
Chapter 1- My New Beginning

(Emma's POV)



Shut up


"I really don't want to get up yet but I have school so I have to.

BEEP BEEP...... I pulled my alarm clock out of the wall and threw it across the room, it bashed into the wall and shattered.

"Now I need a new alarm clock, great," I said.

I looked at my phone it was only 6:30 "o well I'm up already so I should probably take a shower.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned the water on to warm, then I stripped my clothes off and got in. I took a quick shower because I needed time to do my hair. I then got out and put my hair in a towel and wrapped my body in another towel. When I got out of the bathroom I went to my walk-in closet and picked out a blue off the shoulder shirt and a black tank top to go underneath, I then picked out some black skinny jeans and a black and blue striped bra and underwear to go with it. I put my clothes I was going to wear on and then I went downstairs for some breakfast. "O I almost forgot my name is Emma Ivy Thompson, I go to Chastity Middle School in 8th grade, I am 14 years old and I am a nobody." When I got down the stairs my brother, Isaiah, was already sitting down eating so I got a bowl and poured some cereal and milk and went to sit next to him. My brother and I get along pretty well most of the time, our mother died in a car accident about 1 year ago and our father got cancer soon after, so we live alone but it doesn't really matter because before our parents died they were rich so we got all the money. When my brother and I were finished eating we got our things and went to school. When we pulled up into the school parking lot there was a group of populars surrounding the spot we parked in to wait for my brother, did I mention he was the quarterback of our football team he is 17 years old and every girl in the school wants to get in his pants, I got out of the car because I knew that as soon as he got out they would all surround him so I just left to go to my locker. As soon as I got there Allison Smith, she's one of my best friends, came up to me and started talking so fast I couldn't even understand her. I stopped her from talking by putting my finger up to my mouth in a shushing motion and she stopped, but as soon as I put my hand down my other best friend scared the daylights out of me by coming up behind me and poking me in the sides. His name is Ashton White and he is my only guy friend that is on the football team, I turned around and punched his arm playfully.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Sup," I said.

"Hi" Ally said.

"So are you guys ready for our math test we have 5th hour today," he said.

"Ugh no I completely forgot about that" I complained.

"Yeah I was up all night studying," Ally said.

"Emma you know if you fail this test you're going to be held back," Ashton said.

"Yeah don't remind me, well since we have study hall together 4th hour could you pretty please help me study?" I gave him my best puppy dog face.

"Yeah I would never say no to your puppy dog face" He chuckled

Just then the first bell rang to signal us to go to class.

"Are you all ready to go?" Ally said.

"No, I don't want to walk all the way up those stairs!" I whined

"Get on my back I'll carry you," Ashton said

"Really you would do that for me, but I weigh a ton" I laughed

"Dude you barely weigh 90 pounds" Ashton teased

"Alright, alright but you have to kneel your too tall for me to jump,"I said

"Ok you two hurry up or we are going to be late," Ally said

"K we can go now," I said as I was climbing onto Ashton's back

Ashton's hands were really close to my butt but I guess that's just so I don't fall, I thought.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and Ashton put me down, we all walked into the classroom just as the bell rang.

We took our seat with me in the middle of Ashton and Ally.

Science was taking way too long so I decided to make it interesting, I got out of my seat and asked if I could make an experiment but of course the teacher said no, but I did it anyway and I sort of made an explosion so now I'm sitting in the office waiting to talk to the principle.

"Miss Thompson please enter," He said

"Hi Mr. Davidson," I said

"What did you do this time," He said

"I made an explosion with sand because I was bored" I explained

"I'm not even going to ask how" He sighed

"Can I go back to class or do I have to stay here while you lecture me about how to pay attention and not misbehave, I promise I'll be good" I said as I made my puppy dog face.

"Fine Miss Thompson you may go but if you cause any more drama then you will be suspended for two days," He said

"Ok Mr. Davidson," I said as I walked out.

After that, I just roamed the halls until class got out.

"Hey troublemaker," Ashton said as the bell rang.

"Hi" I sighed

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Davidson said that I couldn't misbehave or I'll get suspended"

"That sucks does he not know how your mind works by now?"

"Guess not.... hey wheres Ally?"

"She wanted to go study some more"

"She is horrible with that she needs to worry less about her grades"

"And you need to worry more about yours!"

"No, I don't!" I yelled as I turned away from him

"Fine don't get mad at me ok I don't like it when you don't talk to me," He said trying to get me to look at him

"Ok I'm sorry," I said as I looked into his dark brown eyes

I watched as his eyes drifted to my lips then back up to my eyes.

I gave him a weird look.

He cleared his throat "we better get to class Em"

"ok," I said as I started walking away

"wait up" he yelled as he ran to catch up to me


(Ashton's Pov)


"Hey guys," I said.

"Sup" Emma said.

"Hi" Ally said.

"So are you guys ready for our math test we have 5th hour today," I said.

"Ugh no I completely forgot about that" Emma complained.

"Yeah I was up all night studying," Ally said.

"Emma you know if you fail this test you're going to be held back," I said.

"Yeah don't remind me, well since we have study hall together 4th hour could you pretty please help me study?" Emma gave me her best puppy dog face.

"Yeah I would never say no to your puppy dog face" I chuckled

Just then the first bell rang to signal us to go to class.

"Are you all ready to go?" Ally said.

"No, I don't want to walk all the way up those stairs!" Emma whined

"Get on my back I'll carry you," I said

"Really you would do that for me, but I weigh a ton" Emma laughed

"Dude you barely weigh 90 pounds" I teased

"Alright, alright but you have to kneel your too tall for me to jump," Emma said

"Ok you two hurry up or we are going to be late," Ally said

"K we can go now," Emma said as she was climbing onto my back

My hands were really close to her ass but I think she just thinks I put them there so she wouldn't fall, I smiled to myself.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and I put her down, we all walked into the classroom just as the bell rang. 

Em always gets bored during science, I really don't understand why because we get to do experiments and stuff. She went up to the teacher and asked if she could do an experiment on her own and he said no, but she didn't listen and she made sand explode, don't ask me how cause I have no idea. She got sent to the office and I got really nervous, cause what if she got suspended or even EXPELLED!!!!! Oh no! I walked over to Ally, she was working on our project that we were meant to be doing and started whisper/yelling at her.

"Ally what if she gets suspended or Expelled, you know she was put on a probation thing right, from the last thing she did!" I rambled on.

"Hey! calm down would ya before we get sent out," she whispered

 "Sorry" I apologized 

"Ok now I know that she got put on probation I was there and I'm her best friend so I made sure that that wouldn't happen cause then I would be stuck with you, anyway I told the principle that something like this would happen beforehand so he would be aware," she explained

"Ok, so what does that mean?" I asked

"You're so stupid, it means that she will be let go with a warning and if she does it again then she will be suspended," she said calmly

"Oh, ok," I said trying to calm myself down

"Now are you going to help me or just stand there watching?"

"Sorry, I would help but first you might need to explain what we are doing cause I forgot," I said with pleading eyes.

"O my god, you are unbelievable but since I don't want to fail, we are supposed to be making a non-active volcano." She explained once again

"Oh, and do you know how we are supposed to do that?" I asked 

"Yes but the question is do you?" she asked

"I ..." I tried to think of an answer

"That's what I thought" Ally yelled 

"Sorry," I said with apologetic eyes

"It's fine, just go ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom and then come back towards the end of class, I'll finish this up for the both of us," she said exasperatedly

"I'm so sorry to leave you with all the work." I apologized again

"It's fine now go!" She told me

"Ok ok I'm going," I said walking away

 "Finally" Ally whispered hoping I wouldn't hear

I asked the teacher if I could use the restroom, thank god he said yes, I don't think I would have lasted much longer in there worrying about Em  I thought to myself as I walked out of the room




Chapter 2- I Can't Believe This???

(Emma's POV) 


I just got done in the principles office and there's only like 30 minutes left in class so no point in going back now I thought to myself seeing as there's no one else to talk to.

Just then I see Ashton wandering around I wonder what he's doing in the halls?

"Hey Ash" I yelled

He looks up after hearing his name being called

"Oh, hey Em," He said looking lost in thought

"What's wrong Ash?"

"N..nothing, j..just um th..thinking!"

"Hm.. What about?"

"N..nothing important," He said with a hint of pink in his cheeks

"Doesn't look like nothing" I said looking into his eyes to see if I could interpret what he was thinking

"An..anyway why are you in the halls and not in class?" he said trying to change the subject

I wonder why he's changing the subject?

"Um didn't you see the explosion I made?"

"Oh, um yeah sorry stupid question"

"but I could ask you why YOU'RE in the halls and not in class"

"Um because Ally got mad at me and told me to get a pass out of the classroom so I could cool off"

"Why did she get mad at you, what did you do this time?" I asked kind of curious

"Because I wasn't listening and I didn't know what we were supposed to be making," he said a little nervous

"Oh, ok, hey Ash?"

"Yeah Em?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," He said smiling a little

"No, I mean an actual question, seriously"

 "Oh, um yeah go for it"

"Ok so why are you acting so nervous all of a sudden and always seem to be in your own little world why is that?"


(Ashton's POV)


"Ok so why are you acting so nervous all of a sudden and always seem to be in your own little world why is that?" Emma asked me genuinely concerned

I can't possibly tell her the real reason why I'm nervous or why I'm always fantasizing because it's all because of her, the way she makes me feel I can't talk to her without my eyes drifting to her lips anymore and I don't know why I have butterflies in my stomach everytime she speaks to me.

"Well, can you give me an answer or are you speechless?" she asked me

"Sorry Em, but I can't tell you!" I said in a rush and quickly turned away so I wouldn't see the hurt look on her face

"Really Ashton! You can't tell your best friend what you're feeling or what you're thinking?" she said and I could hear her heart breaking.

This isn't what I wanted, I wish I could just spill my feelings to her right now but I don't even know what I'm feeling at the moment

"I.. I'm so s..sorry Em... I.." I started saying

"No Ashton, since you obviously don't trust me enough to tell me things anymore, t..then w..we are...aren't best friends a..anymore, So from now on you have to call me Emma no more nicknames, those are for friends and we obviously aren't friends anymore!" she yelled at me just as the bell rang signaling the end of 1st hour.

"Em.. I mean Emma, please don't cry" I pleaded just as her tears started falling

"No Ashton you caused this to happen, so just stop and I don't need you to help me anymore for studying I think I can manage on my own! she yelled at me and ran the other way

Oh man I really screwed up this time


(Ally's POV)


I was working on our project, by myself, when I heard Em screaming, she never does that unless she's extremely mad or upset?  Uh Oh, I have a feeling it's the second one

I started watching the clock we only had 2 minutes left then I would be able to ask Ash if he knew what happened

Finally, the bell rang, and I hurriedly ran to the hallway where I heard Em only to see her running away from... Ashton?

I walked up to Ash, "what happened?"

"I didn't tell her what I was thinking or feeling and now I guess we aren't friends anymore?" he explained

"Oh no that's not good," I said terrified

"Yes Ally I know that's not good, thanks so much for reminding me what happened when we were 13 years old!" he said sarcastically 

I punched him in the arm, really hard

"OWWW!!!" he yelled

"That's what you get for being sarcastic at a time like this"

"Just trying to lighten the mood," he said


(1 year ago)


(??? POV)


"come on baby, your going to be late for school" a sweet voice cooed

"please just five more minutes, miss fairy" Emma yawned out

I chuckled and walked over to her and shook her a little

"come on sunshine, it's time for you to get ready for your first day of 7th grade"

"DADDY!!!!!!!!" she shot up so fast she was a blur

"glad your awake now" I laughed at her

"no daddy I'm just sleep talking" she tried

"ok sunshine how about you sleep talk all the way to the bath," I said to her

 "ok anything for you daddy," she said excitedly

"thank you honey, for getting her out of bed," the most beautiful voice said

"no problem sweetheart," I said kissing her softly

"Ewww get a room you two!" Emma said peeking around the corner

"HAHAHA" we all laughed together

"What's all the commotion about so early in the morning?" a very sleepy Isaiah said coming from his room across the hall

"oops sorry big bro" Emma said apologetically 

"It's perfectly fine lil sis, I should probably get up now anyway, what do you think dad, mom?"

"yeah probably, son," I said

"yeah it's about that time, isn't it," the angel-like voice said

"ok everyone up and be ready in 40 minutes, please," I said loud enough so everyone could hear

"yes sir" everyone replied happily

"I call the bathroom first, love you mom," Emma said

"I call it second, love you mom," Isaiah said

"I'll just use the one downstairs, I love you all too," the sweet voice said 

"OK," I said and gave her a kiss on the lips


(40 minutes later)


"ok everyone ready?" I said 

"yes," Isaiah and Emma said

"do you have everything?" I asked

"yes" once again they said

"ok now out to the car," I said following behind them

"wait what about mom?" they asked me

"o right sorry guys wait in the car," I said nicely

"yes sir"

I ran into the house to get my wife who was already ready and waiting for her morning goodbye so she could go to work

"almost forgot," I said smiling as I gave her a passionate kiss goodbye and a hug

"Goodbye honey, I love you," she said sweetly

"Goodbye sweetheart, I love you too, see you soon," I said as I walked her out the door

"now we can go," I said pulling out first so Violet could leave after

We are on our way to Emma's school first

"Here we are, sunshine," I said letting her out to give her a hug

"Bye daddy!" she said running inside

"ok Isaiah, you ready?" I asked him

"to go to school no but since I get to supervise my lil sis then yes," he said happily

"I'm glad you think so," I said as we were pulling up to his part of the school

"Bye dad," he said

"bye son," I said

And with that, I went to work


(2 and a half hours later)


I get a call from the hospital saying that my wife was in a car accident, it was pretty bad.

"Uh ok I'll...I'll be there as soon as possible," I said panicking

I reached the hospital in under 10 minutes

I rushed to the reception desk and asked for Violet Thompson as fast as possible 

they told me that she was in room 204 on the second floor, I ran so fast to get to my wife I'm almost positive I was just a blur.

When I got there she was all bandaged up I could barely even make out her beautiful green eyes, I knelt beside her taking her hand in mine and repeating I love you's over and over again until the nurse that was there with her to monitor said that she recieved a lot of brain damage along with a fractured right ankle, a broken left leg, she also recieved mutiple punctures to her heart and that there wasn't much they would be able to do, so I would have to say my finale goodbye's before every organ she has in her body fails.

I couldn't hold it in any longer I let all my tears go, I can't believe she's going to leave me here, leave her children.

"I love you Violet I always have and I always will, God bless you, my beautiful wife," I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too" and with that she left us all, just then did I realize that I would have to be the one to tell the children when they get back from their first day of school, and I have to see their faces which will be filled with tears and realization that this was their last day with their mother.


(4 hours later)


 The kids will be back soon and I don't know how to tell them that their mother died a few hours ago from a car crash, without breaking their hearts.

The door opened, Isaiah and Emma walked in laughing

"O my god did you see his face it was so funny when you asked if he could take me to the hospital because I was in labor haha, he was so scared"

"Hahahaha, yeah Em that was the best prank ever" Isaiah said laughing 

They saw me in the living room, on the couch patiently waiting

"Uh, hey dad what's up?" Emma said first

"yeah what's up pops, you look a little pale" Isaiah said worried

"Hey kids could, uh, could you come here and sit for a second there's, uh, there's something I have to tell you both," I said nervously

"Yeah sure," they both said as they walked to sit on the couch while I stood up

"Um, I don't know how to tell you guys this, but there's uh, been an accident" I paused waiting for their expressions

"What happened, shouldn't mom be here with us as well so she can hear about it?" Emma asked a little confused

"Em, please let dad speak," Isaiah said looking at me with sad eyes

"th.. thanks Isaiah," I said

"No prob now please dad tell us what happened and why mom isn't here"

"Well there was a car accident shortly after I dropped you guys off at school, I was in my office when I got the call that your mother had been severely hurt and she was sent to the hospital..." I paused closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to see the tears

"W....wh..what," Emma said her voice barely audible

" wh..what happ..happened," Isaiah said trying to be strong in front of his sister

"sh..she um, she ha..had re..received a lot of b..brain d..damage a..along with a fr..fractured right an..ankle, a br..broken left le...leg, sh..she also received mul...multiple pun..punc...punctures to her hea...heart," I said struggling to keep going, struggling to keep it together

"b..but sh..she's going to be alright, right..." Emma asked crying and fearing the answer 

" sh..she di..didn't ma..make, bu..but sh..she was..wasn't by her..herself in the e..end I made it to her before she left us," I said trying to give my children some courage

"Did you tell her we all love her and we will miss her?" Isaiah said not even trying to hold back the tears anymore

"Yes I told her and I also promised her that I would take care of you," I said the tears still streaming

"I'm going to miss her so much," Emma said hugging Isaiah tightly

"I know Em, I will to," Isaiah said in a soothing voice trying to calm his sister

"You guys should get some rest, Isaiah could you make sure she's ok getting to sleep," I said

"I will, dad night," he said

"night," I said back, usually, he would say goodnight but this night wouldn't be so good

Chapter 3- Grieving Time

(Isaiah's POV)


I walked Emma upstairs to my room cause I'm almost positive she wouldn't be able to sleep in her room by herself without crying

I gave her one of my giant shirts and told her to crawl into bed, now before you think anything weird I'm going to say that she is my little sister and I was planning on moving her to her bed after she fell asleep.

"Isaiah, can you lay with me for a little while, please" She asked

"Yeah sure little sis"

I walked over to my bed and layed next to her, she hugged me tightly and started crying again, I tried soothing her by rubbing her hair but that didn't seem to work so I just laid there listening to her cry until it was just a quiet sob

"Are you still awake Em?" I asked quietly

"yeah" She said in a whisper

"I miss her to" I said

she looked up at me

"but Isaiah we were just laughing and fooling around this morning, and now we can never do that with her again ever" she said and started sobbing again

"shhh it's ok, at least we still have dad" I said trying to be reassuring

"I know but she... no one will be able to replace her"

"Yeah, Emma try not to think to much about it, we have school tomorrow, if you want I could tell my school what happened and ask if I could get a few days off to come check on you at your school"

"OK, could you I would really appreciate it if you would come to school with me tomorrow" she said

"Then that's what I'll do" I said and with that we both fell asleep, I didn't really care if I was still in my clothes as long as Emma was happy.


The next day


(Emma's POV)


"Hey wake up, Em" Isaiah said

"Hmm, what time is it?" I asked him trying to remember what happened yesterday and why I was in my brothers room

"Almost 6:30" He said as I remembered everything that happened yesterday

"I'm still upset" I said trying not to cry some more

"I know, I am too, you have to get ready for school though don't forget I am going to be there with you today to I already called my school and told them why I would be in the middle school today" He said


"Ok I'll get ready now, and thanks for staying with me last night" I said with sincerity 


20 minutes later


"I'm ready big bro, lets go to school" I said as cheerful as I could manage

"Is it ok with you if we take the bus though I don't want to bother dad to much considering everything that happened" he said

"yeah that's fine I'll just write him a quick note saying we took the bus and that you were coming to school with me so he won't worry about me through the day" I said

"done?" he asked just as the bus was turning the corner

"yeah lets go"


Later at school



(Ally's POV)


"Hey guys" Emma said as soon as she got to her locker

"Hey" I said

"Sup" Ash said

"Um Em, why is your bro here?" I asked

"I uh, I'll tell you later" she said looking nervously at Ashton

"Ok, how about during lunch we can eat outside" I suggested

"That's a great idea, can i come with or do you guys want some girl time?" Ash said

" it's fine Ash, you c..can come I.. I dont mind" Emma said

I was watching her eyes while she was saying that sentence, they were glassy

Isaiah pulled her to him

"shh it's ok, I'm right here" he said calmly

"I..I'm ok, thanks"

"I think we should get to class now guys" Ash said

"Yeah, come on Em" I said 

She grabbed Isaiah's arm and kept him close

"Hey, sis, can I see your scheldule so I know where I'm going?" Isaiah said quietly

"yeah sure" she said digging in her messenger bag, pulling it out


"thanks" he said looking at it

"ok so your schedule is ..."

1st hour- Science

2nd hour- Scocial Studies

3rd hour- P.E.

