
The Reunion

Chapter 1

The Reunion

Rebecca Missy Turner & her step sister Erica Missy Baker live with Natalie Missy Baker & her husband Darin Baker who travels as a basketball coach.He has to travel right now. So the girls want to visit with Rebecca’s dad who lives in LA, Cal. Darin thinks that it is a good idea but Natalie doesn’t want them to go to Cal. She wants them to stay with them. The girls argue with Natalie. They go and pack up to go to Erin and his wife, Elizabeth and Rebecca’s twin Alexander Tuner’s  house. They call him and tell  him they are coming to him instead. So they fly all the way to Cal., so once they arrived  they called him and asked him where he is and he told them he on his way and to hold tight and do not go any where. When he got there they were sitting down in a big crowd, 20 minutes later he found them.

When they got to the house then had 20 bags it took two trips for them to get the baggage in the house. When they got  them in the house they had to have dinner they also had two new red and blue fast shiny cars. They started to cry when they saw their stepmother, and they had brought her gifts.  When they passed out the gifts, the mother said that their brother would be home soon.

Rebecca said “I wish my twin would come home already. I missed him so dearly.”

Erica said “ I don’t know why you have a twin and I’m stuck with a little brother who had to stay home. I like the cars who are they for? I saw three of them.”

“One is for my twin I am guessing.” Rebecca replied just as Alex walked into the room.

Then Alex walks into the house and he charged at his Rebecca and picked her up off the ground in a air tight hug.

Rebecca says “It has been too long. What how long has it been?”

Alex says “ Two years even though you are two minutes older than me I am taller. So why are you here?”

“ Alex you are a good person. I am staying here with you little bro.”

“Ok sis so what the punch? Why, I thought mom took you because she thought we will fight a lot. Oh hi Erica how are you? What did mom really say sis tell my now please and thank you.”

“I’m fine Alex how about you? Hay Rebecca and I have school tomorrow so talk later.”

“So do I but I want to know what mom said at first.”

“ Mom had said no but Darin had said it was a good idea how come the is five cars in the driveway dad?”

“ One is mine, one is Elizabeth, one is Erica, one is your’s, and one is your brother’s.”

“Pink is your’s sis.”

“Thanks bro.”

“Ok up to bed you three.”

“Okay Mom.”

“Which color car is mine.”

“The red is your’s.”

“Ok then I guess the green one is your’s Alex?”

“The blue one is mine but the green one is not mine it’s Elizabeth’s.”

The next day when they woke up it was April 1st. So Rebecca’s brother switch her hair cream to toothpaste. Then she had to jump back into the shower to get the toothpaste out of her hair. Then she goes into her brothers bathroom and places her bra on his toilet. When her brother walks in and sees the bra he thinks he she went to the shower and then goes to his phone a calls his girlfriend and ask her if she left her bra. Then he storms into her step sister’s room and asked if she left her bra in her bathroom or if she used his bathroom.

“Did you use my bathroom and leave your bra?”

“No try your sister because she just asked me if I put toothpaste in her hair cream. And I told her no then she left with a smile on her face.”

“Thanks Erica.”

Then he went to his sister’s room and asked her if she left her bra in his bathroom and she said yes.

“Sis did you leave your bra in my bathroom?”

“Yes I did because you put toothpaste in my hair cream. So I left my bra in your bathroom so now leave my stuff alone and I won’t leave my bra in your bathroom.”

Before the ride to school her brother tells her where the keys are. Then he took the lead and showed them how to get to school after he picked up his girlfriend. But instead of riding with him she rode with Rebecca. Alex was mad but did nothing because he loves his girlfriend. But he does not know that she is a werewolf. Her name is Brittany Grey. Her and her family just moved there to L.A..

When they arrive at school Brittany calls out to her brother Jason and Benjamin to come and met Rebecca and Erica. When they come over Jason starts to pant over Rebecca then his sister elbows him in side.

“Hi Rebecca.How are you?”Jason says.

“Hi Jason, I’m good. How are you today?” Rebecca asks Jason.

“I’m fine. Thank you Rebecca for asking.”

“Do you want to come over to my house later we can study.”

“Sure that sounds like fun.”

Later that day she sees Jason going into her next class and she calls out his name.


“Yes, Rebecca.”

“Are you still coming over, your sister is.”

“Yeah I am still coming over. Do you mind if I ride with you and not Alex?”

“Sure and we can talk some more.”


“I sit next to you?”

“Sure you can sit next to me and we can hold hands is that okay with you?”

“Yeah sure let's hold hands.”

After class she and Jason ride to her house. They are talking about her and when she moved here and Then start asking him about when he first knew her brother. Then at a stoplight he leans over and kisses her on the mouth and they make out for awhile. Then they hear cars honking behind them Rebecca looks and sees her sister and brother’s cars behind her. Brittany calls her brother a tells him to have Rebecca take them to his house a not to her house. He told Rebecca that he really liked her.

