
"Mom can't a girl get some sleep during the summer." "Not on your birthday." I jumped up and out of my cute midnight black, and purple bed. My eyes adjusting to my room I see the blood red and angel white walls and ceiling. "Mom can I go open my presents then can we go shopping." "Ya cause I was planning on you saying that cause I have a surprise for you." "Love you mom let me go take a bath and I'll join you downstairs." I got so hopped up on what the surprise might be that I almost jumped when I got near my dad's room cause he snores so loud I bet the whole neighborhood heard him snoring each mourning and night. That is why my mom has a different room some how she can block out the noise just like me. As I pass my dad's room I get to my bathroom and I reach for the white chiseled doorknob. Inside my eye's immediately fall on my blood red and midnight black cabinets that are stacked with the newest fashions for the summer and fall. I took my favorite body wash, Red Cherry Blossom body wash, did I mention I LOVE that body wash. It comes with lotion, perfume, etc... I turn the golden colored faucet and step in. Once I have the right amount of water in the tub I make little conga people with my powers and start the conga music. I pretend the water conga people a movie it's fun then I remember it's June 22nd my 14th birthday. I felt sad to leave my silky smooth bath because it makes me feel good. I brush my teeth and hurry downstairs passing all the expensive vases and closets across the hallway. I forgot I was still in my bathrobe. I poked into my room and grabbed a black tight pair skinny jean and tight white button down shirt. My breast making the shirt reach my bellybutton. I go downstairs to see my mom surrounded by billions of presents. I bet most of them are from my dad's friends the king and queen of the vampires, some from my friends who I guess got the message that they could not come over and that they got their MP4 players, and the rest are from my parents. I jump ready to open most of all the presents when my mom stopped me. "Topaz honey you know your part vampire right." "Ya mom and today my fangs are going to show up which dad is totally going to take a picture of" "Yes sweetheart that will happen but you should also know that your part angel and your wings will also sprout today." "Really mom that is so cool I'm part vampire and angel." That explains the angel colors I always liked. Just then my father got up went down the stairs with his boxers and white undershirt on and in his hand was a camera. Then my canines started hurting then my mouth opened wide and my fangs started growing just then my father took the picture. "Dad if your going to keep that picture you better keep it in your wallet or else." "And what little girl can you do to me?" My dad wasn't there when I found out I could control all the elements, change my exterior to anything from a person, to an animal. "Oh you'd be surprised at what I could do." "Topaz stop before you kill your father, and Daniel stop taunting her and I'm not saying your getting old but she can kill you trust me." "Yes mom." I sigh I never get to have some fun. I got to have french vanilla ice cream before I opened my presents. I got so many things but the one I liked the most was my new panther pink sports car.

We drove my new car to the mall and were quiet the whole way there. I have a feeling she is leaving something out from our conversation earlier. While we were at the parking spot in front of Aventura Mall my back where my shoulder blades started hurting. "Mom, mom help my shoulder blades are fuckin hurting."Then out of no where these huge white fluffy wings sprout out of my back they were so beautiful. I looked at my wings in awe. "Sweety you can look at your wings later when there is lots of room but not now okay cause your killing me." "Mom how do I bring it in." "Just think about having it disappear maybe better retracting it into your skin." "Thanks mom I really needed the sarcasm." "Look who's calling me the sarcastic one." After a few tries I finally did it. We bought almost everything I wanted that the mall had in their inventory. Then we got me some red, black, and white shorts for me since I loved running. We also bought me some bathing suits cause I loved spending time in the water. We got some ice cream and pizza to eat. That's when she told me the other news. "Topaz honey you know me and your father love you and only want the best for you right." "Yes mom." "Well we thought about and we're sending you to Starlight Academy the most exclusive boarding school in every universe." Okay I was expecting bad news but that was horrible news why would they send me to a boarding school. Plus when she was telling me this I was drinking my sprite and I threw the soda in my mouth all over my extra cheesy pizza. My mom ordered me another one. "Mom you know I wanted to go to London so I could become a super agent spy why are you changing that." "Sweety I see your really into the spy thing but there are bad people in the world and they might take advantage of your special gifts." I sighed cause this was true I could become a human time bomb cause I was no ordinary half vampire I am a unique half vampire and angel. "Sugar that is why you must not tell anyone your dad doesn't know okay." "Ya mom." Just then a super hot fuckin ass guy sat in the table next to us. I must have been drooling over him because the next thing I know mom's ordering me a new pizza and pulling my attention from the boy. "Sweety, do you think the boy over there is