4th hour- Free Period


5th hour-Math

6th hour- Choir

7th-8th hour- Communications

9th hour- Free period

"I can do that" he said

"ok lets go" Em said


20 minutes later


(Aston's POV)

*whisper, whisper*

"Hey can you keep it down a little bit, please?" I asked Emma and Isaiah

"Sorry, Ashton" Isaiah said

"It's ok dude"

*wisper, whisper*

*queit sobs*

I looked to the back of the room, I saw Em's eyes were slightly red and Isaiah was rubbing her back softly

What happened to Emma, she never cries

"Mr. Thompson, is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?" Mr. Yonker said

Isaiah walked to the front of the room after talking to Emma

He whispered in Mr. Yonker's ear for a moment then Mr. Yonker looked a little upset before nodding 

Isaiah walked back to his sister and they walked out of the room together with Isaiah carrying her stuff

I walked up to Mr. Yonker

"Where did Emma go?" I asked

"She had an emergency to go to" He said

"But you never let anyone go out of Math" I pointed out

"Mr. White, I don't see how this is any of your buisness" He boomed

"She's my best friend, that's how it's my buisness" I said

"I am sorry, but if she hasn't told you, I don't think she would want me telling you her buisness"

"Fine, can I at least go check on her?"

"No, she needs to be alone for a while"

"But her brother is with her" I whined

"Yes, but he is family and I think that is what she needs right now"

"Fine" I said then I walked back to my seat, and watched the clock

I should be the one comforting her, not Isaiah, I want to be the one rubbing her back soothingly, wiping away her tears, calming her, doing everything with her

But that's selfish of me I'll just give her some time alone


At lunch


(Emma's POV)


Mr. Yonker yelled at my brother for talking to me, Isaiah then walked up to him, I'm assuming to tell him why he was talking during class. Mr. Yonker looked at me with this sad expression as soon as my brother was done talking to him, and he nodded. Isaiah then came back to me and said we had permission to leave earlier than everyone else if I wasn't feeling well enough to continue sitting. I looked at Mr. Yonker to make sure this was true, and he nodded, giving me a sympahetic look. I hate when people give me that look.

I got out of my seat and let my brother carry my things as we walked out of calss.

We went outside for some fresh air, my brother chose that moment to make his suggestion.

"Hey, Em?"


"Do you want to go home for the rest of the day and get some rest?"

"I do, but mom wouldn't have wanted me to skip school just because I can't get over her right away, don't you think?" 

"Yeah, but she also wouldn't want you looking like you're in so much pain while you're at school, ya know?"

"Yeah Issac, the nickname I gave him a long time ago, I do know, I just.. I can't keep a brave face on anymore, I miss her too much"

"I do too, lil sis, I do too"

I scooted closer to him, on the steps just outside of school

"We can go home after lunch, I promised Ally, I would tell her why you're here" I said

"Ok sis We can go home after Lunch, I'm not that hungry so I'll spend the hour of lunch going to the rest of your teachers and telling them why you won't be there, You don't want the whole school to know, right?"

"Right, so just tell them not to tell any students and if a student asks where I went, tell the teachers to just tell them I had an emergency"

"OK sis see you in an hour" he said then kissed my forehead

"see you in an hour bro"

I went back inside and to the cafeteria

I searched for Ally in the lunch line but I only found Ashton, so I went to him and asked

"Hey Ashton?"

"What's up Em, why did you use my full name you never do that unless something's wrong?"

"n..nothing's w..wrong, I.. I just w..wanted to a..ask you wh.where Ally w..was"

"I think she's already outside"

"O..ok Ashton, th..thanks"

"There it is again, seriously Em, what's wrong"

"Would you stop bothering me about it, I don't want to tell you ok, just leave me alone, would you!!!!!" I yelled at him

"Ok, ok I'm sorry" he said putting his hands up

I didn't say anything to him I just walked away to find Ally

I finally found her at a bench ouside

"Hey" she said once she saw me walking towards her


"So, spill why is your brother here?"

"He's here because he's comforting me" I said in a whisper

"Why do you need comforting, what did Ashton do this time!?!?!?!?" she yelled getting up

"sit down and keep your voice down, I don't want everyone to hear, this isn't about what Ashton did, he didn't do anything, this is about my mom and how...."

"This isn't about Ashton wow that's a surprise" she said cutting me off, sitting down and lowering her voice "wait you said it was about your mom, that lovely lady, I could talk about her for ages, she could always put a smile on your face even if you were depressed" she said smiling as she remembered my mother

I couldn't keep the tears down anymore, they just strated pouring out, Ally was at my side in an instant

"shh shh shh it's ok, what's wrong, what happened" she said slowly

"sh.. she le..left, sh..she's go...gone" I said balling my eyes out

"Where did she go?why did she leave? That doesn't sound like her" she asked 

"S..she di..died" I said still crying 

"She what!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed "no, no, no, no, that's not possible, how? when? where?"

" a acc...accident, ye..yesterday, t..the"

"where you there with her when she..." she trailed off not knowing if she should finish her sentence

"no I was having fun at school" I said calming down enough to get my words out

"Was she alone?"

"No, my dad was with her before she..." I couldn't finish that sentence, I didn't want to make it true and I knew if I said it out loud then I knew it would be true, I just wasn't ready for that yet

"It's ok, I'm here now"

"I'm going to leave for the rest of the day, my brother says it's for the best"

"It's ok you don't have to explain to me, I get it, I mean not the whole losing my mom part but the grieving process"

"thanks Ally"

"No prob Em" she said as she pulled me into a hug just as Ashton comes out with his food

"Hey, did I miss something?"

"Nope" She said "Just some female bonding time"

"Ok" he said looking at me

I whispered into Ally's ear "He's looking at me because I called him by his full name"

"Emma, you only ever do that when you're upset" she whispered back

"Yeah I know but I am upset" I whispered 

"O yeah I forgot, just play it off or change the subject if he brings it up"

"You know I suck at doing that"

"Then just look over at me if you have trouble"

"I feel like I'm being purposely excluded out of your whispering contest over there" He whisper/yelled over to us

"sorry Ashton"I said " I mean Ash, sorry Ash"

He looked at me skeptically

"So Emma where is your brother?" Ally asked

"I dont know I should go look for him, don't you think, Ash?" I asked

"Actually, Em, I wanted to ask you about-"

"Yeah Em you should go do that" Ally said cutting him off and winking at me

"Ok bye guys"

"Emma, wait I wanted to talk about how you-" He got cut off again by Ally shoving a piece of bread in his mouth

I laughed silently to myself at his expression.


(Ashton's POV)


I waited impatiently for lunch to come so I could see her again cause she didn't come back to class.

As soon as I got to the lunch line Emma came up to me

 "Hey Ashton?" she said in a hurry

"What's up Em, why did you use my full name you never do that unless something's wrong?" i said curiously

"n..nothing's w..wrong, I.. I just w..wanted to a..ask you wh.where Ally w..was"

"I think she's already outside"

"O..ok Ashton, th..thanks"

"There it is again, seriously Em, what's wrong"

"Would you stop bothering me about it, I don't want to tell you ok, just leave me alone, would you!!!!!" she screamed at me

"Ok, ok I'm sorry" I said putting my hands up, she scared me

"Hey dude what was that about?" David came up to me and asked

"I don't know"

"Girls, I tell ya"

"yeah, all I asked her was what's wrong"

"Dude never say that to a girl, they think we are to dumb to listen to them so they never tell us anything, we can't have you screw that up for us, damn boy"

"sorry, i didn't know that was a rule"

"it's not but it is common knowledge"


"Yo, dude, what's the happs" Logan Carlson came bouncing in with a crown of girls behind him

"Just got screamed at" I said like it was totally normal

"O I heard that hahahaha"

"Ha ha it's sooo funny" I said in a sarcastic voice

"calm down dude it's just a joke" 

"Sorry, it's just unusual for Emma to yell at me"

"Is it because she knows you like her, and she secretly has a crush on you as well" he said winking

"Hahahaha he dreams of that moment all the time, isn't that right, Ashy" David chimed in

"O shut up, dickhead"

"woah, woah, woah, is Ashypoo growing some balls, finally" Logan said

"Hahahahahaha" we all started laughing

"Whatever guys I gotta go"

"K dude go get that girl" David said winking at me 

"yeah right"


(Isaiah's POV)



Ok so I 've went to P.E. and Choir, last class is Communications, how does my sister do this everyday?

I stopped in my tracks when I heard my sister's name being said

"Hey guys, I think I'm going to ask Emma Thompson out, what do you think?" said boy 1

"Oh dude, you got to tap that" said boy 2

"But she doesn't act like she's easy like that other girl she hangs out with, I think her name is Allison?" said boy 3

"I'll definitely tap Emma, after all I like the challenge, haha" said boy 1

"O you go dude" Boy 3 said

"But isn't she like hanging out with her brother today, or something?" Boy 2 said

"O yeah that's right, I guess I'll just have to figure out how to get her away from him" said boy 1

I can't take anymore of this bullshit, I resumed walking but as soon as I saw the 3 boys I causually walked up to them acting like I didn't just hear their conversation

"Sup, guys"

"Sup" They said in response

"I'm Isaiah, Emma's brother"

"O yeah, the one that's staying with Emma all day, right?" said Boy 3


"What are you doing way over here, isn't Emma in lunch or something?" said Boy 2

"I'm going to Emma's classes and explaining why I'm going to be with her, instead of you know being in the high school"

"Right" Boy 1 said

"Hey, can you guys show me where the communications room is, I'm kind of lost"

"Yeah, by the way, my name's Eric" Boy 3 said

"I'm Lucas" Boy 2 said

"And I'm Caleb" Boy 1 said with a smirk

"OK so, Eric, Lucas and... Caleb" I said, saying Caleb's name slower

"Yeah, ok just follow us" Lucas said

I silently followed them, keeping my eyes on Caleb the entire way

"Here you go, if you have any troubles finding anything else, we are always around somewhere" Eric said

"thanks" I said walking into the last classroom I had


5 minutes later



"Yeah, thanks for being so understanding, Mrs. Kowalski"

"no problem, Isaiah" she said in a cheerful voice

"Thanks again"

"Really it's no problem, I mean for someone as cute as you" she said in a flirtatious tone

"I should probably find my sister now" I said a little creeped out

"O, right, yeah, sorry to keep you"

"Bye" I said walking out the door as fast as possible

"Uh, bye" she called out

"phew" I sighed as soon as I was out of sight of her, but as soon as I did I clenched my fists as I heard the dreaded voice behind me

"I think she has a crush on you Isaiah" Caleb said

"Really, no, she's a teacher and I'm a student, that wouldn't be aproppriate" I said not turning around " were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?" I said turning around slowly

"Um, I uh I wanted to uh, I wanted to ask you if I could ask your sister out on a date?"

"No" I said and walked away because as soon as I heard sister I knew what it was about

"Wait!" He said scrambling to keep up with me

"What do you want, Caleb" I said making eye contact as he could see how annoyed I was right now

"Why uh why did you say no, I'm a really nice guy, please just give me a chance"

"Give me 5 reasons why I should in 5 seconds, go"

"uh, becasue I said please, and im nice, and I like her, and-"

"your times up and my answer is still no" I said turning around again and walking away

"Why are you such an asshole?"

"Excuse me!" I said stopping abruptly

"I said WHY. ARE. YOU. SUCH. AN. ASSHOLE" he said slower

"I'm just protecting my little sister from pricks like you" I said and walked away, this time with no other interruptions


(Emma's POV)



I couldn't find my brother so I just went and waited out on the front steps for him

"Hey Emma"

I jumped and turned around

"O, you scared me, hey Caleb"

He walked to me and sat next to me

"Why are you out here, don't you have Choir right now?'

"No, P.E."

"O, right, why aren't you there, you love running"

"I don't feel very good, so my brother is supposed to meet me out here and we are going to walk home together"














Chapter 4- Date Night

(Caleb's POV)


"I feel like such a dick"


"Because my freinds and I were talking and I was going to try to get in your pants, I'm sorry Em"

she pushed me away slightly

"I don't think your a dick, yes if you would have just kept up with your plan I would've, but it takes balls to actually fess up"


"Really, but you do realize your not getting in my pants for a long while now right" she said laughing

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I said smiling 


20 minutes later


"you're cool, Emma" I said

"You're not so bad yourself" she said with a smile

"I have a question for you" I said 

"I might have an answer"

"will you go out with me tomorrow night?"

"my brother doesn't really like you"

"so I'm not going on a date with him now am I?"

"I guess not"

"so will you?"

"I guess but only one date"

"Yay!" I screeched but then got really embarrased cause I souldn't like such a girl

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OMG, your are just a girl" she said laughing so hard she fell to the ground

"Yeah yeah I know" I said laughing at her 

"Phew, ok now be a gentle man and help me up"

"Be a lady and ask nicely"

"Why, would you please be a dear and help me up" she said in a southern voice

"It would be my pleasure" I said matching her tone and extending my hand

she took it and bowed, then she started laughing and I joined her

 "I have to go now, see you tomorrow, 8:00?" I asked

"Yeah that's perfect" she said then turned and walked away

"when I couldn't see her anymore I jumped with joy at the fact she said yes


(Emma's POV)


"Hey bro I'm home"

"Hey Em"

"mmmmm, supper smells goood" I said sniffing the air "hmm is it Spaghetti?"

"Good nose" he said laughing

"You make the best spaghetti"

"I know I do"

"It was mom's favorite"

"Dad's too"

"I miss them, so much"

"I do too sis"

"Promise me you'll never leave me"

"Why, would I ever do that?"

"Just please promise me?"

"I promise I will never leave you"

"Thank you" I said and I ran and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a big hug, he did the same to me

 "It's time to eat" 


I set the table and he put the plates on it filled with food

"mmmm, this looked so good" I said and was just about to dig in when he stopped me and put his hand out to me 

"Pray first" He said 

"Sorry I forgot"

We held hands and said our prayers then we ate, I helped pick up, he did the dishes, and we went to bed.


The next morning


When I got to school Caleb was waiting at my locker



"You ready for tonight?"


"What's happining tonight?" Ally and Ashton said as they came up to us


"I'm taking her on a date"

"What?" Ally screeched

Ashton just looked pained 

"This simply won't work does Issac know?"

"yea.. No"

"Omg, I am going to the high school right now to tell him, this is unacceptable!"

"Wait  I told Caleb that I was only going on 1 date with him"

"Yeah, she did" Caleb said behind me

"But that's still 1 date to many, I guarantee Issac doesn't like Caleb"

"Isaiah hasn't met Caleb yet"

 "Actually he has" Caleb said weakly"

"And..." Ally pushed

"He doesn't like me"

"Is it because of what you said?"


"wait waht did you say, let me in on the juicy details" Ally said


"Why not"Ally whined


"Because why"

"Becasue I don't want to hear the details" Ashton stepped in angry, I almost forgot he was still there

"Ok, I'm sorry"

"I have to go, come on Caleb"


"Wait we have to talk about this" she called to me

"no we don't" I called back

The day was filled with me avoiding my friends and hanging out with Caleb since he was in every class of mine, I just never noticed


Later that night


"Hey Issac, I'll be back in a few hours"

"where you going?"

"I'm spending time with Ally"

"O, ok have fun"

"Bye, love you"

"love you too"

I ran out the front door and to Caleb's car

"I told my brother I would be back in a few hours, what's your plan?"

"Hi to you to" he laughed

"O, sorry hi, now what's the plan?"

"Diner, movie, walk, home"


Just like that we started our date


A few hours later



The date went perfectly and Caleb was just bringing me home

"Thanks Caleb I had fun"

"Really" His face lit up

"Don't go getting any ideas now" I laughed


"it's ok"

"can I walk you up to the door?"

"sure but you can't let my brother see you"

"ok, if I hear the door I'll run" he laughed

I laughed as well

"come on"

"yes ma'am"

we walked up the front steps

"ok now I have to go"


"what, did I m-"

He kissed me cutting me off, I was so shocked I didn't know what to do after a few seconds I started to move my lips against his

"I hate to go inside" I said between kisses


"I can't" before I knew what was happening Caleb had opened the door to the house and he was carrying me up the stairs bridal style


"Just let me stay the night, I'll leave early in the morning, promise"

"Ok but you have to stay on your side of the bed"

"I promise"

"Close your eyes I have to get dressed"

"OK, my eyes are closed" He said but I could still feel eyes on me

I wanted to tease him a bit so I took off my shirt, I still had a tank top on underneath it, though, then I took off my pants so I was just in my tank top and my underwear, I heard him groan

"Are your eyes still cllosed?"

"Hmm, uh, yeah, yeah, they are"

"Ok keep them closed" I said still having my back turned 

I took out my boy shorts and and tank top that was to small, I took off the tank top I had on and changed into my pjs, then I finally turned around, sure enough he was staring at me, wide-eyed

"Like what you see?" I giggled walking over to the bed and getting under the covers

"Your so sexy" he said, still awe-struck

"I know, now get under the covers and go to sleep" I ordered

"Yes ma'am"

I was just about to fall asleep when I felt a hand go around my waist

"Caleb, are you awake?"


"Why is your hand on my waist?"

"because I want it there"

"Your supposed to stay on your side"

"I'm cold"

"That's what the blankets are for"

"Please just let me warm up then I'll scoot away, promise"

"Ugh, your so complicated, fine but only until you get warm"

"Yay" he whispered in my ear, clearly falling asleep, I soon fell asleep afterwards


The next morning


(Caleb's POV)


The sun was shining in my eyes so I tried to move away from the shine but there was something on my chest so I couldn't move, I looked down and saw Emma on me, our legs entangled

"Hey wake up Emma" I said quietly


"I need to leave, remember?"

"mmm, what time is it?" she said opening her eyes a little to look up at me 

I looked at her clock next to me

"It's 4 in the morning"

"Good my brother isn't up yet" she said laying back down

"I thought I was supposed to leave right away?" I asked surprised

"I'm warm, you can leave in 10 minutes" she said tiredly

"Fine with me" I said and layed back down, stroking her hair

"mmm that feels good" she moaned

"mmm I love it when you moan"

"mmm" she smiled "I can feel how much you like it when I moan"

I looked down, there was a huge bulge right where her leg was

"oops" I said a little shy

"You should go take care of that"

"What about your brother?"

"I'll just tell him I took a shower"

"Or you could just take a shower with me"

"We only went on one date"


"Just go take a shower"

"KK, babe, but my offer still stands"

"Never going to happen"


20 minutes later he came out of the shower in a towel

"Hey sexy" I said in a cheery tone

"What's up, buttercup"

"nothin, now put on your clothes and you need to leave like now"

"Why where's the fire?" He said in mock horror

"My brother is going to me awake in any minute"

"O ok my lady, walk me to my car please" He said in an amused tone

"It would be my honor" 

we walked down the steps and out the front door

"Let me drive you to school"

"No, my brother is coming to school with me, and he doesnt like you"

"But I like you"

"So I like my brother"


"I don't want to make him ride to school by himself"

"Fine talk to you at school if I see you"

"Sure now bye"

"Bye sweet cheeks" and with that he drove away

I walked back in the house

"Issac time to get up we have school in an hour" I yelled up the stairs

"I'm up sis"

"Ok, I'll make breakfast"

20 minutes later he was dressed and down the stairs eating breakfast

"you ready to go?" I said draining the erst of my orange juice and puting my dishes in the dish washer


We drove to school and he walked me to my locker

"Are you going to be ok during your classes today?"

"Yeah I think so"

"Ok If you need anything just go to the office ok, thats where I'll be"

"Ok, bye" I said and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"I'll see you at the end of the day"he said hugging me back

"ok" I said and walked away 

After a while I just wasn't in the mood to be at school anymore so I went to the office to find my brother

"Hey sis" he said once he saw me

"hey bro"

"What's up?"

"I don't feel like being here anymore" I said 

"Ok we can go home I'll tell you're teachers why you're going home early"


 20 minutes later I went looking for my brother.






Chapter 5- Big mistake


(Emma's POV)



I couldn't find my brother so I just went and waited out on the front steps for him

"Hey Emma"

I jumped and turned around

"O, you scared me, hey Caleb"

He walked to me and sat next to me

"Why are you out here, don't you have Choir right now?'

"No, P.E."

"O, right, why aren't you there, you love running"

"I don't feel very good, so my brother is supposed to meet me out here and we are going to walk home together"

"O, I didn't see him in the school on my way out here"

"Really, ok, I'll just text him and tell him I'll walk home by myself and he can meet me there"

"Here I'll walk with you"

"No it's fine Caleb, you have to go to class"

"No, I have free periods for the rest of the day"

"really that's weird"

"Not really, I usually just go to the playground and swing anyway cause my friends have class"

"So your all alone, at the end of the day?"

"yeah, basically"

"That's so depressing" I said and started walking 

"Not really, well I don't think it is" He said following me

"Well ok, if you say so" I said taking out my phone

"So what's up with you?"

