
The wind swept the tattered rubbish over the old cracked road, smashed glass layed on everywhere. The wind russled plastic replacing windows which had long been smashed. The place was a dump. It was never like this...

We all still remember when the sun shined brightly, the giggles and laughter of children could be heard, the rush of the passers by, the traffic jams. The clean roads, pavements, houses, skyscrapers, all clean, all normal. Then cars crashed into each other, fire licking at the paint, slowly crisping and melting, people falling to the floor, tortured screams and shrieks, people rolling around the floor. Holding their heads, all withering in pain, a deep burning which consumed them and in a blink of an eye, they were gone. All left behind, the smashed cars, the quiet streets, the crying of children...

The cool air brushed my face, I smiled to myself, I had finally done it. I looked at the small tornado before me, it whirled around swallowing the dusty rubble. I looked at it, I only hoped nobody would find out about me, I was happy living alone. I had seen plenty of scavengers, looking for scraps of food, or few precious cans. The food left was unbelievable, at first when all older people disappeared, many cried but since there was nobody to tell them no to their desires, they did what they pleased. They broke into shops stealing, chocolate, crisps, sweets but food was left wasted. I wandered into the shop, mouldy smashed jars lay on the floor, the stench of rotting food overpowered the cool salty air that drifted in, I curled my lip at the stench, furry green objects were left, Smashed glass, wrappers of different types of food dominated the floor, there were few bits of edible food left. Some were drove to eating leather, their pets, whatever food they could get their hands on, earlier I came upon a young boy. He couldn't have been any older than eight, his hair was matted and greasy, he was wearing clothes which were too large by many sizes, he had a lighter in his hand and his brown eyes filled with glee as he burned a pile of ants then he raised several to his chapped lips and I heard a sickening crunch. The boy had been hit on the head, by a five year old girl which looked identical to him, he fell to the ground and she devoured the burnt ants.

I heard someone call my name, it was my dead brother sam, his eyes were burning red, his skin glowed a yellow colour, his teeth pointed sharply, he snarled at me." Elena, how good it is to see you, come and join me, the darkness wants to see you..." I blinked and he was gone, I sighed to myself, I had never got over seeing him, his chilling green eyes, his whispered voice which never left my mind, I had a strong desire to return got him but I no longer loved him. I refused to see him, if I ever saw him, he would use his power. He was strong, he had a hunger for power, he built his clan, all he wanted was people with powers who could fight. His power was twisted and strong, it felt like you were drawn into a deep black hole, nothing but darkness, hence his name, all you heard was his soft whispered and after all you wanted to do was what he said. Even love him...

She narrowed her black beady eyes, a hiss emerged from her blood red lips, her small hands were ridgid and curled into claws. Her icy gaze was focused on the gritty cracked concreate , it slowly rose, small fragments twirled around, suspended in the air. She flicked her eyes down, then an invisable force hurled the chunks of concreate crashing into the shabby building. It crashed down, causing dust to flood the ground, screams heard from the building died down, she walked over the rubble smiling to herself. She was beautiful but she didn't realise it, she could be cruel but I knew deep down in my heart that she would return and that she was good. She was amazing, white wavy hair which danced in an unseen breeze, black crystalised coloured eyes which reflected no light but was yet like sparkily diamonds, pale creamy skin which usually had grubby marks from the chaos she liked to cause, she had long dark eyelashes which shaded her hooded eyes. She had a twisted grim smile on her face, her ruby red lips sparkled in the darkness. I looked at what I had done, the destroyed building, a cold sigh escaped my body, I hated when I had that out of body experience... when I experienced someone elses "life" and what they were seeing and I instantly knew who it was, kyle. He never realised that I didn't want to join his "good" group and that I didn't want to join some "bad" group. I just wanted to be alone. Alone. Silence was music to my ears. I loved my powers and I prefered not to share them, after all do I want to give food to others? No. Ok so maybe I'm a selfish bitch but people have to get it into their heads I don't want to help them, even if it means hurting them... They will be ok, I think, but what do I care?

