

It started out as every other day, but when I walked down the school hallway that winter day it felt as if my
life just began I saw her there standing just a few feet away from me the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
in my whole life her hair was gold like the sunset, and her eyes blue like the ocean she looked like an angel that came just for me. I knew at that moment that we were ment to be I fell in love the first time I saw her. I would do any thing for her I would let no one hurt her she was an angel...she was my angel.


I'm 23 I go to college at harvard I guess you could say I was pretty succesfull. It was after my junior year that
my father told me I had to stop pretending and start being the mean he rased me to be, thats when I started going to
harvard and working in his law office when I finished with college and got my degree. He told me to forget the past
but more specifically he told me to forget angel...its been been 4 years scince I last saw her, her image in my mind
was still as livide as if she was standing in front of me. But no I'm engaged to bernadete are parents said we would
be the perfect match scince birth I guess they were right, cause were engaged getting married soon. Bernadete set the
date for september 23rd, Bernadete has no idea what that date means to me. September 23rd was the last time I ever saw Angel. But thats the past I need to get my head out of the clouds and start living in the for the future. "Chase William Blackburn!" "Yes, Mrs. St Claire" "I would suggest you try not to day dream in my classroom." "Yes, mam" That is just great my dad will be sure to hear about this. He'll probally give me his ussual bull crap, I mean I'm 23 don't you think thats old enough for my dad to stop giving me crap. But thats not my dad he will try to control my life until the day he dies. Ugh bull what did she just say something about ancients angels decending, Bull I can't do this crap anymore! Its just to hard for me. "Where are you going Chase Blackburn?" "I...I just...I can't do this anymore!" "Come back this instent young man! Mr.Blackburn!" Finally I'm out of there I just couldn't handle all that talk about angels it was horrifying! You would think after seven freakin years I could get over it, but she just keeps poping in to my mind and what I did to her it makes me sick thinking about it all. Amd to think I have to face my father at dinner tonight. Mrs. St Clair had probally already called my father about me leaving class early and rudely, I should probaly apologize to her next class. Well I have to face him sometime I guess know is as good as any other time.

Sitting at the dinner table with my parents is offely quiet its painfull to think that he's probally thinking about
how hes going to break the ice and start the lecture about skipping class it will probally start so son how was
school today? and I will anwser it was great father then he will say thats nice I bet it was I got a call from you teacher then blah blah blah blah etc. Lets just get this over with already! "So son how was school today?" ha, my dad is almost scarily predictable "It was great father" haha wow this is to good to be true "Thats nice I bet it was...I got a call from your teacher about you skipping out of class earlier then you were suppose to, you know son do you remember anything I tell you?" not really... "Yes sir, I do" "Then why don't you do what I tell you?" "Whatever..." "What?!" Crap, I didn't mean for that to come out "What did you say to me son?!" "Oh nothing father" "Don't you get smart alleky with me boy!" You could see the rage on Chase's face. Chase pushed out from the table so that he was standing "I'm not a boy anymore and I'm tired of you always yelling at me, telling me what to do! I am twenty-three years old I can handle myself now and you now what you can just get over it I'm tired of it all!" His dads face fell, he looked almost sad. Ah crap now he felt bad "Well, son I didn't know you felt that way, maybe if you would just grow up a little" That made him mad and made him even more mad that he started feeling bad for the old guy. "like hell you didn't know you knew I was sick and tired of you hammering your judgments down my throught! You judge me day and night nothing I do is right, it never meets your standards! You have to realize I'm not the perfect son you always wanted!" Chase stormed out of the house, he didn't even try to catch a cab. Its not like he lived that far anyway.

I can't believe even after I told him what I had been trying to tell him for years, he trys to make it all my fault! Acting like I was just arrogant brat, who didn't care about him or didn't even care to! He heard something as he passed that alley. He figured it was just some alley cat or some stray dog. But as he kept listening he heard a whimper, but it didn't sound like a cat. It sounded very much like a women. Chase ran down the alley and when he saw her he stopped dead in his tracks. " it can't be." He walked closer still not sure, he was afraid of what he would find out when he got all the way to her. He had to be wrong, there was no way he was right. But then he saw her, he was standing above her. He dropped to his knees next to her he could hear her breathing. "How could this be?" He picked up the girl, that he barely recognized. Wearing nothing but a ragedy sun dress. She must be freezing, it was practically 30 degrees out here. He pulled her close right next to him, so that he could whisper into her ear. "It's okay, I'll keep you safe. I told you I always would...Angel"

He carried her all the way to his house. He used one hand to unlock his apartment door and kicked it open. He carried her
in and laid her on the coach. He went to his room to grab a pillow and a couple blankets. He came back and she was snoring, it made him smile a little she would never admit that she snored. He lifted up her head a put the pillow underneath her. Went to take off her shoes only to realized she wasn't wearing any, he looked at her feat to find them bloodied and bruised up as if she had been walking a long time. He put the blankets on her and kissed her forehead. "I missed you Angel" As he got up to leave he felt a hand on his arm. He barely felt it just a slight brush, but as he turned around she still layed there and she said "I knew you would come for me" So quiet he almost didn't hear her say it.

Chapter 2
Chase woke up to russling, it sounded like it came from his kitchen. Chase sat up and all the memories from last night came flooding back to him. He got up and through on a pair of plaid pajama pants and rushed out of the room. Chase slowed as he neard the kitchen, he peeked in to find her standing on her tiptoes trying to look into the top cupboard. That made him smile she had always been short, she had hated that.

A sudden flash of memory hit him.