"Hmm, what do you mean?" I asked confused

"Emma, you're not the same person"

"Yes I am, I mean last time I checked, my name is still Emma, I'm still 13, I still have the same classes, and I still-" I started to say but he cut me off

"Your sad, Emma!"

"W..What?" I said surprised and terrified

"Your sad, something must have happened, yes you still have the same age, classes, friends, and name, but your not as participant, energetic, and you sit in the back instead of the middle by your friends"


"yes, Emma, please tell me what's wrong"

"No, Caleb, there's nothing wrong"

"Emma, you know you can never lie to me"

"O really?"


"watch me"

"Ugh" he groaned " please just tell me and I'll leave you alone"

"Fine put you have to swear on your grandfather's grave you won't tell ANYONE"

"I swear on my grandfather's grave I won't tell anyone"

"ok so, yesterday while I was at school, having fun wit hmy friends, my dad was at work and he got a call from the hospital saying that my mother was in an accident and she and multiple wounds, and that she wouldn't make it" I said on the brink of tears

"It's ok, you don't have to finish if you don't want to, I think I can make out the rest of the story" He said hugging me

"Thanks, but me and my brother live by ourselves now"

"What, why where did your father go?"

"H..he also.."

"O, I'm so sorry"

"It's ok I don't want your pity, that's why I don't want the whole school to know, and that's why my brother is at school with me"

we just walked all the way back to my house talking about the most random things, it was really fun



At Emma's house


"So I guess I have to get back to walking" He said 

"If you want you can come in for a little bit" I said genuinely

"No, that would be wrong, considering my eariler motives" He said with a wink

"O please just get in here"

And as if on cue it started raining 

"Wow, Emma you might make me start to think you are able to control the weather, haha" he said as he was still standing in the now downpour of rain

"Dude just get in here before you catch a cold!"

"Ok mom"

"haha" we both cracked up as he stepped into my house

"I'll get you a towel and you can change into some of my brother's clothes, they might be a bit big though"

"Thanks, Emma"

"Please call me Em"

"Ok, Em"


20 minutes later


"Emma, I'm home"

"I'm upstairs, be down in a minute"

"Ok, I'll start supper"


I ran downstairs with Caleb close behind

"Hey bro"

"You seem to be happier"

he had his back turned toward them

"I am"

"Why is he here?" He said wit hhis back still turned


"Emma, I'm not stupid, why is Caleb here?"

"Because he walked me home, then it started raining and we've been talking"

"Mmhmm talking"

"yeah, that's all we were doing is talking"

"I don't like you Caleb"

"I know, sir"

"you don't have to call him sir"

"I like sir"



"Don't be an ass"

"Don't bring pricks in this house and I won't"

"He's not a prick!"

"Really, do you know his motive, did you tell her?"

"Yes sir, I did"

"Really" he said finally turning around

"Yes sir"

he looked at me and I just nodded


"That's it?" I asked

"What do you mean, That's it?"

"I expected you to be angry at me or angry at him or something"

"Emma, I've been with you all your life and you still don't know me, what a shame"

"Issac, I do know you that's why I'm surprised"

"My name is not Issac it is Isaiah, Emma"

"But Issac is my nickname for you, you know that"

"No, you can't call me Issac anymore"

"Why not?"

"Because, I said so Emma"

"why are you calling me Emma?"

"Because it's your name"

"But you always call me Em, or Ems"

"Not anymore"

"why not?"

"because you let trash roam in this house" he said turning a cold stare at me

"Um sir?"


"I can leave if you want me to"

"You can take Emma, wtih you"

"But big brother?"

"No, little sister"

I looked at him with a sad look, the saddist look I could manage but it was just met with cold hard eyes 

"Come on Em"

"Coming" I managed to say

we walked around until the sun went down then Caleb took me home again, the lights were off and the car was gone, I ran into the house

"Isaiah!" I yelled as I ran upstairs "Isaiah!" I looked in his room but it was empty just an unmade bed was left

"Emma, what's wrong?" Caleb said from the open door

I ran back down stairs

"He's gone" I said breaking down

"What do you mean?"

"I mean my big borther left me"

"He couldn't have"

"O really go upstairs and look for yourself"

Caleb went upstairs 2 at a time

"Yo Isaiah, this isn't funny anymore your making her cry" he yelled while walking through the rest of the house, but there was no response

"Isaiah, please if you can here me come back, please I need you" I pleaded to him hoping wherever he was he would hear my plea, but there was nothing, he was really gone

 I can't lose another person, he's the only family I have left

 "Caleb, I'm just going to go to bed, you can let yourself out" I started up the stairs again

"I'm just going to stay down here and wait for him if he comes back"

I didn't have the energy to argue, I barely had the energy to get up the stairs

Instead of going to my room I went to my brother's room, slowly opeinging his door

"Issac? Are you in here?" I asked the empty room hoping for an answer

When I didn't get one I just went over to his bed and layed on it

"Issac, please, please, please" I started crying on his bed, this time I couldn't stop them, I couldn't stop thinking about how he borke his prmise to me, how he just got up and left me in this empty house. I got up from the bed and went to his bathroom, I looked in the cabinets for the pills that he got me after mom and dad passed away. He didn't think I would be able to fall asleep without them and he was right. I got them down and opened the top, I turned on the shower and stepped in with all my clothes on, I took 2 pills out and I swallowed them, but they weren't working fast enough so I took 5 more pills out and swallowed those, I still wasn't out so I took 3 more out but before I could get them to my mouth Isaiah was right behind me taking the bottle and the pills out of my hand and sticking his hand down my throat to make me throw the pills up that I had already swallowed.

"What the hell are you doing Emma!!!!!" He screamed at me

I couldn't answer him I didn't feel very good

"Emma answer me, right ths instant!!!" He yelled out

" le..left" I said choking on my tears I didn't know were coming out of my eyes " bro..broke yo..your"

"So you try to fucking kill yourself, are you fucking crazy!!!!!!"

I tried to get out of the shower but before I could stand up he pulled me down

"Answer me!"

"No I'm not fucking crazy, I am just trying to find the family I lost maybe if you weren't being a stupid inconsiderate jackass you would've seen that, I wouldn't have tried to join Mom and Dad!" I started screaming at him

He didn't say anything after that, he just looked like a puppy that just got kicked in the face. I got up and out of the shower, I walked out of my borther's room, down the stairs, went and got Caleb from the couch and walked out the front door.

"What happened?"

"Isaiah happened"

"You mean he came back?"

"Yeah, didn't you see him?" I said walking faster

"No, I must have crashed on the couch sorry"

"It's fine"

"So, may I ask why your all wet?"

"I was in the shower trying to kill myself" I said not stopping, until Caleb yanked on my hand stopping me abruptly


"I tried to join my parents, hoping they would be there for me, since he wasn't"

He turned back towards the house

"where are you going?" I asked

"Figure it out!"

"I'm not going back"

"Fine don't, but I am, and if you don't follow me then we are over"

"O you did NOT just do that!"

"O yes I did"

"Fine" I said running past him " We are over Caleb!"

"Fine!" he said still following me

We made it back to my house, the car still in the driveway, I walked through the front door, I could still hear the shower running

"Isaiah, get your ass down here right now!" I screamed

 I heard some fumbling, then I heard the shower turn off and I heard the steps down the stairs. He didn't say anything he still looked like that puppy.


He looked confused

"Why did you break your promise to me?"

He looked to Caleb and as if I was reading his mind I knew it was because I had him over that day, that's why he freaked out and left.

I looked to Caleb "Can you leave?"

"Are you going to be ok?"

"What do you care?"

"Well I'm just making sure"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I just need to talk to my brother" 

"Ok, can I talk to you at school tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet"

"Ok, well I'll see you at school" He said with a sad smile and left

I turned towards my Isaiah

"Now talk" I ordered

"I thought I was losing you, so I figured it would be easier for me to just have you be mad at me then to get hurt from losing my only other family I have left and I didn't plan on breaking my promise to you I just didn't want to see you growing up casue that means you're that much closer to moving out and leaving me and I-" he started to say but I cut him off

"Isai-" He cut me off

"Isaac" He said 


"Call me Issac, you know, my nickname?" He said attempting a smile

 "Ok, Issac why would you think I would leave you?You're all I have left as well in case you've forgotten, I lost my parents to, yes I'm growing up but you can't just get upset over every guy I bring home, I will never leave you, yeah maybe wen I get to college but that's 5 years away, that's 5 years we have together stilll and even when I go to college we can still video chat, facetime, talk on the phone, text, hell you can even drive there and we could get lunch or something. It's not like I'm moving to another planet, Ok? I love you too much to leave you"

"I love you too Ems"

We hugged like we haven't seen each other in forever and gave each other a kiss on the cheek

"I missed you so much" we both said


After a while we pulled away, I'm not sure how much time passed when we were like that but I didn't want to let go of my brother ever again.


The next morning 


(Isaac's POV)


Emma didn't want to let me go last night so we ened up in my room hugging until we fell asleep

I nudged Emma

"hey Ems time to get up for school"

"mmm, waht time is it?"


she sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes


"Yeah Em?"

"Can you come to school with me today?"

"Yeah, I'm coming to school with you for the next 3 days"

"O that's right till Friday right?"


"Ok, I'm going to take a shower"

"Ok, I'll make breakfast"

"Meet in 20 minutes?" 


Chapter 6- Surprise!!!!


(Isaac's POV)


Emma didn't want to let me go last night so we ened up in my room hugging until we fell asleep

I nudged Emma

"hey Ems time to get up for school"

"mmm, waht time is it?"


she sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes


"Yeah Em?"

"Can you come to school with me today?"

"Yeah, I'm coming to school with you for the next 3 days"

"O that's right till Friday right?"


"Ok, I'm going to take a shower"

"Ok, I'll make breakfast"

"Meet in 20 minutes?" 



20 minutes later


"Done" She said once she was downstairs

"Me too" I said putting the last of breakfast on the counter

"Mmmm, this looks good!" she said licking her lips

"Well looks can be decieving" I said with a wink

"I'll be the judge of that" she said with a smile

she started taking 5 of everything

"Geez Ems, we only have an hour"

"Calm down Issac, I got this" she said happily

"Ok if you say so" 


30 minutes later


"wow" I said amazed she did that

"Thanks, I told you so"

"Yeah yeah yeah now we have to go" I said in a hurry



(Ashton's POV)


"Is Emma going to talk to us today?" I whispered to Ally during calss

"I don't know, Ash, she hasn't talked to me since last week"

"O that's right have you seen her yet?"

"No maybe she's not coming today"

"I'll ask Caleb"

"Ask me what?" Caleb whispered, joining our conversation

"If you've seen Emma, you know since you're dating" I said with an attitude

"Dude, we aren't dating anymore"



"Why not?" Ally whispered

"Long story"

"That bad huh?" We both said at the same time

"Yeah" He said and his eyes looked glazed

"Man, it's ok I'm sure she''ll get over it sooner or later"

I hope it's later so I can have a chance

"I sure hope so"

All through class I was wondering when it would end and where Emma is, the bell finally rang and I was somehow the first one out of the room.

"geez, Ashton where's the fire?" Tyler asked

"I'm trying to find my friend, I don't know here she is"

"You mean Ally?" He asked confused 

"No not Ally I just had class with her, I meant Emma"

"O that sexy thang" He said not knowing how much that pissed me off

"Don't fucking call her that, asshole"

"Woah man, I'm just messin with ya, I knew you liked her, but I didn't think you loved her" He said with a smirk

"Wh..What I don't love her psh, you're crazy"

"Mmhmm sure whatever, anyway yeah I saw her she was with her brother again"

"where was she?"

"she was going to her 3rd hour class, I don't know what that is though"

"O that's Math"

"Yeah but that was like 10 minutes ago"

"So that means she's still there"

"I guess so, but dude she didn't look like she was very happy"

"I bet I can guess why"

"Is it because of her boyfriend?"

"How did you know she was dating Caleb?"

"I didn't know it was Caleb but that's the lastest gossip around school, haven't you heard?"

"No I haven't, what is everyone saying?"

"Well I only heard a few"

"Well tell me waht you heard"

"Ok, some people are saying that Emma is an easy target if she's dating Caleb, you know meaning since Caleb's a player, they think anyone can get in her pants"

"That's horrible"

"Yeah and other people are saying that Caleb's only dating her becasue she's paying him"

"You mean like Mackenzie?"

"Yeah, a whore"

"O my god that's worse if they are comparing Emma and Mackenzie!!!!"

"I know it is!!!" He yelled " You better fix it before I get to them"

"Ok ok ok I'll find her" I said and walk away as fast as I could

I spent 20 minutes lookikng for her, but I couldn't find her so I just strated looking for Caleb no matter how much I hate him right now

"hey Ahton what's the rush?" Caleb said when he saw me running toward him

"Have you seen Emma?"

"Yeah she's with her brother at lunch"

"No she isn't I just came from there"

"Did you check outside?"

"Damn" I said under my breath, but was sure he heard anyway

"Go, before lunch is over"

"Ok" I said and ran back to the lunch room


Back at the lunch room


(Emma's POV)


"Hahahaha" it feels so good to laugh with my bro again

"Hey" Ashton said out of breath

"Sup" we all greeted him 

"Can I uh.. talk to you Emma?"

"Sure" I said not getting up

"Uh.. in private, please" He said nervous

"um ok" I said worried

He pulled me over to an empty table


 "What's up, Ashton?"

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

" are, you know...?" Ashton said

"Yes it's true, we aren't dating anymore"

"Yes!!!" He said excitedly "uh I mean, that's to bad" He whispered and looked down 

"Hey ashy, are you... blushing? I said trying to hide a laugh


"mmhmm sure" I said giggling "well if that's all then I'm going to go back"

"Wait, Emma!"

"What now Ashton, I'm hungry"

"Where you really paying him, so he  would go out with you?"

I was halfway turned and getting ready to walk away, but as soon as I heard that I stopped

"What did you just say" I said angrily

"Everyone is saying that he only went out with you because you were..." 

He didn't have time to finish his sentence because I was already in front of him with my hand slapped across his face, I couldn't listen to it anymore I ran away from him and everyone else, I could hear footsteps behind me so I ran faster, not wanting anyone to see me cry again. I couldn't stop running, I didn't want to, not until I was safely back in my room under the covers by myself, I don't care if my brother drove me here, I don't care anymore. I was almost to the school entrance when someone grabbed my arm, yanking me back.

"Let me go Caleb!" I said not turning around

"No not until you tell me what's wrong and where your going"

"I'm going home, if you want to know what's wrong ask the asshole with the handprint on his face, now LET. ME. GO"

He let me go, so I started running again and didn't stop


(Caleb's POV)



"Let me go Caleb" She yelled at me

"No not until you tell me what's wrong and where your going" I said worried

"I'm going home, if you want to know what's wrong ask the asshole with the handprint on his face, now LET.ME.GO" She said threateningly

I let her go and she started running again... I was pissed, whoever did this is getting his ass kicked by me but I had to wait till the end of the day.


Chapter 7- Pain and Regret

 (Isaiah's POV)


"Hey where's Em?" I asked to Ally after school

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since lunch"

"Have you seen her Caleb?" I asked him as soon as he walked up to us

"Um yeah" He said quietly

"Really where is she?" I asked 

"She went home"

"Really when?" We both asked

"During lunch"


"I don't know, she was uspet but she wouldn't tell me why"

"O, have you seen Ashton?" Ally asked

"Not y..." He was about to say but stopped 

"what?" We both asked confused

He grabbed us both and turned us around

"What happened to him?" Ally asked

"He looks like a mess" I said 

"Wait he's not coming over here" Caleb observed

"Why not he knows we always meet up at the end of the day" Ally said

"Hey yo Ashton!" I yelled

He looked at us but the he quickly walked away

"Did you see that handprint on his face?"

"OMG" Caleb screeched

"What?" We both asked 

"He's the reason she went home"

"What do you mean?"

"She said that I should ask the asshole with the handpring on his face"

"Wait so she slapped Ashton!?!?!?!" Ally said surprised

"I guess so"

"But Emma never gets that mad, she's alwayas the calm one" I said

"Well he must of pushed her over the edge"

"O no..." I said scared

"What, what's wrong?" They asked me

"If she did that, right after she was sad and she's home alone... I have to go like now!" I said and ran as fast as I could

"Wait what's wrong" They yelled after me

"I'll call you as soon as I make sure she's ok"


"I'm going to go find Ashton and make him tell me what happened" Ally said

"I'll go over to Emma's house and see if she's ok"

"Ok" she said


At Home


"Hello, is anyone home?" I asked as soon as I was in the door

No response... I listened for a while, I heard running water and... music? It sounds like... Photograph by Nickelback, that's her favorite song. But I dont know where it's coming from, guess I have to follow the music.

Look at this photograph 

Everytime I do it makes me laugh

How did our eyes get so red

And what the hell is on Joey's head


And this is where I grew up

I think the present owner fixed it up

I never knew we'd ever went without

The second floor is hard for sneaking out


And this is where I went to school

Most of the time had better things to do

Criminal record says I broke in twice

I must have done it half a dozen times


I wonder if it's too late

Should I go back and try to graduate

Life's better now than it was back than

If I was them I wouldn't let me in


Oh, oh, oh 

Oh, god, I


Every memory of looking at the back door 

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor 

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye 


Every memory I'm walkin' out the front door

Found the photo of the present I was looking for

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye


Remember the old arcade

Blew every dollar that we ever made 

The cops hated us hangin' out

They say somebody went and burned it down


We used to listen to the radio 

And sing along with every song we know 

We said someday we'd find out how it feels

To sing to more than just the steering wheel


Kim's the first girl I kissed

I was so nervous I nearly missed 

She's had a couple of kids since then

I havent seen her since god know when


oh, oh, oh

Oh, god, I


Every memory of looking at the back door 

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor 

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye


Every memory I'm walkin' out the front door

Found the photo of the present I was looking for

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye


 I miss that town 

I miss the faces

You can't erase

You can't replace it

I miss it now

I can't believe it

So hard to stay

Too hard to leave it


If I could relive those days

I know the one thing that would never change



Every memory of looking at the back door 

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor 

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye


Every memory I'm walkin' out the front door

Found the photo of the present I was looking for

It's hard to say it, time to say it 

Goodbye, goodbye


Look at this photograph

Everytime I do it makes me laugh

Everytime I do it makes me...


"Finally" I said as soon as I opened the door to my sister's room

"What are you doing here?" She said

"I live here"

"You know what I mean"

"Because I know you need me"

"Well your wrong, I don't need you, I don't need anybody"

"Fine, but I'm going to stay right here until you say you need me"

I walked over to her bed and sat next to her, she came closer to me and buried her face into my chest and let it all out

"thank you"

"Your my sister, I would never let you go through this alone"


We sat there like that for 20 minutes 

"Do you want to tell me what happened and why you slapped Ashton?"


"Why not?"

"Because you'll hate me"

"I could never hate you, your the only family I have"

"Ok, but you have to swear you won't tell anyone"

"I swear on our parent's grave I won't tell anyone"

"Ok so what happened was Ashton wanted me to talk to him in private, so I let him drag me over to an empty table thinking it was nothing, and it was nothing at first, all he wanted to ask me was if it was true about me and Caleb being over, and I said it was but then he got quiet, as if he didn't want to tell me" I said "so I was about to walk back over to you guys but he stopped me and asked me if it was true that Caleb was only going out with me because I was paying him, that's why I slapped him, because he should know that I would never do that, I mean if he was my true friend he would know I'm not Mackenzie, I just can't believe he would ask me if I was a whore"

I couldn't  say anything I was only seeing red

"You don't hate me do you?"

"Of course not, but I am going to kill him"

"I wouldn't stop you"

"Are you hungry?"

"Um no, no Im not"

"Ok, I am so are you ok to stay here by yourself for a few minutes?"

"Yeah, where are you going?"

"I'm going to get something to eat, I'll be right back"


I went down stairs to get my keys and then the doorbell rang, I went to answer it and when I did I saw...


(Ashton's POV)


"What did you do?" Ally said from behind me 

I was in the boys locker room getting dressed because I just had football practice

"What are you doing in the boys locker room Allison?" I said 

"Trying to find you, that's what I'm doing in the boys locker room"

"Ok then now that you found me what do you want" I said annoyed

"I want to know what you did to my best friend" she said obviously getting angry

"I didn't do anything to her and she is my best friend too"

"From the handprint on your cheek I think otherwise"

She lightly touched it and I winced 

"Ouch, your a football player and that hurts you?"

