
The Hunters; are not hunters

When I was born I had a mom and dad. When they were killed no one cared. They took me away to defend for myslef. I lived, I survied when I should die.

I was running into the woods catching up to a deer; I was about to get it until this pack went in front of me. "I will show them." I said I ran faster then ever to the deer making the kill. I smiled to my self another victory for me! "Dumb wolf why did you take our kill." "For your informintion I was going after it first." "You are just a Zenon to my pack; go at once before I kill you." "Hahah. Anyway what is your name.' "Im not telling you. No go!" "Nope. I am staying here." "Grrrr. Get her!" I started to run toward them, but then a gun shot. "WAIT!" "What you are scared?" "No hunters... They are here." "I only trust my pack." "Fine suit your self not my fault if someone dies today; and FYT they might be in your pack." I got my prey and jumped in a tree with it. I started to eat it. The pack left, I guess they gave up on getting my prey. Also there was another deer or animal. Oh yeah by the way a Zenon is a stranger... I fell asleep, but when I woke up I was not in no tree I was in a box. "Hurry up dudes, we can become rich with this wolf, if we send it to the zoo! A wolf that has no family and knows how to hunt, climb trees, and defend himself." "It is a her Billy." "I dont care." I growled, I had a plan and it is embrassing. I started to pi out the cage. "Ewwwwwww! The mutt pied on me!" "Let it out so it can pied." I was realsed I started out slowly and ran out. Went until I did not know where I was. Am I lost? Then I saw an elk. I licked my lips. It been about five months since I had eaten. I chased the elk and killed it. I carried it up in a tree, but it fell out i jumped down. There were other wolves. I did not want them to get my meal so i said "Yay! It's raining elk! Now leave me alone or i will chase you." and is said that kind of wriedly. A wolf asked for my name and i know that bascilly every pack hates me, so I lied and said Twinkle, even though my real name is Zi. She offered me food and i said yes and at a whole bunch; hey what would you do if they were giving free food?

Some more random stuff

When I started to trust my new friends Sparky and Rose i told them that my name was Zi. That night I went out for a walk. I never will sleep with a pack. I have been going out a lot at night. But this night was different. Duke followed me. No won knew. "Hey Zi." Duke said
"What do you want" I growled Turning around
"I just wanted to tell you how pretty you are." Duke said walking towards me
"Ugh! Now you follow me what are you a stalker now! Or a Killer?" I said with anger
"No! I just wanted to be your mate." Duke said
"I thought Rose was your mate. And plus I do not like you. You are like... It is too hard to explain... Just leave me alone." I said trying to walk away
"Fine I guess I just need to tell Rose what you did to that poor little pup." Duke said
"What you where there!! I did not kill that pup I tried to protect it! He got hit by a car. I tried to bring him back home to his mom, so the can have funereal for him/" I said.
"Yeah that is why no pack wants you. Ha ha. But I will let you get what you want." Duke said
"Go away!!!" I said, but for my luck Duke just pounced on me and started to hump me. I bit him. He growled and then I passed out. My black out dream was telling me that I will soon see why I should have left, but I did at the same time. Confusing? I know...

When I awoken I was in Duke's den right beside him. Eww, I found something of his and broke it. I ran back to Rose's den and acted like I was asleep. Soon I awoken and I forgot the rest of the day, but not the after noon.

We were walking around. And then I feel to the ground with stomach pain I wanted to tell Rose what happened, but I did not with fear she will kill me. All I saw was the Rose went and Sparky said, "The same birth Mark" in whispers. We figured out we where sisters. After that we went back to the pack. I ranned to Duke's den to ask question to him, but he was not there. I walked around his den. And passed out again from pain.

The next thing I knew when I woken up was that i was in a cage. I looked to my sides and saw my sisters. Rose and Sparky. I saw Duke walking up to me "He sweetie. I know you are not a bloodwolf, but Greeneyes and Darknight say your are, so I told them to not hurt you until the next stage. If you are not a bloodwolf, but if you are.. You get it, don't you.? Any way how are the pups?" Duke said when he was walking
"What do you mean by pups?" I said
"Remember what happened last night?" Duke said hitting his head on my cage
"Oh. Yeah they are fine." I said in despair.
"Greeneyes switch here please..." Duke said
"Fine. I will, but what about the-" Greeneyes
"other blood wolves." Duke said interrupting Greeneyes
"Here you go ummmm. Who ever you are." Greeneyes said giving a bottle of potion to me.
"What is this?" I said
"It is some kind of potion my potion maker made. You must drink it after the war or you and your friends will die. You may also drink it now if you like." Greeneyes said
"And remember get their plan." Duke said
"What do you mean?" I said
"We are talking to this ghost dog of out packs potion wolf... It is going to help us with our friends. Come here now by the way." Greeneyes said

Many other wolves came. They all looked like Duke, Greeneyes, and many other wolves. We realized one of my sister was waking up. The real Duke and Greeneyes and other wolf ran off and only three remained. The others that where left ran of some where. I acted like was asleep until Sparky and Rose woke up. When i woke up from my fake sleeping. My sisters told me the plan; I did not told them what happened before they woke up.

The cage gates where opening and a voice said,"Let the war begin." I heard the cheering of other wolves.

To be contiued


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2012

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