He was sitting in a tree, with her standing below him on the ground. "Come on shorty, get up here." he teased at her. She
just stood there and glared at him. "I can't reach!" He had laughed at her, while she just stood there with her hands on her hips. "Okay, fine. I'll pull you up!" She smiled so big at him. She knew that he would of pulled her up eventually.
She reached her arms up to him, while he reached down for her. He pulled her up and set her right next to him. She laughed "Well its a good thing your strong or I would of never made it up here!" She smiled and playfully poked at his right bicep. His face got bright red. She laughed and smiled at him. "Are you embarrassed Chase?" He just looked down his gaze falling to her leg. Sitting up on the tree had made her dress go up a little higher than normal and thats when he saw it. The first of many he would see a big ugly bruise on her left thigh. It looked pretty recent too, like early this morning or late last night. "What happened?" he asked her. She looked over at him "What?" then she followed his gaze to her leg and started to pull her dress farther down. He grabbed onto her arm to stop her."How did you get this?" She stared at him. "I...I...I just." She was stuttering "I..I just fell down this morning. Its okay." She smiled at him, but it wasn't her real smile. He felt
something in his chest at that moment, he didn't know how but he just knew. She was lying.

Chase came back to the present seeing her pull down what she had been looking for a coffee mug. She turned towards the coffee pot to pour a cup when she saw him. The coffee mug slipped from her hand and landed with a loud crash. She covered her mouth with her hands, with a look of shock on her face. "I can't..I can't believe it. Its really you." She whispered. Then before Chase could say anything else, she ran at him. She ran right into his arms and wrapped her arms around him. Then he heard start to cry. "I just can't believe its really you." She said into his chest. He pulled her close then set her on the counter and left the room.

Angelica didn't know what to do. She was in such shock. She probally shouldn't have ran at him like that, she must have
scared him. Chase returned to the room with a broom and dustpan in his hands. She slid down from the counter to help and started to reach for the dustpan. "No!" Chase practically yelled. "I'm sorry. You might get cut." He slid the dustpan back out of her hand and slid her back on the counter. She felt helpless sitting up there watching him work. So she just watched him, this morning he didn't put on a shirt just a pair of flannel Pajama pants. While he worked she watched his muscles. He had always been built, he's even more so now. The small kitchen window let just enough of the morning light in to let it fall on his hair. He had dark hair almost black, when the light hit it just right you could see red coming out of the dark hair. Her eyes went from his hair to his long muscely arms, then his chest. Then finally his stomach, she could hardly breath. He was drop dead gorgous. He always had been. She was so distracted she hadn't even realized he had stopped working. She looked
to find him staring at her. SHe looked at his eyes, his beautiful eyes. They were green, a dark green like the moss in a rain forest. She used to get lost in those eyes, like she was about to now. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him. Thats when she saw the change in his eyes. When he got mad his eyes always got brighter. They were doing that now, they were turning into a bright green. "What?!" He practically yelled at her. "Why do you think?" He got louder. She just looked down. She hated that she cryed so easily. "I don't know." She barely whispered. It was so quiet that Chase almost didn't hear it. His eyes went back to their mossy green, as he stared a her. Then he turned around and left the room. She heard the slam of his bedroom door. She just sat on the counter for awhile, she has no idea how long she sat there. But she slowly slid down
and went to his bedroom door. She opened the door just a crack to find him sitting on his bed with a picture in his hand. He slowly fell onto his bed and layed there it sounded as if he was crying. She didn't want to make him mad, so she slowly closed the door and went back to the coach to lay down. She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open anymore.

Chase layed on his bed having no idea what to think. He just stared at the picture he was holding. It was a picture of him
and Angel at graduation the last picture they took together. He picked up another picture of them sitting in the tree they always went to. They would sit on that tree for hours talking about anything and everything. Well not everything, she would never talk about how she got the bruises. All these memorys just came flooding into his head. Memorys of her, memorys of both of them together. Chase could of layed in that bed for hours, but when he looked at the clock.
He realized he had layed in his bed for hours. He slowly got up, he couldn't face her again. He grabbed his keys, wallet and jacket. He left his room and was about to leave through the front door when he heard a whisper. "I'm sorry." he pause but he didn't stay he kept walking. He went to where he knew he could forget all about everything that had been going on. He went to the bar down the road.

While Chase was gone Angelica tryed to clean herself off. She didn't want to use his shower, she felt like she was invading his life. She used a rag with soap on it. It had been awhile scince Chase left she was getting worried. She had no idea where he went, so she couldn't go find him. It was getting late and this was all her fault. If she wouldn't have came here, or made him mad this morning her would still be at his house safe. She heard banging at the door it scared her. She grabbed the baseball bat that was sitting in his living room and went closer to the door. When the man at the door came tumbling in she dropped the bat and tryed to catch him but he was to heavy for her to hold. She fell to the ground with him he lay on her bloody and very, very drunk. Atleast he was back to his house safe now. She wiggled out from underneath him and tryed to get him to the bathroom to clean him up. She barely got him to the bedroom she pulled him up onto his bed. She ran to the bathroom
to get a rag to clean the blood off of him. She came back to the bedroom and sat next to him on the bed. She carefully wiped the scratches on his face until there wasn't any blood left on his face. She started to get up when she felt a hand grab onto her arm. He started to pull her down onto the bed. She was pulling against his hand. When she heard him say something "Please, just lay next to me tonight. I need to know your real." She was confused but the pleading look on his face had her climbing in next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She layed her head on his arm and felt the warmth from him seaping into her. She fell asleep easily.

