
shhh... dont tell
so unexpected! chapter 1...

I was walking with my best mate Taylor to school thinking its just gonna be a normal great day.
I was wrong. There was a massive crowd round the new boys, seth and luke i never new
they were going to be so god damn good looking but still, there just to spoilt brats thinking they
own the place and watching every one drool over them, well not me no way. I told taylor that
she should go over if she realy wanted to ..? so she says "Thank you Maya your such a great
friend! " and ran off into the crowd, i was so disapointed in her going to drewl over thos boys
like all the other maniacs in this school ... there just encouraging them to be more spoilt and think
they can get what ever they want... grrrr i walked in to class in a hurry trying not to get
trampled on by the boys adoring fans!

Class started and wouldnt you know it they had to be in my english group.
Seth sat down on one side of the class room and Luke on the other. It was weird realy they both
kept eyeing the girls up and down like there trying to make up there mind and choose one.
I didnt mean to but i said this out loud " Spoilt,spoilt,spoilt" it was quite shocking that they heard
realy cause it was only a whisper. But i guessed they did because at that exact moment there
heads both whiped around and there faces looked shocked. I just turnt away quickly pretending
to concentrate on the board. Blushing. Then they carried on eyeing all the girls up and down again.
Every five minutes seth would stare at me for round about a minute and if i caught him he would
just start whisling like hese sooo.. inoscent.then smirk . grrr . Ugh the leason was finaly over
and i was walking out when i heard luke say to seth rite behind me "get a wiff of that ae
brother" then seth replied "i know....very strong smell" as he sniffed the air . i thought it was
very repulsive plus i thought they were talking about me. I could feel the staring eyes burning
holes into my back, metophoricaly speaking of course. When i was turning a corner i swiftley
glanced at the to new boys behind me. And yes they were staring at me, so i quickley turned
around and caught them, so i slowly and carfuly said"fuckk...offf... get it" then turned back
around and started walking again. they started to shout out a conversation just so i could hear.
luke shouting "havent we got a nosy one" seth sayed still shouting "and fiesty" luke replied in
a kind of scary way "i like 'em fiesty " then they started laughing when i got to my class room and
sat in my usual seat. Just in the nick of time to. I think there was an inside joke to the last little comment.
i hate it when i dont no things it infuriates me .grrr.

ohhh no , there not... there in my spanish too. ugh . they sat to spaces away eather side of me
all girls were sitting around them. except the spaces beside me i get annoyed with bimbos next to me
so i made sure of it . luke tapt me on the sholder and asked me to pass a note to his brother seth .
As he asked politely i grabbed it out of his hand and passed it along. seth looked at me no stared at
me then looked at his brother saying "haha very funny bro" he passed it to me . so i opened it. it sayed
"you realy shouldnt read other peoples notes haha" I scrumpled it up and chucked it at lukes head.
he goes " hay what was that for" i picked up my bag and books and shouted "you know darn well
fine what thats for DICKHEAD! " miss heard my little comment and told me to get out of her classroom
i replied with a smile on my face "GLADLY" and i stormed out. i could hear some foot steps follow me out
but i didnt stop so HE (seth) pulled my wrist back which spun me round and i fell on him. Darn, this
doesnt help the hating him part . i got off strate away. i brushed myself of as he stood up . he held my
gaze. he pushed me up against the wall kissing me pasionately .i didnt understand what was happening
it all happend so fast. suddenly my hands where in his hair. still holding my gaze he picked my legs up
and wrappend them around his waist. He suddenly let my eyes go as he was distracted by the
bell going off. I took my hands out of his hair and struggled to get my legs down as he had a tight
grip on them but i did in the end and pushed him away catching my breath.
i stutered "­!" he said confused "what was
wrong with the kiss,your lips tasted very nice ?..? was it me !?" " no you were brilliant infact,but thats
not the point" he said smiling "maya you like me right, well i no for a fact you like my lips ,hahaha
, so theres no problem, infact maya.... will you go out with me ???"
i wanted to say no then spit in his face but he held my gaze once again and i blurted out the words to
fast to even think , the words that changed my life for ever " yeahh ... uh.. sure.." he let my eyes
fall. Kissed me on the cheek sweetly and gave my his email addey...
telling me to add him tonight...
on a piece of card. and walked to his
next lesson . so now im going out with a boy i thought or think i hate GREAT ! .

