
1. moving.

my name is krissy boldwin and my mums name is karen boldwin.
we are moving to england because mums just got a job offer over there.becoming a sales person for
'quade buisness'. apparently its a major company over there and the pay is better so were moving for the job.i think mabye this will be a good thing a chance to meet new people and start a new life.

although i'v never been good at meeting new people.always been a background kinda person and its suites me.i like it. and im not gonna change just cause were moving.not gonna change for nothing.or no one.

i have long blonde hair not a fat girl or a stick girl. im average height. and have blue glossy very pale.
the background is always my colour never the foreground.

my mum is gorgus.she is tall,tanned,middle aged, and a complete babe magnet.
but always picks the wrong guy,when she tells them she has a daughter,(me), they run for the hills.
thats another reason we are moving.bad pick of guys in america.

im packing all my rain clothes and dry but not hot clothes cause apparantly not the best weather there.
still bring some bikinis for the occasional hot days.

mum and i are just getting in the car now, im gonna miss this hot weather.
all the windows are rolled down but its still baking hot in the car.
mums screaming at some lunatic driver for almost crashing into our mini cooper.
we dont need a big car its only the two of us ofcourse.i like it that way.but would love to have a father figuire in my life.

im drifting of into a deep sleep mum will probably wake me when we get there,im a very heavy sleeper,its a long drive to our new Alderly Edge in Cheshire.

2. new home.

were here and im getting out of the car.i was right to pack bad weather clothes cause its raining.
me and mum run in and get the door open.
the appartments lovely and cosy.2 bedrooms,1 bathroom ,livingroom,and kitchen.bigger than our old appartment.

i go strait to my bedroom and get all my things out to make it officialy mine.
after i finished getting aquainted with the house and making it more homey.
i went to bed.before falling into another deep sleep ,cause its round 2:00 am at the moment,i had a shock from mum.

she shouted through from the kitchen "you have school tommorow,your uniform is on the side here,so i'll wake you up as early as i can sweety so you have time to do every thing ok."

i didnt answer her.i was in to much,forgot all about that.damn.
i got no sleep that night because i was thinking about the school i have to go to tommorow.scary.
kinghorn prep.posh snoby school,yeah great cliques.hangouts. hay never no mabye i'll make some friends.
oh who am i kidding im goin to be all alone throughout my life. :(

3. first day of school.

i got up got washed-dried,uniform on,hair done,shoes on,bag ready...

and before leaving i rememberd i didnt know were i was i asked my mum for a lift.

she said "yeah just this once so you know your way to school tommorow."

i thanked her,then we were on our way.

she dropped me of and told me to go into the reception.

so i said by and walked to the reception.there was a woman there,i told her i was new here and needed a
class schedule she gave me one and told me where the directions to my first lesson was.
i told her"thankyou" then went in a hurry out the door i tripped up a few times,im very clumsy like that.
when i got there,i peered in the window i wouldnt be the first person in.there were a group huddled at the
back chatting.

i walked up to the teachers desk and told him."hi im new here and this is my first period where should
i sit?"in my ears i sounded very grumpy.

he answered."hello my names mr.kanter you can sit where ever you want to. ok."he said it quite enthusiasticly.i could tell he was gonna get on my nerves.

i nodded,then walked to the back of the classroom sat at the back table in the corner mabye i would
blend in a bit.

i took out my ipod,put my earphones in and started humming to the tune-lady gaga-telephone-.

when i felt a tap on my back. i turnt around. and four people where waiting for me to take the earphones out.

when i did a small dark haired girl spoke.
"hi im ally," she pointed to a good looking guy with a mohawk-"this is rex-" now she pointed to a boy with
short brown hair that flicks like greabos have.good looking to and a girl who had long wavy hair and was short. -"this is deano and alisha.whats your name?"

i told her."hi my names krissy,nice to meet yous"


by the end of the day we were all like best friends,we were in all the same classes,sat at the same tables...
and ate lunch together.we had all aranged to go up town on the weekend then go see a movie.this was great i had made a bunch of friends on the first day.yay.

there were three groups through out the whole year group(year10). the populars,the normals,and the backgrounds. (we were the backgrounds as you can tell).

at the end of the day,we all gave hugs,said by, and i walked on the way home with ally,turns out she lives round the corner from me which is brilliant.

ally was still by myside when i knocked on the appartment door. mum came to the door,frankly looking quite shocked.
"hi sweety whos your friend.?"
i answered with a question."mum this is ally,(they shook hands) can she come over for tea tommorow?"
"sure sweety,course she can." ally said by to me,then before walking away said shed knock for
me in the morning so we could walk together.i said fine and bye.