hot." It's one thing if your friends know you like a boy it's another if your parents know. "No mom why." "Cause he coming over." Oh gosh did I look okay I hope I do I am so lucky to have light and dark black skin if I didn't I would be bright red. "Hi I'm Alec and who maybe the two beauty's before me." I was surprised at now manly and gentleman like he was. Instead of me answering my mom did. "Hi I'm Amy and this is my daughter Topaz." "Hi." I said weakly. "Would you like to join us for some pizza?" "I would love to but I can not take advantage of generosity like that." "No problem you will join us." I was getting real mad right now cause she was making him sit with us and I was blushing more than ever and I bet my mom and Alec could see. Then when Alec sat next to me I sensed something Alec wasn't human he was a...demon. "Mom can I talk to you in the woman's bathroom? Please." "Yes sweetheart Alec we'll be back." She picked up her purse and we headed towards the bathroom I could feel his eyes on my back watching our every move. We went in the bathroom and the feeling that I was being watched was gone. "Mom Alec is a demon, not a vampire and not any other creature a demon what are we going to do." "Sweety we're going to do nothing." "Why nothing?" "Because he is the principal of your boarding school." "How he doesn't look a day over 16 literally and what is he doing here?" "He is a demon he keeps aging but looks like he's 16, and he always make sure his soon to be students can handle going to the school." "Okay now I feel alright I'm ready." When we went outside there at our table was Alec not touching anything I don't even know if he ordered some pizza. "Alec what is your fav. pizza topping it's on me." "Well Topaz I do like pepperoni thank you." he was hesitating about what to say as if he didn't want the pizza. "I like peperoni to but not as much as cheese pizza is my ultimate fav. Mom what's your fav." "Topaz I don't think Alec wants to hear about our favorite pizza." "Oh please cont. I don't mind really." "Ok if you don't mind my favorite pizza topping is the Hawaiian Pizza. It tastes like paradise." "Alec is it okay if I order half Peperoni and half Hawaiian pizza?" "No I really don't mind I would also like to try the Hawaiian toppings your mother likes." We called for the waiter. After about 10 minutes talking about normal things like the weather, and saying happy birthday to me the pizza finally arrived and I was glad cause everyone stopped talking and we started tasting the Hawaiian pizza mom likes. After my first couple of bites I asked "Where is the school you know the boarding school that I'm going to. Where is it?" I said that kind of harsh but no one noticed though. "Well sweetheart the school is called Starlight Academy and it's not that far so you can drive home anytime and still see your friends and speaking of your friends I invited some of your friends including Justin to join us for pizza they should be here in 5 minutes." "Thanks mom this must be the best birthday but you had to tell me today on my birthday." "Because...oh, how can I tell you this..." "Then wait till I have nothing in my mouth remember what happened last time when you told me that I was going to a boarding school called Starlight Academy and the name of the school isn't that bad don't you think Alec." "Yes I like the name too that is why I like being principal of the school." I forgot to ask him how old he is and since his present slip I asked "How old are you Alec cause your principal of the boarding school I'm going to?" Alec now noticed his mistake and sighed. "I'm 25 now that you know I'm your new principal you must call me Principal Alec until your friends show up or call me Mr. Andrew even in front of your friends." "Thanks Mr. Andrew now that you told me your my principal how is the school is there a track, swimming pool, and library cause I love to run, swim, and read." "I know that is why I am telling you that there's a track team tryout after school on the first day of school, there is also a swim team I understand you have a special power to breathe underwater, and the library is a whole building next to your dorm building." "How do you know I can hold my breathe underwater for a long time no one knows that except my parents but my dad doesn't know how but my mom does." "Well I don't how you can cause it was vauge but I do understand that you want to learn all the elements which is impossible for a half vampire, even a full vampire, but none the lest you are allowed to do that." "Mr. Andrew is the school only for vampires or for all mythical creatures?" "It is filled with all types of mythical creatures such as demons, angels, pixies, fairies, witches, mermaids, vampires, and werewolves." "Oh that's nice I'm not surrounded by vampires." "Actually your dorm has only girls so since there are a lot of girls we put the girls of the same race in one dorm and do this for the boys hope you like the school though." After he finished his sentence as if on cue in stepped my friends and my amazingly beautiful hunky boyfriend Justin. "Hi Mrs. Henderson" says my best friend Tera. "Tera how many times have I told you call me Michelle or Mrs. Astrid." "Sorry Mrs. Astrid so I should stop calling Topaz, Henderson too." "Yes it'll be better for our family." "Why?" "Uh no reason right mom." "Yes nothing important." I knew the real reason since my father was famous we could be killed any time. "Guys go order and bring the next table next to us k." "Topaz who's the dude?" Justin asked. Who's getting a little