
Staring blankly in the night, it’s been a while since the most painful thing happened to my life but I still can't believe that he’s gone. All those forbidden but beautiful memories that we had has crumpled in my heart. It is still so fresh that I can still hear our laugher. I looked up above and saw a dazzling star, way different from the other. It reminds me of Nathan and the last night in his arms.

From the glass wall of my room I can see young women in their gowns and men in their tuxedos, they all looked great. It was my 18th birthday and everybody seems so happy and excited except for me. I don’t know why, butI have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen. My parents prepared a Grand Ball for my birthday and invited all the socialite and wealthy men in the town except for one and is going to make an announcement. I wonder what it could be, knowing my dad, he always make unexpected decisions and nobody can change his mind once he has made a decision.

“Athena everybody’s waiting for you” I heard
Nanny Terri said, I didn’t noticed that she had already entered.
“I don’t feel like going downstairs Nan…all I want to do is curl in my bed and have a goodnight sleep.” I replied.
“Oh…Darling you know you can’t do that…” she came to my side and turned me to face the mirror.
“Look at yourself, you have grown into a beautiful young lady and your life starts today,” she looked at me in the mirror. I looked like a princess with my strapless cameo pink gown with an exquisite combination of layers and intricate embroideries on the full ball gown skirt, beaded with precious Swarovski stones. Bodice in rich satin fabric with soft tulle overlay on the skirt. Romantic rosettes accent on one hip and a lace up corset back with modesty panel to cover my back, my long brunette hair was curled on the side with tiny orchids on the top and i wore a set of diamond earrings and necklace which was a birthday gift from my mum. I sighed and hugged Nanny Terri, she’s like a mother to me. She knows everything about me more than my real mother.

Everybody froze and held their breath as I slowly walked down into the Grand Staircase. They looked at me with full of admiration especially the young man that caught my attention, he was far different from the other standing by the pillar. He looked ruggedly handsome that distracting thought made me stumble. Fortunately I didn’t lose my grip in the balustrade. When I looked back to see him again, he wasn’t there anymore, I tried to look around but saw no trace of him until I descend to the last step where my father is waiting for me to escort.

“Why are you looking around” asked my dad in a low voice whilst still managing to smile as he leads me to my seat.

“N-nothing dad…”I reply, he just give me a warning look that says don’t you dare make a wrong move or else you’ll be punished and I just nod as answer. The debut ceremony went well, candles and roses mostly are my classmates and few friends. Everybody was dancing paired together in the center enjoying the sweet music including my parents while my eyes is busy searching for something but I was interrupted by a light tap on my shoulder, I was stunned when I turned to be see face to face with the man my eyes had been searching after. He was even more handsome with his tuxedo which was not the clothes he had been wearing a while ago. His long hair was pulled back with a few strands left on his forehead.

“Can I have a dance with the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen in my entire life” he asked as he bowed down and offered his hand. I gave him my sweetest smile and my hand as an acceptance of his invitation. He gently caresses and kissed the back of my hands which gives me a tingling sensation. We were about to go when I heard someone clearing his throat at my back. It was Leandro, son of a business tycoon whose father is a close family friend.

“Happy Birthday Athena!” he said as he hugs me and gives me a quick kiss on the lips that caught me off guard. I wanted to yell at him and slap him in the face for the malicious act!, how dare him kiss me! But I know I’ll be the one to suffer the consequences, so I distance myself away from him instead.

“Can I have a dance with you?” he then asked ignoring Nathan as if nothing happened.
“Oh’ maybe next time, I’ve already accepted someone’s invitation” I say and turned to Nathan who’s seriously eyeing Leandro. His jaw moved sign that he was angry and just fighting the urge not to break Leandro’s neck.

“Oh…I see…I must be a minute late, how unlucky of me. Anyways enjoy your last day being single” he said with a jerky smile and looked to Nathan before leaving. Last day of being single? What does he mean?

“Are you ok?” I heard Nathan asked,
“Yes” I replied but Leandro’s last words still stung into my mind, and I tried to ignore and smiled back to him. He carefully guided me into the middle of the dance floor. Pulling me tightly against his body and wraps his arms around my waist while my hands automatically cling onto his shoulder and we started to

“You’re so beautiful Athena” he murmurs in my ear so that it tickles me, if anyone else would say it to me, I wouldn’t mind but its Nathan the man I loved very much, it really means a lot. And I really love the way he says my name. It’s so comforting that it banish all the negative thoughts I have in my mind.

“You too…you looked even more handsome in this Tux, where did you get this hmm?”
“Would it be a crime if I borrowed a tux from one of the waiters just to get close to the person who means the whole world to me? He ask with a grin.

“I love you very much Nathan, I’m glad that you made it here safe. I started to worry when I lost sight of you. I don’t want anything will happen to you, my dad employs lots of security personnel and –“

“Husshh...” he hushed me with his forefingers on my lips . “I love you very much too Athena, God knows how much I love you and I’ll do whatever it takes, if I need to dance in the shadows of death just to be with you and prove that my love is true’ I’m willing to…” he said it with full of emotions, I’m almost lost for words. This man is willing to die for me, what more could I asked for? How I love this man, he always brings out the best in me. With him I feel complete and can be myself, too bad that we've needed to hide our relationship for so long because of our family’s rift.

