

The alarm went off at 6 30 like every weekday morning. I got up from my bed and headed into my adjoining bathroom. I quickly showered and got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into my room. I pulled on a black lace bra with making panties. I then pulled on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans with safety pins connecting the rips. I then pulled on a large Black Veil Brides shirt before pulling my black converse. I quickly brushed through my hair leaving it to dry because I had naturally wave red hair. I grabbed my bag, phone, and I-Pod before creeping down the stairs. I saw that no one was up yet so I swiftly left the house and started on my way to school. I pulled my I-Pod out and put the ear phones in my ears and blared Paramore Brick by Boring Brick. As I walked down the street I quietly sang along.

She lives in a fairy tale

somewhere too far for us to find.

forgotten the taste and smell

of a world that she's left behind.

it's all about the exposure the

lens I told her. the angles were

all wrong now she's ripping

wings off of butterflies.

Keep your feet on the ground

when your head's in the clouds.

Well go get your shovel and

we'll dig a deep hole to

burry the castle burry the castle

ba da ba ba da ba ba da

So one day he found her crying

coiled up n the dirty ground

her prince finally came to save her

and the rest you can figure out.

but it was a trick and the clock

struck twelve. well make sure

to build your house brick by

boring brick of the wolfs gonna

blow it down!

I hummed the rest of the song as I slowly approached the school building. It was still early but a few cars were in the parking lot. I walked on to campus and quickly made my way into the school and to my locker. I opened the door and put my bag in it after grabbing my stuff. I shut the door and turned around to run into a wide chest. I looked up and groaned when I saw Andy. Andy used to be my best friend but that changed when I started cutting. He wanted me to stop but I wouldn't so I distanced myself from him. He was currently the football captain and the soccer captain and the most popular guy at school. His hand cupped my cheek as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I stiffened but stayed where I was.

''Misery,'' he breathed my name.

''Andy, you need to forget about me,'' I whispered. ''You have everything a guy could dream of. I will just bring you down.''

''But I can't,'' he said. ''And I don't care about what everyone says. Misery, you have always been my best friend and I don't want that to end.''

"No,'' I said pushing him away. ''I can't do that to you and I won't let you do it to yourself. Just forget about me.''

And with that I turned and walked away leaving him staring after me. I made my way to homeroom which was math and took a seat in the back corner by the window. I took my head phone out twenty minutes later as students filed into the room. I ignored the stares and whispers like every other day. The teacher came in and shut the door and immediatly launched into the lesson. I zoned out and was brought back to reality when the door opened. I looked up to see a man with blond hair and blue eyes walk in with a boy of about 19 with black hair and green eyes enter the room behind them. Everyone stared at them. The girls sat up straighter and fixed their eyes on him.

''Yes, how can I help you?'' the teacher asked.

''We are looking for Misery Grace,'' the man said.

I felt all eyes snap to me as I slid down in my seat. The teacher pointed to me in the back and the two males turned to me. The man walked toward me as the boy stayed where he was staring at me. I looked down uncomfortable with everyone's attention on me. The man stopped beside me and smiled brightly.

''Hello, I'm Chance and my son up there is Conner,'' he introduced himself. ''I'm sure your parents have told you who we are so why don't we leave so you and Conner can get to know one another.''

''SIr, I have no idea who you or your son is. My parents have never even mentioned your names,'' I said.

They were too busy being drunk and beating me I added silently.

Chance looked shocked along with Conner. ''So you have no idea that when you turn 17 in two week that you are to marry my son?''

''What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I exclaimed. ''Who said I was getting married? Why the fuck was I not notified?!?!?!?!?''

''Well I assumed your parents would have told you...'' Chance trailed off.

''Dad, lets just get her out of her and explain it to her,'' Conner said walking toward us. ''This isn't the time or place to tell her. Plus everyone here doesn't know how to mind there own business and is listening to your confersation."

"Come on,'' Conner said turning to me and taking my books and hand pulling me out of my seat.

I pulled my hand from his grip and took my books back. "I can carry my own things,'' I said as Andy moved toward us.

''Misery, you don't know them it's not safe,'' he said taking my hand in his.

Sharp intakes of breath sounded around the room at mister popular talking and touching the emo freak. I sighed and looked up at him.

''Andy, I'll be fine,'' I told him.

''Misery,'' he said pulling me into his chest wrapping his arms around me. ''I don't want anything happening to you. You know I love you.''

''And I love you too but I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself,'' I said pulling away.

''Is this your boyfriend? Or an ex?'' Chance asked looking between the two of us.

I looked at him and he had a worried expression on his face. I looked then at Conner and his fist were clenched and he was glaring heavily at Andy.

''No,'' Andy said. ''I'm her best friend.''

