
-Chapter 1-


"Honey wake up." My mom stirred me awake. "UH...Mom why can't I stay asleep." I say tiredly. "Cause I know you wouldn't miss your birthday." I sigh I hate my birthday date. My parents always host parties and include people I don't even know. "Do I have a choice,mother?" "No,so wake up already." She says while pulling my dark midnight black covers from my body that are covered in my favorite pj's. A black tee,and black puffy pajama pants. I groan again and get up. Hurriedly I close my windows with my black window shades. By now my mom was already out of my room. I grin loving the solitude I am given. I walk slowly to my black walk-in closet and search through all my black clothes. Some of them didn't start off the color black. I had to do a serious tye-dye job. I chose a black halter shirt that had little expression of how I was feeling. Next,I chose black tight skinny jeans that had metal chains that looked like charms on my jeans. Finally,putting on my favorite knee-high buckled up boots. Looking at my reflection in the mirror and loving the way they showed off my curves. They even made me look like my breast were bigger then they actually were. Looking at the alarm I notice it's 6 AM and that I had enough time to eat breakfast and hang out with my friends before school. I walk down the winding glass stairs and go into the kitchen. My face falls when I walk into the kitchen to see my mother surrounded by my dad,my sister Hannah, and my cousin Erica. *I look nothing like my family I wonder if I'm even related to them.* I thought. "Mourning Samantha how was your sleep?" My snob of a sister Hannah asked trying to pry something out of me I just know it. "Nothing much but I think I heard you yelling calling a boys name out last night um...what was his name? Oh ya...Aaron I think I may be wrong. What isn't there a Aaron in our oh I don't know 1st period." I smirk knowing she's going to get it. "Hannah,can I see you in another room." My mom asks but more like a statement than a question. She gives me the evil eye while leaving the room. "Sam you know she's going to kill you if she get's in trouble." Erica says. "Ah...but lets see her try." "Honey you know I detest violence." "Ya,dad almost everyone in the world knows that." Erica and I start laughing cause we both know that my comeback was half true. The whole world-literally-just wants to take my father to their country and make him have kids so they have someone with the kid of the most richest guy Mr.Andrew Henry. "Dad I wasn't going to try to kill her like Erica said Hannah would do. Why are just pointing me out?" "No,nothing just forget I even said that." I was still seriously pissed that he pointed me out and just wants me to forget it. I sighed and went to the fridge. I took out some eggs and got out a frying pan. I put the eggs in the pan. I added hot sauce to the eggs while the eggs to add a little taste. When it was done I slid it onto a slice of bread. I added barbeque sauce onto it and put the other slice of bread on top of the eggs. I sigh when I notice I'm done cause now I have to go to school.
"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." "Honey can you bring Hannah to school I'm busy." I groaned and agreed. She kept nagging me the whole time with 'Did you hear about the new guy?' 'I hope he's hot.' and 'If he's cute/hot I hope he's in some of my classes.' I kept groaning how can we be related. When we finally got to the schools parking lot I was glad her little posse that follows her around like she's the goddess of the school was there. I hurriedly moved out of their group and made my way to my friends that do the same thing that Hannah's 'group of friends' do even if I tell them to stop. "Hey guys what's up?" I ask cheerfully. "Hey goth queen." Ariana my best friend in the whole world asked. "Hey don't give me that goth queen act. Your not actually Mrs.Sunshine." I say eying her clothes. She was wearing her favorite boot-cut black jeans, fuzzy black boots and bright yellow cute happy shirt and yellow cowboy hat. I can't help notice but she makes the outfit look good. I could never make what shes wearing look good cause the only colors that I look good in are purple and black. The wind blows my short glossy black hair that has streaks of purple highlights in my face. I smile knowing Ariana has no comeback for me. "Well while Ari tries to come up with a come back to tell me. How are you guys." Tanya was the first to answer. "I'm good but I saw you come with your slut of a sister Hannah." Tanya was wearing a black plaid mid-thigh high mini skirt, thigh high black boots, and a cute but short grey shirt that said 'I'm available'. I sigh "Why are you wearing the colors that make you look good and the shirt I bought you when I told you to see someone else after Harry broke your heart." She blushed so hard she looked like an apple. *Should I tell her that I want the new boy to like me.