
There was a boy who was born a poor pauper on a night that was celebrate through out the kingdom for on that same night another boy was born. A boy was born a rich prince. The kingdoms celebrated the princes birth, without know about the other boy. The prince and the pauper has a shocking resemblance, they looked so much alike that they could have been brothers. But the prince and the pauper grew up with out ever knowing of each other and their likeness. But fate had another idea for them.

Prince Eric ran out the tunnel that led out of the castle. A tunnel that no one knew of but him, no one have used the tunnel for hundreds of years. As he ran out he heard the echo's of guards running through the castle searching for him. He laughed out loud knowing this isn't the first time he had out smarted the castle guards and it won't be the last. He stepped out of the tunnel into the sunlight and blinked. He sighed loving the freedom he felty every time he stepped out of the castle walls without 20 armed guards with him. He looks down from the hill to the village below. Eric pulled his hood over his head so that no one would recognize him. Knowing that not that many a people knows what he truly looks like. He started the walk down to the village wishing he had been born a commoner and he could have lived a simple life. Looking over he heard laughter and saw children running around the field right by the village. He smiled at them, he never had the opportunity to play with other children as a child. He had never been as carefree as these children are. There love and innocence on their faces, not knowing how cruel this world can be. Eric pushes his hood back to feel the sun better. When some one came up behind him and slapped him on the back. "Preston what are you doing out here? Did you change your mind about hunting with your fellows?" Eric was in so much shock that he had no idea what to say to the guy standing next to him, he looks behind the guy and there were three more men standing behind him. "Ah I see your at a loss for words that we caught you my brother, but no need to say anything. We understand sometimes a brother just needs some time alone. But scince your here with us, you can come hunting." the man slapped a bow and arrows on is chest an Eric grabbed on before he dropped them. The men were already walking away. The one that was talking turned and waved "Come on, Preston. Day lights waist in." Eric had no idea who this Preston guy was and he knew this was a bad idea. Sp I'm not really sure why I swung the bow and arrow around to my back nd walked on to follow. " Ah, here he comes fellows."

Preston was in his fathers workshop still, he'd been in there most of the day. Charlie had come in and asked him if he wanted to go out hunting with them and he did. But he had priorities here at his fathers carpentry shop. They needed the money his little sister was gravely ill and they don't have the money for all the doctors they need. Of course Charlie and the guys don't know about his sisters illness and he didn't want to burden them with it. They had here own things to worry about. Yet even with his sister and the money troubles, he still wanted to go with them. Which made him mad at himself to want to go an enjoy himself when his family would be home in worry. He had responsibilities.