“Rebecca will you go out with me? I really like you. Please say yes.”

“Yes Jason, I will go out with you. You are sweet and kind and loving how could I not go out with you. I love you.”

Three months later, then they went to a party with Rebecca’s parents permission. Then they were staring into each other’s eyes when Brittany walked up and drug her brother away from Rebecca.

“Jason we need to tell her. I can tell you imprinted on her.” Brittany says to her brother

“I can tell her. I am really in love with her. I think she loves me too. I can tell that she does. Oh here she comes.” Jason says to his sister.

“Oh hey you guys I need you Jason.” Rebecca says.

“What do you need?” Jason asks.

“Will you come and dance with me Jason? I really want to dance.”

Then Brittany walks away.

“I need to tell you something that you can not tell anyone not even your brother or sister you understand right? And of course I will dance with you.”

“I understand I will never do anything that will make you distrust me. Ok, so tell me. Then we can go dance right?”

“Right after this we will dance. Ok here it goes, Rebecca I am a werewolf.”

“Ok really. This is surprise is your whole family werewolves?”

“Well yes they are but you can’t tell anyone ok? Please don’t go? I love you.”

“It is a surprise but you can’t make go even if you told me that witches and vampires are real. I love you. I really love you.”

“Good cause here is the next part you might not like.”

“I like anything you are nothing can make me leave.”

“Ok here we go again, I imprinted on you.”

“You did what? You imprinted on me? This whole thing is fake Jason?”

“Yes, I imprinted on you. And no, it was not fake Rebecca. I really like you nothing can change that.”

“I liked you too. But it has been three months since you asked me out!”

“I just was told today that I can tell you everything.”

“But you could have broke that rule for me but you did not did you? No, you say you love me!”

Then Brittany and Alex and Erica walk up to them. They are laughing but stop when they see Rebecca crying and stand and go running out the back door and the Jason and Brittany go after her.

“What was that about?” Erica asks Alex.

“I don’t know and I don’t want to.” Alex says to answer her questions.

When Brittany and Jason catch her she is about to drive off when Britney and Jason open her car doors and hop in. Then she get out and starts running toward the woods. Then when they see that she running into the woods they go after her. When they go far enough into the woods Brittany transform into the wolf she is and follows the scent of Rebecca until they find her sitting on a tree stump and then Brittany transform into a human again when Rebecca spots Brittany and Jason and starts crying again.

“Go away! Don’t come near me you freaks!” Rebecca says crying and yelling at the top of her lungs.

“No, we will not go away sweetheart please look at me. I will not hurt you. I love you Rebecca.” Jason says to her.

“No you don’t and plus you already hurt me by not telling me when we first started going out.” She says crying.

“If I did not love you I would not have came after you. Okay. I love you.”

“Come on Rebecca lets go.” Brittany says to Rebecca.

“Go away Brittany you lied to me by telling me that nothing weird happens here and that you and your family were normal. I want to talk to Jason alone.”

“Only if you come out of the woods Rebecca because someone is coming fast and right now. Oh wait it is Ben Stoner.”

When they exit the wood Jason and Rebecca go to her car, but then Jason sees Ben on top of Erica’s and Erica comes out runs to Ben and kisses him and then looks at Jason with a look of knowing that he is a werewolf. Then Ben gets down and comes over to Rebecca’s car with Erica behind him.

“Wow Jason a girl you imprint on that night and she yells at you in the same night.Wow way to go Big Brother. Good job.” Ben says to Jason.

“I did not just imprint on her I imprinted on her three months ago and just got told I could tell her that. I just told her and she ran because she got scared.” Jason says to Ben.

“I did not just run because I was scared I was mad that you did not tell the truth so I went running away because I was hurt and mad.” Rebecca says explaining to Ben and Jason.

Then Erica says “What did Jason not tell you Becca?”

“He did not tell me that he was a werewolf and I bet your boyfriend did not tell you he is a vampire did he Erica?”

“Yes he did. But Jason you could have come clean about being a werewolf. Does Alex know that Britney is a werewolf too Jason?”

“No he does not know because my sister has not told him because she did not imprint on him.”

“Lets go get a hotel room Jason.” Rebecca says to Jason.

“Okay sweetheart.” Jason says.

“Why a hotel room why not an motel room little wolf.”

“Leave him alone Ben come on lets go inside.” Erica said.

“Jason we need to talk. See you later Erica tell Elizabeth that I am going to be late ok.”

“Rebecca lets go to that hotel room you have waiting.”

“Ok Jason.”

As they drive to the hotel Jason grabs Rebecca’s hand tries to bring to his mouth and kiss it but she pulls her hand away and put on the wheel and tries not to cry as she does it.

