
The Beginning

Hi my name is Freya Graham, and I am a monster. I don't know why but when I'm sad, the weather seems to get gloomier, but when I'm happy the weather matches my mood, it's almost as if I can control the weather, but of course that only happens in books and movies. I am currently 14 years old, I have no family or friends, I don't even have a boyfriend. As far as I know I've been alone my entire life, no one to take care of me, no one to hang out with me...Nothing, and I don't know why that is. I don't remember ever having a family, I only remember my name and how old I am, I mean of course I know the basic life skills, and I know I have to go to school, but what's the point, I feel like I already know everything they are teaching and I can already do it better than them, I'm a straight A student, yet I have no friends, I spend all of my free time listening to music and avoiding eye contact with everyone. I think I am ugly and gross because everytime I try to talk to anyone or even make eye contact, everyone runs away or acts like I'm not there. When I look in the mirror I think I look normal except for my eyes, I have two different colored eyes, one is green and the other is blue. When I go to sleep I feel strange, like something is going through me, but I don't know if it's just a dream, because when I wake up it's gone. I have a really nice home to sleep in, I don't know where I got it but I've always slept here ever since I can remember. It's as if everyone is afraid of me because when I raise my hand up in class everyone thinks I am going to do something drastic, even the teachers are afraid of me. I spend most of my time in the library because no one ever goes there, there's not even a librarian there, which if you ask me is totally strange. Anyway that is pretty much everything that happens to me ever. O and for some reason I never seem to change, like most girls get pimples all over their face, I don't, and some girls sweat... I don't do that either and I have no idea why. I just hope you will enjoy my story.


Monday morning...


(Freya's POV)

"Another day of school, another day of being ignored" I said to myself "I guess I should watch the news, I have to see if I'll need to take an umbrella to school today"

"Today will be all sun, not a cloud in the sky" The weatherman said

"Great, guess I'll walk to school today" 

I don't live that far away from school, just about a 5 minute walk from my house to school.

I walked out of the living room after I watched the weather forecast and went upstairs to take a shower. I looked at the time on my clock

"hmm only 5:00 I have a few hours, guess I should find something nice to wear today"

I went to my closet, it wasn't a big closet, just enough to fit all my clothes in, I picked out a blue tank top, a black over the shoulder shirt to go over my tank top, a pair of black skinny jeans, matching black bra and underwear, and black and blue high tops

"Perfect, now I have to take a shower"

I went to my bathroom and got out my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, also my watermelon body wash and put it right next to my shower, then I got out of my pjs and got in the shower, I put in the shampoo first then I washed it out, I put in the conditioner next and let it sit for a little bit while I used my body wash, after I was done with my body wash I washed it off, and washed out the conditioner, then I got out, I didn't bother with a towel because I wanted to air dry today since I got up early enough. I went into my room again and went to my vanity, I plugged in my flat iron and my curling iron then I got out my black lip stick and clear lip gloss, I aslo got out my black eye shadow. I checked to see if my irons were done, they weren't quite yet, so I decided to put my clothes on first. After I did that, I put on my makeup and finally my irons were done so I used the flat iron first, then I curled the ends of my hair, not like anyone would notice anyway. Finally I was done and it was only 7:20, so I went back into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. After I was done with that I put all of my stuff in my messenger bag and took off for school. I got there hoping not to see anyone yet... Guess I'm never that lucky.

"Hey it's the ugly monster" One popular girl said, I think her name is Nicole

"Haha, look I think she's trying to look cute" another one said, her name is Chloe, I think

"Does the little monster have a crush?" Brianna said in a little kid voice, she's the most popular girl in school

"" I stuttered out

"O really, then why are you all dressed up?" Chloe said

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Nicole said


"O do you now?" Brianna asked


"And where might that be" she asked again

"Class" I said and then ran away from them

"Wait, monster girl, you dropped your fangs hahahahaha" They all laughed at me as I ran

They embarrased me, I think I liked it better when they ignored me

I ran until I was safely in the library, and then I just sat in a corner, pulled my feet up to my chest and cried. I can't believe I stayed that long by them, I should've known better, I should've just ran away so much sooner.

I heard the door open, I figured it was just the wind pushing the old creaky doors open and closed like it normally does, But then I heard footsteps, I didn't move from where I was, I figured if I stayed in the dark corner whoever it was would just think no one was here and leave, but I guess I'm still not that lucky

"Hey um...I...I saw you run in here...could you...could you please come out? A male voice asked

He sounds...scared. 

I slowly and quietly moved out of the corner and walked slowly to the small light that shined in

"Hi, my name is Chase" He held his hand out for me to shake but I jumped instead because of the sudden movement

"h...hi" I said still afraid

"What's your name?" He said softly


"That's a unique name"

"It's the name of a monster" I said and walked back to my corner, sat down and started crying again. Just then I heard thunder and then I saw lightning light up the library

"I don't think it's the name of a monster, I think it's the name of you Freya" He said with a smile

That made me smile a little, what?!? the rain stopped

"Hey look at that the rain stopped" He said happily, but then his mood changed from happy to scared in a matter of seconds


"d...did t..that?"