My thoughts drifted back to kyle, he was a sweet boy who never chose to get caught up in my twisted web but I have been broken ever since this happened, never ever going to be able to be repaired. I was friends with him for a while hence the reason why he wanted me to join him, I sensed his emotions around me, fluttery heartbeat, a constant smile and he mainly thought about me, I was no good though and he didn't get into his thick head. He was taller than me and if he wanted to he could overpower me but what I lacked in size made up in power, he was about six foot three and I was about four foot nine. A very small size, before this happened boys use to try and over power me but in this world they wouldn't be able to. After all I could easily hurt them if they inched into my range, slowly each day, I could push my powers a further distance, it was kyle who helped me to start to explore my powers. Maybe without kyle, I would be a lot worse off, maybe even dead but I havve repaided that debt, I am not going to kill him, not kill but if he pushs me I will hurt him. No matter if we were once friends, he has to get over me, and I have to forget about him. He is average anyway, sure he is the leader for the nephilim crew, he has golden hawk brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. All ways kind but not my type, its a new world and he has no part in my world. I carried on walking through the rubble, smirking to myself, by the old tesco shop I saw a girl. I knew her. Elena foxin, or as I know her, elena toxin after all she posins people slowly, everyone around her gets hurt so she is a loner. She is the complete oposite of me, tall with no curves from all the running, very long straight midnight black hair, whitey grey eyes. She is an amatuer, controls the elements but can't do the things I've learnt like controlling lighting, nature as well because I know she can control the earht by moving it but she can't move trees or animals. Because they are conected but she needs to realise it, I laugh at her feeble tornado, it barely picks up the rubble. I started to walk home, I have plenty of food as my home is a military base, with plenty of food, rooms, animals, plants and weapons... Very useful, its a large amount of tunnels and rooms all underground, it goes for miles and it's all mine. My brother did live there but he wandered off with some boys and girls from the local private school, um the bernadete group? But I think some all left over the wars and joined other groups, there are many nut the main ones are the nadetes, nephilm and livedevil. They pretty much fight well the nedetes and livedevil do fight but the coward nephilms don't unless they are going to be killed. I saw the red tunnel, the way home and revealed it hoping no one saw as this was my home and I wasn't going to share it. Some of the eletricity did work but nearly everywhere it didn't from the incident with the darkness and tiago a while back. They were fighting and wel tia is a bit crazy and he blew out some of the cables hoping they would fall on the darkness.

I crawled down the ladder then dropped to the floor, I landed with a flood, a strange spicy smell filled my nose, someone else was here... I slowly and quietly walked down the tunnel, it was very homely thanks to me, in a bored mood, I wallpapered all the tunnels. Not physcially but mentally, it was an illusion but it was pretty, it was a cherry pink with bright green apples on, it changed the further on you went and every room was different but it wasn't girly at all just really the hallway, I followed the scent. I looked at the boy sat down on my brothers bed, he was flicking through an old photo album and huming to himself. I looked at him, he had dirty blonde hair which was a mix of shades, mine was a hell of a lot paler than his. He had green eyes, the colour of apples, he had a cruel smile on his face as his head turned to look at me. " Hello, what are you doing here?" I frowned at him the harshly comented," I live here and what are you doing here, this is my home," He looked at me with sarcastic disbelief then shook his head with a playful smile as his eyes lingered on my body. I wasn't exactly the most normal looking person, white wavy hair which could be described as curly, black eyes, pale skin and well I was small. The boy stood up and began creaping towards me, a predatory smile replacing the playful one and in a flash he was on top of me. His warm minty breath blew onto my face, he had my hands pinned above my head, feeblely I tried to wriggle out from under his grasp but I was unable. I concentrated hard on my powers but yet nothing happened, I frowned in confusion. Panic creaping into my voice I cried," What have you done to me, let go of me," I was starting to show my weak vunnerable side, a side I never wanted anyone to see. The fact that without my powers, I needed protecting as I was as weak as they come. His green eyes stared into mine, I looked at him, my eyes watered and his face became blurry. I whispered again," Please let me go, what do you want !?!" His free hand brushed my hair out of my face, he was strong and had me pinned to the ground and I doubted I would get free unless he let me go. He pulled a thoughtful face then spoke in a creepily tone," All I want is darling..."