“Come on Rebecca please show me some affection.”

“I‘m sorry Jason I want to but I am hurt that you didn’t tell me before we started dating and started to do it.”

When they reach the hotel it is windy. They get out of the car and stand at the front of the and talk things over and they get the sorrys out.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before it was stupid of me to think that you just accept it.”

“It was stupid of you but I love you enough to tell you that I forgive you for not telling me that you are a werewolf.”

“I am so sorry. I love you Rebecca Turner.”

It starts to rain so they get soaked and Rebecca gets cold from being wet.

“I love you Jason Grey. Now can we go in it is so cold and wet out here.”

“Come here I can warm up right up.”

“Thanks. Check us in please.”

“Right away Becca.”

When they reach the hotel room they dry off and put on warm clothes.Then they lie next to each other and have this longing for each other in this special way. Then they start kissing and then there is a knocking at the door and it turns out it was room service. So he left his shirt in the closet to dry and go and answer the door and get the food they order. Then he walks back into the room.

“Food is here.” Jason says to Rebecca.

“Okay just set it down, wait who is it is it you Jason?”

“Yes it is me. Come here Rebecca.”

“Coming just give me a minute Jason. I’m getting ready to go home so Erin and Elizabeth don’t worried about me then I will come back okay? I love you Jason.”

“Come right back Becca. I love you too.”

When she her house Erin and Elizabeth are both crying.

“Rebecca are you okay I heard you went running to the woods from two kids who were picking on you is that true sweety?”

“Yes. It is true I am sorry but Jason came and told it will be okay and I don’t need to listen to them.”

“Okay sweetie you don’t need to run from people.”

“Can I go back to my boyfriend at the hotel please?”

“You got a hotel room with a boy Rebecca?!”

“Yes it was so we could talk and not be bothered by Erica and Ben her boyfriend and Alex and Brittany, ERIN!” And she adds in her head and do it.

Then she walks back out the house and into her car drives to the hotel and runs up to their room with her suitcases in tow.

“What is with the suitcases Becca?”

“I have moved out of my parent’s house and now I have to stay here or I could stay at your house and move in?”

“Sure why not.”

“Let go your to your house. When I got to my dad’s he was worried about what happened and Erica told two kids were picking on me. So I had to pretend that is what happened instead of telling him the truth about the real problem.”

On the way to Jason’s house they get pulled over by Alex and Brittany and Erica and Ben.

“Where are the two of you going?” Britney asks Jason and Rebecca.

“We are going to Jason’s house.”

“No you are not Becca.” Alex says to Rebecca and to Jason. “Do not take her to your house.”

“Yes we are.”

“Becca come home Erin and Elizabeth are worried about where you are and about you because when they went into your room it was empty and then Erin started to cry and he sent us to find you and tell you to come home right this minute and forget that he yelled at you he loves you and Elizabeth wanted to call the cops and tell them that their daughter has ran away and then…….”


The Leaving

  Chapter 2

The Leaving

Rebecca interrupts her “I don’t care I’m moving in with Jason and I will see you at school tomorrow Erica.”

Ben says “Becca and Jason I know you guys are “in love” but give it a rest go home and sleep on it.”

“No Ben, you and Erica, and Alex Go home I have to talk to these two about what happened with the two kids who were picking on me.”

So then Rebecca, Jason, and Britney go to Jason’s house and talk.

“I want to move in with Jason. And I am going to tell my dad that also, so I am going to leave all of my clothes here with you guys for tonight and go to my dad’s house to let him know this and I am going to come back here and unpack my stuff. Okay? Jason is fine with it but are you ok with this Britney?”

“Yes I am fine as long you tell your dad that your are moving in with me and not my brother okay.”

“Okay Brittany. I will tell my dad that I am moving in with you  and not Jason so he won’t yell that much.”

As she arrives at her dad’s house she calls Erica and Alex and her dad and Elizabeth to let them know she is here.

“Hi dad, Elizabeth, Alex, Ben, Erica. How are you guys? Dad? Elizabeth? I am moving in with Britney is that okay with you guys? I am sorry to worry you two but I need my own space.”

“Well okay see you tomorrow morning Becca.”

“No dad I am not going to be here for the rest of my life. I am moving in with Brittany.”

“You are not moving in with no one Missy. You are in so much trouble. You made me call your mom and you made her worry not just me.”

“Dad don’t call me that ever again okay. I AM NOT YOUNG ANY MORE SO DON’T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“So what Missy I am your father, so what I say goes okay Missy.”

“Alex can you tell dad not to call me by my middle name please little bro”

“If I don’t you will call me by my middle name aren’t you, Missy?” Alex Says To His Sister

“Alexander John Candles don’t you dare call me by my middle name!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rebecca says after her brother’s middle name. “So if you don’t mind I will be going now to Britney’s house where all of my stuff is okay Dad.”

