
My name is Callidora

My name is Callidora it means gift of beauty. I think it is not true, because everyone calls me ugly. Sometime "The Great O Pale Face". I hate it; just because I am different does not mean you need to treat me like crap. I am just like them, but I am a vampire. I don't even suck blood! I just need to eat raw meat or some what cooked meat. I am too young to drink the blood. I was just turned into a vampire today. So I am my age, 12. I was born in 2000, so it will not affect me until I am about 4,012 that is about two thousand years from now! Anyway. My life was perfect, but not to much. I had friends and was called A SUPER SMART NERD(SSM), but that change over one thing. Why do we need to hurt each other we are all the same.

My new life

As I took a deep breath as I awoken in the morning. The light is not hurting me. Not at all. I went toward the bathroom and brushed my long brown hair. I questions were talking to me "Who will you tell? Are you going to tell mom and dad? What about school? What are you going to do?" Then last night went in my head again. I was walking home from school, but when I was almost there a something hit me. I feel to the ground and he came on top of me. His hissing came back in my ears. The pain in my neck came back and then his screaming. I remember that a police man came to my rescue, but he was to late the vampire sucked my blood. The police man helped my up, he did not see me bleeding on my neck. He turned around to get the vampire, but he was gone. I ran inside my house. Then took my shower. I went to the mirror after my shower only seeing to bite mark in my neck, as it was going away. I blinked my eyes, trying to forget that moment. "Hurry up Callidora I need to go use the restroom." My little sister Luise said. "Why don't you go use your restroom?" I said in reply. "I hate the color that is why now let me in." Luise said. Then I could hear her pain in here voice she was bleeding. "Come on in and I will help you clean that cut." I said Luise opened the door. We never showed our parents out cuts or they will just give us more. I washed her cut and put the healing medicine on it and it was gone. "Thanks." Luise said. I smiled, "You are welcomed." "Girls come over here now and eat your breakfast." Mother said. We ran toward the table and saw the half way cooked sausage. "Mom mine is not cooked all the way." Luise said My mother picked up the plate and gave it to me. "Fine Luise go hungry." Mother said. Luise got out of the chair and ran off. I started to eat my breakfast, and finished it. I saw Luise heading out the door. "Wait Luise let me come too." I said grabbing my bags and heading out the door.

Once we headed out Luise said, "Are you ok?" I did not nod. "Can you keep a secret?" I said "Sure" Luise said. "I was bitten by a vampire last night." I said my sister looked at me in shock. "I thought vampires do not come around here!" Luise said "I know, but why would they come here only one reason. One of their kind died." I said. Touching Luise. "I am leaving a sent on you so the vampires will not hurt you OK." Luise nodded and we walked all the way to school without saying a peep.
When I made it to school it seemed differnt. No onw paid any attention to anyone, because they all knew something was going on today. I gulped hoping the most popular girl named KiKi was not going to hurt me today. Every day of a month she will chose one kids to pick on for the rest of the year. Everyone was silent and was being good. Finally I saw KiKi. I turned around even though my locker was right beside hers now. Her locker moved right next to mine. I gulped and walked toward me locker KiKi. KiKi looked at me codly and said, "I guess it is your turn." I looked away asif I did not hear a word and slaped KiKi in the face. I saw the shock in her face and blood started to pour down her face and she scearmed, "Callidora I will get you." as she reached for I took a step back. I saw tears coming in Kiki's eyes and she said, "Now you ruined my make-up and now I will ruin your life!!!" she said running off crying. Everyone looked at me in shock, they all new that I was the one running off and crying. I smiled and opened my locker I finally just showed my power.

Ms. K

It came to fifth period so fast. Every time the clock ticked my heart raced I wanted to get out before sixth period, because the room is filled with garlic and it is a new class to protect yourself against a Vampire. "Callidora can you answer this question?" I looked up at the board to see Greek writing and the words formed out and spelled Only Smart people get it, but some times not on their own. They try hard and never give up, but dumb people never even work hard.

