
Gregory Hall

Once there were 4 teens, Mark, James, Zoe  and Jess. Since it was halloween they all decided to visit Gregory Hall. It was said to be one of the most haunted places in Blackwood town. Gregory Hall was built in the late 1890's, it was home of the Windsors. The windsors were said to be the first family who inhabited the Windsor Mansion.  Their father John Windsor got crazy and killed his wife and their only daughter, Millicent Windsor,  including himself. Their bodies were found in the basement with their eyes popped out of their eye sockets, while his only daughter was stabbed by the chandelier, hanging just above the investigators. The people were mortified by the sight. The family was the talk of the town.


Then in the 1900's it became a home of troubled men and women. The asylum was headed by Gregory H. Morris. He was a fine headmaster of the asylum. But days passed and he went missing. Then one night, his assistant came looking for him and discovered him in the basement. Body parts cut and scattered while being eaten by crows, his head cut off with eyes wide open with is body rotting on the ground.


It soon became a school in the late 1950's. They called it Gregory Hall in the name of the late headmaster Gregory H. Morris. But students became missing over the past 5 years until the investigators found the bodies hanging in the basement, their legs cut off with their bodies duct taped leaving their heads hanging nearly headless.

A year later another student, a theater student was said to have stabbed herself during one of her plays.   She stabbed herself multiple times on the face carving a smiley face of blood in front of many people and at the same time hanged herself. Many more morbid acts took place in that school until the government shut it down for good.

 This present day, Gregory Hall stood still peacefully and waiting.  Until the Holloween of 2014 came.

Come In

The 4 friends stood outside the dark streets outside Gregory Hall.

"So you guys really up to this?" said Jess.

 "Of course we are! we've been planning this thing from the beginning of the year" James answered.

"Well alright let's do it then" said Zoe.

They all started walking towards the Mansion, but paused when they noticed that Mark wasn't following.

"I don't know guys I mean I don't think it's a good idea"

"Come on Mark! don't be a wuss we're just gonna explore the place that's all" Replied James.

"You guys have you heard the stories about this place?!"

"Duh" all of them muttered.

"Uh fine".  All of them walked toward the big double doors.  The place was huge! there's even a fountain plastered on the very front.

"You guys it's locked"

"Hold on Jess I have a key... Oh wait, crap i left it in the house" all four friends groaned

"Oh too bad well i guess the tour's over ha ha come on let's go back" Mark said stuttering. 

But just as when the four friends turned their backs to the main doors, a gush of wind blew chilling all of them.  The windows in the Mansion were blinking, openning and closing continusly.

"OMG!!! Did you guys saw that?! by the balcony, i saw a girl looking at us! her dress drenched in dirt with no freaking eyes!" Mark said wide eyed.

"Mark come on i think you're just overreacting, this place is abandoned oh for the love of..." 

"No! I'm not kidding! she looked like something that crawled out of the ground!"

But as soon as Zoe could answer back they heared a creaking sound.

The doors of the masion suddenly opened. 


Waking Up The Spirits Within

"Well i guess we're going in after all" Zoe said smiling sweetly at Mark.

"Ha! you guys i am not going in there i'm going back" 

James replied "ok well suit yourself, we're going inside goodluck walking that creepy street on your own"

Mark halted in his tracks.

 "You guys are so evil" then he catched up with them.


The masion had an eerie feeling inside. The fist thing they saw once they stepped inside was a beautiful crystalized chandelier, dusty, old and broken with time.  Some parts tinted with dried blood.

"Whoa... do you think.." Jess whispered

"No it couldn't be..." Zoe whispered back

"I think it is..." James said

"What? What is it?" Mark said hiding behind Jess

"I think we found the chandelier that hanged at the same time stabbed the Windsor kids" James replied getting pale.


"Relax! this place is unoccupied would you get the hang of yourself?!" Jess remarked irritably


They went deeper inside the mansion discovering all kinds of rooms where the teens stayed during the time it was still a school.

They all walked the halls of the mansion side by side.

Soon they came in contact with a dark corridor.

"should we?" asked Zoe already feeling a bit light headed.

"well we came all this way might as well" answered James

As they explored the dark corridor they soon realized that it was dressing rooms.

"Oh hey look at this" mark pointed out.  The dressing room has a star on the door, graying and parts of it were chipped.

"oh look there's a name!.... i think this room belong to..."

"Barbara Roberts" James finished paling once more

"OMG! i love her isn't she the one who used to be a super star in this school? i watched a couple of her plays she's really talented" "come on let's go inside i wanna catch a glimpse of her room" Zoe said excitedly.

"Oh no Zo i think that's a bad idea!" but James stopped mid sentence. Just when Zoe creaked open the door....



One Soul Taken

 Jess saw a moving figure at the corner of her eye.  Suddenly all four friends became quiet. A chill went down their spine.

"did you guys felt that?" Zoe asked

"it's probably just the temperature i mean this Mansion is very old" Jess said dismissing what she saw.


As they all entered the dark room, James said complaining "what the... hey Mark why'd you push me?!"

"it wasn't me James... someone else pushed me..." he whispered at the brink of tearing

"I think someone's with us guys... in this room"

And they all heared the door banged shut.

Suddenly the lights flicked on and off.

And then total darkness filled the room.

They all jumped in horror as they an old TV playing.  

"hey i've never seen this tape before and i'm pretty sure i've watched all of Barbara's plays" Zoe said distracted.

