

Volume 1

By George Junkman

A Day Destined To Be Great

At 7:14 AM, on a Friday at the end of May in 2019, a 14 year old girl named Rekusasu Bakudan woke up and started getting ready for school. She brushed her teeth, got washed, cleaned her face and combed her hair. Her dad fixed her a nice breakfast, Blackberry Pancakes with two Bacon strips, sunny side up eggs and a glass of orange juice.


She gobbled every last thing down until her stomach was stuffed full. Her Mom got the car started so that she could drive Rekusasu over to school, so she said goodbye to her mother and father and hopped in her mom's brand new car. When she arrived at the school, she was ready to talk to her best friend Kōmori who was sitting next to her in class 


Hey Kōmori, guess what?"  said Rekusasu, smiling gleefully

"What is it, Rey?" Komori asked

  "Well, i was about to tell you tonight, Im going to have a big party at my house and i was wondering if you wanted to come?"  "Rey, I don't think your parents would agree with you having a party late at night, i mean doesnt that make you kinda tired?", said Kōmori  "The only thing i'm getting tired of is your worrying Kōmi, of course my parents are going to let me stay up late, i'm practically old enough to have parties on my own."


Later at 3:15 PM Rekusasu went straight home to ask her parents for some money to buy party supplies. Her mom gave her $20 and Rey went to the dollar store to buy everything,  party balloons, streamers, cups, paper towels, snacks and lots of stuffs. But Then, disaster arises when a strange man with long green dreadlocks, wide-lens glasses, a pencil mustache and a clock shirt.


"Who are you and where did you come from?" asked Rekusasu in a hurry. "I Am The Master of Space, I can control time itself and i am the ultimate ruler of the universe. And i hear you are getting ready for a party right now, is that correct?" "Why yes, Mr. Space. I am getting ready, i'll give you this invite" Rey later gave the invite to The Master of Space and it was smooth sailing after that. 


At 7:02 PM, Rey started her very first party ever, Everything was planned out perfect, but then The Master of Space showed up and did the best thing Rekusasu could never have though of....... He kissed her on the cheek. Rey could not control her hyperactivity, and just when M.O.S. was ready to dance, Rey pulled on one of his dreads and kissed him on the spot.  


At 12:30 AM, The party ended and Rekusasu went upstairs into her room where she wrote in her diary "This is A Day Destined to be Great and y'know, It actually ended up going great. I got my first smooch from a guy and my party was awesome." And so, she went to sleep that night pretty happy.


Rekusasu Gets The Feelies


At school, Rekusasu was enjoying her lunch made by her mom, a Egg salad sandwich with some Tuna Sushi on the side and cucumber tea. It wasn't a "high-quality" lunch, but it filled her up. While she was eating, the school counselor, Ms. Naomi handed out leaflets to everyone's lunch table.

" This looks like a flyer for the end of school dance formal" said Rekusasu while munching on her sushi. Then she realized that this school dance formal means that she will partner up with her very secret crush, Dagurasu Hanmādādo. Rekusasu started to blush, to the point where she squealed real loudly and caused herself to get detention for a day.


After detention, she saw Dagurasu walking down the street and swooned.  "Rey, what in the name of God are you doing?" asked Kōmori as she was annoyed by Rey's behavior.

"Komori, i wasn't doing anything, but thinking about Dagurasu" 

"Dagurasu is not that attractive, he's just Dagurasu." said Komori. 

"If anything, i think you got The Feelies"   

"What's The Feelies?" asked Rekusasu politely.

"Well, "The Feelies" is when a girl meets a really really attractive guy and thinks he so cute that it makes the jocks and the nerds go hide. But then comes the side effects, Bascially, the feelies start when a girl blushes harder than she usually does, then she squeals and swoons more common than usually, and then she gets lovesick. Thats what happens" Komori said bluntly.



" I didn't know you wee so smart, Komori Botshoto." Moments later, Rekusasu was locked in her room still swooning and gushing over Dagurasu, even going as far as to making a song about him.


"Dagurasu, Dagurasu, You'll get mixed into my Creamy Caesar soup, Dagurasu, Dagurasu, I know i dont have a problem with you." Rekusasu sung.


Then, The Master of Space appeared out of dust.


"Mr. Space! What are you doing in my room?!?" asked Rey

"Well, i originally came in here to ask your mom out to dinner, but i'm really here to talk about your upcoming end-of-school dance." "Well, dont even think about asking me to the dance, because im already taken." said Rekusasu


"Obviously Rey, i'm only 2.5 billion years old. I was actually talking about chaperoning the dance." 

"Well, it doesn't start until 7:30." said Rey sacastically.

Two hours later, and Rekusasu is at the dance. She ran to Dagurasu, twirled him ans everything was good.... until Dagurasu kissed Rey, in which it was great.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2020

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