
War Is Never Ending


Book One

By lost.words.34

All my characters were inspired after my freinds and faimly who fit their personality.
Siècle was inspired by the love of my live. Sakurakitten1

Path of Power

The clock went off waking Sorrow; Sorrow is seventeen, with shoulder length black hair, almost six foot, muscle covered his body, and eyes were brown. He grabbed his clock and threw it, breaking it. When he opened his eyes he looked at white bare walls, light came in from a single window, the floor was made of wood, which was scratched. The closet was on the other side of the room, it stood in front of his bed. Sorrow got out of bed grabbing a black shirt and blue jeans. The walls were bare; no pictures hung on the living room walls, or were framed. A chair sat in the middle of the living room in front of the T.V. The house was very empty; he grabbed his back pack shouldering it, and left.
It wasn’t long before a couple people drove up to Sorrow in a black Mustang; the window was being rolled down. “Hey stay away from Faith.” A kid said, he wore a red leather jacket. “Why? She isn’t interested in you like the other whores.” Sorrow said. The kid pulled on the side walk, he opened the door getting out, and two more guys came out. “You want to say anything else?” he asked throwing off his jacket, he looked mean, and muscle covered his body; he was taller than Sorrow. “Yeah.” Sorrow said taking off his back pack. “The only reason why the whores like you is because you’ll give it to them anytime they want. You and I know Faith isn’t like that, now do we?” “I’ll teach you to run your mouth!” he said swinging, Sorrow backed and caught his fist; he felt his arm tense and quiver. “No. I’m going to teach you to run your mouth; it’s about time that someone put you in your place.” He said ducking a blow; he struck the guy causing him to stagger backwards. “I’m going to beat you like the dog you are!” the guy yelled; Sorrow dodged his flying fists. “What do you call this? You’re flailing around like a child.” He laughed and kicked the guy in the stomach knocking the breath out of him, he then kneed him in the nose finishing the fight; the other two backed off.
Sorrow got to the school, the outside was brown with a lot of windows. The floors were polished to the point where you could see your own reflection. “You’re late. A girl said her voice was very soothing. “I know Faith, I ran into some trouble.” Faith had a very pretty face, she had an hour glass figure; she wore a short blue skirt, her shoes matched her skirt. She moved her rusted orange colored hair out of her ocean blue eyes. “Are you going to help me study still?” she asked. “Yes I promise.”
Three guys walked into the building. “Hey! I’m not done with you.” “What’s going on?” Faith asked. “Nothing, guy things.” He said, “You want more? I can give it again.” “I’ll show you.” The guy said throwing a punch; it missed as Sorrow moved to the left. “You can’t beat me; I’m out of your skill level.” Before Sorrow’s fist could connect with the guy’s face, an arm grabbed his and pulled him back. “You two come with me.” A man said, he wore a brown suit. “What’s wrong with you two?” he asked. “He got in my way.” Sorrow said simply. “That’s not the truth; I want the truth from you, the real truth.” He said. “That is the truth.” Sorrow said. “Look I know you don’t like people, that doesn’t give you the right to go and get in to fights with people.” Sorrow didn’t say anything. “I have no other choice but to suspend you. You can come back in three days, it doesn’t start till the school day ends.” “What did you get?” Faith asked she had a wondering tone. “I’m suspended for three days.” “Oh, can I see you after school?” she asked. “Yeah. You’re welcome any day you want to come over.” Sorrow said with a smile. Faith kind of blushed before she reached on her tippy toes and kissed him; a surge tore through his body. It felt like he was being shocked multiple times. His breath came fast and painful; she walked away.
When she was gone he jogged to the bathroom and let out a silent scream, his heart was racing; he fell against the sink feeling the shock tear through his body. The day went by slowly; it felt like a day of agony. Sorrow walked out the school doors trying not to stumble; Faith came up to him. “I have to do some things with mom today so I’ll be over later tonight if that’s ok with you.” She said as she got her hair out of her eyes. “Ok, whatever time is good for you.” He said through a fake smile. When Sorrow was almost home, he fell to his knees drawing people’s attention. A red vortex of something discharged twisting wildly around him; people screamed and ran in a panic. “You can’t change here; I’m going to suppress your power.” A voice said; the pain and the vortex vanished almost instantly. “Now come with me before others come looking for you.” He said. “Who are you?” Sorrow asked. “My name is Elken.” He was about five seven; he wore a white hooded robe, only his green eyes could be seen. Sorrow staggered to his feet and followed this new stranger. “You have just unlocked a gift people are going to try to take from you. “ Elken explained. “I can’t take you to Master Sage until you can control your energy to a certain degree.” He grabbed Sorrow’s arm and jumped into the air. ”There is a test that you must pass called evolution; do you have a house?” “Yes.” Sorrow said. “I’ll know where it’s at.”
They sat next to a tree; Sorrow’s body started to hurt again; Elken looked at him. “I can’t stop the change again, I’m sorry but you have to go through the change and let your body be reborn.” Sorrow’s brow touched the dirt as pain tore through his body. He screamed with pain as the red vortex discharged again, twisting. “Let the power consume you! The dragon must be born again.” Sorrow’s body felt like it was going to be torn apart. The vortex broke the ground as wings formed from his shoulder blades, silver wings developed from the joints that were his shoulder. A light traced the ground behind him forming a tail; it moved over the ground, silver scales grew over his body giving him natural armor. His hands and feet turned into claws; the nails were long and sharp. Sorrow’s cries of pain turned in to a roar that frightened the birds; they flew away squawking. His whole body took the form of a dragon; his red eyes looked at the sun as he roared his pain and rage. “Amazing, such power at such a young age.” Elken whispered. “Listen! Focus on being human and you’ll change back!” Sorrow roared, his tail hitting the ground. He looked at Elken and lunged at him, he dodged it with one quick move. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you force me.” He said ducking a couple blows; that only enraged him more. A ball of energy formed in the dragon’s mouth, the center of it twisting gaining energy and power. Once the ball stop twisting it fused with the air and ignited turning into a fire ball.
