
Chapter 1: Wassssabiii!

Kelsi POV

"Wasssabiii!!! Watsup Bree Bree?!" I yelled in my friend Brianna's ear."Morning Kelsi. What the hell is wasabi?"
She asked giving me a weird look." I dunno. Some type of spicy sauce that you eat with food. It's from Japan. I heard it on Annoying Orange."I said to my friend jumping up and down. Brianna's my childhood friend so she's used to my weird remarks. " Go look it up if you don't know what it is. With your photographic memory, I bet you remember the whole episode." She said groaning. If you're wondering what a photographic memory is, it means everything I've ever heard, seen, or came across with is permanently etched in my brain. Pretty cool right? I know. It's awesome. My nose crinkled as I smelled lots of perfume. It could only be one person. " Oh my gursh nursh. Here she comes." I groaned as I turned around. Julliane Parkforrest. The crazy psycho red smurf who's been at my throat sonce we were 10. 6 years passed and she's still on my nutsack. I don't think this freak-nut will ever stop. " Hey Kels." She said in her high-pitched voice. God, I wanted to knock her teeth out. " Wasabi. You don't have the right to call me that you red smurf." I said sticking my tongue out at her " Shut up. You're so annoying." She said." Your the one that came up and talked to me first you freak-nut. I don't like it when people tell me what to do." I said checking my nails.
" Shut up." She said.
" I won't."
Yeah, you will."
" No I won't."
" You're annoying." She said.
" So are you."
" No I'm not."
" Yeah-huh."
Nuh-huh." She said
" Green old granny alien."
" What?"
" S my D."
" What is wrong with you?"
" I.D.G.A.F"
" You've got problems." She said
" I heart hello kitty."
" Slut."
As soon as she said that, I walked up to her, punched her in the nose and broke it ( I heard the crunch), spit on her legs which she cared so much for, then started singing Scream for My Ice cream: Blood on the Dance Floor.
She's melting
She's melting
Oh! oh! oh!
She licked me like I'm ice cream

Dipping with my dipper
We be drinking up the liqour
Party like her birthday
Shake it like an earthquake

Melting like an ice cream cone
Going for her danger zone
Go and suck my lollipop
Sugar sweet cherry topped

Ferr sure fit
To legit
Hot spot
Twirk it bitch

Strip it down
Work it up
Baby let me
Fill your cups

Oh to the em to the em to the gee
Sticky messy
Taste my treat
But I love it when you

Scream for my ice cream
Tell me all your dirty dreams
Scream for my ice cream
Well show me what's your fantacies

I stopped there because the bell rang. I turned around and looked at Julliane on the ground. Her nose was bleeding. Awesome. " That's a lesson to you waffle.I'm the flpjack so don't stick your fake boobs where they don't belong. They should be in the trash. Red Smurf." I stuck up the 3 fingers between my thumb and pinky and told her to read between the lines. Then I walked to my first class feeling accomplished.Instead of knocking her teeth out, I broke her nose. Not as fulfilling, but it's getting there. " You know,we really should get some wasabi Bree Bree. I'm craving it. But just the sauce. I heard it was green. I wonder if It'll taste good with marshmallows?" Bree Bree just looked at me. " S.M.H. Will you ever be normal?" She asked me holding the bridge of her nose. " Nope," I said popping the p, " Never." Wasabi has really got to me.

Chapter 2: Our who are where?!

Kelsi P.O.V.