"Yes, Mr. Hop it said Only smart people get it, but some times not on their own. They try hard and never give up, but dumb people never work hard." I said smiling. I saw Mr. Hop with a grin on his face, "Yes." He said "But I never taught you or anybody these letters in Greek. How do you know them Callidora?" I froze in shock and said, "I study them, so I can b ready for a surprise test." Mr. Hop nodded. And handed out paper. "Ok then I want ever one to write the alphabet in Greek. I will write the letters on the board, but they will not be in the correct order and yes this is a surprise test." Mr, Hop started at me "Callidora you may sit at my desk, so no one will cheat off you." I jumped up to go to the desk when KiKi raised her hand. "Yes KiKi. I think Callidora cheated, because I had my Greek writing book out to see if it is the right one." She said staring at me in anger. KiKi always sit at his desk on a test. Mr. Hop grab his ruler and slapped me with it and yelled, "CALLIDORA YOU ARE SO DUMB!!! I THOUGHT THIS QUOTE WAS PERFECT FOR YOU, BUT IT IS NOT I SHOULD SEND YOU TO THE OFFICE, BUT SINCE I AM GOING TO GIVE OUT A TEST I WILL GIVE YOU A ZERO!" He said slapping me one more time with a ruler and running to the computer to put in a zero. "Opps this is for Chinese writing" KiKi said Mr. Hop turned around with pleasure in his eyes, "At least you are truthful and so different from others KiKi. But I need you to read the cover first. Ok." KiKi nodded. I touched my face were the teacher hit me and felt blood. Every one screamed in horror as I fell to the ground. I got back up and got a towel, and wiped the blood off of me. When I looked up no one was not in the classroom, but the new vampire teacher, Ms. K

Say What?

Ms. K came up to me a looked at my bloody face. "So what happened." she said. I blinked no one never asked that question when Mr. K hit us with a ruler. "Mr. K he slapped me with a ruler, because KiKi said that I was cheating, but I was not she then said when I was done getting punished with my zero and slap, opps it is not Greek." Ms. K sighed, "Ok tell me your name and class." she sighed again, "So I can tell your teacher what happened and why you cannot attended class." she said getting paper and pen "It is you Ms. K." I said She looked up in shock, "Well today is a cannot miss day, so come to class and put a ban aid on it. I followed her to the class getting scared every moment I walked closer to the classroom asking questions in my mind "What if she finds out? What would happen? Is she mean? Oh I hope not." Finally we reached the door as Ms. K slowly opened I froze only to see garlic hanging around the doors and windows. Ms. K walked ignoring the smell of rotten pumpkin (yeah this class was pumpkin craving). She turned around and said "come on in." I walked in holding my breath, but for my luck the fire alarm rang. We ran outside and then it started to rain. Everyone was screaming, but me. "How can you not be screaming if the water is ice cold?" the teacher said. Then I saw KiKi pulling her out her camera and hear screaming "she is a vampire!!" Ms. K came running to KiKi "Let me see." she said garbing the camera. "How can that be she made it into my classroom?" She held it up to KiKi and she said, "I guess she really is one." Everyone started to back away from me. The run was being to stop "The sun should be out soon. Then she will die." Ms. K said when the sun came out I was still alive. Rolling my eyes I said, "I am not a vampire." "What explains the camera then" KiKi said. "I do not know, but let me see it." I said the teacher walked close to me and gave me the camera. I tuned it on and put KiKi's face on if, but then I saw erase that face button; of course I pressed. "OMG KiKi is a vampire." I said "Why did you use erase that face button?" I said "I did not,I do not even know how to use it" she said Then a teacher came to me and said, "Tell the truth Callidora or we will kill Luise." My heart raced as I saw them having a gun at my sisters neck and head. I looked at her with the eyes of sorrow and I told her through my eyes I must tell them the truth. My sister shock her head. I closed my eyes and thought about the moments with my sister. I opened my eyes and turned around "Yes. I am a vampire." I said when my eyes were turning a dark brownish and reddish mixed together. Everyone blinked, I just looked at them. I sighed, "So what now you know do what you want, but even if I die I will die in pride. At least I did not kill someone yet even though I want to. If you do not know who it will be KiKi she deserved to be a vampire. She is just mean. She is not who you think she is. Mr. K why do you think KiKi did that to me, do I ever cheat?" I said. As soon as I was done I passed out.