3 months later....

my life is great got the best mates mums been dating some guy,mike...something.
havent met him yet but sounds good so far.

apparently she has already told him that she has a daughter,
she showed him a picture of me and told him about me.
he also as a child.
apparently his sons my age and goes to my school so its not that bad. mabye hese one of the normals?.who knows.

but im probably gonna find out tonight.its a saturday and me and my mum are going over for dinner to there house.
apparently there loaded.she didnt say that but sounds like it from
the jist of things she has been telling me. like he took her to
some expensive atalian restraunt,he has a big house that she said
i would love because it has a cinema room in it.and id have my own
suite if we moved in with them,but i want him to be good anough for
my mum first and i will be the judge of that tonight.

mum said we have to dress up all fancy like for the big night
and apparently they have some big news for me and his son tonight.
wonder what it is. ?

so basicaly...
my life fu**ing rocks at the moment.dont ever want it to change.
its great .


me and mum were ready to go apparently a cool black limo will be picking us up in ten minutes.

im wearing a silver dress that goes up to my ankles that i bought yesterday.
just for this a little bit of make-up on.tear drop earings,and glass cinderella tehe.

my mums wearing a dress like mine but in gold.dangley earings.
pink heels and a pink pearl necklace.the usual dose of make up.alot.
she looks amazing.even more than usual.she doesnt need all the make up

we're both looking in the mirror.check us out.i look ok i think.
which is weird cause i normaly look hideous.oh well i dont care
what people think of me so it doesnt bother me if i look like shit.
but mum wants me to dress up so i have.and i do look good,i admit it.

mum walked up to the door opened it and shouted up to me.
"the limos hear get down hear now,we dont want to be late!"

i shouted back "fine.i look ok.dont i ?"
she was startled when i walked down the stairs ...
"oh my god babe , you look little angel."
we walked outside and a man pulled the door open for us like you see in the could it be anymore cheesy. oh well lets get this over with.


"we are he madam's." someone called from the front of the limo.
we had stopped.i was so nervous.also weird.i dont get nervous. aw well first time for every thing.

2 men opened each side of the the same time mum and i got and mum stepped up to the door and a handsome gentleman opened it up before we nocked. he gave my mum a kiss on the cheek. so imm guessing this is mike.mike spoke.
"hello my dear you must be kristena" oh my god he used my full name?!!

i spoke back."krissy.nice to meet you.mike?"

"yes,thats me.nice to finaly meet you krissy.please come in the tables
full take what you want and dig in."

he lead us in to this mahusive dining hall.with 4 fancy plates laid out. oh yeah forgot he has a son.
he saw me looking at the forth plate and interupted my thoughts.
"my son will be down very soon,he wants his hair to be perfect.for he is going out later and will only be joining us for the main corse meal and pudding."

the starter was delicious , prawn cocktails.

when the main meal came out a man came down the stairs when he was half way he stopped blew a horn.and shouted for every one to hear.
"anounceing sir five minutes he would like the dinner to be lade when he comes down!"

and he ran back up the stairs.

five minutes later(im digging in to roast beef)...

interupting my about to eat a pea mike spoke.
"this is my son tyler ... tyler this is karen.and krissy."

a sexy voice appeared in the chair across from me.
"hello there.i wont be joining for long just the main corse."

we were all eating.
tyler kicked me under the table.when i looked up.
he winked at me.yuck.a popular.disgusting.
i kicked him back then carried on eating.
hese one of those stuck up bitches.damn hese fine tho.
no i cant go down that road, hese a popular im a backround its not happening.


when everyone finished pudding i decided to take the plates out and wash the dishes. when i heard footsteps follow me out.grrr.

me and tylers conversation in the kitchen....

tyler-hello there.krissy is it.
he pulled my waist from the back.

me-eww...get of freak.
i pushed him away.and carrried on with he dishes.

he stopped.
tyler-why were you flirting at the table then?

me-that wasnt flirting,that was you kicking me then me kicking you back
,dickhead.your a popular.i dont asosiate with man hoars like yourself.

tyler-your not...your a background arn't you?

me-bingo you got it.good boy.

i tapped him on the head like a dog.

when shock he pulled me in and kissed me.and i have to admit this.
i kinda kissed him back.then pushed him away and slapped him round
the face.

me-what the fuck was that why the hell did you do that!

i screamed at him.

tyler-well it was a kiss and it was gooood.

he puckered his lips in mockery and walked out.

after dinner.another shock.

