she likes the most. They go head-to-head in combat.
Most men die, others have scars that run so deep that they haven't healed completely. I hated how that was to happen. Some of the young ladies here didn't care about love, they cared about the title, the money. Everything you'd expect from from a prince.
Those were the kind of girls I hated. I hated them so much, that they could go, fall in a ditch, die and go to hell.
My brother deserved better than those girls. He deserved true love. If fate decided that he was better left alone. Then I will never ever try to change my fate. My brother was best alone. Not because I didn't want him to get married it was just he would turn like father, and let mother make all the decisions cause he loves her too much.
We partied until it was near 11:00 pm. I looked at Anja and she was looking at me, with sadness in her eye. We both looked at the other maids who were having fun. The ones that only cared about money and the title were standing in a corner trying to find a way to sabotage the other competition; there were about 10 people having fun while 40 of the people just talking like tomorrow. Some of the girls in the corner were staring daggers at Anja. I got up at the same time Anja did, she followed me towards the almost invisible door that led me towards the battlefield. She looked up and touched her mouth with her index finger and brought the other hand to my head. The ancient sign of protection, for the both of us. I did the same thing to her, I felt like I needed to do that.

Murder in the Palace Walls

"Distract them, please. I have to go." I said sadly.
"Come back safe." She said a tear falling off her cheek onto my shoulder. We untangle from the hug we took and nodded our heads in understanding. She runs and taps the shoulder of one of the girls watching one of the movies. "Tag!" She yells with so much hype that makes you want to join. I would've if I didn't have something else in mind.
"Be safe, Anja." I whisper but from the turn of her head and the wave of blond hair that swished through the air cutting the air like a knife. She nods and smiles a weak smile that was meant to show she understands but I saw she was scared...for me. I quickly went into the hidden closet, changed, and armed myself. Leaving the room I quickly ran through the forest and quickly hid myself behind one of the trees across the battlefield. "Bakas. What do they think they're doing." I saw the flash of blond hair and ran towards it. "We meet again."
"Aah, where did you come from you scared me?"
"No, I didn't get that from the scream that escaped your mouth. Baka." I saw his confused face. "Baka means idiot." His face turned to one of understanding.
"Hey! I'm not a idiot."
"Whatever do you know where my sword is by any chance?"
"I think its over there." He points behind me but I don't need his warning, I jump up, twirl, and kick the werewolf in the back of his head seeing him crumble to the floor. I pick up my sword from his hand and noticed that he couldn't even hold it up right. Baka, this is a dragon-tooth sword. Only the owner of the sword can withstand the immense power of the sword and even then most of the owners are killed by the power contained in the sword, I am one of the few rare wielders that have the touch with dragons and can withstand the power that comes with them.
"Man, people these days need to learn not to touch what doesn't belong to them." I say shaking my head and looking at the man in front of me. Why send this man out, it is very obvious that he was weak before even touching my sword.
"Is know, a dragon-tooth sword." He must've heard about these babies.
"Yes, yes she is. Her name's Anja, after my best friend." I smiled remembering when I first told Anja the name of my sword.
"She must be really important to you."
"Ya they are important to me. Well see you got a battle to win."
"You won't be winning any battle." I heard him whisper to himself, not meaning for me to hear but being Princess had its perks. What did he mean by that.