shhh...dont tell (chapter 2)

the rest of the day went past realy fast although i was getting stares from all the guys and the girls all
gave me dirty looks.
i think its probably because they all saw me and seth kissing in the hallway thats not good.
i mean who am i kidding.. he is absolutely gorgous but i dont no about going out with him i mean hese...
well hese... abnoctious and annoying and..has the most hypnotizing golden sparkly eyes i'v ever seen.
And no guy should ever be able to kiss that good i mean i nearly fainted on the spot...
oh no ... im falling for him.!. no i refuse...and i'll tell him tonight on email that i dont want to be his gilfriend no wait.. thats a bit harsh
to do it on email.. but thats the only way i may actualy be able to without getting the breath
nocked out of me from his outstanding beauty ! so i started up the computer and added him on msn...
ok .. i can do this and hese online .. great ...
he started of the conversation by saying " hi beautiful.. i umm.. cant stop thinking about you and
thats a bit weird for me ...well because normaly i just go out with a girl cause of the bl.. never mind"
omg i have been thinking about him to no iv got to tell him.. no i .. i .. i cant tell him but why cant i.
it's not like i love him or anything ... wait oh my god it is .. i love him ... and i think he loves me to
i bet hese waiting for me to say something..
so i replied " umm me too .. i dont normally go out with a guy at all.. let alone kiss on the first day...
im more of an independant kind of girl and sorry about telling you to fuck off earlier.. :D"
hese said " i think i love you ... i no its sudden and everything but thats how i feel and i just need
to worn you this is very bad for your health i mean you should realy stay away from me and all
but i need to know how you feel ??? i mean do you love me back"
darn his lovelyness and once again i replied to quickly saying " yes i umm.. do .. love you. ! ."
he just said " meet me out side of bridgeland park in 5 mins k i need to tell you some thing dont tell any
one where your going just hurry or my brother will try and stop me i have to go hese coming bi i
love you xxx "
i didnt think about it i just picked up my jacket, kissed my mum and told her i will probably be out late and , not to wait for me tonight...
and ran to the bench out side the park got there in about 1 minutejust incase i mist him so now
all i gota do is wait ....... i HATE waiting soooo.. BORING ! and frustrating..
waiting.. still.. then again its only been to minutes.. hese still got two minutes before i leave .. !
im a very impatiant!.... plus hese going to tell me some thing.. something he cant let slip to his brother
still i dont get why i had to keep were im goin a secret ? not like he'll ask my parents....
after all im an only child... i have always wanted a big sister to give me tips on life and everything.
this secret must be big because him and his brother are realy cose.....?
i wonder what it is ......!!! ??? !!! i realy do love him :)

shhh... dont tell (chapter 3 )