"we're moving in together tommorow.go pack.see you tommorow."

i walked out with out saying a word.the ride back no words came out of
my mouth.i went to bed without a word. 1 i know schools tommorow,which
means i'll see 'him'.2 i'll see 'him' any way cause im MOVING in with him.

thats to much for 1 day....



6. school.then home.

i woke up thinking yay,friday,school,i'll see my friends... then i remembered the night before.
reality hit me like a big orange school bus.yuck...moving today.better pack.
mum called in...
"hunni you awake?"
i never answered. i was still angry with she came in thinking i was asleep.
when she saw my expression.she understood.
"sweety we'll talk after school,in the mean time get ready for school your friend ally will be here soon.
reluctantly i got up and ready for school.
when i was ready i ran out the door.banging into my best friend ally.
she always came at the moment i was leaving.
she cracked up laughing then helped me up.she saw my face and saw that i wasnt laughing.
she said questioningly
"so.. whos house are we torching tonight then?"
i answered glumly "nope no house torching tonight-"and i told her the whole thing.down to the littlest detales.
even talking about the kiss sent butterflies to my stomach.i was pissed of even more now.darn.

when we were at school at our lockers i had just finished telling the story of the end of my life 'him' .
the only words that came out of her mouth were...
"OMG!..." and quite frankly they are not real life is over. :(
by lunch time she had questioned me about every question that she could think of relating to my new living arrangements.

at lunch we sat at our usual table but i still felt like shit so i asked if we could move to the library.
they all agread that it was better because it was quietter there. so we all got up and moved to the library.

it was packed at the back of the library.i asked some poor girl ,trying to see over the crowd,what was happening.
apparantly there was some hot guy with his top of at the back of the room.and he was a popular.

god.they think there so cool what brain dead idiot would think there cool.not me.
i turnt around and there was a massive pack behind me now,so i couldnt get out.
so i settled for getting to the side of the room then working my way to an exit.

when i got to a side i saw a exit at the back of the the front of the crowd.
hay i hated standing out but if that was the quickest way of getting out of this stuffy room then so be it.
i would have to stand out for 1 couldnt be that bad though.could it?
so i made it to the front of the crowd and opened the exit door.feeling so many staring eyes on my back.
i wanted to run and never look back but i settled for a quick walk away.

before i was far anough away the doors would shut behind me i heard my name being called.i turned around.
it was the jerk from my so called new house. he was walking up to me now with all his gang of scanks behind him.following his every step.

"so its true that your moving in tonight then?"he asked tauntingly.he was eying me up and down.confidently.
god i hated that about him.
one of the 'popular' girls came to us and grabbed tylers hand,looking so jelous,inside i was in hysterics.
"tyler baby what are you talking about and why are you talking to her? a background?"she asked.spitefully.
i wanted to piss him of like he pissed me of so i asked tyler a very interesting question...
"oh tyler you havent told your scank that a backgrounds moving in with you yet? oops slipped out.."
i leftr tyler in quite a perdicament and i felt proud.walking away i heard the scank shouting.
"what the"
happy me.i walked to english in a very chuffed mood.happy,happy,happy.
when the end of the day came i walked with ally home after saying goodbye to the group.
i told her all that happened at lunch. we were both in hysterics.until we got to mine and i realised it was time to face the music.
i said good bye to ally in my walkway way gave hugs and she wished me luck at my new house.i answered sarcasticly "you and me both,love ya"

i walked in the appartement and there were boxes at the front door.
some with my name on and some with my my mums name on.
they where moving boxes.darn.
i thought at least i would have some time to try to argue my way out of this.i would always fail but at least i would have tried.
i guess not.i hate this moving situation.darn mike for having a bloody son. boo him.

it was at least 3 hours later mum and i had, had a talk and i agreed to be nice to her new boy friend.
but i didnt say anything about his idiod ...horrible... annoying... son! i hate him.i didnt agree to be nice to him.nor siree :)
we got the boxes packed in the limo,the stuff didnt fit in our mini cooper,and got in,then started driving to our new house.