Eric had as much fun as he had in years. He learned the guy who had been talking to him Earlier name is Charlie. They did simple hunting which he had missed in his royal life. He'd shot a bow and arrow before but with a instructor always with targets. Nothing real, no emotions, very formal. Just like his whole life. Nothing real, just going through the motions trying to please everyone around him. His subjects, his friends and especially his parents. But like today he ran out on everything, he had just needed a breather. "Hey, Preston! Where are you?" Eric cam back to reality. " Just thinking man." "I know you'd rather be at your fathers shop right now, but honestly we miss you man. I've been wanting to ask you but, buy whats going on Preston? Lately you just haven't wanted to hang out, you hardly ever leave home. We're just worried bout you brother." Eric didn't have any idea what thy were talking about, sence he has no idea who this Preston is. Except apparently they look alike, a lot alike. " I'm fine Charlie, i've just been busy."  a doubtful look came on Charlie's face but he dust pursue the subject anymore. Luckily for Eric. They started making there way back to the village it had gotten dark outside. He hasn't realized how long he'd been gone. Everyone at the palace must be flipping out. I'm surprised I haven't been found already. As thry neared the village he could hear the guards going down the street. He pulled the hood over his head, hoping he wouldn't be found out in front of everyone. He walked by the other guys and saw the guards nocking on doors and holding up a picture of who he assumed was him. "I wonder what going on that has them all riled up." Charlie asked. One of the other guys named Nick said "Probably that prince again." Eric looked over at him "Why do you say that?" he asked without thinking, hoping they wouldnt ask questions. "Oh you know man, that prince is a trouble maker. Always has been. We should all worry for when he becomes king. He'll run this kingdom straight into the ground." Charlie had a strange look on his face and then he spoke up " You know what I think? I think, we judge to harshly. I mean we don't know the guy. He may be just like us wanting out, we want out of our poverty. Maybe he wants out of his riches." the other guys laughed "Why would he want out of his money? I'd trade place with him any day." Eric laughed "Oh no you wouldn't!" they all stare at him strangely "I mean I feel like it would be hard to be prince. Always having to be perfect and when you mess up having everyone judging you by the mistakes you made and not by everything else. I mean wouldn't that be hard having work to please everyone all the time."
Charlie smiled at me "See Preston gets it!" Nick mumbled "I guess so..." 
" Well I think it's time to go home now. It's getting late and we don't know how long these guards are going to hang around here. I have chores I have to get to anyway." Eric looked around and saw some guards at door. Showing a older woman the picture and then she looked over and pointed in my direction. Seeing Charlie walking away I called to him " Charlie!" Charlie looked Back towards me. "You need some help with those chores." Charlie smiles and waved him over. Eric looked back noticing the guards had moved past him to a door and a older man standing in the door way. When the guards showed him the picture he pointed to the back of his house. The guards pushes back the man and walked out with another younger man around his age. They handcuffed him and put him on a carriage that just drove up. He looked past to the crying woman in the door way. I guess they weren't looking for me. My parents must not care as much about me leaving as they used too. 

Preston had heard the guards at the door asking if he had seen someone around and then he heard the guard walking into the house. He put down the wood and walked over to the door of the shop and a guard came up and stood in front of him. "He's over here!" the guard yelled. A couple more guards came up behind a look of relief on all of there faces. "You've caused a lot of trouble boy. Your mothers going to be so relieved." Preston had no idea what the guard was talking about. "Come on Eric, its time to come home." who in the world was Eric! "I'm sorry but I have no idea what your talking about or who your talking about. You have the wrong person." the guard gave him a shocked expression "Don't play these games with us Eric. We all know who you are and if you don't come with us willingly we will cuff you Eric." "Again I have no idea who this Eric is! My name is Preston, I live here!" the guard glared at him then pulled out hand cuffs "I'm sorry Eric, but you brought this on yourself." Preston looked at the guard in utter shock. He was being arrested and he had no idea why. The guard cuffed him and walked him out of the workshop into the main house where he saw his mom and dad. My dad was holding my mom and she was crying. " Mom! I haven't done anything, you know that! We'll get this figured out, I'll be back before you know I'm gone!" the guard kept walking with a confused expression on his face. "Come on, Eric. Your not fooling any of us." "I already told you, I'm not this Eric guy!" His mom looked up with tears in her eyes "He's not who you think he is! He's my son! Please don't take him from us." my mother cried out these pleas for my release. While the guard looked at her pathetically. Then gave him a look like, I can't believe you. The guards walked him outside, there was no point in fighting they weren't listening to anything he said. They still believe he's this Eric guy. As they walked outside Preston looked over and saw a man with a hood covering his face staring over at him. Then the hooded man turned around and followed what looked like Charlie down the street. 