jealous. "Justin this is Alec Andrew he's the principal of the new school I'm going to." I said the last part quite quiet so they wouldn't hear. "The principal of what Topaz?" Oh no Samantha the only person able to understand stuff others can't. "I said the principal of my'" I was muffled thanks to Alec fake coughing. "Sorry but I have not met you guys can you guys tell me your names." Tera gave me a quick whisper saying "What a gentlemen and he's hot how old is he?" I leaned in to smell strawberry splash perfume on her and say "he's 25 girl, and way out of your league in so many ways." "Hey that's hurtful you don't I'm good enough for him." "Let me give you a few reasons why you can;t date him 1.He's 25, 2.He's my principal, and 3.He's not what you think." She seemed to consider this. "K but are you sure you aren't going to break up with Justin to be with that hunky hot and when I say hot I mean H-O-T hot older guy." "I'm sure haven't even considered it." "What you were here with him this whole time and didn't consider it." "Yep. Well you guys aren't you going to order while I talk to Mr. Andrew about something else." Justin hesitated but then left. While he walked away I noted his clothes. He was wearing sexy black skinny jeans that fit his but and legs so well. Green Day was written in green on his tight black shirt that showed off his well toned 12 pack body. He CAUGHT me staring and winked at me. Even though no one could tell could tell I totally blushed so fuckin hard because he caught me staring at him. I do think Christopher was hellbent to kill Justin cause I said yes to go out with him. I looked around and saw Christopher throwing daggers at him with his eyes. Even though I knew he couldn't do that but I had a feeling that something horrible was happening. I turned around to see that that horrible fuckin blondy. Julia Park. I glare at her while she glares at me I so going to crush her watch. "Alec are you and the school teachers call me Topaz Astrid or Topaz Henderson." "They'll know you as Topaz Astrid cause of the others." Justin and my friends come back and I start kissing Justin right there in front of dumbass Julia. She's only mad at me cause she loved Justin too and she got jealous when he asked me to go out with him and I said yes. I never knew she liked him and that was the end of my friendship with her. I start telling them that I won't be with them after summer and I would come every day after school to hang out with them and Justin who was always getting daggers from Christopher. I saw him keep glancing at Julia and her little group of friends. I felt hurt cause all his attention were on them when I was talking to him, or not talking at all. "Mom can me and Justin talk alone?" I made the alone part meaning alone and that my mom and Alec would not eavesdrop. "K honey but hurry back we're all going shopping." "Thanks mom this day wasn't a bummer after all." I dragged Justin away from the group and made sure my mom and Alec wouldn't eavesdrop. "Justin do you have a thing for Julia over there." I made it seem as if we wanted to go over there. "No, you know your the only person I care about." "So if I wasn't rich and Rebecca was would you still be my boyfriend?" "Of course Topaz you have a wonderful personality, your cute, and unique there's something different about you, and she's my...." He mumbled the last part but I knew what hes said. "WHAT she's your sister how's that possible you look nothing alike and she totally had a huge crush on you and I found that out when we were no longer friends." Barely yelling cause this surprised me and left me a little hoarse. "That's possible because she's my stepsister and now she convinced her mom that she can have the room across my room and it's living hell she's always walking in and out of her room with only t-shirts and booty shorts and I want to see you in them not her." "That's sweet now I know I'm going to have to come over each day leave near 9:00 and during the school year making sure it's fast so she doesn't try anything." "Sweety that's why I love you, you always help me." "No biggy, but IF I ever get kidnapped which might happen don't come looking for me or you might be die when you find me k." "Deal but why can't I." "Cause I love you to much. Back to Julia isn't it still wrong to harass or date your step sibling?" "I don't know I'll look it up when I get home and call you birthday girl." He kissed the top of my forehead but I didn't want the peck on the forehead I wanted a kiss on the lips. When he stops I kiss him straight on the lips. Okay I have to admit I wanted Julia to know she couldn't have him or else. We went and took our seats. It was obvious they were eavesdropping and my mom told them everything and said she could read lips. "Okay you guys were totally eavesdropping and what did them two tell you." I pointed to my mom and Alec. "Okay, so Julia had a crush on Justin, she's your stepsister, and she's harassing you." Said by the always quiet Raven. Well at least mom didn't tell them about the dying part. Justin was about to open his mouth but I kissed him before he could say anything. I washed away the memory of me telling him that by biting his lip softly and he forgot the whole conversation about him dying and stuff. Our pizza's suddenly got interesting after our kiss and everyone dug in. When we were done I asked mom if I could go over to Justin's house she didn't mind mostly cause she heard what I said. While we went to his house I knew Julia followed because she followed my new hot pink panther designed