7. big mistake.

when the car stopped round the corner from mikes big house,my heart started to jump
outta my chest,i was so scared.why? i do not no all i no is i was definately scared.

mum got out first awaiting her was mike,they kissed quickly.
the kiss may have been quick but there was love in was so beautiful.
i new there and then that i couldnt hate mike cause he loved my mum.and i want
her to be happy.


when we settled every thing in the living room we all sat and had some dinner.
fancy dinner wasnt normal for me but i could tell i would have to get used to it.
you know living in this mansion/house from now on.


mum spoke first.
"krissy hunny do you want to go pick a room but dont go in tylers rooms ok."
i noticed the word 'rooms' instead of 'room',spoilt brat.

i walked up the first flight of stairs and made may way down a hallway,into the first room.


after looking through all the rooms.on three flights.i walked up to the last flight.

at the end of the hallway i went in the last room and i wanted this room impaticular
for one reason the was magnificent you could see everything that was anything.
i wanted this room for definate.

i walked down to the living room mum and mike were in.out of breath i said.
"mike mum i've picked a room,can i take my stuff up now?."
when they agreed i tried to drag all my stuff up to the room i was in.
i barly made it up the first step without tripping.
when tyler came through the door.jerk.when mike shouted in.
"oh.tyler help carry krissy things to her new room.ok."
tyler helped after a thousand times i told him not to and to just go away.
when we were at my room,i said.
"thanks,by now." i was about to shut the door when his foot was in the way.
"hay this is one of my rooms."
shit i forgot he had more than one room.
"well you wont miss it you have lots of rooms."i said back.
he had his thinking face on then he had a smirk on his face.and spoke.
"oh you can have it on three conditions.i'll tell you first one now others later ok."
i just nodded,when the smirk came back on his face.

he walked in locked the door and turned back to me.
he caught me of guard,he pushed me on my bed i fellback.when he sat on top and held my
hands above my head. spoke sotly at my ear."condition number 1."
he started to kiss me fast and hard.i struggled for first couple of seconds.
then gave in.and started kissing back.the kisses were passionate now for both of us.
he let go of my wrists and instead pulled my waist closer to him.
at this point my head was telling me to punch him in the face.but all i did was
tangle my hands in to his hair.he realy used to much jel in his hair.


half an hour later we both stopped.both breathing was heavy.he was about to put his
lips back onto mine.i new how this was goin to end and i didnt want that to happen.
so i startled him by pushing him of my bed.
"i know you want me aswell krissy.dont try and deny it."he said this in a suduceing voice.
i did want him.bad.that is not a good thing.
hese one of those guys...all he wants is to get into your knickers.then its day.
new not gonna become one of those girls.not not that type of girl.

"i think you should leave"i was trying to convince myself more than i was him.
he sighed then sat next to me. "cant we just do it.then mabye i'll get over you."

now that comment just pissed me of.i slapped him rond the face then said.
"who the fuck do you think i am,im not like those girls you fuck then leave.
i aint your fucking barbie doll,you dont just get to play with me when you feel like it."
i unlocked the door and walked out while he shouted my name .

8. close call.

the next day....

i was happy to be alone in the living room when i woke up.
that meant i was strong anough to ignore the feelings i have for the vile gorgous
jerk,tyler, yesterday.

i now know i can not control myself if he kisses me,sadly he knows this aswell.
so i will do every thing in my power to avoid him.hopefully for a long anough
time to get over him.fingers crossed.

my fone started to ring it was a message from ally saying:

gangs meeting up at 2 in town square,
we're going to a west end party after to get hammered...coming?

i text back: ok meet ya's at 2.

i looked at a clock it said 12:00am.
i got up and went to my bed room door and peaked in just incase he had fell
asleep in my bedroom last night.thank god he wasnt there when i took a peak inside.
i walked in to my on suite bathroom and got in the shower.i needed to calm myself.
take the stress away.this was deffinately the way to do it.

after i had come out of the shower i got ready to go out you know...
clothes ...
wearing a t-shirt saying paramore rocks :P on it.and some bagy trousers.i
put my partying stuff in a bag which was a mini dress,heels,make-up,brush and jewelery.
i put my hair up in a loose bunn just for town.thats why i brot the brush for the party.