After leaving her house she drove and met Britney at the entrance of the way into Jason and Britney’s house.

Meeting the pack

Meeting the pack

“Hey Britney how are you right now I am sorry if I am taking up so much space okay I just can’t stand my father right now.”

“Okay let’s go before someone comes and follows us into where we keep hidden.”

After a while they finally reach the house and Rebecca gets out calls out to Jason and instead of just him coming out the whole pack comes from the woods and scares her making her scream and jump.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rebecca screams and jumps back hitting Jason in the shoulder.

“Hey calm down Rebecca this is just my family and it is alright because the wanted to meet the girl who makes me happy.”

“Oh ok. Hello. How are you guys and girls.” She says nervously.

After the pack transforms back into humans they walk up and talk to Rebecca.

“Hi Rebecca I am Brianna and this is our little brother Ethan.”

“Hi Rebecca.” Ethan says to Rebecca.

“Hi Ethan, how are you?” Rebecca asks Ethan.

“I am fine. How are you?”

“I am great. I wish everyday would be like this.”

“It can be just like this it is not everyday my brother is happy after he leaves you so you can go home and spend time with your family.”

“I bet it will be just like this okay I will ask Jason about it.” Rebecca says that just as Jason walks up and whispers it her ear.

Werewolf or not?


WereWolf or not?

“Come on let’s go inside to my room and unpack your stuff and get you settled in.”

At that Ethan takes off laughing and squealing.

“Okay let’s go inside.”

As they enter the house Jason scoops her up like he is her husband and carried inside of his house with her laughing all the way upstairs.

“So where are my clothes? In the guest room?”

“No they are in my room where I already unpacked your stuff.”

“In your room? I thought I would be in the guest room not your bedroom. That is perfect for me if I sleep in your room.”

“Okay let’s go to my room. If you feel comfortable enough to let me sleep with you.”

“Not in that way right?”

“Not in that way. Okay I meant let me lay next to you.”

“You look sad. Did I hurt your feelings we can if you want to. It won’t hurt will it?”

“Okay we can and it won’t hurt and it is okay if you don’t want to I shouldn’t be hurt.”

“No I want to but I was not sure if you wanted too. Jason I Love You.”

After a while they get up get dressed and go downstairs and get something to eat when they realize that there is a feast waiting for them.

“What is this for Brittany? I am scared please tell this is not for me or is it?” Rebecca says to Brittany.

“It is for you because you make my brother happy and excited to be in your presence so we made a feast for you now look at him he looks excellent and happy.What happened up there?”

“Oh you know we talked and kissed and something more happened and it was fun.”

“Oh really you two look like you just did something else up there.”

Just then Jason walks up and starts talking to them.

“We had a great time upstairs I did my job of making her happy. Hey let’s not make her mad okay she just told me she doesn’t want to be mad when she goes to bed and I don’t want that either okay.Oh can you sleep downstairs tonight Brittany?”

“Okay I will sleep downstairs just for tonight but when you hear howling you come right away okay bro.”

“Fine but I will have to tell when I wake her up during the night that my family needs me and she might ask to come with me and then I am going to hurt her feelings and then she will move out of our happy room and then she will hurt my feelings then we both will be sad that we hurt each other then she and I will make happy hours.”

“Okay you can stay behind just let me tell them later okay just keep her happy so you can be happy. Hey you guys lets pray so we can eat!!!!!” Brittany yells over the noise and they all wince at the yelling even Rebecca then Jason says something to cover up her wincing because Brittany and Kira, and Brianna all look at her so she just laughs at something that Jason said to her when his sister yelled.

Kira says the prayer.“Oh the great and mighty Ancestor Billy please accept this humble offering to the new member of the pack and to your great mightiness and bless this pack. All wolves will love and praise you and love you all in prayer Howls go to you. HOWL!!!”

Then someone yells and Rebecca howls in pain because her ears hurt.

“Everyone stop let's go outside everyone something is happening to Rebecca.” Jason says this quietly so he does not hurt Rebecca’s ears.

After everyone is outside something weird happens to Rebecca she changes into a werewolf and then everyone thinks this is a joke that Jason is playing on them so  Rebecca goes somewhere. Then they go inside and look for Rebecca then they realize that werewolf outside is Rebecca and all go rushing back outside and see that Jason, Rebecca, Brittany, Kira, and Brianna are gone and they start to worry so they all change into werewolves and listen for Jason, Brittany,Kira,and Brianna voices.

“Rebecca slow down it is okay come back to me you are making me sad because you ran away.” Jason says this to make Rebecca stop and slow down and wait for them.