Chase woke up with his arms around something. He opened his eyes to find Angel snuggled next to him. She was sleeping so
calmy that he didn't want to move. He was content with laying there with her in his arms. He looked down at her. She was still in that raggedy dress, she looked a little cleaner but not much. She had bruises and some cuts down her arms and legs. Her hair was still as blond as it used to be, it was dirty though. She turned in his arms and he could see her face clearly she had a bruise on her cheek, and a couple cuts on her other cheek. It made him mad. He wanted to know how this happened to her or who did this to her. He also wanted to know how she was laying in his arms right now when she was suppose to be dead. He rubbed his nuckled on her cheek and moved the hair off of her face. She was just as beautiful as she used to be. She stirred and opened her eyes. Her eyes were a brilliant blue. Gosh, she was beautiful. She looked startled for a moment but then she calmed down and layed her head back down on his arms. "Good morning" She whispered. "Good morning, Angel." He replied. He started to get up from the bed, she was still laying there. He came around to the side she was laying on and
reached out his hand for her. She reached out and grabbed on. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." he said to her. She stopped following him. "You don't have to do that, I should prabally be going." He turned and looked at her. "Where are you going to go?" She looked down at her bare feet and whispered. "I don't know." "Then your staying here" he replied to her. "Now like I said before, lets get you cleaned up." Chase heard the water start up and went to the kitchen. He was starving, he went to the pantry to look for something to cook for breakfast. He ended up making eggs and bacon.

Angelica got out of the shower. she has no idea the last time she had one. She felt like she was invading his space. She pulled on a towel and looked for her sundress, but didn't find it anywhere. She wrapped the towel tightly around her. She slowly opened the bathroom door and smelled something amazing. She followed the smell to the kitchen. She walked in to find Chase making eggs, he was standing over the stove. He made the kitchen look small he was tall, he had grown scince the last time she saw him.

Chase heard her walk into the kitchen, he turned and looked at her. She was standing there with just a towel wrapped around her. She was so small it didn't look like she had eaten in a awhile. Her cleaned up, was a little better now all there was was the bruises. Her hair was very blonde now and wet hanging around her shoulders. She looked down at her feet as if she was embarrarresed. She looked up "I couldn't find my dress." She said to him. "Oh yeah, I took it." She just stared at him. "Why would you take it?" "I'm washing it. We need to get you something else to wear and some shoes anyway." She looked down again. "You don't have to do that." He starting putting the eggs on two plates. "Yeah, I do." he said. "Theres a robe you can wear in my room, when you come back the food will be ready." She came back in wearing his black robe it came almost to her ankles. He smiled at that. He sat the plate in front of her "Thanks." She said to him and then smiled up at him. He set down across from her. "So I have some of my moms clothes here, you can wear something of hers for now. We can go shopping after breakfast." He
saw her start to say something. "Before you say no, just let me do this for you okay?" She picked at her plate. "Okay" She replied. Chase looked at her and then asked without thinking "Who did this to you?" She looked up startled then looked back down. She didn't say anything. "I know someone did this." He waited a little bit. "Was it your dad again?" She looked up with tears in her eyes and he knew he was right. "You told me he stopped, you said that he was getting help! Why didn't you come to me for help!" She started to cry. "He was getting help, he had stopped. I promise he did." He just stared at her. "Why didn't you meet me?"

A memory hit him again.

They were sitting in their tree. It was after graduation, they just sat there for awhile in silence. Then Chase broke the silence. "Lets run away." She looked at him. "What?" She asked him. "Yeah, lets do it. Come on, lets run away together. Will get out of this town. Away from my protective parents and most off all away from your dad." She looked at him and then she smiled. "Okay, I will. Lets run away together." She had reached over and hugged him. They decided to meet at that tree the next day at 5 in the evening. She hopped down from the tree and smiled. "I'll see you later." He smiled back down at her. "Tomorrow, promise?" She looked up and said "Promise."

Chase looked up to find Angel staring at him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't." She said to him. "You couldn't? Why couldn't you? I waited for hours for you!" She looked down and started to tear up. "I know...I know you did." He just stared at her until she whispered "They found out." She looked up at him. "Who found out?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it right now." "Fine." He said to her. "But we will talk about, but it can wait until after we get back." She let out a breath. "Thank you." He started to pick up the dishes and took them to the dishwasher. "Where are we going?" She asked as he was rinsing off the dishes. He looked over and grinned at her. "Shopping of course." she groaned. He laughed she always hated shopping. "Fine, lets get this over wiht." Chase laughed again. "Lets go pick out some of my moms clothes for you." They walked into his bedroom and went to a drawer he pulled out a sundress. It was yellow and it had white flowers all over it. He handed it to her and she went into the bathroom with it. She came out the dress hung loosely on her shoulders and was big on her. She was to skinny, she looked sick. He handed her a pair of white
flats. "They'll probally be to big for you." He said. She bent over to put them on. They were a couple sizes to big for her. He grabbed one of his jackets on the way out and put it around he shoulders it shrimped her, but it was to cold for her not to wear one. "Okay, lets go get some clothes for you."