Elken took Sorrow to the ground before he could spit the ball of fire; the fire ball went in to the air when he touched the ground. “Listen, I will take you down if you do not gain control of yourself.” Sorrow threw him into the tree. “That’s it!” Elken closed his eyes concentrating; the ground broke around him when his eyes snapped open. Two lavender orbs formed in his hands, one in each. He put them together making a big twisting orb. “Now, get ready to change back to human form. I see that you’re not ready to take that form.” Elken ran towards Sorrow separating the orbs, he jumped over one blow and hit him in the back with one; Sorrow twisted around quickly. Elken turned and hit him in the face knocking him to the ground; then he suppressed the power of the dragon changing him back; Sorrow lay gasping on the ground. “You need a lot of training, if you are to take Master Sage’s place; you need to be able to control that kind of power.” Elken explained he was very upset. “I saw through different eyes, everything that has built up in myself, the rage I felt with that strength felt good. I couldn’t control the lust of my own feelings.” Sorrow said shakily. “I know, but that is something that needs to be controlled. If you become an apprentice with that kind of power and you can’t control it, you’ll not only be a threat to us, but to yourself. We cannot have that.”
Sorrow sat in the chair sighing. “So what are you? I know you’re not human.” “I’m an elf, a rare race to come by.” Elken said. “Now you, you’re a Shape shifter one of the strongest races to ever live. When that girl kissed you it unlocked your power or more commonly known as first stage development. I am here to help you learn the basics of your power control.” “How did Faith kissing me unlock this first stage development?” Sorrow asked. “You must like her because that wouldn’t have happened. For Shape Shifters, to unlock your power if you don’t start training at the proper age, you must kiss one you care about outside of your blood line. Thanks to her you are now one with power, and a great deal of it.” The elf explained; a knock sounded at the door.
“Are you going to help me study still?” Faith asked once Sorrow opened the door. “Yes.” He laughed. “Who’s this?” she asked when she saw Elken. “I’m his uncle Elken.” He said. Elken didn’t look like an elf anymore. “Nice to meet you.” She said. “Like wise. I don’t get to see my nephew as much as I’d like to considering I’m in the king’s army.” “Elken said. “Really?” Faith sounded surprised. “Yes. I’m getting ready to retire.” “He travels a lot.” Sorrow said. “Come; let’s go to my room to have some silence.”
Faith and Sorrow sat on his bed. “I’m sorry about what happened today in school, I should not have kissed you.” Faith said. “It’s ok; I wanted you to kiss me for a while now.” Sorrow said. “Really?” she asked blushing a little. “Yes.” Faith scooted closer placing her hand on his leg. “Would you like me to kiss you again?” she asked. “Yeah.” Faith leaned over to Sorrow and kissed him, this time the shock didn’t happen. When the kiss broke Faith’s was red as a rose.
They sat on the sofa; Faith was sleeping on Sorrow’s shoulder. “This is not the time for romance. That is not the path to travel at the moment.” Elken said standing in the door way. “Then what do you say I do? I have waited for this to happen since I saw her; I just can’t let it go like it’s nothing. She’s very special to me.” Sorrow said. “I understand, if you let romance cloud your heart and your feelings you won’t be good on the field of battle, or in training.” Elken explained. “Can I not fight and have romance? It can’t be like you say.” “I’ve been through what you’re feeling g, it only leads to pain. Now get some sleep, you start the basics of your training in the morning when she leaves.” Elken said. That night Sorrow was very restless, power surged through his body as shocks. It kept him up for most of the night.
When he woke up, he felt different, stronger; he walked down stairs seeing Elken sitting on the sofa drinking tea. “Where’s Faith?” he asked. “She left, I told her that we needed to catch up on lost times; don’t worry until we leave you can see her, that won’t be for at least a week; try not to get attached to her.” Elken said.
“Ok. People are looking for you now, you need to learn the basics; controlling your power, and using it as you will; but do not get power hungry that is the down fall to all with power, not just the blade or sickness. Now last night I bet you were feeling surges of power going through your veins that means your body is adjusted to your new power. Now let’s get started shall we?” Elken asked with a half smile. “I guess.” Sorrow said simply. “Let’s start with what you changed into. That dragon you changed into is known as True Power’s Form; normally Shape Shifters can’t handle the change into a dragon; they die. But you have True Power allowing you to change in the dragon. This form gives you an incredible amount of power and strength once you get a hold on the basics, and after you master your power trait; Master Sage has to teach you about that. Right now you’re only in the first stage of your power also known as first stage development, I’ve said that already. As you go through your training you get stronger going into different stages of power. Different level of techniques comes with you level of mastery. Let’s began.”
“To control or energy you have to focus on the power, or what you felt when your power unlocked, that is the key in combat. Lose your focus, lose your life.” Elken said; a green vortex summoned twisting around him in a tight circle; the color was green. “When you master they ways of your body and the ways of your energy you can discharge your power without thinking to hard about it. To do this, find your power and let it go by opening yourself to it, let it become a part of you like your very own beating heart.” Sorrow closed his eyes trying to feel the power; it was a couple very long minutes before he found it; the power felt unnatural like it shouldn’t be there. He wanted to open himself to the power but a part of him was scared, trembling inside from the touch. NO! I will let it become a part of myself. He thought. A red vortex discharged twisting wildly unlike Elken’s. “What did I tell you? The power you have is amazing for you age and level of training! Try to get it into a neat circle.” Elken said. Sorrow worked trying to get the twisting energy to neaten up, but he couldn’t. “Don’t give up, you can do it. Just focus hard enough and control will be In your very hands.” The twisting energy broke as Sorrow let a sigh go, it shattered like glass almost knocking Elken off his feet; Sorrow stood gasping for air to sooth his burning lungs. “I know it’s hard but you have to get it under control, If you were to lose control on the field of battle, someone could use your power to their advantage; now again.” The elf said. Sorrow discharged the vortex; it twisted closer to him this time. “The closer you can get it to your body, and the tighter you get it twist, the stronger the charge of energy will be.” Sorrow tried to keep it twisting but, it seemed the wild energy had a mind of its own; breaking when every time it was not willed.