I noticed Conner visually relax as the worried expression fled Chance's face.

''Okay, well we really need to get going so you can start packing your stuff,'' Chance said turning around.

''Shit,'' Conner mumbled as I exclaimed "What?!?!?!?!?!?!"

''Dad, we haven't explained a thing to her so please stop talking,'' Conner said grabbing my hand and pulling me down the aisle.

''I keep forgetting,'' his dad said.

''Misery,'' Andy said pulling me away from Conner. "Don't go.''

''Dude, just go away,'' Conner snapped. ''Misery has to come with us so we can explain everything to her.''

''Then I'm coming with you,'' Andy said.

''Now listen here,'' Conner started but got cut off by his dad.

''Sure. Whatever will get us out of here faster,'' Chance said.

Conner turned away and walked out of the room after his dad. Andy intwined our fingers together and we walked out of the school following Conner and his dad. We got outside and Conner and his dad climbed in a truck while Andy pulled me over to his mustang.

* Conners POV *

Dad and I pulled up at her school and climbed out. I followed him to the office where he asked where Misery Grace's class was. The lady said room 14. Dad thanked her then we went looking for the room. We found it and Dad opened the door causing the noisy room to go silent. I followed him bored out of my mind. I know she's just gonna be some dumb bimbo slut and I have no choice but to marry her. I noticed all of the girls looking at me and practically undressing me with their eyes. Fucking sluts I thought as everyone turned to look at the most gorgeous girl i have ever seen. She had firery red hair that fell in waves down her back. Her eyes were a bright green that seemed to draw me in. My dad walked down the aisle to her and introduced us both to her. I tuned into the confersation as she opened her very kissable mouth.

"Sir, I have no idea who you or your son is. My parents have never even mentioned your names.'' she said.

I stared at her shocked as did my father. She doesn't know i thought. She has no idea that we have to get married. She's gonna blow a gasget.

"So you have no idea that when you turn 17 in two weeks that you are to marry my son?'' my dad asked.

Dammit dad i thought. We could have slowly built up to telling her that.

''What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!,'' my angel yelled. "Who said I was getting married? Why the fuck was i not notified?!?!?!?"

"Well i assumed your parents had told you...'' my dad trailed off.

"Dad, let's just get her out of here and explain it to her,'' I said walking toward them. ''This isn't the time or place to tell her. Plus everyone here doesn't know how to mind their own business and is listening to you confersation.''

I walked over to my Angel and picked up her books and grabbed her hand in mine saying "come on,'' as i pull her out of the seat.

She pulled her hand out of my grip and took her books back saying, "I can carry my own things.''

I noticed a tall guy moving toward us his gaze fixed on my Angel.

The guy grabbed her hand saying, "Misery, you don't know them, it's not safe.''

I glared at him envious of the way she relaxed around him and the fact that she didn't pull her hand out of his right away like she did with me.

Sharp intakes of breath sounded around the room and everyone stared at Misery and the guy in shock.

She sighed and looked up at him. "Andy, I'll be fine," she told him.

"Misery," he said pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her small thin body, "I don't want anything to happen to you. You know I love you."

"I love you too but i'm a big girl and can take car of my self," she said causing my heart to clench painfully.

I had been in love with this girl since I my thiteenth birthday. My dad told me about the arranged marriage and showed me a picture of her. The girl in the picture was beautiful. After that day I always got pictures of her. Over the years I learned everything about her. The fact that she loved someone else tore me up on the inside.

"Is this your boyfriend?" my dad asked when she pulled away from his chest. "Or an ex?"

My dad had a worried look on his face knowing I would flip out if the douche in front of me was her boyfriend. My hands formed fist iching to punch him in the face.

"No," the guy said. "I'm her best friend."

I let out a breath and let my body relax as my dad relaxed also.

"Okay,'' my dad said. "Well we really need to get going so you can start packing your stuff.''

''Shit,'' I mumbled underneath my breath as my Angel screamed, "What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Dad,'' I groaned. "We haven't explained anything to her yet so could you please stop talking?" I then grabbed her hand and pulled her down the isle.

"Sorry,'' Dad said. "I keep forgetting."

"Misery,'' the Andy guy said grabbing her away from me. "Don't go.''

"Dude, just go away!" I snapped tired of him touching her. "Misery has to come with us so we can explain everything to her"

"Then I'm coming with you,'' he said.

"Now listen here,'' I started.

''Sure,'' my dad said cutting me off. "Whatever will get us out of here faster.''

I turned and walked out of the room behind my dad. I heard them following us out. When we reached outside I stole a glance and her and saw he holding hands with the prick. I scowled and climbed into the truck as my Angel was pulled over to a Mustang.

''So what do you think of her, Son?'' my dad asked pulling out of the parking lot.