do i love him anymore???!!!??? xxx

seth came round the corner crying iv never seen him so sad.
I kissed him on the cheek and asked him what happend.
he just kept saying " im so sorry for getting you into this god im so sellfish,i should never kissed you let
alone fallen in love with you ! if your smart youll walk away NOW and never talk, look, or think about me
ever again that is whats best for your future..please..." he begged "walk away i dont wanna get
you caught up in my hecktic manic life....its shit you do NOT wanna be in my life..."
so i was about to say some thing but in stead i thought about it calmy although something inside of me was
telling me to take his advise and walk away while i have still got the chance.
but no i did not want to listen to that tiney piece of me so i carried on what i was about to say to him.
"first of all you dont know what im thinkin so dont try & answer your questions...i will answer you this..
i LOVE you! i dont say that to just every guy i meet i mean it i realy do ..! "
he started to say " i dont dout that you do love me very very much ALMOST as much is i love you but.."
i interupted him " secondly your life is my life you are my future now dont you get it you cant get rid of me
ok?" he answered " yes but .." me interumputing again "third and finally i DO wanna be in your life..
i mean i would understand if you didnt want me but wanting you is inevitable so do you.. do you want me?"
he looked angry then i must have looked confused because he took my hands and began to explain.
"i love you i am not angry at you but at my self. because i love you and im to selfish to give you up...
although you may want to give me up after you find out what i am if you run i will understand....
but i ask you this even though you will no what i am please do not tell any 1 no 1 cause then mybrother..
he will i dont even want to speak the words... he will want to me"
still looking confused i nodded and asked him to show me ...
thats exactly what he did ... he whispered in my ear " i love you "
then his voice kinda changed for a second there then returned to normal... he held up my chin showing me....
his teeth no his... fangs...i jamp back in shock... he took that as a realy bad thing like i didnt want him.
but i do just cause he is different does not mean i would love him any less .. no i love him more now...
for he told me his utmost secret that he would never tell any one
well no one except one of his kind... he was about to run of in to the night...
when i grabbed his arm.. his turn to look confused. I just smiled at him and kissed him sweetly and gently on the lips opening our mouths.
trying hard not to get my tounge ripped of i kept it in my mouth.i laughed...i thought this was funny.
not the vampire part but the toungue part..
i recoiled my thoughts as he lookes astounded by my reaction.
so i explained "just because you are different does not mean i want you any less...
im thankful that you trust me with your secret very thankful but im not going any where...
but what will you say to your brother... i want you to tell him i no... i want to convince him i will keep your secret because i love you."

after that we just sat in the park chatting and laughing till midnight, i found out things like :

he was born in 1850 so he is 160 years old in vampire years, 16 is his cover age.cause he stopped ageing when he was 16 so he will always look 16.
He told me his brother is older than him by 1 year.Lucky.
His mum died when he was officially 2 his dad got steaked when he was 5. So he lived with his brother for 11 years.
and i found out alot,alot of details about his life before he met me.
i told him its getting late now, and ill see him tommorrw at school kised him on the cheek at walked away...
only getting about 7 steps before he sped up to me telling me he will pick me up before school
then we can ride together in his black mercedes.
i swear if i had blinked i would have mist the fast Movement of his body coming towards and,after a peck on the cheek,away from me ...
God hese dreamy..i thought to myself as i ran home ...
as i opened the door i saw my step dad steve crashed out on the sofa hese bald, short and annoying
i dont no why my mum puts up with him all he does is drink work and 'sleep around' she tries not to believe,
but she knows its mum was in the kitchen tidying the cutlary away. my mum is beautiful , long blond curls,tall,slender,pretty face.
sadly i got my dads looks.. ugly...long, untaimed black hair, tall ,kinda slender - proud of the last two , and every one knows me for my big green eyes.
i tried to sneek in without trying to have a converrsation with my mum but as usual she very observantthis is how the conversation went :

mum- hi hunny back lait arn't we.. did you have fun?
(the real question she wanted to ask me was who where you with and what were you doing)
me- hi mum yeah just lost track of time sorry,i ate out so i didnt come in for dinner & yeah i had fun.
(i didnt realy eat out i just didnt feal like eating i felt like sleeping,& fun was an understaitment i was ecstatic and beaming like a light bulb.)
mum-so what where you up to realy then and whats his name ? can i meet him?mabye this week?
me-i didnt say there was a guy and i was having a chat and mucking about at the park?
(lie there was a guy tehe, but i was a rubish liar when it came to my mum)
mum-oh come of it you no i no you inside and out, so just tell me his name for peet sakes...
me- fine, his names seth , mabye you could meet him i will ask when hese free next then youll be the first to know. ok? does that make you happy?
mum- good and yes it makes me very happy (smile)dont worry i wont interigate him , just... are you being.. you know ... safe?
me-mum seriously its not like that and you no what im like i would make sure i loved him before anything happened..
mum- fine, i know i should trust you, but i cant help it im your mother and guys these days dont just want to chat if you get my drift...
me- i know but hese not just any guy hese amazing, gorgous, sweet,smart,charming,safe...
( i stopped she was giving me a funny look like none shed given me before , plus i was blabbering on)
mum-sweety,i umm... think your in love with this we'll have dinner with him soon and then we will see im hese good anough, better make sure your fathers not home for that...