An hour went by and he was no closer to getting his power under control. “Enough for now, a body can only take so much stress; this causes a lot of stress even more so when the energy breaks.” Elken said. “I guess Faith is going to come back?” he asked. “I don’t know. I bet she does.” Sorrow said winded. “Do you have any questions?” “Why me? There are so many more people in the world that have power and they have more talent in this then I do.” “Since the king rose and spread darkness and chaos around the five worlds pulling them into a power struggle, which they cannot break by themselves. You have been born into a rare blood line, and one with a lot of power. You hold True Power, this power lets you wield the blade of True Power; we’ll talk later on that. That blade is the only thing that can kill the king. The reason why it’s you is, when you were born into your father’s blood line, it was your fate to travel this path and end all the king has done.” Elken explained. “You knew my father?” “Yes. He was very proud and very strong; he stood a god in combat. Your mother was loving and she took care of him when he received a wound; they loved each other very much.” The elf explained. “Where did my race come from? And how are we so strong?” Sorrow asked. “Well I do not know the exact location is but, the shape Shifters came from a very different world, very attached to nature because they believed that’s where their power came from. Others think it’s a different source that gives the Shape Shifter’s their power; what makes them so strong is, they are the only race that can take the form of a beast of their choice but a dragon. Only one with your power could take the form of the dragon without dyeing.” Elken explained. “I thought all this was just a story told to little kids to get them to stop talking for a little while, all this is real; it can’t be.” “It is, and it has been for over a hundred years, no one can escape the layout of what fate has laid out for you; is it good or bad? No one will know till we cross over the line that your path travels.” “Can I have some history on all this?” Sorrow asked. “Well, before the king raised to power peace reigned for countless years, darkness was not present in the five worlds. Until one day. A boy entered training. His heart was full of darkness and hate; he disguised his hatred leading everybody to think he was one with rare talent.
“He let it be known that he was going to be king after he became a master; he gathered an army of people just like him and attacked the five worlds. The worlds fought back but they didn’t stand a chance. He declared himself king and the darkness we now know spread across the worlds. The Shape Shifters came a little bit after that, they saw what happened and they were enraged. They gathered their numbers and created True Power, this power is only to be passed down by blood and blood only; it cannot mutate to something different. The king was threatened by this newly created power, he sent his personal hunters to kill the one who had this power; but he failed in every attempt, for True Power could not be surpassed by anyone,”; a knock sounded on the door.
Sorrow opened the door and saw Faith; she was wearing a white dress. “Want to go out with me and some friends?” she asked. “I don’t know if it’s ok with Elken.” He said. “Go ask him then.” She said following Sorrow in the house. “Uncle, can I go out with Faith and some of her friends?” “I guess, don’t be too late, or do anything you’ll regret.” Elken said, his eyes said different. Sorrow changed into jeans, and a muscle shirt, but he kept his boots.
The car that Faith went to was silver Porsche, with three other girls in it. “Sorrow these are my friends, April, Rose, and my sister Nara.” She said, each of them wore a different color dress and they were beautiful. “Faith got herself a keeper this time, the other ones.” Nara said. “Yeah, he’s good looking.” Rose said getting closer to him. “Back off, he’s Faith’s.” Rose said. Nara put the car into drive, and drove away.
The city was lit up; buildings flashed different words advertising things. “I have never been in this part of the city, it’s so different.” Sorrow said looking at the different lights. “We come here a lot, where else is there for a girl to go when she wants to have fun?” Nara laughed. “I don’t know.” Nara pulled into a parking spot. “You guys aren’t old enough to go here.” Sorrow said. “Don’t worry, I know the guy who owns this place. He lets us in for free.” Rose said.
Music, dancing, and a lot of people filled the club. “See the poles? I used to do that in my bedroom for my boyfriend.” April said. “Ok, go have fun guys.” Sorrow followed Faith to the floor. “Do you know how to dance?” she asked. “No I don’t, I never saw the reason to learn.” He said. “Now you’re going to learn.” She said. Faith got real close and started to grind on him; What do I do here? He thought. She got low and came back up pressing her butt against him as she did.
After dancing she took him to the bar. “Two rounds please.” “Id.” The bar tender said. A man came up to him and whispered something into his ear. “Two rounds coming up.” “Told you not to worry.” Faith laughed. He brought two margaritas and set them on the bar. “Drink up. She laughed as she took a drink. Sorrow took a drink and looked at it. “This doesn’t taste that bad.” He said after a couple drinks, his head buzzing. “How are you feeling?” Faith asked. “I don’t know really, I’m kind of dizzy.”
Faith went to April. “Hey sis, can I have the keys?” she asked. “Are you going to go all the way?” she asked handing Faith the keys; she blushed. “That’s a yes.” April laughed. “So.” She said smartly. “Come on Sorrow, I want to have some time alone with you.” Faith said grabbing Sorrow’s hand; she led him to the car. “Where are we going?” he asked. “To my house for the rest of the night.” The engine roared as Faith turned it on and drove away.
The windows were dark, not a single light was on. “Now, when we go in we cannot make a sound.” She said unlocking the door, she opened it slowly. The inside was very dark, but Sorrow could see just fine. “Grab my hand and follow me.” She whispered, Sorrow did as she asked. They went up some stairs and into a bed room; the walls were pink and her bed had stuffed unicorns on the pillows. Shelves were full of stuffed animals, anywhere from bears, cats, dog, to unicorns, and dragons. “Wow, I have never seen so many stuffed animals.” Sorrow said. “I have collected them for as long as I can remember. My parents want me to get rid of them; they say I’m too old for them now that I’m turning eighteen in a month. I know it’s babyish.” She said. “I don’t mind, I don’t really collect anything, I never saw the point in collecting things that will go away, or tare in a couple years, maybe sooner.” “Let’s sit on my bed, so we don’t make a noise on the floor and wake my parents.” Faith and Sorrow sat on the bed; the pink blanket was very soft and thick. She reached over and kissed him; she kicked off her heels and crossed her legs awkwardly. “What are you doing?” he asked. “I wanted to, give myself to you.” Faith said. “Is that a good idea?” Sorrow asked. “My sister done it when she was younger than me, she told me that when I find a guy to hold on to him and give myself to him.” She explained. “I haven’t done anything like this before.” “I haven’t either.” Faith took off her dress reveling herself. “Oh, I don’t know.” Sorrow said. “Relax, I’m scared to, but it has to happen sometime.”