when i went down stairs into the kitchen to get some food before leaving for town.
i walked in on tyler and the scank from the other day kissing.
i was distraght inside but pushed my feelings to the side.afterall im not meant to like him.
i walked up to the counter to get make some co-co-pops.

they never realised i was there till i poured the milk into the bowl.
and started to crunch the breakfast down.

the coversation went a little like this:

tyler-umm..krissy..hi..(he said this realy! nervously.)

me-oh hi.not interupting anything am i.(i was so confident(tylers not normaly nervous,
i thought.?.)

scank-well kind of,as you can see.(she smirked.iwanted to punch her face there and then)

tyler-no we were just...getting some food.would you care to join us for breakfast?
(that wiped the smile of ov scanks face.)(scanks real name is fiona by the way.)

me-no im ok im gonna meet some friends up town,then go to that west end party to get blathered.
sorry not got time.i would invite you but its a private party. :)

scank-your going to a party.dressed like...that?.!

me-look scank iv got clothes in my bag not that its any of your buisness.

tyler-oh,so i'll see you there then(that annoying confidence was back.)

scank-wait iv got plans tonight babe sorry.

tyler-oh yeah i know your not invited babe soz,not a plus 1 understand?

scank-ummm fine! i'll cya later then(kiss) bye sketty krissy.

me-bibi scank :)

scank walked out.

me-your not realy coming are you.

tyler-yeah i'll cya there,ya c i have to go ma boys are going.

me-what you going with all your boyfriends?

tyler-you and i both no im not gay krissy.or do you want me to remind you?

me-na im alright thanks.

tyler-(was infront of me now.)well krissy.the next condition for the room.wanna no what it is?

i was walking slowly backwards now.i banged in to a wall behind me.that made him smirk.

tyler-stop trying to dismiss your feelings enjoy them.
( god i wanted to kiss him )
our faces were only inches apart he was about to destroy them inches whem my mum came in.
i quickly pushed tyler away and walked out of the go to town.

9. town/party.

i was walking to town now.god he was so seducive,i hated it.
i dont think the view of the rooms worth my dignity.
nope,my dignity crashed and burned the moment i kissed him back and showed weakness.

rite i see my gang from here i run up to them and give hugs out to them all.
ally spoke first"you look flushed darlin whats going on?"

she new me to well.i mimed jerk with my mouth and shee understood straight away.

then we al went in the shops and fucked about.


ally said "rite its party time.lets go get changed then we'll get a taxi to the west end."

me and ally went to the bathrooms..and she must have done me up well.after she done herself
ofcourse. because all the guys were gaping at me,mouths wide open.the only word they
all could say was. "wow".

...west end...

we were at the party walking in.with our passes out.and guess who i saw strait away
with his 'boys'.
he spotted me before i could walk away.he was walking up to me now.darn him.
he was wearing a white shirt that was unbuttoned.

he said to me very cocky "fancie seeing you here,would you like to dance with me."

i replied "well i would cramp your style sooo..."

he smirked while saying " sure i'll manage.your only 1 girl i'll make up for it."

grr.i didnt like that comment. "wow your egos way to big for you bye."

i was going to walk up to ally.when hes pun me round making me dance with him.

"look i'll forget all about the 2nd condision if you dance with me through two songs."

"deal"was all i could say.i was mesmerized by his eight pack.he could see me staring
and laughed.


after dancing through 2 songs we were done and i said ""
i was leting go when he pulled me in at the waist and kissed me powerfuly.
im sick of his ego.i slapped him round the face and walked up to the gang and started to
chat with them.they hadnt seen.thankgod no 1 did.

when the party was finished a taxi drove me home and i squirmmed into bed.
then fell asleep.

10. let the games begin?.!

when i woke up.i felt refreshed.i had fun last night minus the disrupsion from tyler and it would have been the best.
but sadly he was there. boo.

so when i woke i got up went to my suite had a shower,then got dressed in these realy sluty colthes.just incase tylers
gf was there.just to piss her of. :) .

i was wearing jean short shorts.and a black boob tube top. i admit i looked fine.. :D
id washed and dried my hair then i straitened it and put a little bit of make up on so i would piss that scank off
even more by looking hot infront of tyler :p .

i walked down stairs into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal.when wouldnt you know it scank and jerk were getting off
in the kitchen again.i got the cereal and sat down on the stool by the side bar in the kitchen.and crunched.

by the time i finished tyler was practically drouling over me. it was hilarious.

i stood up put the bowl in the sink and dropped the spoon infront of his view pissing scank of even more i bent over picked it up
dropped it in the sink and was about to walk away when i pretended to just notice him.
and said "ohh. hi tyler." i was pouting,he so nervous.
he said "umm..(gulp)hi krissy(gulp)."
a nervous reck he was. i had succeeded.

i walked up to my room now picked up my phone and rang ally and gang (it was a five way call.)