Half an hour later half of my people were either on the floor getting medical help or fighting staying away from me as much as possible. It doesn't even seem as if the werewolves are doing anything like they usually would. Suddenly I feel like I've been stabbed 4 times over, right where my heart should be. The pain is intense. I grovel and feel as if I have nothing to live for. One part of my stabbed heart is still intact and is screaming at me, I have one other thing or person to live for. PERSON!! No, no that means. I look around, the werewolves look like they know a little secret. The faces of werewolves looked ugly before but now. Smirks were carelessly thrown onto their faces, and their eyes gleamed with murderous delight.
I look over at Kyro, his eyes shine with unshed tears, as if something is hurting him as well. I slash at the two towering werewolves coming my way and run back to my tree. The grass crunches after every heavy footstep. The werewolves are too dense to notice that I no longer am on the battlefield. Going through the passageway is quite easy, actually. As I am near the end of my journey, I feel other presences. Feline presences. And they're all female.
"ANJA!!! ANJA!!! ARE YOU THERE!?!" I scream out, no one other than me and Anja know how to get into here. "ANJA ANSWER ME, PLEASE!!!"
"Over here, princess. Over here, Ai." Anja's feeble voice carries over the sound waves of the passageway. I follow the sound waves to the origin. There she is cowering with some of the other maids.
"What's going on? Anja answer me! What's going on?" I quickly grasp Anja's arm and pull her up to face me. Seeing the panicked and scared look on her dainty face, I pull her into a hug. "Its OK, what's wrong. You can tell me."
"The king...queen...princess...they..." She kept sobbing throughout her explanation. "Prince...Adam...he told us to them." I quickly brought my hand up to my heart. She saw that and looked at me in horror. She sobered up enough for one full sentences. "How many times?" I just looked at her. "HOW MANY TIMES AI!! HOW MANY!!" She shook me and this time I turned to stone.
I looked at her, from her expression I had just turned into someone she didn't know. "4, 4 times Anya. I felt them 4 times. They're I will kill them." Anja grabbed my shoulders with a strength I didn't know she had.
"Snap out of it. They'll kill you too. Then who will we have, WHO!!!" I looked at Anja and noticed something. She cared about us all. Not cared like what a maid is suppose to do, but cared as if we were family to her.
"I could've died tonight, yesterday night, and the night before. But I'm still here, am I not. They will die for what they have done tonight. Neither you or the great god can stop me. Once I am done with these petty assassins I will go to their King and Queen. They will know what I have suffered. The pain of knowing your loved one has died and you couldn't have stopped it. They will pay." She has gone silent, but she has understood that this is something I have to do. Not only for me but for my father, my brother. Even my mother and sister. They were family, and family stick together.
I stepped out of the closet to find my room completely ransacked. I make my way towards the outside hallway. The walls are splattered with blood of the guards. Some stains spell out words, others look like claw marks, but none of this concerns me. I need to find these killers that has made my home a bloodied play pen. In the kitchen I hear noises, laughter maybe. As I make the bend, I'm hit with the foul strong-smell of rum mixed with a few other drinks, I am not familiar with. In seats of their own the corpse of my parents and siblings are displayed. In the exact place of where I felt the stabbing pain, wounds are seen. Dry blood cakes the area around the stab wounds. My anger intensifies.
"It seems like this is all work and no play for you, werewolves. Do you need a few minutes to work or are you ready to play." My voice comes out menacing. The desired effect is derived from the 8 tall, and muscular werewolves who are the murderers of my family. No doubt about it, they may reek like drunks but the unmistakable linger of blood was on them. But the thing that haunted me the most was the marks on their bodies that perfectly matched the marks on my family members. I knew exactly who killed who and who helped who. Not that it mattered, but this was new. This talent was unexpected.
"Who are you little miss?" One of them slurs.
"Maybe its one of them purty little maids the others were talking about." Another states.
"Maybe we could have some fun with this one too." This one doesn't seem as drunk. "We'll discard of her once we're done." For the first time I notice female bodies scattered on the floor. The other maids, well the ones I didn't like. They looked violated, were scarred, and mutilated. That sight sickened me and enraged me even more.
"Lets not, idiots. She's wearing a white hood and white clothing that covers her body entirely. Reminds of someone, anyone." Not as startled as I should be, I notice a nice looking man leaning behind my parents. He doesn't have any marks on him, he didn't kill my family or anyone in his lifetime, but from the glint in his eyes and the way his smile gleams I know he's capable of killing anyone.
'You don't want to hurt them. You don't want to. Your powerless against them, you know you're going to lose.' I hear this voice in my head denoting me, swaying my actions. I look to see the smart werewolf looking at me intently.
'NO!' I scream in my head. I lift up my hand only to notice that I dropped my sword somewhere, instead I get 1 of the 3 daggers I didn't use before. Aiming the first one I hit one of the menacing guys square in the chest. These people needed two people to kill just one person in my family, they would be easy kill.

Okay so 2 daggers, 3 shirakins, and no sword. Now standing are 7 werewolves without counting the man man with the unknown speices. It doesn't seem as if I'll be able to spare any of my weapons for him, but for some reason I feel as if he will not be there for very long. So I calculated, I can hit 1 guy each with the daggers and make the shirakins move in a circular motion to take out 2 or 3. They began to move towards me and I didn't bother to care, they would be dead or dying when I got through with them. So I could kill all of them if I threw 2 shirikins and they only hit 2 people I would have only 1 person standing which I can hit the last person with. 

 My cat instincts take over and I let them, I'm still doing the math in my head thinking of other ways to take them down and not get all my babies dirty. When I get into cat mode I don't remember what happens all I know is that all I am is a blur to the werewolves, even to my people. Grunts and last breaths are being taken and I haven't stopped yet. I don't stop, not until I hear the cry from the doorway. The little gasp of someones innocence being taken away. I turn and I see a horrified Anja standing there. For once my all white clothing is dirtied. I am covered in blood from head to toe, my hood is drawn but I let it down. 


Texte: copyright reserved to AJ Joseph
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.07.2011

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Widmung: friends and family. and of course my fans.

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