Sorrow woke up the next morning in Faith’s bed; he was hot under the thick blanket. “I’m late, and I’m going to be in a lot of trouble with my uncle.” He said getting dressed. “Do you want me to drive you home?” Faith asked getting dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. “That would be great.”
“Sorrow, what did I tell you?” Elken asked he was very mad. “I didn’t do anything.” Sorrow said. “You can’t lie to me, your body acts differently now, your power isn’t the same. You gave yourself to her didn’t you?” the elf said knowing the answer already. “Yes. I’m leaving and I might never see her again, so I thought why not? I mean I’m going to give myself to someone anyway, so why not now so I know what to do when the time comes?” he said. “Now you are attached to her more than ever, if anyone finds out, they can use her against you to lore you in to their traps. They would have the greatest advantage over you.” “I’m sorry; could we just get back to my training?” “Yes, you’re about to find out the other reason you should wait to give yourself to someone for the first time; control your energy.” Sorrow discharged his energy, it grew stronger as it twisted; it stayed steady. Suddenly his power dropped shattering the vortex of energy. “What happened? I can’t feel my power!” “When you gave yourself to that mortal, you gave your power as well; if she’s pregnant the child will have a perfect copy of your power, and Faith can die giving birth to the half breed Shape Shifter. Don’t worry your power will come back in a minute or two.” Elken explained. “Why is it better later?” Sorrow asked. “When you are stronger and in a higher stage of development your body can give the power to the person without cost; you also wouldn’t be so attached to the person.”
The elf explained. When the last word left Elken’s mouth Sorrow’s power came rushing back. “We leave in two days, then you’ll find out what your power can really do.”
Part of the day went on with Elken explaining the technique of hand to hand combat. “There are two different techniques of hand to hand; you’re going to learn the less complex one right now.” “What is the complex one?” Sorrow asked. “Your master will tell you that, I’m here to teach you the basics of combat and your power that is my entire job.” Elken said. “It’s not going to very easy yet, but you’ll get it.” The elf said taking a weird stance. His legs were shoulder length a part, his hands were slightly open next to his sides, and his knees were slightly bent. “Take this stance.” Sorrow did as he was told. Elken went through different moves of the stance teaching the deadly art of combat. “With this stance, you can kill someone as easy if you were wielding a blade.” Sorrow didn’t say anything for his breaths came quick and hard. “Your weight is being balanced and unbalanced as you move through the different stances of this technique, that is causing the strain on your muscles, therefore it is causing you to sweet and build strength, not only strength but endurance of the muscles.” The elf explained.
The moon hung low in the clear night sky as Sorrow and Faith walked in the park. “I’m leaving in two days to go with my uncle; he said I need someone to look after me since I don’t have any parents.” Sorrow said. “Will I get to see you again?” Faith asked. “I will try to come back for you I promise.” Faith started to cry. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “What if I’m pregnant? I don’t think I will be able to go through with it by myself.” She leaned against his chest. “I know, I’ll make you a deal. In three months I will come back to you if I can, if you’re pregnant I will help you raise the child. We’re in this together now.” Sorrow said. “I’ll wait for you Sorrow; I have to go, my dad is mad at me because I stayed out passed my curfew.” Faith walked away.
“Keep your knees bent.” Elken said when he buckled Sorrow’s knee. “That won’t do anything; you unlocked my knee either way I was going to fall.” Sorrow growled trying to block a blow, but he was to slow. “We need to get your speed up, Master Sage will do that with you.” He said hitting Sorrow in the stomach driving the breath out of him. “How long did it take you to get this strong?” he asked. “Not very long, I became a Master at the age twenty-one.” Elken said taking Sorrow’s feet from underneath him. “Don’t think about anything else but attacking your opponent hey may be stronger than you. If that’s the case bring him to you instead of going to him, like me for an example.”
“I leave in the morning.” Sorrow said holding Faith’s hand. “Yeah, I hate that you got to go away.” Faith said. “Come with me.” He whispered. “What? I wouldn’t be able to, my parents would never let me leave.” She said with sadness in her voice. “Hopefully I’ll see you in a month, then you’re going with me.”

City of Living Forest

Sorrow stood in front on Elken. “After we get there you cannot go back for you have let fate guide you in your way.” The elf said. ‘Yes.’ Sorrow said. “What I am going to do is going to draw on your strength, as it draws on mine. Brace yourself.’ Sorrow felt his strength drop low and fast; he struggled to breath.
A gentle wind soothed his trembling body; he opened his eyes seeing that he was in a dense forest. The trees grew very tall, and full of leafs; the trees circled around Sorrow and Elken. “This is the forest that surrounds the main city; around this time of year travelers’ form all different worlds come here to see the great celebration. When so many people meet at one time, deaths happen. If anyone dies during this time, the ones with power above you and I will think it is a gesture of war considering we have been having problems about outsiders killing our kind.” Elken said. “Come.’ Sorrow followed the elf; birds sang and flew off in alarm when the two passed by. Beasts growled in the shadows letting anything know that it was its territory. Soon a city came into view; the houses looked as if they were small and well built. “Coming up is the City of Living Forest. You have to be careful when we go in do to the crowd.’
People were crammed in the streets, buying, selling, or gossiping. Humans and elves a like shared the streets talking to one another. Trees circled the outside of the city giving it some protection. The houses were different shapes, but all were around the same size. “You weren’t kidding.” Sorrow breathed looking around seeing the different shops, anywhere from food, to cloths, to jewelry, and everything else. “When does this celebration happen?” “A little over two weeks; it takes a lot of people and a lot of time to prepare.” The elf said. “Oh. There is a princess that might like you, when I or Master Sage takes you to see her, you should try to court her. Gaining a royal spot will do well for you.” Elken said. “I already have someone.” Sorrow said. “Not anymore. It’s time to let go of the mortals Sorrow, you are above them now.” “I have no feelings for this person, I’m not going to date someone just because you tell me to, if she’s of royal blood or not.” Sorrow snapped; a scream split the air, it was full of pain and sadness. “Our talk is not over.” Elken said before he raced towards the scream.