"hi gang meet up at 4pm up town yeah?"
i heard all yes's and hung up.
i checked the clock and it said 1:00pm
i walked downstairs into the living room and turned the tele on simpsons.

i heard scank call through to tyler."bye baby cya tommorow."

then he walked in with just his boxers on that was it. boxers. guessing this is him playing back and god he was doing well.
my turn to droul.

we talked :
(tyler had his sexy smirk on,and was all confident again.)

tyler-oh..hi krissy babe,mind if i watch tele with you?.

me-umm...(gulp)...hi(gulp).and you clothes on first.then mabye.

tyler-ohh im sorry i thought you liked it,since your practically drouling? (smirk)

me-no im not (wipe lip,omg i was!)well you were drouling when i walked into the kitchen were you not.

tyler-no,well yeah that wasnt you though.i umm..was hungry.

me-what ever tyler.

tyler-just stop drouling over me krissy, its a little pathetic.

(that done it)

me-your pathetic,1 you were drouling over me first,2(i was standing up feeling so angry)you think your so bludy great.
cause your a think every girls falling for you.well guess what im you can nock your ego down a notch.
(i poked him in the stomach and said)YOUR THE PATHETIC 1!

tyler bit his lip and looked down at me.didnt say anything so i looked down 2 and my boobtube had fallen down.shit.
i yanked it up. and slowly looked up at him.
he was staring at my lips.licking his.and gulping. shit i new what came next thats not good.

he yanked me close member hese only in his im right up against his eight pack.
he must work out alot.

i didnt want it to go any i spoke before he could kiss me.
"umm..i need to meet my friends,up town,at 4pm."

he smirked. "well...we got can meet up with your friends afterwards."

i looked down,tryin not to get sucked into his little games.
then he lifted my chin up making me look into his eyes.damn hese hypnotic.wait what did he say before?

"meet my friends after what.?"
smirk "what do you wanna do?"

i new exactly what he wanted to do and it wasnt goin to happen.

"im gonna go meet ma mates now ill cya later."

i went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and said to me "why dont we just have a little fun?...yeah"
he kissed me with eargerness.

i bit his lip cause he wouldnt let me go.

he sniggered "did you just bite me?"

i was angry. "is everything a joke to you. just stop it ok.youv got a girlfriend. stop messing with ma head.just stop!" and i pushed him away.

and i walked out.

11.we meet.

i walked to town were me and the gang normally meet up and i was like 1 hour early so i just sat there trying to catch my breath just to have it knocked out of me when i saw a gorgous guy looking at me while hese around a buch of his mates.i smiled and he started to get up when the group walked round the corner and shouted for me to come on.

so i stood up and he saw i was about to walk away he asked his mate somthing and then his mate gave him what ever it was he asked for before i got any where near the group hhe ran up to me,took my wrist in his hand wrote some numbers on it and said "incase you wanna hang out some time like without our mates there"

i asked he wanted my nuber and he agreed it was a good idea so he gave me the pen and i wrote the mansions home number on it.smiled gave the pen back and walked to my mates.

ally grabbed my wrist and wistled at me saying "you just pulled your first guy babe well done hese phit aswell." and we walked away.

first we went to an arcade playing on the coin machines.
then we went to kfc's for some food we went to our little hide out in this abandoned reck palce after.we stayed ther just talking for the rest of the day.

when i got a text i looked at it its the number i got of ov that gorgous guy this morning saying:
hiya, by the way my names harvey.whats yours ? t/b .xxx.

i text back saying: nice to meet ya harvey my names krissy...x

ahhh... he added kisses. when i showed all the girls in the group we all screamed in chorus at how great this is :D

later on at about 11:00pm i got a text from mum saying:
home now sweety.

i told every 1 i had to go now.and we all said bye.