No words come into our mouth but the look in our eyes tells all our emotions. Slowly I pulled myself away from him but not breaking our gaze. I went out through the crowd unnoticed and follow a trail which leads me to a place only Nathan and I know, place where we shared our love with each other and the place where I became a woman in his arms. His face lightens when he sees me coming, in a second we're on each other’s arms, kissing like there’s no end. Right then and there he makes me a woman again.

Lying with my head on his shoulder, we watch the stars that shining brightly in the velvet sky.
“See that star?” he pointed to a star whose color is different and much bigger from the other.
“Yep” I answered
“That’s me, so every time you missed me, wherever you are and wherever you may go, I’m just up above smiling and watching over you.” I smiled and planted him with little kisses on his face when I heard Nanny Terri calling my name, we fixed ourselves before responding. I saw the relief in her face when she finally saw us.

“Athena! You’re father has been looking for you” she said worriedly and looked to Nathan “We better get there now before his men catch us here and Nathan child please leave as soon as possible I heard that they are also looking for you, someone has recognized you while you were dancing with Athena.” I can feel the urgency for Nathan to leave in Nanny Terri’s voice, He gives me a quick kiss on the lips before he bid me goodbye. God how careless I've become! I’m praying that he was able to get out here safe. If something happens to him, it would be my fault and I couldn't forgive myself for that.

If looks could kill I’d already be dead now with the way my father stares at me. He stopped the music and calls the attention of everyone while I’m at on his side anxious of what he might say.

“Everyone, I would like to thank you all for coming here and celebrating with us this precious moment and the start of being a lady for our beloved daughter Athena.” He started and glanced at me. I’m not sure if I looked at him and smiled back, I just can’t think properly, my mind is pre-occupied with many thoughts especially of Nathan.

“Before anything else, may I call Leandro to come over here” I saw Leandro sheepishly smiling at me as he came closer and stayed to the other side of my father before he continue talking “This man is like a son I never had but tonight I am pleased to introduced to you that Leandro Monte Carlo will be my future son in law for today is not only the birthday of Athena but also an engagement party for both of them.”I heard a loud applause and cheers while my jaw drop and my eyes open wide as I absorb all the things my dad has just announced. I couldn’t believe this! How could my father make such decision without consulting me?

“I’m not gonna let that happen!” I heard someone shouted in the midst of all the cheers and congratulations. Oh my God it was Nathan! How could he still be here?

“I love your daughter very much! I can’t afford to lose her. We’ve love each other for a long time and you can’t just let her marry that Leandro!”

“How dare you talk to me like that?” I saw my dad’s face turned red because of anger then snapped at me.

“Is this true? That you are having an affair with this man of all the people?” he hissed and I just nod as answer and looked to Nathan who was already at the hands of my dad’s men.

“Dad please don’t do anything to Nathan, I’m begging you…” I pleaded him with tears streaming down in my face. I run into Nathan’s side and cover myself to protect him from my dad who is deaf to my pleading. He grabs me away from Nathan while his men do the same, punching and kicking him everywhere while people there are just watching with the commotion, no one attempt to interfere, I tried to release from my father's grip but he’s too strong for me to escape.

“Oh God! Please stop them dad! Please!” I’m almost shouting while pleading as fresh tears continue to stream down into my face but he becomes furious and tighten his grip.

“You should have thought about it before committing with that man, now look what you’ve done.” he said fumingly. I can’t believe how harsh my father can be. Does he know what love is? or does he not know how to love? Why can’t he understand me? I doubt if he really love my mum who is just on the other side crying. I can barely see the look of pity in her teary eyes but she can’t do anything to stop my dad for she too is a robot who obeys and follow his rules.

My heart sink as I see Nathan’s bloody face and body slumped on the floor. My hands clenched and anger has started to boils in my blood as I gathered every ounce of my strength to release myself from dad’s grip. I push him so hard that he loses hold because of the unexpected move I made. I rush down to Nathan but before I can reach him two loud bang has echo in the air that make me halt, then I see to my view Leandro holding a gun pointed at Nathan who is now gasping for some air, while fresh blood starts to leak from his body. I think I’m going to explode from the realization, I hysterically dash down to Nathan crying as I cradle him, begging him to hold on and not to let go. I am like a fool screaming his name telling him how much I love him and that he can’t die. Slowly he cups my face and even with his struggled breathing, he manage to paint a little smile on his face as he says I love you to me for the last time and that he will always be at my side before he took his last breath. I screamed and cried my lungs out so loud that I can hardly breathe until I feel like the place is getting smaller and it all went black.

Tears have started to roll down in my cheeks as I return to reality. Still staring at the star, this is him; I can feel it in my heart, he knows that I missed him and he showed. I still don’t understand why he has to leave so soon but maybe God has his reason for all of this. He may be gone but he leaves me something precious where his memories will live forever. I wipe away my tears and gently caress the little bump in my tummy as I stare into Nathan’s star as if brightly smiling and watching over me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.10.2011

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