Sorrow pushed through the crowd and froze, his eyes widened; he saw an elf laying in a dark red pool of blood, a girl sat next to the elf holding his hand crying. “What happened?” Elken asked. “I found him like this, right here. I was worried when he never came home from the market.” The elf sobbed. “Whoever did this; we will find him and kill him; before that we’ll bring him back so he can see the person he just hurt the way he did.” “Thank you Master Elken.” Elken turned to Sorrow. “You see this? This not just any attack. He was a solider of our king’s army. With his death this means war; I hope your get ready for this.”
Elken took Sorrow to the sparing field where he saw two elves training. “King Fellnor! Princess Siècle!” Elken called, the two elves looked at him. “Ah! Master Elken, how nice to see you today. It’s has been too long.” The king’s eyes were silver the same color of his hair, he held a long sword. He wore battered leather while he practiced. “What are you doing here?” Elken asked. “Teaching my daughter how to wield the blade, she’s getting old enough for the need. No one ever knows when they will need to defend themselves in this time.” King Fellnor said. “This is Sorrow, the Shape Shifter.” Elken said. “Ah, nice to meet you. This is my daughter, Siècle.” Siècle wore battered leather like her father; she held a long sword as well. She was very beautiful, her hair was white as snow, and her eyes were light green. “Nice to meet you Sorrow.” Princess Siècle said with a smile. “Like wise your highness. Sorrow said bowing. “Siècle is almost the age to be courted yes?” Elken asked. “Yes. In one week to be exact.” King Fellnor said. “She’s going to have a lot of suitors.” “Yes. Not all of them are going to be for the right reason.” “Yes. She will have to be picky about who she picks; I have to take Sorrow to Master Sage.” Elken said bowing, Sorrow bowed as well.
A dark green clearing came into view, a sand spot sat next to a stump with someone sitting on it. “Wait here.” Elken said walking to the figure. “Master Sage!” he called. “Elken when did you get back?” Master sage asked opening her eyes. She wore brown leather, it looked new. Her eyes where blue, and her hair was black. Her body was lean; and she had the hour glass figure. “Today, I went to see the king and his daughter. I hear she’s almost ready to be courted.” “Yes. Some will be of dark intent, while others will pursue love and all it has to give. Now Master Elken, can you stop hiding my apprentice?” Master Sage said tilting her head. “You see right through me.” Elken laughed. “This is Sorrow; now I’ll leave you two to it.” Elken walked away.
“Before we get started you need to understand one thing, until you graduate me training you’ll call me master. The reason that is done is because it shows respect to the one who is your mentor. Do you understand?” Master Sage asked. “Yes. Master.” Sorrow said. “Good. Now I am going to teach you how to control your energy, Master Elken should have taught you how to control it to a certain point. Discharge it.” Sorrow thought about the last time he did it. He closed his eyes feeling the pool of power and let it out. The red vortex discharged in a tight vortex; soon Sorrow’s breaths became shallow, and the vortex flickered as if it threatened to break. “If you do not learn focus during First Stage, your power will not progress crippling you in combat. Do not let that vortex break.” Master Sage said. Sorrow couldn’t hold the twisting energy any longer; it broke sending waves of energy through the air. “You hold True Power, your body it will pick it up if you listen to me, you have talent rushing through your very blood; now again.” “Now that’s more like it!” Master Sage said. Sorrow’s energy discharged twisting gaining power; the ground broke and the pieces started to float; the energy broke knocking Master Sage back a couple steps. “You’re mad, I can feel it. You can let the feeling give you power but head this. If you depend on hate, and rage it will consume you giving you to the darkness.” Sorrow discharged his energy again but it broke almost instantly. Master Sage discharged blue energy; it twisted with raw power, maybe stronger then Elken’s energy. “You keep losing focus, why?” “It’s hard.” He said masking the real reason. “Once you completely master your focus and your body, countless doors of techniques will open to you. Giving you unlimited power to tap into, like this.” Her energy flared speeding up, Sorrow’s and Master Sage’s hair started to float as the air filled with energy. “I am charging my power, the stringer the vortex, the stronger my power is.” Master Sage said. “I don’t think I can be that strong.” Sorrow breathed. “If you do what I tell you, and how I tell you. You can become stronger then Masker Elken within the year.” “You’re kidding?” Sorrow asked. “I don’t kid when it comes to these things.” She said. “Now again; if you train hard enough one day you’ll be at my level of power or even higher.”
The first couple of hours were spent on Sorrow learning how to control his energy, every time he got his energy to hold it would break. “At the rate you’re going, you’ll be a waste of my time.” Master Sage sighed. “I’m trying my best Master.” He said breathing hard. “I can feel the kind of power you can let go. When you discharged it the second time it was a lot stronger then what you have been getting it to. Tell me, what’s on your mind?” “Nothing.” “Don’t lie, I’ve been around for a long time, I know when something is bothering someone of your age; don’t forget that I was seventeen once.” Master Sage said. “Fine. I like someone, but she’s a mortal. Elken told me that I should court Princess Siècle; I don’t know what to do. To make matters worse she might be carrying my child.” Sorrow explained. ”Are you wanting to go back to her?” “Yes. I said in three months I’ll try to go back to her.” Sorrow said.”Here’s what you will do. In a month you’ll court Princess Siècle in a month. If you can get you get your energy control to a certain level that I like you can go to Faith in three months to find out if she’s carrying your child.” Master Sage said. “Why would you do this? I just met you.” “I know what you’re feeling, I’m not just your master, and I’m your friend. You have to work harder if you want to see Faith because the level you must reach; you must be strong enough to unlock your Power Trait in combat. ““Power Trait?” Sorrow asked. “I’ll tell you more about it after I see if you have reached that level. Now, you better start training.”