"Yeah it does, she may be small but she has a lot of force when she's angry"

"So what did you to to make her angry?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Ashton Jacob White, what did you do to Emma Thompson, and don't you dare tell me you didn't do anything, because if that was true she wouldn't be at home crying her eyes out, and you wouldn't have two guys pissed at you!!!!!"

"Fine, fine, fine, I told her what everyone has been saying about her, that's all"

"Are you insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at me

"No but I am deaf now"

"The girl lost her parents, and almost lost her brother, so you feel the need to tell her that everyone thinks she is a whore, seriously!"

"Well when you put it like that, you make it sound like I was trying to make her slap me!"

"Well you obviously were"

"No I wasn't I just wanted to make sure it was't true"

"And now you lost a friend"

"Wait what? Your going to stop being my friend because of this?"

"No not me, you lost Emma"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't trust her, if you were really her friend, you would've known that she would never do something like that, she is NOT Mackenzie!!!"

"I know she's not Mackenzie, if she was I wouldn't like her the way I do"

"Omg you like her like that!?!?!?!?!?"

"Ooops" I said and quickly looked down because I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!!!"

"I didn't tell you because you would've blabbed to Emma"

"Asshole" She said 

"You know it's true"

"Yeah, but that's because I don't keep things from her"

"Your keeping that secret from her and you know it"

"I'm not keeping things from her except that"

"See your not perfect either"


"Wait you said she was at home by herself, I should go over there!"

"That's not a good idea"

"Why not?"

"Well first because you don't have any pants on, and second because Caleb and Isaiah are there"

"Oh" I said while my cheeks started turning red "Wait why didn't you tell me I didn't have pants on"

"Hahahaha, because I love your neon blue underwear" she said trying to  hide her smile

"Ha ha very funny" I said putting my pants on

"It's true" 

"Anyway, Do you want to do something with me since I can't go over to Emma's house"

"Sure, what do you want to do?"

"How about see a movie?"

"sure, can we see a scary one?"

"Yeah lets go"

"I call getting to call Issac" She said



At Emma's house



(Caleb's POV)


I rang the doorbell nervously

"Just a sec" I heard a male voice say.. I think it was Emma's brother?

He opened the door five minutes later

"Oh hey Caleb"

"Hi, um..."



"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to Emma"

"She doesn't want to talk to anyone"

"Can I at least see her?"

"You know what, sure, I don't want her here alone anyway"

"May I ask where your going?"

"I'm hungry so I'm going to get something to eat"

"Does Emma want anything?" I asked

"I asked but she said no"

"Ok, well see you later then I'll just go upstairs to the..."

"Right, first door on the right"


"No problem, just remeber to knock first"

"Right, of course"

I closed the door and went upstairs, then I knocked on the first door on the right"

"Come in" She said

I went into her room, but I didn't see her


"O hi Caleb"

"Hi Emma, where are you?"

"In the bathroom, doors open come on in"

"Um... ok"

I walked into her bathroom with my eyes closed

"Hehe, you can open your eyes, I'm taking a bubble bath"

"ok" I said cautiously opening my eyes

"I take bubble baths when I need to relax" She clarified

"O that makes sense"

"Did my brother let you in?"

"Yeah he didn't want you to be home alone"

"I understand" she said closing her eyes

"I love your laugh"

"thanks" she said smiling

"I love it when you smile as well, but you never smile when your around me"

"I'm sorry"

"No, no don't be, I never give you a reason to smile"

"You seem really tense"

"I haven't been able to relax lately"

"well there's a lot of room in this bathtub, so why don't you join me" she said with her eyes still closed

"are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Of course, it's not like anything is going to happen"

"Ok, if you say so" I said undressing 

she moved up slightly, I climbed in across from her, she still had her eyes closed

"It's nice and warm" I said 

"Are you finally able to relax?"

"Yes, you were right this is very relaxing" I said closing my eyes

"I do know some ways to relax, you know" she said 

I opened my eyes only to be met with her beautiful green eyes

"I know, your very smart like that, just another reason for me to like you" I said seriously

"Thanks again"

"I only speak the truth"   

                                  this part is rated R                                                                                     

I was about to close my eyes again when I felt something on my dick

"Hey Em, that's not part of the deal"

"We never made a deal, I just said the bath was big enough for both of us"

"but what if your brother comes back"

"he knows to not come into my bathroom unless I tell him"

"Ok if you say so" I said and closed my eyes 

I felt it again, then the water shifted and when I opened my eyes two hazel eyes were staring back at me

"do you like that?" she asked then I felt her hand... lower than I expected it to be.

"mmmm" I couldn't say anything else so I just closed my eyes

She started moving her hand up and down then next thing I know I'm moving up to sit on the edge and her mouth is on my dick

"Don't stop, keep going"

she lifted her head

"Do you want to do it?"

"I do, but I don't think we should, I really want to but I don't think your in the right state of mind Emma"

"I want to, I 'm sure Caleb"

"Are you absoultley positive"

"Yes Caleb"

"Fine but we have to make it fast"


"You've done it before right"


"What, your a..."

"I'm a virgin, Caleb"

"I can't do this"

"Wait Caleb"

"No Emma, I'm not going to take your virginity"

"Fine, but you taste good" she said and put her mouth back on my dick"

"Emma stop, please.... p..plea....please"


"Em...Emma p..plea...please"

She didnt stop she just went faster and deeper, I couldn't take it anymore, I picked her up, got out of the bathtub, and walked to the bed. I couldn't take it she is just so good, so I laid her down and walked away I went to her door and locked it, then I went back to her and laid on top of her, with my elbows supporting my weight. I kissed her, then licked down her neck, I kept going down I stopped at her breasts, her big sweet breasts and I sucked one and played with the other, then I switched and did the same to the other. Then I moved down to her stomache and went lower to her mound, I then liked her clit and her lips. I used my tongue and I went in and out of her over and over. I then put one finger in her and continued licking and sucking. I inserted two fingures inside her.

"UHHHHHH" She moaned loudly

"You like that?"

"Yes, keep going it feels so good"

I pushed three of my fingers into her tight pussy and that put her over the edge she orgasmed onto my fingers and my mouth, she tasted so good.



"Thank you Caleb"

"Your welcome Emma, I hope you feel better now"

"I do, I'm a little tired though"

"That's normal , just rest for a little while, I'm going to go now, if that's ok with you"

"Of course , that's fine, just don't tell my brother about this ok"



"I promise"

"Goodnight, Caleb"

"Goodnight Emma"


20 minutes later


(Isaiah's POV)


"Em, I'm home"

"Hey Issac, I'm in the living room"

"Where's Caleb?"

"He had something else to do"

"So you were here alone?"

"No, he stayed he for a little while, he was great company"

"So you weren't bored?"

"No, not at all, I was very entertained"

"Ok, as long as you weren't bored"

"Sit with me"

"Ok, what are you watching?"

"A scary movie"

"But you hate those"

"Yeah, but I started watching it with Caleb and I couldn't stop watching it, so..."

"So your not scared of scary movies anymore?"

"No I am terrified of scary movies, I've been hiding under the blanket for most of it"

"Hahaha, well now I'm her eso you don't need to be scared anymore"

"Yay Big Bro to the rescue, hahaha"

"ok ok ok now lets watch"

We got threw the movie with only 7 screams from Emma

"Are you ready for bed now?"

"Mmmm, carry me?"


I picked her up and carried her all the way upstairs 

"how are you so strong?"

"you forget sister, I am the quarterback"

"that's right, I'm sorry"

"for what?"

"you missing your practices because of my problems"

"I told the coach that I was going to be there for you, wether I was still on the team or not, you've been through enough, besides I'm their best player"

"You and your ego, hahaha"

"you love it" I said and winked at her laughing

"Yeah, that's true, anyway I'm tired"

"then I should probably put you down then shouldn't I?"

"I think you should"

"Ok, goodnight sis"

"goodnight bro"


the next day at school


(Emma's POV)


All I have to do is just not talk to anybody, shouldn't be that hard right?

"Hey Em" Isaiah said

"Oh hi Issac"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no nothings wrong"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Ok, do you want to do something?"

"not really I have class"

"um ok, then I'll see you during lunch?"

"yeah sure, bye Issac"

"Bye Em"

 Crap I have Science with Ashton White, dammit

"Hey Emma, are you going to the football game on Friday?" Tyler asked me as soon as I walked through the door

"Yeah I have to my brother is the quarterback"

"That's right" 

 I couldn't stand his stupidness so I walked away

"Hey Emma" Cole said

"Hi Cole"

"You going to the football game Friday?"

"My brother is the quarterback"

"O right"

"I'm walking away"

He obviously understood because he walked the other way

"hya Emma" Cassidy said

"hey Cassidy"

"you going to the football game?"

"Yes my brother is the quarterback I have to"


the next person that comes up to me and asks that question is getting punched

"hey Em"

I looked up from the worksheet I was doing and I was surprised to see Ashton standing there, with my handprint still firmly on his face, but I ignored him. 

"Can we um talk?"

I looked up at him again but this time I glared at him 

"You can talk, but I can't guarantee I'll listen and my name is Emma"

"I'm sorry Emma"

I took out my phone and put my earbuds in but I didn't turn on any music 

"I know you didn't put any music on because you want to know what I'm going to say so this is what I'm going to say, Emma Ivy Thompson I am so very sorry that i didn't trust in you and I know you may never trust me again but I will always tell you whatever you want to know wether I want to or not, and I regret ever doubting you"

I took my earbuds out but I still didn't say anything, I didn't even look at him

"Please Emma, please do something, anything, please, you can even slap me again, just do or say something"

I got up, walked over to him, got as close as possible to him and brought both my hands up. He flinched but as soon as he realized I wasn't going to hit him he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me to him. He didn't let me go all hour.

"I missed you Emma"

"I missed you to"

"I still can't believe you would think so lowly of me"

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure since you went out with him in the first place"

"Dude, your on thin ice right now, I'm still in the process of determining if we're friends or not"

"Ok, I'm really sorry"

"When are you going to stop apologizing?"

"When you say we're friends again"

I looked into his eyes and saw the sincereity

"You really won't stop, will you?"

"Nope" He said with a small smile on his face

"Ok, I think we're a little late to our next class"

"a little?"

"ok a lot, hehehe" 


 "O well it's not like we had anything important anyway, I mean you only had Social Studies"

"Yeah but you had Communications"

"Eh, she hates me anyway"

"Hehe, true" I said with a small laugh

"I love the way you laugh" 

"You do?"

"Yeah, it's cute"



Chapter 8- Back to the present

1 year later


(Ashton's POV)


"I can't believe this" Ally said

"I messed up again"

"Yeah you did"

"Gee thanks for being so supportive"

"Well it's true, the last time you messed up like this it took forever to get her to forgive you again"

"I know, but maybe she won't slap me as hard this time"

"That was pretty funny though, the last time"

"But I had to apologize for 3 whole months before she forgave me" I whined

"Yeah, well maybe this time, you'll only have to tell her your secret"

"You know I can't do that, it might ruin our friendship, not to mention her relationship"

"Well she's mad at you because you basically broke your promise you made her a year ago" she said matter-of-factly

"Damn I forgot about that"

"You promised her you would tell her everything she wanted to know, wether you wanted to or not"

"But she never said she wanted to know"

"No but she screamed at you in the middle of the hallway, I think that counts"

"Ugh, girls are so complicated" 

"Ashton Jacob Edward White, just tell her the truth"

"Sh'e going to hate me, and you"

"What! Why me?"

"Because you kept it from her too"

"Ugh fine!"

"I'll tell her on our anniversary"

"You mean our anniversary of when we became friends"


"What are you going to get her?"

"I'm going to get her a bracelete that say 'our friendship will last a lifetime' and I'm also getting her some violets"

"what are you trying to do make her break down again?"

"No I'm just trying to show her I don't do things without a reason"

"Well then what are you getting me?"

"I'm not telling you, it's a surprise"

"Ok, fine"

"I have to go, I only have 3 more days left to get the bracelete and the flowers"

"Ok, bye"



(Emma's POV)



I'm sitting in my secret hiding place  with a picture of me, Ashton and Ally. I was just about to rip it up when the doorbell rang. I wonder who that could be on a Saturday?

"Em, Caleb's here" Isaiah, my big bro, yelled up the stairs.

"Send him up" I yelled back


"Hey Emma, can I come in?" I heard him ask from the outside my door

"Yeah sure" I said not moving from where I was

"Where are you?" 

"In my closet"

I heard the door to my walk-in closet open


"Walk straight 3 steps, turn left and pull down the blue frog"

I waited for him to do that, when he did I looked up from what I was doing and laughed at his awe-struck expression

"It's not that strange, hehe"

"You have a hidden room inside your walk-in closet and you say 'it's not that strange'?"

"Well it's not strange for me"

"That's better, anyway what are you doing in here?"

I handed him the picture



"Why is it bent?"

"Because I was about to rip it up"

"Why, isn't your guys anniversary coming up?"

"Yeah, but Ashton White is keeping things from me again and I just can't handle him lying to me anymore"

"What do you mean lying to you?"

"He broke his promise he made 1 year ago"

"What was his promise?"

"He promised to tell me everything wether he wanted to or not"

"Was that the time when you slapped him so hard it left a handprint on his cheek for a week?"

"Yeah, he deserved that"

"Are you at least going to get him a present?"

"Of course, I'm just not going to be the one to hand it to him"

"Your going to make me give it to him for you, aren't you?"

I didn't say anything I just gave him my puppy dog look

"That answers that" He said with a smile

"Thank you" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Thank you for that" He said and smiled again

"I almost forgot, why are you here?"

"Do I need a reason to visit my girlfriend?"

"Of course"

He smiled and pulled out a small box

"Caleb" I gasped

"Shh, don't say anything" he said

He opened the box to reveal a small ring

"Emma Ivy Thompson will you please accept this promise ring?"

"I accept" I said as my eyes started to water

"With this ring I, Caleb Jason William, promise to always be there whenever you, Emma Ivy Thompson, need me"

"Oh Caleb, your the best boyfriend ever"

"I know"

I hit him lightly on the arm

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, it's not our 6th month anniversary yet"

"It's ok, I wanted to suprise you with it early and this way I can show you off to al the othre guys without them getting graby"

"So basically to tell them I'm with you and no one else?" I said with a wink


I couldn't help it, I had to kiss him so I grabbed him and pulled him to me but before I could kiss him, I heard my closet door open

"Hello, Emma? I need to talk to you"

"Can it wait Ally?"

"No it can't I would come in and tell you but I can't since Caleb's here"

"How did you know that?"

"Emma, I'm your best friend I know you"

"Ugh fine, just a sec"

He looked at me with his pleading blue eyes and then that pleading look drifted down to my lips and stayed there, so I gave him what he wanted, I kissed him but just when I was about to break free and go talk to Ally, he brought his hands up and held me still against his lips. Damn he tasted so good, I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to breathe but I had to.

" keep...doing...this...I go" I managed to get out between kisses

"Sadly I'll let you go then"

"Don't worry we can continue this later, I promise"


"hehe, you sound like a kid in a candy store"

"you love it"

"I do"

We both smiled and walked out of my closet like that

"So sorry to interrupt your special moment Caleb"

"Don't be, I gave her what I wanted to that's all and besides you are her best friend so no worries"

He looked at me 

"Don't forget our plans, sugar ok?"

"ok pumpkin"

And with that he left

"You guys are so cute together"

"Aren't we, and he's so sweet"

"Yeah the way he lets me have you even though you guys were having a moment"

"Yeah, and he gave me this" I showed her the ring

"It's beautiful, and it has you birthstone on it"

"I know" I said with admiration in my voice "Anyway what did you want?"

"I want you to first not get mad at me"

"I won't get mad at you"

"Swear on your parents grave"

"I swear on my parents grave I won't get mad at you, now tell me already"

"ok, I forgot about our anniversary and I have a secret I'm keeping from you" she said really fast then closed her eyes super tight

don't forget to breath Emma, it's ok, I'm sure she didn't mean to forget and I'm sure she has a very good reason for keeping that secret

"It's ok"

"I'm really sorry Emma I didn't mean to it was just that... wait what?"

"It's ok"


"Yes, I'm totally calm, just explain your reasoning"

"Ok I forgot about our anniversary because I was busy trying to figure out how to tell you I have a boyfriend"

"You have a what?"

"A boyfriend"

"Who, when, where??????"

"Tyler, last week tuesday, the swim meet"

"Tyler Tinkey?"


"Ooooo he's hot"

"Hey!! Keep your eyes on your own boyfriend"

"WAIT you kept this from me for almost a whole week?!?!?!?!"

"Well yeah, I didn't know how to tell you, and I didn't know how you'd react"

"It's ok, I'm fine, I'm glad you have a boyfriend"


"Yes of course"

"Thank you so much, so what about you and caleb? The big 6th month anniversary is coming up soon isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'm so excited to give him his gift, he'll love it!!"

"You got it already, can I see it?"

"Yeah come over here, I'll show you"

I led her back to my closet

"Is it in your secret hiding place?"

"Of course not, don't be silly"

"Haha, ok"

I led her deeper into my closet until we reached my vanity, I picked up my lip gloss and the vanity turned around to reveal a new secret room, I led her into it and as soon as we reached the middle of the room a light turned on and where it pointed to was a small box and a medium box.

"Wow Emma, it's like a maze in your closet"

"Yeah I guess, I'll give you the tour later"

"What's in the small box?"

I opened it

"Oh my god, Emma!?!?!?"

"Is it to much?"

"No I think he'll love it, it's beautiful"

"Really you don't think I'm going overboard?"

"Em, it's your 6th month together I don't think you went anywhere near overboard"

"You really think so?"

"I really know so" she said with a smile then she looked over to the mmedium box "What's in that one?"

I opened that one

"I love it Emma, it's so cute!"

"But do you think he's going to like it?"

"It's a big bear, holding a heart... I think he'll love it just as much as me"

"If you say so..."

"..." she looked worried

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you Emma"

"Why not?"

"Becasue it's not my secret to tell... I have to go"

And with that she left. i covered up the presents and went back to my room

What was that about and whose secret is she keeping from me?


The next day at the playground


(Ashton's POV)


Hmm Ally just texted me I wonder what she wants to talk to me about...

"Emma almost found out!!!"

"Found out what?"

"Your secret!"

"You mean the one we've been keeping from her for over a year?"

"Yeah and she won't stop until she gets it out of one of us"

"O great"

"One more thing"


"She bought a big bear that's holding a heart and an incredible ... all for her anniversary!!!"

"Which one?"

"The one she has with caleb"

"O, she really went all out didn't she?"

"Yeah, she really loves him"

"Yeah don't remind me"

"My point is, if you don't tell her soon then you'll lose her forever"

I could feel something wet on my cheek, I didn't even realize I was crying

"Ok I'll tel her tomorrow at school"

"If you don't, I will"

"I'll do it I swear"

"Ok, I gtg ttyl bye"


What am I going to do now!!! 

I sat on the swing and just thought of how I was going to tell her I'm in love with her... I heard someone coming so I quickly hid behind the big park sign.

"Yeah dude he stayed with her for 5 months" a guys voice said

It sounds like he's talking on the phone

"If he makes it to 6 months we all have to pay him 100 bucks"


"Yeah,that was the bet"


"No unless I can find a way to make him mess everything up, it looks like he's winning 2,000 dollars"


"Well she is a sucker for the cute sensitive kind"


"Perfect, I'll make her like me instead of him"

They could be talking about some other couple that's been together 6 months

"Ok operation break Caleb and Emma up is a go"

Nope guess not, wait that voice sounds oddly familiar...


(Caleb's POV)


I can't keep lying to her, it just isn't right...I...think falling with her, for real this time, the way she smiles even though she lost so much, the way she laughs, she can make animals weep with how beautiful her laugh sounds, and then her eyes...Oh her eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I have ever seen... Maybe after the 3rd month I started to have feelings for her, what am I going to do? I already lied to her once before and she said not to do it again, what will happen if I tell her the truth and then tell her that I actually love her now... yeah that sounds good I'll do that at the football game Friday, after all she has to go.


(Ashton's POV)


I have to tell her everything, what if she hates me for keeping this secret from her? But... No I don't care she has to know, I can't keep looking at her beautiful eyes and hearing her melodious voice and when she laughs she makes me laugh, and when she cries she makes me cry. I wonder what it would feel like to have her in my arms...her body touched to mine, I know we've touched before but that wasn't long enough, I wonder how her lips taste... I wish I could just man up and tell her right no..........Ok I'll text her to meet me at the park so I can tell her, I just hope she still wants to be my friend


(Emma's POV)

I really need a shower... I guess I should leave my phone out here since no one has been talking to me all day anyway so I won't need it. 

