

I heard the word “Tinerals”. Whoever/Whatever said it, said it in an utterly soft, innocent, voice. My 9 year old brain thought “Tinerals? You're most likely hearing things”.  I went back to what I was doing.  After a few minutes, I heard it again, “Tinerals”.  I peeked out the window of my house.  I looked out the window.  I screamed “what are Tinerals?” ( to nobody, I guess ).  Then I heard my parents asking “Makla! is that you?” (and, by the way, Makla is my name). I went back to bed. My dad came up to my room where I was sleeping. “Makla, are you awake?”, he asked.  I pretended to remain sleeping.  My dad went back downstairs.  I looked out my window.  I saw a giant gray wall. I called my parents.  There was no answer.  Suddenly something was pouring down the wall that was..hmmm…Tinerals possibly? I saw a flower scream “Tinerals!”. I saved the flower from, well, Tinerals I suppose. “What are Tinerals?”, I asked the flower. "Carbon Mono-something” said the flower. “Carbon Monoxide?” I asked. “No, it’s - Carbon Monosion. Yes. Carbon Monosion.” the flower said. '‘Ok." I replied.

Surviver Flower

"What is Carbon Monosion?", I asked.  "Well, Carbon Monosion is a collision between the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai and the Great White Wall of Taflamai. We call it Tinerals", said the flower. "So, do we live in Taflamai?" I asked. "Yes", said the flower. "What is your story?" I asked.  "Over 15 years ago there were tons of flowers in Taflamai, but a few years after there was a powerful explosion. All the flowers died, but somehow I managed to survive. Since then, the Great Walls of Taflamai kept colliding causing Carbon Monosion to be created, which kills flowers and humans, but somehow I managed to survive that too", the flower said. "Oh, I see.  So you're like a surviver flower", I said.

The Blue Palace of Taflamai

 As me and my flower were walking around, I saw a Blue Palace. I dazed at it for several minutes before I walked towards it. On the top of the palace, in gold, it read 'The Blue Palace of Taflamai'. I saw four guards standing out side of the Blue Palace of Taflamai. I knocked on the door. The door opened. It was like a party. It had all the foods you would want, tons of entertainment, - pretty much everything!!!  "What is this for?" I asked the guard." The grand opening of the Blue Palace". "Ok." I said. We went in. We had the pizza first, of course. We then started dancing. It was fun. There was a bouncy house in there too. We were there all day.  


Tei Abller

As I was walking with my flower, looking at the beautiful sights, I felt sad. I missed my family. I really wanted to see my parents again. Then suddenly I saw a giant green man jump in front of me.

“Hello! I'm Tei Abller. I'm here to help you with anything!!” he said.
I simply walked away.
“Come on! I can get you food, a drink, make you something...and more!” he said.
“Did you say that you would help me find my parents? I asked.
“Yes,” he replied.
I was smiling with joy. “Well then, I will allow you to help me find them!”

Beginning the Search

"OK Tie Apple. You promise that you will help me find my parents?" I asked.  " Yes. And by the way, my name is Tei Abller not Tie Apple." he said. We started walking around Taflamai to find my parents. Suddenly, for about 3 seconds, I heard my parents scream "Makla!". Then it all went back to normal. I saw a bird fly by Taflamai. Tei Abller said "OH MY GOSH!! A BIRD!!!". "What about it?" I asked. "There are only a few more birds left here. They are becoming exctinct here in Taflamai. Mainly because of Tinerals." said my flower. "Thanks foe telling me little buddy. In my old city, birds were everywhere. Now I am in this city, and I need to find my parents." I said to my flower.  I kept hearing "Makla!", but never managing to find where it came from. So we kept on walking, unaware of what was going to happen next..........................

The Collision

I heard a smash. I knew what it was. It was Tinerals, the collision between the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai and the Great White Wall of Taflamai. "Tei Abbler! Flower! RUN!!!!" I said. I ran too. I noticed that the flower was gone.  I looked over. I saw my own flower just laying there. No movement was shown from him. I cried. "Help." I heard him say, in a very hopeless voice. I grabbed him. I ran with the flower, and Tei Abller slightly ahead of me. We were running as fast as we could.

The Rush

I rushed to the grass as fast as I possibly could. I started digging a hole in the ground. I planted the flower in the dirt, and watered it. I used all the wood from all the trees I could find to make a big wall to block off the Tinerals. Then I realized something bad.......

Behind the Wall

I couldn't find Tei Abller. I then realized, he was behind the wall I had made. "I can't climb!!" he said. I climbed over the wall and just barely grabbed his hand and brought him over it.

My Parents in an Eye

The Tinerals went away. Tei Abbler started talking. I noticed something very, very, weird. In his eyes, was my house, my family - pretty much everything. I stared at them for 10 seconds, and I found myself at home again. "Mom!!!! Dad!!!! I missed you so much!!" I said. I ran up to my parents and hugged them. "Where have you been?" my parents asked. I was not sure if I should tell or not...................