When I got home, it was a mess. Police cars everywhere and neighbors outside. All looking at my house What the fruck is going on? As soon as I stepped into the door, all guns were pointed at me. " Put those things away before you blow my brains out and I haunt you in your sleep," I said, " I live here." They put them down. " Chris n' chips, what in the name of flying pigs is going on?!" I yelled at my brother. Wherever he was.He came barreling down the stairs. " Kelsi, Oh my god! I'm so glad you're okay." He said giving me a bear hug. I wiggled out of him. " I'm going to my room." I declared walking up the stairs. He tried to stop me. When I got to my room, I knew why he did. " Drake? Where in the name of all things waffley - you know what, now i'm angry - where the fuck is my shit?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs." Yeah.... um well, you see, it turns out that our mom and dad weren't really our mom and dad," He said flustered," They're in heaven." He said sighing. " Our who are where?!And you still haven't answered my question." I said angrily. " Ok, heres the deal. Our parents were fake. For the past month, we've been living with some bastards in masks. Our real parents were murdered. Then the fakies took all our fucking furniture, and left. We're pretty much left with our clothes' shoes' bags, hats,and all that other stuff." I was dumbfounded.That's a world turner. " I really don't care what happened to Maurie and Jay.They didn't like me anyways. Besides we're adopted." I said shrugging my shoulders. Yes, the weird, happy, and fearless ( More or less ) Kelsi Matthews is adopted. Get off my chiz. " Anyways, since I have to deal with all of this and fix everything, You'll have to stay at my friends' house." He said running his hand through hi s hair." Why can't I just stay with you?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. " Because it's not safe." He said sternly.
" Ok, These friends of yours, are they guys?" I asked curiously.
" Yes." He said rolling his eyes.
" How many?" I asked moving my eyebrows.
" 10"
" Are there any girls?"
" Yup, 2. That would make a total of 12 people."
" 13 if you count me."
" Perv."
" I'll go get packing." I said smirking.Oh, this is going to be fun.

Chapter 3: I'm Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews

As soon as I pulled up th the 'house', my jaw hit the pavement.It was as big as a school! " I-I-I'll still be going to the same school right?" i said stuttering." Yeah. You'll just have to wake up and go to sleep earlier." I groaned. I'm a very deep sleeper, but it usually depends on my mood. When I got inside, I almost started to drool. You know what I saw? 10 of the most smexiiest guys on the planet, all shirtless and ripped with 6 and 8 packs. Yes, I did count. Oh, this is not a safe environment for me.My smirk got real wide. I silently wolf whistled as a really tall,really HOT guy walked up tp my brother. May I remind you that I'm only 5'3 so EVERYONE is taller than me.I watched him until he got to where we were. My brother scoffed. " Kelsi stop being a pervy monkey." He said not even looking at me. Damn, he's good.I turned around slowly and grabbed my favorite piece of hair and tapped it on my lips. " Hey Matt. That's my sister Kelsi. She's a bit weird in the head if you recall. Anyways, watch out for her. She's like a wolf hunting for prey." " Gasp! I am not!" I said rolling my eyes. He gave me that 'mhhmm' look. I hated that look. Before you know it, it was time for my bro to go. My heart started to hurt. " be good Kelsi. I'll drop in sometimes to visit. I'll call too. Now, don't do anything I wouldnt do." He said smirking. " Gasp! Brother dearest, you're so naughty! Besides you do everything..." I said acting dramatically like they do in those old British soap operas. Those always made me laugh. He was headed for the door. " Peace out bro-bro-brolio, I love you. I see ya when I see ya. Don't cry over meh with your room door locked jacking off." I said smiling. " I do not jack off! Jeez, you always have to leave someone on a bad note." He huffed. With that, he was gone. There was a awkward silence to I had to break it. " Garbanzo beans! Anyways, nice to meet'chya smexii people," I said with a country accent, " You're probably wondering if I'm okay. I'm peachy-keen for my name is Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews. That's the saying right? Anyways, I'll repeat my name for those who are a bit slow in the head. My name is Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews. I am Japanese, Mexican, American, and African. I speak fluent japanese, spanish, and korean. And if I must say, you boys are very, very, hot." Then they busted out laughing. I really didn't see what was so funny. " Well hey Kelsi something something something Matthews."A person who was sitting on the floor said. " My name is not something. It's Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews. And who might you be floor person?" I asked. He chuckled. I seriously DO NOT see what was so funny." I'm Jacob.And if I must say, you're very, very hot yourself." He winked. They started laughing again. " Hey, I'm the wolf here. Don't steal my thunder. And of course I'm hot. I'm Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews." I said smiling. it's good to be me. " Now if one of you boys will please help me with my bags and show me to my room, I would be very happy." I said innocently. Jacob came up. He picked up my bags.At least he tried to. " What the hell? How did you even carry these?" He asked, " What did you have in here, bricks?"" To your first question, I'm strong. To your second, yes, I do have bricks in there." I said simply. He looked at me weirdly. " I'm serious. They're my lucky bricks. When I'm seriously mad or sad, I put one in a sock and swing it at the wall. I hope you don't mind the banging or noise. I have a really short temper." I smiled sweetly. Everyone just looked at me in silence. " That's the hottest thing any girl could do." The one called Matt mumbled in the corner. " Or course it's hot. It's because I'm Kelsi Matthews." I said to the ceiling. He blushed. I chuckled. Oh, it's good to be me.