I put my phone on my bed and went to take a shower


Oh oh it's Mr. Steal Yo Girl

Oh Oh it's Mr. Steal Yo Girl oh oh

Let's go


Bottoms up, bottoms up, ey, what's in ya cup

Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough

Bottoms up, bottoms up, throw your hands up

Tell security we bout to tear this club up


Bottoms up, bottoms up, pocket full of green

Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans

Bottoms up, bottoms up, throw ya hands up

Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)


You know what it is girl, we back up in this thang

Money saty in my pocket, girl, I'm like a walkin bank

Tell me whatcha thank

If I go get these bottles, we go alcohol insane


Calin' all the girls, do you hear me?

All around the world, city to city

Cheers to the girls, throw a duece to the guys


Now I got a chicken and a goose in the ride

Hatin' ass nigga you can move to the move to the side


Bottoms up, bottoms up, ey, what's in ya cup

Got a couple bottles, but a couple ain't enough

Bottoms up, bottoms up, throw your hands up

Tell security we bout to tear this club up


Bottoms up, bottoms up, pocket full of green

Girl, you know I love the way you shake it in them jeans

Bottoms up, bottoms up, throw ya hands up

Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up (up, up)


My vision's blurred, my words slurred

Its jam packed, a million girls 

And I ain't tryin to lead em

We drunk so let me be your alcohol hero


Calin' all the girls, do you hear me?

All around the world, city to city

Cheers to the girls, throw a duece to the guys


Now I got a chicken and a goose in the ride

Hatin' ass nigga you can move to the move to the side...


Bottoms up-Trey songs was playing indicating I got a new text message

I wonder who it could be...

"hey can we talk?"

"Sure what about?"

"Can um we talk in person?"

"Ashton what's up?"

"I just need to tell you something really important, and I can't tell you in a text message"

"Ok fine"

"Great, meet me at the park next to school"

"K, b there in 10"


Great what does he want now, to tell me more lies?



10 minutes later in the park


"Thanks for meeting me here Em...Emma"

"Whatever, what do you want Ashton?"

"I want to tell you whatever you want to know, wether I like it or not..."

I looked at him remembering the promise he had made a year ago

"O sure now you want to..."

"I always wanted to I just... didn't know how"

"I'm sure..."

"So what do you want to know?"

"Hmm why is Ally acting so strange around me all of a sudden?"

"Because she knows my secret and I asked her not to tell you"

"What's your secret and why can't I know it?"

"You couldn't know it because it was about you, as for what it is... I'll show you"

He walked closer to me

"Wha...what are you doing?"

"Shhh just watch"

He moved even closer to me until our noses just about touched, then he turned his head to the left and kissed me


I couldn't move I was paralyzed with shock I couldn't believe he was doing this

What is he thinking, why is he still kissing me I haven't even respoded to him, he still hasn't told me his secret...Please stop kissing me, please stop kissing me, please stop kissing me

He finally stops after like an eternity

"I'm in love with you, Emma Ivy Thompson, and I have been for over a year"


I am still paralyzed with the shock of having him kiss me, and now I'm even more paralyzed with the realization of reality

"Please say something, please anything, just please don't hate me"


"Ok? Ok what?"

"Ok I won't hate you"

"So we're still friends?"

"Of course"


"No not really, are you out of your fucking mind, waiting to tell me this cruicial detail for a whole fucking year, and you could have told me this before I said yes to Caleb, you asshole, you have been there for me when I lost everything, you were there when I needed you, Ashton Jacob White how dare you break your promise and then tell me your big secret after an entire year of me being in pain, because I loved you and I thought you didn't love me back but now you tell me after I've moved on, no that's actually not true... I haven't moved on I, Emma Ivy Thompson, have been in love with you, Ashton Jacob White, for years, and you have broken my heart and fixed it a billion times and now you have broken my heart again!!!! I promise you, Ashton Jacob White, I promise I won't hate you, I can't, but until you can stop the lying and secret keeping, I just can't be with you, I don't want to see you, unless we are at school but even then I will not speak to you until you can prove to me you really love me and then I will think about it but since you can't be there when I need you, I can't trust you anymore, I gave you 3 chances Ashton White and you blew them all!!! just tell me one thing, who else knew?"

I could feel all the emotions going through me, anger, sadness, betral, and I could feel my heart breaking I had to look away, I didn't want him to see me cry

"Please don't do this Em, please I can't live without you, Emma please, and Ally" He pleaded

"Unbelievable I can't do this anymore, my 2 best friends"

"I can't go without you, your my other half, I need you Emma please"

I could hear his voice crack, he was crying?

"No Ashton, I am getting rid of everything of yours that you gave me, it will me in your locker tomorrow morning"

I felt him grab my arm

"Please Ashton, don't make this harder than it needs to be"

I tried to walk away and out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go, instead he pulled me closer to him, turned me around and hugged me


"Just let me have this one moment with you, this last moment"

"Ok" I said and then I hugged him back because I will miss him, I mean he was one of my closest friends and I really didn't want to let him go

I could feel the warmth of his body seeping into my clothes, I needed to let him go, but before I could pull away he kissed me again, but this time I responded, it was his turn to be surprised

"hehe, like I said I love you" I said and then I pulled his head down to meet my lips again, his lips taste so good


(Aston's POV)


Well I told her, she yelled at me, made me cry, then she hugged me which turned into a passionate kiss, I was surprised she responded, she didn't respond the first time...She said she loves me, but she's going to leave me, Her lips taste so good, hey body fits perfectly against mine, I am still in love with her, I'm not going to say anything because I might wake up from this wonderful dream if I do, I finally got my body to respond to her and I kissed her back, but then the moment got even better because out of nowhere  our song came on, it was the song that was playing when we first met.

That's so strange, I bet she's thinking the same thing

"May I have this dance" I said bowing

"It would make me the happiest woman in the world" She said giggling

I took her to the middle of the park and started moving with the beat

My Wish- Rascal Flatts

I hope that days

come easy and the

moments pass slow


And each road

leads you where 

you want to go


And if you're faced 

with a choice, and 

you have to choose


I hope you choose 

the one that means 

the most to you


And if one door 

opens to another

door closed


I hope you keep

on walkin' till you

find the window


If it's cold outside,

show the world the

warmth of your smile


But more then

anything, more

then anything


My wish, for you, is

that this life becomes

all that you want it


To your dreams

stay big, your

worries stay small


You never need 

to carry more

then you can hold


And while you're out

there getting where

you're getting to


I hope you know

somebody loves you,

and wants the same

things too


Yeah, this, is

my wish


"Yes Ashton"

"Do you remember this song?"

"Of course I do, I would never forget the song that was playing when we met at that get together"

"haha yeah our parents little get together in your back yard... best day ever!"

"Yeah you had on the cutest little tuxedo, you looked so handsome"

"You thought I looked handsome? I thought you looked so beatiful in your pink dress"

"Really?!? I thought I looked like a small dork"

"Maybe but you were my small dork" He said with a smile

"Hey" I laughed and hit him

"Ow, haha" He faked being hurt

He knows I can't actually hurt him... physically I mean

I will miss this... how we can have a conversation so easily... how he can make me smile even when I'm sad or mad... I will miss him... his big brown eyes, thick brown hair, how I have to look up to him when I speak to him... I don't think I will ever be able to have this with Caleb, or any other guy... No one will ever be able to replace my love for Aston Jacob White, the one and only. He trys to sing but he has no idea how to use his vocal cords which make him even cuter... I could go on and on and on about all the perfect qualities about him, like the way his face lights up when he sees me coming or the way he hugs me when I need one, how my body fits perfectly into his as if it was made just for him. Stop thinking about him Emma, you have to be able to forget him and move on to Caleb... You remember your boyfriend of 6 months

But then he started singing 

"I hope you never

look back, but

ya never forget


All the ones who

love you, in the

place you left"

 It brought tears to my eyes

"I hope you always

forgive, and you

never regret,


And you help

somebody every

chance you get" He wiped the tear that had fallen with his thumb 

I was so happy he knew our song, I started singing with him


"Oh, you find

God's grace, in

every mistake


And you always give more then

you take"


We danced to the rest of the song and it reminded me of all the good times I shared with my once full family


But more then

anything, Yeah, 

more then anything


My wish, for you, is

that this life becomes

all that you want it


To your dreams

stay big, your

worries stay small


You never need

to carry more 

then you can hold


And while you're out

getting where 

you're getting to


I hope you know 

somebody loves you,

and wants the same

things too


Yeah, this, is 

my wish


My wish, for you, is

that this life becomes

all that you want it


To your dreams

stay big, your

worries stay small


You never need 

to carry more

then you can hold


And while you're out

there getting where

you're getting to


I hope you know

somebody loves you,

and wants the same

things too


Yeah, this, is

my wish


This is my wish


Once the song ended I realized that I was with Caleb now and that I was supposed to be mad at Ashton for breaking his promise and lying to me for almost two whole years! I can't just get over that this easily

I moved away from his warm embrace, this time he didn't try to pull me back which I was kind of sad about

"Is there anything else you wanted me here for, in person, that you couldn't possibly tell me over text message?" I said hoping there was something else 

"Yes actually" 

My face lit up in happiness at the fact I didn't have to leave yet

He pulled out a big box from behind the bushes

"What is that Ashton?"

"Open it and find out" He said with a smile


I had to try holding back my tears

"Oh Ashton"

" you like them?"

"Of course I don't like them, I love them Ash" I said and gave him a big hug

"I have one more thing for you"

"Ash I don't need anything else"

"Just one more thing"


He pulled out a rectangular black box

"Oh Ash, this looks really expensive"

"Em it's not that expensive" His voice went up an octave and he rubbed the back of his neck, indicating he was lying but I let it slide this time


He handed me the box

"What is it?"

"Open it and see"

 I opened it and almost fell on my knees with awe

"Ash, I can't take this"

"Yes you can"

"Fine I won't take it"

"Don't you like it?"

"I love it but it looks like it cost a fortune"

"Yeah and?"

"That's all of your money Ash"

"Emma just take it and be happy"

"Fine, I'll take it but you can't stop me from repaying you for this"

"If you say you'll talk to me at school and hang out with me again after today... You have repayed me already"

"Ashton I... I just can't"

"Please, I'm begging you be my best friend again, please Emma"

"I love you Ashton, but you've spent to much on me and I just can't do such a simple thing and nothing else"

"I love you and I don't know how else I'm supposed to show that to you"

"Please Ashton, please please please don't do this now"

"But I need to tell you this before you give your present to Caleb"

"What does Caleb have to do with this?"

"I heard some people talking about your relationship with Caleb and they said that it was just another bet that he made and if he lasted 6 months he would get a total of 2,000 dollars"

"And do you have proof of this...conversation?"

"Yes your trust of me"

"My trust of you is a little faulty at the moment but if you honestly believe this tomorrow at the football game I will talk to Caleb and ask him, so if that makes you feel better..."

"It really does, I have a question"


"Can you close your eyes for me?"

"Why, are you going to run away from me?"

"Just please"

"Fine fine" I said and closed my eyes

I felt his hands on my wrist then something cold

"Your not putting on the braclete are you?"

"Nope" Again his voice up an octave and I assume he rubbed the back of his neck

"mmmhmm sure Ash, ok"

He finally let go of my hand

"You can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes, looked down and immediately tried to take it off

"Please just wear it until after the football game"


"No but's just promise"

I looked into his eyes

"Ugh, fine"

I stopped trying and just looked at how beautiful it was

"Ash, I have to go, it's like 4 in the morning now"I said checking my phone

"Really but didn't I text you at 11:00?"

"You did, that's the problem"

"So you've spent 5 hours with me?"

"Yes that's how much I love you, I would honestly be there for you if you needed me to"

"But you still won't be with me until I prove my undying love for you?"

"Exactly... Anyway I have to go now"

"Ok but one more thing"


Before I could ask 'what', he pulled me to him and kissed me, I was way too shocked by how fast the movement was and I couldn't react but after a few minutes I came to my senses and melted into his warm body and matched his movements.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally broke apart

"Ok now I really have to go" I said dragging out the word 'really' 

"Ok and don't forget to ask Caleb"

"I won't I promise"

And with that I went back home but I couldn't sleep instead the kiss I had with Ashton was keeping me awake or should I say kisses.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink*

I got out of bed to go see who was throwing things at my window, I opened my window and looked down only to see Caleb out there in the tree next to my window with a bunch of little pebbles in his hand. He crawled to my balcony leading to my room

"Caleb, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to tell you something that was really urgent and I just couldn't wait"

"Caleb" I whined

"Please just let me say this"

O great, first Ashton, now Caleb... who could possibly be next?

"Ugh fine come in but I'm cold so I'm going to lay back down"

"That's totally fine"

We went back into my room and I layed back down in my warm bed that surprisingly was smelling a lot like Ashton

"What was so important you couldn't tell me over the phone or in the morning?"

"Well um I really don't know how to tell you this um..."

"Please just tell me so I can go back to sleep and not be tired for the football game tomorrow"

"It's sort of about the football game" 

Could Ashton actually be right about him?

"Um Emma I really really care about you, I love your laugh, I love your smile, I love you, I love your eyes, I even love your hair" He said all at once I almost missed what he said 

"You what?!?!?!?!?"

"I love everything about you"

"Yes yes but you love me?!?!?!?"

"Yes I really do"

Oh boy

"Ok just clarifying that"

"Yeah and because I love you I feel like I should tell you the truth"

"But when we first started dating you said you would be completely honest with me"

"And I was except I sorta kinda kept a tiny secret from you"

No no no no no no no this can not be happening

"Ok what's the tiny secret you kept from me?"

"Um it's that I sorta kinda made a bet with some guys that I could have a relationship with you for 6 months"

"O My God"

"Please don't hate me, I love you"

"Yeah Caleb well I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!"

"Please don't do this to me Em"


"Please Em"


I must have been a little too loud because next thing I know my brother burst through my door and is by my side in an instant

"Please Em...Emma"

"She said leave Caleb"


"No Caleb, she doesn't want you here so get out of our house before I call the police" 

I was already in tears, I didn't care if he saw me cry, he broke my heart and I hate him... I knew he made a bet when we first met but that's because he told me about it

He waited an extra minute probably to make sure he properly shattered my heart, then he left

"Emma what did he do?"

"H...He sa...said h...he l...lov...loved"

"Ems what else did he do?"

"H..he ma...made a... a"

"Yeah Em I know remember the one you told me about" He said sympathetically

" h..he m...made ano..another" I couldn't say anymore it hurt to much

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to tonight" He said knowing exactly what I wanted

He went to get up but I pulled him back

"You want me to sleep in here again with you?"

I nodded my head

"Ok just a sec, I have to put different pjs on" He said and got up

I waited patiently for him to come back

"Ok I'm back" He said 

He put pants on, I didn't even realize he wasn't wearing pants

He crawled into bed with me and I cried into his chest

"Shh, it's ok Em I'm right here, shhh"

His voice was so soothing soon my cry was just a small wimper

"Shhh I'm right here Ems, go to sleep I'll be right here when you wake up"

And with his words I fell asleep on his chest


(Isaiah's POV)


I was asleep in my room, which was right next to Emma's, when I heard her scream really loud


I thought it was really weird she would have a dream where she would scream something like that so I went to go check on her, but then I stopped in my tracks when I heard her swear


That's when I knew it wasn't a dream and that someone was in her room so I stayed just outside her door for a second longer just to make sure, but as soon as I heard he scream at this person yet again I knew she didn't want them there anymore so I went in to help her out before she lost her voice from all the screaming she was doing


I burst through her door and I was at her side in an instant, I looked up so I could see who the person was and it just had to be Caleb, although he seemed to be in pain and on the verge of tears

"Please Em...Emma" He tried to get her change her mind but I could tell she didn't want him here so I spoke for her

"She said leave Caleb"

"But-" He attempted at another sentence but I cut him off

"No Caleb, she doesn't want you here so get out of our house before I call the police" I didn't know how else to get him to leave my sister alone 

He stuck around a little longer, his eyes red but no tears yet, he just looked at my sister with longing and something that looked a lot like regret, after he stood there for a moment I saw a tear fall from his eye and then he left

"Emma what did he do?" I asked carefully 

"H...He sa...said h...he l...lov...loved" she sniffled out

"Ems what else did he do?" I asked a little more cautious 

"H..he ma...made a... a" she said still sniffling 

"Yeah Em I know remember the one you told me about" I said remembering her telling me about how sweet he was for telling her about the bet he made

" h..he m...made ano..another" she stopped I'm guessing because it was still fresh and it hurt her heart for her to tell me the whole story right now

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to tonight" I said guessing that's what she wanted me to say

I went to stand up but she pulled me back down

"You want me to sleep in here again with you?" I guessed again

She nodded her head

"Ok just a sec, I have to put different pjs on" I said and got up so I could put some pants on

"Ok I'm back" I said

I crawled into bed with her and she cried into my chest

"Shh, it's ok Em I'm right here, shhh" I said stroking her hair

My voice must have been soothing because soon her cry was just a small wimper

"Shhh I'm right here Ems, go to sleep I'll be right here when you wake up" I reassured her

And she fell asleep on my chest, I stayed up a little longer just to make sure she was sleeping, then I drifted off as well


The next morning


(Emma's POV)


I had the worst dream last night, I dreamt that Caleb made a bet wit hsome of his friends that he could keep a relationship with me for 6 months and he told me the truth and we had a big fight about it, then my brother came in and told him to leave and I wanted Isaiah to stay in my room because my heart was shattered into a million peices... But now I'm not so sure that was a dream because I am laying on a warm, hard chest right now so I'm guessing my dream was real.

"It's time to wake up Ems"

Yup it was real

"Are you ok?"


"Well if you want I can come to school with you today"

"No you have your football game Friday so you need to go to practice"

"Em, you do know that, today is Friday right?"

"Well I do now"

"All you have to do is make it through school and I'll pick you up after school"


"I cross my heart"

"Ok, what time is it?"


"Why do I have to go to school?"

"Because that's what Mom and Dad would've wanted"

"Ok fine"

"If you take a fast enough shower, I'll save you some of your favorite breakfast"

"Really you would do that for me?"

"Of course little sis"

"Ok but you kind of have to go to the kitchen if you want to make anything" I said with a smirk and ran to my bathroom

"I bet you, you won't be able to take less than 40 minutes"

"O, it's on"

I heard him go down the stairs 

I came out of my bathroom and went to my closet

"Hmm what should I wear today?" I said aloud "Oooo this is cute and this oh and those, perfect"

I went back to my bathroom got in the shower, I did my hair and everything else then I was done, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair, then I walked back into my room

What I had picked out was my black skinny jeans, my cute white tube top with my black leather jacket, my black bra and panties. For accessories I picked out my black snapback that says bad betch, my white DC shoes, and my white choker and necklace that says rebel, then I put on my black eye shadow and black lip gloss, plus of course the bracelete Ashton gave me. 

"Perfect, and it only took me 36 minutes"

After I was done getting ready I went down stairs and was met with the delicious smell of pancakes, eggs, maple syrup, bacon, sausage, freshly made brownies and my favorite of all time birthday cake muffins.

"I win" We both said at the same time then burst out laughing 

After what seemed like forever we finally calmed down and sat at the table to eat

"Em can I ask you something?"

"Mmhmm" I couldn't say anything else cause I was too busy stuffing my face

"Why are you wearing such depressing colors?"

"Mmmm, because I'm going to prove a point"

"To who?"


"At school?"


"And what's that point?"

"That I'm not easy"

"But you aren't easy"

"I know that but everyone at schol thinks I am so I'm going to prove a major point"

"Ok just as long as you don't get in any trouble you can't fix, by the way, where did you get that bracelete?"

"Cross my heart, from Ashton"

"Ok, that looks super expensive but hurry up or we're going to be late"

I finished my breakfast and we headed for school

Chapter 9- New Emma

 (Ashton's POV)

I was standing at my locker talking to one of my football friends when he stopped listening and stared behind me, towards the school entance, that's when I realized everyone in the hallway was looking towards the door so I quickly spun around and was struck with the most beautiful sight in the world, everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. The doors swung open and Emma came through with her brother by her side, they looked amazingly so bad ass, Emma was wearing her most confident white DC shoes, with her black skinny jeans, her white tub top, her black leather jacket, she really went all out she topped it off with her Rebel necklace and white choker, and her most favorite hat, her black snapback that says bad betch in white letters. Her brother was matching her outfit with white loose pants, his white shirt with his leather jacket, his favorite hat that says fuck off, and he was wearing black DC shoes. 