* Okay weird did she just say that. "Excuse what did you say Tanya." I say while my teeth are pressed against each other. I feel my canines growing. Tanya shivers as if I just blew a icy wind her way. "I didn't say anything. Are you all right Sam?" "Ya, I spent so much time listening to Hannah talking about the new guy like 'I hope he's hot,oh and 'if he's hot I hope he's in most of my classes' if I hear one more person talking about that new guy." I groan when I realize that all 3 of my friends are dressed slutty. "Not you guys seriously why do you think he's different than all the others here." "Well we really don't know how he's like so we thought we could give him a chance." Mia answered. She was dressed in red the the opposite color of the color of a virgin. Tight red jeans,red halter top,and red vinyl boots. I just sighed too mortified to give them an answer. "Let's just go and forget about this whole thing. Okay." They all agree and go with it. I keep hearing these thoughts that I think belong to Ari,Tanya,and Mia. *Thank goodness she decided to let this slip.*,plus *You wonder if she's goth but has a open personality and she's quite nice.* Weird is what I thought, and *Is he cute,or hot.* Now my head is spinning with all these thoughts cause their not mines. I'm so glad when the bell rings before my head blew up. I walked into my first period class. Which had to be History with Hannah and her stuck up friends. I went to my regular seat right by the window only to see Hannah already in the seat behind me. She has a theory that if all the teacher are afraid of me and so are thr students then the teacher will know no one would be crazy enough to sit next to me. I sit in front of her and look out the window. A few minutes later I hear everyone in the room gasp. I look around trying to see what they all were gasping at. It didn't take me long cause sitting right nex to me was a super hot boy sitting next to me. He turns towards m and smile showing really straight white teeth. His shaggy long dirty blond hair covering his icy blue eyes. His smile showing dimples that his angular face had. HIs icy blue eyes looking into my black almost purple eyes trying to see my soul. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans and black and white sneakers. His muscles bulging through his clothes. Everyone in the room is holding their breath-including Mr.Smith-waiting to see my reaction.
"Hi? I'm Sam which is short for Samantha." I say uncertainly.
"Hi I'm Alex which is short for Alexander. I'"
"Well everyone here can see that your sitting in the seat next to me."
"Oh...someone sits here right maybe I should move."
"No." I say while holding his elbow down. "I just mean no one sits next to me except of course my sister whos sitting behind me right now and my friends because other people are afraid of me."
"How can they be scared of you." He stops thinking about something. "Your very...unquie." Saying that carefully not wanting to upset me.
"Well thank you but if you knew me you would be cowering away from me too."
"I don't think so."
"Am hearing this right. I think I just heared a straight-forward challenge." Everyone around the room gasp. "Don't worry I won't hurt him that bad or mess up his pretty litte face."
"Oh so you think I have a pretty face."
"No I'm making your little girl fan club won't end up hating me forever."
"Oh I thought you liked me."
I gag and say "You actually think I waste my precious time having a crush or dating."
He puts on a pretty little pout but I don't give in this is why boys aren't in my mind. I just smile and shake my head.
"Your not going to give up are you?"
He shakes his head and that's when the bell rings plus I notice we learned nothing and that even Mrs.Smith was eavesdropping on our conversation.
I walk out of the room first cause everyone hasn't recovered from their shock. The day went by quickly with girls drooling over Alex and Alex always looking at me through each class. Some how he got all my classes and always sat next to me.
I actually think they planned a ambush in order to kill me but I know they don't have the guts to. I close my eyes and breath outwardly. Now I have to deal with my friends who-like every other girl-are madly in love with Alex. Then I have to deal with my huge-I bet the whole city is going to the party-birthday party.