The Chain

"Well.............I woke up in a place called Taflamai, and there was this flower and this guy named Tei Abbler. And we went on adventures." I told my mom. About 2 seconds after, I was back in Taflamai with my leg tied in a chain. My flower was nowhere to be seen. I was upside down which made me get a very, very, bad headache. I was in a dark, gray, big, cave. Then suddenly I  saw an old looking person walk by. "You tried to leave Taflamai didn't you? You should already know that you are not supposed to. If you do it again, I will turn the Arrow of Time." he said. "What is the Arrow of Time?" I asked. " The Arrow of Time is pointing foward. If I turn it back, people will be born old and die young. And you will have less time to live. The flower will just die." he said. "Who are you?" I asked. "The King of Taflamai. I will let you loose from the chain, but DON'T LEAVE TAFLAMAI!!" he said. He let me loose. I ran out of the cave.

The Search for My Flower

I started the search for my flower. My flower seemed to be gone. Just as I was thinking about that, I remembered that big, gray, cave I was in before.. My flower could have been in there. I ran to it, finding my flower just hanging on the end of that chain. I noticed that the king wasn't there so I went to the flower. "Get out of here!" said the flower. "Why?" I asked. I looked over. I saw the Arrow of Time turn. "The king walked in. "You have came to the wrong place." said the king...............

Regarding The Turn

The King kicked us out of the cave and made it so nobody could get in. Luckily, he threw the flower out too. I grabbed him and started to look for Tei Abller. My mind was very, very, confused. I didn't leave Taflamai, but he turned the Arrow of Time. I suddenly heard Tei Abller's voice screm "Over here!". I couldn't find him. "I am slowly dying because the Arrow of Time is turned," said the flower.  I buried the flower into the ground, and went to turn the Arrow of Time back to the direction it was pointing before. I went to the castle. I had no clue how to get in until I saw a key left outside the door. I opened it. I then turned the Arrow of Time to it's normal direction. I fell asleep and woke up with my parents, in my house, but still in Taflamai. Now I have my parents, my flower, Tei Abller, - wait! WHERE IS TEI ABLLER!! 

The Search for Tei Abller

"Tei Abller!!" I said about 40 billion times (not really). I kept hearing his voice but I could not tell where he was. First I walked in the SBNT (the Semimomistramestra Bellfront Neble of Taflamai). It looks like a giant statue of - a bla. Points and prickles BLA BLA BLA is what the statue looks like. Well, Tie Apple is not there. Whoops!! I meant Tei Abller. Next, I looked at the NBNYUA (I have no time to explain what that means!!). My gosh!! Not there! I then went to the Ice Skating Rink of South Taflamai. Not there either. I went to the Blue Palace of Taflamai. He was not there. OH NO!!!!!

The Next Day

I woke up the next day. The next thing to do was to make it so the king can't turn the Arrow of Time. I walked in the palace. I then realized that I was like before, upside down with my legs tied to a chain. I started crying. The king walked in. "Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Eek eek. Like that sounds so convincing!!" said the king. " Your crying won't help! You are going to stay up there forever!" he said.  I started biting the chain. It broke. I tied him in the chain. I then broke the arrow so it could not be turned. I ran out, unaware that I dropped the key. He broke his chain, picked up the key, and chased me. I was running as quick as possible. I didn't know what to do...........

Tei Abller the Hero

Then, Tei Abller jumped in front of the king. Tei Abller carried him, and threw him to -  who knows!!! I thanked Tei Abller and gave him a huge hug. 

Collision No. 2

Then, there was a collision between the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai and the Great White Wall of Taflamai. I saw Tinerals about to come to the ground. "RUN!!", I screamed. I then took the heaviest thing I could find and slammed it on the Great Gray Wall of Taflamai so that could never happen again until next year. What a relief. 

5 Years Later........

I went downstairs to have some breakfast. I had some Strawberry-Banana yogurt but that doesn't really matter. I watched a TV show, played outside, bla bla bla bla bla etc.  It was a regular day with my parents, Tei Abller, the flower and, of course, me. So I pretty much adopted Tei Abller and my flower from Taflamai who I named Melanance. I knew I had saved the life of Melanance and Tei Abller. If they would have stayed alone, their whole life would be focused on getting away from the Tinerals. I had the feeling that I was finally home in Taflamai. 


                                                               The End





About the Author

Zion Phoenix is an author, musician, artist, singer, and a dancer. He has done a TEDx talk, he has been a guest on the Ellen Show, been on Bay News 9, Tampa Bay Times, Susana Gimenez, will be on the German show Superkids and more!!  Zion is also the author of 'A Short and Educational Book of Science'. This is Zion's first fiction book!!!  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.04.2016

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