Sorrow started to advance quickly in martial arts, and controlling his energy. “Good, you’re starting to gain power; in two days I’ll show you how to court.” Master Sage said. Sorrow’s energy twisted exerting power. “I didn’t think I could give this much power.” “You can do a lot of things if you try and give the effort. You may be strong but you still need to train for further mastery. “All this power feels good, I don’t know what it is but it does.” “I think you’re ready to advance to the next level of control.” Master Sage said, Sorrow let his energy break. “What is it?” he asked. “You’re going to use your energy to change your body into that of a beast of the forest. After you get this mastered you might be able to reach your Power Trait.” She said. “Now can you tell me about this Power Trait?” he asked. “Your Power Trait is this.” Master Sage’s eyes turned red as her pupils became slim, a black tear drop formed in her eyes, one on each side. “What is that?” “This is known as the Dragon’s Eye, the strongest Power Trait that is known. What it does is this. The Dragon’s Eye enhances your physical attributes by tenfold, and it lets you see people in a different way. There is a bad thing to this Power Trait. When it is not fully mastered it enhances your rage making you more battle prone, which is never good.” Master Sage explained.
Birds sang as they too were courting for mating; trees stood very tall giving them a dark appearance. “Before you do this you must know. When you start the change you cannot stop it, it is painful. The bigger the beast, the more pain you’ll feel. Oh, one more thing, the more you focus on a beast the faster you will change. Sorrow and Master Sage sat in the soft grass waiting for a beast to come out. About an hour later a very dark tiger looking creature came out of the dense cluster of trees. “What is that?” Sorrow asked. “That is known as the Shift, because when threatened or while hunting it can look as if it moves through time, but that is only the speed it has.” Master Sage explained. The Shift looking very lean, it looked just like a tiger but it was a lot bigger and no stripes; it smelled the ground looking for little animals like mice. “Now focus on being the Shift and let go of your energy, it will infuse your body causing you to change.” Sorrow closed his eyes and let the energy infuse his body. Pain shot through his back as the muscles started to shift, suddenly a muscle tore causing him to scream and fall to his knees; his energy discharged around him scaring the Shift. His body forced him to all fours with screams of pain. Black fur replaced his skin, his face became the snout with two sharp teeth sticking out, ears laid flat against his head. ‘You’re almost done with the change!” Master Sage called. Sorrow’s screams of pain turned into roars of pain; a black tail grew as his hands and feet changed into the creature’s feet. Soon he was a beast of prey.
Sorrow’s fur was jet black; two sharp teeth stuck out from his upper jaw, his ears were laid against his head showing pain, and his tail swept the ground. “Now focus on being a human again and you’ll change back; no pain.” He thought about being human and changed back with a gasp; he stood hunched over gasping. “That was horrible; my first change wasn’t like that; why?” “True Power’s Form needs your body to be reborn so it is kind of easer on your body, but your body was in a shock like state.” Master Sage explained.
“Ok, courting. Normally you wouldn’t try to court at your age for one reason; you don’t know how to use your Power Trait yet.” “What does that have to do with it?” “When you would court you would use your Power Trait to demonstrate power, you’re at a disadvantage but I can help you. Normally you would learn this by yourself but since you can’t use your Power trait yet I’ll show how to court giving a head start.” Master Sage explained as they walked into the city. “You cannot do it in your mortal cloths; we’ll take care of your attire before then but not right now.”
Sorrow stepped in the sand at Master Sage’s house. “Ok, the first thing you’re going to do is walk up to the princess and ask for her hand, but you do not voice the question, you stop in front of her; do it as I say Sorrow.” Master Sage said beckoning him. “Walk up to me, good. Hold out your hand with your palm facing up and your fingers will be together and facing up slightly.” He did as he was told. “When you do that you will be bowing slightly with the hand you’re not using behind your back.” Learning how to court was time consuming, so many things that were wrong, and the things that were right were hard to remember.
The next couple days were spent training and learning how to court; soon he had the steps mastered as if he had courted before. “The celebration will unlock most of your power, and it will give you a better understanding of you being the next hero.” Master Sage said. “Me? The nest hero?” Sorrow asked shocked. “Yes. You, have been born into the blood of power; our blood line.” “Our blood line?” Sorrow asked. “Where do you think I got the Dragon’s Eye? I can’t be outside of the blood line; I’m your father’s sister.” Sorrow stepped back as if he was just hit. “You are?” “It makes since, does it not?” Master Sage asked. “It does; who else knows?” he asked. “Not very many people, but Master Elken is one of them. We grew up together so we know everything about each other.” “Sorrow! I hear that you are going to court my daughter in s couple days.” King Fellnore said greeting Sorrow. “Yes, I do plan on it; Elken talks highly of her. Being the next hero I guess I’m obligated to it.” Sorrow said with s fake smile. “Well then that puts me to somewhat ease; the reason why I saw that is because Siècle talks about you every day she’s hoping that she will see you on her birthday. Something very important happens on her birthday this very year.” The king said. “Master Sage told me, the celebration takes place.” “Right. I wanted to tell you that you have my blessing. When she hears about this, she’ll be very happy.”
Sorrow was very restless; he paced the forest floor. “Why did you choose me? Why of all people? I’m I not meant to be with the one I do care for?” he said looking up at the sky; only a breeze meat him. “Why take her from me? What did I do to have this thrust upon me?” he asked looking at the ground, his eyes watered. “My boy, don’t be mad at what you do not understand. Be joyful at the thought of living and becoming what you’re meant to be.” A voice sounded in his head. “Who are you?” Sorrow asked out loud. “I am something that you cannot understand; I am here to help you. A very strong evil is after you and your gift from the one before you. You need to defend yourself and everything from him, but you cannot become strong enough on your own.” A massive surge went through Sorrow’s body increasing his power dramatically. “Now, when you take part in the celebration new power will be unlocked to you, this power is called the Dragon’s Eye.” The voice faded.