They had the attention of the school and I'm pretty sure that's what Emma was going for, when they passed me I wanted to say something but by the look on Emma's face told me I probably shouldn't. They stopped at her locker and I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying but after a little bit she hugged him and then he left. I really needed to talk to her but instead I would just wait until lunch. I just had to see one small thing so I waited a little longer until I saw her wrist when she lifted her hand to open her locker and there it was... my bracelete I gave her, that put a smile on my face.


(Emma's POV)


I wanted to make my mark on the school and on the people of the school, my mark would be that I am not an easy in, I can be bad if I really wanted to and that I'm not this shy girl that never does anything wrong no today I am going to be the girl everyone fears, the girl that doesn't have a heart, the girl that can make anyone cry with just a word.

"Hey Babe"

 "Hey Als" I said not looking at her

"What's with the new look?"

"Nothin big just tryin to make my mark, you know?" I said still looking at my locker

"No not really"

"Then nevermind" I said pretending to find my math book

"Hey, Emma right?"

I heard a low male voice, hmm that's new, I stopped looking through my locker and turned towards the male voice

"Hi" I said not really sure who this was but he was cute so I just went along with it

"Em this is Tyler"

"Ah so this is the famous Tyler I've heard so much about"

He blushed "Yeah I guess that's me"

"Well then hi Tyler"

"Hi Emma"

"Please call me Em, all my friends do"

"Well Em I totally know why you want to, as you say 'make you mark'"

" do?"


"T..then what is it?"

"You want to chane your image so people don't think a certain way about you, am I right?"


"That's what I thought, and based on your bad girl look, I'm assuming everyone thinks you are an easy in?"


"And you want them to think you are, excuse my french, a bad bitch with no heart am I correct?"

"Yes, are"

"I have never talked to you before today so I don't know your personality as much as you do but I'm assuming you are a very nice girl, and you must be very beautiful because you are beautiful even in black and white"

"Thank you" 

The bell rang but I didn't care I wanted to talk to this new guy a whole lot more, just then did I realize that Ally was still standing there so I looked at her and laughed

"Haha, Als close your mouth your going to catch flies"

"Haha" Tyler let out a low chuckle

Oh my god he is soooo hot

"Oh sorry, I was just wondering how you got all of that from her clothing choice?"

"Oh well I just figured since black is a dark color mixed with white a pure color, was just how she was feeling"

"And how is she feeling?"

"Um well, may I tell her?" He asked me first

So polite, what a gentlemen

"Yes of course"

"Well she's feeling betrayed, depressed, unloved, and most of all her heart has been shattered into a million pieces by... 2 guys?"

"No way, Emma?"

"Yes way and I think you know exactly which 2" I said not looking at her

"I'm sorry Emma, he didn't want me to tell you"

"I thought we were friends but since you couldn't tell me then I guess we aren't, it was nice meeting you Tyler" I said then walked away to my Science class


4th period


I was sitting by myself on a bench outside the school texting my brother, when I felt a pair of eyes on me, but there isn't anyone out here, everyone else stays inside.. I looked around, I didn't see anyone so I went back to texting my brother, then I felt them again, this time I didn't look around. I was to interested in what my brother was doing to care about them anymore.

"Hey Emma"

I didn't answer, I didn't feel like talking to anyone but my brother

"Um can I ask you something?"

"Um no"


I thought he would leave then but instead he decided to sit right next to me

"Do you mind?"

"No I really don't"

I got up and sat on one of the other benches, hoping to get away from him but that didn't work because he just followed me and sat down again, he was really aggravating me. I didn't feel like moving again so I just put in my earbuds and turned the music up really loud. He sat right in front of me but I just put my head down and concentrated on my phone. He pulled out one of my earbuds.


"I really need to talk to you"

"Fine you can talk I just won't listen"

I put in my earbud again, he pulled it out

"No I need you to listen to me"

"Ugh fine"

I turned off my music and took out my earbuds

"What do you want Cole"

"I want you to go with me to the football game tonight"









"No, I have to go to class"

"But the bell didn't ring yet"

And as if on cue the bell rang

"I think it did"

Finally lunch, I'm starved




I skipped lunch and just called my brother, he said he would come get me and we could eat at mom's favorite resturant. I went outside to wait for my brother only to be met with Cole again.




"No, if you say please one more time I will kick you in the balls"

"Will you go to the football game with me"


Just then my brother pulled up in his ferrari and everyone crowded around it like it was the coolest thing they have ever seen, it's probably the most expensive thing they have ever seen though, I slowly walked to the car.

"Hey sis" He said as soon as he saw me

"Sup bro"

"Nothin just here to pick you up for lunch"

"And to brag" I said with a smirk

"A little"

We both laughed 

"Hey very cool car man" A boy said 

"I know" my brother replied 

"Where did you get this amazing ride from?" Another boy said

"The car dealership" my brother replied like it was the stupidest question in the world

"You are so hot would you give me a ride sometime?" A snotty blond bimbo asked in her stupid high pitched voice

"Definitely not, I don't want my new ride to smell like a french whore" 

I got in the car

"Why are you giving her a ride and not us?" A group of popular girls asked 

"Because I love her and I don't like girls who are only after money" He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then he whispered in my ear, play along little sister'

I nodded

"Hey he's taken so please step away from the priceless car would you, you're stinking it up with your poor person stench"

"Hey you're poor to you know" A guy in the back said and the whole crowd shouted


I laughed and so did my brother

"Actually I'm not poor, I'm filthy rich I just don't like bragging" I said with a smirk

"Um have you seen the car you're in right now?" Cole came up and asked

"Yes I have and I said I didn't like bragging, I never said he didn't"

And with that my brother hit the gas and we sped off

"Wow, your a great actor"

"So are you boyfriend" I said with a wink

"hahaha" we both burst out laughing 

"What's on the radio bro?"

"Idk, lets see" He said "would you like to say it or should I?"

"Ooo I want to, I want to"

"Haha ok then go for it"

"How about turn to a hip hop station" I said aloud and the radio turned on and went to a hip hop station

My brother wanted a car with a hands off radio so he could listen to music while he was driving and not have to look away from the road, so he had a voice activated radio installed.

"Ooo bro we love this song"

"Oh yeah we do, lets sing ready and go"

Kryptonite- 3 Doors Down


I took a walk around the world 

to ease my troubled mind

I left my body laying 

somewhere in the sands of 



I watched the world float to

the dark side of the moon

I feel there is nothing I can do,


I watched the world float to

the dark side of the moon

After all I knew it had to be

something to do with you


I really don't mind what

happens now and then

As long as you'll be my

friend at the end


If I go crazy then will you 

still call me Superman

If I'm alive and well, will

you be there holding my 



I'll keep you by my

side with my

superhuman might



You called me strong,

you called me weak

But still you secrets I

will keep


You took for granted 

all the times I never

let you down


You stumbled in and

bumped your head

If not for me then you 

would be dead


I picked you up

and put you back

on solid ground


If I go crazy then 

will you still call

me Superman


If I'm alive and well,

will you be there 

holding my hand


I'll keep you by my

side with my

superhuman might




If I go crazy then

will you still call 

me Superman


If I'm alive and well,

will you be there

holding my hand


I'll keep you by my

side with my

superhuman might




If I go crazy then

will you still call 

me Superman


If I'm alive and well,

will you be there

holding my hand


I'll keep you by my

side with my

superhuman might




"Wow I love that song" I said

"Me too, but honestly I'm surprised I remembered all the lyrics, it's been like forever" Issac said

"I know right" We both laughed as we pulled up to the resturant 

"Mom's favorite resturant.. Glitzy Cookie House"

"I love the name, it's so original"

"I personally think it's a little girly"

"That's what dad always said, but he delt with it because 'Cookie' was in the title"

"Haha, yeah I remember the first time we came here with mom, dad wouldn't stop complaining and she said 'Maybe they have warm cookies there' that made dad shut his mouth right up"

"Yeah but that's was almost 8 years ago"

"Exactly so hopefully no one here remembers us"

"That would just ruin the whole thing"

"Well maybe not the whole thing just the beginning, until we get our food"

"Yes of course" We both burst out laughing 

When we got through the door, we were hit with the delicious smell of the French bread and the Italian food... they basically had a food from all over the world, we went to the table we always sat at and I traced the carving mom did in the corner of the table... it was of a butterfly with my name at the top

"You remember why she did that?"

"Of course, I love butterflies so she carved one and put my name at the top so we would always remember which table to sit at"

"Yeah dad told her not to do it, but she did it anyway"

"Haha yeah" My eyes started to sting with tears

"I miss them too Ems"

"We don't have a family anymore"

"Maybe not a whole family, but we still have each other" He said trying to make me feel better

"It would be so much better if we could come home to our house with someone to look forward to when we got home like all the other families"

"Why do you want to be like all the other families?"

"Because they can brag about having loving parents, but all I can brag about is having a loving brother"

"Hey, I'm super cool, so you can have bragging rights about having the coolest brother in the world"


"There's the award-winning smile I wanted to see"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Always being there for me"

"It's what I do" He said and did the most ridiculous dance

"Hahaha, oh my god, never do that again, haha"

He laughed with me, then we ordered, ate and talked for a while until everything changed when we were about to leave and a random stranger said our names like he'd known us forever

"Isaiah and Emma Thompson, it's been so long"

"Um do we know you?" Isaiah said

"Oh my bad, my name is Gregory Johnson" the man said

"Oh hello Mr. Johnson" Isaiah said but I was still way confused as to who this man was

"Please call me Greg"

"Oh of course"

"Um Issac?" I asked 

"Oh I'm sorry Ems, this is was a close friend of our fathers"


"Yes, you were to little to remember him though"

"Oh ok, then hello um..."

"Greg, call me Greg"

"Hello greg"

"Hello Emma"

I was starting to get scared because he was staring at me like he was expecting me to say something else and I was started to fidget

"You guys have grown so much over the years" He said

"Yeah that's what time does to people" Isaiah said

Gregory looked at me again but I didn't want to say anything else, I just moved a little closer to Issac

"Um... we... uh have to go" I said more so to my brother than to Gregory

"Oh yeah, you have to go back to school, sorry little sis, almost forgot"

"It's fine, I hate that place anyway"

"Yeah I know, I hate it to"

"I'll talk to you guys later"

"Ok bye Greg" Issac said

"Bye Gregory"

"Bye Emma"

My brother opened the door for me and as I went out I could feel Gregory's eyes on me

I turned around and waited for my brother

"Do I have to go back?"

"Yes, you know that"


"Language sis"

"Sorry bro" 

We finally made it to the car and as I got in I looked at the resturant door and Gregory was still watching me, but my brother didn't notice

Ewww gross

My brother pulled out of the parking space and that's when I finally relaxed 

"Hey what's wrong?" My brother asked 

"Nothing, just tensed that I have to go back to that hell hole"

"Yeah I know, torturous but you have 5 more years of little kid school then we can go to the same college"

 "Can't wait" 

We turned on the radio and just listened to it until we got back to school

I got out and Issac followed

"Issac, what are you doing?"

"Saying goodbye to my sister properly"

"Haha, you don't have to, you'll be late for your class"

"It's worth it if I get to say goodbye to my favorite sis"

"Haha I'm your only sis, but if it will get you to go back to school then come here" I said and opened my arms, he came into my arms and nearly killed me with how strong he is

"Losing... air... can't... breath"

"Oops sorry little sis" He said laughing

"You are a football player, I'm not" I held up my arms "No muscles" I pulled his arm up "See muscles"

"Haha, I see" He said laughing 

"Ok now you have to go"

"You'll be at the game tonight right?"

"Of course, I want to support my big bro"

"Bye little sis"

"Bye" I said then watched him get in his car and leave, then I went to my class 


(Ashton's POV)

I looked everyehere for her during lunch, but she wasn't anywhere so I went to the only person I thought would know where she would be.

"Hey" I said as soon as I found him

"What's up?"

"Do you know where Emma is?"

"No, why would I?"

"Because you guys are dating"

"No we aren't"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean me and Emma aren't a thing anymore"

"But you guys were coming up on your 6th month anniversary"

"Yeah then I blew it"


"She found out about the bet"

"What bet?"

"I made a bet with some of my friends 6 months ago that I could stay in a relationship with Emma Thompson for a whole 6 months amd if I won, I would get 2 grand"

"You bastard" I seethed and punched him

"I probably deserve that, but let me explain"

"No you definitely deserved that and I won't let you explain because you broke my best friends heart" I punched him again

"I love her man"

I punched him again 

"If you loved her, you wouldn't have bet on her"

"Ok... ok... at first I was only doing it for the money, but-"

I punched him as hard as I could

"But as I spent more time with her-"

I just kept punching him

"I started developing feelings for her-"

I didn't want to hear any of this

"And soon I was completely in love with her"

I kicked him in the ribs

"Stop beating me up, I told you the whole story"

"Yeah how you used my best friend and then you told her the truth after you basically won the bet and then what you just walk away with a fully funtional heart while she walks away with a heart that's in a billion tiny pieces"

"No, how I used her at first and then fell for her and I'll be the one walking away with a heart that's in  a billion tiny pieces"

"I don't believe you"

"Well then don't but it's the truth"

"Well then have you seen her yet today?"

"No I've been so down in the dumps to even look up from the floor"

"Well she's wearing black and some white"


"Because of you"

"Well if she would talk to me then I might be able to fix that, but she's pissed at me so she won't talk to me"

"Then who will she talk to?"

We looked at each other getting the same idea at the same time, a little weird but whatever

"Her brother"

We went to the high school in search of Isaiah


(Isaiah's POV)


I went to my locker and started thinking... something is wrong with Emma, ever since we met Greg she's been acting really weird. First she's heartbroken and I don't know the whole reason for that, then she's fidgety when we meet Gregory, what other emotion can she possibly have in a day? Just then 2 of the people I'm not a fan of came up to me, great

"Ok so I know your not a fan of me-"

"Or me"

"But where is Emma?"

"Yeah we need to find her and talk to her"

"And what makes you think I know where she is?"

"Because you're her brother and she wouldn't worry you with not telling you everything"

"And because you are the closest one to her and she trusts you"

"Ok I do know where she is but what makes you think I want to help the 2 guys that keep hurting my sister's heart?"

"Well we don't think you would help us, but we want to explain to her why we did what we did... well why I did it" 

"Yeah and I just want to confess my feelings for her"

"Ok then let me rephrase that... No" I said and walked away


(Emma's POV)


I made it through most of my classes without getting annoyed by anyone, I guess that's a plus. 



"Go away"

"Please let us explain"



"You both shattered my heart... you destroyed my trust... you are both assholes"

"Emma I-"

"Dont... just dont"

"But I-"

"No, don't talk to me, don't look at me, and both of you can get rid of my number beacause neither of you will be talking to me ever again, got it?"

I looked at them to make sure they were listening

"Y...Yes" Caleb said

"No" Ashton said

"What do you mean 'No'?"

"I mean no, I won't get rid of your number, I will look at you, and I will talk to you"


"Because you are my world...without you I can not and will not go on"

"I'm sure you can go on without me, you'll just choose not to"


I looked at him, looking for something that would indicate he was lying, but I couldn't find anything so I just made something up to get out of here

"I have to get to class, leave me alone, both of you"

 I looked at Ashton longer than I looked at Caleb because I knew he would be the one to annoy me the most

"Fine, but no promises" Ashton said

 "Whatever" I said then walked to my math class

Chapter 10- Unbelievable

 Math Class

(Emma's POV)


I tried to focus on the math equation the teacher gave us but it's kind of hard to do that with a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. I turned around and gave Ashton a look that said 'You better stop staring at me or there will be trouble' his eyes told me he got it but he wasn't going to listen. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and just before I got to the door the stupid teacher had to speak to me.

"Ms Thompson, where do you think you are going in the middle of class?"

"Anywhere but here" I replyed back

"You can't go anywhere until you finish this equation"

I looked at the board... 1,000,000 times 3 divided by 9 plus 4, I walked up to the board and wrote the answer... 333,337.333333333333333. Then before he could say anything I walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the school doors.

"Where are you going" A familar low male voice said

"On an adventure" I said sarcastically

"O really now?"

"Yeah really"

"Well then maybe I'll come with you" He said

"I prefer to go alone, thank you"

"But I prefer to come with" He said

I turned around to look him in the eyes and when I did...


"Finally I get to see those beautiful green eyes of yours" He said


"No what?"

" my eyes are...aren't beautiful, b...but you know whose are... Ally's"



"I think they are just ordinary"

"I... I have go" I said trying to get away

"Whoa where's the fire, I want to get to know you a little bit"

"Um favoite color is blue, eye color is green, my mother's name was violet, my best friend was Ally and I am about to leave, there know a little bit about me" I said and walked out the school doors, only to have Tyler follow me

"Wait what do you mean your mother's name WAS Violet, did she change it?"

I stopped, I couldn't tell him the reason, I don't want him to give me the look everyone always gives me

"Um y...yeah, s..she c..changed it" I said not looking at him

"What is her name now?"

"Ummm, uh"

"O" He said suddenly

I looked at him

"Don't say 'O' I don't like it when people say 'O', nothing ever good comes from 'O'"

I said in a rush


"Don't you dare say 'your sorry'"

"But I am"

"It's not your fault, it's not anybody's fault, I don't want your sympathy ok just stop"


"No. Just. Stop"


"Please Tyler can you just leave me alone?"

"No I can't do that"

"Why not?"


"Because isn't an answer Tyler"

"It is for me"

"Fine whatever"

I started walking away...Tyler started following me, I turned around

"Stay" I said and held my hand up, like I was talking to a dog

"Woof" He said and started laughing

I smiled a small smile

"There's that award winning smile I wanted to see"

"Stop T..Tyler"

"Stop what?"

"Stop fl...flirting with me, y...your my ex-best friend's boyfriend"

"Well it's ok if she's your ex-best friend right?"

"Not right... It's still girl code"

"Ooo, there's a girl code" He said with his eyebrow raised


"Ok" He said and stepped towards me

"W..what are doing?"

"Nothing" He said and took another step towards me


"I don't think you want me to" He said and took another step

I took a step back

"So your legs do work" He said and took another step

"Of course they do" I said and took another step back

"Those sexy, tan legs of yours, I could stare at them all day" He said and kept moving forward

"No you can't, but you can look at Ally's all day" I said and kept moving back... that is until I bumped into a car and I couldn't go anywhere else

"Well Emma, where can you go now?"

"I can go, um..."

"Looks like your trapped" He said smirking

"Please dont"

"Why not, I know this is what you want"

"W...what makes you think that?" I said and my eyes uncontrollably went to his lips

"Well for one thing you keep stuttering whenever you're around me"

"" I said and tried to lift my eyes away from his big, plump, delicous lips

"And..." He bent down so we were making eye contact "My eyes are up here" He said with a wide smirk

"Y..yeah I knew that" I said and licked my lips, he followed the movement with his eyes

"Um w...we should prob...probably g..get back to cl..class" I said trying really  hard to keep my eyes on his

"Well I have a free period now and... I'm pretty sure you do to" He said and winked at me 

"We..well I have pl..plans for my period"

"O really?"

"Y..yes" I said and was going to move his hand so I could leave when he asked

"What would your plans be?" He asked and I moved back to where I was before so I could answer him

"Well I-" He cut me off

All of a sudden I felt warmth on my lips... I was too shocked to register what it was at first, but after a few minutes my brain finally caught up.... He put his lips on mine!!!! How could he do such a thing, why would he do such a thing?

"Tyler-" I tried to say but before I could, he put his mouth back on mine

This is wrong, I can't do this to Ally... But his lips are so warm and soft, and they taste so amazing... No I need to stop before someone sees us

"Tyler please-" I started but was cut off again "Stop, Tyler"

"Why you know this is what you wanted" He said and was about to put his lips on mine again when I pushed him back

"How do you know what I want?"

"Because Ally told me everything about you"

"So... Ally doesn't know me anymore"

"So if she doesn't know you then that means you don't know her, and that means if you kiss me then you're not breaking "girl code"

"Well I guess that's right" I said almost in a whisper "But I could never actually do that" I said a little louder still unsure of what to do

"Well then I could always make up your mind for you if you want"

"Just as long as no one gets hurt by my hands then I guess it's ok"

He started moving his lips over to mine again I didn't stop him

His lips tasted so good, but this has to stop before someone sees us

"As..." I said between his kisses

"Oh do you now?" He said "Why do you need to go?"