"oh no Zoe... it's because they never relased this one" Answered James

"really why?" asked Zoe confused..

"just watch" James not breaking eye contact with the TV.

"this is the play when Barbara Roberts killed herself in the most dramatic way possible.... in front of an audience"

And the clip showed Barbara Stabbing herself multiple times in the face running towards the camera man and then her bloody face was displayed on screen.



the lights flicked open revealing a momorial for Barbara.  A picture of her stood at the side of her room with her coffin surrouned by flowers.

They were all surprised with fear that they all rushed in the door only to be found that there was no escaping for them.

when they all took a breath Jess noticed Mark sitting at Barbara's bed his back facing them.  

"hey Mark what are you doing there?" she questioned.

Mark turned his head smirking at them.

"oh i was just admiring this room, why don't you guys join me... since we're stuck after all" 

"hey Mark you ok man?" asked James

"yeah of course i am.. never been better" 

They all went towards Mark.

They all were panicky while talking about how will they get out of there.

"Jess do you have any signal?"

"Oh bollocks no Zoe i don't do you?"

"ah no luck" "how bout you Mark got any?"

"i suggest we all stay here for the night" sitting in a way straighter than any guy would.

James was on the other side of the bed contemplating while playing his keys. Tossing them up and down.

But then the keys dropped and he accidentally kicked it under the bed.

"oh shoot" he muttered quitely.

He leaned down the bed searching for the keys with one hand and then suddenly his hands came in contact with hair.

"what the hell.." he said quietly

and as soon as he looked under the bed 

His heart pumped hard on his chest and his body ran cold as he saw Mark lying there with eyes wide open whispering

"It's not me...It's her" "You need to get out of here" voice trembling 

And then Mark was being dragged and the bloody face of Barbara peeked under the bed while dragging Mark away.

"GUYS WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" James shouted in urgency..

When he stood up he found Barbara on her bloody costume dragging Mark away to the bathroom. Dead.

"bloody hell! bloody hell!" 

He was frozen in place but then a hand gripped his arm

"James we need to leave NOW!"

James saw Jess and Zoe tearing up with horror in their eyes.



Latched Spirit

 James full of adrenaline broke the door knob by twisting it rapidly.

They all ran through the pitch black corridor.

They were relieved to find the moonlight shining in one of the windows.

"James where's Zoe?" Jess asked looking around franatically

"ZOE?! ZOE it isn't funny anymore!"

 "BOO" said a voice

 James and Jess jumped in surprise

They turned around to see the curtains moving

"who's there?" James said with an echo

The curtain started moving around.  Like there was someone playing behind it.

Then it stopped.

Suddenly a figure was starting to show in the curtains.  It looked like it was reaching out for them.

"James" Jess whispered "i think we need to run now

but James was frozen in place.

The figure started walking towards them slowly.

By the hem of the curtains you could see the girl's feet covered in dirt and rotting.  You could see the white stained dress starting to show.

By the time that the curtain was about to reveal the girl it spoke...

"Help me please.." her voice sounded like she was choking.

"OMG! OMG! James we need to leave her! she's posessed!"

"But its Zoe! we can't just leave her!"

Zoe looked like one of the dead.  Her eyes were wide but has no pupils, her hair was tied in a medieval way, and she was dressed in a 1890's white night gown with dried blood and dirt.

And she was reaching out to them.

"that's not her is it?" james asked already heading towards the staircase

"nope" Jess said dragging along James "i think it's Millicent Windsor... that was the dress she wore the day she was found hanging in the chandelier"

And then Zoe's face changed to Millicent Windsor.  Her features grew wild like she was about to kill. Black liquid was dripping down her mouth as she ran towards them grinning like a lunatic.

Both friends ran towards the grand staircase hurrying down the stairs.

They finally reached the door.  When they got out Millicent came by their side with an axe in her hand.

"James don't look back she's got an axe!!"

"Keep running Jess! Run towards the barbwires i have an idea!" James shouted through the rain.

As soon as they reached the barbwires James looked franatically at the switch that'll power the electricity.

"Jess! i need you to go over the wires now! do you hear me?!"

"yeah i got ya! but what about you?!"

"don't worry about me ok?! just get over there!" James shouted over the thunder.

James saw Millicent holding the axe walking towards him slowly

"James.. just join me here at the mansion forever... you'd be a good addition to the dead bodies that lies on the grounds" Millicent said 

"nah i'm happier alive thank you very much... besides i don't plan on being ugly like you"

As soon as he said it Millicent ran almost pouncing at him, but James was faster.  He immediately stepped away, while Millicent got stuck by the wires, James grabbed the switch and electricuted Millicent. 

He soon put the power off and hoisted himself up the wires only to see Jess sitting and crying her face back at Millicent.

"hey it's ok its over now alright? i'm so sorry about all of this... This was a ..." but Jess cut him off

"it's not that James... look over your shoulder..." she said sobbing

when he did... he couldn't even stand the sight... Zoe was the one tied in the wires.  Her whole body hanging and burnt.  Her face was almost unrecognizable.

"i feel like we killed her James" Jess said crying

"come on Jess we need to go... we did what we had to do" 



After the Mahem

"come on jess, lets go home and eat some apple jacks" james said to calm jess down

"Okay then, lets go, i need a long nap" jess answered


A few years has passed since the incident happened. every halloween james and jess go back in Gregory Hall and light candles in memory of their fallen friends. THE END


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.12.2015

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