''She beautiful,'' I told him looking out the window.

''That she is,'' he agreed. ''Do you think you can get her to love you the way you love her?''

''I don't know,'' I told him. "But I sure as hell can try.''


*Misery's POV*

Andy and I rode to my house in silence following Conner and his father. I was nervous about them seeing my parents. Andy had met them before but that was when it wasn't as bad as now. Andy parked on the side of the street while Chance pulled into the driveway. I saw my parents car and became even more nervous.

''Are you okay, Misery?" Andy asked turning his car off.

I nodded silently before climbing out of his car. He did the same and we walked up the drive to the house where Conner and Chance were waiting. I took a breath before opening the door. The smell of alcohol was so overwelming I almost gagged. I could hear my parents yelling at each other from some room in the house.

I looked down and side stepped so they could come in not looking at any of them. I took another breath before slamming the door alerting my parents I was here. I heard loud footsteps before my father came into few.

''Girl, ain't you supposed to be at school?" he slurred grabbing my arm ablivious of the other people.

"Yes, but-" I started but was cut off when he slapped me hard in the face.

''What have I told you bout sassin' me?" he roared shoving me against the wall.

''Mark Grace,'' Chance said stopping my father in his tracks.

"Chance Michaels?" my father asked slowing turning to look at him.

"Chance?" my mother asked stumbling into the room. "Why I haven't seen you in forever,'' she slurred.

''Misery,'' Andy said turning to me. "You never said it was this bad.''

"That's 'cause the bitch knows not to talk,'' my father sneered.

''Conner, Andy, go help Misery pack up her room,'' Chance said. "She'll be leaving with us tonight."

''Naw, she won't'' my mother said grabbing my hair as I tried to go by. "We have some people coming tonight for her."

"I told you I'm not doing that,'' I hissed.

"Bitch, you'll do what we say you will,'' my mother spat.

Conner grabbed my arm and pulled me out of her grasp and pulled me protectively against his chest. I stiffened slightly but the relaxed when he ran his arm up and down my back soothingly.

"She'll be leaving with us tonight,'' he said before picking me up and carrying me up the stairs with Andy following behind.

"Misery," Andy said as we entered my room. "You never told me they were that bad. I thought they might have gotten better."

I stayed silent as Conner laid me down on my bed. He laid beside me and pulled me to him. I wiggled uncofortably trying to get away. He sighed before releasing me.

"Misery," Andy said.

"I couldn't," I snapped. "He would have killed me. Plus how would you feel knowing that every night I basicly was raped and you couldn't do anything about it?!?!"

"What do you mean raped?" Conner and Andy demanded at the same time.

"When she said they had people coming for me they meant males who were going to pay money to do anything they want to me while i just lay there," i said harshly as i looked away from them.

"Misery,'' andy whispered taking a step toward me.

"don't," i growled at him. "don't you dare pity me. i'm getting out. i would have been leaving in about a month anyway."

"what do you mean?" conner asked.

"i take half the money the guys leave and i've been saving it,'' I explained. "I have close to two thousand dollars now."

"how long has this been happening?" andy demanded as conner stared at me in shock.

"six months,'' i said quietly refusing to meet either one of their stares.

"how do you have that much money then if you only take half the money?" conner asked.

"10 to 15 guys on school days and 25 to 30 on weekends,'' i deadpanned.

"what the fuck?!?!" conner yelled. "how could they do that you? you're their only child!"

"no i'm not," i whispered.

"what do you mean?" andy asked as conner stared at me questionly.

"i have a sister," i told them. "she's younger than me and is a result of one of my fathers affairs. her mom never lets her see any of us. but i know about her."

"why didn't you try to live with her?" conner asked.

"she didn't want to leave her mom," andy answered when i refused to.

"why? even after all the stuff she did to you?" conner exclaimed stunned.

"she's my mom," i said simply. "and she used to not be this bad."

"yeah, she used to be nice and not drunk and the way she is now," andy said.

"when did she get this bad?" conner asked.

i ignored him and went to mt closet grabbing my duffelbags. i started throwing clothes in one of them.

"misery, when did it get this bad!" andy demanded grabbing my arm.

"8 months ago when she had a miscarriage," i said ripping my arm from his grasp.

"misery," andy started but was cut off when the door hit my wall making us all jump.

"hurry up and pack," chance said. "we're leaving as soon as you're packed and then on your birthday you and conner will marry."

"dude, that's not happening!" i yelled as i threw shoes into another bag. "i'm only seventeen!"

"we'll talk about this later," chance said taking my full bags. "how much more to pack?"

"i have my dresser and my bathroom and make up," i told him grabbing another bag.

"i'll do the bathroom," conner said so I handed him one of the smaller bags.