car with her ugly ass baby blue car. She continued to follow even when we were on the beach looking out into the sunset. We stayed there so we can spend time together I must of been the happiest girl alive at that moment any way. I gave him a ride home and drove to my house. When I got there I saw mom on top of dad. Dad's Dead Body. I gasped so quietly you wouldn't even know if I was breathing then the figure distorted to show a women. She was wearing a long blue, black robe and had long glossy black hair. Had pale white skin. A shape-shifter. I knew she was after my family. I hid so I wouldn't be next I knew my mother was safe because she was still with Mr. Andrews cause she was always making something good into something better for me since this was a horrible idea it would take her a long time to come home. She started walking away, her dress moving along with her every step. She stayed a little while in front of my hiding spot. She started moving away and left my house. I dialed my mom in my new IPhone that had a pink covering to protect it. She picked up immediately sensing something was wrong. I was crying cause I was on top of my fathers dead body. "Mom come home now Dad's" She didn't say anything she hung up and was home in about 3 or 4 mins-maybe that school wasn't that far. She was crying before she came in then she ran and fell to her knees when she saw her husband on the ground dead. I called the police after I told my mom what I saw. She told me to tell the police that I came home to find him on the ground dead, and that I called her as soon as saw he was really dead. That wasn't a lie but it left out some major details. Me and my mom were crying so hard that we didn't hear the police officer who came near us and asked to my mother. She went but I knew something was fishy I followed. When he sat my mother down I could see something shiny but was dull cause of something red was on it. Maybe red paint. No it was blood my dad's and someone else's cause some of the blood was still wet. He asked my mother a few questions then grabs the knife and points it to my mothers heart. She doesn't scream but takes the knife and points it toward the person so fast you've thought it was pointed that way before this even happened. The officer was obviously surprised. Then out of no where it morphs into the person I saw hanging over my dad's dead body. My mom was also surprised about it too. Then out of No where my mom says the women's name. "Sophia. Sophia Park." Did she just say Sophia PARK. I was terrified because Julia maybe a shifter. I want to scream but a hand covers my mouth before I have anything to say. "Ah,a you don't want your mother to die do you?" That snobby voice could it be. Yes, Julia Park who just morphed from a police women to her short, snobby twisted face and body. "Ah that feels so much better I didn't like being a police women it's all about justice this and justice that." I was furious then a new sensation took over me. My throat was burning so bad I needed...blood. I turn around and there with a stunned expression is Julia. My fangs come out and I pounce on her and rain her of her blood. Drinking from shifters could be dangerous for vampires so they left them alone but I was half angel I absorbed her powers through her blood. I transformed myself to her appearance. I stepped around the wall hiding me. I gave my mom the sign we gave each other when I was little letting her know it was me right there and that I'm not going to hurt her she calmed down a bit. "I killed Topaz we shall leave her she is nothing." "Julia please she has seen who we are we cannot trust her." I walked over to Sophia retracting my fangs so she wouldn't see them. "Listen to me we'll leave her lets go or do you want to do it the hard way." "Julia I am your mother you have no right to talk to me in that manner of tone." "If you do not approve I will kill you myself." "You cannot do that cause I am your mother, child." "WATCH ME." I saw a hint of fear in her eye for a split second then her expression went to the one she had before of a expressionless face. I transformed into myself and she is horrified that it is me, who she is going to fight. "Now you see my true form are you scared now I have killed your daughter and now I'll kill you too." "Honey I'd like to see you try." My canines change to my fangs and I already pounced on her. She squirms and yells for like a split second, I bite into her skin and suck her dry in a few seconds flat. I drop her from my grip and she falls limply on the ground. I go next to my mom who hasn't said a word. "Oh, my sweet, sweet daughter I thought they got you. Sweety I should have never pushed you into being friends with her I'm so sorry." She started crying, and I was patting her back. "It's okay mom, you didn't know, hell I didn't even know so don't blame yourself." She was crying so bad, and I was patting her back so much we didn't hear police officer come in after us. "Excuse me but what happened here." He said while looking at the dead body in his hand and on the floor just a few paces away from us. "Officer..." "Scott" "Officer Scott well I remember seeing a women leaving my home I just thought she, she was talking to my father, but I didn't get a good look at her face but now I know it was her. She killed my and they came. Julia came to kill me while her mother came to kill my m...m...mother." "So they came to finish the job." "I think so Officer Scott." "Now that we have the killers I hope the rest of your summer vacation is okay." "Thank you Officer Scott."