Courting a Princess

Sorrow looked at the cloths that Master Sage left for him. They were jet black. The shirt had only one sleeve, the pants was like a kilt, but it was very silky, and a mask laid on a table. “You can put that on, but we need to get you your hair cut and put a little color into it.” Master Sage said. The mask covered his nose leaving his eyes uncovered. The cloths fit perfectly; Sorrow felt weird wearing the half dress.
His hair was cut to a little shorter then shoulder length; his bangs went down to his nose; half of his bangs were dyed red giving it color. Sorrow’s new look gave him a scary, but powerful look to him. “Now you are ready to court the Princess.”
Princess Siècle sat on steps leading to a small pond, a fountain poured water into it; lily pads floated in it. Sorrow walked up to Siècle, he bowed a little bit, and held out his hand the way Master Sage showed him. She smiled and took his hand standing up; he kissed it. “You know what you are doing, have you done this before?” she asked with a giggle. “To be honest, no I haven’t.” Sorrow said pulling her into his arms; they started to slow dance. “You look different when those cloths and that hair cut. I like it better than your other look. She said as they danced. “Yeah, Master Sage gave me this look; she said I couldn’t court looking like I used to.” Sorrow said. They sat on a bench looking at the small pond; time just seemed to fly by before another person came up wanting to court; he held his hand out. “I already been courted, I’m not doing it anymore. The man walked off steaming. “Really?” Sorrow asked shocked. “Yes. Daddy might have told you, but I like you a lot and I have since we were introduced when you first came here.” Siècle said; she was blushing a little bit. “I have to get ready for tonight; I had a lot of fun with you today.” Siècle stood up and walked around the house.
Sorrow walked back to Master Sage; she sat on the stump with her eyes closed. “How’d it go?” She asked opening one eye. “Nothing went wrong; I did everything you told me to and she loved it. She asked if I had courted before.” He said. “Good, good. Tonight is the celebration and her birthday, so it has two meanings. One meaning is only to you for some of your power will be unlocked, and you will become the keeper of the five locked five worlds. After tonight you start advanced training in using your Power Trait. It is very important for you to have some mastery of it before you start to gather the Blade of True Power. Only you and the ones in your blood line can hold and use this blade to its full power. If someone other than you, or I holds the blade, it becomes as a normal one; not good for anything but taking the life’s of none since.” Master Sage explained. “What does the Dragon’s Eye do anyway?” Sorrow asked. “It enhances your power to very high levels; it also lets you see in different eyes. The Dragon’s Eye also makes bloodlust stronger and your rage heaver then what it is now. A small thing can anger you while using it. Only when you truly master it, you will feel these effects of your Power Trait; every Power Trait has its good and bad effects. You’ll understand better when you feel the power for yourself.”
Night came; people moved quickly through the streets as they gathered the final perorations for Siècle’s birthday. “When your power is unlocked she’ll be there, and she’ll be the one to kiss you once your eyes change to the eyes of power, because when that happens the power is still asleep. A person that has your heart even a little has to kiss you to truly awaken that power; don’t ask me why it’s up to the kiss. I live by the rules, I didn’t make them.” Master Sage explained walking to the sight of the party and celebration.
“We have gathered here today for two reasons; one is to celebrate my daughter’s birthday, and for the great celebration!” the king’s voice was lost in the cheering. “Siècle would like to say something before we start one of the two celebrations.” Princess Siècle stepped up. “I would like to say, that I have been courted and I have picked the man I want to be with.” The people went silent. “The man is Sorrow.” Gasps went through the crowd. “He’s not old enough!” multiple people yelled out. “He doesn’t have the experience needed! What if he becomes king?” another yelled. “Everyone needs experience; do you think King Fellnor had the experience needed when he became king at a young age? He was no older than Sorrow himself; look at what kind of king he is! He is a wonderful king.” Elken said stepping up. . No one said anything to object that statement. "She has made her choice now we have to live with it." Elken said.
The first couple hours were Siècle's party; Sorrow spent most of the party with her. People came up to them giving them their blessings, and presents.
"They make a big deal about us being a couple don't they?" Sorrow asked after one of the people left. "Yeah, I guess it's because you're my first boyfriend and all." she said.
Music begun to play, the crowd went silent. "The celebration is about to start." Siècle said. "Today, thousands of years ago the five worlds became to be. Now that the King was taking over no world as escaped his dark grasp. There is a hero among us as I talk now, his name is Sorrow. After this great celebration his life of power will really take off, and grow meaning." King Fellnor said his voice ringing out.
A group of five people walked into the crowd, they split to let the women to walk. They circle around Sorrow whispering a chant. "Out of the darkness will come a hero, out of the chaos will come peace, out of darkened will come a new leader of the worlds." The girls had a star tattoo on their left shoulder; the blue on started to glow.
"Sorrow, embrace the stars as they represent the five worlds."
Sorrows left shoulder started to burn as the star came of her shoulder and melted it's self to his shoulder blade. Power flooded him almost instantly. Blue for the Land of Oceans.” Sorrow broke out in a sweat as the star stopped glowing; steam from the star lifted into the air sweat touched it. Next a girl with red hair walked up, she stopped next to the first one. “The red star represents the Land of War.” Like the last one it started to glow. As it transferred its self to his skin rage took over, making Sorrow want to kill everybody around him. That time Sorrow’s energy discharged twisting slowly around him; a third woman stepped up.
Two of the five stars laid on Sorrow’s back, the blue on his left shoulder blade, and the red one rested next to his right kidney. “This green star is the world we live on, the Land of the Forest. With this star, more power will come to you. The first stage of the Dragon’s Eye will open to you.” The green star didn’t hurt or fill Sorrow with rage; it was quite soothing as it lay fusing with his skin of his right shoulder blade. Immense power rushed through his veins as Sorrow’s eyes started to change. The brown turned into a blood red color; next his pupil changed growing narrow like a cat’s eye.
“You know have three of the five stars, the last two will happen at the same time. This is to give you the tear drops for your eyes, with that the rest of your locked power. However you still need to kiss someone you hold dear to you.” Master Sage said as she got close to me. “Are you ready?” she asked. “Yeah.” Sorrow responded between breaths.