-Chapter 2-

-Chapter 2-

I step outside and talking to my friends is no other-can you guess-Alex. Now I have to talk to him too man this is a twisted world. I walk to them and everyone stops talking immediantly.
"Hey guys whats up?"
"Nothing much Sammy what about you?" Ari said to me with a sweet smile. Usaully she says that with a fist pump.
"School same as always. I bet school can kill the undead again."
"Twiligt fan, I see." Alex states.
"No way I'm more of an dark angel kind of person but since Hannah is my sister she made me watch and I like the part where you see Taylor's shitless he's absolutely HOT."
Mia, Ari, and Tanya all shake their heads up and down agreeing with me. I smile noticng that Alex is uncomfortable with the conversation we're having. I look at my watch and gasp.
"Sorry guys but have to go dress shopping for tonight you guys are coming right."
They all nodd and Ari adds "Do we ever make you suffer alone?"
"Yes remember when Hannah and her barbie friends followed us home and they wanted to dress us up girler and you guys bailed I had to do a lot of threating and doing to get out of it."
"What exactly did you do to them?" Mia asked.
"Nothing you guys need to worry about by tomorrow it'll be to late to stop it." I smirk knowing they would try to kill me when they see their hair tomorrow.
"What's tonight any way?" Alex says.
"Tonight is my birthday party or in other words a way to have a ball and have me in a dres."
"So your birthday is today?" He states as if that was a surprise.
Then something happens. I'm hearing peoples thoughts. Not everyone's but Alex's.
*I can't believe I fell for my soon-to-be-* He stops suddenly noticing how I'm staring at him with blank eyes. I shake my head and my eyes go back to normal. *That was weird whats happening to me today.*
I quickly move away from the circle of friends. After I move a good few feet, I look back. "You guys coming or what?" I yell over my shoulder.
I hear a chours of "Coming!!" all female with one uninvited male voice.
"All except Alex, are coming." I hear groans and 'Oh man's.' from behind. Ari speaks up. "Hey Sam do you really want Alex suffocated by all the slutty girls trying to get his attention and the boys who will try to beat him up when we're gone. Do you?"
I sigh and turn around. "I do because it would be funny but if you guys think so highly of him and think he should be in our little group. Then, hell he can come, but he can't see the dresses I'm trying out." I walk towards them so no one can hear what I'm about to say.
I stop in front of my friends and continue to talk. "Don't forget be at my house by 4:00 sharp. All except Alex he comes when everyone else comes 6:00. And since it's Fall be ready to go outside and dance."
Being Mia she checks her watch. "Then we have an hour to go to the mall pick a dress for Sam, do our homework over at Sam's house so we're already at her house to help get set."
I listen to her intenly and say. "I'm not the only one getting a dress you guys are too and I want you guys to wear it at my party. Now, If I suffer you guys have to suffer."
I don't really think they minded wearing dresses as long as it was short and showed off their curves to Alex. I shake my head slowly, showing them they were helpless.
We head towards the mall with me leading and Mia, Ari, and Tanys making a V protecting Alex. We passed Hannah and her slutty friends only to be stop cause Hannah just has to be school bee.
"Hey Samantha, where you going. I should know since I'm your sister so Mom can know." She says sweetly although a smirk is coming on.
"Cut the act Hannah what do you want. The precious cargo mom gave me for the dresses." I say once she finishes her sentence.
She falters but starts up again. "N...No I want to go with you I can see what you pick out."
"So you can get something better than mine for I don't know. Someone who's new here oh..what's his name." I say looking up into the sky but peeking glances towards Hannah.
She straight out mad. I love it when she gets mad it shows her true colors. "You know his name asshole. It's Alexander and that's what your going to call him. You won't go near him at anytime. I will see your dress and make sure I will have a better dress than you. You will not mess this up. He will be mine wether you like it or not. Or else."
"Or else what Hannah the slut. You maybe my sister but I'm not under killing you I'm way above. I don't care about 'Alex' you can have him for all I care but are you willing to risk your petty little life for just one guy. Seriously do you think I want to date someone I hardly know. God you can be such a retarded bitch. Now leave me alone and get out of the way." She can hardly contain her anger after what I just said. I step aside to show Alex what a monster my "sister" is.
I hear a gasp and turn around. I see all my friends and Alex with mouths-open. Oh ya none of them ever saw Hannah like this. Only I can make Hannah the popular slut this mad.
Oh the irony how I love the irony.