"no, I don't think so"

"I think you did, you... you freak" he said and started walking away 

but before he could get very far the lighting came back and it started raining harder, the wind was blowing and it shut the library door

He..he call..called me a... a freak

I was crying, but I don't know why, I wasn't sad I was angry 

"Why would you call me that, it's not like I can control the weather and even if I could that would be crazy because that kind of stuff only happens in movies and books"

"Then can you explain to me why it started raining when you started crying?" He said "Or maybe when you smiled, the sun came out?"

"No I can't explain it because I don't know what happened"

 "Well then..."

He went to the door and tried to open it

"What did you do to the door?"

"I didn't do anything to it"

"Then why won't it open"

"Maybe it's jammed shut from when the wind blew it shut"

"Well then think of something to make the wind blow again and open it"

"I don't know how to do that"

"Great your useless"

He keeps calling me names, why is he so mean? 

"You were so nice and now your so mean, why?"

"Because you can control the weather, but you are out of control"

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because... I can control the elements" He said

"prove it" I said 

 He did something with his hands and then his eyes changed from brown to gold and the wind started blowing really hard then the wind came in and blew the door open.

"Convinced now?" He said and looked at me

I was convinced but I was scared so I walked away slowly, just in case he might hurt me and went back to my corner, but this time it wasn't so I could cry it was so I could hide from him, I was afraid he would hurt me... Is this what everyone sees in me, is this why they are all afraid of me?

"Wait don't be afraid of me" He said walking towards me

"Stop get away from me"

"I can't"

"Why not, your a freak...a monster"

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave you, you're my assignment"

"I'm your what!"

"My assingment...there are more of us out there and they want me to make sure you don't mess everything up"

"I thought you were going to be my friend, I thought you were going to be the only one who wasn't afraid of me, but I'm just an assignment to you?"

"Wait Freya, it's not what it sounds like"

"Really? It's not what it sounds like? I think it's exactly what it sounds like, Chase! Is chase even your real name or did you just make that up? You know what don't even answer that... I have to get to class"

"Freya wait, please" He grabbed my arm

"No chase, let me go"

"Not until you listen to me"

"I'm late for class"

"Just let me explain"


"No just please"

"Fine, after school meet me in front of school"

"Thank you freya"


I walked out of the library and started trying to forget about that horrible confrontation with chase.


The truth


After school 



"Now explain to me why you lied to me"

"Ok, but can we walk and talk, I don't want to expose the secret in front of the entire school"

"Ok we can walk to my house"

We started walking"

"Now talk" I said trying to speed things up

"Geez, right to the point"

"Well I want to get this over with so I never have to talk to you ever again"

"Why do you hate me so much, we just met"

"No the way we met was you trying to be nice to me, but turning into such a jerk when I couldn't do what you wanted me to, can you get that through your fat head?"

"I guess so and I'm sorry about that"

"Whatever, just explain everything I need to know"

"Ok, so, my name is Chase James Daniels, and I was assigned to get close to you and make sure you don't hurt anyone"

"What do you mean 'get close' to me and how would I hurt anyone if I don't even know what I am"

"I mean they want me to try to be your friend, and your an elemental so am I, they wanted me to learn everything about you, and who your parents were"

"My parents abandoned me, I have no idea where they are or who they are"

"'s not possible" He looked surprised

"What... what's not possible?"

"Your parents...they were in a battle and the people they were fighting were trying to get you so they could raise you to kill your parents, so they sent you away so you would be safe...hoping that someday they would see you again, but not until it was safe for you"

"What... that just makes more questions in my mind, you're not helping"

"Your parents were the strongest elementals in the world and because of their power you were born the chosen one, with the most power... you can talk to animals and you have every power imaginable"


"Yeah, I only have the power to control the elements, because I only have one parent that is an elemental, but you have both parents as elementals"

"So I can do anything I want?"

"Pretty much" 

I was so interested in the answers he was giving me I forgot we were just supposed to walk to my house and then he was supposed to leave and before I knew it we were on my doorstep.

"Come in, I want to know everthing"

"Are you sure, I thought you hated me"

"O I do but your the only one that knows anything about me so"

"OK, I really am sorry though"

"And I really don't care about your apologies"

"Ok, I'll tell you whatever you want to know, but I still have to be with you wherever you go, you know that right?"

"As if, but you are still telling me whatever I want to know"

"Yes chosen one"


I let him in and we went to the living room

"It's really dark in here"  He observed

"Yeah, that's because no one else is here"

"You mean until later right?"

"No... no one is ever here"

"What?!?! So your always alone? Everyday, all day?"

"Well yeah, I have no family left and everyone is afraid of me, I still don't understand how I can hurt people if I don't know when I'm going to control the weather"

"Your powers come from your heart, that's why it rains when you cry, the sun comes out when your happy, you have so much more power than normal Elementals"

"What do you mean?"