(i gave her an evil look, and shouted)
(i loved my mum but she had realy bad taste in men ! ! !)
mum-go and have a bath then go to bed its getting late... you have school tomorrow...ok go...
me-i dont no why you put up with his bullshit but i no for a fact you are 10 times better than him and you no it. (i hated steve the smelly old toe rag.
and with that the conversation ended and i stomped upstairs then ran my self a nice ice cold let the stress out and got in.
i ran the memory of today over and over in my head ,for round about half an hour.
my brain is saying your scared petrefied even,your boyfriends a bloody vampire for gods sake.
but i didnt listen to my brain, its got to much shit goin on up there,
i listen to my heart that says you love him to much to run away now and you should be afraid but your not.
and with that note i got out the bath dried myself of with a towel and got my silky smouth pjs on, jamp in bed.
and fell strait to sleep...


shhh... dont tell (chapter 4)

i woke up thought about seth,washed thought about seth,got dressed-make up on-breakfast-ready to go-thought about seth....bout to walk out saying by to mum, and guess what angel apeared at my door step my boyfriend (loving the word boy friend at the moment) SETH:)

there he was just like he promised. picking me up to
go to school.he was wearing jeans, long sleeved top
trying to blend in with every one else and failing
miserabley.He was to stunning to fit in.

our morning conversation on the way to school in his:

"hello gorgous hows your morning been?" he said

"todays the day boy friend we have to tell the devil our little secret..." i said egnoring his question completely.and adding a bit of humor

"do we have to he'll kill me and no pun intended... and i will not let him touch you ever !"
he said trying to be serious.

so i said seriously just like him "we have to please,please, tonight we can tell him together.. to be honest you dont have a choice...i either tell him with you or without you but i can tell you now he'll find out tonight"

he sighed softly saying "fine i guess hese bound to find out were dating for real, and not so i can just know feed ...of you at times.

I replied "fine tonight" we reached maths room B1.... my lesson.

he said to meet him in the cafeteria at break so we can sit together and chat maybe we could tell the devil at lunch then he cant rip our throats out in front of every one, (can he ?),(gave me a quick peck on the cheek at walked to English for his first lesson)

i passed maths then science quick, i met Seth for break most of it we spent chatting about how we were going to tell his brother , then he waved me of to P.E...I waved him of to ...maths...

We met in the hallway when the third lesson finished we were got of at the back of the sports hall.he was non violently nibbling on my neck..without the fangs out.when i arrived at drama I was ten minutes late and snook in .Without every one noticing I quickly slipt to the back row and ducked my head.

Apparently we had to make a dramatic scene with a partner. guess who picked me ... Luke (I was thinking why?)

He already had a scene made and past me the script. (My jaw fell open when i found out it was about a horrible vampire boy killing a normal teenage girl)... we were meant to act it out...! :(

it went a little like this:

the girl was running through the woods trying to get away from him when he surprise attacked her from the front.
he punched her in the stomach wounding her making her stop completely showing fangs,he dug his fangs into every piece of flesh he could see making her beg for death but it didn't come...until all the blood in her body was drained. then she died.

I refused to do the script with him , when he done mind control on me ... darn it was a vampire thing I am going to have to find a way of stopping that mind control thing they do...

after class Luke complemented me on my acting and laughed when I said that i thought it to be quite revolting him making me do that script with him... after laughter came confusion...he was suddenly in front of me gripping my arm so tight that i new it would make a bruise. he said " what do you mean by make you do the script..!"he said it harshly to.

I replied "find out at lunch... now hurting me..." i struggled for a while then he let go . After that i new i had to run to Seth and keep out of dark places until i see him Luke could be anywhere by now .

when i finally got to Seth it had been 10 minutes into lunch. at the cafeteria we got food sat down we didn't stop talking until Luke came quietly and swiftly to sit at the same table.

he amedietly said "spill!" we just sat there for about five minutes until i spoke saying " i no,about you two "

he was about to hold my gaze and proberly tell me to forget everything i no when Seth chucked me a necklace saying put it on. i of course did strait away without protest. he told me it was to make sure the vampires couldn't use mind control on me.he finaly started to have a conversation with his brother.

"I told her because I love her bro, I love her OK ?..."