August: A day before going to Starlight Academy

"Honey are you awake in there?" "Yes mom." "We have to start packing your leaving today after you finish packing." "Thanks mom, oh mom can I go to the cemetery please?" "Yes, but hurry back." I grabbed a black tight short t-shirt, my favorite tight black pair of jeans, and my black high platform shoes. I rush out of my room and out the front door. I walk down towards the cemetery feeling the brisk wind hit me. I enter the cemetery through the wrought-iron gates that are always open. Walking past each tombstone slowly touching the tops lightly. I reach my father's tombstone that has piles of dead flowers next to it. I place a new set of living roses next to it. Once they touch the ground they die. I place them in the dead roses pile. I cry for about a minute and get up. I walk abut 5 feet when I reach Julia and Sophia graves. I start kicking their graves again. "Why did you have to kill him you fuckin bastards, why? He didn't do anything to you. Why, why, why!" "Astrid what are you doing!" I turn around to the voice of Justin. "They killed my father, no they staked my father." "Wait, don't you mean stabbed." "Ya that." "You know what Astrid." "What Justin?" I growl. "You act so bad since your fathers death your like a whole different person. I don't think us is going to work." "Wait a minute, they kill my father on my birthday, then you dump me the day before I'm leaving. Real smart Justin, now I have two things to feel sad about." I walk away while he yells out my name. When I get home I rush into my room and pack most of my things under a minute. "Astrid I know your in between mad and sad but would you like some pizza and cookies." "Thanks mom I coming down can you heat them up by then." "Yes honey." I wash up a little I still miss my dad cause everyday when I wake up I don't hear his snores and I have his eyes. I also miss our mourning fights which mom always breaks up. I sigh like every other day since then. I hurry up and decide to take a shower. I walk through the crystal-like door frame of the shower close it behind me. I turn the water on and make it warm me. I sit in the corner I've been sitting in for the last month in a half. I stay there thinking of the day my life went bad. Come to think of it if I was still friends with Julia I would have trusted her and she could have killed me without me knowing. In a way she saved me from the same fate of my fathers. I got out when I couldn't stand talking about my father. When I got out I smelled the smell of stringy cheese and chocolate chip cookies. When I reached downstairs I saw all my friends and my ex-boyfriend Justin. "mom can I talk to you in another room Please." "Yes, honey." We walked past a couple rooms. When I knew we were out of yelling range I screamed "What the hell mom me and Justin broke up today." "Honey if you guys broke up today how come he didn't hesitate when I asked him." "Mom I don't know. I really don't know." We walked back down so we could eat some pizza and cookies. I sat in between Raven and Tera. I looked at Justin and saw that his eyes showed how hurt he felt because he had a seat next to him. I could tell there was something on the seat for me. "Astrid whats with you and Justin it's like you don't like him anymore was it that older guy wasn't it." "No, Tera this mourning Justin broke up with me and right now I'm not sure and Tera he is my principal to my new school why would I like him." "He was hot." I liked her she never brought up anything that would upset me like my fathers death. But she had a huge mouth. "Justin are you seeing anybody?" She asked seductively. "Ya, Tera I'm dating Astrid." "Okay I'm totally confused didn't you dump me in the cemetery?" "No I didn't go to the cemetery today cause your mom called me like 7:00 this mourning and I was at home getting everything ready like your favorite types of chocolates, and your favorite flowers." "Really milk,and caramel chocolates, and Haliantha. Thanks Justin." I jump out of my chair and hug him. "That's okay babe but how did you see me if I wasn't in the cemetery today." Me and my mom knew the answer SHAPESHIFTERS. "Sorry maybe I was crying so hard I couldn't see straight." "Baby it's okay. It's okay. Your safe and so is your mother." I hadn't noticed but I was starting to cry. Everyone knew why because I was in the cemetery, and I was thinking of my father. I let go of Justin and sat down next to him this time, and let my head lay on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss seeing you during school hours." "We can't wait to see you after school hours, right." "Ya totally do you think I'll ever forget about you guys." We ate and joked around. Before we knew it 5 hrs. passed by. We said our goodbyes and I went to sleep. Then I remembered tomorrow was the day I was going to a boarding school 2 hrs. away from my friends. I sigh and turn around in bed and go to sleep.