The darkness voice replayed in my mind, at the moment all I could think of was him and the need to return to him, I wandered down the shabby graffitied alleyway then without warning my feet continued ont their own to livedevil lair, the darkness lair. The door appeared, then I was drawn in, there sat on his thrown was the darkness...Drake. His dark hair was longer than the last time I had seen him, I was the only person who he let cut his hair, he wasn't the boy I remembered, the good one but now he let power corrupt him. His violet eyes looked upon me and he whispered," Elena, my love, you have returned to me," I looked at him with disgsut, I may have mere powers but I can sure pack one killer punch and well me with a weapon... unstoppable unless a freak was to interupt. We were all freaks and kind of stuck together but rarely you got groups with normal people, but there were plenty her but yet still plenty with powers but they all shared one thing in common. Either their minds were twsited or they were under drakes influence, he was extrememly powerful and no one dared to cross him except the bernardetes well their nickname was nadetes. They were equally powerful but no one as powerful as drake.

My eyes blurred, I was laid on a bed, changed as well. Out of my old grubby clothes and into my favourite piece of clothing, how could someone know this? I looked at my white jumpsuit, it had thin straps and went in tightly at the waist and ankles, It still clung to my body. It had green apples and cherries on, my favourite food, my small feet were in fluffy socks, aqua blue and baby pink. The bed was comfortable but I was attatched to the bed with a chain, it was clasped on my left ankle. It had no lock so I couldn't pick at it, metal bender was all I thought, I tried my powers but none worked. I felt weak and useless and it was that boy who had me last, why did he want me and how did he know about my home ? The wooden door opened, I heard a lock being unlocked, I tried to get off the bed but I felt frozen as the boy walked in. He had the playful look on his face, now I slightly regreated having no one as there would be no one to help me but myself. I felt awkward as he stared at me, I knew because of his age he would be looking at me different, I think he was sixteen. I am fifteen not sixteen yet but soon, you would think growing up in a home full of young men, I would be comfotable but to be honest I wasn't. Lost in my thoughts he said," Sixteen," I looked back at him, now he had my attention, I was too frightened to say a word. All he did was smirk down at me, the walked closer to the bed, the door was closed and locked. I shuffled away from him, his grin widened, I only hoped he couldn't see the fear on my face which I felt. He sat on the bed, pinned me down, he was sat on me, holding both my hands in one of his, which was easily done as mine were small and delicate. He was still smiling then he said," Were going to have a nice little chat, so darlin, why did you knock down my building,"

I looked at him blankily then stuttered in a timid voice," What-what do-do you mean..." He narrowed his eyes then didn't smile and vicously said," You crashed down my building, good people dies because of you!" His voice became more seductive and he purred," Darlin it was you, after all who could mistake you with your exotic beauty,"

The nameless boy frightened me to my core, without my powers all my courage had drained away and I felt so defenseless. The boys head twisted to the side then he causually said," The names jake longsbro and yours is..." I didn't reply and his grip tightened each second till I chocked out," Rosabelle catrin," I cowarded away from him, he let go of me but still sat on top of me, watching with a hawks eye.