Luke said "so you decide to risk exposure over a girl? pathetic. some girl comes in bats her eyelashes at you and you fall to her mercy.
i repeat PATHETIC.!"

seth tried to sewth his brother "we can trust her brother we can..i wouldnt have told her if i thought we couldnt."

luke looked angry "i have a hard time believing you brother.but you (he turnt to me)girly will keep your mouth shut.get it.
or i will have to make you ok?"

it was my turn to be angry with him "you dont scare me buddy boy oh and i know ill keep my gob shut but only because i love your brother got it!?"

luke laughed "oh im not trying to be scary ...(in a flash he was infront of me griping my arms) but i can if you want me to!... not scared now not ever of your vampire side.(got out of his arms)
(he looked shocked)
-what did you expect me to go quiver up in the corner.i dont think so...(gave seth a peck on the cheek)
see you after class baby. ;)

i walked of.i could feel lukes eyes at me while i walked. i turnt around,stuck my finger up at him then carried on walking.i had tech with wouldnt you know it.... luke,the one and only person i hate at the moment.

shhh... dont tell (chapter 5)

i walked in tech sat at my normal seat,back of the class behind a tall desk so the teacher couldnt see,put in my earphones and started bopping to the tunes.

when i suddenly felt cold i rememberd i only felt like this around luke.i turnt around and there he was just staring at me in the seat opposite me.

i smiled turn back arond and caried on bopping along.

so he ripped out my earphones when i turn around he said "we need to talk"

i sarcasticaly gasped "your not braking up with me are you?" and gigled.

luke suddenly held my head facing forward "forget meeting my brother.forget vampires even exist"
he was trying to do mind control on me.

i held the necklace out to show him saying "necklace buddy mind control works on me."

he smiled then said "forgot to take that first."

i told him "you dont want to do this luke."

he simply stated "yes i do."

i whispered "fine."
he reached out for the necklace.

i called out to sir.
"m.r tate could you tell luke to keep his hands to himself.thankyou. (i smiled inocently at the tech teahcher.)

sir said to luke "luke come and sit at the front of the class please."

luke stood up was about to walk when he whispered in my ear " this is not over,your just stalling ,your making me angry,because i am very impatient." then he walked to the front of the room.

i put my head phones back in and the double lessons just flew by.

shhh...dont tell (chapter 6)

i walked up to seth gave him a peck on the cheek held his hand and we walked of together.
when we were half way to my house we stopped at the park and sat on two swings.we just chatted.

he spoke first saying "so how was double tech with my dearest brother i see he hasnt taken the necklace yet?"

i was shocked. "you think id let him take the necklace? no not stupid."
he tried to explain. "babe no i dont think that its just hese like super strong fast and all that stuff us vampires get."

we stood up and chatted while walking to my house.
when we got there i was going to give him a quick peck on the lips when he kissed full on back.
so we ended up at my door step snogging.for at least half an hour.
when i heard some one cough akwardly behind my i tore my lips and body away from my gorgous boyfriend :(
it was my mum i put a fake smile.looked at seth and said "bibi baby cya tommorow..."
and i pushed him out my gate then me and my mum went inside.

we couldn't sit on the couch because her fat ass lazy bitch of a boy friend was laying there drunk.dribling.
i was furious with him.i pushed him of the couch and he woke up and shouted at me.
"what the f*ck how dare you, you stupid little brat.get the fuck up stairs now!"

that pissed me of even more "you dont tell me what to do, my mum does."

he smirked "sweety tell her to go upstairs,yes?"

my mum shocked me "please hunni just go upstairs."

grrr.that does it. "FINE! i hate you !you never stick up for me ahhhhhh"
i stomped up stairs and slammed my door i was so pissed of.


after half an hour of being in my room screaming into a pillow i came out of my room to have a shower.
after the shower.i got my silky pjs on,it was realy hot out today so these pjs were great,shorts and smaltop.
then i washed my face with ice cold water and walked into my room.