First Day Of School at Starlight Academy

"Mom I change my mind I'm not ready." I say on my midnight black Iphone. "Honey to late to change that and you can't stay here they may kill you and you can't kill them cause your around mortals." "But mom how are you going to protect yourself." "Honey do you ever listen I'm a angel I can kill them by just pointing to them." "Then why didn't you do that to Sophia." "Cause she surprised me, she was my friend since I came down here and married your father. I just couldn't believe she k...k...k...killed him and was going to k...kill and" "It's okay mom now you know people who are close to you may kill you you'll be more alert right?" "Yes sweetheart, I will protect myself." "Thank you, now I know your safe, there's another problem." "What is it?" My mom groaned. "What if I don't make any friends, you know I can never go to a school that I don't have any friends." "Darling, you are sweet, and out of this world beautiful, you'll totally make new friends, but you won't miss your old ones. Will you." "No and thanks for the pep talk." I hang up and get out of my car. I spray painted my car before I left the house. I looked at the now black polished car, with purple and white streaks. I smile but it fades when I turn around and I see everyone gazing at me. Some with longing, and others with jealous rage. I walk away quickly looking for the building that my mom pointed out to me. I stepped in and before I can even set both feet in. Alec says. "Topaz you can come in you don't have to knock." Dam never going to get use to having a demon for a principal. "Hey Mr.Andrews whats up?" "Nothing much,you." "Nothing today. Can I have my schedule, and dorm key." "Sure." He pulls out a key and paper that was in the top drawer. I guess he was waiting for me and printed them out. "Mr.Andrews do I have a roommate?" "No, you have a room to yourself as does everyone else." "Okay, cool." "Let me have someone escort you to your class and show you around." 'Thanks." He pushes a red button and in comes in a man. Okay saying man is a crime. He was wearing a black shirt that shows how ripped he is. His pants hugged him perfectly. He smiled as if knowing what I was thinking. His silky looking black hair covered his eyes. He moved some of his hair and I had a split second to see his eyes. BLOOD RED. I shy away a little not scared though cause I know I can beat the hell out of him. "Danny, this is Topaz Astrid. Can you show her around. Her dorm first then bring her to her first period." "Yes, sir." "Thank you." When we got out the room I got close enough to know that Danny was a demon too. Were all the staff here demons. "Danny are all the staff here demons." "No,only me and my father." "And who is your father." "The principal." What Mr.Andrews was his father I almost choked on air. "Really, he is." "Ya." "How old are you?" "18." "Okay." The rest of the walk we didn't talk much. I got to see my dorm room with a lot of my boxes already there. Then I finally got to my first period. "Okay, thanks bye." He hesitated but then left. I walked in and everyone just turned their attention from the teacher-Mrs.Wilde- to me. I hurriedly walk up to the teacher and gave her my schedule. "Oh, Topaz..." A person started to laugh. I turned around to see a boy trying to hide a laugh. I gave him a death stare and in a split second had him pinned on a wall. I looked into his eyes they were blue and in his eyes I saw fear. I was completely covered in waves-thank goodness this was water training class. I cooled down a bit and the waves subsided. I let him go and went back to the front of the room. I smiled the hugest smile I could put on. "Yes, welcome to my class you can take a seat anywhere." "Thank you." I walked all the way to the back of the class. I took the seat closet to the window and sat down. When I looked to the front of the class I got angry and jealous gazes. The angry gazes came from the guy I put up against the wall and people around him. I'm guessing they were friends with him. I kept looking around and all the girls were giving me stares of jealousy. When I finished 4 girls came into the class. "Sorry, we're late Mrs.Wilde." Said a girl who was dressed in pink halter top that had rare pink crystals in it and one huge crystal in the middle of the shirt,she had on a mid-thigh black skirt. "It's okay girls go take a seat." They took their seats. I noticed three of the girls were fairy's cause their wings were kinda invisible. And one had dog ears, and a tail, but she carried a metal cute looking wand. They sat in the 4 seats next to me. One of the fairy's was wearing a hot pink halter top, and really hot faded black jeans.Another one was wearing really deep color of blue halter top,and a dark black pair of jeans.The girl with the dog ears and tail was wearing a brown halter top shirt and black mini skirt and ripped red net stockings. I liked their style. "Hi I'm Isabella I'm a fairy and these are my sisters.""I'm Nia and I'm also a fairy and she's my sister of course.""And I'm Sheyla the last of the