Angel felt wierd in the dress. It was to big for her and so were the shoes. She knew she was to skinny, but she never noticed it this bad. She needed to get healthier, it was just hard on the road. She walked behind Chase on the was out of the apartment. They stepped out of the apartment and she pulled Chases jacket closer to her face. It was freezing out here. His jacket smelled like Chase, it was warm like him too. She always loved that about him. No matter what it felt like outside, he was always warm. Chase called a taxi for them and she climbed in after him. "Thank you for doing this for me." She said as they got into the cab. He looked at her and smiled. "Your welcome. You know I would do anything for you." She snuggled up next to him. He pulled her into his side she smelled like flowers and summertime. He couldn't get it out of his head. He knew that the soap she used didn't smell like this, that smell was all her. He loveds it too. The cab driver pulled over. Chase and Angel got out of the car next to a store. Angel knew the store was expensive she turned to tell him that it was to expensive. But Chase must have known what she was going to say. He looked at her "No, its okay. Its not to expensive." She
put her hands on her hips and said. "I don't have this kind of money, I would never be able to pay you back and you know
that." "Your not going to pay any of the money back, this is all on me." He replied. "Okay. Thank you. You know I'm not okay with this right?" Chase laughed "Oh I know your not, but you'll get over it." As they walked into the store the ladys that worked there gave Angel one look and didn't look again. Great Angel thought, they probally think I'm some Hobo. Chase walked over to one of the workers. "Excuse me, miss." The lady turned around and grave Chase a flirtasiuos smile. Chase didn't even seem to notice. He grabbed Angels hand it brought her next to him. "She needs some clothes." The lady looked at her and then their hands clasped together. With a very dissapointed look on her face she said "Right this way Mr. and Mrs?" Angel said "Oh I'm not his." But Chase cut her off. "Blackburn." He said. The lady looked from her to him. Then just shrugged. "Right this way Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn." Angel looked at Chase why they followed the lady. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "Its
less complicated that way." He replied. She gave him a unsure look. He laughed so loud, that the lady turned
around. "Shhh" Angel said to him laughing. The lady gave them a sturn look, while Chase and Angel kep giggling. The lady led them to a changing area and asked Angel what size she wore. "Uhm, I'm not sure." Angel replied to the lady. The lady gave her a unsure "Well, my name is Miss Lucie, I will go grab a couple sizes for you to try on. Angel and Chase collapsed on the changing area coach and laughed again. "Gosh, I haven't laughed that long in awhile...well probaly scince the last time I saw you." Chase looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, me either." Miss Lucie came back with a couple of dresses for Angel to try on. Angel went into the dressing room and tryed on a size and came out. The dress was to big on her and Angel knew that the moment she looked in the mirror. She went back on and tryed the smallest size on. She came out and it was only a little to big for her.
"Well I guess this size." Angel said. "But isn't that to big for you..." Chase replied. "Why don't you go try on a smaller size sweetie?" Miss Lucie asked. "Uhm...this is the smallest size." "Oh" is all Miss Lucie. "Well we will get you some in that size, will just have to fatten you up a bit." He said playfully as he poked at her belly. Angel laughed. "Yeah, a little more fat wouldn't hurt me."

Chase smiled at her and she smiled back. Gosh, her smile was breathtaking. He couldn't help but stare. Miss Lucie cleared her throught. They both had forgotten that she was standing there. "Can you bring her some more dresses in this size? A couple pair of jeans maybe?" Chase asked her. "Of course I can, Mr. Balckburn." She said with a smile on her face. He looked back at Angel to find her staring in the mirror with a sad look on her face. He ran up next to her and pulled her in his arms. She started to cry into his shirt. "Shhh, baby. Whats wrong?" Chase asked. She just hid her face. He grabbed her chin and moved her face to where he could see her. She tryed to hide her face again, but he kept a grip on her
chin. "Whats wrong Angel?" Chase asked. "I...I just can't look at myself." He held onto her closer. "I can't at myslf without seeing those bruises and how sick I look. I can't help but think I look...well..." Chase caught her chin again. "Can't help but think you look what?" She closed her eyes and whispered. "Ugly, I can't help but look at myself and feel gross and ungly."

Chase couldn't believe what he was hearing. He grabbed onto both sides of her face and looked her in the eyes. "You are
beautiful." She tried to hide her face. But he held onto her face. "Look at me and listen to me Angel! You are the most
beautiful girl I have ever met." That made Angel cry. Chase took ahold of her and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Angel looked up at him. "No thats not it, thats one of the nicest things that anyone has ever said to me." Chase couldn't believe that, all through highschool all these boys liked her. They thought she was gorgous and they were all right. "You know, I always thought that." "Really?" Angel replied. "Yeah, all through highschool. I thought you were the most amazing girl I had ever met. You were my best friend." "You were my best friend to Chase." "I used to wish I always had the courage to ask you out, I still do." Chase said. Angel gasped. "Really? Why would you want to go out with me?" Chase just stared at her and then without any warning he leaned down.

Angel had no idea what to do, she was still in shock. Chase had liked her, he thought she was beautiful. Chase started to lean down towards her and she was shocked. She was frozen in place, she didn't know what to do. She had never really been kissed, Chase was the only person who had ever even come close to actually kissing her.