“No Jason I have to go away this all to scary for me because after that girl what is her name said the prayer, and before after what we did I heard your family come in from outside I that you were playing a joke on me then  I started carving meat, you do know I never at meat before so when I started craving meat I thought it was weird then after Kira said the prayer and someone yelled when I howled it was because it hurt my ears.”

“You were turning into one of us weren’t you because when we were upstairs you sat up pretty quickly because you smelled meat didn’t? Don’t be afraid it will be okay just come back to me and we will talk about it okay. Rebecca????”

“I think she is getting her meat hunger under control cause I can smell a dead animal. Come on it is this way.”

“Wow Rebecca you at an three dears?”

“Wait what are you guys doing here is that you Jason I like your wolf form it is sexy.”

“Come on Rebecca don’t say that in this wolf form because my whole family can see and hear what you are thinking okay let’s go home oh and wait are you good with meat now because there is a lot of meat at the house.

“Yeah I am good but Jason can stay with me while Brittany goes gets me some clothes please this is all new to me and I am still sacred.”

After Brittany,Brianna,and Kira go meets the pack back at Jason’s house and try and find Rebecca some clothes her and Jason change back into humans and they start to talk.

“So that is what it is like to be a werewolf for the first time I like it and what I said before it was true you are hotter in your wolf form. Jason I am scared about being a werewolf I don’t think I can do it I want to be a normal human and what am I going to tell my family about me eating meat? Jason are you listening to me or are you thinking about sleeping with me?” She slaps his chest and he stops look at her chest.

“Ow what was that for Rebecca? I was just thinking about sleeping with you because you are so hot. Is that a problem?”

“Yes it is a problem you did not hear a word I said oh and your family is coming with clothes for you and me okay we will talk more later.”

“No we will talk now Rebecca I love you and making love with you and I know what this fight will do it make you not want to have sex with me it will hurt my feelings but I don’t want you to be mad at me I love you so much.”

“Okay I wasn’t mad I was just babbling on hoping you would not notice me staring at you like that. I want you so bad right now.” As she says that she stands up sits on Jason’s lap and makeout with him while he touches her everywhere that is bare.

“Whoa bro what are you two doing right now it is kinda gross.”

“No, it is not. It is perfect until you showed up sis.”

“Can you two stop talking and listen to me Brittany can you put the clothes down on the ground please. Jason just kiss me and pay no attention to your sister okay. Bye Brittany.”

After Brittany leaves Jason says “Wow you know how to handle a problem really well. Rebecca this is really nice but we have to go back to my house ok.”

“Okay just give me a minute baby I just need to finish up here. Jason can you help me please.”

“Okay just love what we are doing.” After they get dressed they walk back to Jason’s house for the feast and they are really happy and can’t stop staring at each other. When they reach the house Rebecca is hungry for some meat she is shuddering as her and Jason runs inside for some meat and everyone is talking waiting for them when they see Rebecca shuddering they get the huge plate of meat they made for her when they first got here to her some clothes they give it to her and she eats it and she is still shuddering like crazy everyone notices her stomach is growing to full size as if she is pregnant.

“Help me Jason.”

Baby OMG

Baby OMG

Nine months later she comes home from the hospital with little Samantha and Jason Jr in her arms and Jason carrying the stuff from the hospital and the whole pack behind them.

“Jason go set those down in the baby's room please then come back get Jason Jr please and thank you.”

“You do know that once they reach 2 years old they will change into little puppies sweetie then we can have some alone time to do what we want.”

“You do realize that I just had twins Jason and I am only 17 years old and I am an a senior in high school and so are you. Jason we are about to graduate from high school and so is your sister and my step sister and my twin brother Alex and now I have twin.

Two years later when she is a doctor and Jason is an surgeon and the twin first turn into werewolves and had fun playing around in their wolf form.

“Mommy Jason won’t leave me alone even though I keep asking him to leave me alone and won’t he keeps saying he just to play in wolf form. When I am doing my homework and I told him to go do his homework and he says that he already did his homework and that you said he could go play.” Samantha says to her mom.

“Yes I did but I did not tell him to mess with you now go do your homework Sammy.” Rebecca says to her daughter.

“Yes mom. And can you please tell Jason to leave me alone for two minutes.” Samantha asks her Mother.

“Yes sweetie.” and she says to her son “Jason Junior leave your sister alone for two minutes please and don’t make me say it twice Jason Junior.” Just as she says that Jason walks in with meat, and Ben, Erica, Brittany, and Alex in tow.

“Daddy you are home I was trying to get sissy to play with me after I finished my homework and mommy checked it and it was all right but Sammy did not want to play, will you play with me daddy.Oh hi Aunt Brittany and Erica, and Uncle Ben and Alex. How are you guys?”

“We are good now where is Missy, Jason?” Jason asked his son.

“Wait which Missy? Mommy or Sammy?”

“Mommy where is she we need to talk.”