when i got home i felt like my life was great until i saw him and all his friends having a late night boys pool party.i walked in to the kitchen got out some pizza heated it up then walked into the living room to watch some tele.when the phone started ringing.i was gonna pick it up but some one already did in the i just carried on watching tv.
when tyler came in saying to me "krissy some harvey guys on the phone,want me to tell him your not homee?

i amediately yanked the phone out of his hand and started to talk to him.

phone covo:

me~ hello

harvey~hi krissy its harvey.

me-hiya how are you.

harvey~yh im good, look i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party tommorow its a girl boy party and i was wondering if you would come with like

me~kool,i mean yeah sure.

harvey~cool ill pick you up at town were we met bye..

i was about to scream at the top of my voice 'im going on a date with harvey ahhh' but i stopped myself by remembering tyler was still in the room.

our conversation:

me-why are you still here go back to playing with you little friends.

tyler-who was that harvey guy?

me-my date for tommorow.why do you care?

tyler-mabye because i like you krissy,its uhh kinda obvious.

me-well,sorry you cant have me,cause im taken or i soon will be,hopefully.

tyler-ohh krissy you know i could have you if i realy wanted you babe.cause i get what iwant when i want it.

me-you have a girlfriend be all like that with her.

tyler-i dont want to,you see i like a challenge so the more you resist the more ill want you.

me-go for some other girl leave me alone.

tyler-no and no. :) i want you krissy.

me-get over yourself tyler cause i dont want you back.
(i was lying,i realy did want him.)

and i walked out and about to walk up to my room.
when i heard a bunch of guys coming round the corner and tyler come out the living room.

"hi you must be krissy im jake.this is roman,joe and mac.aint you pritty."

"hi guys.sorry im taken."

roman said "damn tyler already got away with yaa?"

i almost choked. " im goin on a date with a boy called harvey."

mac spoke up " got some compitition tyler me boy?"

tyler said. "shup no how i always win in the end."

i spoke while walking up to my room. "tyler you carry on going for your little sluts and i'll carry on going for real men,rather than women dressed as men k?"

i giggled in my bedroom cause heard all of his mates shout "BURN!.." then tyler reply grumpily "shut up."


after i heard every one leave it was safe to go down stairs and get a drink afterall tylers in his bedroom...or so i thought.

i was in the kitchen drinking my glass of milk when mr grumpy stormed his boxers(yikes.)

"do you get a kick out of making me sound like a pussy in front of ma mates!?"

i replied more than pissed now. "and you making me sound like a bloody prize your 'deffinately' gonna 'win' in the end.thats so degrating not an object!."

he was smirking devilishly now i was getting worried.i had just realised by this time how close he was to me.

he was pushing me back into the wall with his chest now.
"oh and you calling me a womans o.k is it? oh but krissy i have proof im a man,wanna see...if not say sorry and beg me to forgive you."

i was rite up against the wall by now,him eliminating all space between every part of us except our heads which were still pritty darn close.

so i was pinned against the wall cause he had a hold of my hands above my head.the only thing i could do was scream and i made that known.
"ill scream,now get off m...."

icouldn't say anymore cause his lips had captured mine with force.

but hell who was i kidding i didnt struggle that much before getting into it.

i mean its so unfair i'd be mad at him and thinking hese such a nob,dont no what girls see in him.then he kisses me and i just lose all the power to fight and forget why i hate him.just let loose with my mouth. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!.

after a couple of minutes of actualy kissing him back he was getting gready he almost put his hand up my top but when his fingers touched my bare skin i was shocked out of the moment.i new this was rong so i tried pushing him away but he pushed back with more force than before i new if i pushed him away again he'd just push back while still kissing me,so i done the only thing a girl in this situation would or could do... i kicked him in the balls then he fell down.screaming at me.

"what the fuck,why the hell did you do that !?"

i replied as sweet as i could.

"im sorry,but i tried to push you away and you didnt listen,its the only thing i could think of."

"well next time try something gentler yeah."
he got up kissed me on the cheek and walked out.

ugh he drives me mental...grrr...!!!

and with that i went upstairs brushed my teeth and put my PJ's on then jamp in bed.

and of to dreamland i went..ZZZZzzzz...


today was the day i was going to that party.eep!
with harvey.ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i had a shower done my hair had my breakfast then brushed my teeth by that time it was one o' i started getting ready for the party.


it was 4, one hour ahh..!

i went down stairs to pass 20mins then ill go meat harvey ...... eeeeeeppp!!......xxxx


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2010

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