She was getting ready for prom her Junior year. She was so excited, a football player had asked her to go to prom with him. She had picked out the perfect dress, she was in love with it. It had been a light blue, with a heart shaped top and the skirt flared out at the bottom. The dress also covered all the bruises on her legs that she had gotten for asking to go to prom, but her dad had given in and let her go anyway. She had put her hair was up and it looked great. Her makeup was flawless she had to put some on a bruise that was on her neck, but her silver necklace covered it up mostly. She thought it would be the happiest nigh of her life. She had just gotten of the phone with Chase, he of course had a date. He never had to worry about not having a date. He was gorgous and all the girls were in love with him. But she was so happy, her date Brad would be here any minute. She slipped on her silver heels and walked out into the living room. Her dad was sitting in his recliner with a beer in his hand and was watching his TV Show. "I'm about to leave now daddy." He just looked up and glared at her. Then all of a sudden he jumped from his chair and grabbed her. "Now don't go crying to me tonight if you do something stupid and end up getting pregnant." He yelled at her, then he calmly went back to his recliner as if nothing ever happened. Her arms hurt after that and she could feel the tears coming. She would never do something like that. Her mom had had her as a teenager, but had died giving birth to me. My dad had been 19 at the time. I went to him. I wished almost everyday that my mom hadn't died that day. She heard a honk outside and sprinted out of the house to Brad's Hummer. She climbed in. "You alright babe?" He asked her as he ran his hand down her arm. "Of course!" She said with a big smile. They drove to the prom and it was great she had danced with Brad the whole night practically. She had seen Chase he was dancing with his date looking as gorgous as ever. She felt bad that she watched for Chase the whole night, when Brad was right next to her. He was so great to her and he served her the whole night. It was magical or so she had thought. Brad and her were leaving as they walked to the car, she was Chase's car was still here. She wondered why because she hadn't seen him inside as they had left.
Brad and her climbed into the car and he drove but he passed the turn off for her house. "Hey! You passed the turn!" Angel told him. "I know babe, were going to take a detour real quick." She looked at him and well she thought she could trust him. So they kept driving and he pulled up to a place in the woods. "Where are we Brad? I don't understand why we're here. Brad?" She turned around and looked but he wasn't looking at her face, he was looking at the rest of her. He jumped over to the other side of the car. "Brad!" Angel yelled. But he was hovering over her. He pushed her seat to were it was laying down. "Brad, please don't stop." He pulled down her dress to wear he could see her bra. Angel started screaming. Brad covered her mouth "Shhh, baby. It's alright. You'll be fine, you know you want this." Brad whispered into her ear. "No, I don't. Please stop Brad! Get off of me!" Brad didn't listen he just stuffed his tye in her mouth to were no one could hear her screaming. He had yanked off her bra, and was touching her and messing with her. He started to pull off her underwear. He almost had her
underwear off and he started to unbuckle his belt and pulling of his pants and he was just in his boxers. But then she heard something almost like a growl but to human to be a animal. Then there was a crash of glass from the window and she screamed. But no one could hear because the tye was still in her mouth. Brad scrambled to get his pants on but the door swung open and Brad was pulled out of the car. Angel was so scared she took the tye out of her mouth and started to pull up her dress to cover herself up. Then a shadow covered her all of a sudden and she screamed. "Shhh, its alright Angel." Chase pushed down her dress and pulled her up close to him in a hug. She started crying so hard. He picked her up and carried her to his car. On the way she saw Brad laying on the ground with what looked like a broken nose. Chase had sat her in the car and then turned around and glared at Brad scrambled up, got in his car and started it. Chase got in his car and started it up. She looked over at him. "Thank you" She said. He looked over at her with a very serious look on his face. "I will always protect you Angel." He had said to her. But then he had no idea, what was going on at her house. She had dreaded going home that
night, in her torn up dress. She knew her father would assume that she had gone out and gotten her self pregnent. But she would never tell him the truth of what had happened that night. Chase drove up the driveway to the trailer she lived in with her father. He got out, opened the door for her. But before she could get out he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the trailer. She started scrambling in his arms. But he wouldn't budge, he went straight to the door. "Please! Stop!" Chase was shocked by her yells that, he slid her down on the doorstep. "I can take it from here." She whispered to him. Chase looked at her unsure. "Are you alright, Angel?" She looked down. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks to you." She hugged him tightly as the tears started to fall down her face. "Thank you so much Chase! I could just kiss you right now." She said it before she thought. He looked at her and had leaned down and kissed her right on the lips. But he just pecked her lips breafly, he had barely touched her at all. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." She smiled up at him. "You came just in time."

Angel came back to reality and the first thing she saw was Chase's lips. She could feel his breath on her face. He leaned closer to her a brushed his lips against hers and all the breath came out of her lungs. She couldn't breath, he looked into her eyes as if asking permission to kiss her again. She nodded her head and then Chase's mouth was on hers. His lips were soft and gentle, as if unsure about it. He pulled his arm around her waist and pulled him closer to her. She put her hand on his biceps on both of his arms. He pulled her up closer to him and had lifted her off the ground. She couldn't feel the floor beneath her feet anymore. She wound her arm around his neck and started to kiss him back. With one arm around her waist, he
ran his other hand through her hair.

Chase could hardly breath, he couldn't believe he was actually kissing her. He ran his hand through her hair, and it was every bit as soft as expected it to be. So were her lips so soft and lush. She fit so perfectly up against him that he never wanted to let her go. His hand went to her neck to pull her even closer. She was kissing him back, with her arm wound around his neck. He Bit onto her lower lip and heard a moan unsure if that came from him or her. But then her thought of Bernadete, Oh Bull crap. He's a engaged man kissing another woman. He pulled back suddenly and turned around and sat on the coach. He couldn't breath, he didn't know what to think. He didn't love Bernadete and I know for sure she doesn't love me. But that doesn't mean she deserves to be treated badly. Ugh, gosh what is he going to do.

Angel didn't know what to think or do. One second she was in Chase's arms and he was kissing her. Then he jumped back as if he had been stung, he went and sat on the coach. She didn't know what to do so she just stood there. Chase was about to say something right when Miss. Lucie came into the room with her arms full of dresses, jeans, and shirts. Angel didn't know if she could try on that many clothes. Lucie had a big grin on her face as she came in, she sat the pile next to Chase on the coach. "I thnk I got every item of clothing in that size in the store in that pile. There wasn't that much in that size, but here you go!" Lucie said with a smile. "Thank you for doing this." Angel said and she smiled. "Well I'm just going to leave you to alone, you can call me if you need anything." Lucie turned and went for the door. "Well I better get started." Angel said as she looked at the huge pile of clothes. "Hey, I'm sorry." Chase said. "Theres nothing to be sorry for, Chase." Angel replied. "I really am sorry, are you alright?" Angel smiled at him. "I'm fine." She took a few dresses to the back and
started the long process of trying on clothes.