Chapter 4: Got a Prob Bob?

" What the fruck is this?!"I screamed, "Is this some kind of joke?!"I looked around in disgust. It was all -barf- pink.-_-. By the time Jacob was upstairs he was sweating rivers. " Wh-Wh-Wh- what is it n-n- now?" He asked out of breath. " Who told you I like pink? Pink is my worst enemy. It grabs you with its long fingers and suffocates you in brightness. I only wear for cancer awareness or whatever." I said pouting. ' Sorry." He mumbled. -_- Whatever. " Anyways, this means that I have to stay in one of you guys' room. Unless I meet the girls anyway," I said, " We'll see after introduction time." I said dropping my bags at the door. " Intro what?" Some guy with black hair and grey eyes said. Pretty smexii :3. " Introduction time! Since I only know like 2 of you guys and they're 12 other people in this house, if you would it this, I seriously need to learn.So what you guys' are going to do is sit in a duck, duck, goose circle. One of you will sit in the middle of our duck, duck, goose circle, say your full name -middle and last included- your age, height grade, birthday, favorite color, and hobbies. I made it up when I was in 3rd grade. I still love it" I said leading them all downstairs to the living room. I showed them what to do, and 2 minutes later, we were ready to play.' Okay, I go first. You already know my name. Anybody remember?"I asked.One person raised their hand. Black and crimson hair with blue eyes.That is just adorable :3. " The whole thing?" I asked suspiciously pointing my finger at his eyebrow. Yes, in America that is rude, but, you know, I'm a rude person :3. He nodded. Hey, quiet is still sexy. Or should I say handsome? " Say it." I said simply. " Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthew. That's a very pretty, ethnic, and beautiful name if you ask me." He said smiling sweetly. i BLUSHED. i just couldn't help it. I heard all the 'oohs' and 'aaahs'. Jerky smurfs. " Shut it you peas. Anyways, I am 16, turning 17 this year.on April 24 ( Author's note: My birthday (^.^) ). 1995 is the year.I'm a junior. I'm 5'3. My favorite color is black. My hobbies are singing, dancing, reading, writing, anything, and drawing. Now as my game goes,one of you have to repeat it all to go." I said smiling. Me smiling throws everyone off all the time. It's fun to see them squirm. " I think I do." Said the adorable guy who made me blush. " Oh really? Lets see how you do," " Now say it. Out loud. Wait! Twighlight moment." I sang. Some grumbled. " Got a problem with the Twilight? Go suck a diznick." I stuck out my tongue. Some guys looked confused. " A diznick is a dick you dumbasses. Just take out the i-z-n and there you go. Though I doubt you guys have one since you guys have been laughing like a couple of 6 year olds high on sugar and helium." I mumbled. The other guys tried to suppress their laughter. It didn't really do anything though. "Anyways adorable one, you can start." I said yawning. When did I get so tired? It's been more2than weird and unusual day. Bree Bree is gonna flip when she sees these hottie la mates ( luh-mo-tees) with their swimmers bodies. " Your name is seriously long, but still really pretty. Kelsi Kanoko Adriana Rina Marisol Matthews. You're turning 17 on April 24. You were born in 1995. You're a junior.You're 5'3. Umm, your hobbies are singing, dancing, writing anything, uh reading, and drawing. Your favorite color is black. I think that's all." He said staring into space. " Ok. Your turn. You have to pick anyone else, but whoever you pick has to pick me to recite it since I'm the only one who doesn't know you guys well," I said, " But having a photographic memory really helps. Is it weird though that I forget things ALLOT even though I have a photo memory? It all sees to get lost in my head until I searched enough to find it. My head is like a vast ocean of turtles." I said with my eyes getting heavy. " Umm, are you okay Kelsi? You look a little dizzy." Adorable one ( Matt) said. He was worried. That's so sweet. " I- I don't know... I just feel really -" I couldn't finish my sentence. I just felt myself collapse on the floor. The noises around me muffled and then, everything was silent.

Chapter 5: They're gonna rape me!!