"misery, sit down and i'll pack up the rest," andy said taking the bag from my hand.

i nodded and colasped onto my bed. i watched as andy went through my dresser pulling out oversized shirts, shorts, and my undergarments. he never paused or hesitated just continued to throw things into the bag until everything was in the bag.

"misery, you know i love you right?" andy asked sitting beside me.

"yeah, and i love you too," i told him laying my head on his thigh.

"i don't want you to go," he said tangling his fingers into my hair massaging my scalp.

"neither do i, but it seems like i don't have a choice," i sighed closing my eyes.

"misery, if anything ever happens after you leave promise me that you'll call me," he said.

"i promise," i told him.

"are you about to go to sleep?" andy asked astondid.

"yeah, i didn't get to sleep more than an hour last night," i told him on a yawn.

"why?" conner asked comming out of the bathroom.

"because he wouldn't let me," i mummbled before sleep overtook me.


*conner's pov*

"because he wouldn't let me," my angel murmered before she feel asleep.

"who wouldn't let her?!" i asked andy.

"i don't know," he said. "i never knew it had gotten this bad."

"i thought you were her best friend," i sneered at him.

"i am or i was. about a year ago she stopped talking to me. every time i tried to talk to her she would run away," he said looking down at my angel. "one day i came over unexpected and no one was here so i came up to her room and opened the door."

"what?" i asked when i saw the stricken look on his face.

"i opened the door and she was on the ground in shorts with a razor blade. her legs were covered in scars," he stopped and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "she had been cutting. she fucking cuts herself because it's the only way to forget the pain the jackass down stair enflicts on her!"

"does she still..." i trialed off not believeing what he was telling me.

"yes," a small voice said causing us both to snap our attention to misery.

"why?" i asked moving to sit beside her and andy.

"it helps," she said not meeting either one of our gazes.

"help with what, hun?" andy asked.

"the beating, the sex, the misscarriages," she said as tears rolled down her face.

"misery," andy said pulling her into his chest. "why didn't you ever tell me? you could have lived with me and my family."

"no i couldn't have," she said pulling away tears still falling from her beautiful eyes. "he would have came and got me."

"well he won't this time," i told her taking her hand. "back when all this started my father had your mother and father sign a contract saying they would give you to be my wife with no resistaince and they would never try to take you from me."

"so when i leave i won't have to see them ever again?" she asked hope sparking in her eyes.

"no, angel, never again," i told her with a small smile.

"what about andy?" she asked frowning.

"he can visit you and you can visit him," i told her. "i'm not as heartless as you think."

"does that mean i don't have to marry you in two weeks when i'm legally 17?" she asked hopefully.

"you have to marry me weather you like it or not," i told her.

"douche bag," she grummbled as she fell back onto the bed.

"hey, i get that this is just now being all dumped on you while i've known about it for a couple of years now but it won't be that bad," i told her leaning over to look into her eyes.

"yes it will!" she exclaimed. "i'm gonna be your wife and then legally you have the right to do what ever you want to me. no matter if i want to or not you're gonna make me do things i don't want to do and dictate my life. i don't want that!!"

"I won't do that to you!" i exclaimed.

"man, can't you just give her a little longer to get to know you? come on dude you're a stranger to her," andy told me.

"it's not me you have to convince it's my father and he's ready to get this marriage done and over with," i told them. "but if it will make you happy i'll talk to him about putting it off 'til you're ready."

"thank you," my angel said looking up at me.

"guys, it's time to go!" my dad said from the door way.

"we'll be there in a minute," i told him so he would leave.

"can andy come with us?" my angel asked me.

"no he can't," i told her. "he has school he has to go to here and we're going to be flying to california."

"that's a long way," andy breathed.

"yeah, but on breaks you can come see her or when ever you two miss each other a lot," i told him.

"thanks,dude. that makes this a lot easier for me," andy said.

"no problem," i said. "as long as shes happy. that's all i want. now come on guys. we need to get downstairs so we can get the hell out of here."

"i agree with that. I want out of this shit hole," my angel said standing up and grabbing a small bag before heading to her dresser.

"what are you doin?" i asked.

"packing my makeup," she said.

"you don't need that anymore," i told her.

"I will until my bruises fade," she said. "i normally don't wear it unless i have bruises."

"Oh okay," i said. "we need to hurry. dad's getting impatient. he wants away from here."

"I'll take her bags down stairs," Andy said grabbing her packed bags.

"thank you," Misery said closing her makeup bag and turning toward me.

"for what?" I asked confused.

"for getting me out of here, she said. "even if it's because of a stupid arranged marriage to a douche bag."

it's been a while i know and im sorry. im gonna try to update more.


Texte: I hold all copyrights to this book and everything said in it. I 100% own this book because it came from my imagination.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.07.2012

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