Chase felt horrible he knew he hurt Angels feelings and the feeling tha he hurt her made him sick inside. Angel has seemed to be better, she had tried on many clothes now. None of the clothes fit her right, hopefully after spending some time at his house. She'll be a little healthier looking. Angel picked out a couple sun dresses, shes always loved sundresses. They were always her favorite thing to wear. Suddenly Angel came out in the most stunning Suddenly Angel came out in the most stunning dress he had ever seen, even though it was a little big for her. She looked stunning it was black and practically fit her like a glove. It was black with a white band on the top. It was strapless and it looked great on her. Angel turned around and sighed "Well to bad I don't have anywhere to wear this to, I honestly don't know why I even tryed it on!" She laughed. Chase stood up and smiled at her. "What?" She asked. "What are you smiling like that for?" He laughed. "You do have somewhere to wear that to." He said. "Oh do I know and where is this place that I would wear a dress like this?" She asked jokely. "Theres a party next week and your going with me." He said it as if she didn't have a choice. "And do I have a choice in this?" She laughed. "No, you don't." He laughed with her and walked to stand in front of her. "We're getting it." He said. She stared up at him. "Wait, your not joking are you?" He smiled. "No, I'm not." "But I couldn't go, I thought you were joking. I mean look at me I'm covered in bruises. I couldn't go anywhere with you like this. I'd emberrase you. I couldn't" Chase stared at her and she looked down. "You could never embarrase me, you are beautiful. Even more so in this dress." She looked down embarresed. Lucie took that time to come in.

Lucie gasped "Oh my gosh! Oh, you look amazing in that dress darling!" Angel blushed "Thank you." Lucie turned to Chase and said "You are one lucky man, you should know that!." She smiled but it seemed a little tight. "Mrs I have some more dresses I would like to show you, if you want to come back with me" Lucie asked "Uhm, sure" Angel replied. When Chase got up to follow them Lucie turned around. "I'm sorry, but I need you to stay here while I take her back with me." Chase seemed a little worried but he looked at Angel and she nodded. Chase sat back down.

Angel had no idea why Chase couldn't come back with her. Lucie led her down a passage way and then into a office. Angel walked in and Lucie closed the door. "Uhm, What are we doing here?" Angel asked. Lucie had a very serious look on her face. "Would you take a seat sweety, I need to ask you a couple questions?" Angel was worried. "Okay, is everything alright? Have I done something wrong?" Lucie smiled at her. "Of course not sweety, I just have a very serious question to ask, that I couldn't ask in front of the mister." "Okay...what is it?" Lucie hesitated for a second. "Be honest with me Mrs. does he beat you?" The look on Angels face was shock then realization. She looked down she bruises all over herself, of course she would think that. Angel laughed and Lucie looked startled. "Oh I'm sorry I startled you. No, No he doesn't. Hes probally the only person whos ever been in my life thats kept me safe." Lucie looked at her with such sadness, that Angels eyes stung. She
could feel the tears coming to her eyes and then they started flowing out. Lucie jumped over to her and hugged Angel. "Oh I am so sorry Mrs." "My name is Angelica" Lucie looked at her "What?" "My name is Angelica, but you can call me Angel. Everyone else does." Lucie smiled. "That is a very pretty name and it suits you very well." "Thank you" Angel replied. Lucie sat in the chair next to Angel . "I am so sorry, I just saw all those bruises and I just assumed. I guess I assumed wrong, but I am going to ask one more question. Did someone else do this to you?"

Chase had no idea how long it was taking Angel and Lucie. They should have been back by now, he was getting worried. He got up and walked towards the hallway he saw them go down. He heard Angels voice and then her laugh. He didn't know what was going on, he followed her voice towards a door to a office. Angel and Lucie were laughing and laughing hard. It made him smile, the thought of her laughing happily. Then he heard Angel talk "I can't believe he did that!" What in the world were they talking about. Lucie laughed "I know, I should have never got a dog!" "I always wanted a dog" Angel said "Well you should come over to my house and see my dog. He would love you!" Angel laughed. "I would love him too I bet." Chase slowly walked away from the door he didn't want to interrupt it seemed as if Angel was happy sitting in their talking to Lucie. So he walked back to his comfy seat at the coach.

Angel likes talking with Lucie it calmed her down and it made her laugh. She have never had a friend in highschool like Lucie, her only friend had always been Chase. She liked having a girl as a friend, it was great. Lucie smiled and laughed with her as if they had been friend for ever. "Here's my number and address if you want to call. Actually please call I really would like to hangout with you." Angel smiled "Me too! Thank you for everything, it was nice to get to talk to someone about everything that happened." Lucie's face got serious. "If anything happens you call me the moment it does." Angel looked back at her. "I will, I promise." Angel and lucie left her office smiling at each other, they walked into the changing area to
find Chase layed out on the coach snoring. Angel and Lucie laughed. "He obviously wasn't to worried about me" They both
laughed harder. There laughter woke Chase up and he fell off the coach making them laugh even harder, pretty soon Chase was laughing with them.

Chase and Angel left the store with to many bags. "Gosh, this is all so heavy" Chase complained. "Hey! Your the one that insisted I get all of this stuff." They laughed.

Gosh, Chase loved to hear her laugh. "Lets go get something to eat I'm starved!" Chase said. "But you've already spent so much on clothes." Chase laughed "Well if we go back to my apartment all there will be is spagettios and Chicken noodle soup." Angel laughed. "Of course, you have no food in you house!" They walked to the italian restaraunt on the corner. When they were through Chase was stuffed. "How about dessert?" Chase asked. "If I eat anything more, I will probally puke." Chase laughed. "Yeah, me too!" They walked back to his apartment laughing and talking. Not thinking about what they will soon have to talk about. Chase sat all the bag on the floor inside the door. He laughed "Maybe, I was wrong about that whole shopping thng." Angel laughed. "You think!" They laughed, Angel plopped off the coach and pulled off her shoes. Chase looked at her. He sighed. Angel looked over at him. "Whats wrong?" he didn't want to do this. "We really need to talk." Angel looked at him her blonde hair falling in front of her eyes. "Okay, what do we need to talk about?" She asked him. Chase looked at her and said finally. "They told me you were dead."
Angel gasped. "What?"