I woke up groggy on a bed. A really pretty one. Thank the tacos it wasn't pink. So where was I? " あなたが起きていますか( Have you got up?)" A voice said. " Whoops! Still speaking in Japanese." it said. " No, I understand you. You asked me if I was up. Well, now I am. I just wasn't gettin' enough sleep this week so it seems like it caught up with me." I said sitting up at the girl. She was full blown Asian and it showed. That baby face makes me wanna kidnap her. ^.^ I chuckled to myself. I could pull it off though. " You understand Japanese?" She said looking confused. " I'm part Japanese actually. I speak it too." I said smiling. " Awesome! Oh, and before I forget, the guys wanted me to give you this. It's the list of all the things you asked for during something called Intro Time? Anyways, Nicole and I put our on there too. The guys are waiting for you downstairs to see if you're ok. By the way, I'm Krystal, but you can call me Krissy, or Kris, or whatever you wanna." She stuck out her hand for me to shake. She talked so fast I had to blink a few so I could decipher what she said in my head. I think I'm gonna like this chick. " I'm Kelsi. Hi there Krissy. Since our names are alike, we should the best of girly friends," I said smiling, " Anyways, I'm fine now so let's go downstairs. She nodded. I got up with her, went to the door, and made me way down the stairs. As soon as I jumped down from the second to last step, all the guys got up and rushed over. " No! Krissy, help me! They're gonna gang rape me!" I screamed and ran behind her. She gave a whole new meaning to rotfl ( rollin' on the floor laughing). Matt, my adorable little child, came up tp me smiling. " Glad to you're back in shape. Anyways, today is Friday so let's do something! I'm bored!" He pouted. *________* Why is he so damn cute?! I just wanna rape him! The thought made me laugh so hard. I was just on the floor, rolled up like a ball, laughing like a mad woman. When I was done, I gave my creeper smile, and started laughing like peter griffin slowly. Total creeper status! ^.^ Yay! No one can steal that away from me. " You know what little Matthew? You're just too adorable. You shall be my little brother. But first you gotta hug me ^.^" I said smiling. " But I'm older than you." He said pouting. I'm seriously gonna rape him... " One month doesn't count. Please ?? This is your brother-ship confirmation! Plus you're just so damn cute... I'm not gonna finish that sentence. Anyways, please? It'll make me happy." I smiled innocently. " Oh what the hell. Fine come here big sis." He said with his arms open. " ^.^ Yay!!" Instead of hugging him, I ended up tackling me, but it still counts. " Damn you're strong. I have a feeling you're gonna kill one of us soon..." He said chuckling with me still hugging him on the ground. ^.^ I like that idea.

Chapter 6: Your parents are who?!