-Chapter 3-

-Chapter 3-

"Oh, hi Alex. We haven't porperly met. I'm Hannah. Samantha's sister." She says while her face goes back to the sweet angelic face everyone is use to.
I look back at my friends and Alex and notice they are not fooled by her sweet facadcè. "Ya I'm, Alex. Nice to meet you...Hannah." He says slowly.
"Well bye bye Hannah. We have to go." I say while pushing her and her groupies.
"Hold up, Samantha." She says. She leans towards my ear and whispers. "I will tell mother about this."
"About what Hannah that me and my FRIENDS plus Alex are going to the mall." I say not interested.
"That's hurtfull that you don't think of me as a friend." Alex says while holding his hand to his heart.
"You know I love you, right baby." I say while giving him a loving look.
Everyone around to hear us yells-including Alex "YOU DO!!"
"No, not really. And Ari, Mia, and Tany it hurts. It hurts that you would think that I waste my time falling in love." I say while pretending to cry.
"Aw. Sammy we weren't expecting you to say that maybe saying 'You know your my friend.', not 'You know I love you, right baby." Ari says while putting a lock of her silky black hair behind her ear.
"Ya. That's totally true." Mia says.
*I hate her. Every boy has to love her. What do they see in this goth bitch anyway. God, no wonder Alex likes her. Every boy loves her. I just want a hot guy to say she's ugly and useless. If she treated every boy like they were her friend they would continue to ask her out continously even if she said no to all of them 3 million times.* Wow who said that. My eyes unglaze and I see who I'm staring at. Hannah thought that. Seriously Hannah. Every guy likes me. ME. The chick that everyone is afraid of. The chick that isn't afraid to tell principal's, teacher's, and parents off. That's a huge mistake every boy was after Hannah.
"Hannah can I ask you and your groupies something?" I say.
"Ya sure Samantha." She says why sneering. Man how am I related to her.
"Stop calling me Samantha if you still want to live another day." I say and I watch her face fall, now completely scared. "Now for the questoin I was going to ask. Do all the BOYS in the school, love me."
I hear a few gasps mostly from the groupies. Hannah's face falls completely now. " you know no one told you." She says practically falling apart.
"No one told me, retard, but you just did. Now for another question. If ALL the boys love me why do they go to bed with you." I ask why her eyes shift to Alex and back at me. A scowl is on her face now.
"Opps you didn't want Alex here to know that you've slept with all he boys here. And you go for the new ones and they all giver in the 1st week. Well I guess he just found out now answer the question bitch." I say while scowling back.
"They sleep with me because I'm the second best looking girl who happens to live in the same house as you." She says finally giving up and telling the truth. Wait a minute she never tells me the truth.
"Why are you telling me the truth?" I ask bewildered. Wait a minute. "Oh you want Alex to know I'm off the menu and that he'll never have me. Hey I've told him that this mourning and is he listening no. He's still after me and I have no clue. So beat it." I walk away from her and Ari, Mia, Tany, and Alex follow me.
I hear collective sighs from behind me and turn around. I see the girls looking at Alex from behind and Alex sighing cause he got away from the sluts. I laugh out loud and that snaps everyone out of their trances and people around us are staring at me. I stop laughing and turn around.
"Sammy why were you laughing you never laugh. Your laugh is musical kinda like your voice but more of a song." Tany says.
"I don't laugh and I laughed because you guys are so helpless. I'm talking about ALL of you including you Alex. They are going to be all over you." I say not bothering to turn to them.
"I like your laugh Sammy. You should totally laugh more often it lifts my mood and burdens. That laugh is MAGICAL." Mia says.
"It's nothing forget about it already we have to get to the mall, and fast before Hannah can actually catch up to us." I say and I hear a gasp from behind. That's what I thought.
We contine to walk and stop near my house. "Alex, this is my house where the party is going to happen." I say not bothering to see if he's listening. He won't have to cause the girl's are going to make me make him come over before the party even starts.
Man, the crazy things they make me do. Seriously, I bet they would make me kiss some boy. Not Alex though they're totally in love with him. I don't see why.