Chapter 3:
Angel didn't know what to think. Who told him that she was dead, why would they tell him that? Thats not even close to what happened she so wished she could tell him the truth. But she couldn't, she couldn't to protect him. "My dad told me you were dead." She couldn't breath. She shouldn't have come here, she made a big mistake she has to leave. "I need to go talk to my dad." He looked at her as if she was a ghost. Then reached out to run his hand down her arm as if he was checking. "Its okay" she said to him and then smiled to reasure him. "I'll be fine while your gone." He smiled down at her and then shocked her he grabbed her off the coach. He pulled her into a big hug and then kissed her. "I
just wanted to make sure." He smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back. He turned around and left. Angel fell into the coach and started to cry. She knew what she had to do, she had to leave. It was best for Chase, that when he's back I be gone.

Chase couldn't believe his father would lie to him like that. Something so serious, his father knew that crushed him when he thought Angel had died. He stomped his way to his father's house. He didn't even nock when he got there, he just stormed into the house. The first person he saw was his mother, she looked startled. "Chase what are you doing here?" Chase went to her "I really hope you had nothing to do with this mother." His mother looked confused and scared. "What are you talking about Chase?" Chase stormed to his fathers office. "Chase, Chase your scaring your mothers! Whats going on sweety? Please tell me?" He ignored his mothers voice and went straight to his fathers office. He pushed open the door and it hit the wall with a loud
bang. His father looked up startled so did the two other men in his office. One of the men cleared his through "Well George we will finish up this converstion another time." The two men walked out the door. His father called him "Well scince you interrupted my meeting I might as well hear what you came to say. Come on sit down." Chase glared at his father the whole time as he walked into the office and stood in front of his fathers desk. "Well are you going to sit down or what so?" His father sounded so calm. "I don't really feel like sitting down father!" He tryed to keep from yelling as he gripped the edge of the desk. "Suit yourself son, what have you come to talk about then?" Chase stared at his father. "You told me she was dead." He whispered it, because his voice was strained. It was either to whisper or yell it. "What did you just say?" His father looked startled "You told me she was lied." His father's face was pure shock. "Who are you talking about Chase my boy?" Chase couldn't hold back anymore. "Don't you dare call me your boy! You are a two face liar! This whole time
you told me she was dead. You lied to my face, how could you do that to me?" His father face collapsed. "Who are you talking about?!" Chase looked at his father and whispered one word "Angel" His father laughed a cold laugh. Chase was startled by the laugh. It made him shiver. His father stood up. "I did't lie to you boy!" He laughed again, he looked into his fathers eyes to see nothing but coldness. He shivered again. "That girl is dead! You need to get these fantasys out of your head! She is dead, she died 5 years ago. You need to believe that!" Chase stared at him. "Your a liar, shes at my house right now." his father looked scared for a second but then returned to being calm. "Your going crazy Chase, your hallucinating. SHe gone! Dead! Get over her!" "YOu can come to my house shes there sleeping on the coach!" His father calmly grabbed his jacket.
"Fine, lets go see this ghost."

Angel didn't know what she was doing. I have no where to go. How can I do this to Chase. I have to go back. It would be the right thing to do, but it would be totally the wrong thing to do. I'm putting him in danger, how could I be so selfish. But maybe I could stay one more night with him. Angel turned around and headed back to Chase's apartment.

Chase and his father walked into his apartment. "Angel?" Chase whispered. When no one replied his father said "I told you son no one is here." Chase started to panick, he ran through the rooms and when he came up with nothing anywhere. He fell onto the coach. His father came and stood by him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Son, I'm sorry but nobodys here." Chase wanted to fall over and cry. "Can you leave?" He asked his father. "Yes, I will call and check on you in the morning son."

Angel came back to a cold, dark apartment. She slowly walked in to find Chase curled up on the coach crying. How could she
have done this to him, she ran to him and through her arms around him. "I am so sorry! I should have never left!" He looked up as if he was looking at a ghost. He reached out and rubbed his nuckles down her cheek and then smiled. He pulled her onto his lap and hugged her so hard she could barely breath and then kissed her. He wrapped his arm around her. His other hand went to the back of her neck and he latched on like he was never letting go. She ran her hands through his hair and kissed him back. How could she have left him, she was in love with him. How could she hurt the person she loved so much. Then she realized what she just thought, she did love him didn't she and she would do anything for him. She kissed him with more earnest now. She was sitting on his lap with her knees resting by his hips. She grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He moved his hands up and down her back. His fingers were running through her silky blonde hair and then latched onto her neck to pull her even closer to him. She ran her fingers through his hair. She bit onto his bottom lip and heard a groan coming from Chase, a very manly groan that shocked her. What was she doing? She started to get up, when Chase pulled on her legs and kept her there. She tried to wiggle away when he groaned again. His head fell back onto the coach and his eyes were closed. She started to panick. What did I do to him? She grabbed onto his face. "Oh my gosh, are you alright? You don't look good? Did I do this to you?" He smiled and laughed. "I'm fine baby and yes you did do this to me." She felt sick "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess I just got carried away." He opened his eyes and looked into her concerned eyes. He just smiled at her. "Why are you smiling? I hurt you. Let me get up." He held onto her tighter. "No! Stay here." she looked down at him confused. "But, why would you want me to stay? I hurt you didn't I?" she stared at him, why wouldn't he want me to get up. I did this to him didn't I, I hurt him. "You didn't hurt me Angel, your fine. Stop looking so worried. I'm fine." She was so confused. "Fine, okay. I'm still confused. Will you let me get up?" He had a funny smile on his face when he said "No." She stared at him. "Well why not?" "I like you sitting here. Just please let me hold you for a little longer." She was willing to sit there and let him hold her too. She layed on his chest and fell asleep like that.