. A white star and a black star started to glow. The middle of Sorrow’s back started to sting; the skin on his right shoulder blade felt like it was being peeled off inch by inch.
Sorrow was left gasping as the stars stopped glowing. A black ring formed around the five stars, the ring had four spots where it jutted out like spikes. When Sorrow opened his eyes he noticed that his vision was different and that he felt stronger, but for some reason a rage was building up within him. His eyes were blood red with a narrowed pupil; two black tear drops were in each eye. The tear drops were on the opposite side of the pupil. “Behold, the Dragon’s Eye!” the crowd went into a roar.
Siècle walked up to Sorrow reaching for his hand. She took it helping him up. Once Sorrow stood on his feet she kissed him. At that instant it felt like his power was unlocking all over again. When the kiss broke Sorrow stumbled back falling to his knees; his whole body shook. “During this great celebration two wonderful things has happened.” King Fellnor said. His voice ringing out. “My daughter Siècle has chosen my heir to my throne and the person who she wants to be with. The second thing is that our future hero has gained the five star tattoo and his power trait. His birthright, the Dragon’s Eye!” the king said raising his voice.
Blood vs Blood
Over the next couple of weeks Sorrow grew, not only as a person but as someone with a deadly purpose. “Sorrow, I think you can now understand where the ability to use our energy comes from.” Master Sage said. “In your bloodstream there is energy that comes from your body, mainly your heart. This type of energy is called Blood Energy. Every person has a different amount and it is not built the same. Like us for an example; we are close in the blood line, that means. Are Blood Energy is a lot alike but yet, so very different. When we want to use a technique we must use a certain amount of the energy, or otherwise known as a fixed amount of Blood Energy required for each technique.” “Ok. That is kind of confusing.” Sorrow said. Master Sage sighed. “Ok. To use a technique you must use energy. It can be physical strength, but most of the time it is Blood Energy that is required. Enough of this for now, let’s continue training.”
Over the next couple of hours Sorrow trained with Master Sage. She stopped saying she had something to teach Sorrow. “I have a technique I want to teach you, but you cannot use it under normal circumstances do you understand?” “Yes.” He replied. “This technique is known as Dragon’s Devastation. This technique was created for the sole purpose of killing people, and granting almost unlimited amount of power, and energy. The reason why I gave you that warning is because Dragon's Devastion is a technique with dark intent. Once you use it you can not lock away any darkness it plants in your heart. Are you ready?" Master Sage asked. "Yes." Sorrow replied.
"Ok, this is how it works. Once you tap into the power it will start to consume you trying to get a hold of your heart and change you. You can not let that hppen, belive me its not going to be easy trying to master this type of techinque. Now all you have to do is reach for the power and say the name. Dragon's Devastion." Dark red energy discharged shattering the ground, her power spiked instantly. Right now I feel the darkness pushing at me for I have not turely mastered it. I have mastered it enough to control the darkness and draw on the power when I feel like it, but I do have a limit. Lets find out where your limit lies."
Sorrow closed his eyes. "Dragon's Devastion!" his power spiked like Master Sage's. Suddenly Sorrow fell to his knees holding his head. Dark voices whispered in his head. "Open your heart to us, open to the power and let it aid you in power and glory." Sorrow's eyes twitched as he fought against the darkness. "You're doing good so far Sorrow, keep it up." Master Sage said. She knew that things were turning against him. "Give in Sorrow, give into the power, you know you want to. Just open that black heart of yours to the power I have to offer."
Sorrow started to give in to the darkness; "Where is the boy?" A voice asked, it was full of darkness and power. "Who asks?" Master Sage turned around, her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. "M-Mask. What are you doing here?" she stammered. "I am here to meet my younger brother, why else would I be here?" he asked with a laugh. "You're not here to meet Sorrow are you? You're here to kill him so that you are the only one left with True Power. You don't want any one challenging you." she said. "Master Sage, you saw right through me. Sorrow is my younger brother as you very well should know considering that you're our aunt. The real reason why I came here is to kill him or at least take him out following our blood line's power and it's secrets. That is why I came here. So where is he?" Mask said. Mask had the same bodu structure as Sorrow, the same face and the same eyes of power. He wore a pure black robe with a no blade on his waist. "I won't tell you." Master Sage said between clenched teeth. "I will find him if you tell me where he is or not, you should know that." he said in a threatening voice. " I am well aware of your abilities, the deal is. I won't let you get to your brother." "Then I'll go through you Master Sage."
Mask's eyes looked fully mastered. "Those eyes are like mine, they haven't changed since you were in second stage of your training. I guess we're going to fight." Master Sage said in a serious tone. "Yep, you guessed it."
Mask moved quickly getting through Master Sage's defenses, she blocked his first blow easly; she struck back hitting him in the jaw blooding his mouth. "Good hit, its been a while since I have been hit with that kind of force. Now it's my turn." Mask said. Before Master Sage could block the blow it hit her in the gut knocking the air from her lungs. She was knocked to the ground with a powerful back hand.
Sorrow's power spiked again and the darkness started to radiate from him catching Mask's attention. "What do we have here? My little brother?" he asked knowing the answer. "Brother?" Sorrow asked between clenched teeth. "OH you don't remember me? That kind of hurts. Then again you were only five years old when I went off to train." Mask said picking Sorrow up by his throat. "You are the only person who is keeping me from gaining my full birth right, our father's blade. Master Sage, our aunt can't use it because she lost her True Power a long time ago. So you see I need to kill you so I can claim our father's blade." he hissed. "If you're really my brother, why did mom and dad left me?" Sorrow asked. Mask wasn't squeezing yet. "Father left to go to war against the king, for years mother waited for him to come back but he never did. Once the king came to mother to start my training she didn't stop him from taking me under her wing. You on the other hand. Your name used to be different long forgotten now. When I left mother was full of sadness that she changed your name so that if you live through everything, you will carry her sorrow and pain. That is why she left you. I know where she is at right now, but you'll never get to see her again, and she won't get to see you again. Its as simple as that. Like I said once I kill you nothing will get in the way of getting my full birth right." Mask explained. "Now get ready to die little brother!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.05.2011

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