It begins

As soon as I woken I was in my room, but I knew it was not safe to go about. I looked around my room. "Mom! Dad!" I said. I heard foot-steps coming toward my room; my only hope that it was my family. My room door opened and I saw my sister Luise with tears in her eyes. "Callidora you did not have to do that. Now what will happen to you?" She said walking to me crying. "I did it, because if you die it is not right you are not even close to ten in about three years and you still did not live a long life, but I can." Tears ran down my face and I said, "I love you Luise." I said looking down. Luise gave me something in my hands. "Sisters forever." Luise said. Handing me something. I looked at it. A sliver bracelet locket on it. I opened it to see me, Luise, mom, and dad. "Where are mom and dad?" I said looking up. "Coming here they wanted me to talk to you before you go, but they are going to talk to you." She said waving bye and crying. Soon after my mom and dad came in with tears running down their face. "Callidora are you telling the truth if KiKi did something like let us know.". I shook my head, "I am not going to tell a lie. I am a vampire and that is the truth. You would not lie about how you two use to hate each other, but became madly in love. So why would I tell a lie?" I kept on hearing thumps. Then out of no where I heard Luise screaming and a gun shot. Blood shot terror hit my eyes. Then the guy with the gun came in my room pointing the gun at Mom. The guy fired the gun, but my dad jumped in front of it killing him. The guy put down his gun. "My name is Sargent George." My mom started to cry again "Please may I have more time." Sargent George shook his head "No. I wish I could, but I can't." I looked at him coldly I knew the only reason why he was here was for me. "Mom, I'm ready." My mom started to cry again and gave me a hug. Sargent George pushed my mom of me. "Are you crazy this kid is a blood sucking demon!!" And guess what. My punched the guy in the face. I could not help but laugh. "Hey if you were not a women I would have killed you by now!" He walked toward me again. "But you killed my little sister is that right?" I said. His face went pale and nodded. "It is more then likely she is going to become a vampire too." I looked away waiting for the deadly fell, but instead I felt the floor. I realize I had a chain on me. "Let me see one of your hands." Sargent George said. I did not trying to fight. He put a chain on it. We began walking and I saw my mom crying. "Mom I love you. Dad I love you. Luise I love you." I said "Sir when we get by my sister let me stop and hug her on last time." He looked at me and nodded he could tell how much I loved my sister. It was in not time I as by my sister crying and hugging her. It was as if my tears were magic, because she came back to life. Screaming still. "Luise it is ok." Luise looked at my eyes and hugged me. Sargent George pulled the chain again as a sign we must leave now. I got up seeing my sister crying "Even if she is a monster she is not evil she helped me out when I had a cut!! No vampire can do that with out a lick of blood!" Sargent George turned around and rolled his eyes. He began to walk again toward the door. I knew there are going to be mobs of people who now despise me who I am, but when we where out I could not believe my eyes.
People where there crying even KiKi I heard her whisper, "How did this happen the whole town is now in danger." That question kept on talking in my mind. I gulped thinking of the fact of that. The guy pulled the chain and I fell cutting my arm. He turned around and laughed, "I thought you were going to escape already." I blinked at him and I know it was a good idea, but I had a feeling it was a bad idea. He kept on pulling on the chain to a sewer. Pushing me in, but then the killing vampire teacher came and told him to make me put on this red dress. I had to put it on and I coughed up some blood, but no vampire can cough up blood. It concerned me a lot, be for my luck scientist were watching me. I sat down on the floor I felt like I was going to cry and I was also looking for a way out. I looked up and saw a window. I could not help myself, but to grin. I walked up slowly to the window and looked out of it. Dang it people with guns are there. I walked away from the window slowly and I put on the dress. I walked out the door toward the guy. He rolled his eyes and saiD, "Come one!' Putting the chains on my hands again. We continued to walk until we were in the part of the sewer with a cage door on the top. I saw a foot chain and a hand chain, "Let me guess, I have to do it my self and wait for the guard to come tomorrow and kill me?" The guy nodded I saw him staring to cry as he put me on the chains. I looked up and saw dark clouds I knew that the guard may not come tomorrow if it rains.

Its raining Its pouring

I went to sleep quickly felling fat rain drops falling on me. The next day it was raining and I saw a stack of newspappers over me. I looked at one and used my mind to move it. It fell.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.08.2012

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To people who are bullied and died from it.

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