He was freakin' angry! This was it, the last straw. She shouldn't have ran off like that, she's so stupid. Just like her mother, shes gonna get herself in some trouble. Theres only one thing I can do and she's not going to like it. But its all her fault. He had a phone call to make. She broke the promise to him and me. She was going to regret doing that. Stupid, stupid little girl. He went over to his cell phone and found the number he was only suppose to use in emergencys. Well she dang well made this one. He hit call and got voice mail. "Bull" he said to himself. That man needs to learn how to answer his dang cellphone. He had only one other choice and thats to get his but up to New York and look for her himself. Guess thats whats going to happen. He grabbed a bag and ran out of his apartment. He whistled for a taxi, and pulled out his cellphone to catch the first flight out of here.

Angel woke up in a bed, she remembered falling asleep in Chase's arms last night. He must have moved her to the bed last night. She slid out of the bed to go find him. She found him sleeping on the coach his head on one side and his legs hanging off the other. She smiled at him. She looked down at his bair chest, he was in his boxers. She could just stare he really was gorgous. He didn't believe it though. He was always embarresed by his looks, why I have no idea. Just then Chase decided to strech. His back arched and his long legs and arms extended while his muscles strained. She turned around because she couldn't look anymore. She walked into the kitchen, maybe she could cook them some breakfast. He did make it yesterday for them both. She walked into the pantry to find it almost barren. Hopefully, the fridge would be a little more stocked.

Chase woke up to noises in the kitchen, figuring Angel was up he walked towards to kitchen. He almost laughed out loud, Angel was sitting with her knees on the counter to get something. She went to stand and got wobbly. Chase jumped towards her, right when she slipped of the counter. He caught her easily, she fit nicely into his arms. He slowly slid her to her feet and
continued to hold her in his arms. She fit so well that it was like she was made for him. He never wanted to let her go. He was in love with her. That startled him, he couldn't marry Bernadette not while he was in love with someone else. That would be to cruel to her. He was going to visit her later on, maybe in a day or two. He just didn't want anything to ruin his time with Angel just yet. He still hadn't told her he was engaged, she deserves to know. BUt he's afraid it will upset her to much. He will tell her soon, just not yet. He looked down at her in his arms and smiled. He loved having her here. "Thank you." She said as she smiled up at him. "You know I will always be there to catch you." She looked down and her eyes started to water up. He looked at her. "Are you okay? Did I upset you?" She didn't look up at him, just kept looking at the floor. He gently grabbed onto her chin and pulled her face up to look at her. She still wouldn't look at him. He didn't know what he had said to make her cry like this.

Angel wanted to tell Chase so bad what she was upset about. But she never could and never will. Chase didn't know that he couldn't always be there for her. She shouldn't even be here know. She just hopped she still had some time left with him, before he found her. She knows she should regret being here, but she didn't. She just had to stay a couple more days with him. That would be worth it, but she couldn't risk his life being ruined over her being stupid. He would never forgive her, if he found out about everything that happened. "I'm fine really." She faked a smile as she said it. "Are you sure?" Chase asked her, his face full of concern. "Yeah, I really am. Let's finish making breakfast together." He finally gave in. "Okay, if your sure." "I am." He slowly let her go. "Okay, just let me go get dressed." She looked at him up and down. "Oh you don't have to." Chase laughed. "Yeah, I really do." He bent down and kissed her on the forehead with a smile on his face.

Chase walked out of the room. He was still concerned about Angel, but he had other things to worry about. The meeting with his dad last night went really bad. "Surprised I'm not already in the loony bin." He whispered to himself. He came off crazy last night. Running into his father's office in a angry rampage and then Angel not being here when he brought his father here. But maybe that was for the best, if his father was behind any of this. FInding out that she's here, might be a bad thing.

He stood at the airport arriving at his destination. He picked out his cellphone to call the number again, hoping the bastard would answer this time. The man picked up on the third ring. "What?" the man answered gruffly. "What do you think?" He asked him. "She's gone." He heard the man screaming on the other side of the phone. "What?" The man practically yelled. "How long has she been gone?" "Almost a week." The man groaned. "Why didn't you inform me sooner?" "I tried, you wouldn't answer the phone!" The man on the other side of the phone groaned. "You need to get here." He laughed "I'm way ahead of you." He said as he took his first look of New York City.


Angel smiled to herself. She was really glad she decided to come back, even though it was wrong of her. She just decided to enjoy the time she did have with him. Even if that time is short. She turned around to find Chase standing in the door way to the kitchen; she looked up and smiled at him. "Are you just going to stand there or help me make breakfast?" Chase laughed "Oh I guess I could help." Angel laughed at him "It was your idea!" Angel kept stirring the eggs. Chase came around her and put his arms on both sides of her and grabbed the spatula. Chase started kissing her neck and ear. Angel groaned "I don't think we are going to get any work done like this." Chase laughed against her neck. "Who said I wanted to work?" Chase mumbled something else, but Angel couldn't understand it. She didn't really care either. Chase took the spatula from Angel’s hands and turned her around to face him. He moved from her neck to her ear, then to her mouth.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.09.2011

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