"Leta go to the mall." I declared. Nicole and Krissy squealed. Matt smiled. The others groaned. " Oh, come on! It's a new place I have to live in so I have to go shopping! Brianna'll come with us!" I pleaded. I know it was a bad excuse but get off my tip. I'm good at ling in this type of situation.. So bite me.Their ears perked up. " Who's Brianna?" Jacob asked. When did he get in front of me? " Wow. You must be really girly hungry. I didn't even see you get up." I said.Everyone glared at him. Well that's unusual. Even for me '-.-. " I don't know what all of that was about so I'm not gonna comment on it. It seems like it's none of my business. Oh yeah, I forgot that since ou guys just moved back, you wouldn't know anyone. Anyways, Brianna is my childhood and best friend in the whole flippin' dimension. We've been together since preschool" I said beaming. Ah, good memories, good memories ^.^. " Yeah, yeah, we got it. You'll be together forever. But, more importantly, is she hot?" Jacob asked. -.- Wow. " You pervertido. Your name shall be Mr. Pervertido. Of course she's muy caliente. She's always been told that she's muy bonita." I smiled. " English please." Everyone said except little Matthew, Nicole, and Krissy. -.- Are these people stupid? That was basic Spanish. They better be lucky I didn't start full blown sentences. " porque no hay nada tres decir? ( why aren't you three saying anything?)" I asked Matt, Nicole, and Krissy. " mi abuela es mexicana. ella no quiere aprender ingles, asi que aprendio a hablar espanol para ella. ( my grandma is Mexican. she didn't want to learn English so i learned Spanish for her.)" Matt said. " hace calor que se pude hablar espanol fluidamente. ( its hot that you can speak Spanish so fluently)." I laughed. He winked the laughed. " soy mitad mexicana. ( I'm half Mexican)" Nicole said. I made an o with my mouth. I should have guessed -.-. " la mayoria de mis amigos lo sabian asi que arpendi para que yo pudiera entender. ( most of my friends knew it so i learned so i could understand)"Krissy said. " I hope you do know that there are people in this room who only speak one language." Jacob stated. " I know. This was an a,b,c,d convo. You can e your way out of it," I said to Jacob, " We should do this more often." I said to Matt, Nicole, and Krissy. They nodded in agreement. " I bet if your parents knew they would give birth to such a crazy kid, they would never do it again." Jacob smirked. Everyone got quiet. He must not know. " Don't talked about my parents." I said sharply as the memories started replaying in my head. I just want to forget. Forget all about that scary day. " Why? Because you know it's true?" He said, his smirk getting bigger. " No. Bcause it's bad to talk about dead people." I said looking down at the rug that suddenly got so interesting. Oh look, it's a creamy color. It feels nice v.v. ( A/N: sorry I havent been updating! school just hates me right now. But i hate it too ^.^ Anyways i wrote a lot more but this is all i can do today v.v I'll try updating at LEAST twice a week. Pow I threw spanish in there ^.^ But this made me kinda sad writing this little part. I got attached to my characters -.- I feel like a creep...Anyways byeee xp) " But of course my foster parents are dead too. They were already dead to me, always judging me about my hair color and clothes and music. That just seals the deal about death fir me ^.^ But of course I cared about my reL parents. They were my pride and joy when I was little." I said smiling a bit. Still more silence... -.-" " Oh, come on! You know I hate these silences. They creep me out! It's like a horror movie moment when Micheal Myers comes out with his thing and starts slashing away." I said smiling. That got them laughing. Yay! Happiness XD! " I'm sorry. I really didn't know." Jacob said looking down. " Oh shucks, it's okay. Um all good with death now." I said patting his head. " So what were your parents' names'?" Nicole asked. " Demetrius Jayce Matthews and Diamanté Clara Matthews. Everyone loved their names because they were so unique. That's why name is Kelsi Diamond Matthews and My brother's us Chris Daymion Matthews. Going with the D's!" I said smiling. Everyone gasped. Jaws hit the floor. " Your parents were who?!" They all said in unison. That scared the crap outta me! "=.= Jesus, are you tryna kill me?! What's so suprising? they're my parents." I asked confused. " Oh shit. Oh man, oh man, oh man... This is bad." Matt started pacing. " Wait, what? What's so bad? What're you pacing for little Matthew?" I asked getting worried. " Dude, why is it so bad?" Krissy said eying me. Matt glared at her. Scary... ( /).(\ ) " The thing that's so BAD about it is that she's not safe! There's no IF about it! WHEN they find out that she's the one and that's she's HERE, they won't stop till she's dead!" He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Everyone started talking at once. It gave me a headache but,most of all, it made me even mire confused which aggravated me. " Shut up!" I shrieked. Everyone fell silent. " You", I pointed at Alfy, " What the flip is the big idea?" " Well... your parents were some REALLY powerful people, and now your life is in danger." He said silently. It turned into an uproar again. People shouting at each other.. I hate it. Always have and always will. It boils my blood. " Silence." I said, my voice booming. Everyone snapped their eyes to me. Gasps erupted from the room. " What?" I snapped. " Your eyes.... Their... purple." Nicole said silently. I groaned -.- Why does this keep on happening? I took a really deep breath and closed my eyes, releasing my breath slowly. This purple eye thing keeps happening whenever I get super angry. Angry like ' I wanna rip your face off and feed it to my unicorns' angry. Don't ask about my unicorns... " Now can SOMEONE please explain this to me? Who the heck is after me?" I asked pacing back and forth. Matt started to say something, but he was was cut off by a bunch of people dropping in like some random ninja attack was going on O.O Like holy granola! It was awesome and scary at the same time. I just need someone to now explain why in the name if donuts are there Flippin ninjas dropping from the roof into the living room! Why is today so weird??