“Oh she is in the kitchen cooking diner. Wait daddy what is wrong please don’t say grandpa Turner is sick or dying.”

“It is not Mr.Turner. It is about me mommy little dude. Brittany, Alex, and Erica please take little dude outside please and thank you.”

“Rebecca where are you?”

“I’m in the Kitchen checking Sammy’s homework which is all correct. Samantha go find you brother you two can play now.”

“Okay mommy I love you. Oh hi daddy and Uncle Ben.”

“Hey Ben can you take Sammy out to the rest of her family and her little brother.”

“Hey how are you Becca?”

“I am good and you Jason?”

“I am fine but I have an question for you. Will you marry me Rebecca Missy Turner? Please say yes baby I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Of course Jason William Grey I will love to marry you. I love you.”

“Well if you call me by my middle name can I just say yours baby?.”

“Sure once this time Jason.”

“Missy can I have two more kisses and this dance please.”

“But Jason there is no music and yes to the kisses.”

“There is music outside and I got you a surprise for you outside too. Let’s go outside and announce the good news to my family and the surprise.”

When they leave the kitchen and leave the house Rebecca screams.

“Jason what did you do!!!!!!!!! IT IS MY DAD! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!”

“Hey don’t yell. I know your dad is here because I asked him to come here to make you happy you have been down lately and someone else is coming to make this even more special.”

“Hey Becca how are you sweetie I have missed you so much. You have had me and Liz worried.”

“Dad you don’t need to worry any more I am……..”

“Hey sweetie how are I have missed you.” says a mysterious voice.


“Yes it is me sweetie.”

“Mom is Darin here.?” Rebecca says at the same time that Erica says “Is my Dad here?”

“Yes he is girls. But he and Lizzie are talking about something that I don’t need to know about and neither do you Erin. Just don’t worry about them and Erica okay.?”

“Ok Natalie I won’t worry about them. But to let you know, I know what they are talking about Natalie. Lizzie tells me everything and you do know that it is our kids birthday right.? Let just enjoy it and Erica gots a surprise coming her way. And we are getting a surprise from Jason and Rebecca. I wonder what it is. I bet they are breaking up and she is going to move back home but she is going to be grounded for awhile.”

“Just shutup and listen to our daughter please.”


“Coming mommy. Uncle Ethan and Ben and Aunt Brianna and Kira come on. Wait, what is wrong Aunty Brittany?”

“I need to talk to mommy and daddy. Jason, Rebecca can I have a word with you please like right now.”

“Okay Jason lets go.”

When they go deeper into the woods they turn into the wolves they are with the whole pack coming out of the shadows and they all are in their wolf forms and are all talking at once.

“Can you guys just stop. I am going crazy.” Rebecca says. “Just Stop And Calm Down And Talk In Quiet Voices. Okay. That is better not so loud, you first Kira. What is wrong?”

“It is just that when you and Jason get married we will have to tell your family everything and how do you think that will go over with Darin and Natalie?”

“We won’t have to tell them do we? No, that is just what we did all these years. Look Alex just found out his sister, girlfriend, best friends, nephew and niece, and about to be family-in-law are all werewolves.” Jason says to his family.

“It is just that it would break family tradition and as it says that would be very bad for us. Hey what is wrong with Rebecca? She just went from wolf to human and her stomach is growing like it did with the twins.” Kira says.

When everyone just turned and looked at her and then Jason and everybody come running at her just as she falls backward and Jason catches her before she hits her head on a rock and saves her life. Rebecca passes out in Jason’s arms and Jason thinks she is dead and screams. Then his kids come and ask what is wrong.

“Daddy what is wrong with mommy.” Sammy and Jay asks at the same time.

“She just fainted. She used to do it all of the time.” A voice says from behind a tree.

“Alex come out from behind the tree please and tell us what you mean by is just fainted.” Brittany says to him.

“Fine. Did she eat something today? If she did not that is why she fainted.”

“She did not eat today Uncle Alex. What is fainting?” Sammy and Jason Jr said and asked at the same time.

“Fainting is when some gets light headed and goes to sleep.” Alex tells them. “Hey you guys look like each other, you guys are twins aren’t you two?

“Yes they are twins now let’s focus what gets her up?” Jason and Brittany asks.

“You need to put food in front of her face.”

They carry Rebecca back into the house and put food in front of her face and she wakes up and starts to gobble up the food.

“How did I get inside. I was in the woods the next thing I knew I was falling and turn back into a human and then I wake up in here and was eating.”

“Well sis you fainted.”

“What are doing here bro? Were you spying on us?”

“I was watching you guys then you fainted.”

“I was wondering why I smelled a familiar scent.”

“Hey sis what is happening to your stomach it is growing like crazy.”

“No, no, no not again. Jason it is happening again. I’m scared someone get me a big piece of meat.”