"Um do you have any paper?

"Yeah just a sec" I said then I went to a drawer labeled paper "Here"


"Why do you need paper?"

"To show you"

"Show me what?"

"How to learn control" He closed his eyes and took long deep breathes, when he opened his eyes, they were gold, he focused on the paper and then out of no where the paper started on fire and then water came from somewhere, and some wind, all focused on the paper. I watched with interest. After a few seconds he closed his eyes again and everything he just did went away like magic.

"What was that?"

"My powers"

"What are my powers?"

"Um well you can talk to animals"


"Yeah, do you have a dog or cat or fish?"


"Ok, then call a random animal"


"Close your eyes"

I did as I was told

"Good, now picture the animal you want to come"

I pictured a bunny

"Got it, now slowly think about guiding it to you"

"How do I do that?"

I felt warmth on my hands and i assumed he put his over mine

"Imagine you are walking home from the pet store with a brand new rabbit, how are you going to guide him home?"

I thought about watching my bunny hop on the sidewalk and lead the way home

"Wow!" he said and I opened my eyes


He looked around, I followed and saw all the rabbits

"You did it"

"Did I though?"


"But you said just 1 bunny"

"But you suceeded that already, so now you have to try talking to them"

"Um how am I supposed to do that?"

"Try asking it what it's name is"

I turned to one of the rabbits "Hi, my name is Freya, what's your name?"

"Alex" He said

"Did you hear that?"

"No I didn't hear anything, I don't have the power to talk to animals only you do"

"Who is that?"

"This is Chase"

"Why can't he hear me?"

"Because he doesn't have the power to do that"


"How did you get here?"

"We followed the call"

"What call?"

"You called us here"


"We heard that you wanted a rabbit to come to you, so we followed the voice telling us to come here"


"More like a pull"

"O ok"

"Why did you want us here?"

"Chase wanted me to try to talk to animals"


"Because he says I'm the chosen one or something and I have to strengthen my powers"

"What?" said shocked


"You... you're the chosen one?"

"I guess so"

He looked over to chase


They all bowed down to me

"Why are you all bowing?"

"Because you are the chosen one, you deserve the most respect"

"But I'm not the chosen one, I don't even know how to control these so called powers"

"All in god time chosen one" and with that they all hoped away, I looked over at chase and he was smiling


"You just had a legit conversation with an animal"

"You told me to"

"I didn't actually think it would work tho"

"What? So you would make me look like a complete fool if that didn't work?"

"Well yeah if it didn't work but it did work"

"You're the worst"

"But I taught you something"


"So what else to you want to know?"

"Why are my eyes like this" I said looking at him

"What do you mean?"

"2 different colors"

"Mine are like that too"

"No yours look normal unless you use your powers, mine stay like this, they don't change"

"I'm not sure why yours don't change, but they look cool"

"I look like a freak all the time because of them"

"Freya, your not a freak"

"Yes I am"



"Freya look at me"

I looked at him

"Look at my eyes"

"Your eyes" I said shocked

"I know, they aren't always normal, I can control them"


"I think about looking ordinary"

"Why ordinary?"

"Because ordinary people don't have extraordinary features, and it seems to work" He said and closed his eyes

"Would it work for me?"


"Why not?"

"because you are perfect this way, you don't need to change"


"No Frey, don't change a thing"

"You called me Frey"

"i'm so sorry Freya, you are the chosen one and I shouldn't disrespect you like that"

"NO no it's fine, I'm just shocked because that's the first nickname I've ever gotten from anyone"

"O so is it ok if I call you Frey?"

"Of course"

"Ok" He said and just looked at me, before I knew it the sun went down and it was already night

"I should probably head to bed"

"I should get back home"

"You can stay here if you want"

"I don't think that would be appropriate"

"Please, I don't want to stay in this empty house by myself anymore"

"Ok if you want me to"

"I do" I said then I walked upstairs to get him some pjs thinking about what he looks like without his shirt on, when I came downstairs he didn't have a shirt on


"Oh I'm sorry about this but it's just too hot in here"

"Oh that's fine, can you show me how to cool it down?"

"Sure" He said then came over to me "Close your eyes"

I did as I was told, then I felt heat on my back

"Picture it getting colder in this room"

I tried to do it "I cant"

"If you believe you can't then you will never be able to, now try again" He said then moved closer "Breathe in"

I did

"Breathe out, and think about it getting colder"

I heard him breathing with me, when I thought it I felt coldness

"You did it" he said excitedly

When I opened my eyes everything was spinning

"Chase why is the room spinning?"

"Because you used to much power at once, I thought this would happen that's why I'm so close to you"

 I didn't have time to respond because after he said that everything went black


(Chase's POV)




Texte: Mackenzie Feit
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Lektorat: Mackenzie Feit
Übersetzung: Mackenzie Feit
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2015

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