i sat on my bed when i was about to drift of i remembered that i hadnt shut the door or opened the window,i always open it on hot days.
so i reluctantly got up and locked the door,then i walked to the window and opened it as far as it would go.
then i turnt and layed on my bed drifting of when i heard a eyes shot open nothing there i thought it was nothing so i went back to
trying to sleep.
when that didnt work i picked up my ipod and turned the dial until it came up with a realy good song -baby- by justin bieber.
i closed my eyes and started humming to the tunes.

shhh...dont tell (chapter 7)

i felt a tapping on my back i just shrugged it of cause i was almost asleep.

then some one ripped my earphones out ofd my ears and sat by my bed.

again my eyes shot open.this time there was somone there.luke.a scream was about to escape my lips but i stopped it in its tracks for i would show no signs of being scared of luke.thats just what he wants.

i setled with a shocked face."what the hell are you doing here?"
he spoke with an anoyying ego "oh did i scare you.sorry."
i tried to be surprised by his accusations "uhh.. no you starteld me...not what are you doing here?"
he smiled "you no exactly what im here for.necklace give it to"
he was so pushy. " cant have it. its mine."
i was gripping the necklace with all my might and my will power.

"heck ill just take it from you,you know with a little bit of strength i can take ANYTHING of ov ANYONE."
i jumped up at the sound of his ego getting bigger,and i ran to the door i tried to unlock it.didnt work.

in a flash i was on my bed being gripped by massive muscular arms.forgot about lukes strength and speed.
damn. he lent down he was about to softly kiss me on the lips.when i slapped him round the face.
that he didnt expect from me.
"what was that for.ohh come on maya you cant resist me.just relax."
and his lips were on mine at that moment i would never admit this to him. but god he was an amazing kisser.
i almost kissed him back.but that would have made questions in my mind.
instead i just slapped him again.
he said "look thats getting kinda stop i said before just ...relax."
he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and softly touched my lips on his trying to tempt me i think.
when suddenly he was full on kissing me.i dont think he could control himself.there was just something about the way he moved.
his hands were rageing through my hair.then his hands cam down to my waist.he pulled my top towards him trying to get me to retaleate
his strange behavior.when that didnt work he yanked my back forward making me closer than i liked,then again this whole time
iv been more closer than i would have liked.then he pulled my neck towards him trying to make me kiss him back i still wouldnt so
he tried some thing else.some thing vile to say the least.he forced my lips open making me kiss him back.
i tried to stop him but hese got major vampire strength.

after half an hour he was still trying to kiss me and i was still tryiing to resist.wait 1 second thats his game his chalenge.
to make you stop resisting.if the game was one then hede leave me alone right? way to find out.

naaa i could never do that to my amazing im going to lay back and glare at him.
he'll have to stop somtime he needs to breath.sometimes, i think.
when he opened his eyes he looked shocked that i wasgalring at him in sucha mean way.
he tore his lips away from mine and it looked like he was in pain.aww.
he spoke "whats wrong,why do you not like me and do like my brother.whats rong with me?"
omg hese blaming himself. "ok...yeah your very rude...made me kiss you..but its not your fault i like your brother and not you.
its just were... not him and me were us you no, i love sorry.but you dont like me luke or arn't supposed can have any girl you want why me,why your brothers girlfriend?is this like a compition thing with your brother?"

he was shocked "no its nothing to do with my brother.its..well its...when i saw how close we were and our lips were only inches apart...then when i kissed you.. sparks, iv never felt that way..with any 1...i pick a girl thats pritty and has a good blood type.for blood and for my apearance. but you when i kiss you i feel..i i can do anything and i could survive without blood for ever as long as i was with you...and...i dont want to let you sorry iv never talked like this to any 1 ever. my macho side will come back to me any minute now."

omg he loved me. "luke i love your brother,but you dont have to be sorry for liking me it will pass its just a crush.youll get over m,dont worry."

"im so sorry for...."

i was getting scared now "for what."