“Oh My Goodness. It is going to be okay. It might be twins. What if it is twins we can’t have twins again these two are already so much to handle on their birthday.”

“Their birthday is tomorrow and these two are coming but not today.” Rebecca says.

“OMG if they come tomorrow then we will have have for kids born on the 12th of September.” Jason says.

“I know Jason. I know it is going to be okay. Go get Benny and Erica.” Rebecca says

“Did you just call Ben, Benny?” Alex asks.

“Yes I did you got a problem with that little bro?”

“No it just I have never heard you call him anything but Benjamin or Ben but never Benny.”

“So I’m in a mood to be nice to people I have been mean to in the past. Benny, Erica where are you two? Come here please.”

“Coming Becca we will be right down just give us a few minutes.Wait did you just call me Benny, Becca?” Ben says.

“Yeah why? You do not want me to be nice to you?”

“Yes I want you to be nice but you are only nice to me when you are pregnant please tell me you are not pregnant.”

“I can not tell you I am not pregnant because I am pregnant Benny.”

“Yey let’s go celebrate Becca being pregnant and the kids birthday early everyone. Wait does Mom and Dad know that you are pregnant Becca?”

“No and I am not going to tell them right now.”

“Wait so what if they see you and ask you what is wrong? What are you going to say to them Becca?”

“I am going to tell them the truth so they won’t be mad at me for lying to them later on in the years to come.”

So they go out to celebrate and while everyone else has gone to the back of the house to have a feast.

“Let’s take the kids somewhere for an early birthday present.” Jason says.

“Okay babe.” Rebecca says to Jason.

Chapter 6

9 months later

“Jason where are you? You are needed so very much.” Rebecca yells to Jason.

“I am making the bottles sweetie. I will be right up okay Becca.” Jason yells back to Becca.

“Mommy can you come help with my homework.” Sammy asks her mom.

“Yes Sammy. Can you bring me your homework?”

“Yes mommy. Jay leave me alone and do your homework please.”

“Sammy leave me alone right now before I go get daddy or mommy.”

“Jason come up please and thank you. Like right now.”

“Coming Becca. Jason Junior leave Sammy alone. Okay son? Jason answer me right now! Answer before I reach three! 1. 2. 2 and ½………………”

“Yes daddy.”

“Sammy take your work to your mom right now please and don’t make me yell.”

“Okay daddy.”

“Jason don’t yell you just mad the babies start crying and I just put them down for an nap.”

Ben, Erica, Alex, and Brittany walks into the house with great surprise for Rebecca and Jason. Next month they are getting married.

“Jason next month I want to get married.”


9 months later


Chapter 6

9 months later

“Jason where are you? You are needed so very much.” Rebecca yells to Jason.

“I am making the bottles sweetie. I will be right up okay Becca.” Jason yells back to Becca.

“Mommy can you come help with my homework.” Sammy asks her mom.

“Yes Sammy. Can you bring me your homework?”

“Yes mommy. Jay leave me alone and do your homework please.”

“Sammy leave me alone right now before I go get daddy or mommy.”

“Jason come up please and thank you. Like right now.”

“Coming Becca. Jason Junior leave Sammy alone. Okay son? Jason answer me right now! Answer before I reach three! 1. 2. 2 and ½………………”

“Yes daddy.”

“Sammy take your work to your mom right now please and don’t make me yell.”

“Okay daddy.”

“Jason don’t yell you just mad the babies start crying and I just put them down for an nap.”

Ben, Erica, Alex, and Brittany walks into the house with great surprise for Rebecca and Jason. Next month they are getting married.

“Jason next month I want to get married.”

2 Weddings


2 Weddings

The day of the wedding Rebecca is nervous about her family finding out that she is a werewolf and going along with it. She is afraid that her family will reject her and not love her anymore. Like they will disown her.

“Ben? I know that you are right outside you can come inside.”

“What are you so nervous about girly?”

“That my family will disown me because I am a werewolf. What am I going about that Benny?”

“I know what you are going to do. You are going to marry my brother.”

“Okay Benny I really love him. So that I will marry your brother. There you go okay. Are you happy now?.”

“Yes I am happy thank you Becca.” Benny says to Rebecca.

Jason walks in right as Rebecca says “Ben what am I going to do when we get married?”

Jason says something that startled them almost to death. “You will tell them okay Becca cause there is nothing they can do about it. Becca you are very special that is why I fell in love with you okay so call them and tell them about what we are.”

She picks up the phone and calls her parents  and tells them what she is.

“Elizabeth is my dad home?”

“No why he was on his way over to Jason’s house.”

“Thank you.”

Two minutes later she calls her mother.

“Darin is my mom home?”

“No she got a phone call from your dad flew right there. Sorry bye”

She calls her dad and mother.

“Dad, mom are you guys on your way over here.”