Chapter 7: Holy Ship! Part 1

Everyone huddled together not making a move or sound. Even though I had no idea what was happening, I knew that we had to fight to survive. Why are there so many life and death situations in my life? -_-' jeez. Everyone was in their fighting stance. The room was absolutely silent, until some dumb idiot just HAD to move his leg and step on a piece of paper on the floor -.-. Then all he'll broke loose. " Protect Kelsi no matter the cost!" Matt yelled to everyone. They all nodded. " I don't need to be protected!" I screamed, but they didn't listen.
' I can't let them do this for me' I thought. Then a voice entered my head. ' Kelsu darling, you have to fight.' It said. ' I know! But who the heck are you?' I asked. Why do I not find any of this weird at all? o.o"
' Wow, you don't even recognize your own mother's voice? Kelsi honey, that makes mommy sad.' You could hear the smile in her voice. " Mom?" I whispered to myself. Yes honey. We'll talk more when you go to bed, but right now, we need ti focus. Now, look around you.' I did as she said, horrified at the scene in front of me. There was blood everywhere, dead ninjas all over the floor, and my new friends barely keeping them away from me considering that we were badly outnumbered. I had to look away. ' Good honey. Now use that feeling that you have right now, that anger and sadness, and concentrate. Relax and let the power come to you.' I did as my "mom" instructed me to do. I closed my eyesand took slow, deep, and even breaths. Then, I felt an unfamiliar spark in my chest. It soon spread throughout my entire body. There were tingled everywhere. What the heck is happening to me?! ( a/n: You guys I am like EXTREMELY sorry for not updating in a while. I kinda had a big case of writer block, then I just got lazy, then summer started and so did my summer program so yeah :0 I'll try and get part 2 of this up soon if I can think of anything and update quickly! Again, I'm sorry :) - Laurenn~)

Chapter 8: Holy Ship! Part 2

'Kelsi darling, open your eyes.' My mom said to me. I opened them slowly. It was like the whole room was frozen; all eyes directed themselves to me. I looked down at my arms. Guess what? I was on flippin' fire! Swears and curses flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. I curse a lot when I'm panicking. " Holy shit! Oh My God! I'm on fucking fire! Why in the HELL am I on fire?! Why in fuck sakes is it blue and white?! Holy shit cakes, put it out!" I shrieked. I was rolling on the floor like a dog. The weirdest part about it was, it wasn't burning my flesh. I wasn't melting like the wicked witch either. It felt like a summer breeze was encircling me. The carpet didn't even catch on fire. After a while, I composed myself and cleared my throat. " I'm sorry." I said quietly. Then something I never thought I'd ever see in my ENTIRE life happened. My new buddies, all 12 of them, turned into some kind of 3D globs of steel and stretched out into the coolest thing ever: werewolves. My jaw dropped and my eyes bulged. The color of their fur and eyes were the same but, somehow they looked different from regular wolves and their eyes seemed brighter. " Holy ship! " I exclaimed, " You have GOT to be kidding me! Is flippin' JayJay the jet plane gonna pop in from the holes in the flippin' ceiling? Oh, Oh I know, my awesome jet black unicorn with the blonde mane and silver eyes that I named Steel is gonna fly through the front door right this second. What the fruck is going on today?!" I yelled. ' I'm sorry we didn't tell you right away Kelsi. We thought we would scare you away.' Matt's voice rung in my head -____- " Oh, come one! Why in the heck is there more then 1 voice inside my head head that is not mine? And in case you haven't noticed little Matthew, my name is Kelsi Matthews. My parents are Demetrios and Diamante Matthews who are, apparently, a couple of big shots in this little world you all live in. There are people who I haven't even MET or heard of who want to chop my head off. You think that learning you all are werewolves is going to affect a person who !: had her parents disappear from her life and later have to be told that they're dead when clearly they aren't if my mother is speaking in my flippin' brain, 2:lived in a house for years with my foster parents and didn't notice that for one month they weren't my real foster parents. Those douchebags stole out furniture, killed my real foster parents, and again, I'm pretty sure they'll turn up dead also, and 3: having these people crash and drop down from the ceiling like a scene from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So please explain to me me how this would surprise me." I folded my arms. No one said anything. No one moved. I chuckled bitterly. " We're going to sit down and talk after I kick some ninja ass with this weird fire because, quite frankly, I'm pissed and I need to vent my anger and release my tension considering that I can't run upstairs and get my bricks." And that's EXACTLY what I did. I kicked some ninja booty.