Drake looked at me, he seemed distracted and slightly worried, which was unnusual, he tapped his fingers on his thrown then barked at micah," Get that boy now, I need to know about the savent net, get someone in or else..." He let the threat linger there, there were worse things than being caught by another group, I had never heard of the savent net, mabye it was new ? Drakes power was having affect on me, my feet walked towards him and unwillingly I sat on his lap as he cuddled me. He roughly grabbed me by the hair then threw me to the floor and yelled," Listen you bitch, don't you ever leave or I will make you kill yourself in the slowest way imaginable..." I shuddered at the memory if chunk, he had betrayed him and it wasn't a pretty death, his fingers were cut off on his right then his toes on his feet, his ears, he was stabbed, drowned then killed in a slow burning fire. I forgot to metion that drake ordered chunk to do this to himself, he cried the whole time and screamed for help but we all stood there like the monsters we are. We all had come from all different places but like the nadetes we started from a school, the bernadetes turned into the nadetes and gained people on the way but this group was different. Drake had always been the leader and he came from liverdale school and people joined him, he was good once, but his powers corrupted him, I don't even think he has a heart but if he does I'm sure it doesn't beat. I had never wanted to be here but his powers got stronger and one day he just saw me and decided it was me to join him, why me though, I have no idea. I stayed on the floor but sat up, I watched him, he wasn't looking at me but was talking to micah and he rushed out. I was left alone with drake and he's one person I didn't want to be left alone with, fury burned in his eyes but I knew what he was going to do next...

I looked at rosabelle, her frightened diamand like eyes looked straight back at me, she was the one who knocked down my building but I now know that she was aiming for someone else, kyle riverside. He was pretty pathetic, a spineless weasel but he had strong followers and that was the down side, rosabelle was looking at me. I had taken her powers away, just for now. I gave her direct eye contact then said," I'm so glad, I rescued you, I was worried sick and missed you lots, what were you thinking? Risking your life for your family, the nadetes." I hugged her close then felt my power slowly working, like snow slowly drifting and changing her memories. Making her think, that she was a nadete, that she needed protecting, that she was one of us.

I cuddled jake then smiled, I never wanted to leave him, I was laid on a spare bed, wearing a pretty jumpsuit. I was so glad jake rescued me, it was so stupid of me to go looking around for somewhere safe for all of us to stay, I had come across an underground base but a boy had lived there and obviously didn't want to share but my jakie saved me. I rubbed my sore head then complained in a high pitched hurt voice," My head hurts," I pouted then he kissed my head better. I had no idea what I would do without him or my family, as I couldn't fight whats so ever. I did have powers but they weren't that good, not made for fighting and jake didn't want me to get hurt. He picked me up in his strong warm arms and I rested my head against his chest then closed my eyes. I woke up in the new place, guessing a room which was going to be mine and jakes. A young girl with jakes green eyes and bright blonde hair ran in giggling, I picked her up and swung her around. I loved lil to pieces, I felt like she was my sister rather than jakies. I sat her on the bed then looked for a DVD to put on, for us to watch, I picked her favourite. The beauty and the beast, the story seemed vaugly similar to something but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I heard drake call me, I climbed of the bed but then I felt sickness coming. The puke slowly made its way up my throat then in a quick dash I ran to the bathroom. I curled over the stomach, my hands resting on the clean white toliet seat and emptied the contents of my stomach, I felt someone pull my hair back and I rested limply against the seat. The room was spinning, black dots merging into the room, the smell of sick was over whelming, like rotting meat and sour milk just foul. In the toliet, orangy chunks floated and I shuddered and backed away from it. Recently I had been sick a lot, I had no idea why either, I faced micah and smiled a weak smile and thanked him. His worried eyes narrowed then he questioned," Are you ok?" I nodded then just walked into my room. I fell into the soft red bed and closed my eyes...

I heard drake call me, I climbed of the bed but then I felt sickness coming. The puke slowly made its way up my throat then in a quick dash I ran to the bathroom. I curled over , my hands resting on the clean white toliet seat and emptied the contents of my stomach, I felt someone pull my hair back and I rested limply against the seat. The room was spinning, black dots merging into the room, the smell of sick was over whelming, like rotting meat and sour milk just foul. In the toliet, orangy chunks floated and I shuddered and backed away from it. Recently I had been sick a lot, I had no idea why either, I faced micah and smiled a weak smile and thanked him. His worried eyes narrowed then he questioned," Are you ok?" I nodded then just walked into my room. I fell into the soft red bed and closed my eyes...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.04.2012

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