“Yes we are.We got a phone call from Jason’s family that they have to tell us something.”

“Okay I was going to call a family meeting so I am going to fly Darin down here for the family meeting and I am going to call Elizabeth to see if she will come to the meeting okay see you when you get here.”

“Okay sweetie bye.”

“Jason call your family we are having a family meeting.”

“Okay Becca.”

She calls Elizabeth and then she calls Darin.

“Elizabeth can you come to Jason’s house for a family meeting.”

“Darin can you come here for a family meeting okay.”

“Ben can you and Erica come for a family meeting.”

“Britney can you and and Alex come for a family meeting please.”

They all arrive at the same time.

“What is it Rebecca?” Everyone says at the same time.

“I am marrying Jason on Christmas Eve” Rebecca tells everyone in an excited tone.

Everyone starts talking at once asking her questions about what time is the wedding going to be at. “Where is going to happen.”

Jason pulls Rebecca to the side. “When did you decide that we are getting married?”

“I did not decide that we are getting married.Your brother Benjamin convinced me that we should get married. I worried that my mom,dad,Elizabeth,and Darin would disown me for being a werewolf.”

“You thought they would disown you because you are a werewolf? You are so sweet.”

“Jason this is nothing to start kidding about okay I am still worried about what they will say when I tell them that I am a werewolf .”

They walk back to the meeting with a smile. The family a celebrating the news of the wedding. Rebecca says something and everyone becomes quiet.

“Everyone that was not all as you know Jason’s family is not normal. If we get married you know their secret. Okay, so I was worried that you would disown me for what I am.”

“It is okay to tell them Becca, we will not be mad.” Jason and his family says at the same time.

“Okay everyone Jason s a werewolf and so am I. Jason’s whole family is werewolves. Except Benjamin he is a vampire every fairy tale is real me Alex and Erica all knew it we had to wait til one of us was getting married to tell you about the secret. Oh! And you can’t  tell anyone, okay mom,dad,Elizabeth,and Darin. I trust you guys. Please don’t tell anyone. I love you guys. Mi amor.”

“Becca I did not know that you speak spanish. Say something else please Mi amor.” Becca’s mother and father says at the same time.

“I don’t really know that much spanish okay. But I will try. Well here it goes. Hola. Como estas?”

“That is very good Becca. But I did not know you knew spanish.” Rebecca’s brother Alex says to her.

“I know that was because I never said anything in spanish. Alexander Turner just leave me alone  about speaking spanish. Thank you.”

“Rebecca Missy Turner Baker listen to me don’t say your brother’s whole entire name.” Rebecca’s dad says to her.

“Yes, daddy. Mother, Father, is there anything I can bring you to make you comfortable with what I just told you?” Rebecca says to her mom and dad.

“No sweetie I am already fine with what you told me. What about you Alex do you have anything to tell our whole family before we split?” Natalie says to her son.

“Yes mother. I would like to ask Brittany a question. Brittany will you marry me?” Alex asks Brittany. Making her blush.

Brittany pauses and starts to cry and says to Alex.

“Yes Alexander I marry you. I love you so much.”Brittany says to Alex.

“Thank you so much Brittany. I love too.”

Then the family starts to cheer for both couples. Later that day everyone is planning a wedding for Jason and Rebecca, Alex and Brittany.

Wedding Day for 2

Wedding Day for 2

The day of the weddings.

“Brittany where are you at? Please come come and help me get ready.” Rebecca yells to Brittany.

“Coming and I was getting my own makeup on okay Becca. I was on my way to your room already.” Brittany yells back.

20 minutes later Rebecca is ready to get married to Jason. Then the music starts to play that means she can come on and get married. Then she is walking down the aisle to Jason. Then she is right on the spot where she is supposed to be. Then she is getting married to Jason. The just priest asks her to repeat after him. When she says she has her own vows that she would like to say herself. Then the unexpected happens she says that she is going to have the twins right now after she and Jason says their vows. Then her water breaks.

The Other Twins

The other twins

When they get to the car and drive to the hospital  when they arrive Rebecca is screaming out really loud in pain. So the doctors get her a room right away because of how much pain she is in. The doctors are werewolves. Becca is trying not to turn into a wolf. She gives birth to a beautiful girl and boy. The twins names are Vasalissa and Christian. The twins have a little fur on their arms and legs. They had a muzzle. They had purple eyes so did their mother when she turned into a werewolf. Rebecca was part human and wolf by blood so her kids are going to be slightly wolf when they are born.

The twins being born means that the other two will be big siblings and have a great influence on their little siblings. They are so happy to be big siblings that they set up Lissa’s and Chris’ room together.

When the twins were born Jason and Samatha was so happy. They are in the twins room.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.04.2016

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I dedicate this story to Stephanie Myers for writing Twilight.

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