Eric ran after Charlie down the street. "Hey I was wondering if you we're coming or not." Charlie said. "Yeah, I was just distracted. Looks like they caught whoever they were after." Charlie looked over at him. "Really. Was it the prince?" "No, I'm not really sure who it was. It looked like someone around our age." Eric answered. "Hmmm, I wonder who it was. Because us and the guys are pretty much it around this part of the village." Eric wanted to ask about what other guys there were but knew that would make Charlie ask questions. Charlie neared a small apartment. Charlie opened the door and made a welcoming gesture, telling him to go inside. "Thank you." Eric said as he walked inside. The moment he stepped in elder woman ran over and gave him a hug. "Oh Preston, how we have missed you! It's been so long scince you've been over. You better be staying for dinner!" Eric wasn't so sure about staying. "Oh I wasn't planning to. I really should be" He didn't get to finish what he was saying, when the lady grabbed him by the hand and started leading him into the kitchen. "Of course your staying no excuses." she sat him in a chair and walked over to the cupboards to get another bowl out. "We're even having your favorite goulash." Eric wasn't really sure what goulash was but it sounded good. She say a bowl full of steaming food and patted him on the cheek. Smiling at him the whole time. Everyone started to sit down and started to talk about there day. Eric just say back and observed everything. Charlie's mom and dad, the Woodsons. Also Charlie's brother and sister, Lucie who was 2 and Jacob who's 8. Charlie being the oldest of three. Sitting there watching them laughing and talking made him envy them. He envied there happiness. Money really doesn't make people happy. He had loads of it and his family isn't happy at all. But this family in front of him is the happiest family he'd ever seen and they hardly have anything. Yet they were happy to have another mouth to feed over for dinner. He had family, his parents and his three little sisters, triplets. There trouble makers in the making already a handful at age 5. Looking around at this family makes me wish that there family was like this one. Happy.

Upon entering the carriage the guard looked at Preston with a look of astonishment on his face. "Wow, you really had that all planned out. The crying mom was a nice touch, I must say." Preston looked over at the man, they really believed he was whoever this other guy was. "I don't know who this Eric guy is, but I promise you I'm not him and that crying woman was my mother." the guard snorted "Your mom is back at the castle freaking out about you being gone so long." Preston's eyes must of popped out of his head. "The...the...the castle?" he stuttered. "Yeah, that's where you live last time I checked." Preston didn't know what to say, they really believe that he's this guy. Nothing is convincing them that he's not. He pulled back the curtain on the carriage and peeked out. He saw the castle getting closer, his jaw dropped. They pulled up to the gaits and there it was. The castle. The guard reached over and started undoing the binds on his hands. "We can't let your mom see you in binds. And whatever this I'm not prince Eric business is you need to stop it now. You'll upset your mom and she's already not in great health especially after your stunt today." Preston just nodded he didn't know what to say. He figured he would just go along wig it for now, until he figures away out of all I this. The carriage stopped and the door opened the guard sat there waiting "Well come on. Out you go." Preston stepped out of the carriage to the ground by the steps up to the castle. A older woman ran down to him and threw her arms around him. "Oh Eric you had your mother so worried. I've been sick in bed since I found out of we're gone. In so glad your home safe." Preston put his arms around the woman and hugged her back. She grabbed his hand and stared walking up the castle steps. "Come on up stairs. Let's get you in bed, you must be exhausted after today." Preston followed her up the steps and stopped once they got inside. Preston looked around in awe the castle was huge. Right above him was a huge crystal chandelier and a big staircase that led to who knows what. The woman stood in front of him and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight, baby. Go on up to room now and get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow." she walked away and Preston had no idea where to go. He started to wonder up the stairs and saw a maid. He looked over at her and tryed to find a way to ask how to get to the princes room. The maid looked up from where she was dusting "Should I escort you to your room sir?" Preston was very relieved. He tryed to keep a straight face while saying "Yes, thank you." she curtsied and started walking the rest of the way up the stairs. She led him to his room and opened the door for him. He walke inside and was shocked by the size of the room. He walked over to the bed and ran his hand along the top cover. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" he had forgoten she was still standing there. "No, thank you. That is all, you may leave." she curtsied and closed the door as she left. He sat on the edge of the bed trying to figure out all this stuff. They all mistook him for the prince, when he not defiantly is not. But what will happen to him when the real prince does come back.

Eric had enjoyed having dinner with Charlie's family they we're very welcoming. "Hey Preston, we better start walking to your house it's pretty late." Eric didn't know what else to say so "Yeah, okay. Let's go." they stepped out into the street, we're a cold breeze hit them. He pulled his hood over his head as they started walking down the street. 
Eric headed down the street with Charlie as they neared the door he heard crying. Charlie have Eric a haunted expression. Eric was scared as they walked through the door there on was a little girl crying and a man holding her close to his chest. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2011

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