sisters.""I'm Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby, I'm a werewolf and a witch. Well not right now in 2 months I'll be mature and I'm turning 14 in those 2 months. So right now I'm a magical girl,and pup." "I'm Topaz." "That's a cute name." "Thanks,that means a lot. You guys are really nice unlike the guy over there. "Who Derek." "Ya him the ones with the people around him glaring at me." "Oh my god. Your life is going to be a living hell. That is if you didn't know us. "Okay I can beat the hell out of him and why does being friends with you help me." "If you haven't noticed we're in the A-list and it's kinda hard to come up to us and say hi. "Well it wasn't that hard you guys said hi to me first remember." "Ya,ya we remember." The class was over before I knew it the class was over and the bell rang. "You guys should totally come over my dorm room number is 26 on the top floor of the vampire dorms. "Thanks we'll totally do that." "Well bye. See you guys later." "See you later." They all said. I walked out and hurried all the way to my dorm to unpack a little and change my clothes cause I didn't want people to notice me. I put all my cutest clothes and hot ones in my new walk in closet. Inside there was a little desk in it. On the desk was a letter. When I came near the table I noticed racks around it and knew instantly my shoes were suppose to be on them. I put all the shoes that were already here on them. After doing that I opened the letter and in it was my fathers handwriting. It said.

Honey I knew your mother was an angel since the day I met her. I never told her cause I knew she would tell me and you when she was ready. That day was your birthday. I knew I would die that day but I kept quiet. I loved you very much but I knew you would be sadder if I told cause you would do everything in your power to try to stop my fate. But tell your mother to not mourn over you but find love.
With all the love from the bottom of my heart


I started crying cause my father knew he was going to die but didn't tell us. HE also knew mom was an angel. I called her on my phone. "Mom, are you there?" "Yes sweety what is it." "Nothing, but I got a letter from dad before he was murdered." "Honey yes I knew your father sent you a letter he told me he would." "Well he knew he was going to die and he knew you were a angel it's in the letter." "Honey are you sure." "Yes, you can come and see the letter or I'll bring it to you after school." "Okay bring it over. And how is 2nd period." "Oh my god. Thanks mom I have a few minutes to get two second period." "Your welcome sweetheart." I was still crying when I got to my second period. I tried to wipe away my tears. My eyes were puffy, and tears were still coming down my cheek. I entered the room and again everyone looked my way. I noticed that everyone's eyes were black. I walked up to the teacher feeling everyone's stares on my back. "Are you okay dear." "Yes Miss..." "Mrs.Hunt dear." "Mrs.Hunt it's nothing really." "Okay." Now addressing the class "Class,this is Topaz." Now addressing me. "You can take a seat any where you like." I walked down the rows all the way to the back and took the seat closet to the window and wiping away the tears still clearly on my cheeks and eyes. Not paying attention to anything the teacher said I looked out the window and thought of the letter. I got so mad at my dad for not telling me that he knew he was going to die. I wonder how he knew he would die. I remember the last time my dad blacked out was holding my mother's wrist. Wait every time he touch her with passion he always passed out. He saw stuff before it actually happened. Why didn't he tell me. Everyone gasped and I looked around noticing everyone staring at me. It took me a moment to notice that they were gasping at me. I look at myself. Oh no I was covered in flames this is exactly like in first period except worse I was covered in flames. I calmed down a bit and they disappeared. I looked back out the window and didn't think about much that would get me mad. I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had study hall. The bell rang and I was the first to run out of the class. I took a few notes during study hall and ran out to show my mother the notes. I tossed my little purse bag that was draped across my shoulder and placed it on my bed. I took the note and ran towards my car people still staring at me. I notice a few people surrounded my car. "Excuse me, but you guys are leaning on,and around my car can you move away from it." All the girls gasped except one. She seemed to be the leader of the group. They all stopped when they noticed she didn't gasp. "Well if this is your car why don't you make me move." "Okay but you asked for your ass to get kicked." She smirked as if I couldn't hurt her. She stepped out of the circle and all the other girls followed her as if she was a goddess. Out of no where these guys stepped up and guarded her. "Ah, you know you can't beat me up so you make your admirers fight for you. You know I can sill beat their asses too." "I just got a manicure bozo so I don't want to mess it up. So they can