"'m hungry...yeah I'm hungry that's why I need to leave" I said and looked at him to see if he believes it

"You don't look like you're hungry" He said looking at me closley

Just then my stomache growled really loud, I looked away real quick so he wouldn't see my embarrassment

"Hey, I think it's cute when you blush" He said turning my head back "how about you go get something to eat and meet me back here after school?"

"Well I'm going to go get something to I'm not sure if I will be able to come back after school, meaning if I choose to come meet you after school then it will be way after school...after everyone else leaves so no one sees us" I said looking in his eyes so he saw how serious I was

"Haha" His chest shook as he laughed at me

"What's so funny, I'm being serious Tyler" I said not very happy that he was making fun of me

"You are so cute when you try to be serious" He said kissing my cheek

"Tyler" I whined

"Ok, ok, I'll still be here though" He said

"Whatever, Tyler" I said then tried to walk away again, he pulled be back again

"First" He said then put his mouth back on mine

I haven't done this much kissing in my entire life, not even with Caleb...But now that I think about it, I'm actually glad I didn't

"I have... to go now... or I'm going to... miss lunch"

"ok ok I'm sorry, I'll let you go" He said and moved so I could go

"Finally, thank you Tyler"

"Just don't forget"

"I won't"

"Ok" he said and I went into the school






Chapter 11- Betrayed

At lunch


(Ally's POV)


"Hey" Ashton and Caleb both said as they walked up to the bench I was sitting at

"Hi guys" I said back

"Have you seen Em?" Ashton said

"No" I said kind of sad

"Do you know where she might be?" Caleb asked me


They sat down

"You are her best friend, please tell us where she is" Caleb said

"I'm not her best friend anymore, hell I'm not even her friend because of you, Ash"

"What do you mean because of me?"

"You made me keep your secret from her so now she hates me just as much as you"


Emma walked into the cafeteria at that moment

"Shut up and look" I said pointing at Emma

They both looked, Emma stepped into the lunch line to get her food

"Well you guys wanted her so there she is" I said

"She's probably going to scream at us is we just walk up to her" Caleb siad

"No she won't, I'm sure she won't" I reassured them

"Ok if you say so" Ashton said and then they both walked up to her

"Hey Em" Ashteon said

She looked completely calm from what I could see

"Hi Em" Caleb said

"What do you want" She said breathing calmly

"We want to talk to you, just talk"

"Well I don't want to talk to you"

She started walking to an empty table

"Then can you just listen?"

"No, I'm busy" She said and sat down

They sat on the other side of her

"But it's really important that you listen to us though"

She closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths, then she slowly grabbed the smoothie on her tray and and her milk... and she poured them both on top of each of the guys heads. She looked them both in the eyes

"I said I didn't want to talk to either of you and I meant it, leave me the hell alone"

She looked back to me and gave me a glare, telling me to leave her alone also

Ash and Caleb came over to me, I handed them some napkins

"Well, that didn't go as planned"

"You think"


6th hour


(Emma's POV)


Don't bother me... Don't bother me... Don't bother me


I raised my hand

"Yes Ms Thompson?"

"May I be excused?"

"Yes you may"

"Thank you" I said then hurried out

I walked down the halls for a while, finding my way to the high school, I wandered around looking in classrooms until I found where my brother was.

"Psssss, hey bro" I said to get his attention

He looked up, I waved him over, he raised his hand

"Yes Mr Thompson?"

"Can I be excused?"

"I don't know can you?"

"Ugh, Mayyyyy I be excused?"

"Yes you may"

"Asshole" He said under his breath

I smiled

"What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in class?" He asked as soon as he got to me

"I asked to be excused"


"Cause those assholes keep trying to talk to me"

"Which ones?"

"Every guy in my classes"

"Damn stalkers"

"I'm going to skip my last few classes, I can't handle it"

"Ok, just as long as you stay at school, I'll pick you up after school"

"Ok, but  you will have to wait a little bit, I have to meet someone"


"Ally's boyfriend"



"Just don't get hurt"

"I'm already hurt"

"Just don't do anything you'll regret"

"I promise"

"I have to get back to class, I'll see you after school"

"Ok, I love you"

"I love you to"

We hugged then I went back to my school


After School


(Tyler's POV) 


I was leaning against the school building waiting for Emma to come out when my phone rang...                         



"Yeah, the plan is in motion"


"No not yet"


"Do you have no patience?"


"Just a little longer"




"I'm supposed to be the nice, sensitive guy remember, not like those idiots"


"I'm working on it"


"She's starting to like me, I can tell"


"Because I already got her to make out with me, god is she easy" I said laughing


"I'm going as fast as I can"


"Fine, I'll try to skip to the final step, but if Ashton White or Caleb Wellington gets in my way"




(??? POV)


I was on my way to go see the most beautiful girl in the world when I accidentally overheard a conversation, the voice sounded familiar.

"I'm supposed to be the nice, sensitive guy remember, not like those idiots"


"I'm working on it"


"She's starting to like me, I can tell"


"Because I already got her to make out with me, god is she easy" I said laughing


"I'm going as fast as I can"


"Fine, I'll try to skip to the final step, but if Ashton White or Caleb Wellington gets in my way..."




Wait a second, is that... no it can't be, but it sounds so much like him. I should go tell Ashton and Caleb, but what about her? Oh well, I'll just catch her at her locker.


(Ashton's POV)


"Ashton, there's something I need to tell you"

"Don't I get a hey first?"

"Sorry, hey, I also need to talk to Caleb"

"What is so important that you need to talk to both of us?" I said turning to face him

He whipered in my ear "it's about the new kid"

I looked at him, then I looked to Ally

"Ok" I said and pulled Caleb up with me

"Where are you huys going, you can't just leave me here" Ally asked

"We'll be right back"


 We walked out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom

"Ok so what's so important?"

"I overheard Tyler talking on the phone, with someone"

"Ok so... that's important why?" Caleb asked

"He was talking about Emma"

"What about her????" I asked urgently

"I only heard the last part but he said something about her being so easy, and he also said something about skipping to the last step"

"Last step of what?"

"I'm guessing they have some kind of plan that revovles around Emma"

"What else did he say?"

"He said that if either one of you guys get in the way..."

"He sounded serious"

"Adam if this is one of your sick jokes it's not funny at all"

"It's not a joke, he's outside waiting for Emma"

"Why is he waiting for Emma?"

"I'm guessing because they have some sort of date, type thing"

"But Emma is supposed to be mine" I said in a whisper but both of them heard it

"Actually dude, she's supposed to be mine"

"Whatever, that's not important" Adam said

"You're right, I'm going to go and spy on him" I said

"But you aren't supposed to get in the way"

"That's why I'm just going to spy from my car and not go and walk up to him"

"I'm coming with" Caleb said

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"Fine but if you even think about talking to her before me, I'll kill you"

"Haha ok fine whatever"

"Good luck" Adam said



After School


(Emma's POV)


I wonder why Tyler has a sudden interest in me, I can't do this to Allison, she may not be my friend anymore but I'm not the kind of person to steal a person's boyfriend away, besides I think I might like one of the football players.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of possibly likeing one of the football players

"What's that gorgeous smile for?"

"Nothing" I said and turned toward the 6 foot person standing next to me

"Well it must be about something" he said and smiled

"Um, if I may ask, who are you?"

"Oh sorry Emma, I'm Adam Mckinley, I'm on the football team with your brother"

"Are you a high schooler?"


"May I ask why you're at my locker?" I said looking into my locker for my book

"Well because I wanted to tell you something really important"

I turned and looked at him, shocked "What is that important thing?"

He didn't say anything instead he leaned down so he was eye level with me "This"

He put his lips on mine and I immediatly realized he was kissing me, his lip were so warm. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gave it to him. I had to go on my tip toes to fully reach his lips, he tried to pull back but I pulled him harder down. After what felt like an hour I finally let him go.

"WOW" He said looking down at me

"Haha what?" I said looking up at his amazing brown eyes

"I was just hoping you wouldn't kick me in the balls for doing that, but I wasn't expecting you to respond so quickly"

"Yeah well you seem pretty nice, so why not, and besides you're pretty cute"

"I have a question"

"What's that?"

"Will you go to diner with me?"


"Right now"


"Because I want to get to know you"

"What about my clothes?"

"What about them?"

"If I say yes can we quick go to my house so I can change into something else?"

"Sure, but that's if you say yes"

"Then yes"

"Really?" He said surprised

"Haha yeah, really" I said and shut my locker

"Ok, well if you're ready we can go"

"I'm ready"




Chapter 12- Interesting Friday Night

(Isaiah's POV)


I got a text from my sister saying she got a ride home from my buddy Adam and that he is taking her to eat so I shouldn't worry about her for supper. I texted Adam just to make sure everything she said was true and he said it was. I still have to make sure I eat but I have no idea what to eat. Just then my phone went off with a text from my sister 'I made a surprise for you, it's in the microwave', I went and looked... she made my favorite, pea casserole, I quick texted her back and said she was the best sister in the world. She texted back 'there's dessert in the fridge', I looked and she made a giant bowl of dirtcake, oh my god, I'm in heaven. But before I could even dig into my casserole someone knocked on the door, I went and opened it.

"Where is she?" Ashton asked


"Is she here?" Caleb asked

"No sh-"

"Well then where the hell is she?" Ashton asked

"If you guys would let me fucking finish my goddamn sentence you would know" I said irritated

"Well where is she then?"

"She's with my buddy Adam"



"Why is she with him?"

"Because he offered to take her to eat"

"Like a date?"

"No like friends"

"God dammit Isaiah, guys don't just take girls out to diner just as friends"

"Yeah actually they do"

"If you say so"

"Where did he take her?" Caleb asked

"I don't know"

"How do you not know?"

I walked back to my food


"Because I didn't ask" I said and started eating

"Why not?"

"Because Adam is my best friend so I trust him"


"Because he hasnt broken my sister's heart" I glared at them both

"Well, it was an accident"

"Yeah and you having a broken jaw will be an accident to if you don't shut the hell up"

That shut them both up, I went back to eating.

"Why are you still here" I said when I was done

"Because we wanted to see her"

"Yeah well she's not here so"

"Can we stay, just until you have to leave for football"

"Fine but don't bother me"


I took out a bowl and the dirtcake

"What's that?"

"Something Em made"

"Can I have some?"


"Why not you have that giant bowl"

"Because it's not for you"


"Shut up and go watch tv"


 They went to the living room and started watching tv.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, if you guys want some of Ems cake it's in the fridge, just don't eat it all" I said then walked upstairs.


10 minutes later


I'm all packed for football, and I'm dressed so I guess I should probably get going. But what am I supposed to do with-, my phone started ringing


"Hey bro"

"Em? Where are you?"

"I'm with Adam"


"Yeah, why is that bad?"

"I just thought you would be home by now"

"Oh yeah, I'm coming home to change but I called to ask you if Adam could take me to the game"

"I thought you were going with one of your friends"

"What friends" she said with an irritated tone

"Oh right sorry, yeah that's fine just make sure to tell Caleb and Ashton to leave, I would do it but I actually have to go right now"

"Doesn't that mean Adam has to go to?"

"No I'm the captain so I have some planning to do and make some plays for tonight"

"Oh right, ok well I'll see you at the game then"

"See you then lil sis"

"Bye big bro"

I hung up and went downstairs

"Yo guys, I have to go right now but my sister will be here shortly" I said to the two stupid boys sitting on my couch with giant bowls of cake

"Ok bro, we'll see you at the game"

"Ok and hey don't eat on the couch with that stuff unless you're going to clean it up"

"Ugh.. ok, see ya later"

"Bye" I said then walked out the door


20 minutes later


(Emma's POV)


I finally got home after what should have only taken 5 mintues, but Adam insisted we take the long way twice before I go home, I guess that wasnt all bad, after all I have two people I hate at my house anyway. Adam walked me to my door and  since he's my ride to the game I invited him in.

"I'll just be a few minutes"

"Take your time"

I smiled at him and went upstairs

"Ok what am I going to wear red, purple, blue, black or white?" I said looking at my clothes in my closet

Well I should probably take a shower first before I do anything, I don't think I'll need to lock my bedroom door because the guys will be busy. I went to my bathroom and got undressed, then I hoped into my shower and decided I wanted to smell like strawberries and watermelon, so I used my strawberry watermelon body wash, shampoo and conditioner. After I was done in the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and went back to my room.


"Eeek" I screamed and almost dropped my towel

"Haha sorry"

"You can't scare me like that Adam"

"Sorry, I was getting bored down there"

"So you just decided to hang in my room?" I smirked at him

"yup" He said smiling

"Ok then, but could you at least turn around or something while I get dressed?"

"Of course" He said then closed his eyes

"That's not turning around"

"If I can't see you it's close enough" He said smiling again

"Ugh fine but no peeking"


I still have to figure out what to wear though, ugh, I have so many choices, I guess I could ask Adam for his opinion

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what can I do?"

"Can you help me pick out what to wear, I know you're a guy and all but I have to many choices"

"Sure I can do that, are you trying them on or am I just supposed to guess what you would look like in them?"

"If you think trying them on would be better I could do that"

"Please could you?"

"Sure, which one should I start with first?"


"Red, Purple, Blue, Black or White"

"hmm how about the Blue one first"

I pulled out the blue outfit first and went to the bathroom, once I was changed I came out and walked over to him.

"You look great in that"

"Do you think it's to cold out for a sweater and leggings though?"

"If you get to cold I could always give you my jacket"

"Aww thanks"

"Yup, ok next, I think white"

I pulled out the white one and went to the bathroom, then I came out and showed him

"Nope not that one"

"Why not?"

"Because that is more of a clubbing dress than a football game dress, besides it's a dress and you're going to a football game"


"Next, Black"

I did the same thing again

"I don't think so"


"You're more of the preppy girl, and this is just too black for you, I mean you look great just not the right outfit for tonight"


"Next, Purple"

I didn't feel like going all the way back and forth again so I just stayed in my closet and got undressed

"What are you doing?"


"Why are you doing it right there?"

"Because I'm tired of going back and forth"

"Ok" he said then closed his eyes

I got changed into the purple outfit

"Open your eyes"

"I love it"

"So I should go with this off the shoulder top, with jeans?"

"Yes, wait don't you have one more?"

"Yes, the red one"

"Try that one"


I got undressed again and changed

"I like that one, wear it"

"You really like my red leather jacket, with my skinny jeans?"

"Yes, please wear it, if you do I'll be able to pick you out in the crowd" he said with a smile  

"Ok, I will but only because I want to not because you said that"

I took off everything again because I had to change into my red underwear set so I completely match. I went into the bathroom just to change into my bra and underwear then I came back out to get completely dressed.

"I like red on you"



I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" I said from my closet, I heard the door open so I just stayed in my closet and got my clothes on

"Hey, you must be Adam"

"That's me, and you are?

"Oh sorry I'm Ashton, Emma's best guy friend"

"Ex best friend" I yelled from my closet

"Ex? Why ex?"

"Long story"

"Oh ok, are you almost ready Em?"

"Yeah almost" I got my pants on and walked out of the closet to the bathroom to do my hair

"You look great" Ash said

"I know" I said, I look at Adam "When do we have to go?"

"10 minutes ago"

"Oh sorry, you can go if you're late, I don't want you to get in trouble"

"The worst they can do is make me run laps, that's not that bad"

"I would hate to run laps"

"I guess I'm just used to it"

"I guess so" I said and smiled "So Ashton what did you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you would listen now"

"Well I'm kind of in a hurry so if you could talk fast, I guess I would have time to listen"

"Ok, so about not telling you, I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling you because what if you didn't like me back, it would be awkward between us, Ally figured it out, I didn't tell her but as soon as she told me she knew I told her not to tell you. I know it was wrong of me to keep it from you for an entire year but I never had the right chance to tell you, I realize the way I told you wasnt the right time either but I was running out of options. That's why I gave you the bracelet, it would've been my anniversary gift to you."

"Technically it was an anniversary gift"

"I mean it would've been our 6th month together, if I would've told you sooner and you felt the same way"


"And I'm sorry I believed the rumors about you, I should've known better"

"You said that already"

"But you didn't forgive me"

I walked over to him, went up on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, then I went up higher and whispered in his ear "I forgive you" then I walked back to the bathroom to put on my makeup, I put on some red lip gloss and red eye shadow.

"Done" I said and walked out of the bathroom

"You look great" Adam said

"Thanks" I said and looked over to Ashton, he was just smiling "Do you or Caleb need anything else?"

"No, I don't think so"

"Ok so can you guys leave now?"

"Oh yeah of course"

"Ok" I said and started walking towards the stairs

"Do you need anything else in your room Emma?"

"No I don't think so" I said and Adam closed my door, then we walked downstairs

"You look amazing Emma"

"Thanks" I said still mad at him "Can you get out of my house now?"

"Yes I'll see you at the game" He said hopeful

"Sure" I said then we all walked out the door


Later at the game


(Caleb's POV)


I need to clear things up with Emma, I love her, I understand that Ashton White loves her too and that he probably has a better chance of getting with her then I do and that I shouldn't have taken that stupid bet but I didn't think that I would fall for her. I thought that it would just be simple, date the girl for 6 months get the money, easy. I guess I was wrong, she's amazingly beautiful, she has all these different styles, she has the cutest smile, lovley green eyes, I could go on and on.

"Hey sexy" a random girl said


"Are you here alone?"


"Are you sure?" she said looking around for my date


"But I don't see anyone" she said still being annoying


"So where is she"

"In the bathroom now leave me alone"

"What's her name?"

"None of your goddamn business"

"Geez it's just a simple question" she said and walked away

Damn slut

"Hey dude" Tyler said


"Not much just looking for Allison" He said


"Because she's sort of my girlfriend"

"Oh yeah that's right, sorry dude totally forgot, haven't seen her"

"Is she with Emma?"


"How do you know?"

"They aren't friends anymore so they wouldn't hang out"


"Yup" I said then turned to look for Emma

"Who are you looking for?" He asked

"Emma" I said then took out my phone and texted Ashton and told him to watch me

I wasn't actually looking for Emma, I knew exactly where she was, I was looking for Ashton so he would know why to watch me


"I have to fix our relationship"


"Because I fucking love her"

"Oh, well I have to tell you something" He said seriously

"What is it?"

"In private"

"Um ok?" I said skeptical

"lets talk over here" he said and lead me to a dark corner

"Why in the corner?"

"So no one will see you get knocked out" He said

"Whose getting knocked out?" Ashton said coming up behing Tyler 


"No I think you are"

"What did you do man?" Grant said

"This" Ashton said then knocked Grant out


(Emma's POV)


Football is actually pretty boring without friends to watch the cute boys with, besides I have no clue what's going on.

"You look confused"

"I am"

"May I sit?"


"Are you sure?"


"Ok" He said then he sat down

"Why do you always have to be by me?"

"Because I love you and we were always together before"

"We were also dating before"

"Yeah but-"

"No Caleb, you broke my heart for a stupid bet, now everyone thinks I'm an "easy target" and it's all because of you"

"I'm sorry, it started off as just a bet but then it turned into so much more"

"What are you talking about?"

"Will you listen?"



"I already listened to Ashton so now it's your turn to talk"

"Ok" He said then took a deep breath "I didn't have any feelings for you when I took the bet, I figured it would just be a bet where I got a ton of money out of it, I didn't care that I would break your heart at first, but then as months went by and I spent more and more time with you I began to have real feelings for you, I didn't want to tell you about the bet because I knew it would break your heart to know our relationship started on a lie, and I knew that you would think anything else I said was a lie so that's why I didn't tell you, when you broke up with me I was actually heartbroken, I've never been heartbroken in my life, I usually just get a girlfriend and dump her in a week or so, I never get feelings for them, but you were different, unique, beautiful. I looked into your eyes and I saw emotion, I couldn't figure out what it was exactly but I spent enough time looking in your eyes the last couple of months and I figured it out, it was happiness, and joy. You were happy with me and with your friends and your brother. I didn't want to see that emotion come out of your eyes. But when Ashton told you about the bet, it was out of jealousy, I can see that he genuinely loves you and that he really wants to be with you. I can also tell that he probably had feelings for you since the day he first saw you. I understand that he doesn't like the fact that even with my reputation as a player I still got the privilege to go out with you before he did, I can understand that he ruined my relationship with you to get me out of the picture and I don't hate him for that, but I can't live without you. Sure the bet was what started our relationship but in reality, deep down, I knew there was something I felt about you, I didn't know what it was so I just pushed it aside, but when we were together I would look at you all the time and just think 'wow I'm the luckiest guy in the world', and when you're not looking at me I watch how you smile and laugh and how beautiful you look. I love the sparkle in your eyes when you see something you love, I loved seeing that sparkle when you looked at me and I hated seeing that look go away as you learned the truth, all I saw was hurt and hatred, I wanted that look back but I knew I could never get that back. I really am sorry I hurt you, I didn't mean to, I fell in love with you for real... all of you. The silly girl, the broken girl, the happy girl, the beautiful girl, you are so beautiful there are no words to describe you, I fell in love with your confidence. I'm so so sorry Emma, I'm not expecting you to forgive me or take me back, I just wanted to tell you my feelings"

I didn't know what to say, I was speechless, I didn't realize that I started crying

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry"

"No it's fine, I'm happy"

"You are?"