"for this..."
and he was kissing me with passion within 5 seconds after saying it.he had my arms held up. and i do have to admit there was electricity there,between us.i dont no why but i dint scream,not once.
he worked down to my neck.still the passion was there.when he worked back up to my lips.
he kissed me a couple of times.he was so darn seductive.and an amazing kisser i was trying to resist him with all my might it wasnt working very well. he slowly dipped in for a kiss after letting go of my arms. he was giving me free will to move out the way.i didnt.his kisses werent deep at all any more they were little pecks on the lips.testing what i would do.he could see that i was cracking.and finaly i gave in.i pulled his head into mine so he was kissing me properly and i was kissing him was so quick and lovely i couldnt think of seth right now all i could think was this was me and luke kissing with electricity.

he yanked my hair back not rough but in a sexy way.

i yanked his top of and he yanked mine of.
then i remembered my BOYFRIEND seth his BROTHER!

he started kising my belly, and he was holding my sides.

i tried to stop him.

"we should stop."

"mmmhhhmmmm"was all he said.

"your brother stop luke seriously."

again . "mmmhhhmmmm."
i pushed him away and he got the picture.

"fine we'll stop.but god its soo...hard to stop around you..."

he still hadnt stopped yet.i pushed him again a little harder this time.he stopped then.

"look make me forget.i cant keep this from seth. so make me forget this whole thing."

he was so pissed off now.
"what you mean you wanna forget why didnt you like it."

awwww. "i sorry luke and coz im a bad liar i'll tell you the truth.i loved it to much.i love your brother. so here."

i handed him the necklace.
that anoyed him.

"fine."he shouted at me.

he done that eye contact thing those vampires do. "you will forget..."

he paused then smirked.then carried on.
"ever meeting or going out with my brother seth.
umm... and you will think your going out with me luke."
laughs. finished.

i forgot.

"hiya sweety,how are you,you better leave my
mum will check on me later.(kisses him on the cheek)bibi vp bf. hahahaha loves you. :)".

"what did you say." he was astonished.

i laughed. "ya goof,so am i ever gonna get to meet the family of my gorgous bf then?."

still shocked he said. "uh yeah su..sure, some other time mabye...loves you to babe. :)"

he wasnt so shocked any more,just very very happy :)

i blew him a kiss while saying "bi bi baby.;)"

he jamp out the window and ran home with vamp speed.

i sat on my bed again and put my ear phones in again. and fell asleep within the next 10 minutes.

chapter 8, the next day.

i woke up and done the up showerd and got ready for school.
when there was a nock at my door i ran to it thinking it was my boyfriend and there in my doorway was a boy i had never seen before.but god he was gorgous.
i spoke up "hello,and you are?"
he looked confused."your boyfriend seth?"
i laughed. "no my boyfriends name is luke."
he looked at me with confusion again,then realised i hadnt got the special necklace on he yanked me forward looking into my eyes.
"you will remember me and forget luke."

i suddenly remebered both at the same time which hurt mny head very much.
"i cant keep doing this luke,uh..seth. its hurting my head ahhhh.."
i screamedc out in pain."no.. please stop it hurting!"
he had pain in his eyes,then figured out what he had to do.
he kissed me on the cheek softly then said "goodbye my sweet.i will always look out for you.always. i love you."
he looked into my eyes and spoke softly. "forget me and my brother.remeber nothing about us."
and he walked away.

...i forgot them...

me thinking about well nothing... i think. oh yeah i gotta get to school.

i ran all the way thinking im gonna be late.i ran to my first class english.
when i went in every one looked at me.i ducked my head and took my seat thinking whys every one staring at me?.
when someone asked me half anhour later. "so wheres your boyfriend today which ever one it is??" there was definately jelousy in her voice.
"i have no idea what your talking about,i dont have a boyfrind ?"
she saw that i was telling the truth. "you no luke or seth?"
she was speaking names of boys id never heard of.
"im sorry you must of got the wrong girl,i dont no a luke or a seth."

so i just turnt back to the lesson.


for the rest of the day i got lots of 'wheres your hunky bf today?'-or-'where your boyfriends today fucking other girls?' jelousy rang in every voice of comments i was getting.all the girls must have adored these guys they were talikng about.sadly i had no idea who these guys are.

as i was walking home that day i got called all sorts of violent names such as=slut,hoe,pozy,boyfriend steeler and more and i didnt have a clue why people were being so mean i dont no a seth or a luke i told every one that.and im not lieing i realy dont know who these boys where?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2010

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