Chapter 9: Explain -___-

I guess all the years of martial arts and kickboxing finally paid off. The blue flames were absolutely epic too. Every ninja that I wanted to give the final blow ( that sounds so wrong xD) went 'poof' and all that was left of them was dust. It was pretty cooool.
And the guys were awesome too. They were ripping off heads, biting throats, and chewing off limbs. Matt and Jakw stayed by my side though, daring any ninja to try and sneak up on my blind side.
I mean, I can see why Matt would be by my side, considering that he is, now, my little brother but, I don't see why Jake was there. Maybe Matt ordered him to? I really don't know because they didn't say

but it was kid of... sweet >.attracted

to Jake in somehow. It's weird. It's like something in him is calling out to me and I just want to jump on him!
Well, I'm going to put that feeling away for now because I have no idea what to do with it ._.
Anyways, after hours of fighting I snapped the last neck at the same time the clock stuck 11:00. I tried to catch my breath. " All that Mickey D's and Taco Bell is finally catching up to me." I said breathily. Next thing you know everyone changed back into the awesome blobs and transformed back into their human shapes.
Guess what?

They were naked ._.
My eyes widened for a second, then I immediately snapped them shut and covered my eyes. I was blushing like mad >.guys.

Some were girls. I should know. I felt boobs on me. Not my best experience." I shivered just thinking about it. I don't think anyone like missing a hit and ends up hitting their boob. I got a few chuckles out of that one. " Ok, the 'ninjas' we just fought are - well were- part of a organization called the Destruction. Pretty ironic when they say they're bent on peace and harmony. That's just their cover story. They tell everyone that they want to make peace with umans but, they just want to enslave them and humans alike to become 'the sumpreme overlords' or something like that. Your parents were fighting them at them at the time of their deaths. Ckearky they didn't win," thank you captain obvious -__-," aAnd lost their lives in the process."
Hold up. You sad they were some powerful and important people," Matt nodded," So if they knew about all of this and were 'powerful', then what does that make me?"

I asked. He seemed to be thinking for a minute before Jake spoke up for like the second time today.
" If you go back on your lineage, it would make you part vampire, healer, seer, werewolf, ad elf, which would explain our shortness," He smirked. Jerk," But, it also makes you a nuisance to the Destruction. Since your parents were very skilled people, it seems like you have their powers. Hell, you could be even more powerful than both of them combined!" He exclaimed. " Whoop! A whole lot of interracial and inter-creature gettin' it in in your family with all those forbidden relationships." Jacob said trying to hip thrust while he was sitting on the floor. " Eww. God, that's gross. Man, you didn't have to say it out loud." I said giving him a disgusted look while shaking my head o.e
Then the question popped into my head.
" Wait, what about Chris? Did he get any powers?" I asked lloking around at eveyone. " We don't know. He always avoided our questions about it but, we do know that he knew about your parents." Jacob said trying to act like a teacher. I giggled a bit. It made me feel better. ( Okayy, so this chapter is NOT done. I wrote it and a bit of chapter 10, but I'm tired and my neck hurts >.< I know I haven't updated in forever and that's because I didn't have any ideas. I wrote this AND chapter 10 at like 5 in the morning a few days ago o.o Don't ask why. So I'll finish typing this probably tomorrow because I don't like having things unfinished >.> so yeah. Oh, and if you have a Weeworld, you guys can add me :D Just message me on here and I'll tell you my name. So yeah, lots of love
xoxo Laurenn~) Then I yawned, my mouth stretching as far and as wide as it could go. " Woah dude! Your mouth stretched so wide. I bet I could fit a hippo in it." Jacob said gazing at me in an innocent childlike manner. It caught me off-guard because it was actually... adorable o.e So creepy...
" He gets sort of... loopy when he's sleepy." Jake whispered to me when he seemed to notice how suprised and creeped out I was. It sent shivers down my spine. " I'll keep that in mind." I murmered back. " Well!" I shouted as I clasped my hands and got up from the couch, " It's 11:00 at night and I think we all need the sleep. We can deal with the ashes from the people tomorrow but, right now it's time to hit the hay."
"Amen to that." Krissy said getting up also. Everyone else followex suit.


Texte: Laurenn~
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: Laurenn~
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To the people who support me and encouraged me to write. All photos are from Google.

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