I go get my my all black BMW X6. I drive up front and my friends hop in the back. Great, now Alex has to sit up front. He makes his way towards the other side and hops in.
I quickly drive away from the death trap I call home. We quickly make it to Ravencross Mall. I enter the mall knowing it on the inside out. Ya, I know a person like me always going to the mall. My parents actually founded this mall. That's how I know. Hannah and I got to put in a shopping center into it.
So all the preps go to her frilly, jocky store which happens to be beside Aeropostale, and Abercrombie and Fitch. The store I designed was for emos, and goths like me.
I dashed towards Dark Angel with my friends tailing. I rush in and go directly towards the special rack of dresses I layed out for myself whenever my birthday comes around. It was specially made for me with my size, and taste.
I looked through all the dresses until I saw the perfect one. It was mid-thigh, had some knee stockings which both had white lace trim. The dress had spagetti straps, and it also came with a all black choker. I had the perfect ankle-high boots that would go great with the outfit.
I looked over to the counter. Their was a new kid. Time to make him know my face, and well. No, I'm not going to kiss him, I still have my lipginty.
I went to the front counter plastering a smile on my face. My friends are snickering behind me knowing my plans.
"Hi I'm Sam. I'm new here and I would love to know if this is on sale." I say with a fake southern accent.
He smiles looking at me. Actually, he's checking me out. "What is a fine thing like you doing here shopping alone." He says. Well I'm not calling this gross cause he's like 16, a year older than me.
"I'm wondering if this is on sale and wanting to...KISS the sexy guy in front of me here." I say smiling. And by the look on his face I think I took his breath away.
"Well...I'm working here...but...but...I think I can give this pretty lady here a kiss." He says while leaning in.
I just smile and lean in too. He closes his eyes and that's all I need. I go over to the drawers and pull out the card he should have read, about me. All the guys don't read it cause I make sure they don't see it.
I put my card up to his lips which are still puckered. He opens his eyes and they widened. By now, Ari, Mia, and Tany are on the floor laughing their guts out. He scratchs the back of his head akwardly.
"Oh how I love to play with the new guys." I say laughing, knowing my eyes turning darker.
"So your Samantha Holte. I just ring this up and your friends things free of charge, if you say nothing." He pleads.
"Sure thing I do this to everyone who starts working, so my lips are sealed, lover boy." I say laughing.
He scans them and pretends we pay and goes right on flatly ignoring us, and acknowledging the people entering.
I just laugh and see Alex with his mouth hanging open with shock on his face. I'm thinking it's because each of us only have 1 bag of clothes or because of the little show.
We just laugh and brush past him. Knowing he's going to need something I immediantly go and stop at my sisters store, Angel. She totally copied my idea of the Angel part but hey she didn't put anything before it.
Everyone shopping immediantly gasps as I enter even Ari, Mia, and Tany. I throw them a stern look and they nod. They huddle around Alex, quickly. I move towards the guy's section and towards the special events rack. I look through all of them until I come towards one that would look good on any one.
"Alex what size do you wear?" I ask loudly for everyone to hear.
"Any size it fit just great." He says answering me just as loudly.
I pick it off the rack and head towards the counter. The teen girl there is cowering in fear. So I scan the tux, and swipe my card. I pay and that's final.
I leave the store gladly. I throw Alex his bag and he catches it. We quickly climb into my car and drive away.
We finally reached my house and guess what. I was right they did convince me to let Alex stay. Yippe me. Note the sarcasm. We did our homework, with the help of Alex.
When we finished I quickly turned on my Toshiba and went to wattpad, to read and write a few stories, by the way that is a great website. I didn't feel like writing so I just read Surfing the Web. Litterally. The beggining was great, but as the end came nearer it got kinda of boring and bland.
But that's my opinion. Hey someone might say that the ending was great.


Texte: copyright 2011 Justine Joseph
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.06.2011

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Widmung: all my friends, and family.

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