"Yes" I said then I hugged him

"But I ruined everything"

"Yes but telling me everything just now, I saw how much you meant every word, how genuine you were"

"I truely am sorry though Emma"

"I know you are" I said then I kissed him on the cheek

"What was that for?" He said blushing

"Nothing just showing emotion" 

"I love you Emma"

"I love you too Caleb" I said then scooted closer to him and he put his arm around me

I saw his eyes light up

"I'm not saying I'm giving you another chance"

"I'm not asking for another one"

"How about we try being friends to start with"

"I'd like that" He said with a smile "So... you and Adam huh?"

"Hehe, that's nothing" I said blushing

"You're blushing"

"He's cute, but I don't know him that well, besides he's my brother's friend"


"So, that would be weird, since they hang out all the time"

"If you say so" he said then we turned back to the game


After the game


(Isaiah's POV)

 We won the game, now I'm trying to find Emma, so we can go home and celebrate but I can't find her.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" Adam said

"My sister, so we can go home"

"Oh do you want some help?"

"Sure, I'll text her first before I start looking just in case she's by the car already"

"Good idea"

I texted her and asked where she was, she texted back right away.

"Where r u?"

"Walking by the cars w/ C, y?"

"Game's over"

"K, where do u want 2 meet?"

"By my car"

"K, me and C are over here right now, r ur doors unlocked?"

"I think so"

"K I'll b in the car"

"K b there in 10"


"She's by my car"

"Ok, hey could you give me a ride?"

"Didn't you bring your car?"

"Yeah, but my bro took it, since he came with friends but he thought the game was boring so he needed a way back"

 "Ok, no problem, I'll take you home"



"Wait, will your sister mind?"

"No I don't think so, just as long as you don't question her music choice"

"No problem there haha"

"Good and you might have to sit in the back"

"She has the front?"

"Yup, she is my sis after all"

"K that's fine"

"Ok" I said and we were at the car

Adam got in the back and I walked to the driver's side

"Hey guys"

"Hey sis"

"Good game?"

"Yeah, we won"

"Yay, so we get to celebrate?"


"How about movie night, with some alcohol?"


"Yay, best bro ever"

"Haha I know"

She looked deep in thought

"What's wrong?"



"It's just that... remember when mom and dad would take us out to celebrate everytime you won a game and it  became like our family night everytime you had a game and not just the times you won?"

"Yeah I remember that, that was a lot of fun"

"I miss them"

"I do too Em but it's been 3 years"

"I know" She said and I saw a tear fall down the side of her cheek

"Hey you still have me" I said and gave her a smile

"I'm glad I have you as my brother" She said with a smile, then she turned up the radio and we listened to it all the way to Adam's house 

"Bye dude" Adam said


"Bye Em" he said with a slight blush

 she got out of the car and went over to him, she went up on her tip toes, kissed him on the cheek and said "Bye Adam"then she came back to the car. He was just standing there shocked.

"B..bye" He said then we drove away

On the way home it was silent, I didn't want to say anything because Emma looked deep in thought about something.

 "Something else bothering you sis?"

"No, no it's nothing"

"Tell me"

"Well I just feel like I'm supposed to choose"

"Choose? What do you mean?"

"Choose between Adam, Caleb, and Ashton"

"Adam is part of that now?"

"No not exactly, I mean he's cute and funny and all, but he's more of a friend ya know?"

"Yeah, he's a cool friend"

"And then there's Ashton"

"What about him?"

"I've known him since forever, and I didn't even realize he liked me like that"

"Well you didn't really ever pay much attention to that stuff"

"I should've"


"Then there's Caleb"


"Nope what?"

"There's no Caleb"

"What do you mean?"

"He only went out with you because of a bet that only benefit him, he didn't care about your feelings and he sure as hell didn't care about your reputation"


"Did he say something to you that changed your mind about him?"


"What did he say"

"He said that he...he told me the truth"

"The truth? Does he even know what that is?"

"He told me the truth about everything, the bet, his feelings, everything"

"So that doesn't mean you should forgive him!"

"I didn't say I would go back with him, but I did forgive him"


"What? It's my decision, I can't live in the past forever and he apologized so it's not a big deal"

"It's not a big deal??? It's a huge deal!!! He chose to make the bet even when he knew it would be crushing your heart so that's a big deal to me, and you have a thing of living in the past, you can't seem to let our parents go after 3 YEARS, they are gone and they aren't coming back so you need to get over that, I've gotten over it so it's your turn"


I turned to her and she was crying

"I'm sorry Em"


"I didn't mean to go off at you, I just don't want you to get hurt again"


"Emma please talk to me"





She reached for the radio and blasted the random channel it was on, I guess we'll talk when we get home


15 minutes later


(Emma's POV)


I can't believe he told me to leave our parents in the past, I know it's been 3 years but I just can't get over the fact that they are gone, they were the people that loved me the most, the people that never hurt me, I hate being mad at my brother because he's the only one I have left, he's the only other person that cares about me, no matter how hard things get, it'll never change. I don't plan on giving him the silent treatment forever, I'll forgive him when he comes in my room later to apologize 50 billion times. We finally get home after what feels like an eternity.

"Emma will you please talk to me?"


Please, I can't stand it when you're mad at me"

"I know" I said then I got out of the car and went up to my room


Later that night


'Knock Knock' I knew it was my brother but I didn't tell him to come in, I just acted like I was sleeping

"Emma, can I come in?"

I knew he would come in anyway

"Emma? Are you sleeping?"


"I know you're not sleeping"


"Look, I'm sorry I went there, I'm sorry ok, I'm really really really sorry, please forgive me, please please please please"



I heard him walk around the bed to my side, then I felt the bed sag

"Please forgive me"

I sat up so I could see him and I wiped my tears

"I'm sorry Em, I didn't mean to make you mad at me or to make you cry, I know it's hard to let them go but you still have me and I'm not going anywhere aytime soon"

 "B-but you will leave m-me"

"What makes you think that?"

"Y-you'll get a gir-girlfriend a-and then y-you'll l-leave"

"Emma, I would never leave you, even if I got a girlfriend, I would make sure the girl is ok with me being here for you before I make her my girlfriend, besides, you're the only girl for me right now"

"B-but you-you're the quar-quarterback"


"So, every girl in school likes the quarterback"

"That doesn't mean I'll like them back and leave my little sis in the dust"


He wiped a tear away from my cheek and looked into my eyes

"It's just me and you against the world"

"for now" I smiled

"So does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?"

"I wasn't mad, I was just hurt that you would say something like that to me"

"I really am sorry about saying that to you, I was just so mad that you were forgiving that douche so easily"

"But I wasn't forgiving him so easily, I was still really mad at him but then he told me that he actually started having feelings for me and that he was actually heartbroken when I broke up with him, when he said he was heartbroken I was kind of happy to know he had emotions, and that's why I'm not getting back together with him, but I will be his friend, just to guide him and to help him learn what a real relationship is, and maybe teach him not to be such a douchebag" I said with a laugh

"I'm sorry Em, I'm just trying to look out for you"

"I know you are, but I'm almost 16 and I'll be able to drive soon so you'll have to give me some freedom, meaning you have to let me make some mistakes so I can learn from them"

"Ok, but I don't like the idea of you being able to drive" he winked at me

"Haha I'm totally a better driver than you"

"As if"

"Hahaha you are such a girl"

"Am not"

"Are too"




"Yes now go to bed, we'll talk in the morning"

"Ok goodnight little sis" He said then kiised me on the forehead and got up to leave

"Goodnight big bro"


later that night


(Caleb's POV)


I can't sleep I keep think about Emma. What she's wearing right now, even though I'm pretty sure she's wearing her short shorts with a tank top, she looks so cute in that outfit. I know she probably won't ever take me back, but I'm lucky just being her friend. God I love her sooooo much, how did Ashton do it all this time, being friends with someone you love is the hardest thing ever. Should I text her? No she's probably sleeping, but what if she's still up? No it's 1am she won't be up.


"Hi" She sent back right away

"You're up?" I asked surprised



"Can't sleep"


"Yeah, why are you up?"

"..." I couldn't tell her the reason I was up was because I couldn't stop thinking about her

"C, why are you up?"

"Because, I can't stop thinking"



"Caleb, you can tell me"

"About you"


"See I couldn't tell you"

"Sorry, I get it but it's not like I can do anything about that"

"I know you can't"

"Do you want to come over?"

"Your brother doesn't like me"

"I invited you, besides he's sleeping"

"But if I knock on the door he'll wake up"

"Then climb up to my window"

"Lol ok, I'll be there in 20"

"I'll be waiting"


20 minutes later


(Emma's POV)


Tap Tap

I got up to go open the window for Caleb


"Hey" he said climbing into my room, once he was in he just stood there looking at me

"What? Do I have a bug on me or something?" I asked freaked out

"No I just missed seeing you in your pjs" He said making me blush

I took his hand and walked over to the bed

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I'm tired" I said climbing into my bed

He just stood there awkwardly, it was kind of cute

"Hehe come here" I said moving over so he could crawl in bed too

"I missed your laugh" He said climbing into the bed and looking at me

"I'm cold" I said moving closer to him 

"Haha then go put on some other pjs"

"But that would mean I would have to get out of bed and walk all the was over there" I whined "Can't you just warm me up?" I said and moved closer to him

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him,  I put my head on his chest

"I don't think coming here helped any"

"It did"


"You couldn't stop thinking of me and that was keeping you awake, so you came over here and now you can sleep knowing I'm right next to you" I said turning around so my back was facing him

"So you're ok with me being here, next to you like this?"

"Yeah, it's not like we're doing anything, besides I'm cold and you're warming me up and I'm helping a friend get to sleep so it's a win win situation."

"Ok as long as it's ok with you"

"It is, now go to sleep" I said putting my hand over his hand still wrapped around my waist

"Goodnight Emma"

"Goodnight Caleb"

Chapter 13- Choosing

 (Caleb's POV)

I woke up to something rubbing against my leg, I opened my eyes a little and I saw gorgeous black hair, that smelled like strawberries and watermelon. I tried to remember what happened last night and where I was. I know I wasn't in my own room, I reached over the figure rubbing on me to see the alarm clock. 8:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to get up as fast and as quiet as possible, but the person beside me moaned and said "Don't leave, I'm cold" I realized then who it was.

"Ems, I have to go, before your brother sees me"

"Noooooo stay a little longer, if it makes you feel better you can lock my door." she said half asleep

"Fine, I'll stay a bit longer, but only a little bit then I have to go"

"Ok" She said and went back to sleep soundly

I went around to her door and quickly locked it, then I ran back to her bed and crawled back under the covers with her

"You're so cold Em"

"I know, that's cause you left me"

"I'm sorry beautiful, I'll never leave you again."


"I promise" I said kissing her forehead

"I love you Ashton" She said and kissed me on the lips

Did she just say Ashton?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

"Who do you love?"

"You silly"

"Are you awake?"

"Yes" she said sleepily

"Fully awake?"

"Haha no, I'm tired and I want to sleep"

"Who am I?"

"You should know that?"

"I do but do you?"

"Yes silly"

"Can you say my name please?"


"Thank you, you can sleep now" I said kissing her gently

"I'm cold"

 "That's cool"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh come warmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuup"

"Hahahaha fine" I said crawling closer to her and wrapping my arms around her


4 hours later


(Emma's POV) 


"Emma, time to wake up its noon and you haven't even eaten breakfast yet" Isaiah said


"Please Emma"

"5 more minutes"

"Ok but if you're not up and dressed in 5 minutes, I'm coming in and dragging you out, by the way you have a visiter"


"WAKE UP EMMA!!!!!!!!!!"

"What I'm up I'm up, geez no need to scream"


I opened my eyes and tried to get up, only to be pulled back down by an arm around my waist

"mmmm Caleb you know how much I'd love to stay here with you but you heard by brother, we have to get up"

"I recall him saying YOU have to get up, he doesn't know I'm here remember"

"Yeah Yeah, you still have to get up too though because he might see you"

"But I want to stay here and cuddle with you"

"Cute but you can't, you can stay here until I get out of the shower but then you have to leave"

"Can't I take a shower with you?"

"Hahahaha no Caleb, you have to behave"

"I promise I will, but I really want to take a shower with you, Pleeeeeeeeeease" He said and gave me puppy dog eyes

"Noooooooo Caleb, now close your eyes, I'm going to get undressed"

"Why don't you get undressed in the bathroom?"

"Because I want to fold my pajamas nice and just put them back on my bed right away"

"You're so weird"

"You love me because I'm weird"

"I love you for a lot of reasons, you know that"

"You're distracting me"


"Getting undressed, now close your eyes"

"ok ok" He said and closed his eyes

"No peaking"


I started getting undressed, I started with my pajama pants since they were the easiest to fold, I took them off slowly then folded them and set them on my bed, then I took off my shirt then folded it and set it on top of my pajama pants, I knew Caleb didn't have his eyes closed anymore, I could see his blue eyes, he's really bad at trying to be sneaky, I stood there for a couple minutes in just my underwear pretending to make sure everything was folded neatly, then I put my hands on my waist and slip them down to my hips, then while looking at Caleb I pulled my underwear down and stepped out of them, then I bent down to pick them up and when I got back up, there were arms around my naked waist.

"I told you no peaking"

"You know I can't not look" He said and bent down and kissed my neck

"Caleb, I have to take a shower"

"You still have 2 minutes"

I turned around and kissed his lips then I pulled back, looked into his eyes, and ran into the bathroom

"So not fair"

"Is so"

I left the door unlocked and started the shower, once it was warm I got in, I wanted to smell like vanilla so I used my vanilla body wash, vanilla shampoo and conditioner, I was washing the shampoo out of my hair and I didn't even hear the door open, I was about to reach for the conditioner when I felt someone right behind me.

"Caleb just because the door was unlocked didn't mean you were invited to join"

"But it was so tempting, so I did it"

"Mmmmm fine, well since you decided to join me could you hand me the conditioner" I asked looking into his eyes

"Which one? You have like 50 of them"

"The vanilla one"

"Ok" He said still looking confused

"Hahahaha it's white"

"Ah got it" He said and gave it to me

"Thanks Caleb"

I started putting it in my hair and I felt Caleb's hands on my back

"What are you doing Caleb?"

"Washing your back for you"

"Yeah ok Caleb"

His hands kept moving around, then they went down to my lower back



I turned to him and brushed my hands over his chest, he took my hand and put them over his abs, I started tracing his 8 pack, I looked into his eyes, I saw love and lust

"Caleb..." He stopped me from saying anything else by kissing me, I kissed him back, the kiss got deeper and more intense, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, I pressed into him as he pressed into me


****This next section will be a little R-rated so if you don't want to read this section skip down to these marks***********


He pressed his cock against my pussy, I was craving him, more than I've craved anything which is weird because we aren't even together anymore, I wanted him in me.

"C...Ca...Caleb" I said breathlessly

"...." He just kissed me harder

"Pl...please" I breathed out

"..." He took the next step and put the tip of his cock into my pussy, it felt really good

"Caleb if you go further I think we'll need more than 2 minutes" I said looking him in the eye

"I want you Emma" He said and looked me in the eye

"I love you Caleb, but we're over"

"But I need you Emma" He said and I saw something I never wanted to see, I was scared

"Can you put me down now Caleb?"

"No I don't want to"


"..." Instead of putting me down he pushed his cock further in my pussy

"Caleb stop it hurts"

"..." and further

"ahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed in pain "Caleb stop" I screamed

"..." His fingers dug into my ass as he pushed me harder onto his cock, he took us out of the shower and into my bedroom, without pulling out of me he laid me on the bed and started fucking me, I was in unimaginable pain but he wouldn't stop, I was in tears but I had a pillow over my face so my brother wouldn't hear me getting raped right now, I could feel the blood pouring out of my pussy as Caleb raped me harder, he grabbed my breastd hard.

"Owww Caleb you're hurting me" I said pleading

"You're so tight, it feels so good" He growled at me

"Please stop, look at me, look how you're hurting me" I cried

"Mmmmmm, I'm cumming" He yelled and came in me

I passed out after that from the pain



6 hours later


I woke up a few hours later, I was in an unfamiliar room and it was white everywhere, I moved my leg an inch to get more comfortable but I screamed in pain.

"Emma? Emma? Are you ok?

"I'm ok, I'm just in a lot of pain, where am I?"

"You're in a hospital"


"Caleb raped you this afternoon, don't worry he's here too but he's in critical condition, thanks to Isaiah"

"What do you mean he's in critical condition?"

"Your brother and I were downstairs waiting for you to come down when we heard you screaming, we ran up the stairs and tried to get in but your door was locked, we heard your balcony window open so we ran outside and around the house, then we saw Caleb climbing down trying to get away, he got halfway down the tree before I pulled him the rest of the way down by his pants since he wasn't wearing a shirt, I kicked him in the ribs so he wouldn't get back up and I climbed up the tree to your balcony and once I was there I saw you passed out on your bed bleeding from your... you know, so I ran to your bathroom turned off the shower, got a cloth and got it wet and I cleaned you up, sorry about that by the way, it was a complete privacy violation, but I couldn't bare to see you in that condition, you were naked so I grabbed a sweatshirt out of your closet and some sweatpants, your breasts were bruised with giant handprint marks same as your thighs and your stomach, I unlocked your door and carried you down the stairs and out to my car, I told Isaiah to take care of Caleb and meet me at the hospital, I carried you into the hospital and got help right away but they wouldn't let me in the room with you since I wasn't your family so I had to wait in the waiting area, it was torture Ems, you looked like you were dead, I couldn't just sit there and wait for them to tell me your condition, I didn't want to leave either because what if you woke up, what if you didn't, I love you Emma Ivy Thompson and I'm sooooooooo glad you woke up"

"A lot has happened, how long have I been out?"

"About 6 hours"

"OMG thank god it's Saturday, I have to get out of here" I said and tried getting out of bed only to scream in pain and lay back down

"You can't Emma, you have to stay here for observation"

"I don't like hospitals"

"I know and you don't have to tell me the reason, all you have to do is lay here until the doctor comes"

"Ughhhhh fine, but stay with me please"

"I'd never leave you"

"I love you"

"..." His eyes were as big as the moon and his mouth popped open wider than ever

"I love you Ashton Richard White"

"I love you too" He said and kissed me gently




Chapter 14- Obvious Decision

 (Ashton's POV)


"Ems, can I ask you an important question"

"Sure Ashton, you can ask me anything"

"What was Caleb doing at your house?"



"Sorry Ash, I'm so stupid," She said and started crying 

"Ems... Emma, it's okay, you're not stupid, it's over now"

"No, I'm stupid, I shouldn't have let him into my room, I shouldn't have let him stay the night, I shouldn't have let him come in the shower with me, I'm so sorry Ash"

I froze

" guys showered together?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry Ash"

I started moving away from her

"Please don't hate me ashton"

"I...I don't h...hate you"

"Please come back"

"I can't Emma, I...I need some"

"No please Ash, I'm sorry, I need you"

I couldn't look at her, I couldn't be in the same room as her, I needed air, I ran out of the room hearing her call my name behind me

"Woah Ashton, where's the fire?"

"I need to leave"

"What? Why? Did something happen?"

"Y..No everything's fine, I just remembered I was supposed to help my mom clean up the house"

"Oh, are you all right?" 


"Don't lie to me Ashton Richard White"

I looked back to the room

"Fine, come with me"

I led him to my car and we got in, I started my car and started drving to the place it all happened...


(20 minutes later)


"Ashton are we almost there?"

"Yeah just a ittle farther"


I glanced at him but he was looking out the window with a worried look on his face


"Are you taking me..."



"Because Emma showered with Caleb"



Texte: Mackenzie Feit
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Lektorat: Mackenzie Feit
Übersetzung: Mackenzie Feit
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2015

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