fight you for you. And if you can whoop all 4 of their asses then I'll move." "4 I only see 3." "Oh, don't worry my boyfriend will be here soon if you can beat them up." I just smiled and they charged. I didn't move until the last second. They didn't anticipate this so they stumbled a bit. "Clever girl." One said. I went towards them and hit 2 with my fist. They both fell to the floor withering in pain. The 3rd one just looked from the ones on the floor to me. I smiled my hugest smile and said seductively "Want a piece of me." He smiled at how I can sound so sexy when I could beat up guys. "Sure,if you want a piece of me too." He said also seductively. I was right in front of him in a few seconds and he was surprised at how fast I got to him. "I like a guy who isn't scared of a challenge or speaking his mind." The girls behind that barbie wannabee sighed thinking that they didn't have a chance with him. Not with me here. "Then I think I'm perfect for you then." "Keep dreaming I have a wonderful boyfriend back home." His lips formed a bridge saying he was sad. "Well that's to bad isn't it. I was hoping we could learn more about each other." "Too bad." I said seeming depressed. "Uh stop flirting just beat her up or Derek her." "Well the fun ended when Ms.Fundrainer ruin the fun. Lets get it over with." I jumped and so did he. I kicked and went under him. Not expecting my move he turns around. Bad idea. I kicked him in his chest area so it wouldn't hurt much. He fell down back-side down and his eyes staring at me. I come down my feet hitting the floor and my right hand landing in front of me. I looked like cat women in my tight black suit, and mid-thigh boots with 2'in heels,and my stance. "Well feel like giving me and my car space barbie doll." "You d...didn't f...fight my boyfriend yet so no." "Where is he I'm not scared of some barbies boyfriend." "Well why don't you fight me yourself and see." A manly voice said. I turn around to see a amazingly beautiful boy behind me. "I'm guessing your Derek." "Lucky guess." "Well let's get it over with so I have enough time to get home and back I already miss my mom, and boyfriend." "Well I'll make this quick and I won't be going easy on you since you can beat them up." His face looking at the 3 bodies of the boys trying to catch their breaths. "Well nice knowing I won't be holding back either." "Honey don't waste your breath no one can beat Derek in a fight." "Then it'll be a honor beating you in a fight Derek." "Well, then let's get this started." He runs to me expecting me to escape at the last minute. He was watching me fight the guys. I rush up to him and punch him again and again. He's surprised at what I'm doing but is to numb to fight back. He falls back down next to the other 3 boys. "Now ladies if you don't want to have your asses kicked too then move across." They did as told even Ms.Barbie-doll. I smirked at them and went into my car. I felt around my tight pants and my letter was still tucked safely in there. I drove off trying to run over the peppy wannabees and their queen bee. They ran after seeing what I wanted to do. I drove towards my house and in a few minutes I was home. "Mom, I'm home." "What are you doing here?" "It's study hall and I brought the letter." "Your not suppose to be here right now." "Why not?" "I'm kinda busy, but since your here I'm going to need some help." I walked into the kitchen and there was my mother with a guy in a headlock. "What do you want me to do mom?" "Well first do you want this shapeshifter any question like 'What were you doing in the cemetery as Justin?" "What he was that shapeshifter. Oh, I'm going to kill you." "He's all yours honey." She let him go and he charged at my mother. I went towards them just in time to drink his blood,so he couldn't hurt anyone. "Okay, since that's settled let me see that letter." "Here you go mom." I took out the letter and gave it to her. After reading it and giving back the letter she fell down crying. "Mom,it's okay." "No,it's not I didn't trust him to tell him I was an angel and we could have saved him if he just told us." "Mom,you know what else it says." "What." "It says he wants you to date again and be happy even though he's gone." "Okay,only for him." I went back to school just in time for lunch. I met up with Isabelle,Nia,Sheyla,and Gaby. I met their friends and the boys I beat up, and the little group of snobs who I wanted to run over. They were all scared of me by then. The day went by in a blur and I was exhausted by the time I went by my dorm. I got into my room and didn't bother changing and collapsed on my new soft huge mattress. More boxes had came in and she didn't bother unpacking them. Maybe the next day will be better, I hope.


Texte: copyright 2011 Justine Joseph The picture you can take don't care took it from Google.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2011

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I'd like to dedicate this book to my friend's and parents who encouraged me to be creative and write book's.

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